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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La mouvance zaydite après l'unification yéménite de 1990 ou la réaffirmation politico-religieuse des "perdants de l'histoire"

Dorlian, Samy 07 January 2011 (has links)
Suite à la révolution du 26 septembre 1962, le Yémen du Nord a vu naître la première république de la péninsule Arabique qui a mis fin au long imamat chiite zaydite caractérisé par le primat politico-religieux des descendants du prophète Muhammad : lessâda. Dans leur grande majorité, ces membres du «groupe de statut» le plus élevé au sein de la hiérarchie sociale de l’ancien régime, ont progressivement assumé leur nouvellecondition de «perdants de l’histoire». À partir de 1970, avec la fin de la guerre «civile»entre républicains et royalistes (partisans de l’imamat), ils ont généralement fait preuve de réalisme, ainsi que d’une volonté d’intégration et d'adaptation au nouveau système tant sur le plan politique que socio-professionnel.Dans le contexte pluraliste de l’unification du pays en 1990 entre le Yémen du Nord et leYémen du Sud, certains sâda ont toutefois choisi de donner à leur appartenance confessionnelle une expression politique aux formes organisationnelles diversifiées. Cette mouvance zaydite - composée d’acteurs perçus, par le pouvoir, comme représentant l’ancien régime - a pu relever le défi de la compatibilité avec le régime républicain. En effet, ces acteurs qui se sont inscrits, en dernière instance, dans une dynamique de modernisation politique, n’ont cessé de se revendiquer de la pensée zaydite. Et au lieu d’opter pour la «sunnisation du zaydisme», comme le suggère la littérature républicaine,ce qui les aurait obligés à renier leur appartenance confessionnelle primordiale, ils ont préféré entreprendre un réformisme immanent au zaydisme. Cette double épreuve de modernisation et de réformisme a inscrit la mouvance zaydite dans un processus de construction d’un universel politique. Or, ce dernier a connu un frein à partir de juin2004, avec le déclenchement de la guerre de Saada (du nom du chef lieu de la province homonyme, frontalière de l’Arabie Saoudite au nord-ouest du pays), entre le gouvernement et les partisans de Husayn, Badr al-Dîn puis ‘Abd al-Malik al-Hûthi(respectivement fils, père et frère). En effet, la «confessionnalisation» de la revendication politique de l’adversaire par le pouvoir a débouché sur une stigmatisation collective,provoquant des reformulations identitaires qui ont sérieusement menacé l’aspect modernisateur de la réaffirmation politico-religieuse des «perdants de l’histoire» au Yémen. / Emerging out of the 26 September, 1962 revolution, North Yemen became not only the first republic in the Arabian Peninsula, but also ended the long-lasting rule of the ShiaZaydi Imamate, embodying the political and religious dominance of the descendants of the prophet Muhammad : the sâda. After the revolution, a majority of the members of this status group, which occupied pre-eminent positions in the social hierarchy of the ancien régime, were relegated to the condition of «losers of the history». Since 1970 and the endof Yemen’s civil war, which pitted republicans against royalists (partisans of theImamate), the sâda adopted a pragmatic political stance, evincing an eagerness to integrate into and adapt to the new system in Yemen, in political as well as in socioprofessional terms.However, within the pluralistic context of the country’s unification in 1990 between North Yemen and South Yemen, some of the sâda choose to give political expression to their Zaydi «sectarian» affiliation, which expression took diverse organizational forms.The resulting Zaydi movement - comprising actors perceived, by the government, as representing the ancien régime - was able to overcome the challenge of compatibility with the republican regime. While adopting a strategy of political modernization, it never ceased asserting its Zaydi thinking. Rather than adopting the «Sunnisation of Zaydism» -as suggested by the republican literature - which would have forced the movement to abandon its primary «sectarian» underpinnings, it opted for an internally congruous Zaydireformism. The two fold undertaking of modernization and reform, put the Zaydimovement on the path of constructing a political vision claiming to be of universal validity. However, this project stalled relatively after June 2004, following the outbreak of the Saada war (from the name of the province bordering Saudi Arabia in the northwest of Yemen), waged between government and the partisans of Husayn, Badr al-Dînand later ‘Abd al-Malik al-Hûthi (respectively son, father and brother). Indeed, the government’s «strategy» of «sectarianization» of its adversary’s political claim, led to acollective stigmatization prompting identity reformulations which seriously threaten the modernizing aspect of the political and religious revival of the «losers of the history» in Yemen.

Hållbar utveckling i Skåne? En kritisk diskursanalys av Region Skånes tre regionala utvecklingsprogram 1999–2016

Christensson, Joanna January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie undersöktes regionala policydokument utifrån ett fokus på hållbar utveckling och förhållandet mellan hög tillväxt och förbättrad miljö. Det empiriska material utgjordes av Region Skånes tre regionala utvecklingsprogram, vilka behandlar hur myndigheten såg på regionens utveckling åren 1999–2004, 2004–2009 och 2009–2016. Studiens mål var att studera den diskursiva omdefinieringsprocessen av begreppet hållbar utveckling, genom att analysera hur detta relateras till och används i programmen. Metoden som användes var kritisk diskursanalys. Studien syftade till att synliggöra programmens diskursiva sammanhang och utveckla en förståelse för vilka synsätt och föreställningar som kan ses ligga till grund för dokumentens innehåll och utformning.Studien kom fram till att det fanns ingen tydlig förståelse kring hållbar utveckling i programmen utan det förekom yttringar av både starka och svaga hållbarhetsdiskurser. Resonemang kring ekologisk modernisering är dominerande, baserade på föreställningar om att miljöproblem kan lösas utan några stora samhällsförändringar. Denna diskurs presenterar attraktiva lösningar på eventuella motsättningar mellan hög tillväxt och förbättrad miljö, vilket möjliggör policydokument med visionära målbilder tillsammans med breda lösningar där målkonflikter och eventuella avvägningar inte belyses nämnvärt.Studiens teoretiska ramverk och metoden kritisk diskursanalys gav möjlighet att lyfta fram och belysa hur ekologisk moderniseringsdiskursen inkorporerar resonemang från tillväxtkritiska hållbarhetsdiskurser samtidigt som den marginaliserar och tar udden av dem. På så vis kan studien bidra till en vidare diskussion om olika sätt att förhålla sig till hållbar utveckling och konsekvenser av den ekologiska moderniseringens diskursiva dominans. / This study investigates regional policy documents with a focus on sustainable development and the relationship between high economic growth and an improved environment. The study’s empirical material is based on Region Skåne’s three regional development programs which put forward how the authority viewed development in the region for the years 1999–2004, 2004– 2009 and 2009–2016. The objective was to study the discursive process of redefining the concept of sustainable development by analysing how it is referred to and used in the programs. The method utilised was critical discourse analysis. The study aimed towards exposing the2programs’ discursive context and developing an understanding of the viewpoints underlying the documents’ contents.The study concluded that there was no clear understanding around sustainable development in the programs and there were statements of both strong and weak sustainable development discourse. Goal conflicts and eventually trade-offs were not particularly highlighted. Ecological modernisation was the dominating discourse as per the reasoning that environmental problems can be solved without any major societal changes. This discourse presents attractive solutions to potential conflicts which enables the policy document to provide visionary goals along with broad solutions. The study’s theoretical framework and the method critical discursive analysis allowed for the bringing forward and highlighting of how ecological modernisation incorporates reasonings from sustainable discourses critical of economic growth, at the same time marginalising and neutralising them. As a result, this study can contribute to the discussion of different ways of achieving sustainable development and the consequence of the domination of ecological modernisation discourse.

Návrh modernizace železniční stanice Čadca / Design of Modernization of Čadca Railway Station

Juchelková, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with a design of modernization of Čadca railway station. Content of the thesis is the design of reconstruction of station heads, increasing the speed in the main tracks to 140 km/h, removal of level crossings for passengers at platforms access and the width adjustment arrangement of the platforms for the safe movement of people with reduced mobility.

Retrofit parní turbiny 250 MW na biomasu / Biomass Retrofit 250 MW Steam Turbine

Novák, Martin January 2013 (has links)
There is a description of modernisation steam condensing turbine in this Master´s thesis. Electric output is decreased from 250 MW to 160 MW. This thesis is divided into two parts, there is a calculation of heat balance in first part and a calculation of blading in second part. Detail drawing and heat balance are the most important results of this Master´s thesis.

Was geschrieben ist, ist geschrieben – Legacy CICS-Anwendungen im neuen Gewand

Stefan, Fred, Herrmann, Paul, Spruth, Wilhelm G. 01 February 2019 (has links)
Integrationsprojekte sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil einer anpassungsfähigen Informationstechnologie und für einen flexiblen Geschäftsbetrieb unumgänglich. Gerade im Großrechnerbereich besteht ein wachsender Bedarf an Modernisierungsmöglichkeiten für Altanwendungen. Dieser Artikel beleuchtet einen von IBM verfolgten Ansatz zur Modernisierung von Legacy-Anwendungen und diskutiert die nötigen Schritte, um Altanwendungen auf den neusten Stand zu bringen. Das Service Flow Feature (SFF) bietet einen interessanten Ansatz zur Modernisierung von Legacy CICS-Anwendungen (CICS: Customer Information Control System), weil bereits laufende Anwendungen weiterverwendet und in vorhandene Architekturen integriert werden können. Zudem werden bessere Modernisierungsmöglichkeiten bereitgestellt als lediglich die Anpassung der Oberfläche. Hinzu kommt, dass mehrere CICS-Anwendungen aggregiert werden können und die damit erzeugten Geschäftsprozesse über offene Schnittstellen erreichbar sind. Gleichzeitig findet eine Entkopplung der Präsentationslogik von der Anwendungslogik statt. Letzteres bietet dem Entwickler die Möglichkeit, modernere Methoden der Präsentationslogik wie z.B. mittels JSP zu implementieren. Über den Einsatz des CICS SFF in der Entwicklungsumgebung RDz besteht für Firmen kurz- bis mittelfristig die Chance, ihr Reservoire an Legacy CICS-Anwendungen mit relativ wenig Aufwand den modernen IT-Anforderungen anzupassen. / Integration projects are importent elements of a flexible information technology and essential for a flexible business concern. Current discussions show that even in the field of mainframe computing, an increasing need of modernisation possibilities for Legacy applications exist. This article highlights an IBM pursued method to modernize such applications and discusses the necessary steps to make them up-to-date again. The Service Flow Feature delivers an interesting modernization method for Legacy CICS (Customer Information Control System) applications because it reuses and integrates existing applications in available architectures. Furthermore it delivers more possibilities than only modernizing the user interface. In addition, it can aggregate multiple CICS applications, which forms business processes, that are accessible via open interfaces. At the same time, an uncoupling of the presentation logic from the application logic takes place.

Möjligheter eller motstånd : Politikers och tjänstemäns arbete i medelstora kommuner för att öka hållbar mobilitet / Opportunities or resistance : Politicians and civil servants work to increase sustainable mobility in medium-sized municipalities

Germsjö, Linnea, Kanhaleela, Iyara January 2023 (has links)
Vägtrafik skapar flera negativa konsekvenser för miljön men även för människors hälsa. Kommuner ansvarar för lokal infrastruktur och är därför en betydande del i arbetet med hållbar stadsutveckling. Studien undersökte hur politiker och tjänstemän i Sveriges medelstora kommuner arbetar för att bilen ska bli mindre attraktiv och för att öka hållbar mobilitet. Undersökningen utgick från Sveriges miljömål samt den strategi som innefattar nya etappmål för hållbar stadsutveckling. Frågeställningen besvarades genom att använda semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra politiker och fyra tjänstemän från medelstora kommuner i Sverige. Resultat som framkom var att kommunerna arbetar med hållbar mobilitet i olika utsträckning utifrån olika förutsättningar och behov, men att lönsamhet och invånarnas åsikter begränsar arbetet. De slutsatser som drogs var att effektiva strategier krävs för att uppnå hållbar mobilitet vilket inkluderar ökade möjligheter för hållbart resande samt motstånd för bilanvändning. Att ha ett fungerande samarbete mellan politiker och tjänstemän samt ha en sakkunnig person på plats ansågs även vara viktiga prioriteringar och åtgärder. Eftersom att kommunerna värderar ekonomisk lönsamhet och invånarnas åsikter högre än miljön krävs dessutom prioritering på att öka nationell styrning och att regeringen måste sätta hårdare krav på kommuner. / Road traffic creates several negative consequences for the environment but also for human health. Municipalities are responsible for local infrastructure and are therefore a significant part of the work with sustainable urban development. The study examined how politicians and civil servants in Sweden's medium-sized municipalities work to make the car less attractive and to increase sustainable mobility. The study was based on Sweden's environmental goals and the strategy that includes new milestones targets for sustainable urban development. The method consisted of semi-structured interviews with four politicians and four civil servants from medium-sized municipalities in Sweden. The results showed that municipalities work with sustainable mobility to different extents based on different conditions and needs, but that profit and residents opinion limit the work. The conclusions were that effective strategies are required to achieve sustainable mobility which includes increased opportunities for sustainable travel and resistance to car use. Having a functioning collaboration between politicians and civil servants and having an expert on site were also considered important priorities and measures. Since economic profit and residents' opinion is valued higher than the environment by the municipalities, it is necessary to prioritize the implementation of national governance and that the government must set demands on municipalities.

Modernisation and Innovation Management: Developing a Digital Society. An investigation into public sector modernisation and innovation management in its introduction of wireless technology.

Ubiebor, Merhedia R. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents an exploratory study into the development of digital societies and it examines public sector modernization and innovation from a technology management perspective. The study presents reasons why most city-wide or council-wide development of wireless broadband access networks currently end in failure or are unsustainable. It also suggests its links with wider problems of innovation management and the commercial failure of otherwise technically competent solutions It explores the modernisation of society, government, the underlying theories that influence it as well as the innovations triggered by its wake. The exercise reveals a myriad of innovations; firstly in the modernisation of the infrastructure of government and secondly in the development of societal infrastructure in the form of broadband networks.

The European Green Capital Award - Towards a sustainable Europe?

Lönegren, Lovisa January 2009 (has links)
Today a grand majority (around 80%) of the European citizens live in cities or towns. Europe is more urbanised than ever. Contemporaneously, climate change and global warming is an increasing threat worldwide. In 2006, the European Commission of the European Union (EU) therefore launched the idea of implementing the yearly European Green Capital (EGC) award. The aim was (and still is) to create role models by promoting cities that constantly take strong actions for the environment and thereby inspire other cities to make green choices too. In February 2009 the first two EGC winners were announced: Stockholm (Sweden) 2010 and Hamburg (Germany) 2011. The question is whether an award of this kind is the right method for the EU to deal with environment issues. If not, the EU should invest its resources elsewhere. This thesis aims at evaluating the EGC by looking closer at Stockholm as the EGC winner of 2010 and by analysing the impacts the EGC title has on Sweden’s EU Presidency the second half of 2009. The ecological modernisation theory reconciles economic growth and environmental protection, and provides several relevant features and aspects to this thesis regarding sustainable development, voluntary approaches and environmental policy-making. By applying the theory on the EGC many things such as the underlying visions and methods of the award can be explained and analysed. The conclusion of the thesis is that the EGC in some respects is leading to a greener and more sustainable Europe or at least has the potential to do so.

L'Asie centrale post-soviétique : au croisement entre modernisation et démodernisation

Jeandesboz, Marc 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les changements intervenus en Asie centrale et au Kirghizstan au XXème siècle et vise à s’inscrire dans le cadre plus large des travaux portant sur la modernisation et la démodernisation. Cette région est restée en marge des développements économiques et sociaux liés à la révolution industrielle et à la globalisation jusqu’au début du XXème siècle. Le développement des concepts de modernisation puis de démodernisation sont liés aux développements économiques et sociaux. L’avènement de l’économie-monde, la concurrence entre les États-Unis d’Amérique et l’Union soviétique et la multiplication du nombre d’États ont fait des modèles de développement un enjeu crucial de géopolitique mondial. Dans cette perspective, cette thèse propose d’analyser comment le rattachement à l’Empire russe mais surtout à l’Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques (URSS) a considérablement modifié les structures économiques et sociales, la culture et les modes de vie de la population en Asie centrale. Cette région du monde a été modernisée selon les préceptes soviétiques et en cela, elle présente un cas d’étude utile tant l’Asie centrale, ses populations et sa culture étaient singulières au regard du reste de l’URSS. Le démantèlement de l’Union soviétique a provoqué l’indépendance des quinze républiques qui la constituaient. Dans une région ayant connu des avancées fulgurantes dans des domaines tels que la santé et l’éducation, de nombreuses dynamiques contraires vont pourtant apparaître dans les années 1990 et 2000. Les conditions d’accès à l’indépendance et les choix politiques effectués par les nouveaux gouvernements vont mener, au Kirghizstan notamment, à une autre révolution, néo-libérale cette fois-ci. Le contraste entre les deux périodes constituent un cas d’étude sur les dynamiques liées à la modernisation et à la démodernisation. Celui-ci soulève des interrogations liées aux choix néolibéraux qui ont été effectués et de leur impact au niveau humain. Finalement, cette thèse illustre aussi la place grandissante qu’occupera l’Asie centrale en raison de son positionnement géographique stratégique tout autant que de son histoire. / This thesis focuses on the changes that occurred in Central Asia and Kyrgyzstan in the twentieth century and is part of a larger body of work on modernization and demodernization. This region remained on the margins of the economic and social developments linked to the industrial revolution and globalization until the beginning of the 20th century. At the level of academic research, the development of the concepts of modernization and demodernization are linked to the economic and social developments that took place throughout the 20th century. The advent of the world economy, the competition between the United States of America and the Soviet Union, and the multiplication of the number of states have made development models a crucial issue in world geopolitics. In this perspective, this thesis proposes to analyze how the attachment to the Russian Empire but especially to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) has considerably modified the economic and social structures, the culture and the ways of life of the population in Central Asia. This region of the world was modernized according to Soviet precepts and in this respect it presents a useful case study, as Central Asia, its people and its culture were singular compared to the rest of the USSR. The dismantling of the Soviet Union led to the independence of the fifteen Socialist and Soviet Republics that made it up. From a region that had experienced dazzling advances in areas such as health and education, many opposing dynamics will however appear in the 1990s and 2000s. The conditions of access to independence and the political choices made by the new governments will lead, in Kyrgyzstan in particular, to another revolution, this time neo-liberal. The contrast between the two models and their consequences constitute a case study on the dynamics of modernization and demodernization. It raises questions related to the neoliberal choices that have been made and their impact on the human level. Finally, this thesis also illustrates the growing place that Central Asia will occupy because of its strategic geographical position as well as its history.

Libéralisation du marché de l'énergie, réorganisation du travail et mobilisation collective dans l'entreprise : le cas de Gaz de Bordeaux

Dif-Pradalier, Maël 13 November 2009 (has links)
Jusqu’ici en situation monopolistique et fonctionnant sur un mode politico-administratif, Gaz de Bordeaux est une industrie de réseau s’inscrivant désormais dans un marché concurrentiel. Cette étude de cas a cherché à cerner la nature et à mesurer les effets de la modernisation de ce service public local, aussi bien sur les systèmes de régulation sociale et les identités professionnelles, que sur les capacités d’action et les formes d’appropriation/résistance développées par les différentes catégories d’acteurs. D’un point de vue méthodologique, elle a combiné approches qualitative et quantitative et a cherché à articuler l’analyse du travail en train de se faire avec celle de l’action collective. Au moment où le travail gagne en intensité, au double sens de pression productive, mais aussi d’intérêt, l’entreprise apparaît trop irrespectueuse de la qualité du travail possible et des capacités mobilisables par les individus que le management moderne a précisément contribué à développer. Face à cette réorganisation du travail, les syndicats peinent de leur côté à saisir les enjeux contenus dans la relation de travail moderne et à traduire les plaintes individuelles renouvelées en revendications collectives. Parce que le développement de comportements individuels de retrait n’empêche pas les collectifs de travail de se recomposer sur de nouvelles bases, nous reconsidérons l’origine de la souffrance au travail et mettons en évidence un des problèmes majeurs lié à ses transformations contemporaines : celui qui se joue autour de ce que les salariés nomment « le travail bien fait » au moment même où le discours managérial affiche la qualité au centre de ses préoccupations. / Formerly in a monopolistic situation and running on a politico-administrative mode, Gaz de Bordeaux is a network industry now part of a competitive market. The present case study of this local public utility is meant to identify the nature of its modernisation and to measure its effects as well on the system of social regulations and professional identities, as on the capacities of action and forms of appropriation/resistance developed by the various categories of actors within the company. From a methodological point of view, we pledged ourselves with a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches, aiming at articulating analysis of the work being done with that of collective action, both considered as linked realities. As work gains in intensity, in both senses of productive pressure (do more in less time and with fewer staff) and interest (given the need expressed by every person to come true by the reality of its work), the company appears as disrespectful of the quality of work possible and the capacities mobilized by individuals that modern management precisely contributed to develop. Faced with this reorganisation of work, labor unions struggle to grasp the issues at stake in modern employment relationships and translate individual complaints in renewed collective claims. Despite increasing individual withdrawal behaviours, working collectives recompose on new bases. We therefore revisit the origin of suffering at work; from its contemporary mutations, we present evidence for what we believe is one of its current major problems: the one at stake around what employees call a "well done work", at the very moment when management is concerned with quality.

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