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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Light Shift Measurements of Cold Rubidium Atoms using Raman Pump-Probe Spectroscopy

Souther, Nathan Jon 19 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.


Bien, Richard Augustine Atedi 01 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this research was to evaluate the impact of strategical blending of by-products of pea protein extraction such as pea molasses (PMS) and pea starch and fiber (PSF) with canola meal (CM) or distillers dried grains (DDGS) on the growth performance, rumen fermentation, and total tract nutrient digestibility of beef cattle. Preliminary evaluation (study 1) involved 4 runs of in vitro and two runs of in situ to evaluate the rumen fermentation and nutrient degradation of strategically blended CM. The treatments included regular CM (CM), CM blends containing PMS and PSF at 5% (CM5) and 10% (CM10) levels in CM, 1.5% PMS in CM (CM+PMS) and 1.5% PSF in CM (CM+PSF) (% DM basis). The CM+PMS had greater (P < 0.05) DM and CP digestibility in vitro and in situ with significant total gas production, while the CM+PSF had lower methane per gram of DM. In study 2, a 56-d backgrounding and a 145-d finishing trial were carried out to evaluate the growth performance and carcass characteristics of growing and finishing beef steers fed diets containing strategically blended protein supplements. The treatments used were CM (CM), CM+PMS (PMS at 1.5% of CM DM), DDGS, and DDGS+PSF (PSF at 2% diet DM). There was no treatment effect detected during both backgrounding and finishing for overall ADG, DMI or gain:feed. There were numerical improvements in carcass characteristics, indicating likely improvements in carcass traits at a greater level of inclusion in the diets. Study 3 involved a metabolism study using cannulated beef heifers fed the same finishing diets as the feedlot study in a 4 × 4 Latin square design to evaluate the impact of feeding strategically blended protein by-products on rumen fermentation, total tract nutrient digestibility, and nitrogen balance. There was no variation in total tract nutrient digestibility evaluated. The DM, OM, and CP digestibility were numerically greater for heifers fed CM treatments than those fed DDGS treatments, while the NDF and ADF digestibility were numerically greater for the DDGS treatments. There was no treatment variation in rumen pH measurements. There was also no diet effect on nitrogen balance measured. The results of these studies indicate that the inclusion of PMS and PSF in the diet of beef cattle had no negative influence on the growth performance. Numerical improvements in carcass traits, rumen fermentation, and total tract nutrient digestibility indicate that the growth performance and carcass characteristics may be improved by these food industry by-products at a greater level of inclusion in the beef cattle diets.

Hemometrijski pristup analizi osmotske dehidratacije srebrnog karaša (Carassius gibelio) / Chemometric approach to the analysis ofosmotic dehydration of silver crucian carp(Carassius gibelio)

Lončar Biljana 15 June 2015 (has links)
<p>Hemometrijskim metodama (deskriptivna statistika, analiza glavnih komponenti, ve&scaron;tačke neuronske mreže i fazi optimizacija) analizirani su rezultati procesa osmotske dehidratacije mesa srebrnog kara&scaron;a, sa ciljem unapređenja efikasnosti osmotskog tretmana i pronalaženja optimalnih tehnolo&scaron;kih parametara.<br />Osmotski tretman se odvijao u tri osmotska rastvora (vodeni rastvor natrijum hlorida i<br />saharoze, kombinacija vodenog rastvora natrijum hlorida i saharoze i melase i melasa &scaron;ećerne repe) različitih koncentracija, na četiri temperature (10&deg;C, 20&deg;C, 35&deg;C i 50&deg;C) i pri tri vremena procesa (1, 3 i 5h). Posmatrani su sledeći odzivi sistema: gubitak vode, prira&scaron;taj suve materije, povećanje sadržaja suve materije, sniženje aktivnosti vode i promena sadržaja minerala (Na, K, Ca i Mg). Karakterizacijom osmotski dehidriranog ribljeg polupoizvoda, poja&scaron;njeni su efekti osmotskog tretmana i inovatinog osmotskog rastvora na senzorne osobine, hemijski i mikrobiolo&scaron;ki profil tretiranog mesa ribe. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da se primenom procesa osmotske dehidratacije povećava gubitak vode, prira&scaron;taj suve materije i sadržaj suve materije u svim uzorcima mesa srebrnog kara&scaron;a. Za sva tri osmotska rastvora, najveće vrednosti dobijene su nakon 5 časova, pri najvi&scaron;im temperaturama i u najvećim koncentracijama rastvora.<br />Povećavanjem temperature procesa, koncentracije rastvora i vremena trajanja procesa, povećan je sadržaj posmatranih minerala u tretiranom mesu ribe. Rezultati<br />ANOVA testa pokazali su da na vrednosti posmatranih odziva statistički značajno utiču<br />sva tri parametra: vreme, temperatura i koncentracija. PCA analizom procesa utvrđeno je da su pri izračunavanju prve glavne komponente najveći uticaj imale vrednosti svih odziva osim aw vrednosti, dok je ona najvi&scaron;e uticala na proračun druge glavne komponente. Iako su modeli ve&scaron;tačkih neuronskih mreža kompleksniji od modela polinoma drugog reda, mreže su pokazale bolji učinak usled visoke<br />nelinearnosti razvijenih sistema. Primenom fazi optimizacije postignute optimalne vrednosti procesnih parametara za vodeni rastvor natrijum hlorida i saharoze su bile na nižim temperaturama i nižim koncentracijama rastvora, dok su za rastvore sa melasom &scaron;ećerne repe optimalne vrednosti na maksimumima posmatranih opsega temperature i koncentracije rastvora. Procesom osmotske dehidratacije smanjen je inicijalni broj bakterija u mesu srebrnog kara&scaron;a. Hemijskim i senzorskim analizama utvrđeno je da je melasa &scaron;ećerne repe zbog svog kompleksnog nutritivnog sastava<br />povoljnije je delovala na promenu hemijskog sastava i senzorne osobine uzoraka u odnosu na druga dva rastvora.</p> / <p>Chemometric methods (descriptive statistics, principal components analysis, artificial neural networks and fuzzy optimization) were used to analyze the results of osmotic dehydration of silver crucian carp, with the aim of improving the efficiency of the osmotic treatment and finding the optimal technological parameters.<br />The osmotic treatment was carried out in three osmotic solution (aqueous sodium chloride and sucrose solution, sugar beet molasses and the combination of these two solutions) of varying concentrations, at four temperatures (10&deg;C, 20&deg;C, 35&deg;C and 50&deg;C) and at three processing times (1, 3 and 5 h). The observed system responses were: water loss, solid gain, increase in dry matter content, reduction of water activity<br />and changes in mineral content (Na, K, Ca and Mg). The characterization of dehydrated fish, explained the effects of osmotic treatment on its sensory properties, chemical and microbiological profile. Results have shown that the application of osmotic dehydration increases water loss, solid gain and dry matter content in all samples of fish meat. For all three osmotic solution, the highest values were obtained after 5h, at the highest temperatures and in the highest concentration of the solution. By increasing the process temperature, concentration and time, increased the mineral content in the fish meat. The results of the ANOVA test have shown that the values of the observed responses significantly affect all three parameters: time, temperature and concentration. PCA analysis process has found that on calculation of the first principal component all response values except aw value had the greatest impact, while aw value had the most influence on the calculation of the other major component. Although models of artificial neural network models are more complex than second order polynomial, the network showed better performance due to the high nonlinearity of the developed system. Application of fuzzy optimization obtained optimal values of the process parameters for aqueous solution of sodium chloride and sucrose were at lower temperatures and lower concentrations of the solution, while the solutions with molasses optimal values of the maxima observed ranges<br />of temperature and solution concentration. The process of osmotic dehydration has reduced the initial number of bacteria in meat silver carp. Chemical and sensory analyzes have shown that the sugar beet molasses due to its complex nutritional composition has a better effect on changing the chemical composition and sensory characteristics of the samples.</p>

Termalna svojstva proteina mesa u procesu osmotske dehidratacije u melasi šećerne repe / Thermal Properties of Meat Proteins in the Process of Osmotic Dehydration in Sugar Beet Molasses

Ostojić Sanja 16 December 2015 (has links)
<p>Termalne osobine svinjskog mesa (Longissimus dorsi) osmotski dehidratisanog u melasi &scaron;ećerne repe i svežeg svinjskog mesa praćene su metodama termalne analize: Diferencijalnom skenirajućom kalorimetrijom (DSC), termogravimetrijskom analizom (TGA), modulovanom diferencijalnom skenirajućom kalorimetrijom (MDSC). Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju postojanje novonastale proteinske osnove osmotski dehidratisanog svinjskog mesa koji je posledica smanjenja količine vode i interakcije komponenti melase s proteinima mesa. Nađeno je da osmotskom dehidratacijom dolazi do promene i pregrupisavanja preostale slobodne vode u dva oblika, &scaron;to ukazuje na mehaničko strukturne promene u interfibrilarnoj mreži i pojednostavljivanje strukture proteinske osnove. Definisani su nastali strukturni nivoi proteinske osnove: strukturni nivo vode vezane na protein tj. postojanje proteinske strukture i posle osmotske dehidratacije -strukturni nivo I; strukturni nivo mreže sa ujednačeno manjim porama tj. nivo energetski jače vezane imobilizirane -strukturni nivo II; strukturni nivo mreže sa ujednačeno većim porama tj. nivo energetski slabije vezane imobilizirane -strukturni nivo III.<br />Ispitivanjem termalnih osobina uzoraka osmotski dehidratisanog mesa sa smanjenom vlagom ( ispod 20%) nađeno je postojanje staklastog prelaza po&scaron;to je najveća količina vode vezana za čvrsti matriks. Definisani su optimalni uslovi rehidratacije osmotski dehidratisanog svinjskog mesa, te su određene Pelegove konstante rehidratacije. Nađeno je postojanje nativnih struktura proteina u osmotski dehidtiranom mesu i određeni su kinetički parametri denaturacije (Ea, kb) svežeg i osmotski dehidriranog mesa. Određen je sadržaj makroelemenata osmotski su&scaron;enog svinjskog mesa. Radi obja&scaron;njenja složenosti interakcija proteina mesa i sastojaka osmotskog rastvora melase koje se odvijaju pri dehidrataciji, kao model sistem poslužila je interakcija proteina albumina goveđeg seruma (BSA) s jonima nekih makroelemenata prisutnih u melasi.</p> / <p>Thermal properties of pork meat (Longissimus dorsi) osmotically dehydrated in sugar beet molasses and fresh pork were followed by the methods of thermal analysis: Differential Scanning Calorimertry (DSC), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimetry (MDSC). The results indicate the existence of newly formed protein matrix as a consequence of osmotic dehydration of pork meat: reducing the amount of water and the interaction of the components of molasses and meat proteins. It has been found that changes were induced by the process of osmotic dehydration, and rearrangeement of the remaining free water in two forms. Also as a consequence of the osmotic dehydration, structural changes in the interfibrilar network and simplifying of the original structure of the meat protein matrix were occurred. A structural levels of protein matrix were defined: as structural level of the water bound to the protein, meaning the existence of protein structure and after osmotic dehydration Structural level I; a structural level with uniformly small pores in the network of formed protein matrix: energy level of more tightly immobilized water &ndash;Structural level II; and structural level of network with uniformly larger pores, energy level of lower bound immobilized water - Structural level III. By characterization of the thermal properties of the samples of osmotically dehydrated meat with reduced moisture (below 20%) the glass transition was found, as most of the water bound to a solid matrix.The optimal conditions for rehydration of dehydrated pork meat were defined, and Peleg&lsquo;s rehydration constants were obtained. It was found that the existence of the native structure of the protein in the osmotically dehydrated meat, and the kinetic parameters of protein denaturation (Ea, kb) of fresh and dehydrated meat were obtained. The content of macroelements in the osmotically dehydrated, fresh pork meat and in the sugar beet molasses were obtained. In order to explain the complexity of the interaction of meat proteins with the components of the osmotic solution -molasses that occur in the dehydration process, the model-system of the protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) interaction with the ions were implied to present simple interaction of some major elements with a protein matrix followed by DSC and ITC .</p>

Valorization of vinasse as broth for biological hydrogen and volatile fatty acids production by means of anaerobic bacteria / Valorisation de la vinasse de la canne à sucre comme milieu de culture pour la production biologique d'hydrogène et acides gras volatils par les bactéries anaérobies

Sydney, Eduardo Bittencourt 25 July 2013 (has links)
La vinasse est le déchet liquide retiré de la base de colonnes de distillation de l'éthanol de canne à sucre à hauteur de 12 à 15 litres par litre d'alcool, ce qui entraîne une production estimée à environ 350 milliards de litres en 2012/2013 au Brésil. La vinasse a un pH faible et une forte demande chimique en oxygène, ce qui peut provoquer la désertification des terres, si elle est utilisée en excès comme amendement. En outre, une contamination des eaux souterraines liée aux épandages est observée dans certaines régions. L'aptitude de la vinasse à jouer le rôle de source d'éléments nutritifs pour la production de biohydrogène et d'acides gras volatils par des consortia microbiens anaérobies a été évaluée. Deux différents milieux à base de vinasse ont été proposés, un avec l’addition de jus de canne à sucre et l’autre avec l’addition de la mélasse comme source de carbone, et ont été comparés à un milieu supplémenté en saccharose. Des cultures bactériennes pures (4) et des consortia microbiens (7) ont été cultivées dans les milieux proposés et la production des acides gras volatils (AGV) et de biohydrogène ont été evalués. Le consortium LPBAH1, originaire d’un lac d’une ferme laitière et sélectionné pour la fermentation de la vinasse avec du jus de canne à sucre, conduit à un rendement en H2 de 7,14 molH2/molsucrose et à une teneur en hydrogène dans le biogaz d'env. 31% après optimisation. Par ailleurs, le processus optimisé en utilisant le consortium LPBAH2, originaire de fèces de chauves-souris frugivores, permet d'obtenir 3,66 molH2/molsucrose et 32,7% d'hydrogène dans le biogaz. Le processus proposé est d'une grande importance pour donner une destination plus rationnelle de la vinasse et d'élargir le bouquet énergétique brésilien en réduisant sa dépendance des combustibles fossiles. / Vinasse is the liquid waste removed from the base of sugarcane ethanol distillation columns at a ratio of 12-15 liters per liter of alcohol, resulting in an estimated production of approx. 350 billion liters in 2012/2013 in Brazil. Vinasse has a low pH and high chemical oxygen demand, which can cause land desertification when indiscriminately used as fertilizer. Also, underground water contamination is being observed in some regions. We evaluated the potential of vinasse as nutrient source for biohydrogen and volatile fatty acids production by means of anaerobic consortia. Two different vinasse-based media were proposed, using sugarcane juice or molasses as carbon source, and were compared to fermentation in a sucrosesupplemented medium. Pure cultures (4) and consortia (7) were cultured in the propose media and evaluated for volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and biohydrogen production. The consortium LPBAH1, originated from faeces of fruit bat, was selected for fermentation of vinasse supplemented with sugarcane juice and resulted in a higher H2 yield of 7.14 molH2/molsucrose and hydrogen content in biogas of approx. 31% after process optimization. Similarly, the optimized process using the consortium LPBAH2, originated from a lake of a dairy farm, resulted in 3.66 molH2/molsucrose and 32.7% hydrogen content in biogas. The proposed process is of great importance for giving a more rational destination to vinasse and expanding Brazilian energy matrix, reducing the dependence of fossil fuels.

Produção enzimática de frutooligossacarídeos (FOS) por leveduras a partir de melaço de cana-de-açúcar / Production of fructooligosaccharides from sugarcane molasses by Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluveromyces marxianus cells

Silva, Carlos Eduardo Vieira da 18 February 2009 (has links)
Frutooligossacarídeos (FOS), açúcares não convencionais, são oligossacarídeos de ocorrência natural principalmente em produtos de origem vegetal. Os FOS são produzidos através de uma reação enzimática de transfrutosilação em resíduos de sacarose resultando em 1-kestose (GF2), nistose (GF3) e frutofuranosil nistose (GF4). Com o objetivo de produzir frutooligossacarídeos (FOS) a partir do melaço de cana-de-açúcar, linhagens das leveduras Saccharomyces cerevisiae e Kluveromyces marxianus foram cultivadas em meio contendo sacarose ou melaço de cana de açúcar. Após diferentes períodos de cultivo, foram retiradas alíquotas para analisar açúcares redutores (AR) e redutores totais (ART) pelo método do DNS (ácido 3,5-dinitrossalicílico); o crescimento celular por turbidimetria a 600nm e a viabilidade celular por coloração com azul de metileno. A produção de frutooligossacarídeos foi acompanhada por cromatografia em papel ou cromatografia líquida. Através da análise qualitativa em cromatografia em papel foi observada a presença de FOS quando o meio contendo melaço foi cultivado por Kluveromyces marxianus o mesmo não ocorrendo para o Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Em meio contendo sacarose as duas leveduras não apresentaram nenhuma atividade de produção de FOS. / Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), sugars unconventional, are oligosaccharides of naturally occurring mainly in products of plant origin. The FOS are produced through an enzymatic reaction of transfructosylation of sucrose resulting in 1-kestose (GF2), nistose (GF3) and fructofuranosyl nistose (GF4). Aiming to produce fructooligosaccharides (FOS) from sugar cane molasses, strains of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluveromyces marxianus were grown in medium containing sucrose or sugar cane molasses. After different periods of cultivation, aliquots were removed to analyze reducing sugars (AR) and reducing total sugars (ART) by the method of DNS (3.5- dinitrossalicilic acid), the cell growth by turbidimetry to 600nm and cell viability by staining with methylene blue. The production of fructooligosaccharides was accompanied by chromatography on paper and liquid chromatography. Through qualitative analysis on chromatography on paper was observed the presence of FOS when the medium containing molasses cultivated by Kluveromyces marxianus otherwise cultivation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae did not resulted in the production of the FOS. Both of the yeast did not show any activity for the production of FOS when the medium contained sucrose.

Desenvolvimento de técnicas e avaliações de antimicrobianos visando a produção de etanol carburante /

Ventura, Ricardo. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Cecília Laluce / Resumo: A contaminação bacteriana nas destilarias de etanol é um problema crônico que afeta o rendimento, na medida em que esses microrganismos competem pelo substrato a ser convertido em álcool pelas leveduras e liberam produtos indesejados no meio. A adição de ácido sulfúrico ao inóculo é a prática mais utilizada no controle dessas bactérias, contudo é uma substância de baixa eficácia, que também afeta a levedura. Antibacterianos utilizados complementarmente devem levar em conta a seletividade; o espectro de ação; e ainda restrições em fermentações que utilizam o excedente de levedura para ração animal. Nesse contexto, esse trabalho se propôs a estudar diversos biocidas, com base na literatura e desempenho em outras áreas. Foram realizadas fermentações por bateladas em frascos agitados em condições operacionais padrão (pH, temperatura, concentração de açúcares) com recuperação de células ao final de cada ciclo, reproduzindo o processo industrial. Os inóculos contendo leveduras e bactérias foram tratados com os seguintes produtos: peróxido de hidrogênio aditivado com prata; cloro oxigenado; triclorocarbanilida; cloreto de benzalcônio; digluconato de clorexidina; maitenina; salinomicina, e agentes quelantes EDTA e HEDTA, além dos produtos referência (beta ácido de lúpulo e monensina). Ao final das fermentações foram analisadas a população de bactérias, a viabilidade da levedura, e os teores de ácido lático e etanol. O biocida a base de peróxido, na dose 1.000 ppm não mostrou a mesma ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Bacterial contamination in ethanol distilleries is a chronic problem that affecting the yield, once these microorganisms compete for the substrate to be converted to alcohol by yeast, as well as release undesired products in the medium. The addition of sulfuric acid to the inoculum is the most used practice to control such bacteria, but is a substance of low efficacy, which also affects the yeast. Antibacterial used in addition should take into account the selectivity; spectrum; and also restriction in fermentation that uses yeast surplus for animal feed. In this context, this work proposes to study various biocides, based on the literature and performance in other areas. Batch fermentations were performed in shake flasks under standard operational conditions (pH, temperature, sugar concentration) with a recovery of cells at the end of each cycle, reproducing the industrial process. The inoculum containing yeast and bacteria were treated with hydrogen peroxide plus silver; oxygenated chlorine; trichlorocarbanilide plus benzalkonium chloride; chlorhexidine digluconate; maytenin; salinomycin, and chelating agents EDTA and HEDTA, indeed the reference products (beta hops acid and monensin). At the end of fermentations were performed analysis of population of bacteria, yeast viability and lactic acid and ethanol concentration. The peroxide-based biocide in the dose 1000 ppm did not showed the same efficacy recorded in preliminary tests in vitro, which showed a MIC of 200 ppm for l... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Alkoholna fermentacija melase i gustog soka šećerne repe pomoću imobilisanih ćelija Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Alcoholic fermentation of sugar beet molasses and thickjuice by immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells

Vučurović Vesna 07 September 2012 (has links)
<p>Proizvodnja bioetanola iz među- i nusproizvoda procesa<br />prerade &scaron;ećerne repe, može imati pozitivan uticaj na<br />regionalnu ekomomiju i socio-ekonomski razvoj u zemljama<br />sa razvijenom industrijom konzumnog &scaron;ećera, kao &scaron;to je<br />Srbija. Kao proizvodni mikroorganizam u proizvodnji<br />etanola u najvećoj meri se koristi kvasac Saccharomyces<br />cerevisiae. Primena imobilisanih ćelija kvasca u fermentaciji<br />podloga sa visokom sadržajem &scaron;ećera (iznad 250 g/l), tzv.<br />VHG fermentacija, je često izučavana sa ciljem povećanja<br />efikasnosti proizvodnje etanola. U ovom radu su ćelije S.<br />cerevisiae imobilisane na različitim novim nosačima:<br />presovanim rezancima &scaron;ećerne repe (PR&Scaron;R), suvim<br />rezancima &scaron;ećerne repe (SR&Scaron;R), parenhimskom tkivu stabla<br />kukuruza (PTSK) u obliku diska, na kombinovanim<br />nosačima od PTSK u obliku diska obloženog Ca-alginatom(K1) i ispunjenog Ca-aglinatom (K2), na kuglicama Caalginata(AB) kao i na kombinovanim kuglicama od Caalginata i mliva PTSK (ABC). Imobilisane ćelije kvasca su primenjene za fermentaciju melase i gustog soka &scaron;ećerne repe sa krajnjim ciljem da se racionalnim kori&scaron;ćenjem</p><p>među- i nusproizoda procesa prerade &scaron;ećerne repe postigne<br />efikasna proizvodnja etanola uz smanjene tro&scaron;kove<br />proizvodnje kao, i uz smanjenje emisije otpadnih tokova.<br />U radu je ustanovljeno da su PR&Scaron;R, SR&Scaron;R i PTSK efikasni<br />nosači za imobilizaciju ćelija kvasca zahvaljujući prisustvu<br />pozitivno naelektrisanih funkcionalnih grupa, visokoj<br />poroznosti, hidrofilnosti, mehaničkoj čvrstini i stabilnosti.<br />Takođe ovi nosači &scaron;tite kvasac od osmotskog stresa,<br />toksičnog dejstva etanola i inhibitora. Zahvaljujući<br />heterogenoj strukturi PR&Scaron;R, SR&Scaron;R i PTSK se mogu koristiti<br />kao efikasni adsorbenti za ćelije kvasca, kao i za uklanjanje<br />katjonskih i anjonskih komponenata u postupku prerade<br />otpadnih voda. Pored toga, utvđeno je da PTSK predstavlja<br />alternativni obnovljivi izvor hranljivih materija neophodnih<br />kvascu tokom fermentacije melase i gustog soka, a takođe<br />deluje i kao antipenu&scaron;avac. Primenom ćelija kvasca<br />imobilisanih na SR&Scaron;R ostvarena je maksimalna<br />produktivnost etanola od 1,48 g/lh za melasu i 1,57 g/lh za<br />gusti sok, pri početnoj koncentraciji &scaron;ećera u podlozi 180 g/l.<br />Primenom ćelija kvasca imobilisanih na PTSK u obliku<br />diska (visine oko 5 mm i prečnika oko 20 mm) postignuta je<br />produktivnost etanola 1,26 g/lh za melasu 1,42 g/lh za gusti<br />sok, pri početnoj koncentraciji &scaron;ećera 150 g/l. Osnovni<br />nedostatak primene imobilisanih ćelija na SR&Scaron;R i PTSK u<br />alkoholnoj fermentaciji je lako ispiranje ćelija sa nosača.<br />Kombinovani nosači u obliku diska PTSK obloženog Ca alginatom<br />(K1) i ispunjenog Ca-aglinatom (K2) su<br />pripremljeni kako bi se sprečilo ispiranje ćelija kvasca.<br />Utvrđeno je da nosač K1 nije adekvatan za povećanje<br />efikasnosti imobilizacije. Imobilizacijom kvasca punjenjem<br />nosača K2 je povećana efikasnost imobilizacije ćelija kvasca<br />na PTSK, ali je usled velike zapremine i kompaktnosti<br />nosača K2 tokom fermentacije delimično otežan transport<br />supstrata i produkata kroz disk.<br />Melasa i gusti sok &scaron;ećerne repe su veoma dobre sirovine za<br />proizvodnju etanola, usled visokog sadržaja fermentabilnih<br />&scaron;ećera, koji slobodne i/ili imobiliane ćelije S. cerevisiae mogu<br />direktno koristiti za fermentaciju. Međutim, uzimajući u<br />obzir hemijski sastav ovih sirovina i ostvarene parametre</p><p>fermentacije, utvrđeno je da je gusti sok bolja sirovina za<br />proizvodnju etanola od melase, posebno u VHG uslovima.<br />Takođe je utvrđeno da se gusti sok može koristiti kao<br />sirovina za fermentaciju bez dodataka hranljivih materija.<br />Ustanovljeno je da su melase koje preostaju nakon osmotske<br />dehidratacije crvenog kupusa i mrkve veoma dobre sirovine<br />za proizvodnju etanola pri početnoj koncentraciji &scaron;ećera u<br />podlozi do 150 g/l, ali nisu pogodne sirovine za VHG<br />fermentaciju pomoću slobodnih i imobilisanih ćelija u AB<br />kuglicama. Fermentacijom melase nakon osmotske<br />dehidratacije kupusa i mrkve početne koncentracije &scaron;ećera<br />125 g/l, primenom ćelija kvasca imobilisanih u AB<br />kuglicama, ostvarena je najvi&scaron;a produktivnost etanola od<br />1,24 g/lh i 1,30 g/lh. Tokom fermentacije melase i gustog soka<br />primenom ćelija kvasca imobilisanih u AB kuglicama usled<br />izdvajanja CO2, dolazi do naru&scaron;avanja strukture kuglica<br />pojavom poprečne pukotine koja kuglicu polimera deli na<br />dva približno jednaka dela.<br />Kako bi se sprečila degradacija Ca-alginata tokom<br />fermentacije pripremljen je novi kombinovani nosač od Caalginata<br />i mliva PTSK (ABC). Dodatkom samlevenog PTSK<br />sa mikrostrukturom pčeljinjeg saća u Ca-alginat je povećana<br />poroznost kuglica čime je omogućen efikasniji prenos mase<br />supstrata i produkata, povećana je raspoloživa povr&scaron;ina za<br />adsorpciju i rast ćelija kvasca kao i čvrstina i stabilost<br />kuglica. Poređenjem parametara fermentacije, utvrđeno je<br />da su ćelije kvasca imobilisane na ABC kuglicama efikasniji<br />biokatalizator u poređenju sa slobodnim ćelijama kvasca,<br />kao i u poređenju sa ćelijama imobilisanim u AB kuglicama.<br />Dodatkom samlevenog PTSK u podlogu ili u Ca-alginat<br />povećava se sadržaj etanola i metanola, smanjuje se sadržaj<br />kiselina i acetaldehida u sirovom destilatu, dok se sadržaj<br />vi&scaron;ih alkohola, estara i furfurala ne menja značajno. Ćelije<br />kvasca imobilisane u kombinovanim ABC kuglicama se<br />mogu uspe&scaron;no primeniti za pet ponovljenih fermentacija<br />gustog soka pri standardnim (NG) i uslovima visoke<br />koncentracije &scaron;ećera (VHG) pri čemu se može postići<br />produktivnost etanola 1,92-2,30 g/lh. Primenom imobilisanih<br />ćelija kvasca u kombinovanim ABC kuglicama u<br />kontinualnoj VHG fermentaciji gustog soka, početne<br />koncentracije &scaron;ećera 300 g/l, ostvaren je stabilan<br />fermentacioni sistem tokom 15 dana, pri čemu je<br />produktivnost etanola iznosila 3,29 do 4,66 g/lh.</p> / <p>Bioethanol production from intermediate and byproducts<br />of sugar beet processing has a beneficial scope<br />in view of the socio-economic development and regional<br />economy in countries with developed sugar industry,<br />such as Serbia. Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain is the<br />most widely used ethanol producing microorganism. To<br />increase the efficiency of ethanol production, many<br />process improvements including immobilized cells<br />application and fermentation of very high gravity (VHG)<br />media with initial sugar over 250 g/l, have been studied.<br />In the present work yeast S. cerevisiae was immobilized<br />onto different new carriers: pressed sugar beet pulp<br />(PSBP), dried sugar beet pulp (DSBP), maize stem<br />ground tissue (MSGT) disks, MSGT discs coated with<br />Ca-alginate (K1) and MSGT discs filled with Ca-alginate<br />(K2), Ca-alginate beads (AB) and combined beads made</p><p>of Ca-alginate and maize stem ground tissue meal (ABC).<br />Immobilized yeast cells were used for ethanol<br />fermentation of molasses and thick juice with purposes to<br />obtain efficient ethanol production, to lower high<br />operating costs and to achieve the zero-waste goal<br />through a rational use of by-products of sugar beet<br />processing.<br />In the present work it was found that PSBP, DSBP and<br />MSGT are efficient carriers for yeast cell immobilization<br />due to the presence of positively charged binding sites,<br />high porosity and hidrophylicity, good mechanical<br />strength and stability, while functioned as a fortification<br />against osmotic stress, toxins and inhibitors. It was also<br />found that due to the heterogeneous structure the PSBP,<br />DSBP and MSGT are promising adsorbents for the<br />removal of cationic and anionic compounds from<br />aqueous solutions in the waste water treatment. Besides,<br />it is found that the MSGT can be used as an alternative<br />nutrient source for yeast cells and as an anti foaming<br />agent. A maximum ethanol productivity of 1.48 g/lh and<br />1.57 g/lh was achieved in the fermentation of molasses<br />and thick juice (initial sugar of 180 g/l) using yeast<br />immobilized on DSBP. The highest values of ethanol<br />productivity, obtained in the case of using yeast<br />immobilized on MSGT discs as biocatalyst, for molasses<br />and thick juice (initial sugar of 150 g/l) fermentation<br />were 1.26 g/lh and 1.42 g/lh. The main disadvantage of<br />using DSBP and MSGT supported biocatalyst is intensive<br />leakage of yeast cells during the fermentation. In order to<br />prevent yeast leakage combined carriers in the form of<br />MSGT discs coated with Ca-alginate (K1) and MSGT<br />discs filled with Ca-alginate (K2) were prepared. The K1<br />carrier was found to be unsuccessful for improving yeast<br />immobilization efficiency, while the application K2<br />carrier improved yeast immobilization efficiency during<br />the fermentation. However, due to the large volume and<br />compactness of the K2 carrier substrate and product<br />mass transfer limitation were observed during the<br />fermentation.<br />The sugar beet molasses and thick juice are very good<br />raw materials for ethanol production due to high content<br />of fermentable sugars, which can be directly used for<br />fermentation by free and/or immobilized S. cerevisiae<br />cells without any modification. However, taking into</p><p>consideration quality of these raw materials and obtained<br />fermentation parameters, sugar beet thick juice was<br />found to be more suitable raw material for ethanol<br />fermentation, compared to molasses, particularly in the<br />VHG fermentation process and can be used without any<br />nutrient supplementation. Similarly, it was found that<br />molasses left after the osmotic dehydratation of red<br />cabbage (M1) and carrots (M2) are excellent raw<br />materials for ethanol fermentation of media with initial<br />sugar concentration up to 150 g/l, while they are not<br />convenient for VHG fermentation by free or immobilized<br />yeast cells in AB carrier. Maximum ethanol productivity<br />obtained at the end of fermentation of molasses M1 and<br />M2 by immobilized yeast in AB carrier was 1.24 g/lh and<br />1.30 g/lh, respectively. The release of CO2 during the<br />fermentation of molasses and thick juice by yeast cells<br />immobilized in the AB, lead to breakage of polymer<br />beads on two halves.<br />In order to prevent AB disruption, a new combined yeast<br />carrier (ABC) was developed by the addition of MSGT<br />meal into the Ca-alginate. It was found that the addition<br />of MSGT meal, with honeycomb microstructure,<br />provided large surface area for yeast cell attachment and<br />biofilm growth, and also increased alginate matrix<br />porosity, enabling better mass transfer characteristic,<br />better physical strength and stability of beads. The<br />highest values of fermentation parameters were obtained<br />in the fermentation system with yeast immobilized on<br />ABC carrier in comparison with free yeast cells and yeast<br />immobilized on AB carrier. The Ca-alginate and medium<br />supplementation with MSGT meal significantly increased<br />ethanol and methanol content, decreased acetaldehyde<br />and acetic acid content of the distillate, but did not affect<br />fusel alcohol, ester and furfural content of the distillate.<br />Repeated batch normal gravity (NG) and very high<br />gravity (VHG) ethanol fermentation of thick juice by<br />yeast immobilized on ABC carrier was successfully<br />carried out for at least five successive cycles without any<br />significant decrease in ethanol productivity which was in<br />the range 1.92-2.30 g/lh. Continuous VHG ethanol<br />fermentation of thick juice (initial sugar of 300 g/l) using<br />yeast immobilized on ABC was stable for at least 15 days<br />while achieved ethanol productivity was 3.29-4.66 g/lh.</p>

Efekti osmotske dehidratacije na poboljšanje održivosti, nutritivna i antioksidativna svojstva korena i lista celera (Apium graveolens) / Effects of osmotic dehydration on improving sustainability, nutritive and antioxidative properties of celery leaves and root (Apium graveolens)

Nićetin Milica 29 September 2017 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu proučavana je osmotska dehidratacija korena i lista celera u dva različita osmotska rastvora: vodenom rastvoru saharoze i natrijum hlorida i melasi &scaron;ećerne repe. Ispitivan je uticaj temperature procesa (20&deg;C, 35&deg;C i 50&deg;C) i vremena imerzije (1, 3 i 5h) na gubitak vode, prira&scaron;taj suve materije, sadržaj suve materije, vrednosti aktivnosti vode, promenu antioksidativne aktivnosti, promenu boje i promenu mineralnog sastava (K, Mg, Ca, Fe) tokom osmotske dehidratacije korena i lista celera.<br />Dokazano je da se povećanjem temperature i produženjem vremena trajanja procesa pospe&scaron;uje prenos mase tj. migracija molekula vode iz tretiranog biljnog materijala u okolni rastvor, i prodiranje molekula rastvorene supstance iz osmotskog rastvora u tretirano biljno tkivo. Snižene aw vrednosti u svim ispitivanim uzorcima ukazuju na pozitivan uticaj osmotske dehidratacije na mikrobiolo&scaron;ku stabilnost tretiranog korena i lista celera, &scaron;to je potvrdila i mikrobiolo&scaron;ka analiza.<br />Nasuprot rastvoru saharoze i natrijum hlorida koji je uticao na opadanje ukupne antioksidativnosti osmotski dehidriranih uzoraka, melasa &scaron;ećerne repe, kao bogat izvor prirodnih antioksidanasa, doprinosi povećanju antioksidativnosti i pobolj&scaron;anju funkcionalnog kvaliteta dehidriranog produkta. Usled transfera bojenih materija (melanoidina) iz melase, dolazi do tamnjenja tretiranih uzoraka. Bojene materije iz melase, zbog svojih antioksidativnih svojstava takođe doprinose pobolj&scaron;anju antioksidativnosti krajnjeg produkta. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali značajno pobolj&scaron;anje mineralnog sastava korena i lista celera, dehidriranih u melasi &scaron;ećerne repe, dok je kod uzoraka tretiranih u rastvoru saharoze i natrijumhlorida uočeno smanjenje sadržaja ispitivanih mineralnih materija.<br />Statističkom obradom rezultata, uočeno je da su optimalni procesni parametri u pogledu efikasnosti procesa, kao i mikrobiolo&scaron;kog, nutritivnog, senzornog i funkcionalnog kvaliteta osmotski dehidriranog korena i lista celera, vreme trajanja procesa od 5h, na temperaturi od 50<sup><span style="font-size:11px;">&deg;</span></sup><span style="font-size:11px;">C</span>, u melasi &scaron;ećerne repe kao osmotskom rastvoru.</p> / <p>In this thesis, the osmotic dehydration of celery leaves and root in two different osmotic solutions (sucrose and sodium chloride dissolved in water and sugar beet molasses), was investigated. The effect of process temperature (20&deg;C, 35&deg;C i 50&deg;C) and immersion time (1, 3 and 5h) on water loss, solid gain, dry matter content, value of water activity, change of antioxidant activity, change of color parameters and change of mineral composition (K, Mg, Ca, Fe) was investigated.<br />It was found that increasing of process temperature and immersion time enhance mass transfer, intesifying migration of water molecules from the treated plant material into the surrounding solution and penetration of dissolved substances molecules from the osmotic solution into the treated plant tissue. Reduced aw values in all examined samples indicate a positive effect of osmotic dehydration on the microbiological stability of the treated celery leaves and root, which was also confirmed by the microbiological analysis.<br />Contrary to the solution of sucrose and sodium chloride, which was contributed to the decrease in total antioxidantivity of osmotically dehydrated samples, sugar beet molasses, as a rich source of natural antioxidants, contributed to an increase in antioxidant activity and an improvement in the functional quality of the dehydrated products. Due to the transfer of colored substances (melanoidins) from the molasses, the color of treated samples was darker. The colored substances from molasses, due to their antioxidant properties, also contribute to the enhancement of the antioxidativity of the final product. The results showed a significant improvement of the mineral content of celery leaves and root dehydrated in sugar beet molasses, while the samples treated in sucrose and sodium chloride solution show reduction of the examined mineral matters.<br />Statistical analysis revealed that optimal process parameters in terms of process efficiency, as well as the microbiological, nutritive, sensory and functional quality of the osmotically dehydrated celery leaves and root were: the process time of 5 hours, at a temperature of 50&deg;C, in sugar beet molasses as an osmotic solution.</p>

Codigestão de vinhaça e melaço em biorreator anaeróbio operado em bateladas sequenciais com biomassa imobilizada visando a produção de hidrogênio / Co-digestion of vinasse and molasses in an anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor operated with immobilized biomass for hydrogen production

Albanez, Roberta 24 November 2015 (has links)
Este estudo investigou a aplicação de um AnSBBR operado de forma descontínua e/ou descontínua alimentada com agitação mecânica, no processo de produção de hidrogênio a partir da codigestão de vinhaça e melaço. O desempenho do processo foi avaliado em função da eficiência de remoção da matéria orgânica, da estabilidade, e dos índices de desempenho referentes à produtividade e ao rendimento molar do hidrogênio e à composição do biogás gerado. Foram avaliadas a influência dos seguintes parâmetros: composição (codigestão com sacarose ou melaço) e concentração afluente, tempo de ciclo, suplementação de micronutrientes (completa/parcial/ausência), tipo de alimentação (batelada/batelada alimentada) e a necessidade do tratamento do inóculo. O sistema estudado se mostrou estável e a codigestão da vinhaça e melaço viável para produção de hidrogênio. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos na condição em que o reator foi operado em batelada (tempo de alimentação 5% do tempo de ciclo), afluente com concentração 6000 mgDQO.L-1 e composição 67% vinhaça e 33% melaço, tempo de ciclo de 3 horas, ausência da suplementação de micronutrientes e foi realizado tratamento térmico do inóculo. Nesta condição a produtividade molar foi de 13,5 mol H2.m-3.d-1 e metano não foi produzido. As demais condições mostraram que o aumento da porcentagem de vinhaça no afluente e a operação em batelada alimentada prejudicaram a produção de hidrogênio. O aumento da concentração da matéria orgânica do afluente, a diminuição do tempo de ciclo, a ausência da suplementação de micronutrientes e a realização do tratamento térmico do inóculo favoreceram a produtividade e rendimento molares de hidrogênio. / A mechanically stirred anaerobic batch and/or fed-batch reactor, containing biomass immobilized on inert support (AnSBBR) was investigated as to its ability to produce hydrogen from the co-digestion of vinasse and molasses. Process performance was assessed in terms of organic matter removal efficiency, stability, and of performance indicators related to hydrogen productivity and molar yield and to composition of the generated biogas. The effects of the following parameters have been assessed: influent composition and concentration (co-digestion with sucrose or molasses), cycle length, micronutrient supplementation (complete/partial/absence), feeding strategy (batch or fed-batch) and need for pre-treatment of the inoculum. The system showed to be stable and the co-digestion of vinasse and molasses showed to be feasible. The best results were obtained at the following conditions: 3-h cycle sequencing batch (feed time equaled 5% of cycle length), influent concentration of 6000 mgCOD.L-1 containing 67% vinasse and 33% molasses, preheating of the inoculum, and with no micronutrient supplementation. At this condition, the molar yield was 13.5 mol H2.m-3.d-1, and no methane was produced. The remaining conditions showed that increase in vinasse content in the influent and fed-batch operation were detrimental to system performance. The increase in organic matter concentration, reduction in cycle length, no micronutrient supplementation and inoculum preheating favored productivity and molar hydrogen yield.

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