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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulated molecular adder circuits on a surface of DNA : Studying the scalability of surface chemical reaction network digital logic circuits / Simulerade additionskretsar på en yta av DNA : En studie av skalbarheten hos kretsar för digital logik på ytbundna kemiska reaktionsnätverk

Arvidsson, Jakob January 2023 (has links)
The behavior of the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) molecule can be exploited to perform useful computation. It can also be ”programmed” using the language of Chemical Reaction Networks (CRNs). One specialized CRN construct is the Surface Chemical Reaction Network (SCRN). The SCRN construct can implement asynchronous cellular automata, which can in turn be used to implement digital logic circuits. SCRN based digital logic circuits are thought to have several advantages over regular CRN circuits. One of these proposed advantages is their scalability. This thesis investigates the scalability of SCRN based adder circuits, how does an increase in the number of bits affect the time required for the circuit to produce a correct result? Additionally, how is the throughput of the circuit affected when multiple additions are performed in a pipelined fashion? These questions are studied through experiments where the execution of optimized SCRN adder circuits is simulated. Due to the stochastic nature of SCRNs each such execution is all but guaranteed to be unique, requiring the simulation of the circuits to be repeated until a sufficiently large statistical sample has been collected. The results show these samples to follow a Gaussian distribution, regardless of the number of bits or the number of pipelined operations. The experiments show the simulated latency of the studied SCRN adder circuits to scale linearly with the number of input bits. The results also show that the throughput can be greatly improved through the pipelining of multiple operations. However, the results are inconclusive as to the maximum possible throughput of SCRN adder circuits. A conclusion of the project is that SCRN digital logic circuit design could conceivably benefit from the implementation of specialized components beyond the standard logic gates. / DNA-molekylen kan utnyttjas för att genomföra användbara beräkningar. Den kan också ”programmeras” via abstraktionen kemiska reaktionsnätverk. Ytbundna Kemiska Reaktionsnätverk (YKR) är i sin tur en vidare specialisering av sådana reaktionsnätverk. Ett YKR kan implementera en asynkrona cellulära automat, som i sin tur kan implementera kretsar för digital logik. Kretsar för digital logik byggda med YKR anses ha flera fördelar gentemot motsvarande kretsar byggda från vanliga kemiska reaktionsnätverk. En av dessa tilltänkta fördelar ligger i deras skalbarhet. Detta examensarbete undersöker skalbarheten hos YKR-baserade additions-kretsar, hur påverkar ett ökat antal bitar tiden som krävs för att kretsen ska producera ett korrekt resultat? Vidare, hur påverkas genomströmningen när flera operationer matas in direkt och genomför efter varandra i en pipeline? Dessa frågor studeras genom experiment där körningar av optimerande YKR-baserade additionskretsar simuleras. På grund av de stokastiska egenskaperna hos YKR är varje sådan körning i princip garanterad att vara unik, vilket kräver upprepade simuleringar av varje krets tills ett tillräckligt stort statistiskt urval har insamlats. Dessa resultat visar sig följa en normalfördelningskurva, oavsett antalet bitar eller antalet operationer som matats in i en pipeline. Experimenten visar att den simulerade latensen skalar linjärt med antalet indata-bitar för de studerade additionskretsarna. Resultaten visar även att genomströmningen förbättras avsevärt när flera operationer körs direkt efter varandra i en pipeline. Resultaten är dock ofullständiga när det gäller uppmätandet av additionskretsarna högsta möjliga genomströmning. En slutsats av projektet är att YKR-baserade kretsar för digital logik möjligen skulle kunna gagnas av implementerandet av specialiserade komponenter utöver de vanliga logikgrindarna.

Studies of Spinal Motor Control Networks in Genetically Modified Mouse Models

Gezelius, Henrik January 2009 (has links)
Spinal neurons are important in several aspects motor control. For example, the neurons essential for locomotor movements reside in the ventral spinal cord. In this thesis, different motor control functions are being related to neuronal populations defined by their common expression of a gene. First, a targeted disruption of the gene for vesicular glutamate transporter 2 (Vglut2/ Slc17a6) is described. The mutant animals die at birth because of their inability to breathe. The neuronal network in the brainstem, responsible for inspiration, was shown to become non-functional by the targeted deletion of Vglut2. To our surprise, it was still possible to induce rhythmic activity with normal left/right alternation in spinal cords isolated from VGLUT2-null embryos. Inconsistent reports of Vglut1 expression in the spinal cord made us re-evaluate the Vglut1 and Vglut2 expressions. While Vglut2 expression was widespread in the spinal cord, Vglut1 expression was restricted to a few cells dorsal to the central canal.  Taken together, the data suggest that, glutamatergic signaling is mandatory to drive the bilateral breathing, but not needed for coordination of basal alternating spinal locomotor rhythm. Next, a screen for genes with restricted ventral expression was made. Some of the genes found could be connected to the characteristics of specific neuronal cell populations. For example, fast motor neurons were shown to express the genes Calca and Chodl. Further, we found the Chrna2 expression selectively in putative Renshaw cells. It seems likely that the gene product, the alpha2 subunit of the nicotinergic receptor, could be linked to the unique connection of motor neurons to Renshaw cells. We used the Chrna2 promoter to drive expression of Cre recombinase in a transgenic mouse. The Cre activity was present in most neurons labeled with Renshaw cell markers, which should make it a useful tool for functional studies of this population. The studies presented here show how the genes expressed in subsets of neurons can be used to target populations of neurons for functional studies of neuronal systems.

Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Studies in Anxiety Disorders

Michelgård Palmquist, Åsa January 2010 (has links)
Anxiety disorders are very common and the primary feature is abnormal or inappropriate anxiety. Fear and anxiety is often mediated by the amygdala, a brain structure rich in substance P (SP) and neurokinin 1 (NK1) receptors. To learn more about how the human amygdala is modulated by fear and anxiety in event-triggered anxiety disorders and to investigate if the SP/NK1 receptor system is affected, regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) ([15O]-water; Study I and II) and the SP/NK1 receptor system ([11C]GR205171; Study III and IV) were studied with positron emission tomography (PET). In Study I we investigated the neural correlates of affective startle modulation in persons with specific phobia by measuring rCBF during exposure to fearful and non-fearful pictures, paired and unpaired with acoustic startle stimuli. Fear-potentiated startle was associated with activation of the affective part of the anterior cingulate cortex and the left amygdaloid–hippocampal area. In Study II short-term drug treatment effects on rCBF in patients diagnosed with social phobia was evaluated, comparing the NK1 receptor antagonist GR205171 to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor citalopram and placebo. Social anxiety and neural activity in the medial temporal lobe including the amygdala was significantly reduced by both drugs but not placebo. In Study III we investigated if activity in the SP/NK1 receptor system in the amygdala would be affected by fear provocation in individuals with specific snake or spider phobia. Fear provocation was associated with a decreased uptake of the NK1 antagonist [11C]GR205171 in the amygdala, possibly explained by an increase in endogenous SP release occupying the NK1 receptors. Study IV was conducted to explore the resting state NK1 receptor availability in PTSD patients as compared to healthy controls. Increased resting state binding of the tracer [11C]GR205171 in the amygdala of patients with PTSD suggested an increased amount of available receptors. In summary, fear and fear-potentiated startle modulates the human amygdala, possibly through the SP/NK1 receptor system.

Ett sannolikhetsbaserat kvalitetsmått förbättrar klassificeringen av oförväntade sekvenser i in situ sekvensering / A probability-based quality measure improves the classification of unexpected sequences in in situ sequencing

Nordesjö, Olle, Pontén, Victor, Herman, Stephanie, Ås, Joel, Jamal, Sabri, Nyberg, Alona January 2014 (has links)
In situ sekvensering är en metod som kan användas för att lokalisera differentiellt uttryck av mRNA direkt i vävnadssnitt, vilket kan ge viktiga ledtrådar om många sjukdomstillstånd. Idag förloras många av sekvenserna från in situ sekvensering på grund av det kvalitetsmått man använder för att säkerställa att sekvenser är korrekta. Det finns troligtvis möjlighet att förbättra prestandan av den nuvarande base calling-metoden eftersom att metoden är i ett tidigt utvecklingsskede. Vi har genomfört explorativ dataanalys för att undersöka förekomst av systematiska fel och korrigerat för dessa med hjälp av statistiska metoder. Vi har framförallt undersökt tre metoder för att korrigera för systematiska fel: I) Korrektion av överblödning som sker på grund avöverlappande emissionsspektra mellan fluorescenta prober. II) En sannolikhetsbaserad tolkningav intensitetsdata som resulterar i ett nytt kvalitetsmått och en alternativ klassificerare baseradpå övervakad inlärning. III) En utredning om förekomst av cykelberoende effekter, exempelvisofullständig dehybridisering av fluorescenta prober. Vi föreslår att man gör följande saker: Implementerar och utvärderar det sannolikhetsbaserade kvalitetsmåttet Utvecklar och implementerar den föreslagna klassificeraren Genomför ytterligare experiment för att påvisa eller bestrida förekomst av ofullständigdehybridisering / In situ sequencing is a method that can be used to localize differential expression of mRNA directly in tissue sections, something that can give valuable insights to many statest of disease. Today, many of the registered sequences from in situ sequencing are lost due to a conservative quality measure used to filter out incorrect sequencing reads. There is room for improvement in the performance of the current method for base calling since the technology is in an early stage of development. We have performed exploratory data analysis to investigate occurrence of systematic errors, and corrected for these by using various statistical methods. The primary methods that have been investigated are the following: I) Correction of emission spectra overlap resulting in spillover between channels. II) A probability-based interpretation of intensity data, resulting in a novel quality measure and an alternative classifier based on supervised learning. III) Analysis of occurrence of cycle dependent effects, e.g. incomplete dehybridization of fluorescent probes. We suggest the following: Implementation and evaluation of the probability-based quality measure Development and implementation of the proposed classifier Additional experiments to investigate the possible occurrence of incomplete dehybridization

Creating Artificial Quantum Chiral States : Time Evolving Open Spin Chains

Beiersdorf, Emil January 2023 (has links)
The discoveries in applications of chirality in various areas of science seem to never cease to emerge. Chirality, being the property that some objects are geometrically distinguishable from their mirror image, is a tiny difference of vast importance. The fact that multiple biological structures are chiral is what permits life on Earth and its discovery had a severe impact on medical development. When the concept of quantum chirality was introduced, the connection between the chiral symmetry and the quantum states and operators that characterize quantum chirality was not particularly clear. It was shown that closed spin chains of an odd number of spins naturally had chiral states as eigenstates of a Hamiltonian describing Heisenberg and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interactions, and the symmetry of the system in direct relation to the chiral symmetry of the eigenstates quickly became of interest. The aim of this thesis is therefore to explore how quantum chirality is a chiral symmetry and to develop a scheme to create chiral states from systems that lack the required symmetry. The investigation showed that discretized probability current gives a good explanation to why the chiral states follow a chiral nature, but further examination is required in order to generalize a deeper connection between the probability current and the chiral states of spin chains. The results also indicated that it was possible to force open spin chains into purely chiral states, and into superpositions thereof, by time evolution. The scheme is still in its early stage and physical implementation and applications are yet to be explored. / Upptäckterna av tillämpningar av kiralitet inom ett flertal områden verkar ständigt öka i omfattning. Kiralitet är fenomenet att vissa objekt geometriskt kan särskiljas från sin spegelbild, vilket är en ringa skillnad men med väsentlig innebörd. Det faktum att flertalet biologiska strukturer är kirala är en förutsättning för liv på jorden och upptäckten av detta har haft en omfattande betydelse för medicinsk utveckling. När konceptet kvantkiralitet introducerades, var kopplingen mellan den kirala symmetrin och de kvantmekaniska tillstånden och operatorerna som utgör kvantkiralitet, inte trivial. Tidigare studier har visat att stängda spinnkedjor av ett udda antal spinn naturligt har kirala tillstånd som egentillstånd till en Hamiltonian beskrivande Heisenberg- och Dzyaloshinsky-Moriyainteraktioner. Att systemets symmetri stod i direkt relation till den kirala symmetrin av egentillstånden blev tidigt av intresse att undersöka. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är således att utforska en djupare förståelse till hur kvantkiralitet är en kiral symmetri samt utveckla en metod för hur kirala tillstånd kan drivas till att uppstå ur system som saknar den nödvändiga symmetrin. Resultaten visade att den diskretiserade sannolikhetsströmmen ger en god förklaring till varför de kirala tillstånden följer en kiral natur, men vidare efterforskning behövs för att kunna generalisera en djupare koppling mellan sannolikhetsströmmen och de kirala tillstånden hos spinnkedjor. Undersökningen indikerade också att det var möjligt att forcera en öppen spinnkedja till ett kiralt tillstånd, och till superpositioner därav, genom tidsutveckling. Metoden är fortfarande i sin tidiga utveckling och fysisk implementering samt tillämpningar väntar ännu på att upptäckas.

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