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A Study on the Factors of Performance Persistence of the Open-end Mutual Fund in TaiwanHsieh, Pi-Fei 11 July 2012 (has links)
Recent studies have reported that open-end fund has its performance persistence. However, those studies didn¡¦t mention the factors of performance persistence. Therefore, investors knows the character of the types of fund, but unable to determine which individual fund have the character given the type of fund. The main purpose of this study is to provide investors a new way to select funds. First, investors can select high performance funds in the past period and aim to pick the individual funds which fit the character of high performance persistence.
This study is divided into two parts. In first part, the researcher use Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient Test to examine the existence of performance persistence. In second part, the study aims to use Panel Data Analysis to examine the impact of 10 factors on the performance persistence in different type of funds, and periods. Samples in the study are chosen from 160 Taiwan open-end equity funds during 2004-2011. The return rate data is rolling data. In order to remove the difference of the risks of the funds, simple return rates were transferred into Jensen¡¦s Alpha.
The conclusions are shown as below¡G
1. In short term, Time of Establishment often has a positive effect on fund performance persistence.
2. In short term, Net Asset Value often has a negative effect on fund performance persistence. In long term, net asset value often has a positive effect on fund performance persistence.
3. In short and middle term, Average Investment Amount always has a positive effect on fund performance persistence.
4. Almost in all type of funds and all periods, Stock Holding Rate has a negative effect on fund performance persistence.
5. Almost in all type of funds and all periods, The Score of Monitoring indicator has a negative effect on fund performance persistence.
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Genetic Algorithms for the Investment of the Mutual Fund with Global Trend IndicatorTsai, Tsung-Jung 21 March 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, we propose an investment strategy for the world mutual funds. We first define the global trend indicator (GTI) for evaluating the price change trend of the funds in the future. Then, based on GTI, we derive the monitoring indicator (MI) to measure whether the fund market is in the bull or bear state. MI decides the buying or selling signal. The goodness of a fund is determined by some weighted combination of short-term performance and long-term performance. The weights of various performances are decided by the genetic algorithm, which can dynamically adjusted with priorities of interested funds according to their past performances (profitability). When a buying signal is triggered by MI, the funds with high performance are more likely to be picked than those with low performance. In our experimental results from January 1999 to December 2008 (10 years in total), we achieve the annual profit higher than 10%, which is a significant improvement to other existing methods.
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Monitoring climate policy. A full carbon accounting approach based on material flow analysis.Kubeczko, Klaus January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The main goal of the thesis is to develop a monitoring instrument for climate policy that is based on the Kyoto Protocol and the IPCC guidelines. The instrument developed is based on a "Full Carbon Accounting" approach which takes into account the carbon flows of the biosphere as well as those related to society's metabolism. Conceptually the analysis is based on the epistemological concept of society nature interaction comprising society's metabolism and colonisation of nature as main starting points. This leads to the empirical concept of material flow analysis. The thesis quantifies the carbon flows and the related uncertainties of the Austrian economy for 1990 for selected areas in a consistent way. The thesis also tries to build up a framework for system of indicators that would allow evaluating climate policy. (author´s abstract)
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Transektový monitoring motýlů České republiky: Výsledky z prvních sedmi letKOLLROSS, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The thesis presents data from butterfly transects monitoring, carried out for 7 years on 36 transects established both within nature reserves and unprotected landscapes throughout the Czech Republic and walked three times a month between April and September. Only seven transects were monitored for the whole monitoring period. There were 192 771 individual butterfly records on 127 species of butterflies and burnet moths, i.e. 76.5% of the Czech fauna of the targeted groups). Data on their abundances are for the first time available for the Czech Republic. The distribution of individual species abundances approximated a lognormal model. The abundant species were generalists of non-wooded habitats, which prosper in the intensively managed landscapes of the Czech Republic. Trends of abundance, determined by the TRIM program, were estimable for 92 species. Over the monitored period, the relative abundance of nine species significantly decreased, while those of of seven species significantly increases. The remaining 76 did not display unequivocal trends, but still, 17 are likely increasing and 29 likely decreasing. Comparing the trends with the life history and bioclimatic traits of the butterflies showed that species whose abundance did not change possess traits typical for generalist butterflies (mobile species, overwintering in later life stages, longer flight period etc.), while decreases were more common among thermophilic species. Splitting the analyses for data originating from reserve vs. unprotected areas suggested that mesophilic species and species of more advanced successional stages prosper outside of reserves, whereas thermophilic species tend to decline there, and that an opposite pattern applies to reserves. I discuss recommendations for future of the monitoring Czech butterfly monitoring scheme.
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Caracterização hidrológica de uma microbacia experimental visando identificar indicadores de monitoramento ambiental. / Hydrological characteristics of an experimental catchment for the identification of indicators of environmental monitoring.Rodriguez Anido, Noemi Mabel 03 December 2002 (has links)
Na busca de critérios e indicadores hidrológicos que possam ter uma posterior utilização prática para o monitoramento do manejo sustentável dos recursos naturais, e considerando a bacia hidrográfica como unidade de manejo, o presente trabalho visa caracterizar o comportamento hidrológico da microbacia A, localizada no Núcleo Cunha do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, contendo vegetação natural em estágio avançado de regeneração, visando identificar indicadores de monitoramento ambiental, em termos de suas flutuações naturais em ecossistemas não perturbados. A turbidez, a cor aparente, e a concentração de sedimentos em suspensão, são parâmetros importantes para avaliar a qualidade da água do deflúvio. Assim, foram estes os escolhidos no presente estudo para que se pudesse analisar seu comportamento como indicadores para o monitoramento ambiental. Para a caracterização hidrológica quantitativa, foi necessário determinar previamente a curva chave do vertedor, sendo que a curva obtida está representada pela equação Q = 0,0561 H 2,3778 , com um r 2 = 0,9872. Da análise dos dados pluviométricos e fluviométricos de 8 anos, foram determinados os componentes do balanço hídrico anual. A precipitação média anual foi de 1832 mm, observando-se diferença entre a estação úmida (setembro a março), onde se produz o 84% das precipitações, e a estação seca (abril a agosto). O deflúvio médio anual foi de 1279 mm, as perdas médias anuais ocasionadas pela evapotranspiração foram de 553 mm, correspondendo a 32% da precipitação. Em razão da relativamente baixa evapotranspiração anual que prevalece na área, e a freqüente ocorrência de neblinas; analisou-se a possibilidade de estar havendo uma entrada adicional de água ao balanço hídrico da microbacia representada pelo processo de captura de neblinas pelo dossel florestal (precipitação oculta). Os resultados estariam indicando um acréscimo na precipitação próximo a 8%. Os resultados dos parâmetros de qualidade da água (turbidez, cor aparente e sedimentos em suspensão), indicam que as flutuações destes parâmetros estão altamente relacionadas com os picos de vazão ocasionados pelas precipitações estivais. Foram obtidos valores máximos de turbidez, cor aparente e sedimentos em suspensão de 173 FTU, 550 PtCo e 465,2 mg l, no mês de janeiro, e mínimos de 2 FTU, 6 PtCo e 0 mg l, respectivamente. Assim, pode-se considerar estes intervalos como válidos para uma área sem perturbação, podendo servir de referencial para o monitoramento do manejo florestal sustentável nesta região. / With the purpose of identifying hydrological indicators suitable for the environmental monitoring of sustainable forest management and taking into account the catchment as a systemic base of management planning, the aim of the present study is to characterize the hydrological functioning of an experimental catchment covered with undisturbed natural forest, located at the Serra do Mar State Park, State of São Paulo, Brazil, and thus identify hydrological parameters, in terms of their natural range of variation in such conditions, which could be used as suitable indicators for environmental monitoring. Among the parameters potentially suitable for this purpose, this study was carried out with the following water quality parameters: turbidity, color and suspended sediment concentration. The data analyzed encompass a period of 8 years of precipitation and streamflow continuous measurements. Initially, a rating curve was developed for the weir, which gave the following calibration equation: Q = 0,0561 H 2,3778 , with r 2 = 0,9872. Average annual precipitation for the period was 1832 mm, 84 % of which occurred during the rainy season of September through March. Average annual streamflow for the period was 1279 mm. Considering the simplified water balance equation, this resulted in a total water loss of 553 mm. The relatively low value of evapotranspiration obtained, which was also observed in other experimental catchments in this mountain region, an attempt was done to measure the additional input of rainwater as fog drip in the area, which would also to be included in the water balance calculations. The results showed an approximate additional amount of 8 % of the average annual precipitation measured in the conventional rain gauges. The water quality results indicate that the fluctuations of turbidity, color and suspended sediments are correlated with the peak flows, with maximum values 173 FTU, 550 PtCo and 465,2 mg l -1 , respectively, occurring during the rainy month of January. On the other hand, the minimal values corresponded to 2 FTU, 6 PtCo and 0 mg l -1 , respectively. Therefore, such range of variation for these studied water quality parameters could be considered indicative of the natural range of variation of catchments well protected with undisturbed natural forest cover in the region.
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Model řízení projektově orientovaných organizací sociální oblasti / Management model of project-oriented organizations of social spherePROKEŠOVÁ, Radka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis "Management model of project-oriented organizations of social sphere" deals with the proposal of a management model for project-oriented organizations of social sphere using monitoring and evaluation processes. The proposed management model was based on qualitative research conducted in the selected institution, which was the Institute of Social Work of the Faculty of Health and Social Studies. (Institute of Social Work ? ISW). The reason for selecting this institution was the variety, scope of activities undertaken and development phase of the institution. Currently, as an integral part of institutions focusing on practical social work with the client is considered not only strategic management but also project management which favorably influences the efficiency of services as well as provides the possibility of obtaining resources for their financing. The degree of success of these projects is positively influenced by the processes of monitoring and evaluation, both in the planning phase of the project and during its implementation. On the basis of the qualitative research was proposed a management model for the selected Institute of Social Work. The management model is based on a set of monitoring and evaluation indicators that were, using synergy effects, incorporated in the proposal of database systems of ISW. Based on the values of proposed indicators obtained from the database system we can not only monitor but also assess the performance of the Institute of Social Work. Some of the indicators can be used to design development strategies of the ISW. The applicability of the established management model was assessed by the experts from different fields of management, but similarly focused institutions, in the form of semi-structured interview. Based on the expert opinion, this management model is applicable to other similarly oriented organizations. The model, according to the experts, would bring improvements in management of project-oriented organizations of social sphere with similar focus as the ISW.
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Caracterização hidrológica de uma microbacia experimental visando identificar indicadores de monitoramento ambiental. / Hydrological characteristics of an experimental catchment for the identification of indicators of environmental monitoring.Noemi Mabel Rodriguez Anido 03 December 2002 (has links)
Na busca de critérios e indicadores hidrológicos que possam ter uma posterior utilização prática para o monitoramento do manejo sustentável dos recursos naturais, e considerando a bacia hidrográfica como unidade de manejo, o presente trabalho visa caracterizar o comportamento hidrológico da microbacia A, localizada no Núcleo Cunha do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, contendo vegetação natural em estágio avançado de regeneração, visando identificar indicadores de monitoramento ambiental, em termos de suas flutuações naturais em ecossistemas não perturbados. A turbidez, a cor aparente, e a concentração de sedimentos em suspensão, são parâmetros importantes para avaliar a qualidade da água do deflúvio. Assim, foram estes os escolhidos no presente estudo para que se pudesse analisar seu comportamento como indicadores para o monitoramento ambiental. Para a caracterização hidrológica quantitativa, foi necessário determinar previamente a curva chave do vertedor, sendo que a curva obtida está representada pela equação Q = 0,0561 H 2,3778 , com um r 2 = 0,9872. Da análise dos dados pluviométricos e fluviométricos de 8 anos, foram determinados os componentes do balanço hídrico anual. A precipitação média anual foi de 1832 mm, observando-se diferença entre a estação úmida (setembro a março), onde se produz o 84% das precipitações, e a estação seca (abril a agosto). O deflúvio médio anual foi de 1279 mm, as perdas médias anuais ocasionadas pela evapotranspiração foram de 553 mm, correspondendo a 32% da precipitação. Em razão da relativamente baixa evapotranspiração anual que prevalece na área, e a freqüente ocorrência de neblinas; analisou-se a possibilidade de estar havendo uma entrada adicional de água ao balanço hídrico da microbacia representada pelo processo de captura de neblinas pelo dossel florestal (precipitação oculta). Os resultados estariam indicando um acréscimo na precipitação próximo a 8%. Os resultados dos parâmetros de qualidade da água (turbidez, cor aparente e sedimentos em suspensão), indicam que as flutuações destes parâmetros estão altamente relacionadas com os picos de vazão ocasionados pelas precipitações estivais. Foram obtidos valores máximos de turbidez, cor aparente e sedimentos em suspensão de 173 FTU, 550 PtCo e 465,2 mg l, no mês de janeiro, e mínimos de 2 FTU, 6 PtCo e 0 mg l, respectivamente. Assim, pode-se considerar estes intervalos como válidos para uma área sem perturbação, podendo servir de referencial para o monitoramento do manejo florestal sustentável nesta região. / With the purpose of identifying hydrological indicators suitable for the environmental monitoring of sustainable forest management and taking into account the catchment as a systemic base of management planning, the aim of the present study is to characterize the hydrological functioning of an experimental catchment covered with undisturbed natural forest, located at the Serra do Mar State Park, State of São Paulo, Brazil, and thus identify hydrological parameters, in terms of their natural range of variation in such conditions, which could be used as suitable indicators for environmental monitoring. Among the parameters potentially suitable for this purpose, this study was carried out with the following water quality parameters: turbidity, color and suspended sediment concentration. The data analyzed encompass a period of 8 years of precipitation and streamflow continuous measurements. Initially, a rating curve was developed for the weir, which gave the following calibration equation: Q = 0,0561 H 2,3778 , with r 2 = 0,9872. Average annual precipitation for the period was 1832 mm, 84 % of which occurred during the rainy season of September through March. Average annual streamflow for the period was 1279 mm. Considering the simplified water balance equation, this resulted in a total water loss of 553 mm. The relatively low value of evapotranspiration obtained, which was also observed in other experimental catchments in this mountain region, an attempt was done to measure the additional input of rainwater as fog drip in the area, which would also to be included in the water balance calculations. The results showed an approximate additional amount of 8 % of the average annual precipitation measured in the conventional rain gauges. The water quality results indicate that the fluctuations of turbidity, color and suspended sediments are correlated with the peak flows, with maximum values 173 FTU, 550 PtCo and 465,2 mg l -1 , respectively, occurring during the rainy month of January. On the other hand, the minimal values corresponded to 2 FTU, 6 PtCo and 0 mg l -1 , respectively. Therefore, such range of variation for these studied water quality parameters could be considered indicative of the natural range of variation of catchments well protected with undisturbed natural forest cover in the region.
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Dopady vybraných realizovaných projektů z programu SROP v Jihočeském kraji / The impacts of chosen realized projects from the programme JROP in South Bohemia areaKroniková, Michala January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with regional and structural policy. The main objective of regional policy is to lower the differences between regions. The thesis describes priorities, aims and instruments of regional policy. Further it deals with the chance to draw a financial subvention from Structural Funds in contracted program period 2004 - 2006 in the Czech republic. The main aim is to evaluate real impacts of realized projects that were cofinanced from Joint Regional Operational Programme (JROP) in South Bohemia area.
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yužití dotačních titulů se zaměřením na Evropskou územní spolupráci Rakousko - Česká republik / The Use of grant titles focusing on the European territorial Cooperation between Austria and the Czech RepublicMACHOVÁ, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the use of grant titles program of the European Territorial Cooperation Austria - Czech Republic, namely at the level of the two projects, which were realized in the South region, in cooperation with Austrian partners in the promotion of tourism, culture and leisure economy. The introductory part deals with the issues project management, principles of project preparation, structural funds, but especially the Operational Programme European Territorial Cooperation - Cross-border cooperation in 2007 - 2013. The conclusion of the theoretical part is complemented by the INTERREG program VA-Austria - Czech Republic. In the practical part will analyze the data of two projects implemented by selected criteria. Analysis of data will be performed considering to the scope of the data obtained individual project. The results will be evaluated at the level of individual projects, so in general the impact on cross-border cooperation at the level of tourism. As analyzed by the project, and a general level the proposed measure, which would lead to the promotion of tourism in the border region.
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Landschaftszerschneidung und Waldfragmentierung - neue Indikatoren des IÖR-MonitorsWalz, Ulrich, Krüger, Tobias, Schumacher, Ulrich January 2011 (has links)
Der Beitrag stellt neue Indikatoren zur Analyse und zum Monitoring der Zerschneidung von Freiräumen sowie zur Fragmentierung von Wald- und Forstflächen vor, die bestehende bundesweite Indikatorensysteme ergänzen sollen. Die Ergebnisse werden beispielhaft auf der Ebene von Gemeinden, Kreisen und Raumordnungsregionen präsentiert. Sie zeigen u. a., dass es deutschlandweit nur noch ca. 140 zusammenhängende Wälder mit einer Größe von mehr als 50 km² gibt.
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