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Допринос верске наставе моралности младих / Doprinos verske nastave moralnosti mladih / Contribution of religious education to morality of young

Kačarić Ninoslav 04 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Демократске промене почетком 21. века отвориле су могућност традиционалним верским заједницама на територији Републике Србије, а међу њима посебно Српској православној цркви (по броју својих чланова највећој верској заједници), за остваривање њене мисије у школском систему, као и за утицај на морално васпитање и живот младих. Иако се мало аутора на нашим просторима бавило темом религијског образовања, за теоријску основу овог рада су могла послужити схватања о моралности познатих филозофа и психолога који су се бавили развојем моралности, као и педагошка схватања о подстицању развоја моралности, те методолошки начини проучавања моралности и моралног васпитања код нас и у свету. Филозофи, педагози и психолози су на свој начин доприносили упознавању моралног развоја и начина формирања моралне особе, али ипак, нису сви имали јединствен став нити су се сви бавили развојним ступњевима који су значајни за морално васпитање, и који, у једном делу, одговарају овом истраживању, него се то кроз историју мењало. Међутим, све то је ипак у извесном смислу само део онога чиме се бави верска настава, односно део који се односи на есхатолошку моралност је на известан начин индиректно дотицан у филозофској и психолошкој литератури.<br />Намера овог рада јесте утврђивање у којој мери верска настава утиче на моралност младих, кроз испитивање повезаности сета религиозних и сета моралних својстава са индикаторима остварења моралности, односно утврђивање нивоа моралности младих који похађају верску наставу. Као репрезенти моралних својстава одабрани су: 1. интегритет (поступање у складу са принципима, вредностима и уверењима, причање истине, залагање за оно што је исправно, испуњавање обећања), 2. одговорност (преузимање одговорности за личне изборе, признавање грешака и пропуста, прихватање одговорности за служење другима), 3. саосећање (активна брига о другима), 4. праштање (спремност на праштање сопствених грешака, спремност на праштање туђих грешака).<br />Поред тога што се у овом раду настоји да се емпиријским путем пронађу и пруже одговори на поменуто питање феномена односа религиозности и моралности као ефеката<br />vii<br />верске наставе, налази истраживања имају и практичне импликације на организацију верске наставе. У истраживању су постављени задаци да се утврде систем вредности, морални ставови и ниво есхатолошког узрастања младих који похађају верску наставу, као и да се утврде фактори који доприносе моралном васпитању у верској настави. Основна претпоставка односи се на то да млади који похађају верску наставу имају развијену моралност, а посебне хипотезе на то да млади који похађају верску наставу имају хришћански систем вредности и позитивне ставове према хришћанском моралу, те да верска настава статистички значајно доприноси есхатолошкој моралности младих.<br />Истраживање је спроведено међу испитаницима основношколског узраста (7. и 8. разреди) и средњошколског узраста (3. и 4. разреди), јер се на овом узрасту остварује диференцијација и актуелизација потенцијала, кроз јасне назнаке владања садржајима одређене области и креативне продукције у неком социјално релевантном облику. Завршни разреди основне и средње школе подразумевају присуство високих способности кроз специфичне домене и области знања, уз профилисана и конзистентна интересовања за друштвено-моралне проблеме, преиспитивање исправности правила понашања и закона који се младима намећу од стране породице или вршњака, као и могућност апстрактног мишљења. (Coleman &amp; Cross, 2001). Узорак је невероватносни, пригодни &ndash; групни - према узрасту, па је начин узорковања обухватио и елементе стратификованог узорка. У оквиру три стратума, упитником је испитано 446 ученика основних и средњих школа са територије Епархије банатске.<br />Од значајнијих налаза издвајају се:<br />-у систему вредности младих уочава се да су љубав и чистота срца најреспектованије врлине, да већина испитаника има негативан однос према истополним браковима, те да страх од казне диктира морално понашање, а интернализација још увек за основу има спољашњи ауторитет, што указује на хетерономни степен развоја моралности, док разлике између пола, места обитавања и узраста нису значајне;<br />-у вери и есхатологији младих уочава се аспект есхатолошке моралности који је на високом нивоу, будући да испитаници поимају Бога као живу и конкретну Личност Господа Исуса Христа присутну у Цркви Духом Светим, а однос са Њим кроз љубав, веру, молитву и конкретно учешће у Светој литургији као икони Царства Небеског доживљавају као пресудан за остварење Боголикости, док Вечни живот представља васкрсење мртвих у другом доласку Христовом и остварење узвишене моралне личности. Разлике између пола, места обитавања и узраста испитаника, у погледу узрастања у есхатолошком аспекту моралности, говоре у корист старијих испитаника, женског пола, из градске средине;</p><p>-у доприносу верске наставе моралном формирању личности увиђа се да су вера у Бога и жеља да се верски образују главни разлози опредељења испитаника за похађање верске наставе, да је личност вероучитеља од великог значаја, а њен допринос зависи од познавања садржаја које преноси ученицима, да је најзначајнији начин извођења верске наставе путем посета Светим храмовима и учествовања у црквеним богослужењима, уз тумачење смисла црквених празника и богослужбених радњи, док су најмање значајне информационо-комуникационе технологије. Практична педагошка импликација ових налаза јесте посвећивање посебне пажње кадровском потенцијалу.</p> / <p>Demokratske promene početkom 21. veka otvorile su mogućnost tradicionalnim verskim zajednicama na teritoriji Republike Srbije, a među njima posebno Srpskoj pravoslavnoj crkvi (po broju svojih članova najvećoj verskoj zajednici), za ostvarivanje njene misije u školskom sistemu, kao i za uticaj na moralno vaspitanje i život mladih. Iako se malo autora na našim prostorima bavilo temom religijskog obrazovanja, za teorijsku osnovu ovog rada su mogla poslužiti shvatanja o moralnosti poznatih filozofa i psihologa koji su se bavili razvojem moralnosti, kao i pedagoška shvatanja o podsticanju razvoja moralnosti, te metodološki načini proučavanja moralnosti i moralnog vaspitanja kod nas i u svetu. Filozofi, pedagozi i psiholozi su na svoj način doprinosili upoznavanju moralnog razvoja i načina formiranja moralne osobe, ali ipak, nisu svi imali jedinstven stav niti su se svi bavili razvojnim stupnjevima koji su značajni za moralno vaspitanje, i koji, u jednom delu, odgovaraju ovom istraživanju, nego se to kroz istoriju menjalo. Međutim, sve to je ipak u izvesnom smislu samo deo onoga čime se bavi verska nastava, odnosno deo koji se odnosi na eshatološku moralnost je na izvestan način indirektno dotican u filozofskoj i psihološkoj literaturi.<br />Namera ovog rada jeste utvrđivanje u kojoj meri verska nastava utiče na moralnost mladih, kroz ispitivanje povezanosti seta religioznih i seta moralnih svojstava sa indikatorima ostvarenja moralnosti, odnosno utvrđivanje nivoa moralnosti mladih koji pohađaju versku nastavu. Kao reprezenti moralnih svojstava odabrani su: 1. integritet (postupanje u skladu sa principima, vrednostima i uverenjima, pričanje istine, zalaganje za ono što je ispravno, ispunjavanje obećanja), 2. odgovornost (preuzimanje odgovornosti za lične izbore, priznavanje grešaka i propusta, prihvatanje odgovornosti za služenje drugima), 3. saosećanje (aktivna briga o drugima), 4. praštanje (spremnost na praštanje sopstvenih grešaka, spremnost na praštanje tuđih grešaka).<br />Pored toga što se u ovom radu nastoji da se empirijskim putem pronađu i pruže odgovori na pomenuto pitanje fenomena odnosa religioznosti i moralnosti kao efekata<br />vii<br />verske nastave, nalazi istraživanja imaju i praktične implikacije na organizaciju verske nastave. U istraživanju su postavljeni zadaci da se utvrde sistem vrednosti, moralni stavovi i nivo eshatološkog uzrastanja mladih koji pohađaju versku nastavu, kao i da se utvrde faktori koji doprinose moralnom vaspitanju u verskoj nastavi. Osnovna pretpostavka odnosi se na to da mladi koji pohađaju versku nastavu imaju razvijenu moralnost, a posebne hipoteze na to da mladi koji pohađaju versku nastavu imaju hrišćanski sistem vrednosti i pozitivne stavove prema hrišćanskom moralu, te da verska nastava statistički značajno doprinosi eshatološkoj moralnosti mladih.<br />Istraživanje je sprovedeno među ispitanicima osnovnoškolskog uzrasta (7. i 8. razredi) i srednjoškolskog uzrasta (3. i 4. razredi), jer se na ovom uzrastu ostvaruje diferencijacija i aktuelizacija potencijala, kroz jasne naznake vladanja sadržajima određene oblasti i kreativne produkcije u nekom socijalno relevantnom obliku. Završni razredi osnovne i srednje škole podrazumevaju prisustvo visokih sposobnosti kroz specifične domene i oblasti znanja, uz profilisana i konzistentna interesovanja za društveno-moralne probleme, preispitivanje ispravnosti pravila ponašanja i zakona koji se mladima nameću od strane porodice ili vršnjaka, kao i mogućnost apstraktnog mišljenja. (Coleman &amp; Cross, 2001). Uzorak je neverovatnosni, prigodni &ndash; grupni - prema uzrastu, pa je način uzorkovanja obuhvatio i elemente stratifikovanog uzorka. U okviru tri stratuma, upitnikom je ispitano 446 učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola sa teritorije Eparhije banatske.<br />Od značajnijih nalaza izdvajaju se:<br />-u sistemu vrednosti mladih uočava se da su ljubav i čistota srca najrespektovanije vrline, da većina ispitanika ima negativan odnos prema istopolnim brakovima, te da strah od kazne diktira moralno ponašanje, a internalizacija još uvek za osnovu ima spoljašnji autoritet, što ukazuje na heteronomni stepen razvoja moralnosti, dok razlike između pola, mesta obitavanja i uzrasta nisu značajne;<br />-u veri i eshatologiji mladih uočava se aspekt eshatološke moralnosti koji je na visokom nivou, budući da ispitanici poimaju Boga kao živu i konkretnu Ličnost Gospoda Isusa Hrista prisutnu u Crkvi Duhom Svetim, a odnos sa NJim kroz ljubav, veru, molitvu i konkretno učešće u Svetoj liturgiji kao ikoni Carstva Nebeskog doživljavaju kao presudan za ostvarenje Bogolikosti, dok Večni život predstavlja vaskrsenje mrtvih u drugom dolasku Hristovom i ostvarenje uzvišene moralne ličnosti. Razlike između pola, mesta obitavanja i uzrasta ispitanika, u pogledu uzrastanja u eshatološkom aspektu moralnosti, govore u korist starijih ispitanika, ženskog pola, iz gradske sredine;</p><p>-u doprinosu verske nastave moralnom formiranju ličnosti uviđa se da su vera u Boga i želja da se verski obrazuju glavni razlozi opredeljenja ispitanika za pohađanje verske nastave, da je ličnost veroučitelja od velikog značaja, a njen doprinos zavisi od poznavanja sadržaja koje prenosi učenicima, da je najznačajniji način izvođenja verske nastave putem poseta Svetim hramovima i učestvovanja u crkvenim bogosluženjima, uz tumačenje smisla crkvenih praznika i bogoslužbenih radnji, dok su najmanje značajne informaciono-komunikacione tehnologije. Praktična pedagoška implikacija ovih nalaza jeste posvećivanje posebne pažnje kadrovskom potencijalu.</p> / <p>The democratic social changes in the early 21st century opened up the possibility of the traditional religious communities in the Republic of Serbia, including in particular Serbian Orthodox Church (by the number of its members the largest religious community), for the achievement of its mission in the school system, as well as the impact on moral education and life of young people. Although few authors in our area dealt with religious education, the theoretical basis of this study could be based on conceptions of morality by famous philosophers and psychologists who have studied the development of morality, as well as the pedagogical conceptions of encouraging the development of morality and methodological ways of studying morality and moral education in our country and in the world. Philosophers, educators and psychologists in their own way contributed to the introduction of moral development and ways of forming moral individuals, but not everyone had a unified position, nor have dealt with all the developmental stages that are important for moral guidance, and which, in part, corresponding to the research, but it has been changed through history. However, all this is still in a sense, only the part of influence of religious instruction, or the part that refers to the eschatological morality is in some way indirectly connected with it in the philosophical and psychological literature.<br />The intention of this work is to determine the extent to which religious education affects the morality of young people, through testing connectivity among sets of religious and moral properties with indicators that shows the level of morality realization, that determine the level of morality of young people who attend religious education. As representatives of moral qualities were selected: 1 Integrity (complying with the principles, values and beliefs, telling the truth, commitment to what is right, fulfilling promises) 2. Responsibility (taking responsibility for personal choices, recognition of errors and omissions, acceptance of responsibility for service to others), 3. Sympathy (active concern for others) 4. Forgiveness (a willingness to forgive our mistakes, willingness to forgive others&#39; mistakes).<br />x<br />In addition to this paper, besides the intention to find empirically and provide answers to the aforementioned question the phenomenon of the relationship between religiosity and morality as well as the effects of religious teaching, research findings have practical implications for the organization of religious education. The research tasks are set to establish a system of values, moral attitudes and level of eschatological growing up among young people who attend religious education, as well as to identify factors that contribute to moral education in school classes. The basic assumption is related to the fact that young people who attend religious education have developed morality, a specific hypothesis that young people who attend religious education with the Christian system of values and positive attitudes toward Christian morality, and religious education significantly contributes to the eschatological morality of young people.<br />The survey was conducted among respondents with primary school (7th and 8th grades) and secondary school age (grades 3 and 4), because at this age it is achieved the differentiation and actualization of potential, through clear indication of government facilities and certain areas of creative production in a socially relevant form. Final grades of primary and secondary schools include the presence of high abilities through specific domains and fields of knowledge, with profiled and consistent interest in social and moral problems, a review of the correctness of the code of conduct and laws that impose the youth by family and peers, as well as the ability of abstract thinking. (Coleman &amp; Cross, 2001). The sample was conducted by probability density function, special - group - by age, it is a way of sampling encompassed elements of stratified sampling. Within three strata questionnaire was examined 446 elementary and secondary schools in the Diocese of Banat.<br />Among the important findings are:<br />- In the value system of young people can be noticed that love and purity of heart are the most respected virtues and that most respondents have a negative attitude toward same-sex marriage, and that the fear of punishment dictated the moral behavior and internalization still stems from external authority, indicating the degree of heteronomous development of morality, while the differences between sexes, ages and places of residence are not significant;<br />- In the faith and eschatology of the young can be noticed eschatological aspect of morality which is at a high level, since the respondents perceive God as a living and concrete Personality of the<br />xi<br />Lord Jesus Christ present in the Church of the Holy Spirit, a relationship with Him through love, faith, prayer and concrete participation in sacred liturgy as the icon of the Kingdom of Heaven are seen as critical to the realization of the image of God, while Eternal life is the resurrection of the dead at the second coming of Christ and the realization of the lofty moral personality. Differences between sexes, ages and places of residence of the respondents, in terms of the development eschatological aspect of morality, mostly in favor of the elderly subjects, females from urban areas;<br />- The contribution of religious education in moral formation of personality can be realized that the belief in God and a desire to educate the religious affiliation of respondents the main reason for attending religious education, also that the personality of religious education teacher is of great importance and his contribution depends on the knowledge of the content transmitted to the pupils and that the most important method of teaching religious education is through visiting temples of the Holy Spirit and participation in church worship, the interpretation of the meaning of church holidays and liturgical actions, while the least important are information and communication technology. Practical pedagogical implications of these findings is devoting special attention to human resource potential.</p>

Lawful Sexuality : Re-Evaluating the Rhetorical Methods and Aims of 1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Runesson, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
<p>E-uppsatsen ventilerades i NT-högre seminariet.</p>

Negotiating Human Rights Abuses through the Moral Foundations Theory: An Attempt to Understand the Moral Motivations behind the Male Guardianship System in Saudi Arabia, Female Genital Modification, and Child Marriage.

Baghdassarian, Anoush 01 January 2017 (has links)
The idea that there are universal human rights that can, and should, be enforced has been an increasingly wide-spread and popular belief, as well as a controversial one. Concerns of cultural relativism contrasted with stances of universalism spark an impassioned debate that permeates the dialogue of human rights today in all spheres: social, academic, and even those professional spheres that are tasked with creating and enforcing the laws regarding these issues. What does psychology have to say about this? After all, if it is a universal phenomenon, it must span across time, culture, and difference, and there must be trends in our human nature or similarities in our psychology that allow us to claim universality. One psychological theory, the Moral Foundations Theory (MFT) can help shed light on this issue. MFT holds that universally, as human beings, we share five grounds of moral foundations on which we make our judgments and take action: Care/Harm, Fairness/Cheating, Authority/Submissiveness, Sanctity/Degradation, and Loyalty/Betrayal. While we are all born with the capability to act and reason on these, our cultures shape us to emphasize different foundations and it is in that shift that conflict arises. What one group sees as right, and based in moral justification, another sees as wrong and as a violation of human rights. This paper attempts to use MFT to understand the moral foundations underlying three case studies of practices internationally seen as human rights abuses, female genital modification, child marriage, and male guardianship in Saudi Arabia, and provides suggestions for methods of effective intervention based in MFT.

Beauty in the eye of the beholder: The moral appeal of ISIL to those who join

Seligman, Helen 01 January 2017 (has links)
To many individuals, particularly to Muslims, ISIL’s social network as well as its undying, though misleading, devotion to Islam is attractive. However, with the general human tendency to avoid killing and committing acts generally deemed as heinous, this brings into question the mechanisms that are behind the choice to join ISIL, and how these recruits are able to view membership to such a group as appealing. Janoff-Bulman, Sheikh, and Hepp (2009) identified and distinguished between two constructs of morality: the approach, activation-based prescriptive morality and inhibitory, condemnatory proscriptive morality. This study evaluates the role of these two moral regulators and how they motivate people to join an organization known for its medieval, murderous tactics, hypothesizing that there is support for both prescriptive and proscriptive morality, with prescriptive motivation being the dominant morality when faced with joining ISIL. To prove this, articles with empirical evidence for both religious and social identification as variables that cause people to behave more prescriptively or prescriptively are assessed. Though most of the studies examined provide behavioral support for prescriptive morality as the stronger motive when joining ISIL, there are limitations to what we can infer from this literature review alone. Theoretical implications in both psychology and counterterrorism strategy are discussed, as well as possible ways to further study this theory empirically.

Small places, large issues : identity, morality and the underworld at the Spanish-Moroccan frontier of Melilla

Soto Bermant, Laia January 2012 (has links)
Situated on the north-eastern coast of Morocco, the Spanish enclave of Melilla is a paradigmatic case of an unusual yet increasingly common kind of community. These are small, rather isolated communities with no industry or natural resources of their own, which rely heavily on capital and labour drawn from outside. Together with Ceuta, Melilla is one of the two only land borders between Europe and Africa. The enclave’s economic and political set up reflects its geopolitical importance. Across the border from Melilla lies the Moroccan province of Nador, home to one of the largest communities of Moroccan emigrants in Europe and a steady source of unskilled labour on which the Spanish enclave relies. Connections across the border are strong, including kinship links, employment networks and a wide range of both legal and illegal commercial transactions. Based on twelve months of fieldwork conducted on both sides of the border, this thesis departs from prevailing images of the borderland as either an abstract space of ‘creolisation’ and ‘hybridity’ or a locus of resistance to state power, and suggests, instead, that we carefully consider the large-scale political and economic processes through which places like Melilla and Nador are produced, and analyse the ways in which such global structures shape local reality. A fundamental aim of the thesis, therefore, is to elucidate the nature of the relations between space, place and capital at the Spanish-Moroccan frontier, and understand how such relations affect the lives of those who inhabit the region. This involves thinking about the language of a ‘community’ and the discourses and practices of morality that sustain it; analysing discourses of ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ in contexts of institutionalised economic inequality; and understanding local conceptions of identity, morality and legitimacy, and how the three interact.

Morality in Six Novels of Martin Amis

Snyder, Cara L. (Cara Lynn), 1947- 05 1900 (has links)
Six novels of Martin Amis--The Rachel Papers, Dead Babies, Success, Money: A Suicide Note, London Fields, and The Information--are analyzed to determine to what extent they uphold moral standards traditional in Western society, particularly the categories of virtue that have descended from Aristotle and Aquinas. Thus the novels are analyzed in relation to what they show about the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and love, the cardinal virtues of prudence, temperance, courage, and justice, and the intellectual virtues of knowledge, art, skill, and understanding. Nearly all of these virtues turn out to be important in varying degrees. Faith and hope are mocked, and courage is given incidental attention. The other virtues, however, are strongly upheld, including prudence and temperance, and particularly love, justice, and the intellectual virtues. In the earlier novels, the protagonists understand love between adults egoistically, only as romance or sexual passion, with emphasis not on the welfare of the other but on getting what one wants. The need for parental love is upheld, however, with a clear understanding that its lack produces danger for the children and for society. The protagonists pity the weak, but have little understanding of love as self-sacrifice. Ego-based justice predominates as the primary motive—obtaining what the self thinks is deserved. The intellectual virtues then become servants of this self-centered justice rather than servants of others-centered love. Though the extreme results of this situation are decried, especially in Dead Babies, generally the protagonists do not realize the extent of their egoism and lack of love. In London Fields and The Information, self-sacrifice, particularly for the sake of children, emerges, and what little hope there is is invested in family love. Love between adults is still largely justice-based, but there is some evidence that all the virtues, including justice and intellect, are subordinated to love, especially family love, love that considers the welfare of others.

Influence of Internal/External Instructions on Children's Moral Judgments

Parker, Deborah A. (Deborah Ann) 08 1900 (has links)
Past research, guided by Piaget's and Kohlberg's theories of moral development, has shown that young children base their moral judgments on the consequence of the story protagonist's behavior while older children base their judgments on the protagonist's intent. Three age groups of children (144 subjects) heard four stories and were placed in three conditions to investigate whether their judgments could be influenced by asking them to pay attention either to why the protagonist did what she or he did or to what happened in the story, or given no instructions. As age increased, children's recall of stories and use of a protagonist's intention as a reason behind their judgments increased. Judgment scores followed the same pattern for all ages. Results were discussed in terms of social-emotional and cognitive development.

A Comparative Content Analysis of the Editorial Positions of the Christian Century and Christianity Today on Selected Social and Moral Issues

Warner, Gregory Dann 12 1900 (has links)
This study compared the editorial positions of two magazines, The Christian Century and Christianity Today, on seven social and moral issues, then compared each magazine's positions with the opinions of their intended audiences. A directional content analysis was conducted that determined the editorial positions. On all four issues for which comparison was possible, the magazines demonstrated a marked difference in direction. These positions were compared with the published opinions of those social groups identified as representative of each magazine's intended audience. There was marked disagreement between each magazine and its intended audience on three of the five issues for which comparison was possible.

Intuitions or Informational Assumptions? An Investigation of the Psychological Factors Behind Moral Judgments

Rampy, Nolan 01 January 2015 (has links)
There is an ongoing debate among psychologists regarding the psychological factors underlying moral judgments. Rationalists argue that informational assumptions (i.e. ideological beliefs about how the world works) play a causal role in shaping moral judgments whereas intuitionists argue that informational assumptions are post hoc justifications for judgments made automatically by innate intuitions. In order to compare these two perspectives, the author conducted two studies in which informational assumptions related to ingroups and outgroups varied across conditions. In Study 1, political conservatives and liberals completed the moral relevance questionnaire while imagining they were in the US, Iran, or no specific country. Keeping in line with the predictions of the intuitionist perspective, the results showed that the judgments of conservatives and liberals did not significantly differ across conditions. Study 2 used a more in depth manipulation in which participants read a vignette about a government (US, Iran, or the fictional country of Kasbara) violating the rights of a minority group. As in Study 1, the results support the intuitionist perspective--the judgments of conservatives and liberals did not significantly differ across conditions. These findings play a small part in clarifying the role of informational assumptions in moral judgments.

La pensée de Nietzsche du christianisme

Destiné, Jean Max January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

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