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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Swedish L2 Learners’ acquisition of grammatical morphemes : A cross-sectional study on how well Swedish Learners of English as a second language at upper secondary school use morphemes in their writing. / Svenska elevers inlärning av grammatiska morfem. : En tvärsnittsstudie om hur väl svenska elever på gymnasieskolan använder sig av engelska morfem i sitt skrivande.

Samuelfolk, Hugues January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of this paper has been to examine if Swedish students at upper secondary school were able to use the morphemes The progressive –ing, The irregular past and The irregular third person. In addition, it has also addressed if the students examined in this essay were able to use some morphemes better than others. In addition, it concluded if the results found in this paper were in accordance with what other researchers have concluded. The paper is based on essays written by students at upper secondary school that can be found in The Uppsala Learner English Corpus, as well as essays written for the national test by students studying English 6. In the course of the study, it was vital to explain what the natural order actually is as well as what researchers who believe in it claim and what researchers who do not believe in it claim. Consequently, it becomes important to clarify the differences between a cross-sectional study and a longitudinal study. When analysing the essays the program Antconc was used. It is a free corpus analysis program that allows researchers to study several texts at once. Next, to determine if the students had acquired the morphemes, all obligatory contexts where the morphemes should be used were analysed manually. What can be concluded from this paper is that the three morphemes have not been acquired by the students who were examined in this paper. Students could use some forms of the morphemes; however, even in those cases the correct usage in percentage of the morpheme were often not above 85%. These results were quite like the ones found in studies conducted on students at secondary school; this indicates that students at both secondary and upper secondary school do not actually acquire these morphemes fully. What they do acquire are different forms of a specific morpheme that they probably use quite a lot in their writing. / Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka om svenska elever som studerar på gymnasieskolan kunde aktivt använda de engelska morfemen The progressive –ing, The irregular past och The irregular third person. Dessutom har uppsatsen också behandlat om det fanns morfemen som eleverna kunde använda sig bättre av. Den har även jämfört sitt resultat med vad andra forskare har hittat. Uppsatsen är bygd på essäer skrivna av elever på gymnasieskolan som finns att hämta i The Uppsala Learner English Corpus. Dessutom använder den sig av essäer skrivna av elever för det nationella provet i engelska 6. Under studiens gång var det viktigt att förklara vad The natural order är liksom vad forskare säger gällande denna teori. Följaktligen blir det viktigt att klargöra skillnaden mellan en tvärsnittsstudie och en longitudinell studie. Vid analysen av essäerna användes programmet Antconc. Det är ett gratis korpusanalysprogram som tillåter forskare att studera flera texter samtidigt. För att klargöra om eleverna hade förvärvat morfemen var det därefter viktigt att studera alla obligatoriska sammanhang där morfemen måste användas, vilket gjordes manuellt. Det som framgår är att eleverna som granskades i studien inte har förvärvat de tre morfemen. Eleverna kunde använda sig av vissa former av varje morfem, men även i dessa fall var den korrekta användningen i procent oftast inte mer än 85%. Detta resultat var ganska likt de studier som har granskat elever i högstadiet, vilket tyder på att elever i både högstadiet och gymnasiet inte förvärvar dessa morfem fullt ut. I de flesta fall kunde eleverna enbart använda olika former av morfemen.

Prefixace v současné španělštině / Prefixation in Contemporary Spanish

Řepíková, Kamila January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis takes a comprehensive look at the matter of prefixation in contemporary Spanish and it is therefore divided into two parts. In the first one, we occupy ourselves with the area of constructional morphology and tackle theoretical matters. From the more general topics of word formation we then proceed to prefixation itself which we then attempt to define and describe in more detail. We outline the issues of concept delimitations, definition of prefixation, classification of prefixes and other controversial matters related to this process in the Spanish language. The second part of the thesis is of a more practical nature. There, we focus on the semantic meanings (locative and gradative) some prefixes may acquire. We then concentrate on specific prefixes (entre-, inter-, sobre-, super-), their distribution among word classes, and finally, using InterCorp, a parallel language corpus, we study Czech equivalents of selected elements.

Textlinguistische Funktionen der Swahili-Morpheme Ka und Ki

Drolc, Uschi 09 August 2012 (has links)
Ist das Swahili eine Tempus- oder eine Aspektsprache? Bei einer genaueren Betrachtung des Swahili-Verbalsystems wird man feststellen, dass es sowohl Tempus- als auch Aspektmorpheme gibt, aber auch Morpheme, die sich weder als Tempus noch als Aspekt klassifizieren lassen. Ein eindeutiger Tempusmarker ist das Präteritum -li-. Das Präsens -na- und das Perfekt -me- haben sowohl aspektuelle als auch temporale Merkmale. Das Habitualispräfix -hu- oder das Suffix -aga könnten als aspektuelle Kategorien bezeichnet werden. Daneben gibt es modale Kategorien, die durch die Infixe -nge- und -ngali- sowie das Subjunktivsuffix -e ausgedrückt werden. Und es gibt die Morpheme -ka- und -ki-, die sich weder als Tempus noch als Aspekt bezeichnen lassen, sondem textlinguistische Funktionen ausdrücken, wie ich im folgenden zeigen werde.

MMoOn Core – the Multilingual Morpheme Ontology

Klimek, Bettina, Ackermann, Markus, Brümmer, Martin, Hellmann, Sebastian 08 March 2022 (has links)
In the last years a rapid emergence of lexical resources has evolved in the Semantic Web. Whereas most of the linguistic information is already machine-readable, we found that morphological information is mostly absent or only contained in semi-structured strings. An integration of morphemic data has not yet been undertaken due to the lack of existing domain-specific ontologies and explicit morphemic data. In this paper, we present the Multilingual Morpheme Ontology called MMoOn Core which can be regarded as the first comprehensive ontology for the linguistic domain of morphological language data. It will be described how crucial concepts like morphs, morphemes, word forms and meanings are represented and interrelated and how language-specific morpheme inventories can be created as a new possibility of morphological datasets. The aim of the MMoOn Core ontology is to serve as a shared semantic model for linguists and NLP researchers alike to enable the creation, conversion, exchange, reuse and enrichment of morphological language data across different data-dependent language sciences. Therefore, various use cases are illustrated to draw attention to the cross-disciplinary potential which can be realized with the MMoOn Core ontology in the context of the existing Linguistic Linked Data research landscape.

Automatic Segmentation of Swedish Medical Words with Greek and Latin Morphemes : A Computational Morphological Analysis

Lindström, Mathias January 2015 (has links)
Raw text data online has increased the need for designing artificial systems capable of processing raw data efficiently and at a low cost in the field of natural language processing (NLP). A well-developed morphological analysis is an important cornerstone of NLP, in particular when word look-up is an important stage of processing. Morphological analysis has many advantages, including reducing the number of word forms to be stored computationally, as well as being cost-efficient and time-efficient. NLP is relevant in the field of medicine, especially in automatic text analysis, which is a relatively young field in Swedish medical texts. Much of the stored information is highly unstructured and disorganized. Using raw corpora, this paper aims to contribute to automatic morphological segmentation by experimenting with state-of-art-tools for unsupervised and semi-supervised word segmentation of Swedish words in medical texts. The results show that a reasonable segmentation is more dependent on a high number of word types, rather than a special type of corpora. The results also show that semi-supervised word segmentation in the form of annotated training data greatly increases the performance. / Rå textdata online har ökat behovet för artificiella system som klarar av att processa rå data effektivt och till en låg kostnad inom språkteknologi (NLP). En välutvecklad morfologisk analys är en viktig hörnsten inom NLP, speciellt när ordprocessning är ett viktigt steg. Morfologisk analys har många fördelar, bland annat reducerar den antalet ordformer som ska lagras teknologiskt, samt så är det kostnadseffektivt och tidseffektivt. NLP är av relevans för det medicinska ämnet, speciellt inom textanalys som är ett relativt ungt område inom svenska medicinska texter. Mycket av den lagrade informationen är väldigt ostrukturerat och oorganiserat. Genom att använda råa korpusar ämnar denna uppsats att bidra till automatisk morfologisk segmentering genom att experimentera med de för närvarande bästa verktygen för oövervakad och semi-övervakad ordsegmentering av svenska ord i medicinska texter. Resultaten visar att en acceptabel segmentering beror mer på ett högt antal ordtyper, och inte en speciell sorts korpus. Resultaten visar också att semi-övervakad ordsegmentering, dvs. annoterad träningsdata, ökar prestandan markant.

Vývoj flektivní morfologie druhého jazyka a mezijazykové interferenční efekty / The development of L2 inflectional morphology and cross-language interference effects

Jiránková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The present dissertation investigates the development in the production and perception of inflectional morphology in second-language learners of English and the role of their mother tongue during this development. The data analysed in this thesis stem from three psycholinguistic experiments that examine the production and comprehension of English novel words (thus investigating the sublexicon without the activation of word meaning). The first experiment focuses on the perception of inflectional morphemes in English novel words in L2 students at the A0 to C1 proficiency levels. Reaction-times analysis has shown that L2 learners seem to be (similarly to native speakers (e.g., Post et al., 2008)) sensitive to the presence of morphosyntactic information at the sublexical level, and they appear to decompose inflected forms into stems and affixes during perception and conduct an implicit phonetic analysis of the stem. The presence of these patterns across all levels suggests that L2 performance might be influenced by L1: Czech is morphologically much richer than English, and Czech speakers might thus be in general sensitive to morphological analysis of words. The second experiment investigates the production of inflected forms, more specifically those of past tense, in L2 learners of English at the A1 to...

Learning discrete word embeddings to achieve better interpretability and processing efficiency

Beland-Leblanc, Samuel 12 1900 (has links)
L’omniprésente utilisation des plongements de mot dans le traitement des langues naturellesest la preuve de leur utilité et de leur capacité d’adaptation a une multitude de tâches. Ce-pendant, leur nature continue est une importante limite en terme de calculs, de stockage enmémoire et d’interprétation. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous proposons une méthode pourapprendre directement des plongements de mot discrets. Notre modèle est une adaptationd’une nouvelle méthode de recherche pour base de données avec des techniques dernier crien traitement des langues naturelles comme les Transformers et les LSTM. En plus d’obtenirdes plongements nécessitant une fraction des ressources informatiques nécéssaire à leur sto-ckage et leur traitement, nos expérimentations suggèrent fortement que nos représentationsapprennent des unités de bases pour le sens dans l’espace latent qui sont analogues à desmorphèmes. Nous appelons ces unités dessememes, qui, de l’anglaissemantic morphemes,veut dire morphèmes sémantiques. Nous montrons que notre modèle a un grand potentielde généralisation et qu’il produit des représentations latentes montrant de fortes relationssémantiques et conceptuelles entre les mots apparentés. / The ubiquitous use of word embeddings in Natural Language Processing is proof of theirusefulness and adaptivity to a multitude of tasks. However, their continuous nature is pro-hibitive in terms of computation, storage and interpretation. In this work, we propose amethod of learning discrete word embeddings directly. The model is an adaptation of anovel database searching method using state of the art natural language processing tech-niques like Transformers and LSTM. On top of obtaining embeddings requiring a fractionof the resources to store and process, our experiments strongly suggest that our representa-tions learn basic units of meaning in latent space akin to lexical morphemes. We call theseunitssememes, i.e., semantic morphemes. We demonstrate that our model has a greatgeneralization potential and outputs representation showing strong semantic and conceptualrelations between related words.

以優選理論分析兩個客語方言之連讀變調 / An Optimality Theory Approach to the Tone Sandhi in Two Hakka Dialects

陳煒翰, Chen, Wei Han Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以優選理論分析六家饒平客語和寧都田頭客語雙音節詞之連讀變調,並藉由聲調內部結構說明變調的動機。在六家饒平客語方面,主要是呈現位置變調(positional tone sandhi),較有標(more marked)的聲調位於前字時發生變調。另外,此方言的陽平和陽去因歷史演變,兩者的本調(citation tone)同為HH,但兩者因不同的變調形式而產生不同的變調(sandhi tone)。陽去的變調形式為位置變調,而陽平的變調形式為環境變調(contextual tone sandhi)。本文採用聯合制約(Local Constraint Conjunction)捕捉環境變調制約運作的環境。另外,運用「詞素特定音韻」(morpheme-specific phonology)標記聯合制約,解釋陽平和陽去不同的變調規則。在寧都田頭客語方面,變調受詞法結構影響,且兩個音節皆有可能發生變調。本文利用標記制約理論(indexed constraints approach)解釋不同結構的變調情形。另藉由位置信實制約不同的排序,嘗試說明聲調的保留屬於類型差異(typological differences)。而此方言的變調類型包含位置變調和環境變調,同樣要求較有標的聲調改變,並使用聯合制約說明在環境變調的情況下制約運作的環境。 / This thesis investigates the tone sandhi in Liujia Raoping Hakka and Ningdu Tiantou Hakka under the framework of Optimality Theory. The internal structure of the tone reveals the motivation and the mechanism of tone sandhi. In terms of the tone sandhi in Liujia Raoping Hakka, the universal tonal markedness tendency could be regarded as the motivation triggering the positional tone sandhi in the left syllable. Moreover, the morpheme-specific phonology is adapted to account for the tone sandhi of historical merged tones, Yangping and Yangqu. Yangping and Yangqu are both high level tones; however, they display different tone sandhi patterns. Yangping displays the contextual tone sandhi whereas Yangqu displays the positional tone sandhi. Local conjunction constraints are posited to restrict markedness constraints to specific contexts in order to account for the mechanism of contextual tone sandhi. On the other hand, in terms of the tone sandhi in Ningdu Tiantou Hakka, the tone sandhi is construction sensitive and takes place in both syllables. The indexed constraint approach is adopted to explain the tone sandhi in different constructions. In addition, the preservation of tone is argued to be the typological difference according to different rankings of the positional faithfulness constraints. Finally, the tonal markedness tendency motivates the positional tone sandhi and the conjoined constraints are posited to govern the contextual tone sandhi in this dialect.

Multigramatiky a syntaktická analýza založená na nich / Multigrammars and Parsing Based on Them

Fiala, Jiří Unknown Date (has links)
This document deals with introduction focused on pragmatically oriented research at branch of theoretical computer science and with presentation of designed methods for chosen application topics. At this study the theoretical subject is represented by kind of generative system - multisequential grammar and application topics are chosen according to possibilities supported by multisequential grammars. In order to follow results published by Thompson (see [9]), Lindenmayer (see [26]), Mandelbrot (see [8]) and also studies published by Morneau (see [17]), which shows the relation between natural laws and human discipline - mathematics, we study the applications of multi-sequential grammars from two points of view: generative L-systems (which further includes applications of fractal geometry and biomathematics) and natural language processing (which further includes the design of proper abstract language). Some problems related to compiler construction are also mentioned.

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