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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Vlak van ooreenstemming tussen die "Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2" en die "Little Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire" vir breë sifting by kinders onder 5 jaar / Amné Venter

Venter, Amné January 2014 (has links)
Verskeie navorsers het bevind dat motoriese agterstande by drie- tot vyfjarige kinders voorkom en dat daar 'n beperkte hoeveelheid siftingsmeetinstrumente beskikbaar is om die moontlikheid van motoriese agterstande by die kind jonger as vyf jaar te identifiseer. Sommige faktore wat navorsers meen ‘n invloed op die motoriese agterstande van kinders het, is ouderdom, ras, geslag en sosio-ekonomiese status. Hierdie motoriese agterstande kan tot ontwikkelingskoördinasieversteuring (DCD) aanleiding gee wat op 'n vroeë ouderdom geïdentifiseer moet word ten einde effektiewe hulp te verleen. Hierdie studie se doel was tweedoelig. Dit was eerstens daarop gemik om die aard en omvang van motoriese uitvalle gegrond op sosio-ekonomiese klas, geslag, ras en ouderdom by 'n geselekteerde groep drie- tot vyfjarige Suid-Afrikaanse kinders te bepaal. Die tweede doel was om die geskiktheid van die “Little DCDQ” vraelys vir die identifisering van DCD by 'n geselekteerde groep drie- tot vyfjarige kinders te bepaal. Vir die eerste doel is 53 kleuters (N=53) by die studie betrek. Die proefpersone is volgens hulle chronologiese ouderdom in twee oudersdomsgroepe verdeel, naamlik 3.0-3.11 jaar (n=24) en 4.0-4.11 jaar (n=29). Een en twintig seuns (n=21) en twee en dertig dogters (n=32) is ingesluit. Twee rasgroepe, blankes (n=20) en swartes (n=33), is in die ondersoekgroep verteenwoordig. Die groep is ook verdeel in twee sosio-ekonomiese klasse, gebaseer op inkomste van die gesin, naamlik laag (n=31) en hoog (n=22). Die proefpersone is met die “Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2)” getoets om die aard van hulle motoriese agterstande te bepaal. Die “Statistica for Windows 2013” Statsoftrekenaarprogrampakket is gebruik vir data-ontleding. Vir doelstelling 1 is data eerstens vir beskrywende doeleindes deur middel van rekenkundige gemiddeldes ( X ), standaardafwykings (sa) en minimum en maksimum waardes ontleed. Frekwensieverdelings is verder gebruik om die DCD status van die groep te ontleed. Verskille met betrekking tot sosio-ekonomiese klas, geslag, ras en ouderdom is vergelyk deur van onafhanklike t-toetsing gebruik te maak, waar p≤0.05 as betekenisvol aanvaar is. Uit die resultate wat bestudeer is, blyk dit wel die geval te wees dat motoriese uitvalle by drie- tot vyfjarige kinders voorkom en dat sosio-ekonomiese klas, geslag, ras en ouderdom 'n rol speel. Resultate toon dat 11.3% van die groep met ernstige DCD geïdentifiseer is. Die hoë sosio-ekonomiese klas (22.7%), meisies (15.6%), swart kinders (18.2%) en die drie jaar ouderdomsgroep (12.5%) het die meeste kinders in die ernstige DCD klassifikasie gehad. Geen betekenisvolle ouderdomsverskille het tussen die twee ouderdomsgroepe voorgekom nie, buiten vir die gooi- en vangvaardighede waar die driejarige groep betekenisvol beter (p≤0.05) as die vierjarige groep gevaar het. Wit kinders het beter as swart kinders in die fynmotoriese vaardighede presteer en seuns het betekenisvol beter (p≤0.05) as dogters in die gooi- en vangvaardigheid presteer. Geen statistiese verskille met betrekking tot die veranderlikes wat getoets is, is tussen die verskillende sosioekonomiese klasse gevind nie. Vir doelstelling 2 het 110 kleuters se ouers die “Little Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (Little DCDQ)” voltooi. Volgens die toetstotaal is die kleuters in ‘n rangorde geplaas, waarna elke tweede kleuter op die rangorde met die MABC-2 getoets is om die vlak van ooreenstemming tussen die twee meetinstrumente te bepaal (N=53). Betroubaarheid is ontleed deur Chronbach Alpha-waardes vir die twee toetsbatterye te bepaal. Geldigheid van die “Little DCDQ” is ontleed deur eerstens van Spearman korrelasiekoëffisiënte gebruik te maak waarna kruistabulering gebruik is om vas te stel hoeveel kinders in die onderskeie DCD kategorieë ooreenstemmend deur die vraelys en toetsbattery geklassifiseer is om sodoende die sensitiwiteit en die spesifisiteit van die vraelys te bepaal. Die “Little DCDQ” en die MABC-2 toon goeie betroubaarheid vir al die veranderlikes wat 'n Cronbach Alpha van hoër as r=0.8 getoon het. Die “Little DCDQ” het matige korrelasie getoon met twee van die vier veranderlikes van die MABC-2, waar die vang- en gooi afdeling van die MABC-2 korrelasie van r=0.3 met die algehele koördinasie afdeling van die “Little DCDQ” en die totaal van die MABC-2 'n korrelasie van r=0.29 met die totaal van die “Little DCDQ” getoon het. Die “Little DCDQ” se sensitiwiteit en spesifisiteit het egter nie aanvaarbare resultate getoon nie (r=57,1% en r=81,2%) in vergelyking met die MABC-2 vir die totale van die “Little DCDQ”. Samevattend kan uit die resultate gerapporteer word dat ras en geslag wel 'n rol speel in die aard en omvang van motoriese uitvalle by drie- tot vyfjarige kinders. Uit die huidige studie het dit egter geblyk dat sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede nie so 'n groot rol speel nie. Dit het ook duidelik geword dat die “Little DCDQ” as 'n moontlike siftingsmeetinstrument vir die identifikasie van DCD by kinders jonger as vyf jaar woonagtig in Suid-Afrika oorweeg kan word, maar met aanpassings. Die “Little DCDQ” moet in meer diepte ondersoek word vir gebruiksmoontlikhede om DCD by kinders jonger as vyf jaar te identifiseer ten opsigte van die uitdagings wat die Suid-Afrikaanse kultuur en grootword omstandighede vir kinders se ontwikkeling inhou. / MSc (Kinderkinetics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede, motoriese behendigheid en verwantskappe met fisieke aktiwiteit en akademiese prestasie van senior fase leerders : die PAHL-studie / Lizl-Louise van Niekerk

Van Niekerk, Lizl-Louise January 2015 (has links)
Fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede is die onderbou of basis waarop al die vereiste vaardighede en aktiwiteite in die kurrikulum vir Senior Fase Liggaamlike Opvoeding van die Kurrikulum en Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (KABV), gebou is. Dit word verder in die literatuur beklemtoon dat die kwalitiet waarmee leerders „n fundamentele bewegingsvaardigheid uitvoer, net so belangrik is soos die kwantitatiewe uitkoms van die uitvoering. Liggaamlike Opvoedingonderwysers behoort dus bewus te wees van beide die kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe vlakke van leerders se fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede in die lig van die vereiste ontwikkeling en inoefening van gespesialiseerde bewegings- en sportvaardighede in die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram. Fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede speel verder „n integrale rol in „n leerder se algehele motoriese behendigheid. Die Liggaamlike Opvoeding-onderwyser moet voorts bewus wees van geslags- en etniese verskille in fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede en motoriese behendigheid ten einde effektief in die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram te differensieer en by verskillende leerders se vermoëns aan te pas. Verder, aangesien dit die primêre doelstelling van Liggaamlike Opvoeding in die KABV is om leerders te bemagtig om fisiek aktief te wees, is die verwantskap tussen fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede, motoriese behendigheid en fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke nog „n aspek wat van belang is vir die Liggaamlike Opvoeding-onderwyser in die samestelling van die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram. Laastens toon navorsing „n verwantskap tussen motoriese behendigheid en akademiese prestasie. Die doel van hierdie studie was eerstens om die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe stand van fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede by Senior Fase leerders in die Potchefstroom-omgewing te bepaal. Die tweede doelstelling was om die verskille tussen geslagte en etniese groepe ten opsigte van motoriese behendigheid te bepaal. Die derde doelstelling was om die verband tussen motoriese behendigheid en fisieke aktiwiteit te bepaal, en laastens om die verband tussen motoriese behendigheid en akademiese prestasie te bepaal. ʼn Totaal van 239 Senior Fase leerders (98 seuns en 141 dogters), tussen die ouderdomme 13 en 14 jaar het aan die studie deelgeneem. Kwantitatiewe metodologie, met „n eenmalige dwarssnit-ontwerp, is vir die doeleindes van die studie gebruik. Die proefpersone se fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede en motoriese behendigheid is bepaal met behulp van die verkorte weergawe van die Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2 (BOT-2) (Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005), „n kwantitatiewe toetsbattery wat bestaan uit vier komponente, naamlik fynmotoriese kontrole, manipulasie koördinasie, liggaamskoördinasie en krag-en-ratsheid. Vir die kwalitatiewe bewegingsanalise is van die Fundamentele Bewegingspatroonassesseringsinstrument (FMPAI) (Gallahue & Donnelly, 2003) gebruik gemaak. Vir die meting van fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke is gebruik gemaak van die gestandaardiseerde International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) (Sjöström, 2005). Hierdie vraelys vra die deelnemer om fisieke aktiwiteite van die laaste sewe dae, en ook van ‟n normale week oor die algemeen, gemeet in totale METS (metabolic equivalent – intensiteit van oefening), te rapporteer. Die leerders se akademiese prestasie is gemeet deur gebruik te maak van die gemiddelde akademiese punt (gemiddeld van al die vakke – Afrikaans, Engels, Wiskunde, Lewensoriëring, Geskiedenis, Geografie, Natuur-Wetenskap, Tegnologie, Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe en Skeppende Kunste), op die leerder se rapport aan die einde van die jaar, asook die gemiddelde punte vir die twee vakke Engels en Wiskunde, soos op die rapport aan die einde van die jaar aangedui. Beskrywende statistiek is gebruik om gemiddeldes ( x ), minimum- en maksimumwaardes, en standaardafwykings (sa) met behulp van die Statistica vir Windows rekenaarprogram (StatSoft, 2012) te bereken. Verbande tussen die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe resultate, tussen die motoriese behendigheidtoetse en die fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke, asook tussen motoriese behendigheidstoetse en akademiese prestasie is ontleed met behulp van Spearman korrelasiekoëffisiënte. Om die praktiese betekenisvolheid van die verbande te bepaal is die korrelasiekoëffisiënt as effekgrootte (EG) gebruik. Ten einde die betekenisvolheid van geslagsen etniese verskille te bepaal, is die data verder geanaliseer deur gebruik te maak van onafhanklike t-toetse (p<0.05) en vir die doel van die interpretasie van praktiese betekenisvolheid van die verskille is effekgroottes (EG) bereken. Uit die resultate van die studie blyk dit dat daar in die kwantitatiewe evaluasie, veral by die wisselspronge, lynloop en eenbeenstand, agterstande by 20 tot 35% van die leerders was. Met betrekking tot die kwalitatiewe uitvoering van die vaardighede was die eenbeenstand by 22.6 tot 24.5% van die leerders nog nie in die volwasse stadium van bemeestering van fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede nie. Die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe tellings het verder by die bonsen- vang- en die dribbel-van-die-bal toetse nie gekorreleer nie, wat daarop dui dat leerders soms kwantitatief, maar nie noodwendig kwalitatief, aan die norme voldoen het nie. Met betrekking tot verskille tussen geslagte en etniese groepe, toon die resultate dat die meisies oor die algemeen beter as die seuns gevaar het, en die Wit leerders beter gevaar het as die Swart leerders in die fynmotoriese koördinasietoetse. Met betrekking tot liggaamskoördinasie het die Wit leerders betekenisvol beter as die Swart leerders in die wisselsprongtoets gevaar. Betekenisvolle verskille is verder met betrekking tot die krag- en ratsheidkomponent gevind, waar die Wit leerders beter as die Swart leerders in die eenbeenspring-item gevaar het, terwyl onderskeidelik seuns en Wit groepe beter resultate as die meisies en die Swart groepe in die opsit- en opstoottoetse getoon het, asook met betrekking tot die totale motoriese behendigheidstelling (totale BOT-2 telling). Wat die fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke van die proefpersone betref, toon die totale groep ʼn gemiddelde waarde van 489.68 METS per week, wat as matig-aktief geklassifiseer kon word, terwyl die seuns as hoog-aktief en die meisies as matig-aktief beskou kan word. Daar is ook statisties betekenisvolle korrelasies tussen die fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke en verskeie motoriese vaardighede gevind, sowel as die totale BOT-2 telling by die totale groep en die seuns en meisies afsonderlik. Die motoriese sub-item waar die sterkste korrelasie met fisieke aktiwiteitvlakke in die totale groep asook by seuns en meisies afsonderlik gevind is, was die liggaamskoördinasie-item van die wisselspronge. Laastens toon die resultate met betrekking tot die verband tussen motoriese behendigheid en akademiese prestasie, betekenisvolle korrelasies tussen die verskillende groepe (seuns, meisies en totale groep) se Engelse, Wiskunde en jaargemiddeld en verskeie sub-items van al die komponente van die BOT-2, naamlik fyn-motoriese kontrole, manipulasie koördinasie, liggaamskoördinasie, krag en ratsheid, asook die totale motoriese behendigheidtelling, alhoewel hoofsaaklik met klein praktiese effekte. Die sterkste korrelasie is by al die groepe tussen die jaargemiddeld, asook die Engels en Wiskunde in ‟n mindere mate, met krag en ratsheid, gevind. Die totale motoriese behendigheidstelling het verder betekenisvol gekorreleer met die jaargemiddeld by al die groepe, met praktiese betekenisvolheid van medium effek. Die resultate van hierdie studie beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid van die bewustheid van en assessering van die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe stand van leerders se fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede deur die Liggaamlike Opvoeding-onderwyser. Die ontwikkeling en instandhouding van fundamentele bewegingsvaardighede behoort dus in die kurrikulum vir Senior Fase Liggaamlike Opvoeding ingesluit te word, ook met die oog op optimale motoriese behendigheidsontwikkeling. Die Liggaamlike Opvoeding-onderwyser behoort verder die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram aan te pas by die motoriese behendigheidsvlakke van die verskillende geslagte en etniese groepe in die klas, met spesifieke aandag aan die liggaamskoördinasievaardighede van Swart meisies en Swart seuns, asook krag- en ratsheidvaardighede by meisies en Swart leerders. Die verwantskappe wat gevind is tussen fisieke aktiwiteitsvlakke en motoriese behendigheid beklemtoon voorts die waarde van motoriese vaardigheidsontwikkeling in die Liggaamlike Opvoedingklas ten einde die kurrikulum vir Liggaamlike Opvoeding se doelwit om leerders te bemagtig om fisiek aktief te wees, te bereik. Laastens toon die verwantskappe wat gevind is tussen motoriese behendigheid en akademiese prestasie dat die ontwikkeling en instandhouding van motoriese vaardighede in die Liggaamlike Opvoedingprogram in Senior Fase-leerders se kognitiewe ontwikkeling en akademiese prestasie „n rol kan speel. / PhD (Movement Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Vlak van ooreenstemming tussen die "Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2" en die "Little Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire" vir breë sifting by kinders onder 5 jaar / Amné Venter

Venter, Amné January 2014 (has links)
Verskeie navorsers het bevind dat motoriese agterstande by drie- tot vyfjarige kinders voorkom en dat daar 'n beperkte hoeveelheid siftingsmeetinstrumente beskikbaar is om die moontlikheid van motoriese agterstande by die kind jonger as vyf jaar te identifiseer. Sommige faktore wat navorsers meen ‘n invloed op die motoriese agterstande van kinders het, is ouderdom, ras, geslag en sosio-ekonomiese status. Hierdie motoriese agterstande kan tot ontwikkelingskoördinasieversteuring (DCD) aanleiding gee wat op 'n vroeë ouderdom geïdentifiseer moet word ten einde effektiewe hulp te verleen. Hierdie studie se doel was tweedoelig. Dit was eerstens daarop gemik om die aard en omvang van motoriese uitvalle gegrond op sosio-ekonomiese klas, geslag, ras en ouderdom by 'n geselekteerde groep drie- tot vyfjarige Suid-Afrikaanse kinders te bepaal. Die tweede doel was om die geskiktheid van die “Little DCDQ” vraelys vir die identifisering van DCD by 'n geselekteerde groep drie- tot vyfjarige kinders te bepaal. Vir die eerste doel is 53 kleuters (N=53) by die studie betrek. Die proefpersone is volgens hulle chronologiese ouderdom in twee oudersdomsgroepe verdeel, naamlik 3.0-3.11 jaar (n=24) en 4.0-4.11 jaar (n=29). Een en twintig seuns (n=21) en twee en dertig dogters (n=32) is ingesluit. Twee rasgroepe, blankes (n=20) en swartes (n=33), is in die ondersoekgroep verteenwoordig. Die groep is ook verdeel in twee sosio-ekonomiese klasse, gebaseer op inkomste van die gesin, naamlik laag (n=31) en hoog (n=22). Die proefpersone is met die “Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 (MABC-2)” getoets om die aard van hulle motoriese agterstande te bepaal. Die “Statistica for Windows 2013” Statsoftrekenaarprogrampakket is gebruik vir data-ontleding. Vir doelstelling 1 is data eerstens vir beskrywende doeleindes deur middel van rekenkundige gemiddeldes ( X ), standaardafwykings (sa) en minimum en maksimum waardes ontleed. Frekwensieverdelings is verder gebruik om die DCD status van die groep te ontleed. Verskille met betrekking tot sosio-ekonomiese klas, geslag, ras en ouderdom is vergelyk deur van onafhanklike t-toetsing gebruik te maak, waar p≤0.05 as betekenisvol aanvaar is. Uit die resultate wat bestudeer is, blyk dit wel die geval te wees dat motoriese uitvalle by drie- tot vyfjarige kinders voorkom en dat sosio-ekonomiese klas, geslag, ras en ouderdom 'n rol speel. Resultate toon dat 11.3% van die groep met ernstige DCD geïdentifiseer is. Die hoë sosio-ekonomiese klas (22.7%), meisies (15.6%), swart kinders (18.2%) en die drie jaar ouderdomsgroep (12.5%) het die meeste kinders in die ernstige DCD klassifikasie gehad. Geen betekenisvolle ouderdomsverskille het tussen die twee ouderdomsgroepe voorgekom nie, buiten vir die gooi- en vangvaardighede waar die driejarige groep betekenisvol beter (p≤0.05) as die vierjarige groep gevaar het. Wit kinders het beter as swart kinders in die fynmotoriese vaardighede presteer en seuns het betekenisvol beter (p≤0.05) as dogters in die gooi- en vangvaardigheid presteer. Geen statistiese verskille met betrekking tot die veranderlikes wat getoets is, is tussen die verskillende sosioekonomiese klasse gevind nie. Vir doelstelling 2 het 110 kleuters se ouers die “Little Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire (Little DCDQ)” voltooi. Volgens die toetstotaal is die kleuters in ‘n rangorde geplaas, waarna elke tweede kleuter op die rangorde met die MABC-2 getoets is om die vlak van ooreenstemming tussen die twee meetinstrumente te bepaal (N=53). Betroubaarheid is ontleed deur Chronbach Alpha-waardes vir die twee toetsbatterye te bepaal. Geldigheid van die “Little DCDQ” is ontleed deur eerstens van Spearman korrelasiekoëffisiënte gebruik te maak waarna kruistabulering gebruik is om vas te stel hoeveel kinders in die onderskeie DCD kategorieë ooreenstemmend deur die vraelys en toetsbattery geklassifiseer is om sodoende die sensitiwiteit en die spesifisiteit van die vraelys te bepaal. Die “Little DCDQ” en die MABC-2 toon goeie betroubaarheid vir al die veranderlikes wat 'n Cronbach Alpha van hoër as r=0.8 getoon het. Die “Little DCDQ” het matige korrelasie getoon met twee van die vier veranderlikes van die MABC-2, waar die vang- en gooi afdeling van die MABC-2 korrelasie van r=0.3 met die algehele koördinasie afdeling van die “Little DCDQ” en die totaal van die MABC-2 'n korrelasie van r=0.29 met die totaal van die “Little DCDQ” getoon het. Die “Little DCDQ” se sensitiwiteit en spesifisiteit het egter nie aanvaarbare resultate getoon nie (r=57,1% en r=81,2%) in vergelyking met die MABC-2 vir die totale van die “Little DCDQ”. Samevattend kan uit die resultate gerapporteer word dat ras en geslag wel 'n rol speel in die aard en omvang van motoriese uitvalle by drie- tot vyfjarige kinders. Uit die huidige studie het dit egter geblyk dat sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede nie so 'n groot rol speel nie. Dit het ook duidelik geword dat die “Little DCDQ” as 'n moontlike siftingsmeetinstrument vir die identifikasie van DCD by kinders jonger as vyf jaar woonagtig in Suid-Afrika oorweeg kan word, maar met aanpassings. Die “Little DCDQ” moet in meer diepte ondersoek word vir gebruiksmoontlikhede om DCD by kinders jonger as vyf jaar te identifiseer ten opsigte van die uitdagings wat die Suid-Afrikaanse kultuur en grootword omstandighede vir kinders se ontwikkeling inhou. / MSc (Kinderkinetics), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Behandelings effekte van motoriese en neuroterugvoergebasseerde terapie op motoriese- en aandagtekorthiperaktiwiteit (ADHD)-status van 6- tot 8-jarige kinders / Yolandie du Toit

Du Toit, Yolandie January 2013 (has links)
Several motor problems in ADHD learners are reported, including problems with balance, fine muscle control (Szatmari & Taylor; 1984; Havey & Reid, 2003) and motor planning (Piek et al., 1999; Pless & Corisson, 2000). It seems that overlapping conditions such as DAMP (which is a combination of ADHD and Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)) display greater connections with motor problems, than when a child displays only ADHD symptoms (Gillberg, 2003; Gibbs et al., 2007). There is also continuing controversy in the research literature as to whether ADHD is in fact remediable and what the most appropriate methods in this regard would be. Behavioural therapy at school and various forms of psychotherapy are reported to be the most popular forms of interventions complementary to medication. It also appears that motor exercise can stimulate the brain in various ways, resulting in improvement in learning and attention (Summerford, 2005). Motor therapy appears to be important, since many ADHD learners display motor difficulties. Motor control problems of learners with ADHD are also neglected during research. The objectives of this study were firstly to determine the nature and extent of coordination related neuro-motor and visual-motor integration deficits of an availability sample of six- to eight-year-old (N=95) learners diagnosed with ADHD in Brakpan, South Africa. A further objective was to determine whether treatment methods, including neuro-motor therapy, pharmacological agents and neuro biofeedback can indeed address neuro-motor problems and ADHD symptoms successfully. A further objective was to determine which of the various treatment programs, including neuro-motor therapy, pharmacological agents and brain conditioning intervention, will be the most effective for the treatment of six- to eight-year-old ADHD learners. The "Disruptive Behaviour Scale" checklist for ADHD (Bester, 2006) was used to identify learners with ADHD. The "Movement Assessment Battery for Learners 2" (MABC), and the “Quick Neurological Screening Test II" (QNST-II) were used to determine the learners’ motor skills, as well as neuro-motor progress. The "Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration" (VMI-IV) was used to examine the learners' visual-motor integration (VMI), visual perception (VP) and motor coordination (MC). "Statistica for Windows 2012" was used for the analysis of the results. One-way Analysis of Variance, independent t-testing and co-variance analysis were used respectively to analyze data related to the abovementioned objectives. A p-value less than or equal to 0.05 was accepted as statistically significant, and effect sizes were calculated to determine the practical significance of the results (d≤0.8). The results of the study showed that the neuro-motor status of the selected six- to eight-year-old ADHD learners (N=95) that had been identified, using the Bester questionnaire, and analyzed by means of the MABC, QNST and VMI, was affected negatively by the condition. Fine motor and hand control skills of learners with ADHD were indeed found to be significantly weaker compared to learners without ADHD, and the fine motor skills of learners with DAMP showed impairment to a greater degree. Neurological and visual-motor integration do not appear to differ between learners with and without ADHD symptoms, although trends of weaker values and significant differences were found in the palm shape recognition, arm-leg extension (muscle tone) subscale and the stimulation of hand and cheek subscale in the ADHD and DAMP groups. For objective 2, the learners were divided into two groups (an ADHD intervention group (n=10) that was subjected to an neuro-motor intervention program of nine weeks, 37 minutes per session, twice a week, and compared to a non-control group consisting of non-ADHD learners (n=18)). When the pre-test differences between the groups are taken into account, it indicated that the ADHD group performed weaker than the control group in the QNST and MABC total, MABC percentile, ball skills and palm shape recognition subtest values, before starting the intervention, but that during the after-test no more differences were observed between the groups. This suggests that the intervention group showed improvement and that their average values draw closer to those of the control group, confirming that the intervention did exert an influence on the deficits that these ADHD learners experienced. The neuro-motor dysfunction of the group of learners with ADHD did not show a significant improvement, although non- significant trends of improvement that occurred in all variables may indeed be attributed to the effect of the intervention. A reduction in the ADHD symptoms and improved visual-motor integration in learners with ADHD were observed, suggesting that the severity of the symptoms of ADHD displayed by this group before the start of the intervention was significantly reduced. For objective 3, the learners (n=95) were divided into five groups (Sharper Brain group (n=25); neuro-motor intervention group (n=21); medication group (n=17); a group with no symptoms of ADHD (n=18), and an ADHD control group (n=14)). The Sharper Brain group showed practical significant lower values than the ADHD control group and the medication group in most of the MABC variables, from which can be deduced that neuro-biofeedback therapy will not improve motor problems. The results obtained in the visual-motor integration subtest showed that the neuro-motor intervention group performed significantly better than the ADHD control group, although the groups did not differ significantly. ADHD symptoms decreased significantly in all groups, most of all in the Sharper Brain group, from which can be deduced that the intervention has possibilities to improve focus and attention. A trend also occurred (p>0.05) that the neuro-motor intervention contributed more to improving visual-motor integration than the other intervention groups, while the medication intervention meaningfully addressed visual perception skills. However, from the results could not be determined whether one group performed better than another group, as no significant differences occurred consistently between groups. The neuro-biofeedback therapy, medication and neuro-motor intervention each had a achieved a unique improvement, and it is recommended that a combination of the various intervention methods should be used in the treatment of ADHD. In summary, the conclusion can be drawn that ADHD learners experience problems with skills related to attention, visual-motor integration and fine motor skills to a greater extent than non-ADHD learners, and that learners diagnosed with DAMP display more serious problems in this regard. The results showed that the various interventions have various treatment effects, but did not have a significant effect on the motor status of the ADHD learners. The conclusion may be drawn that there is no one single method of treatment for learners with ADHD symptoms, but that a combination of treatment methods should rather be implemented. From the study it is clear that ADHD does indeed affect learners negatively, but also that the exposure to focused intervention programs has a positive effect on their neuro-motor skills and ADHD symptoms. / PhD (Human Movement Science), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die motoriese bekwaamheid van Blanke, Kleurling- en Indiërskoolseuns van 12 en 13 jaar / Gideon Jacobus Jordaan Human

Human, Gideon Jacobus Jordaan January 1970 (has links)
In the past various studies were undertaken to establish the fact that there are physical differences between the various races. As there is not much known about the motor ability of especially the Coloured and Indian schoolboys, this study was undertaken to ascertain whether there is any difference in motor ability between the White, Coloured and Indian boys in this age group. After a careful study of the known facts and the various test batteries for the measurement of motor ability, a test battery, consisting of six items was selected. The six items were the 75 yard dash, 220 yards, pull ups on the horizontal bar, shotput, standing long jump and cricket ball throw for distance. The length and weight of the body were also taken. This test battery includes all the components of motor ability and meets the requirements of a good test. The six item test battery was administered to 120 Indian, 140 Coloured and 90 White schoolboys. The selected data was statistically compiled and the achievement of 12 and 13 year old Whites, 12 and 13 year old Indians and 12 and 13 year old Coloureds were compared. Thereafter the results of the 12 and 13 year old Whites were compared with that of the Indian and Coloured boys and the achievement of the Indian boys was compared with that of the Coloured boys. The following results were established: 1. No significant differences were found between the 12 and 13 year old Whites except in the shotput where there was a highly significant difference and a significant difference in the 75 yard dash and pull ups in favour of the 13 year olds. The other two races showed highly significant differences in favour of the 13 year olds in all the test items. 2. The Whites surpassed the other two races highly significantly in all the test items. The Coloureds, although highly significantly shorter and significantly lighter than the Indian boys, surpassed the latter highly significantly in the cricket ball throw for distance, the standing long jump; significantly in the 220 yards and insignificantly in the shotput, 75 yard dash and pull ups, compiled according to McCloy's formulae. 3. A comparison between the Indian Moslem and Hindu boys showed that the Moslem boys surpassed the Hindus highly significantly in all the items except in the shotput. There is no significant difference between the 12 and 13 year old Hindu boys. 4. The physical differences between the three racial groups are inherited and cannot be attributed to environmental factors only. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO

Behandelings effekte van motoriese en neuroterugvoergebasseerde terapie op motoriese- en aandagtekorthiperaktiwiteit (ADHD)-status van 6- tot 8-jarige kinders / Yolandie du Toit

Du Toit, Yolandie January 2013 (has links)
Several motor problems in ADHD learners are reported, including problems with balance, fine muscle control (Szatmari & Taylor; 1984; Havey & Reid, 2003) and motor planning (Piek et al., 1999; Pless & Corisson, 2000). It seems that overlapping conditions such as DAMP (which is a combination of ADHD and Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)) display greater connections with motor problems, than when a child displays only ADHD symptoms (Gillberg, 2003; Gibbs et al., 2007). There is also continuing controversy in the research literature as to whether ADHD is in fact remediable and what the most appropriate methods in this regard would be. Behavioural therapy at school and various forms of psychotherapy are reported to be the most popular forms of interventions complementary to medication. It also appears that motor exercise can stimulate the brain in various ways, resulting in improvement in learning and attention (Summerford, 2005). Motor therapy appears to be important, since many ADHD learners display motor difficulties. Motor control problems of learners with ADHD are also neglected during research. The objectives of this study were firstly to determine the nature and extent of coordination related neuro-motor and visual-motor integration deficits of an availability sample of six- to eight-year-old (N=95) learners diagnosed with ADHD in Brakpan, South Africa. A further objective was to determine whether treatment methods, including neuro-motor therapy, pharmacological agents and neuro biofeedback can indeed address neuro-motor problems and ADHD symptoms successfully. A further objective was to determine which of the various treatment programs, including neuro-motor therapy, pharmacological agents and brain conditioning intervention, will be the most effective for the treatment of six- to eight-year-old ADHD learners. The "Disruptive Behaviour Scale" checklist for ADHD (Bester, 2006) was used to identify learners with ADHD. The "Movement Assessment Battery for Learners 2" (MABC), and the “Quick Neurological Screening Test II" (QNST-II) were used to determine the learners’ motor skills, as well as neuro-motor progress. The "Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration" (VMI-IV) was used to examine the learners' visual-motor integration (VMI), visual perception (VP) and motor coordination (MC). "Statistica for Windows 2012" was used for the analysis of the results. One-way Analysis of Variance, independent t-testing and co-variance analysis were used respectively to analyze data related to the abovementioned objectives. A p-value less than or equal to 0.05 was accepted as statistically significant, and effect sizes were calculated to determine the practical significance of the results (d≤0.8). The results of the study showed that the neuro-motor status of the selected six- to eight-year-old ADHD learners (N=95) that had been identified, using the Bester questionnaire, and analyzed by means of the MABC, QNST and VMI, was affected negatively by the condition. Fine motor and hand control skills of learners with ADHD were indeed found to be significantly weaker compared to learners without ADHD, and the fine motor skills of learners with DAMP showed impairment to a greater degree. Neurological and visual-motor integration do not appear to differ between learners with and without ADHD symptoms, although trends of weaker values and significant differences were found in the palm shape recognition, arm-leg extension (muscle tone) subscale and the stimulation of hand and cheek subscale in the ADHD and DAMP groups. For objective 2, the learners were divided into two groups (an ADHD intervention group (n=10) that was subjected to an neuro-motor intervention program of nine weeks, 37 minutes per session, twice a week, and compared to a non-control group consisting of non-ADHD learners (n=18)). When the pre-test differences between the groups are taken into account, it indicated that the ADHD group performed weaker than the control group in the QNST and MABC total, MABC percentile, ball skills and palm shape recognition subtest values, before starting the intervention, but that during the after-test no more differences were observed between the groups. This suggests that the intervention group showed improvement and that their average values draw closer to those of the control group, confirming that the intervention did exert an influence on the deficits that these ADHD learners experienced. The neuro-motor dysfunction of the group of learners with ADHD did not show a significant improvement, although non- significant trends of improvement that occurred in all variables may indeed be attributed to the effect of the intervention. A reduction in the ADHD symptoms and improved visual-motor integration in learners with ADHD were observed, suggesting that the severity of the symptoms of ADHD displayed by this group before the start of the intervention was significantly reduced. For objective 3, the learners (n=95) were divided into five groups (Sharper Brain group (n=25); neuro-motor intervention group (n=21); medication group (n=17); a group with no symptoms of ADHD (n=18), and an ADHD control group (n=14)). The Sharper Brain group showed practical significant lower values than the ADHD control group and the medication group in most of the MABC variables, from which can be deduced that neuro-biofeedback therapy will not improve motor problems. The results obtained in the visual-motor integration subtest showed that the neuro-motor intervention group performed significantly better than the ADHD control group, although the groups did not differ significantly. ADHD symptoms decreased significantly in all groups, most of all in the Sharper Brain group, from which can be deduced that the intervention has possibilities to improve focus and attention. A trend also occurred (p>0.05) that the neuro-motor intervention contributed more to improving visual-motor integration than the other intervention groups, while the medication intervention meaningfully addressed visual perception skills. However, from the results could not be determined whether one group performed better than another group, as no significant differences occurred consistently between groups. The neuro-biofeedback therapy, medication and neuro-motor intervention each had a achieved a unique improvement, and it is recommended that a combination of the various intervention methods should be used in the treatment of ADHD. In summary, the conclusion can be drawn that ADHD learners experience problems with skills related to attention, visual-motor integration and fine motor skills to a greater extent than non-ADHD learners, and that learners diagnosed with DAMP display more serious problems in this regard. The results showed that the various interventions have various treatment effects, but did not have a significant effect on the motor status of the ADHD learners. The conclusion may be drawn that there is no one single method of treatment for learners with ADHD symptoms, but that a combination of treatment methods should rather be implemented. From the study it is clear that ADHD does indeed affect learners negatively, but also that the exposure to focused intervention programs has a positive effect on their neuro-motor skills and ADHD symptoms. / PhD (Human Movement Science), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die motoriese bekwaamheid van Blanke, Kleurling- en Indiërskoolseuns van 12 en 13 jaar / Gideon Jacobus Jordaan Human

Human, Gideon Jacobus Jordaan January 1970 (has links)
In the past various studies were undertaken to establish the fact that there are physical differences between the various races. As there is not much known about the motor ability of especially the Coloured and Indian schoolboys, this study was undertaken to ascertain whether there is any difference in motor ability between the White, Coloured and Indian boys in this age group. After a careful study of the known facts and the various test batteries for the measurement of motor ability, a test battery, consisting of six items was selected. The six items were the 75 yard dash, 220 yards, pull ups on the horizontal bar, shotput, standing long jump and cricket ball throw for distance. The length and weight of the body were also taken. This test battery includes all the components of motor ability and meets the requirements of a good test. The six item test battery was administered to 120 Indian, 140 Coloured and 90 White schoolboys. The selected data was statistically compiled and the achievement of 12 and 13 year old Whites, 12 and 13 year old Indians and 12 and 13 year old Coloureds were compared. Thereafter the results of the 12 and 13 year old Whites were compared with that of the Indian and Coloured boys and the achievement of the Indian boys was compared with that of the Coloured boys. The following results were established: 1. No significant differences were found between the 12 and 13 year old Whites except in the shotput where there was a highly significant difference and a significant difference in the 75 yard dash and pull ups in favour of the 13 year olds. The other two races showed highly significant differences in favour of the 13 year olds in all the test items. 2. The Whites surpassed the other two races highly significantly in all the test items. The Coloureds, although highly significantly shorter and significantly lighter than the Indian boys, surpassed the latter highly significantly in the cricket ball throw for distance, the standing long jump; significantly in the 220 yards and insignificantly in the shotput, 75 yard dash and pull ups, compiled according to McCloy's formulae. 3. A comparison between the Indian Moslem and Hindu boys showed that the Moslem boys surpassed the Hindus highly significantly in all the items except in the shotput. There is no significant difference between the 12 and 13 year old Hindu boys. 4. The physical differences between the three racial groups are inherited and cannot be attributed to environmental factors only. / Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO

Die invloed van 'n motories fundamentele vaardigheidsprogram op die fisieke en kognitiewe ontwikkeling van die graad 1 kind (Afrikaans)

Kruger, Elmien 24 November 2003 (has links)
The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of an eight-week fundamental motor skills program on the physical and cognitive development of Grade 1 learners. The Basic Motor Ability Test was used in the evaluation of the 39 learners that formed the experimental group as well as for the 29 learners in the control group. Two additional subtests were included, namely the 400m endurance run and a dynamic balance test. After the initial testing the experimental group participated in an eight-week skills program for 30 minutes a day, four days a week. The program included stability, locomotor and manipulation activities. Hereafter a retest was done. The control group only completes the test and retest and not the skills program. The data of the variables tested were coded in computer format and statistically evaluated. In the processing of the data, the raw datum (performance) was converted to percentile norms. In order to determine if a child had improved in a certain physiological parameter percentile norms are used. The t-test was used to determine if the skills program had a positive influence on the variables tested. Two different t-test were used: the t-test for independent groups and the t-test for paired groups. The experimental research revealed that the skills program did not have a significant influence on most of the tested variables. In some instances the experimental and control groups were not on the same level at the start of the research, which made it more difficult to compare the two groups. For some variables both the experimental and control groups improved which is an indication that the improvement cannot be ascribed to the skills program alone. The following two variables, sit-and-reach and co-ordination (hand-eye) did improve notably and it may be due to the influence of the skills program. In both instances the average performance of the experimental group improved while this improvement was not evident in the control group. The cognitive variables were assessed by a questionnaire administered by each learner’s teacher after the conclusion of the skills program. Only the experimental group was involved. The questionnaire consisted of six questions comprising both categorical and open responses. The cognitive variables that were assessed were the following: 1. venturesome ness; 2. attention and concentration; 3. self esteem; 4. socialization and ability to work in a group; 5. ability to plan; and 6. ability to finish his/her given task. The results indicated that more than half of the learners improved in all the cognitive variables. Socialization and the ability to work in a group improved in most of the learners. / Thesis (DPhil (Human Movement Science))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted

'n Motoriese, fisieke en liggaamsamestellingsprofiel en die effek van 'n perseptueel-motoriese ontwikkelingsprogram by graad 1-leerders in die Noordwes-Provinsie / Chanelle Kemp

Kemp, Chanelle January 2012 (has links)
Several researchers have reported that the perceptual-motor skills of today’s children are not optimally developed. Furthermore, childhood obesity has increased worldwide and is a cause for concern due to the effect that it has on the present and future public health of children. Childhood obesity has a bearing on a rise in chronic paediatric diseases and an increase in hypertension, as well as on motor and physical deficits. In spite of the inadequate perceptual-motor development that is reported, few studies have been reported that examine the effect of school-based movement development programmes to improve the motor proficiency of school beginners. Firstly, in this thesis, an attempt was made to establish a general profile of the motor proficiency of Grade 1 learners in the North West Province of South Africa, and to determine possible gender and racial differences. Secondly, the relationship between the body composition and blood pressure of Grade 1 learners was examined. Thirdly, the relationship between the body composition and motor, physical and object control skills of these learners was examined. The fourth objective was to determine the effect of school-based movement development programmes on the perceptual-motor proficiency of Grade 1 learners. For objectives one to three, data were collected by means of a stratified randomised sample of 816 Grade 1 learners (419 boys, 397 girls) with a mean age of 6,78 years (+ 0,49) who participated in the NW-CHILD study. The short form of the “Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2” (Bruininks & Bruininks, 2005), which consists of eight subcomponents, was used to determine the learners’ motor proficiency and the “Test of Gross Motor Development-2” was used to determine the learners’ object control skills. Stature, body mass, skinfolds (subscapular, triceps and calf) and waist circumference were measured according to standard kinantropometric protocols. International cut-off points for body mass index (BMI) were used to classify learners in normal, overweight or obese categories. Blood pressure was measured by means of an Omron 705CP-II. With regard to objective 1, it appeared from the results, which were analysed with descriptive statistics and ttesting, and by making use of the Statistica computer program, that Grade 1 learners exhibit below average (49,63%) to average (48,16%) motor proficiency. The poorest skills exhibited by the learners were in strength, fine motor integration and fine motor precision. The motor proficiency of the boys was mostly average (63,96%) as opposed to that of the girls, which was largely classified as below average (64,74%), although the girls’ manual dexterity and bilateral co-ordination was significantly better compared to the boys. The motor proficiency of most of the white children was average (69,27%), compared to 58,73% of the black children, whose motor proficiency was below average. White children performed significantly better in fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, bilateral co-ordination, upper limb co-ordination and strength skills, and black children in balancing and running speed and agility skills. Concerning objective 2, it appeared from the results, which were analysed with descriptive statistics, the Spearman correlation coefficients and one-way analysis of variance, that the overall incidence of prehypertension and hypertension was 8,5% and 24,9% respectively. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure exhibited a significant relationship with BMI, body fat percentage and waist circumference. Boys and girls exhibited the same incidence of hypertension. A higher percentage of the black children were hypertensive compared to the white children, although the difference in the blood pressure of the groups was not significant. A high percentage of children of normal weight also exhibited high levels of blood pressure. As far as objective 3 is concerned, it appeared from the results, which were analysed with descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation coefficients and one-way analysis of variance, that 1 out of every 10 learners (11,64%) was overweight (7,84%) or obese (3,80%). Fine motor precision, balance, running speed, agility and strength exhibited a significant relationship with body mass index (p<0.05), while no clear relationship was found between object control skills, upper limb co-ordination and body mass index. For objective 4, two schools were selected from the total sample in one urban area, which consisted of 75 learners (school 1=40 and school 2=35) who had a mean age of 6,66 years (+ 0,24) and who participated in two different perceptual-motor movement development programmes. The perceptual-motor movement development programme of School 1 was based on a process-oriented approach, as opposed to the programme of School 2, which was based on a product-oriented approach. Motor proficiency was measured by making use of the short form of the “Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2”. The results, which were analysed with descriptive statistics, independent t-testing and a covariance of analysis, showed that both movement development programmes contributed to significant improvements in some of the motor proficiency subcomponents. However, the process-oriented movement programme contributed to a greater extent to improvement on an individual level, which was attributed to the improved underlying neurological processes of motor proficiency and bilateral integration that underwent improvement as a result, while the level of motor proficiency mastery of the product-oriented movement development programme remained unchanged. On the grounds of the above results it is advised that educators, such as the Physical Education teachers who work with Grade 1 learners, take note of the possible deficits with regard to motor proficiency, overweight and obesity, and implement suitable intervention programmes, taking into consideration the gender and racial specific differences that were found in this study. The measuring of blood pressure for basic screening purposes is important in the child population and interventions that include physical activity are advised to reduce the potential cardiovascular complications of obesity amongst children. It could also be recommended that school-based movement development programmes, which are presented by specialists, be implemented in order to improve the motor proficiency of Grade 1 learners and to also contribute to the improvement of the skills of learners with perceptual-motor and physical proficiency problems. / Thesis (PhD (Human Movement Sciences))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Die stand van neuro-motoriese ontwikkeling en visueel-motoriese integrasie by 7- en 8-jarige leerders met leerverwante probleme / Chirine van Niekerk.

Van Niekerk, Chirine January 2012 (has links)
Various researchers highlight the role of neuro-motor and visual motor integration problems on learning-related barriers (Mutti et al., 1998; Goldstein & Britt, 1994; Kulp, 1999; Lotz et al., 2005; Van Roon et al., 2010). Visual motor integration and neuro-motor problems, that include perceptual, gross- and fine motor problems further relates to writing, reading, spelling and mathematical problems (Cheatum & Hammond, 2000). The visual system plays an important role in visual motor integration and researchers found ocular-motor control to correlate with learning-related problems and are therefore investigated (Vaughn et al., 2006). The aim of the study was twofold. The first aim was to determine the nature of neuro-motor problems that are present in 7- to 8-year old children with learning-related problems (writing, reading, spelling and mathematical problems). The second aim was to determine the nature of ocular-motor control and visual-motor integration that are present in 7- to 8-year old children with learning-related problems (writing, reading, spelling and mathematical problems). Sixty-eight learners (45 boys and 23 girls) with and without learning-related problems took part in the study. The group with learning-related problems (n=31) consisted of learners that received remedial intervention in Grade 1 and were in Grade 2 during the data collection. The control group (n=37) represented the study group for age and gender with a mean age of 7.5 years (SD=0.43) and had no learning-related problems. The Quick Neurological Screening Test II (QNST-II) and the Sensory Input Systems Screening Test (SISM) were used to determine the state of neuro-motor development and the visual and ocular-motor control status of learners. The Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration - 4th ed. (VMI-4) were used to evaluate the visual-motor integration of learners. The Statistica for Windows 2011 computer program was used to do the data processing (StatSoft, 2011). Differences between learners with and without learning-related problems were determined by an independent t-test. A multi-dimensional representation of learners with learning-related problems were established by means of a correspondence analysis of twoway variance tables with respect to reading, writing, spelling and mathematical problems. Results indicate that statistical as well as practical significant differences were found between learners with and without learning-related problems with respect to neuro-motor, visual-motor integration as well as ocular-motor problems. Neuro-motor problems were found between the two groups in visual, auditory, and tactile perception as well as different gross motor skills and were associated with reading, writing, spelling and mathematical problems. Regarding ocularmotor control and visual-motor integration, statistical- (p≤0,01) as well as practical (d≥0,8) significant differences were found between learners with and without learning related problems in visual-motor integration as well as 10 of the 11 sub-items of the SISM which include the following: fixation with both eyes, fixation with right eye, fixation with left eye, ocular alignment with right eye, ocular alignment with left eye, tracking with both eyes, tracking with right eye, tracking with left eye, vertical tracking and horizontal tracking. It can be concluded from the results that a significant correlation could be found between neuro-motor problems, that includes ocular-motor control as well as visual-motor integration and learning-related problems (reading, writing, spelling and mathematical problems). Neuromotor skills as well as visual-motor integration should therefore be incorporated in intervention of children with learning-related problems. / Thesis (MA (Kinderkinetics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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