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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identificação e estudo de genes diferencialmente expressos em modelos murinos de distrofia muscular / Identification and study of differentially expressed genes in mouse models for muscular dystrophy

Almeida, Camila de Freitas 23 September 2014 (has links)
As distrofias musculares formam um grupo amplo e heterogêneo de doenças genéticas, caracterizado basicamente pela degeneração e fraqueza muscular. Ao longo das últimas décadas muitos estudos vêm sendo realizados para a identificação dos genes causadores dessas doenças. Entretanto, apesar da identificação da mutação responsável pela grande maioria das formas descritas, os processos moleculares subjacentes ao defeito genético primário são muito complexos e ainda precisam ser melhor compreendidos. E a compreensão dos mecanismos de cada uma das formas é muito importante para o desenvolvimento adequado de terapias. A avaliação da expressão gênica global por microarranjos de DNA é uma ferramenta bastante poderosa, capaz de produzir uma grande quantidade de dados, delineando o panorama geral do estado do transcriptoma de um determinado tecido ou célula. Assim, os objetivos desse trabalho foram estudar os perfis de expressão do músculo de três linhagens de camundongos modelos de formas distintas de distrofia muscular (Dmdmdx, Largemyd-/- e Dmdmdx/Largemyd-/-) em diferentes fases da progressão da doença (21 dias, três meses e seis meses de idade), com o intuito de caracterizar o processo distrófico e como o perfil de expressão varia com a progressão da idade e a depender da mutação genética. Em cada um dos modelos e idades estudados identificamos um grande número de genes diferencialmente expressos (GDEs), refletindo a complexidade dessas doenças. A análise dos processos e vias biológicas nas quais esses genes estão envolvidos mostrou o forte envolvimento de componentes do sistema imunológico e inflamação, e também de genes relacionados com os processos de degeneração/regeneração e remodelamento da matriz extracelular. De modo geral, as funções biológicas alteradas são bem semelhantes entre as linhagens, sugerindo que apesar de as mutações serem em genes distintos, com funções diferentes, os processos moleculares que são afetados em decorrência dessas mutações são praticamente os mesmos. As maiores diferenças foram vistas na idade de 21 dias, especialmente na linhagem Dmdmdx que apresentou uma grande quantidade de GDEs, dos quais grande parte relacionada com a maior capacidade regenerativa dessa linhagem e, assim, são genes que podem explicar o porquê desses animais apresentarem um fenótipo benigno em relação aos pacientes humanos. A caracterização do modelo duplo-mutante Dmdmdx/Largemyd-/- mostrou que a junção das duas mutações não ocasiona alterações no transcriptoma distintas das obsevadas nas linhagens parentais, sendo que o perfil do duplo-mutante é mais próximo ao de seu parental Largemyd-/-, não apresentando a mesma capacidade regenerativa que o Dmdmdx / The muscular dystrophies form a large and heterogeneous group of genetic diseases, characterized mainly by progressive muscular degeneration and weakness. In the last decades, many studies have been carried on in order to identify the involved genes in these disorders. However, despite the identification of responsible mutations of the majority of the described forms, the underlying molecular processes to the primary mutation are very complex and are not fully understood. And to understand the mechanisms of each form is of major importance to the development of therapies. Global gene expression profiling by DNA microarrays is a powerful tool, able to yield a huge quantity of data, outlining the general landscape of the transcriptome of a given tissue or cell. In this sense, the objectives of this work were to study the expression profile of the muscles from three mice lineages, models for different forms of muscular dystrophy (Dmdmdx, Largemyd-/- and Dmdmdx/Largemyd-/-) in different phases of disease progression (21-day-old, three-month-old and six-month-old), in order to characterize the dystrophic process and how the expression profile changes according to aging and depending on the genetic mutation. In each model and age studied we identified a substantial number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs), reflecting the diseases\' complexity. The analysis of the biological processes and pathways in which these genes are implicated showed a strong involvement of immune system and inflammation components, and also genes related to degeneration/regeneration and extracellular matrix remodeling processes. Altogether, the altered biologic functions are very similar in lineages, suggesting that although mutations are in different genes, with diverse functions, the affected molecular processes due to these mutations are basically the same. The most notable differences were seen on 21-day-old, especially on Dmdmdx lineage that showed a great quantity of DEGs, many of which are related to the better regenerative capacity this lineage exhibits and, thus, they are genes that could explain why these animals manifest a mild phenotype in comparison to human patients. The characterization of the double mutant Dmdmdx/Largemyd-/- showed that the union of both mutations does not bring on alterations on the transcriptome different from those seen in the parental lineages, with the double mutant profile closer to its parental Largemyd-/-, not bearing the same regenerative capacity that Dmdmdx

The role of Ikaros in Foxo1-driven gene expression in CD4 T cells

Agnihotri, Parul 03 November 2016 (has links)
The existence of a robust, mature CD4 T cell population is essential in orchestration of an immune response. CD4 T cell activation is a result of antigenic stimulation of a unique cell pool that is normally resting. Termed “naïve”, these CD4 T cells lack effector function and are maintained long term in the periphery. Expression of key cell surface receptors and transcription factors dictates their ability to survive, home and differentiate into effector subsets. However, transcriptional regulation of these processes in naïve CD4 T cells is only partly characterized. Ikaros has been identified as a transcriptional activator and repressor of T cell lineage fate decisions and polarization into T helper cell subsets. In this dissertation, a role for Ikaros in regulation of naïve CD4 T cells is revealed as in its absence, cells exhibit decreased survivability, impaired migration to lymph nodes and failure to develop into induced regulatory T cells (iTreg). Defects are linked to decreased expression of IL- 7Rα, CD62L and Foxp3, respectively, all identified as targets of a transcription factor important in naïve CD4 T cell homeostasis, Foxo1. Analogous consequences on T cell survival, homing and differentiation have been reported for Foxo1- deficient T cells. Furthermore, results from Western blot and qRT-PCR analyses of protein and mRNA from Ikaros null (IK-/-) CD4 T cells demonstrated decreased Foxo1 levels, prompting investigation into mechanisms for regulation of Foxo1 expression by Ikaros. Retroviral transductions were performed, beginning with delivery of Ik-7 and Foxo1-shRNA, interfering with Ikaros and Foxo1 activity in wild type cells, respectively. Similar decreases in CD62L and IL-7Rα levels indicated the need for both Ikaros and Foxo1 for expression. However, re-introduction of either Foxo1 or Ikaros into IK-/- CD4 T cells highlighted differential modes of Ikaros and Foxo1 regulation for IL-7Rα and CD62L expression. qRT-PCR analyses revealed increased levels of Foxo1 mRNA with Ikaros transduction into IK-/- CD4 T cells. My studies have thereby identified Ikaros to be the first transcriptional regulator of Foxo1 gene expression in ensuring survival, homing and iTreg differentiation of the naïve CD4 T cell compartment.

Investigating Lipidomic Determinants of Cognitive Impairment in Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease

Granger, Matthew 14 August 2018 (has links)
Alzheimer’s disease is an insidious neurodegenerative disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Currently, there are no determinants that can accurately predict the onset cognitive decline in AD. This thesis investigates and defines changes in the lipidome that are linked to symptomatic onset and cognitive impairment in mouse models of AD. Using a targeted lipidomic approach employing high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandom mass spectrometry, direct biochemical assessments, and behavioural evaluation, I was able to (a) profile and quantify cortical and hippocampal glycerophosphocholine and glycerophosphoethanolamine metabolites and signaling molecules in the APPSwe/PS1dE9 and the N5 TgCRND8 murine models of AD and (b) associate changes in lipid metabolism with learning and memory impairment. I demonstrate that glycerophosphocholine metabolism in the cortex but not the hippocampus is altered at symptomatic onset in both mouse models. These same metabolic changes were seen in younger animals exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia, an environmental risk factor that accelerates their phenoconversion. In fully impaired transgenic mice, I defined metabolic changes associated with disease progression. To further assess the impact of sex, another risk factor of Alzheimer’s disease cognitive decline, I characterized an AD model of sex-specific cognitive resistance. I demonstrated that transgenic males but not females exhibit behavioural indices of cognitive reserve when tested in the Morris Water Maze. Using this mouse line, I then investigated how measures of learning and memory associated with glycerophosphocholine and glycerophosphoethanolamine metabolism. I identified increases in critical glycerophosphoethanolamine metabolites linked to spatial learning and memory impairment in the cortex of N5 TgCNRD8 mice and demonstrated that these changes could be predicted by profiling the plasma glycerophosphoethanolamine lipidome. Taken together, this thesis links glycerophospholipid metabolism to the onset and progression of learning and memory impairment in experimental models of AD and provides the first evidence that changes in cortical lipid metabolism can be predicted by changes in the plasma lipidome.

Immunopathogenesis of relapsing fever borreliosis

Andersson, Marie January 2008 (has links)
Relapsing fever (RF) is caused by different species of Borrelia transmitted by soft ticks or by the human body louse. Illness is characterized by reappearing peaks of high concentrations of spirochetes in blood, concordant with fever peaks separated by asymptomatic periods. Neuroborreliosis is one of the most severe manifestations of RF borreliosis. To understand the immune response during early RF, we analyzed immune cells in brain and kidney of mice infected with B. crocidurae during the acute infection. Our results indicate that brain defense is comprised primarily of innate immune cells. Despite the infiltration of innate immune cells, Borrelia was not completely eradicated. A failure of the host brain to clear the bacteria may give the pathogen a niche where it can persist. Using our mouse model, we revealed that Borrelia duttonii could persist in the mouse brain for up to 270 days, without being present in the circulation. The infection was silent with no change in host gene expression, and the spirochetes could re-enter the circulation after immunosuppression. We propose that the brain is used by the pathogen to evade host immunity and serves as a possible natural reservoir for B. duttonii, a spirochete that has rarely been found in any mammalian host other than man. Borrelia-induced complications during pregnancy have been reported, and are especially common in RF. In our established mouse model of gestational RF, we could show that the fetuses suffered from severe pathology and growth retardation, probably as a consequence of placental destruction. We could also show trans-placental transmission of the bacteria leading to neonatal RF. Surprisingly, pregnant dams had a lower bacterial load and less severe disease, showing that pregnancy has a protective effect during RF. We have used the gestational RF model to investigate host factors favoring disease resolution. Because the spleen is the primary organ responsible for trapping and removing blood-borne pathogens, we have compared temporal changes in spleen immune cell populations and cytokine/chemokine induction during the infection. Spleens of pregnant mice had earlier neutrophil infiltration, as well as faster and higher production of pro-inflammatory mediators. This rapid, robust response suggests a more effective host defense. Thus, an enhanced pro-inflammatory response during pregnancy imparts a distinct advantage in controlling the severity of relapsing fever infection.

Myc-induced Lymphomagenesis : In vivo assessment of downstream pathways / Myc-inducerad lymfomutveckling : Utvärdering av målgener in vivo

Rimpi, Sara January 2010 (has links)
Myc oncogenes encode transcription factors that bind to E-box sequences in DNA, driving the expression of a large number of target genes and are deregulated in approximately 70% of human cancers. Deregulated Myc expression cause enhanced proliferation (which is counteracted by apoptosis), angiogenesis and cancer. Though Myc’s importance in induction of S phase has been established, less is known about its functions in the G2 and M phases of the cell cycle. Paper I addresses the targeting of the Myc targets Aurora kinase A and B that have roles in G2/M transition and provide evidence that pharmaceutical Aurora kinase inhibition causes cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in a Myc-selective manner and is useful in treating Myc-induced lymphomas in vivo. The assumption that the important target genes responsible for the biological effects of Myc overexpression were those encoding components of the cell cycle machinery lead to little interest in other potentially important groups of target genes. However, recent work challenged this view by indicating that Myc target genes encoding metabolic enzymes may be critical for Myc-induced tumorigenesis. Importantly, the targeting of Myc target genes encoding metabolic enzymes has the potential of providing a new treatment strategy of Myc-induced cancers. Paper II covers the pharmaceutical targeting of the Myc-induced spermidine synthase (Srm) that shows promise as a tool for chemoprevention by affecting proliferation, but not for the treatment of established tumors. Paper III focuses on the negligible effect an Ldha mutation has on Myc- induced lymphomagenesis. Ldha has long been known to be a Myc target gene and in vitro experiments have recently indicated it to be important for transformation. It seems the negligible effect of the Ldh mutation can be explained by the high frequency of loss of either Arf or p53 in this mouse model, since enforced Ras-Myc oncogenic cooperation in soft agar assays of Ldh mutant MEFs effectively inhibits colony formation, and λ-Myc;Ldh mutant bone marrow infected with oncogenic Ras does not give rise to tumors when transplanted into wild-type mice. A role for Ldh in the ability of tumors to evade the immune system was also indicated in this study. The combined experiences and very different outcome of the three studies included in this thesis draw attention to the value of in vivo assessment of Myc downstream targets in Myc-induced lymphomagenesis.

Genomic Rearrangements in Human and Mouse and their Contribution to the Williams-Beuren Syndrome Phenotype

Young, Edwin 23 February 2011 (has links)
Genomic rearrangements, particularly deletions and duplications, are known to cause many genetic disorders. The chromosome 7q11.23 region in humans is prone to recurrent chromosomal rearrangement, due to the presence of low copy repeats that promote non-allelic homologous recombination. The most well characterized rearrangement of 7q11.23 is a hemizygous 1.5 million base pair (Mb) deletion spanning more than 25 genes. This deletion causes Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS; OMIM 194050), a multisystem developmental disorder with distinctive physical and behavioural features. Other rearrangements of the region lead to phenotypes distinct from that of WBS. Here we describe the first individual identified with duplication of the same 1.5 Mb region, resulting in severe impairment of expressive language, in striking contrast to people with WBS who have relatively well preserved language skills. We also describe the identification of a new gene for a severe form of childhood epilepsy through the analysis of individuals with deletions on chromosome 7 that extend beyond the boundaries typical for WBS. This gene, MAGI2, is part of the large protein scaffold at the post-synaptic membrane and provides a new avenue of research into both the molecular basis of infantile spasms and the development of effective therapies. Individuals with smaller than typical deletions of 7q11.23 have delineated a minimal critical region for WBS and have implicated two members of the TFII-I transcription factor family. To better understand the contribution of these genes to WBS, I have generated animal models with these genes deleted singly and in combination. Disruption of the first gene, Gtf2ird1, resulted in phenotypes reminiscent of WBS including alterations in social behaviour, natural fear response and anxiety. An alteration in serotonin function was identified in the frontal cortex and may be linked to these behavioural phenotypes. Together with a model for the second gene, Gtf2i, and the double deletion model that was generated using Cre-loxP technology, these resources will permit the study of the individual and additive effects of hemizygosity for Gtf2i and Gtf2ird1 and will greatly expand our understanding of the role the TFII-I gene family in WBS.

Characterization of Williams-Beuren Syndrome Mouse Models: Linking Genes with Cognition and Behaviour

Lam, Emily 26 July 2012 (has links)
Deletion (Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS)) and duplication (Dup7q11.23) of a common interval spanning 26 genes on chromosome 7q11.23 cause disorders with a spectrum of clinical, cognitive and behavioural symptoms. Studies of individuals with atypical deletions have implicated two genes, GTF2IRD1 and GTF2I. Here I describe the behavioural characterization of mice hemizygous for Gtf2i, or Gtf2ird1 and Gtf2i together, as well as mice with additional Gtf2i copies. Dosage changes in Gtf2i were associated with working memory impairment and separation anxiety, and possibly with general anxiety and repetitive behaviours. A potential cause of these phenotypes was found in brain tissue, where subcellular localization of the calcium channel TRPC3, which is regulated by GTF2I, was found to be altered. Collectively, these results provide a better understanding of the contributions of GTF2I to the cognitive and behavioural profile of WBS and Dup7q11.23 and identify a potential biological mechanism that may underlie some of the symptoms.

Characterization of Williams-Beuren Syndrome Mouse Models: Linking Genes with Cognition and Behaviour

Lam, Emily 26 July 2012 (has links)
Deletion (Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS)) and duplication (Dup7q11.23) of a common interval spanning 26 genes on chromosome 7q11.23 cause disorders with a spectrum of clinical, cognitive and behavioural symptoms. Studies of individuals with atypical deletions have implicated two genes, GTF2IRD1 and GTF2I. Here I describe the behavioural characterization of mice hemizygous for Gtf2i, or Gtf2ird1 and Gtf2i together, as well as mice with additional Gtf2i copies. Dosage changes in Gtf2i were associated with working memory impairment and separation anxiety, and possibly with general anxiety and repetitive behaviours. A potential cause of these phenotypes was found in brain tissue, where subcellular localization of the calcium channel TRPC3, which is regulated by GTF2I, was found to be altered. Collectively, these results provide a better understanding of the contributions of GTF2I to the cognitive and behavioural profile of WBS and Dup7q11.23 and identify a potential biological mechanism that may underlie some of the symptoms.

Genomic Rearrangements in Human and Mouse and their Contribution to the Williams-Beuren Syndrome Phenotype

Young, Edwin 23 February 2011 (has links)
Genomic rearrangements, particularly deletions and duplications, are known to cause many genetic disorders. The chromosome 7q11.23 region in humans is prone to recurrent chromosomal rearrangement, due to the presence of low copy repeats that promote non-allelic homologous recombination. The most well characterized rearrangement of 7q11.23 is a hemizygous 1.5 million base pair (Mb) deletion spanning more than 25 genes. This deletion causes Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS; OMIM 194050), a multisystem developmental disorder with distinctive physical and behavioural features. Other rearrangements of the region lead to phenotypes distinct from that of WBS. Here we describe the first individual identified with duplication of the same 1.5 Mb region, resulting in severe impairment of expressive language, in striking contrast to people with WBS who have relatively well preserved language skills. We also describe the identification of a new gene for a severe form of childhood epilepsy through the analysis of individuals with deletions on chromosome 7 that extend beyond the boundaries typical for WBS. This gene, MAGI2, is part of the large protein scaffold at the post-synaptic membrane and provides a new avenue of research into both the molecular basis of infantile spasms and the development of effective therapies. Individuals with smaller than typical deletions of 7q11.23 have delineated a minimal critical region for WBS and have implicated two members of the TFII-I transcription factor family. To better understand the contribution of these genes to WBS, I have generated animal models with these genes deleted singly and in combination. Disruption of the first gene, Gtf2ird1, resulted in phenotypes reminiscent of WBS including alterations in social behaviour, natural fear response and anxiety. An alteration in serotonin function was identified in the frontal cortex and may be linked to these behavioural phenotypes. Together with a model for the second gene, Gtf2i, and the double deletion model that was generated using Cre-loxP technology, these resources will permit the study of the individual and additive effects of hemizygosity for Gtf2i and Gtf2ird1 and will greatly expand our understanding of the role the TFII-I gene family in WBS.

Characterization of Effects of Muc1 Expression on Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Signaling in Breast Cancer

Pochampalli, Mamata Rani January 2006 (has links)
EGF receptors are key regulators of cell survival and growth in normal and transformed tissues. Ligand binding results in formation of homo/hetero dimers of these receptors, followed by activation of the kinase activity and subsequent tyrosine phosphorylation of many downstream molecules. The activation of these receptors is not only mediated by the binding of their cognate ligands, but by transactivaton by other molecules as well. Recent studies have identified an oncogenic glycoprotein MUC1 as a binding partner for EGFR and that MUC1 expression can potentiate EGFR-dependent signal transduction. After receptor activation, EGFR is typically downregulated via an endocytic pathway that results in receptor degradation or recycling. We report here that MUC1 expression inhibits the degradation of ligand-activated erbB1. In addition, MUC1 expression results in prolonged activation of Akt, but not ERK1,2 MAPKinase. The MUC1-mediated protection against degradation occurs with a decrease in EGF-stimulated ubiquitination of erbB1, and an increase in erbB1 recycling. We then utilized the WAP-TGFα transgenic mouse model of breast cancer and determined that a loss of Muc1 expression dramatically alters mammary tumor progression. While 100% of WAP-TGFα/Muc1^(+/+) mice form mammary gland tumors, only 37% of WAP-TGFα/Muc1^(-/-) form tumors. Furthermore, expression of cyclin D1 expression is significantly suppressed in tumors derived from WAPTGFα/Muc1^(-/-) animals, and loss of Muc1 expression resulted in a significant inhibition in the formation of hyperplastic lesions in the mammary gland. We also observed metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma (1/29) and perivascular lymphoma of unknown origin (28/29) in the WAP-TGFα transgenic mice but not in the WAP TGFα/Muc1^(-/-) animals. To determine the effects of Muc1 expression on metastasis in a model lacking perivascular lymphoma, we crossed MMTV-Wnt-1 and MMTV-MUC1 transgenic mice and evaluated interactions between Muc1 and EGFR. Although the MMTV-Wnt-1 mice are non-metastatic, a majority (6/10) of the bitransgenic MMTVWnt- 1/MMTV-MUC1 formed pulmonary metastases. Furthermore, overexpression of MUC1 increases the breast cancer cell invasion in vitro. The MUC1 induced increase in invasion is found to be EGF and EGFR-kinase dependent. Collectively, these data indicate that MUC1 expression contributes to many of the hallmarks of cancer and in addition, is an important modulator of EGFR-associated mammary tumor progression.

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