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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Applications of Focused Ultrasound for Reducing Amyloid-β in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease

Jordao, Jessica F. 10 January 2014 (has links)
Focused ultrasound (FUS) can temporarily increase blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability and locally deliver therapeutic agents to the brain. To date, applications of FUS for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have not been explored. Here, I propose that FUS can facilitate a rapid reduction in amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) pathology in a mouse model of AD. Firstly, FUS was used to enhance delivery of an antibody directed against Aβ, which aggregates and forms extracellular plaques. FUS mediated the delivery of antibodies to the targeted right cortex by 4 hours post-treatment and antibodies remained bound to Aβ plaques for 4 days. At 4 days post-treatment, stereological quantification of plaque burden demonstrated a significant reduction of 23%. Secondly, FUS treatment alone resulted in a significant reduction in plaque load (13%). I then investigated effects of FUS that may contribute to Aβ plaque reduction, specifically the delivery of endogenous antibodies to the brain and, activation of microglia and astrocytes. Endogenous immunoglobulin was found bound to plaques within the treated cortex at 4 days post-FUS. Western blot analysis confirmed that immunoglobulin levels were increased significantly. Further, FUS led to a time-dependent increase in glial response. The expression of ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule 1, a marker of phagocytic microglia, was increased at 4 hours and 4 days, and it was resolved by 15 days. Astrocytes had a slightly delayed response, with an increase in the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein at 4 days, which declined by 15 days. After 4 days, microglia and astrocytes had significantly greater volumes and surface areas, signifying enhanced activation in the FUS-treated cortex, without an apparent increase in cell count. Co-localization of Aβ within activated glia revealed a significant increase in Aβ internalization following FUS. In conclusion, it was demonstrated that the delivery of exogenous antibodies by FUS, and FUS alone can lead to plaque reduction. Mechanisms by which FUS alone reduces plaque load may include entry of endogenous antibodies to the brain and the induction of a transient glial response. This work details acute effects of FUS that highlight the promise of this delivery method for AD treatment.

Applications of Focused Ultrasound for Reducing Amyloid-β in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease

Jordao, Jessica F. 10 January 2014 (has links)
Focused ultrasound (FUS) can temporarily increase blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability and locally deliver therapeutic agents to the brain. To date, applications of FUS for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) have not been explored. Here, I propose that FUS can facilitate a rapid reduction in amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) pathology in a mouse model of AD. Firstly, FUS was used to enhance delivery of an antibody directed against Aβ, which aggregates and forms extracellular plaques. FUS mediated the delivery of antibodies to the targeted right cortex by 4 hours post-treatment and antibodies remained bound to Aβ plaques for 4 days. At 4 days post-treatment, stereological quantification of plaque burden demonstrated a significant reduction of 23%. Secondly, FUS treatment alone resulted in a significant reduction in plaque load (13%). I then investigated effects of FUS that may contribute to Aβ plaque reduction, specifically the delivery of endogenous antibodies to the brain and, activation of microglia and astrocytes. Endogenous immunoglobulin was found bound to plaques within the treated cortex at 4 days post-FUS. Western blot analysis confirmed that immunoglobulin levels were increased significantly. Further, FUS led to a time-dependent increase in glial response. The expression of ionized calcium-binding adaptor molecule 1, a marker of phagocytic microglia, was increased at 4 hours and 4 days, and it was resolved by 15 days. Astrocytes had a slightly delayed response, with an increase in the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein at 4 days, which declined by 15 days. After 4 days, microglia and astrocytes had significantly greater volumes and surface areas, signifying enhanced activation in the FUS-treated cortex, without an apparent increase in cell count. Co-localization of Aβ within activated glia revealed a significant increase in Aβ internalization following FUS. In conclusion, it was demonstrated that the delivery of exogenous antibodies by FUS, and FUS alone can lead to plaque reduction. Mechanisms by which FUS alone reduces plaque load may include entry of endogenous antibodies to the brain and the induction of a transient glial response. This work details acute effects of FUS that highlight the promise of this delivery method for AD treatment.

Cytokine receptor-like factor 3 (CRLF3) : a novel regulator of platelet biogenesis and potential drug target for thrombocythaemia

Bennett, Cavan January 2018 (has links)
Thrombocythaemia is defined as a circulating platelet count above 450x10$^9$/L in humans. The major cause of thrombocythaemia is reactive $(secondary)$ thrombocythaemia which occurs secondary to many conditions such as infection, cancer and inflammation. However, acquired clonal mutations in mainly Janus Kinas 2 $(JAK2)$, CALR and MPL cause essential thrombocythaemia $(ET)$. ET is a rare disease that leads to an increased risk of cardiovascular thrombotic events. Current treatment of ET uses combination of low dose aspirin to decrease platelet function and cytoreductive agents to decrease thrombopoiesis. The most commonly used cytoreductive agents are hydroxyurea, anagrelide and interferon-$alpha$ and all have unwanted side effects. Cytokine receptor-like factor 3 $(CRLF3)$ is a 2.4kb gene that is ubiquitously expressed throughout the haematopoietic system. Very little is known about the function of CRLF3, with only one peer reviewed journal article in the literature which shows that CRLF3 may negatively regulate the cell cycle at the G0/G1 phase. However, nothing is known about the role of CRLF3 in platelet biology. Using a Crlf3 knockout mouse $(Crlf3-/-)$ developed by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute we show CRLF3’s role in platelet biogenesis and how it could be used as a novel therapeutic target to treat ET. Crlf3-/- mice have an isolated and sustained 25-40$\%$ decrease in platelet count compared to wildtype $(WT)$ controls. Platelet function is unaffected as demonstrated in a range in a range of in vitro assays. The thrombocytopenia is a consequence of abnormalities in hematopoietic cells, as shown by bone marrow transplantations. Megakaryopoiesis is upregulated in Crlf3-/- mice and proplatelet morphology is unaffected, suggesting the thrombocytopenia is due to increased platelet clearance. Indeed, splenectomised Crlf3-/- mice show normalised platelet counts within 7 days, showing rapid splenic removal of platelets is responsible for the thrombocytopenia. Abnormal large platelet structures that resemble proplatelets shafts $(preplatelets)$ are abnormally present in the circulation of elderly Crlf3/- mice. Immunohistochemistry showed increased and aberrant tubulin expression in Crlf3-/- platelets compared to WT controls, especially in the preplatelet forms. Cold induced depolymerisation of microtubules was decreased in Crlf3-/- platelets, suggestive of increased tubulin stability, however, the ratio of detyrosinated to tyrosinated tubulin was not altered. We then crossbred Crlf3-/- mice with JAK2 V617F ET mice, to determine the effect of Crlf3 ablation of thrombocythaemia. Crossbred mice showed restoration of platelet counts to WT values without grossly affecting platelet function or other blood lineages, providing the rational for CRLF3 as a novel therapeutic target for treatment of ET. Finally, we aimed to resolve the crustal structure of CRLF3 and discover its interactome. To this end, we were able to resolve the crystal structure of a C-terminal portion of the full length protein containing the predicted fibronectin type III domain. To shed light on the interactome of CRLF3, endogenous CRLF3 was tagged with a tandem affinity purification $(TAP)$ tag using CRISPR/Cas9 technology in induced pluripotent stem cells $(iPSCs)$. We have been able to produce megakaryocytes from these TAP-tagged iPSCs by forward programming. However, as yet we have not been able to generate enough MKs to have adequate material to perform immunoprecipitation assays. Therefore, the interactome of CRLF3 in MKs remains unknown. In conclusion, we identified a mechanism by which Crlf3 controls platelet biogenesis. Slowed maturation of Crlf3-/- preplatelets in the peripheral circulation potentially due to increased structural stability leads to rapid removal of these immature forms by the spleen and therefore a decrease in platelet count. The isolated effect on platelet numbers and normalisation of platelet count in ET mice deficient of Crlf3 provides the rational for further study on CRLF3 drug targeting as a novel therapeutic strategy for ET.

Avaliação do padrão de degeneração e regeneração muscular em diferentes modelos murinos para distrofias musculares progressivas / Study of degeneration and regeneration pathways, in mice models for muscular dystrophies

Paula Cristina Gorgueira Onofre Oliveira 22 April 2009 (has links)
As distrofias musculares constituem um grupo heterogêneo de doenças caracterizadas por uma degeneração progressiva e irreversível da musculatura esquelética. A fraqueza muscular se manifesta quanto existe um desequilíbrio entre os ciclos de degeneração e regeneração, com subseqüente substituição por tecido conjuntivo e adiposo das fibras musculares eliminadas. Diversos fatores estão implicados nestes processos, e as vias de atuação de cada um deles ainda não são totalmente conhecidas. Os mais importantes marcadores da via miogênica são os fatores Myf5, MyoD, Myf6 e miogenina. Os marcadores da degeneração, por sua vez, são o TGFβ-1, citocina inflamatória provavelmente envolvida no processo de fibrose do músculo distrófico, e o aumento da expressão do próprio colágeno, componente da matriz extracelular. O objetivo do presente projeto consistiu em estudar os fatores relacionados com as vias de degeneração e regeneração em modelos murinos distróficos com diferentes defeitos nas proteínas musculares, para elucidação dos mecanismos fisiopatológicos envolvidos, visando terapias. Para tal, foram estabelecidas três abordagens: 1-) Estudar o potencial terapêutico de células-tronco mesenquimais de medulas óssea, nos modelos Lama2dy-2J/J (deficiente para a proteína α2-laminina) e Largemyd (defeito de glicosilação); 2-) Estudar a expressão relativa dos genes envolvidos nas vias de degeneração e regeneração nos diferentes modelos murinos para distrofias musculares; 3-) Estudar o papel da distrofina e α2-laminina na organização do complexo distrofina-glicoproteínas associadas no músculo esquelético, através da produção de um camundongo duplo-mutante deficiente para estas duas proteínas. Na primeira abordagem, células-tronco mesenquimais de medula, expressando a proteína eGFP, foram injetadas por via sistêmica em camundongos Lama2dy-2J/J e Largemyd, mas não foram localizadas posteriormente no músculo dos animais testados. Testes complementares mostraram que células MSC e C2C12 expressando eGFP permanecem por curtos períodos de tempo no tecido injetado, sugerindo que são eliminadas do músculo distrófico em virtude da expressão permanente de eGFP. Análise funcional realizada nestes animais mostrou uma grande heterogeneidade de resposta nos diversos testes aplicados, compatível com a variabilidade clínica também observada em pacientes humanos. Na segunda abordagem, analisamos a expressão dos genes da cascata de degeneração e regeneração nos modelos distróficos mdx, SJL/J, Lama2dy-2J/J e Largemyd, e correlacionamos estes resultados com o padrão histopatológico de cada modelo. Os resultados observados sugerem que o gene TGFβ-1 é ativado pelo processo distrófico em qualquer grau de degeneração, enquanto a ativação da expressão do gene PCOL possivelmente ocorre nos estágios iniciais deste processo. Observou-se também que cada mecanismo patofisiológico atuou de forma diversa na ativação da regeneração, com diferenças na indução da proliferação das células-satélite, mas sem alterações no estimulo à diferenciação. Assim, a disfunção na população de células-satélite pode representar um mecanismo importante na patogênese das distrofias musculares. Na terceira abordagem, um modelo murino duplo-mutante para as proteínas distrofina e α2-laminina foi gerado a partir de cruzamentos das linhagens mdx e Lama2dy-2J/J, com a proporção mendeliana esperada, sendo, portanto, viável. O animal duplo-afetado está apresentando fraqueza muscular mais acentuada que os modelos parentais. Estudos complementares de proteínas musculares serão ainda realizados neste novo modelo para verificar a presença ou não das demais proteínas do DGC e sua relação com o padrão de degeneração/regeneração muscular. / The muscular dystrophies are a heterogeneous group of genetic diseases characterized by progressive and irreversible degeneration of skeletal muscles. Muscle weakness is the consequence of an imbalance between successive cycles of degeneration and regeneration, with further replacement of the degraded muscle fibers by adipose and connective tissues. Several factors are involved these processes and the respective functional pathways are still not well known. Myf5, MyoD, Myf6 and myogenin are important factors responsible for the myogenesis and regeneration in the muscle. One important marker for the degeneration is TGF-1, which is an inflammatory cytokine with a possible role in the stimulation of fibrosis in the dystrophic muscle through the activation of genes related to the expression of collagen. The main objective of this project was to study the factors involved in the degeneration and regeneration pathways, in mice models for muscular dystrophies, carrying different defects in muscle proteins, to better understand the involved pathophysiological mechanisms, aiming future therapies. This was done through three strategies: 1-) The study of the therapeutic potential of transplantation of bone marrow mesenchymal-eGFP transformed stem cells, in Lama2dy-2J/J (a2 laminin deficient mice) and Largemyd (mice with defect in the glycosilation of -DG) ; 2-) The analyses of the relative expression of genes involved in regeneration and degeneration, in different mice models for muscular dystrophies; 3-) The study of the roles of dystrophin and 2-laminin proteins in the organization of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex in muscle sarcolemma through the generation of a new mouse model, double-mutant for these two proteins. In the first approach, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells expressing eGFP protein were intravenously injected in Lama2dy-2J/J and Largemyd mice, but these cells were not localized in the muscle of the tested animals after 3 months of experiment. Complementary studies showed that MSC and C2C12 cells expressing eGFP, when directly injected in the muscle of these models, were retained for only a few days, suggesting a rejection against cells expressing eGFP in the dystrophic muscle. Functional analysis showed a high variability among the tested mice, which is similar to the significant clinical variability observed in human patients with muscular dystrophies. In the second approach we quantified the expression of genes involved in degeneration and regeneration pathways in the dystrophic models mdx, SJL/J, Lama2dy-2J/J and Largemyd, and correlated these data with muscle histopathological pattern of each model. The result suggests that TGFβ-1 gene is activated in the dystrophic process in all the stages of degeneration while the activation of the expression of the PCOL gene possibly occurs in earliest stages of this process. We also observed that each physiopathological mechanism acted differently in the activation of regeneration, with differences in the induction of proliferation of satellite cells, but with no alterations in stimulation to differentiation. Dysfunction of satellite cells can therefore be an important additional mechanism of pathogenesis in the dystrophic muscle. In the third approach we generated a new dystrophic mouse model, carrying two simultaneous deficiencies of the proteins dystrophin and 2-laminin, by crossing mdx and Lama2dy-2J/J strains. In the offspring, the proportion of affected double-mutant mice was within the expected mendelian proportion, showing therefore, the viability of these defects with life. Only 4 alive animals were obtained up to the present date, and they are being followed for clinical characterization. The phenotype of this double-mutant mouse is very severe, presenting significant weakness, starting earlier and progressing faster that the parental strains. When more affected animals will be available, additional protein studies will be done to verify the effect of these two deficiencies in the organization of the DGC complex and its effect on the cascades of muscle degeneration and regeneration.

Metabolic functions of the multifunctional protein E4F1 in skin homeostasis / Détermination des fonctions de la protéine multifonctionnelle E4F1 au cours de l'homéostasie et de la tumorigenèse cutanée

Seyran, Sevde Berfin 25 July 2017 (has links)
L’étude des réseaux protéiques perturbés au cours de l’infection par les petits virus oncogéniques amena, vers la fin des années 80, à la découverte de nombreux régulateurs clés de la division et de la survie cellulaire. Parmi ceux-ci, la protéine E4F1 fût initialement identifiée comme une cible de l’oncoprotéine virale E1A. Originellement identifié comme un facteur de transcription, E4F1 est également une ubiquitine-E3 ligase atypique pour d'autres facteurs de transcription tel que le suppresseur de tumeurs p53. Au travers de ses multiples activités, E4F1 est nécessaire à la prolifération des cellules somatiques et souches, et à la survie des cellules cancéreuses. De plus, les travaux de différents laboratoires dont le mien suggèrent qu’E4F1 se situe au carrefour de plusieurs voies de signalisation qui sont fréquemment altérées au cours de l’oncogenèse, et notamment la voie impliquant le suppresseur de tumeurs p53. Afin d’étudier les fonctions physiologiques in vivo d’E4f1, mon laboratoire d’accueil a développé plusieurs modèles de souris génétiquement modifiées. La caractérisation de ces modèles a permis de mettre en évidence un rôle majeur d'E4F1 dans l'homéostasie de la peau. Plus précisément, E4F1 régule le pool de cellules souches de l'épiderme au travers de son rôle dans une voie de signalisation qui implique la protéine p53 et deux de ces régulateurs en amont: Arf et Bmi1. Cependant, il semble que les effets d'E4F1 dans le contrôle du maintien des cellules souches s'étendent au delà de son rôle sur cette voie de signalisation. En effet, j'ai récemment pu démontrer qu'E4F1, au travers de ces fonctions transcriptionnelles, régule directement l'expression d'un sous-groupe de gènes impliqués dans la régulation de l'activité de la pyruvate déshydrogénase (PDH). La PDH est un complexe multimérique situé dans la mitochondrie qui catalyse la décarboxylation du pyruvate (le produit final de la glycolyse) en acétyl coenzyme A (AcCoA), liant ainsi le métabolisme du pyruvate au cycle de Krebs. J’ai pu montrer que l’inactivation d’E4f1 spécifiquement dans l'épiderme conduisait à une diminution importante de l’activité de PDH et à une reprogrammation métabolique de ces cellules. Cette reprogrammation a pour conséquence d'altérer le micro-environnement des cellules souches qui conduit à leur détachement de leur niche et aboutit in fine à une absence du renouvellement de l'épiderme. Cette partie de mes travaux a donc permis d'illustrer pour la première fois l'importance du métabolisme du pyruvate dans l'homéostasie des cellules souches de la peau. Sur la base de ces résultats, je poursuis l'analyse des fonctions d’E4f1 dans l'homéostasie de la peau en étudiant son rôle dans d'autres types cellulaires tels que les mélanocytes. / The multifunctional protein E4F1 is an essential regulator of normal skin homeostasis. During my Phd, I demonstrated that E4f1 inactivation in adult skin results in stem cell autonomous defects causing exhaustion of the epidermal stem cell (ESC) pool. At the molecular level, I identified E4F1 as a new regulator of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) in keratinocytes, an essential mitochondrial complex that converts pyruvate into Acetyl-CoEnzyme A. Using genetically engineered mouse models, I showed that E4F1-mediated control of PDH activity is required to maintain normal skin homeostasis. Consistently, E4F1 deficiency in basal keratinocytes resulted in deregulated expression of dihydrolipoamide acetlytransferase (Dlat), a gene encoding the E2 subunit of the PDC, and impaired PDH activity. The metabolic reprogramming of E4f1 KO keratinocytes associated with the redirection of the glycolytic flux towards lactate production and increased lactate secretion in their microenvironment, leading to enhanced activity of extra-cellular-matrix remodelling proteases Finally, these defects ended in alterations of the basement membrane, ESC mislocalization and the exhaustion of the ESC pool. In the second part of my thesis, I have evaluated the role of E4F1-mediated control of the PDC in melanocytes and showed that the metabolic activities of E4F1 are important for melanocyte function. Consistently, mice with E4f1-deficient melanocytes exhibited hair graying and skin pigmentation defects. Altogether, my data demonstrate the importance of E4f1-mediated control of pyruvate metabolism for normal skin homeostasis.

Identificação e estudo de genes diferencialmente expressos em modelos murinos de distrofia muscular / Identification and study of differentially expressed genes in mouse models for muscular dystrophy

Camila de Freitas Almeida 23 September 2014 (has links)
As distrofias musculares formam um grupo amplo e heterogêneo de doenças genéticas, caracterizado basicamente pela degeneração e fraqueza muscular. Ao longo das últimas décadas muitos estudos vêm sendo realizados para a identificação dos genes causadores dessas doenças. Entretanto, apesar da identificação da mutação responsável pela grande maioria das formas descritas, os processos moleculares subjacentes ao defeito genético primário são muito complexos e ainda precisam ser melhor compreendidos. E a compreensão dos mecanismos de cada uma das formas é muito importante para o desenvolvimento adequado de terapias. A avaliação da expressão gênica global por microarranjos de DNA é uma ferramenta bastante poderosa, capaz de produzir uma grande quantidade de dados, delineando o panorama geral do estado do transcriptoma de um determinado tecido ou célula. Assim, os objetivos desse trabalho foram estudar os perfis de expressão do músculo de três linhagens de camundongos modelos de formas distintas de distrofia muscular (Dmdmdx, Largemyd-/- e Dmdmdx/Largemyd-/-) em diferentes fases da progressão da doença (21 dias, três meses e seis meses de idade), com o intuito de caracterizar o processo distrófico e como o perfil de expressão varia com a progressão da idade e a depender da mutação genética. Em cada um dos modelos e idades estudados identificamos um grande número de genes diferencialmente expressos (GDEs), refletindo a complexidade dessas doenças. A análise dos processos e vias biológicas nas quais esses genes estão envolvidos mostrou o forte envolvimento de componentes do sistema imunológico e inflamação, e também de genes relacionados com os processos de degeneração/regeneração e remodelamento da matriz extracelular. De modo geral, as funções biológicas alteradas são bem semelhantes entre as linhagens, sugerindo que apesar de as mutações serem em genes distintos, com funções diferentes, os processos moleculares que são afetados em decorrência dessas mutações são praticamente os mesmos. As maiores diferenças foram vistas na idade de 21 dias, especialmente na linhagem Dmdmdx que apresentou uma grande quantidade de GDEs, dos quais grande parte relacionada com a maior capacidade regenerativa dessa linhagem e, assim, são genes que podem explicar o porquê desses animais apresentarem um fenótipo benigno em relação aos pacientes humanos. A caracterização do modelo duplo-mutante Dmdmdx/Largemyd-/- mostrou que a junção das duas mutações não ocasiona alterações no transcriptoma distintas das obsevadas nas linhagens parentais, sendo que o perfil do duplo-mutante é mais próximo ao de seu parental Largemyd-/-, não apresentando a mesma capacidade regenerativa que o Dmdmdx / The muscular dystrophies form a large and heterogeneous group of genetic diseases, characterized mainly by progressive muscular degeneration and weakness. In the last decades, many studies have been carried on in order to identify the involved genes in these disorders. However, despite the identification of responsible mutations of the majority of the described forms, the underlying molecular processes to the primary mutation are very complex and are not fully understood. And to understand the mechanisms of each form is of major importance to the development of therapies. Global gene expression profiling by DNA microarrays is a powerful tool, able to yield a huge quantity of data, outlining the general landscape of the transcriptome of a given tissue or cell. In this sense, the objectives of this work were to study the expression profile of the muscles from three mice lineages, models for different forms of muscular dystrophy (Dmdmdx, Largemyd-/- and Dmdmdx/Largemyd-/-) in different phases of disease progression (21-day-old, three-month-old and six-month-old), in order to characterize the dystrophic process and how the expression profile changes according to aging and depending on the genetic mutation. In each model and age studied we identified a substantial number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs), reflecting the diseases\' complexity. The analysis of the biological processes and pathways in which these genes are implicated showed a strong involvement of immune system and inflammation components, and also genes related to degeneration/regeneration and extracellular matrix remodeling processes. Altogether, the altered biologic functions are very similar in lineages, suggesting that although mutations are in different genes, with diverse functions, the affected molecular processes due to these mutations are basically the same. The most notable differences were seen on 21-day-old, especially on Dmdmdx lineage that showed a great quantity of DEGs, many of which are related to the better regenerative capacity this lineage exhibits and, thus, they are genes that could explain why these animals manifest a mild phenotype in comparison to human patients. The characterization of the double mutant Dmdmdx/Largemyd-/- showed that the union of both mutations does not bring on alterations on the transcriptome different from those seen in the parental lineages, with the double mutant profile closer to its parental Largemyd-/-, not bearing the same regenerative capacity that Dmdmdx

Identifying phenotypic change across time in mouse models of Down syndrome

Shaw, Patricia Rein 24 March 2021 (has links)
Advances in Down syndrome (DS) research depend on the availability of mouse models that replicate the genetic landscape and resulting phenotypes of DS which allow for experimental manipulation to correlate cellular and molecular changes with behavior, in a way that is not possible with human studies alone. These models have been a critical component in understanding the underlying mechanism of the intellectual disability in people with Down syndrome. The Ts(1716)65Dn (Ts65Dn) mouse is one of the most commonly used models as it recapitulates many of the phenotypes seen in individuals with Down syndrome, including neuroanatomical changes and impaired learning and memory. Although Ts65Dn exhibits a number of traits also present in DS, studies have produced variable results across time that call into question the validity of Ts65Dn and its use as a tool for studying Down syndrome. As Ts65Dn is the platform employed to gather preclinical evidence for treatments of DS, a critical assessment regarding the validity of the model over time is necessary. In this study, we conduct a rigorous and comprehensive, comparative analysis of multiple cohorts from the Ts65Dn line to assess the stability and reproducibility of neuroanatomical and behavioral characteristics. We measured gross anatomical brain and body size, neuronal density in the hippocampus and cerebellum, alterations to oligodendrocyte maturation and myelination, acquisition of developmental milestones, and learning and memory performance using the Morris water maze. Our results show a significant amount of variability in Ts65Dn, both across as well as within cohorts. Inconsistent phenotypes in Ts65Dn mice highlight specific cautions and caveats for use of these mice when studying Down syndrome and suggest it is not always the most appropriate model system to use. In addition to phenotypic variability, a major pitfall of the Ts65Dn model is the unintended triplication of 60 non-DS-related genes and the unknown consequences on resulting phenotypes. Recent advances in gene editing strategies have allowed for the gene dosage normalization of those 60 genes and the generation of a new mouse model of Down syndrome, Ts66YAH. As this newly developed line has not yet been characterized, we conducted an analysis complimentary to our study of Ts65Dn to investigate the utility of Ts66YAH for Down syndrome research. We found Ts66YAH mice show no measurable neuroanatomical changes, developmental delays, or learning and memory deficits suggesting that the deleted non-DS-related genes do influence the phenotypes seen in Ts65Dn. Although Ts66YAH is a more genetically representative model of Down syndrome compared to Ts65Dn, it does not exhibit disease relevant phenotypes and therefore, may not be a suitable model for studying DS. The various downfalls identified in the present study may be impacting other mouse models of DS as well and thus, our analysis of Ts65Dn across time and comparative study of Ts66YAH illustrate the need for careful use and increased rigor to ensure translational and reproducible results when working with all mouse models of Down syndrome.

Histological, cellular, and molecular abnormalities in forebrain and spinal cord of three distinct mouse models of Down syndrome

Aziz, Nadine M. 10 July 2017 (has links)
Down syndrome (DS) is a developmental disorder caused by a triplication of human chromosome 21, which contains approximately 550 genes. DS is the most common autosomal aneuploidy occurring with an incidence of 1 in 793 live births. Hallmarks of DS include abnormal central nervous system (CNS) development and function resulting in intellectual disability (ID), motor dysfunction, and early onset Alzheimer’s neuropathology. Studies have elucidated widespread neurohistological abnormalities in brains of fetuses with DS as early as 20 weeks of gestation, suggesting that early dysfunction in neural development may set the stage for exacerbated CNS abnormalities throughout life. Additionally, the complex constellation of symptoms associated with DS changes over the lifespan, particularly in adolescence and in middle to old age. Thus, these periods may represent opportune windows for age-specific therapeutic interventions. Due to ethical and practical constraints, use of human samples is alone insufficient to characterize the etiological underpinnings of DS phenotypes across the lifespan. Furthermore, while human data are instructive for drug development, preclinical trials are necessary for target validation, to establish dosage, and to prove safety and efficacy of any proposed therapeutic. With the advent of mouse models of DS, informative studies on the neurobiology of DS as well as preclinical testing of proposed therapies are possible. Here, we use a multi-pronged approach to assess molecular, neuroanatomical, and behavioral phenotypes indicative of brain and SC function in three distinct mouse models of DS: Ts1Cje, Ts65Dn, and Dp16. We identify neurodevelopment phenotypes, cytoarchitectural aberrations, bioenergetic abnormalities, myelination deficits, and motor/cognitive dysfunction at multiple ages spanning the period between embryonic day 12.5 and 6-7 months in trisomic mice. Additionally, we show that while Ts65Dn mice recapitulate all known phases of histological, functional, and behavioral phenotypes typical of DS starting from prenatal development and into middle age, this is not true for the Ts1Cje or Dp16 models. Lastly, we present promising outcomes of two possible therapies for cognitive and motor dysfunction in Ts65Dn mice. Altogether our findings provide insights into the underlying neurobiology of ID and motor dysfunction in DS and elucidate molecular changes that can be targeted for future therapeutic intervention. / 2018-07-09T00:00:00Z

Gfi1-controlled transcriptional circuits in normal and malignant hematopoiesis

Muench, David 11 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Loss of Arid1a and Pten in Pancreatic Ductal Cells Induces Intraductal Tubulopapillary Neoplasm via the YAP/TAZ Pathway / 膵管細胞におけるArid1aおよびPtenの欠失により、YAP/TAZ経路を介して膵管内管状乳頭状腫瘍(ITPN)が発生する

Fukunaga, Yuichi 23 May 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第24791号 / 医博第4983号 / 新制||医||1066(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 川口 義弥, 教授 小林 恭, 教授 小濱 和貴 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

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