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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Catch up if you can : A comparative study of institutional and economic development

Källberg, Christoffer January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines the correlation between economic growth and the prevalence of a number of institutions that according to a theory elaborated by economists Christer Gunnarsson and Mauricio Rojas are growth promoting. The economic development and the institutional quality of four African countries, namely Botswana, Zambia, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau, is examined by comparing index scores for relevant institutional factors. The results show that some correlation between economic growth and the prevalence of the institutions examined can be confirmed, why the theory only gains moderate support. A minor attempt is also made to trace potential correlations between the level of economic equality and the institutions in question, but no correlation is found in this respect.</p>

Politiques de la nature et nature de l'État. (Re)deploiement de la souveraineté de l'État et action publique transnationale au Mozambique

Nakanabo Diallo, Rozenn 17 May 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Le Mozambique est un 'donor darling' depuis l'indépendance en 1975, et plus particulièrement depuis les Accords de paix en 1992. En matière de conservation de la nature, des bailleurs de fonds internationaux prennent une part active à l'action publique, depuis la conception de la réglementation jusqu'à la gestion quotidienne de parcs nationaux. L'action publique est de fait transnationale : elle est sous-tendue par des narrations, des financements et des acteurs exogènes. Ce travail étudie ce phénomène au sommet de l'Etat, c'est à dire à l'échelle des élites administratives du ministère du tourisme (en charge des questions de conservation) et de deux parcs nationaux (Gorongosa et Limpopo). Grâce à une lecture sociologique de l'action publique, nous montrons combien les élites mozambicaines se situent dans une zone grise : elles s'attachent à mettre en œuvre les feuilles de route de bailleurs qui les rémunèrent (telle la Banque mondiale), mais elles affichent dans le même temps une loyauté vis à vis du parti-Etat Frelimo, au pouvoir depuis l'indépendance. Ainsi, leur maîtrise voire leur partage des visions du monde des bailleurs en matière de conservation va de pair avec leur inscription nationale : la mise en œuvre d'agendas pour partie exogènes n'est pas incompatible avec l'affirmation d'un périmètre des compétences de l'Etat. En d'autres termes, notre hypothèse consiste à penser l'action de ces élites comme participant certes de la transnationalisation de l'action publique, mais également de l'affirmation de l'Etat qui reste au centre du jeu, malgré ses faibles capacités. De manière a priori contre-intuitive, le processus de domination étatique peut se poursuivre sous un régime d'aide, lequel peut même donner lieu à un (re)déploiement de la souveraineté de l'Etat.

Finding new coping mechanisms: the impact of HIV and AIDS on women’s access to land in Mozambique.

Seuane, Sonia Marisa James. January 2008 (has links)
<p>In this full thesis, I explore the impact that HIV and AIDS pandemic is having in the livelihood strategies of rural women in Mozambique. My intention in this work is to highlight the navigation of Mozambican women through this harsh era. I establish a discussion about land as major asset in a poor and mainly agricultural country like Mozambique. And the fact that many scholars and policy makers are concerned about the escalating number of young widows that have had their land and other assets expropriated after the deaths of their husbands, mainly due to the HIV and AIDS pandemic. The convergence of the colonization process, the civil war (that took over 16 years in Mozambique) and the modernization/development process have been systematically trapping women in the interface between traditional and modern social organization. Now, with the spread of HIV and AIDS, young women and children whose only source of subsistence is their land have been losing their traditional rights, and they face the cultural changes brought about by a new social order that does not support them and their children after the death of a husband or father.</p>

Dietary dynamics of two key fish species in the St Lucia estuarine system, South Africa.

Dyer, David Clifford. January 2014 (has links)
Among the 155 species of fish recorded so far in the St Lucia estuarine lake, Oreochromis mossambicus and Ambassis ambassis are the two most prominent. Although originally endemic to southern Africa, O. mossambicus is now one of the most widely distributed exotic fish species worldwide. Together with A. ambassis, they have become the dominant fish species in the St Lucia estuarine lake since the closure of the mouth in 2002 and are, therefore, a crucial component of the food webs throughout the system. After a decade dominated by dry and hypersaline conditions, the St Lucia system has changed dramatically in terms of prevailing environmental conditions, as a result of higher than average rainfall at the end of 2011 and the onset of a new wet phase at the start of 2012. In response, A. ambassis, which prefers lower salinity regimes, has expanded its distribution range throughout the estuarine lake. Stable δ¹⁵N and δ¹³C isotope analysis was used in conjunction with gut content analysis to elucidate the diet of these species at sampling localities spanning the geographical range of the system and determine whether these species shift their diet in response to environmental or climatic shifts. From both studies it is evident that from a temporal and spatial scale these two species adopt similar, yet very different, dietary tactics. Oreochromis mossambicus was shown to adopt a generalist feeding strategy, opportunistically feeding on dietary items that are available thus allowing this species to alter its diet according to the environment that it inhabits. Trophic positioning of this species was found to be controlled by salinity in St Lucia as dietary composition differed greatly between sites. In contrast, Ambassis ambassis displayed a more specialist dietary composition, feeding predominantly on zooplankton. However, this species also opportunistically supplements its diet with additional sources when available. Trophic position of A. ambassis was higher in the dry season owing to the increased productivity of the system during the wet season. The success and dominance of both species in the St Lucia system can therefore be attributed to their dietary strategies. Under extreme environmental conditions, O. mossambicus has the added advantage of its wide tolerance of different environmental conditions, particularly salinity, thus allowing it to proliferate. / M.Sc. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2014.

Un héritage ambigu : l'île de Mozambique, la construction du patrimoine et ses enjeux

Cachat, Séverine 15 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
L'île de Mozambique se situe dans l'océan Indien au carrefour d'influences diverses : continentale, arabo-swahili, indienne, portugaise... Capitale coloniale portugaise jusqu'en 1898, elle devient au début du XVIIIe siècle une plaque tournante du commerce des esclaves, notamment à destination des îles françaises de l'océan Indien. En 1991, elle est classée par l'Unesco au patrimoine culturel de l'Humanité. La patrimonialisation de l'île interroge cet héritage, colonial d'abord mais aussi " multiple ", fruit de cette mobilité indiaocéanique séculaire. Le patrimoine constitue l'instrument de construction privilégié des imaginaires, des mémoires et des identités. Or l'île de Mozambique, objet polysémique, est prise dans un réseau complexe de relations et de représentations. Oscillant entre les symboles extrêmes de l'aliénation coloniale et de la " mozambicanité " plurielle, l'île et son patrimoine mobilisent d'importants enjeux identitaires, politiques, sociologiques et mémoriels. Les interprétations multiples de l'île et de la notion de patrimoine, parmi les populations qui l'habitent et les institutions nationales ou internationales en charge de sa gestion, apportent un éclairage sur ces enjeux parfois conflictuels, et leur incidence sur le processus en cours de réhabilitation. Ce travail tente donc, à travers une démarche " généalogique ", de retracer les grandes étapes du processus de patrimonialisation, à la fois juridique, institutionnelle et symbolique, et de mettre en perspective les images et les usages multiples de l'île, notamment liés à la mémoire coloniale et au processus de construction nationale.

The role of higher education for knowledge on and for Africa: A historical critique

Adelino Chissale Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis investigates the ways in which higher education in Africa has been construing its mission for Africa’s development and how such constructions are shaped by particular global regimes of knowledge on development. The thesis unpacks the ways in which such regimes are deployed using specific technologies: neo-liberal precepts on economic development. To that end, I pose a set of questions which can be summarized in these two: How has higher education in Africa discursively construed Africa’s experiences? Second, in which terms such constructions have helped responding to Africa’s problems of development? Taking Mozambican higher education as a unit of analysis, I used postcolonial theory to unsettle neo-liberal regimes of development and to show how contingent they are. Methodologically, a historical critique was carried out to historize neo-liberal globalization as a contingent process and to understand multiple possibilities of construing Africa’s experiences. My data consisted of texts discussing ways in which Africa is discursively understood by both, African and Western scholarship, higher education policy in Mozambique, interviews with senior administrators of some Mozambican higher education institutions and text materials from higher education institutions’ websites in Mozambique. The findings suggest that, on the one hand, constructions of Africa as being in crisis are not new. In fact, for centuries Africa has always been a subject of knowledge from which the West constructs its differences. It is from such differences that the West assumed a civilizing mission in order to integrate African peoples in the world order. On the other hand, African scholars’ responses to Western constructions of Africa’s experiences end up building another crisis at the theoretical level: the difficulties of thinking effectively on Africa so as to solve its problems. The second finding is that Mozambican higher education’s responses to the crisis have been marked by a development agenda within the broader context of Mozambique’s history from late the 1970s onwards: first, within the socialist model of central planning economy and, second, within the international agenda of global neo-liberal market economy. My analysis suggests that both development practices reflect, to some extent, continuities of colonial regimes of development which did not take into account the contextualities of the colonized. Finally, my investigation found that higher education institutions in Mozambique are responding to development challenges based on very technological conceptions of development following global trends. The thesis contends that an engagement with the ethics of knowledge and development would lead to a development model more preoccupied with the social contexts beyond market rationalities.

The role of higher education for knowledge on and for Africa: A historical critique

Adelino Chissale Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis investigates the ways in which higher education in Africa has been construing its mission for Africa’s development and how such constructions are shaped by particular global regimes of knowledge on development. The thesis unpacks the ways in which such regimes are deployed using specific technologies: neo-liberal precepts on economic development. To that end, I pose a set of questions which can be summarized in these two: How has higher education in Africa discursively construed Africa’s experiences? Second, in which terms such constructions have helped responding to Africa’s problems of development? Taking Mozambican higher education as a unit of analysis, I used postcolonial theory to unsettle neo-liberal regimes of development and to show how contingent they are. Methodologically, a historical critique was carried out to historize neo-liberal globalization as a contingent process and to understand multiple possibilities of construing Africa’s experiences. My data consisted of texts discussing ways in which Africa is discursively understood by both, African and Western scholarship, higher education policy in Mozambique, interviews with senior administrators of some Mozambican higher education institutions and text materials from higher education institutions’ websites in Mozambique. The findings suggest that, on the one hand, constructions of Africa as being in crisis are not new. In fact, for centuries Africa has always been a subject of knowledge from which the West constructs its differences. It is from such differences that the West assumed a civilizing mission in order to integrate African peoples in the world order. On the other hand, African scholars’ responses to Western constructions of Africa’s experiences end up building another crisis at the theoretical level: the difficulties of thinking effectively on Africa so as to solve its problems. The second finding is that Mozambican higher education’s responses to the crisis have been marked by a development agenda within the broader context of Mozambique’s history from late the 1970s onwards: first, within the socialist model of central planning economy and, second, within the international agenda of global neo-liberal market economy. My analysis suggests that both development practices reflect, to some extent, continuities of colonial regimes of development which did not take into account the contextualities of the colonized. Finally, my investigation found that higher education institutions in Mozambique are responding to development challenges based on very technological conceptions of development following global trends. The thesis contends that an engagement with the ethics of knowledge and development would lead to a development model more preoccupied with the social contexts beyond market rationalities.

The role of higher education for knowledge on and for Africa: A historical critique

Adelino Chissale Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis investigates the ways in which higher education in Africa has been construing its mission for Africa’s development and how such constructions are shaped by particular global regimes of knowledge on development. The thesis unpacks the ways in which such regimes are deployed using specific technologies: neo-liberal precepts on economic development. To that end, I pose a set of questions which can be summarized in these two: How has higher education in Africa discursively construed Africa’s experiences? Second, in which terms such constructions have helped responding to Africa’s problems of development? Taking Mozambican higher education as a unit of analysis, I used postcolonial theory to unsettle neo-liberal regimes of development and to show how contingent they are. Methodologically, a historical critique was carried out to historize neo-liberal globalization as a contingent process and to understand multiple possibilities of construing Africa’s experiences. My data consisted of texts discussing ways in which Africa is discursively understood by both, African and Western scholarship, higher education policy in Mozambique, interviews with senior administrators of some Mozambican higher education institutions and text materials from higher education institutions’ websites in Mozambique. The findings suggest that, on the one hand, constructions of Africa as being in crisis are not new. In fact, for centuries Africa has always been a subject of knowledge from which the West constructs its differences. It is from such differences that the West assumed a civilizing mission in order to integrate African peoples in the world order. On the other hand, African scholars’ responses to Western constructions of Africa’s experiences end up building another crisis at the theoretical level: the difficulties of thinking effectively on Africa so as to solve its problems. The second finding is that Mozambican higher education’s responses to the crisis have been marked by a development agenda within the broader context of Mozambique’s history from late the 1970s onwards: first, within the socialist model of central planning economy and, second, within the international agenda of global neo-liberal market economy. My analysis suggests that both development practices reflect, to some extent, continuities of colonial regimes of development which did not take into account the contextualities of the colonized. Finally, my investigation found that higher education institutions in Mozambique are responding to development challenges based on very technological conceptions of development following global trends. The thesis contends that an engagement with the ethics of knowledge and development would lead to a development model more preoccupied with the social contexts beyond market rationalities.

The role of higher education for knowledge on and for Africa: A historical critique

Adelino Chissale Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis investigates the ways in which higher education in Africa has been construing its mission for Africa’s development and how such constructions are shaped by particular global regimes of knowledge on development. The thesis unpacks the ways in which such regimes are deployed using specific technologies: neo-liberal precepts on economic development. To that end, I pose a set of questions which can be summarized in these two: How has higher education in Africa discursively construed Africa’s experiences? Second, in which terms such constructions have helped responding to Africa’s problems of development? Taking Mozambican higher education as a unit of analysis, I used postcolonial theory to unsettle neo-liberal regimes of development and to show how contingent they are. Methodologically, a historical critique was carried out to historize neo-liberal globalization as a contingent process and to understand multiple possibilities of construing Africa’s experiences. My data consisted of texts discussing ways in which Africa is discursively understood by both, African and Western scholarship, higher education policy in Mozambique, interviews with senior administrators of some Mozambican higher education institutions and text materials from higher education institutions’ websites in Mozambique. The findings suggest that, on the one hand, constructions of Africa as being in crisis are not new. In fact, for centuries Africa has always been a subject of knowledge from which the West constructs its differences. It is from such differences that the West assumed a civilizing mission in order to integrate African peoples in the world order. On the other hand, African scholars’ responses to Western constructions of Africa’s experiences end up building another crisis at the theoretical level: the difficulties of thinking effectively on Africa so as to solve its problems. The second finding is that Mozambican higher education’s responses to the crisis have been marked by a development agenda within the broader context of Mozambique’s history from late the 1970s onwards: first, within the socialist model of central planning economy and, second, within the international agenda of global neo-liberal market economy. My analysis suggests that both development practices reflect, to some extent, continuities of colonial regimes of development which did not take into account the contextualities of the colonized. Finally, my investigation found that higher education institutions in Mozambique are responding to development challenges based on very technological conceptions of development following global trends. The thesis contends that an engagement with the ethics of knowledge and development would lead to a development model more preoccupied with the social contexts beyond market rationalities.

Maternal outcome of pregnancy in Mozambique with special reference to abortion-related morbidity and mortality /

Machungo, Fernanda, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2002. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

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