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Magnetic resonance imaging of leg muscle structure and composition in women with and without osteoporosisLorbergs, Amanda 11 1900 (has links)
Introduction: Bone loss, fractures, and declining physical performance are associated with muscle atrophy and fat infiltration. Muscle structure and composition differences may be apparent between women with and without osteoporosis (OP).
Purpose: To: 1) evaluate the effect of a time period spent in supine on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures of muscle size and diffusion properties in young and older women; 2) assess the feasibility of applying three MRI scanning methods to evaluate macrostructural and microstructural properties of leg muscles in older women; and 3) compare musculoskeletal tissue structure and composition between older women with and without OP, and to determine the relationships between bone, muscle, fat, and physical performance.
Methods: Sixteen young and older women had their legs scanned with MRI at baseline and after 30 and 60 minutes of supine resting. Feasibility of recruitment, participant tolerance to scanning, and image acquisition and analysis protocols were assessed. Thirty-five moderately active, older women with and without OP underwent MRI and peripheral quantitative computed tomography scanning of the leg and performed physical performance tests.
Results: In young and older women, muscle size did not change with time spent supine, but water diffusivity decreased in some muscle regions. It is feasible to perform a single session of three MRI scanning techniques in older women. Women with and without OP had similar musculoskeletal structure that showed fat infiltration is associated with reduced bone strength and slower gait speed.
Conclusions: In young and older women, muscle size is unaffected by a period of supine rest, but time spent in supine may modify water diffusivity measures. It is feasible to use a combination of MRI scanning techniques to evaluate leg muscle structure in older women. MRI improves our understanding of the relationships among muscle, fat, bone, and physical performance. / Dissertation / Doctor of Science (PhD)
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Une époque de transe : l'exemple de Djuna Barnes, Jean Rhys et Virginia Woolf /Béranger, Élisabeth. January 1981 (has links)
Th. univ.--Litt.--Paris 8, 1978. / Bibliogr. p. 701-723.
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Change of Condition: Women's Rhetorical Strategies on Marriage, 1710-1756Wood, Laura Thomason 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines ways in which women constructed and criticized matrimony both before and after their own marriages. Social historians have argued for the rise of companionacy in the eighteenth century without paying attention to women's accounts of the fears and uncertainties surrounding the prospect of marriage. I argue that having more latitude to choose a husband did not diminish the enormous impact that the choice would have on the rest of a woman's life; if anything, choice might increase that impact. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Hester Mulso Chapone, Mary Delany, and Eliza Haywood recorded their anxieties about and their criticisms of marriage in public and private writings from the early years of the century into the 1750s. They often elide their own complex backgrounds in favor of generalized policy statements on what constitutes a good marriage. These women promote an ideal of marriage based on respect and similarity of character, suggesting that friendship is more honest, and durable than romantic love. This definition of ideal marriage enables these women to argue for more egalitarian marital relationships without overtly calling for a change in the wife's traditional role. The advancement of this ideal of companionacy gave women a means of promoting gender equality in marriage at a time when they considered marriage risky but socially and economically necessary.
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Cognitive control and the underlying mechanisms in restless legs syndromeZhang, Rui 03 May 2018 (has links)
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sensory-motor disorder characterized by abnormal circadian rhythm with an increase in the severity of sensory and motor symptoms at night. Even though many neurological diseases have shown a strong nexus between motor and cognitive symptoms, to date, cognitive functions especially cognitive control in RLS has been poorly understood. Given that cognitive control is a key to leading a self-serving and successful life, including many aspects of employment, social life, and attaining long-term goals, this thesis aimed to examine cognitive control and the underlying mechanisms in RLS.
Thalamic gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), which has been linked to RLS sensory-motor symptoms, also plays an important role in cognitive control. Therefore, the potential relationship between thalamic GABA level and cognitive control in RLS was examined (Study I). RLS patients displayed reduced working memory-based control performances as compared to healthy controls. Elevated thalamic GABA was found to attenuate the observed control deficits in RLS, even though changes in thalamic GABA levels might not be the ultimate causes of these deficits. According to the modulatory effect of thalamic GABA on thalamic activity and thalamo-cortical connectivity, relatively higher GABA levels may have helped RLS patients compensate for their pathological changes such as thalamic hyperactivity and hypoconnectivity, which may underpin the observed control deficits.
The critical feature of RLS, abnormal circadian rhythm is thought to be related to nocturnal striatal dopamine deficiency. Concerning the dopaminergic modulation of cognitive control, the circadian variation of cognitive control processes has been investigated (Study II & III). RLS patients displayed reduced attentional control (Study II) and automatic response activation (Study III) at night, which resulted from decreased activation within the extra-striate visual cortex, the superior parietal cortex, and the premotor cortex. As there were no activity changes within the prefrontal cortex, it is likely that cortico-basal ganglia cognitive loops were less prone to RLS. Instead, striatal dopamine deficiency at night may have influenced the cortico-cortical functional connectivity and cortico-basal ganglia motor loops in RLS.
These findings not only shed light on the underlying mechanisms of cognitive control, but also advance early clinical treatment possibilities for cognitive changes in RLS patients. Furthermore, recent insights into daytime-related cognition may help patients develop a suitable daytime schedule to minimize the detrimental effects induced by cognitive deficits.
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Att utvärdera samband mellan subjektivt skattad smärta och transmittorsubstanser med magnetresonansspektroskopi : - En pilotstudieLundmark, Hanna, Yamamoto, Helya January 2022 (has links)
Att utvärdera samband mellan subjektivt skattad smärta och transmittorsubstanser med magnetresonansspektroskopi Bakgrund: Smärta är en komplex upplevelse, som involverar olika delar av hjärnan. Regionen anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) är kopplad till upplevelsen av smärta och delas in i ett flertal mindre regioner, till exempel den pregenuala regionen (pgACC) och dorsala regionen (dACC). För att studera olika metaboliter och transmittorsubstanser kan magnetresonansspektroskopi (MRS) användas. MRS och sekvensen MEGA-PRESS kan mäta specifika transmittorsubstanser såsom Gamma-AminoButyric Acid (GABA) och glutamin-glutamat (Glx). Motiv: Det finns kunskapsluckor kring hur individens subjektiva smärtupplevelse i relation till transmittorsubstanser objektivt kan mätas och utvärderas. Syfte: Att med MRS och MEGA-PRESS undersöka GABA+ och Glx-nivåer i hjärnområdena pgACC och dACC samt undersöka samband mellan smärtkänslighet och GABA+ och Glx i pgACC och dACC. Metod: En kvantitativ, experimentell pilotstudie genomfördes med tio friska deltagare. Initialt skannades deltagarna i MRT och smärtstimulerades, sedan skattade de den upplevda smärtan med hjälp av Numeric Rating Scale. MRS och tekniken MEGA-PRESS användes för att mäta transmittorsubstansnivåerna. Resultat: Studien visade att det fanns en statistiskt signifikant negativ korrelation mellan skattad smärtintensitet och uppmätta nivåer av GABA+ i pgACC (Spearman´s rho = -0,67; p = 0,04). Det fanns även ett statistiskt signifikant positivt samband mellan skattad smärtintensitet och uppmätta nivåer av Glx i dACC (Spearman´s rho =0,73; p=0,02). Vidare fanns signifikant skillnad i Glx mellan pgACC och dACC och en icke signifikant skillnad i GABA+. Konklusion: Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att MRS och MEGA-PRESS kan kvantifiera transmittorsubstanser vid utvärdering av smärtkänslighet och att det finns en positiv korrelation mellan Glx och skattad smärtintensitet, samt en negativ korrelation mellan GABA+ och skattad smärtintensitet. Detta kan ge fördjupad insikt i individens smärtupplevelse och kan främja den individuella behandlingen. Genom att ta hänsyn till sambandet mellan smärta och transmittorsubstanser kan det bidra till ökad förståelse kring individens smärtupplevelse. / To evaluate the relation between subjectively estimated pain and neurotransmitters using magnetic resonance spectroscopy Background: Pain is a complex experience that involves different parts of the brain. The region anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is connected to the experience of pain and can be divided into several smaller areas, such as the pregenual region (pgACC) and the dorsal region (dACC). To study different metabolites and neurotransmitters, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) can be used. MRS and the sequence (MEGA-PRESS) can measure specific neurotransmitters such as Gamma-AminoButyric Acid (GABA) and glutamin-glutamate (Glx). Motive: There are knowledge gaps about how the individual's subjective pain experience in relation to neurotransmitters can be objectively measured and evaluated. Aim: Using MRS and MEGA-PRESS to examine levels of GABA+ and Glx in the brain regions pgACC and dACC and to examine the relationship between pain sensitivity and GABA+ and Glx in pgACC and dACC. Methods: A quantitative, experimental pilot study was conducted which included ten healthy participants. The participants were initially scanned in the MRI and subjected to pain-stimulation, thereafter the participants rated the perceived pain using Numeric Rating Scale. MRS and the sequence MEGA-PRESS were used to quantify the neurotransmitters of interest. Result: There was a significant, negative correlation between rated pain intensity and measured GABA+ levels in pgACC (Spearman´s rho = -0,67; p = 0,04). There was also a significant, positive correlation between rated pain intensity and measured levels of Glx in dACC (Spearman´s rho =0,73; p=0,02). Furthermore, there was a significant difference in Glx between pgACC and dACC as well as a non-significant difference in GABA+ between regions. Conclusion: In summary, the result shows that MRS and MEGA-PRESS can quantify neurotransmitters when evaluating pain sensitivity and that there is a positive correlation between Glx and estimated pain intensity, and also a negative correlation between GABA+ and estimated pain intensity. This can provide a deeper insight into the individual’s pain experience and promote individual treatment. Further research regarding the meaning of the different brain regions when measuring neurotransmitters is recommended.
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Protonen-Magnet-Resonanz-Spektroskopie (1 H-MRS) mit 3,0 Tesla zur Erfassung cerebraler Metabolite im Frontalhirn depressiver Patienten unter Plazebo-kontrollierter Inositolgabe im Vergleich zu gesunden ProbandenReinfried, Lutz 18 May 2006 (has links)
Ziele: Mittels absolutquantifizierender Protonen-Magnet-Resonanz-Spektroskopie (1H-MRS) wollten wir das Ergebnis einer Vorstudie bestätigen, die im Frontallappen einen reduzierten Quotienten von myo-Inositol/Gesamtcreatin (mI/tCr) bei Depressiven fand. Darüber hinaus testeten wir den antidepressiven Effekt von Inositol als Add-on-Therapie. Methodik: Wir untersuchten Einzelvoxel (2 x 2 x 2 cm3) in der weißen Substanz der rechten und linken Präfrontalregion mit Hilfe eines 3-Tesla Bruker Medspec Systems (STEAM Sequenz, TR/TE/TM = 6000/20/30 ms). Die einzelnen Metabolite wurden anhand des cerebralen Wassers als internem Standard quantifiziert (nach dem LCModell). Es wurden 24 unmedizierte Patienten mit unipolaren depressiven Episoden mit 24 alters- und geschlechtsgematchten gesunden Kontrollen verglichen. In doppelblindem, Plazebo-kontrollierten Parallelgruppen-Design erhielten die Patienten täglich 18 Gramm Inositol oder Plazebo zusätzlich zu Citalopram über vier Wochen. Ergebnisse: An der Baseline unterschieden sich die mI-, Cholin- und N-Acetyl-Aspartat-Konzentrationen der Patienten nicht von jenen der Kontrollen. Es fanden sich keine sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen Inositol- und Plazebo-Gruppe. Überraschenderweise zeigten die depressiven Patienten an der Baseline gegenüber den Kontrollen signifikant höhere tCr-Konzentrationen (mmol/kg) links (5,57 ± 0,96 vs. 4,87 ± 0,63; + 15 %, p < 0,01) und rechts präfrontal (5,29 ± 0,92 vs. 4,46 ± 0,41; + 17 %, p < 0,01). Nach der Behandlung ergab sich eine Reduktion der tCr-Konzentration links- (Tag 28: 5,05 ± 1,16; – 12 %, p = 0,08) und rechtsfrontal (Tag 28: 4,61 ± 1,07; – 9 %, p = 0,09). Die tCr-Konzentrationen der Patienten am Tag 28 unterschieden sich nicht mehr von jenen der Kontrollen. Zusammenfassung: Wir zeigten eine reversible Steigerung der tCr-Konzentration der Patienten im Vergleich zu Kontrollen, die auf Veränderungen des Creatin-Transports oder der ATP-Synthese bei unmedizierter unipolarer Depression hinweisen könnte. / Objectives: By means of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) with absolute quantification we wanted to confirm our previous finding of decreased ratios of the metabolites myo-Inositol/total creatine (mI/tCr) in the right frontal brain of depressives. Moreover, we tested the antidepressive effect of oral Inositol ingestion as add-on-therapy. We measured concentrations (mmol/kg ww) of mI, tCr (= Creatine + Phosphocreatine), Choline (Cho) and N-Acetyl-Aspartate (NAA) in the frontal brain. Methods: Single voxels (2x2x2 cm3) in the white matter of the left and right prefrontal region were examined in a three Tesla Bruker Medspec System (STEAM sequence, TR/TE/TM = 6000/20/30 ms). Metabolites were quantified using the LCModel. At baseline, 24 drug-free patients with unipolar depressive episodes were compared to 24 age and sex matched healthy controls. In a double blind, placebo controlled parallel-group design patients received daily 18 grams Inositol or placebo as an add on therapy to Citalopram over four weeks. Results: At baseline, mI, Cho and NAA concentrations showed no significant differences between patients and controls. The treatment with Inositol did not result in any significant differences to the treatment with placebo. Surprisingly the patients showed significant higher tCr concentrations in the left (5.57 ± 0.96 vs. 4.87 ± 0.63; + 15 %, p < 0.01) as well as in the right prefrontal region (5.29 ± 0.92 vs. 4.46 ± 0.41; + 17 %, p < 0.01) compared to controls. The treatment caused a trend towards a decrease of tCr in the left (day 28: 5.05 ± 1.16; – 12 %, p = 0.08) and in the right frontal hemisphere (day 28: 4.61 ± 1.07; – 9 %, p = 0.09) compared to baseline. The differences between the patients’ tCr at day 28 and the tCr of controls were no more significant. Conclusion: We have found a state dependent increase of tCr concentration indicating bifrontal deviations in Creatine transport or ATP synthesis in drug free unipolar depressives.
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Negotiating Interests: Elizabeth Montagu's Political Collaborations with Edward Montagu; George, Lord Lyttelton; and William Pulteney, Lord BathBennett, Elizabeth Stearns 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines Elizabeth Robinson Montagu's relationships with three men: her husband, Edward Montagu; George Lyttelton, first baron Lyttelton; and William Pulteney, earl of Bath to show how these relationships were structured and how Elizabeth Montagu negotiated them in order to forward her own intellectual interests. Montagu's relationship with her husband Edward and her friendships with Lord Lyttelton and Lord Bath supplied her with important outlets for intellectual and political expression. Scholarly work on Montagu's friendships with other intellectual women has demonstrated how Montagu drew on the support of female friends in her literary ambitions, but at the same time, it has obscured her equally important male relationships. Without discounting the importance of female friendship to Montagu's intellectual life, this study demonstrates that Montagu's relationships with Bath, Lyttleton, and her husband were at least as important to her as those with women, and that her male friendships and relationships offered her entry into the political sphere. Elizabeth Montagu was greatly interested in the political debates of her day and she contributed to the political process in the various ways open to her as an elite woman and female intellectual. Within the context of these male friendships, Montagu had an opportunity to discuss political philosophy as well as practical politics; as a result, she developed her own political positions. It is clear that contemporary gender conventions limited the boundaries of Montagu's intellectual and political concerns and that she felt the need to position her interests and activities in ways that did not appear transgressive in order to follow her own inclinations. Montagu represented her interest in the political realm as an extension of family duty and expression of female tenderness. In this manner, Montagu was able to forward her own opinions without appearing to cross conventional gender boundaries.
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Rod Bartoňů na zámku Nové Hrady / Family Bartoň from Dobenín on the castle Nové HradyNovotná, Jana January 2011 (has links)
This work describes industrial and knight family Bartoň from Dobenín situated on the castle Nové Hrady. I concentrated on the lifetime history of some important members of this family from the begining to the end of the 20th century. A special focus has been given on the castle Nové Hrady, which is extraordinary architectural jewel, situated in the Czech Republic. The castle Nové Hrady is connected with some important names, for example Jan Ludvík and Jan Antonín Harbuval de Chamaré or architect Josef Jäger and others. There is another important family of Čerych. The current owners Mr. and Mrs. Kučera are trying to bring back its previous glance. Were the members of the Bartoň family from Dobenín different from the ordinary people living in that time? Has the knighthood changed them in some way? You can find the answers in this work. Keywords: castle Nové Hrady, Harduval de Chamaré, Bartoňs from Dobenín, textile production, history, family of Čerych, Mr.and Mrs. Kučera, Náchod, benefactor
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Vulnerable London: narratives of space and affect in a twentieth-century imperial capital / Narratives of space and affect in a twentieth-century imperial capitalAvery, Lisa Katherine, 1968- 28 August 2008 (has links)
This dissertation examines sensation in twentieth-century narratives of London and argues that vulnerability is a constitutive experience of the post-imperial city. Sensations of vulnerability in London arise because of the built environment of the city: its status as an imperial center and a global capital create important intersections of local, national, and global concerns which render the city itself vulnerable. I chart the trajectory of vulnerability as an affective history of London that is documented in cultural texts ranging from fiction and film to political debates and legal materials. Since the sensational experiences of the present partly arise from the materials of the past embedded in the landscape, affective histories create new ways of understanding history as a spatial experience. The narrated sensations of the city make vulnerability legible as a persistent feature of twentieth-century London life. I begin with a modernist, imperial London, in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and in Parliamentary debates from the same year (1925). Ambivalence about London's dual status as a local site and as a national and international capital is a response to London's vulnerable position at the end of the Great War. Next, I turn to World War Two London and Elizabeth Bowen's The Heat of the Day. I discuss intimacy as an important national feature in narratives of London during the crisis of this war. National narratives about intimacy constructed by Winston Churchill and heard on BBC radio respond directly to London's defensive vulnerability. My third chapter concerns Margaret Thatcher's 1980s London and the crucial role autonomy plays in constructing London as an invulnerable, international financial and civic capital. Alan Hollinghurst's The Swimming-Pool Library documents Londoners' attempts to make sense of their autonomy in a postimperial capital. My final chapter examines sensations of social and political belonging in contemporary London through reading Stephen Frears's Dirty Pretty Things alongside legal documents about immigration. I contend that reading cultural texts affectively creates counter-histories of the city that accommodate a deeper range of experiences than do traditional histories and offers to literary studies a new way of understanding the relationship between official and unofficial histories. / text
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Representations of war and trauma in embodied modernist literature : the identity politics of Amy Lowell, Djuna Barnes, H.D., and Gertrude SteinGoodspeed-Chadwick, Julie Elaine January 2007 (has links)
This study situates the literary works of Amy Lowell, Djuna Barnes, H.D., and Gertrude Stein in a genealogy of American modernist war writing by women that disrupts and revises patriarchal war narrative. These authors take ownership of war and war-related trauma as subjects for women writers. Combining the theories of Dominick LaCapra, Judith Butler, Elaine Scarry, and Elizabeth Grosz with close readings of primary texts, I offer feminist analyses that account for trauma and real-world materiality in literary representations of female embodiment in wartime. This framework enables an interdisciplinary discussion that focuses on representations of war and trauma in conjunction with identity politics.I examine Lowell's poetry collection Men, Women and Ghosts (1916), Barnes's novel Nightwood (1936), H.D.'s poem Trilogy (1944-1946), and Stein's novel Mrs. Reynolds (1952). The chapters highlight the progressively feminist and personal ownership of war and trauma embedded in the texts. Lowell and Barnes begin the work of deconstructing gendered binary constructions and inserting women into war narrative, and H.D. and Stein continue this trajectory through cultivation of more pronounced depictions of women and their bodies in war narrative.The strategies are distinct and specific to each author, but there are common characteristics in their literary responses to World War I and World War II. Each author protests war: war is destructive for Lowell, perverse for Barnes, traumatic for H.D., and disruptive for Stein. Additionally, each author renders female bodies as sites of contested identity and as markers of presence in war narrative. The female bodies portrayed are often traumatized and marked by the ravages of war: bodily injury and psychological and emotional distress. H.D. and Stein envision strategies for resolving (if only partially) trauma, but Lowell and Barnes do not.This project recovers alternative war narratives by important American modernist women writers, expands the definition and canon of war literature, contributes new scholarship on works by the selected authors, and constructs an original critical framework. The ramifications of this study are an increased awareness of who was writing about war and the shape that responses to it took in avant-garde literature of the early twentieth century. / Department of English
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