Spelling suggestions: "subject:"multilayer"" "subject:"multiplayer""
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Predicting Reactor Instability Using Neural NetworksHubert, Hilborn January 2022 (has links)
The study of the instabilities in boiling water reactors is of significant importance to the safety withwhich they can be operated, as they can cause damage to the reactor posing risks to both equipmentand personnel. The instabilities that concern this paper are progressive growths in the oscillatingpower of boiling-water reactors. As thermal power is oscillatory is important to be able to identifywhether or not the power amplitude is stable. The main focus of this paper has been the development of a neural network estimator of these insta-bilities, fitting a non-linear model function to data by estimating it’s parameters. In doing this, theambition was to optimize the networks to the point that it can deliver near ”best-guess” estimationsof the parameters which define these instabilities, evaluating the usefulness of these networks whenapplied to problems like this. The goal was to design both MLP(Multi-Layer Perceptron) and SVR/KRR(Support Vector Regres-sion/Kernel Rigde Regression) networks and improve them to the point that they provide reliableand useful information about the waves in question. This goal was accomplished only in part asthe SVR/KRR networks proved to have some difficulty in ascertaining the phase shift of the waves.Overall, however, these networks prove very useful in this kind of task, succeeding with a reasonabledegree of confidence to calculating the different parameters of the waves studied.
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Expanding multilayer perceptrons with a brain inspired activation algorithm : Experimental comparison of the performance of an activation enhanced multi layer perceptronWajud Abdul Aziz, Karar, Gripenberg, Kim Emil Leonard January 2022 (has links)
Machine learning is a field that is inspired by how humans and, by extension, the brain learns.The brain consists of a biological neural network that has neurons that are either active or inactive. Modern-day artificial intelligence is loosely based on how biological neural networks function. This paper investigates whether a multi layered perceptron that utilizes inactive/active neurons can reduce the number of active neurons during the forward and backward pass while maintaining accuracy. This is done by implementing a multi layer perceptron using a python environment and building a neuron activation algorithm on top of it. Results show that it ispossible to reduce the number of active neurons by around 30% with a negligible impact on test accuracy. Future works include algorithmic improvements and further testing if it is possible to reduce the total amount of mathematical operations in other neural network architectures with a bigger computational overhead.
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Anomaly Detection using a Deep Learning Multi-layer Perceptron to Mitigate the Risk of Rogue TradingHedström, Erik, Wang, Philip January 2021 (has links)
The term Rogue Trading is defined as the activity of someone at a financial organisation losing a large amount of money in bad or illegal transactions and trying to hide this. The activity of Rogue traders exposes financial organisations to huge risks and may lead to the organisation collapsing, which will affect other stakeholders like, for example, the customers. In order to detect potential Rogue Trading cases, Control Systems that monitor the employees and the positions they take on financial markets must exist. In this study, a two-step control system is suggested to monitor the margins on Foreign exchange (FX) Forwards traded by employees at the Swedish bank Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB). The first step in the control system uses a Deep Learning neural network trained on transactional data to predict the margin. The errors of the predictions versus the actual values are then in the second step of the control system used to find outliers which should be flagged for further investigation due to a too high deviation. The results show that the model hopefully can decrease the number of false positives yielded by the current Control Systems at SEB and thus reduce manual inspection of flagged transactions. / Termen Rouge Trading definieras som en aktivitet där någon på en finansiell institution förlorar stora mängder pengar i dåliga eller illegala transaktioner och försöker dölja detta. Detta är något som skapar enorma risker för finansiella institutioner och som kan förorsaka organisationens kollaps, som kan påverka intressenter som till exempel kunder. För att upptäcka potentiella företeelser av Rouge Trading så måste kontrollsystem som övervakar anställda och deras positioner existera. I denna studie föreslås och presenteras ett tvåstegs-system för att övervaka marginaler vid terminsaffärer i utländsk valuta vid Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB). Det första steget i kontrollsystemet använder ett neuralt närverk tränat på data från transaktioner för att prediktera en marginal. Differenserna mellan prediktionen och det faktiska värdet används för att finna outliers vilka borde flaggas för vidare undersökning. Resultaten visar att modellen förhoppningsvis kan minska antalet falska positiva som det nuvarande kontrollsystemet ger på SEB, något som således kan minska den manuella inspektionen av flaggade transaktioner.
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Methods of Determining the Number of Clusters in a Data Set and a New Clustering CriterionYan, Mingjin 29 December 2005 (has links)
In cluster analysis, a fundamental problem is to determine the best estimate of the number of clusters, which has a deterministic effect on the clustering results. However, a limitation in current applications is that no convincingly acceptable solution to the best-number-of-clusters problem is available due to high complexity of real data sets. In this dissertation, we tackle this problem of estimating the number of clusters, which is particularly oriented at processing very complicated data which may contain multiple types of cluster structure. Two new methods of choosing the number of clusters are proposed which have been shown empirically to be highly effective given clear and distinct cluster structure in a data set. In addition, we propose a sequential type of clustering approach, called multi-layer clustering, by combining these two methods. Multi-layer clustering not only functions as an efficient method of estimating the number of clusters, but also, by superimposing a sequential idea, improves the flexibility and effectiveness of any arbitrary existing one-layer clustering method. Empirical studies have shown that multi-layer clustering has higher efficiency than one layer clustering approaches, especially in detecting clusters in complicated data sets. The multi-layer clustering approach has been successfully implemented in clustering the WTCHP microarray data and the results can be interpreted very well based on known biological knowledge.
Choosing an appropriate clustering method is another critical step in clustering. K-means clustering is one of the most popular clustering techniques used in practice. However, the k-means method tends to generate clusters containing a nearly equal number of objects, which is referred to as the ``equal-size'' problem. We propose a clustering method which competes with the k-means method. Our newly defined method is aimed at overcoming the so-called ``equal-size'' problem associated with the k-means method, while maintaining its advantage of computational simplicity. Advantages of the proposed method over k-means clustering have been demonstrated empirically using simulated data with low dimensionality. / Ph. D.
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Simulation studies of photovoltaic thin film devicesUllah, Hanif 14 April 2015 (has links)
To cope with energy requirements the utilization of renewable energies, particularly the Sun supplies the biggest and abundant energy source in Earth. Photo-voltaic and solar cell are the well advance and burning technology and a field of hot research. Majority of research centers and universities are working in this field. 1G, 2G, 3G and next generation of photo-voltaic cells have been developed and still to improve its efficiency and to decrease it 0.2 $/W cost.
Our work mainly based on the theoretical and physical analysis of thin-film Photovoltaic devices. We will explore different software used for the analysis of PV cells, and will analyse different simulation related to solar cells like open circuit voltage VOC, Short circuit current JSC, Fill Factor FF (%) and external Quantum efficiency (%) for thin film solar cell including CIGS, CIS, CGS, CdTe, SnS/CdS/ZnO etc. To have different analysis for different combination and different replacement for materials used in the solar cell fabrication. To cope with the PV cost and environmental hazards we have to find alternate solutions. / Ullah, H. (2015). Simulation studies of photovoltaic thin film devices [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48800
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Transient liquid phase (TLP) bonding as reaction–controlled diffusionAtieh, A.M., Cooke, Kavian O., Epstein, M. 12 September 2022 (has links)
No / The transient liquid phase bonding process has long been dealt with as a pure diffusion process at the joint
interface, that is, as a mass phenomenon. In spite of the advances in the application of this technique to bond
complex engineering alloys, the available models have failed to incorporate the effect of surface phenomena
on the joining process. In this work, a new reaction–controlled diffusion formulation model is proposed, and
the observation of experimental results of joining Al6061 alloy using thin single (50, 100 micron) and double
Cu foils is recorded. This work directly unveils the unique role played by surface reaction–controlled diffusion
rather than purely mass diffusion bonding process. Our experimental and modeling results reveal a conceptually
new understanding that may well explain the joint formation in TLP bonding process.
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Numerische Auslegung des Mehrlagenschweißens als additives Fertigungsverfahren / Numerical design of multi layer welding as additive manufacturing processGraf, Marcel, Härtel, Sebastian, Hälsig, André 06 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die additiven Fertigungstechnologien erleben seit einigen Jahren einen enormen Zuspruch bei der Herstellung von Einzelteilserien mit komplexen, endkonturnahen Geometrien und der Verarbeitung von Sonder- oder hybriden Werkstoffen. Prinzipiell lassen sich die Verfahren gemäß VDI- Richtlinie 3404 in drahtbasierte und pulverbasierte unterteilen. Eine weitere Unterteilung erfolgt hinsichtlich der Ausschmelztechnologie. Allen Verfahren ist gleich, dass schichtweise der Grundwerkstoff an den Stellen aufgetragen wird, wo er gemäß Endkontur benötigt wird. Damit ist ein immer wiederkehrender Wärmeeintrag verbunden, der somit Einfluss auf die Mikrostruktur der Bauteile und gleichzeitig auch auf die mechanischen Endeigenschaften ausübt. Die so erzeugten Komponenten sollten wenig Verzug oder Eigenspannungen als auch keine Porosität aufweisen, um die Gebrauchseigenschaften nicht negativ zu beeinflussen. Das Ziel ist es mittlerweile, diese verschiedenen Technologien numerisch abzubilden, um die Bauteileigenschaften vorherzusagen und ggf. Optimierungspotenziale zu eruieren.
Der untersuchte Prozess ist das drahtbasierte Mehrlagenschweißen mittels des Metallschutzgasschweißens, bei dem neben der Simulation auch die Validierung im Fokus hinsichtlich Geometrie und Gefügeausbildung in den Schweißlagen stand. Diesbezüglich wurden im vorliegenden Fall zum einen alle, für die numerische Simulation notwendigen Materialparameter (mechanische und thermophysikalische Kenngrößen) des Schweißzusatzwerkstoffes G4Si1 bestimmt und in ein kommerzielles FEM-Programm (MSC Marc Mentat) implementiert. Zum anderen erfolgt zukünftig die wissenschaftliche Analyse der Verbesserung der Bauteileigenschaft, in dem die Schweißnaht unter Ausnutzung der Schweißhitze warmumgeformt wird. Erste Ergebnisse numerischer Simulationsergebnisse zeigen positive Effekte. Diese zeigen mikrostrukturelle Veränderungen (Kornfeinung durch Rekristallisation) und führten letztendlich zur Steigerung der mechanischen Eigenschaften. Der Vorteil dieser Verfahrenskombination ist außerdem die Kompensation des Verzuges durch die gezielte Umformung und einem gleichzeitigen „Richten“.
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Sistema neural reativo para o estacionamento paralelo com uma única manobra em veículos de passeio / Neural reactive system for parallel parking with a single maneuver in passenger vehiclesAndrade, Kléber de Oliveira 29 August 2011 (has links)
Graças aos avanços tecnológicos nas áreas da computação, eletrônica embarcada e mecatrônica a robótica está cada vez mais presente no cotidiano da pessoas. Nessas últimas décadas, uma infinidade de ferramentas e métodos foram desenvolvidos no campo da Robótica Móvel. Um exemplo disso são os sistemas inteligentes embarcados nos veículos de passeio. Tais sistemas auxiliam na condução através de sensores que recebem informações do ambiente e algoritmos que analisam os dados e tomam decisões para realizar uma determinada tarefa, como por exemplo estacionar um carro. Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar estudos realizados no desenvolvimento de um controlador inteligente capaz de estacionar um veículo simulado em vagas paralelas, na qual seja possível entrar com uma única manobra. Para isso, foi necessário realizar estudos envolvendo a modelagem de ambientes, cinemática veicular e sensores, os quais foram implementados em um ambiente de simulação desenvolvido em C# com o Visual Studio 2008. Em seguida é realizado um estudo sobre as três etapas do estacionamento, que consistem em procurar uma vaga, posicionar o veículo e manobrá-lo. Para realizar a manobra foi adotada a trajetória em S desenvolvida e muito utilizada em outros trabalhos encontrados na literatura da área. A manobra consiste em posicionar corretamente duas circunferências com um raio de esterçamento do veículo. Sendo assim, foi utilizado um controlador robusto baseado em aprendizado supervisionado utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA), pois esta abordagem apresenta grande robustez com relação à presença de ruídos no sistema. Este controlador recebe dados de dois sensores laser (um fixado na frente do veículo e o outro na parte traseira), da odometria e de orientação de um sensor inercial. Os dados adquiridos desses sensores e a etapa da manobra em que o veículo está, servem de entrada para o controlador. Este é capaz de interpretar tais dados e responder a esses estímulos de forma correta em aproximadamente 99% dos casos. Os resultados de treinamento e de simulação se mostraram muito satisfatórios, permitindo que o carro controlador pela RNA pudesse estacionar corretamente em uma vaga paralela. / Thanks to technological advances in the fields of computer science, embedded electronics and mechatronics, robotics is increasingly more present in people\'s lives. On the past few decades a great variety of tools and methods were developed in the Mobile Robotics field, e.g. the passenger vehicles with smart embedded systems. Such systems help drivers through sensors that acquire information from the surrounding environment and algorithms which process this data and make decisions to perform a task, like parking a car. This work aims to present the studies performed on the development of a smart controller able to park a simulated vehicle in parallel parking spaces, where a single maneuver is enough to enter. To accomplish this, studies involving the modeling of environments, vehicle kinematics and sensors were conducted, which were implemented in a simulated environment developed in C# with Visual Studio 2008. Next, a study about the three stages of parking was carried out, which consists in looking for a slot, positioning the vehicle and maneuvering it. The \"S\" trajectory was adopted and developed to maneuver the vehicle, since it is well known and highly used in related works found in the literature of this field. The maneuver consists in the correct positioning of two circumferences with the possible steering radius of the vehicle. For this task, a robust controller based on supervised learning using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) was employed, since this approach has great robustness regarding the presence of noise in the system. This controller receives data from two laser sensors (one attached on the front of the vehicle and the other on the rear), from the odometry and from the inertial orientation sensor. The data acquired from these sensors and the current maneuver stage of the vehicle are the inputs of the controller, which interprets these data and responds to these stimuli in a correct way in approximately 99% of the cases. The results of the training and simulation were satisfactory, allowing the car controlled by the ANN to correctly park in a parallel slot.
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Sistema neural reativo para o estacionamento paralelo com uma única manobra em veículos de passeio / Neural reactive system for parallel parking with a single maneuver in passenger vehiclesKléber de Oliveira Andrade 29 August 2011 (has links)
Graças aos avanços tecnológicos nas áreas da computação, eletrônica embarcada e mecatrônica a robótica está cada vez mais presente no cotidiano da pessoas. Nessas últimas décadas, uma infinidade de ferramentas e métodos foram desenvolvidos no campo da Robótica Móvel. Um exemplo disso são os sistemas inteligentes embarcados nos veículos de passeio. Tais sistemas auxiliam na condução através de sensores que recebem informações do ambiente e algoritmos que analisam os dados e tomam decisões para realizar uma determinada tarefa, como por exemplo estacionar um carro. Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar estudos realizados no desenvolvimento de um controlador inteligente capaz de estacionar um veículo simulado em vagas paralelas, na qual seja possível entrar com uma única manobra. Para isso, foi necessário realizar estudos envolvendo a modelagem de ambientes, cinemática veicular e sensores, os quais foram implementados em um ambiente de simulação desenvolvido em C# com o Visual Studio 2008. Em seguida é realizado um estudo sobre as três etapas do estacionamento, que consistem em procurar uma vaga, posicionar o veículo e manobrá-lo. Para realizar a manobra foi adotada a trajetória em S desenvolvida e muito utilizada em outros trabalhos encontrados na literatura da área. A manobra consiste em posicionar corretamente duas circunferências com um raio de esterçamento do veículo. Sendo assim, foi utilizado um controlador robusto baseado em aprendizado supervisionado utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA), pois esta abordagem apresenta grande robustez com relação à presença de ruídos no sistema. Este controlador recebe dados de dois sensores laser (um fixado na frente do veículo e o outro na parte traseira), da odometria e de orientação de um sensor inercial. Os dados adquiridos desses sensores e a etapa da manobra em que o veículo está, servem de entrada para o controlador. Este é capaz de interpretar tais dados e responder a esses estímulos de forma correta em aproximadamente 99% dos casos. Os resultados de treinamento e de simulação se mostraram muito satisfatórios, permitindo que o carro controlador pela RNA pudesse estacionar corretamente em uma vaga paralela. / Thanks to technological advances in the fields of computer science, embedded electronics and mechatronics, robotics is increasingly more present in people\'s lives. On the past few decades a great variety of tools and methods were developed in the Mobile Robotics field, e.g. the passenger vehicles with smart embedded systems. Such systems help drivers through sensors that acquire information from the surrounding environment and algorithms which process this data and make decisions to perform a task, like parking a car. This work aims to present the studies performed on the development of a smart controller able to park a simulated vehicle in parallel parking spaces, where a single maneuver is enough to enter. To accomplish this, studies involving the modeling of environments, vehicle kinematics and sensors were conducted, which were implemented in a simulated environment developed in C# with Visual Studio 2008. Next, a study about the three stages of parking was carried out, which consists in looking for a slot, positioning the vehicle and maneuvering it. The \"S\" trajectory was adopted and developed to maneuver the vehicle, since it is well known and highly used in related works found in the literature of this field. The maneuver consists in the correct positioning of two circumferences with the possible steering radius of the vehicle. For this task, a robust controller based on supervised learning using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) was employed, since this approach has great robustness regarding the presence of noise in the system. This controller receives data from two laser sensors (one attached on the front of the vehicle and the other on the rear), from the odometry and from the inertial orientation sensor. The data acquired from these sensors and the current maneuver stage of the vehicle are the inputs of the controller, which interprets these data and responds to these stimuli in a correct way in approximately 99% of the cases. The results of the training and simulation were satisfactory, allowing the car controlled by the ANN to correctly park in a parallel slot.
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Seleção de características: abordagem via redes neurais aplicada à segmentação de imagens / Feature selection: a neural approach applied to image segmentationSantos, Davi Pereira dos 21 March 2007 (has links)
A segmentaçãoo de imagens é fundamental para a visão computacional. Com essa finalidade, a textura tem sido uma propriedade bastante explorada por pesquisadores. Porém, a existência de diversos métodos de extração de textura, muitas vezes específicos para determinadas aplicações, dificulta a implementação de sistemas de escopo mais geral. Tendo esse contexto como motivação e inspirado no sucesso dos sistemas de visão naturais e em sua generalidade, este trabalho propõe a combinação de métodos por meio da seleção de características baseada na saliência das sinapses de um perceptron multicamadas (MLP). É proposto, também, um método alternativo baseado na capacidade do MLP de apreender textura que dispensa o uso de técnicas de extração de textura. Como principal contribuição, além da comparação da heurística de seleção proposta frente à busca exaustiva segundo o critério da distância de Jeffrey-Matusita, foi introduzida a técnica de Equalização da Entrada, que melhorou consideravelmente a qualidade da medida de saliência. É também apresentada a segmentação de imagens de cenas naturais, como exemplo de aplicação / Segmentation is a crucial step in Computer Vision. Texture has been a property largely employed by many researchers to achieve segmentation. The existence of a large amount of texture extraction methods is, sometimes, a hurdle to overcome when it comes to modeling systems for more general problems. Inside this context and following the excellence of natural vision systems and their generality, this work has adopted a feature selection method based on synaptic conexions salience of a Multilayer Perceptron and a method based on its texture inference capability. As well as comparing the proposed method with exhaustive search according to the Jeffrey-Matusita distance criterion, this work also introduces, as a major contribution, the Input Equalization technique, which contributed to significantly improve the segmentation results. The segmentation of images of natural scenes has also been provided as a likely application of the method
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