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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiple stressor interaction of nutrient enrichment and crude oil pollution on benthic recruitment on a Red Sea coral reef

Hulver, Ann 11 1900 (has links)
The Red Sea is one of the warmest, saltiest, and most oligotrophic seas in the world that supports a healthy and extremely diverse coral reef ecosystem. Increasing development along the Saudi Arabian coast may increase eutrophication due to impacts of human population and also oil pollution from increased shipping traffic and refinery activity. The risk of oil pollution combined with increased eutrophication due to coastal development provides a clear stressor interaction which is vastly understudied. Individually, these stressors are known to negatively impact coral reproduction, recruitment, and growth. This study focuses on reef settlement and recovery following experimentally-simulated disturbance scenarios. Carbonate recruitment tiles were placed on the reef and exposed to four treatments: control, nutrient enrichment with slow-release fertilizer, tiles soaked in crude oil, and a combination treatment of nutrient enrichment and oil-coated tiles. At periods of 3, 6, 9, 14, and 17 weeks, tiles were collected to classify the settled community and measure oxygen production. Oil, nitrate, and phosphate were the biggest determining factors predicting settlement and oxygen production of the different treatments. The oil treatment had the least overall settlement and oxygen production, whereas the nutrient treatment had the most turf algal recruitment and oxygen production. The combination treatment had an antagonistic effect on algal growth: the nutrients facilitated growth on the otherwise toxic oiled tiles.

Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in boreal streams:the effects of anthropogenic disturbances and naturally stressful environments

Tolkkinen, M. (Mikko) 22 September 2015 (has links)
Abstract The effect of biodiversity loss and change on the functioning of ecosystems is one of the key questions in ecological research. For stream ecosystems, compelling evidence indicates that species diversity may enhance ecosystem functions. However, ecosystem functions are often regulated by the same environmental factors that also shape diversity; thus, a major challenge for ecologists is to separate the effects of biodiversity loss on the ecosystem functions from the direct effects of human induced disturbance. In this doctoral thesis, I studied how decomposer communities and ecosystem functions respond to human disturbances (nutrient enrichment, acidification) and a natural stressor (naturally low water pH). I also studied how human disturbances and natural stressors affect the phylogenetic structure of stream fungal communities. I showed that human disturbance had a strong impact on species dominance patterns by reducing species evenness. Species dominance patterns also explained the variation in decomposition rates. Changes in abiotic variables also had a direct effect on leaf decomposition rates. In the naturally acidic sites, human impact (land drainage) further decreased water pH and increased metal concentrations, thereby reducing leaf decomposition rates, whereas high nutrient concentrations enhanced leaf decomposition. Naturally low pH had no effect on decomposition rates. Decomposer community similarity was higher in drainage-impacted sites, but only in naturally acidic, not in circumneutral, streams. Human induced disturbance also modified the phylogenetic similarity of fungal decomposer communities, with communities in disturbed sites consisting of more closely related species when compared to those in circumneutral reference sites. Leaf litter decomposition showed greater temporal variation in human disturbed sites than in reference sites, whereas fungal community variability was similar in disturbed and reference sites. Thus, temporally replicated monitoring may be needed for a reliable assessment of human disturbance in streams. My thesis emphasizes that using both functional and taxonomic measures allows a more comprehensive assessment of biological responses to human disturbance. / Tiivistelmä Biodiversiteetin väheneminen ja siitä seuraava ekosysteemin toiminnan heikkeneminen on eräs keskeisimmistä ekologisista kysymyksistä. Ekosysteemin toiminnot ovat kuitenkin monesti yhteydessä ympäristöolosuhteisiin, joten on vaikea erottaa vähentyneen biodiversiteetin ja ympäristöolojen suhteellista merkitystä ekosysteemien toimintoihin. Tässä väitöskirjatyössäni tutkin, kuinka virtavesien hajottajayhteisöt ja ekosysteemin toiminnot (lehtikarikkeen hajotus) muuttuvat valuma-alueen ihmistoimintojen myötä. Tutkin myös, kuinka luontainen stressi (matala pH) vaikuttaa yhteisöihin ja ekosysteemin toimintoihin. Tarkastelen myös akvaattisten sienten fylogeneettistä rakennetta ihmistoiminnan muuttamissa vesiympäristöissä. Osoitan tutkimuksissani, että ihmistoiminnoilla on vaikutuksia hajottajayhteisöiden kokonaisrunsauden jakautumiseen lajien kesken. Muutamien runsaiden lajien dominoimissa yhteisöissä lehtikarikkeen hajoaminen on tehokkaampaa kuin yhteisöissä, joissa lajien runsauserot ovat pienempiä. Myös ympäristöoloilla on vaikutus lehtikarikkeen hajotukseen. Luontaisesti happamissa puroissa metsäojituksen seurauksena lisääntynyt veden metallipitoisuus ja alhainen pH vähentävät hajotuksen määrää. Toisaalta joen korkea ravinnepitoisuus lisää hajotusta. Lehtikarikkeen hajotus vaihtelee enemmän vuosien välillä ihmistoimintojen muuttamissa virtavesissä kuin luonnontilaisissa vesissä. Toisaalta sieniyhteisöt pysyvät koostumukseltaan samankaltaisina vuosien välillä ihmistoiminnan muuttamissa paikoissa ja referenssipaikoissa. Tämä työ osoittaa, että toiminnallisten ja yhteisöihin perustuvien indikaattorien yhteiskäyttö antaa kokonaisvaltaisimman kuvan ihmistoimintojen vaikutuksesta virtavesien ekosysteemeihin.

Evaluating the multiple stressor intervention of the South-African Police Service as a trauma management tool

Van den Heever, Coenraad Willem 21 August 2014 (has links)
This study examined the validity of the South African Police Service (SAPS) multiple stressor intervention. The multiple stressor was developed for members of their specialised units to address Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Unfortunately, the SAPS multiple stressor intervention lacks scientific evidence to support its possible effectiveness in addressing PTSD. In the current study a deployment and intervention group was compared which employed a pre- test post-test design. The Davidson Trauma Scale and the Revised Impact of Event Scale measured PTSD globally, but also the PTSD dimensions of Intrusion, Avoidance/Numbing, and Hyperarousal. The Wilcoxon signed rank test results indicated that the intervention and deployment was both effective in addressing PTSD although the intervention group revealed the greatest improvement in their overall PTSD scores. The intervention group made significant progress in dealing with all three PTSD symptoms while the deployment group made less progress with their Intrusion and Avoidance/Numbing symptoms, but made significant progress with their Hyperarousal symptoms. The Mann-Whitney u test revealed no significant differences between the post intervention test scores of the two groups, either globally or on the three PTSD dimensions. It appears that deployment was just as effective as the multiple stressor intervention in addressing PTSD. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Evaluating the multiple stressor intervention of the South-African Police Service as a trauma management tool

Van den Heever, Coenraad Willem 21 August 2014 (has links)
This study examined the validity of the South African Police Service (SAPS) multiple stressor intervention. The multiple stressor was developed for members of their specialised units to address Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Unfortunately, the SAPS multiple stressor intervention lacks scientific evidence to support its possible effectiveness in addressing PTSD. In the current study a deployment and intervention group was compared which employed a pre- test post-test design. The Davidson Trauma Scale and the Revised Impact of Event Scale measured PTSD globally, but also the PTSD dimensions of Intrusion, Avoidance/Numbing, and Hyperarousal. The Wilcoxon signed rank test results indicated that the intervention and deployment was both effective in addressing PTSD although the intervention group revealed the greatest improvement in their overall PTSD scores. The intervention group made significant progress in dealing with all three PTSD symptoms while the deployment group made less progress with their Intrusion and Avoidance/Numbing symptoms, but made significant progress with their Hyperarousal symptoms. The Mann-Whitney u test revealed no significant differences between the post intervention test scores of the two groups, either globally or on the three PTSD dimensions. It appears that deployment was just as effective as the multiple stressor intervention in addressing PTSD. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

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