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Desenvolvimento de um aparelho para teste de força do músculo abdutor curto do polegar e abdutor do quinto dedo da mão / not availableLuciane Fernanda Rodrigues Martinho 30 September 1998 (has links)
A força dos músculos Abdutor curto do polegar (ACP) e Abdutor do quinto dedo (AQD) serve como parâmetro para a avaliação da função dos nervos mediano e ulnar, respectivamente. Um aparelho foi desenvolvido para realizar a medida da força daqueles músculos em mãos de diferentes tamanhos, com a mesma eficiência. Este aparelho foi construído inteiramente com materiais de fácil obtenção e baixo custo, incluindo o aço, o latão, o alumínio e o duralumínio, e consiste de uma base dotada de uma coluna rígida para a fixação de um transdutor de força do tipo resistivo (célula de carga) e de um apoio para a mão para mantê-la firme durante os testes. Acessórios foram construídos segundo medidas antropométricas previamente obtidas nos polegares e quintos dedos voluntários, de modo que pudessem ser acoplados à célula de carga e permitir a avaliação de mãos direitas e esquerdas de diferentes tamanhos. A célula de carga foi calibrada. Quando pronto, o protótipo final foi utilizado para medir a força dos músculos ACP e AQD de 42 voluntários, sendo 20 mulheres e 22 homens, cujo critério de inclusão era a total ausência de qualquer patologia nos membros superiores. Dois pontos de aplicação da carga foram selecionados, sendo um proximal, no nível da falange proximal, e outro distal, no nível da falange distal. Três medidas eram tomadas para cada ponto de aplicação da carga, para cada um dos músculos, e uma média foi obtida para uso na análise estatística dos resultados, que mostraram que a força de ambos os músculos era consistentemente maior nos homens e na mão direita. Quanto aos dois pontos de aplicação da carga, a força foi sempre maior no ponto proximal, tanto para o polegar, como para o quinto dedo. A avaliação geral do desempenho do aparelho mostrou que ele é versátil, fornecendo informações confiáveis para as mãos direitas e esquerdas de todos os tamanhos. / The strength of the Abductor pollicis brevis and Abductor digiti quinti muscles may serve as a parameter to the evaluation of the median and ulnar nerve function, respectively. A device was developed especially for carrying out measurements of the strength of those muscles in hands of different sizes with the same efficiency. The device was built entirely with easily obtained low cost materials, including steel, solid brass, aluminium and duralumin, and consists of a metal base provided with a rigid colunm for fixation of a resistive type strength transducer (load cell) and a hand stand to keep the hand still while in test. Accessories were built according to a previous anthropometric measurement of both thumb and fifth fingers of volunteers, so as to be coupled onto the load cell and allow for the evaluation of the strength of different size hands. The load cell was calibrated. Once ready, the final prototype was used to measure the strength of the APB and AbDQ muscles in 42 volunteers, being 20 women and 22 men, whose inclusion criterion was the total absence of any pathology in the upper limbs. Two points of load application were selected, being one proximal, at the level of the proximal phalanx, and another one distal, at the level of the distal phalanx. Three measurements were taken for each point of load application for both muscles, an average value being obtained for use in the statistical analysis of the results, which showed that the strength was consistantly greater in men and in the right hand. As refers to the different points of load application, the strength was always greater at the proximal point, both for the thumb and the fifth finger. The overall evaluation of performance of the prototype showed that it is versatile, supplying reliable information for all size hands.
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Improving vertical jump: A program designHorton, Micheal Milo 01 January 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to review current literature on the mechanics and physiology of the vertical jump and to provide an understanding of the jump itself. The second purpose is to develop a step by step program to increase vertical jump from grade school through high school.
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Hodnocení síly vybraných svalových skupin a rozsahu pohybu u závodnic sportovního aerobiku / Evaluation of the strength of selected muscle groups and the range of motion in sport aerobics athletesSílová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of the strength of selected muscle groups and the range of motion in sport aerobics athletes Objective: Sport aerobics belongs to group of sport gymnastics, which brings increased demands especially on joint mobility, muscle strength and coordination of movement. Athletes are selected according to these prerequisites the development of which is still supported by training. The thesis follow up the physical measurement of these attributes. The Aim: Evaluation of joint mobility and muscle strength of 12-16 year old sport aerobic athletes and their correlations. Furthermore, the comparison together with the level of the performance group. Method: Measurement of joint mobility using goniometry, hypermobility evaluation using Beighton score, measurement of the muscle strength using HUMAC isokinetic dynamometer. Comparison of measured results with performance group level. Results: During measurement of the joint range using the method goniometry was found, that in flexion of the hip joint had 100 % of the athletes increased joint motion. In hip extension, the joint range wasn't increased at all. Beighton score showed, that 90 % of athletes were constitutionally hypermobile. The relationship between joint range and the values of the muscle strength - peak torque has not been proven. Key...
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The Effects of 3 vs. 5 Days of Training Cessation on Maximal StrengthTravis, S K., Mujika, Iñigo, Zwetsloot, Kevin A., Gentles, Jeremy A., Stone, Michael H., Bazyler, Caleb D. 01 March 2022 (has links)
Travis, SK, Mujika, I, Zwetsloot, KA, Gentles, JA, Stone, MH, and Bazyler, CD. The effects of 3 vs. 5 days of training cessation on maximal strength. J Strength Cond Res 36(3): 633-640, 2022-The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of 3 vs. 5 days of training cessation on body composition, perceived recovery and stress state, and maximal strength. Nineteen strength-trained athletes (23.8 ± 4.1 year; 90.8 ± 20.7 kg; 174.2 ± 7.3 cm) completed a powerlifting specific 4-week training block followed by either 3 or 5 days of training cessation. During the 4-week training block, athletes were trained 3 days per week, performing 3-4 movements that included at least 2-3 competition lifts per session while performing 4-5 sets of 3-5 repetitions with intensity ranging from 75 to 100% 1 repetition maximum (1RM). Body composition, psychometric measures, upper-body maximal strength, and lower-body maximal strength were assessed before (T1) and after 4 weeks of training (T2) and at 3 or 5 days of training cessation (T3). The alpha level was set at p < 0.05. After the 4-week training block (T1 to T2), trivial significant increases in body mass (p = 0.016, Hedge's g = 0.04) and bench press 1RM (p = 0.01, g = 0.16) were observed, as well as small significant increases in back squat 1RM (p < 0.001, g = 0.23), deadlift 1RM (p = 0.003, g = 0.20), powerlifting total (p < 0.001, g = 0.21), and Wilks Score (p < 0.001, g = 0.27). There were no significant differences between groups for isometric back squat performance, psychometric measures, and body composition after training cessation (T2-T3). However, small significant decreases in isometric bench press performance were observed after 5 days (p < 0.001, g = 0.16), but not 3 days of training cessation. The results of this study suggest maximal lower-body strength can be preserved during 3 and 5 days of training cessation, but maximal upper-body strength is only preserved for 3 days after 4 weeks of strength training in athletes.
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Characterizing the Tapering Practices of United States and Canadian Raw PowerliftersTravis, S K., Pritchard, Hayden J., Mujika, Iñigo, Gentles, Jeremy A., Stone, Michael H., Bazyler, Caleb D. 01 December 2021 (has links)
Travis, SK, Pritchard, HJ, Mujika, I, Gentles, JA, Stone, MH, and Bazyler, CD. Characterizing the tapering practices of United States and Canadian raw powerlifters. J Strength Cond Res 35(12S): S26-S35, 2021-The purpose of this study was to characterize the tapering practices used by North American powerlifters. A total of 364 powerlifters completed a 41-item survey encompassing demographics, general training, general tapering, and specific tapering practices. Nonparametric statistics were used to assess sex (male and female), competition level (regional/provincial, national, and international), and competition lift (squat, bench press, and deadlift). The highest training volume most frequently took place 5-8 weeks before competition, whereas the highest training intensity was completed 2 weeks before competition. A step taper was primarily used over 7-10 days while decreasing the training volume by 41-50% with varied intensity. The final heavy (>85% 1 repetition maximum [1RM]) back squat and deadlift sessions were completed 7-10 days before competition, whereas the final heavy bench press session was completed <7 days before competition. Final heavy lifts were completed at 90.0-92.5% 1RM but reduced to 75-80% 1RM for back squat and bench press and 70-75% for deadlift during the final training session of each lift. Set and repetition schemes during the taper varied between lifts with most frequent reports of 3 × 2, 3 × 3, and 3 × 1 for back squat, bench press, and deadlift, respectively. Training cessation durations before competition varied between deadlift (5.8 ± 2.5 days), back squat (4.1 ± 1.9 days), and bench press (3.9 ± 1.8 days). Complete training cessation was implemented 2.8 ± 1.1 days before competition and varied between sex and competition level. These findings provide novel insights into the tapering practices of North American powerlifters and can be used to inform powerlifting coaches and athlete's tapering decisions.
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Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Improves Maximum Isometric Force Production during Isometric Barbell SquatsKenville, Rouven, Maudrich, Tom, Maudrich, Dennis, Villringer, Arno, Ragert, Patrick 13 April 2023 (has links)
Maximum voluntary contraction force (MVC) is an important predictor of athletic performance as well as physical fitness throughout life. Many everyday life activities involve multi-joint or whole-body movements that are determined in part through optimized muscle strength. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been reported to enhance muscle strength parameters in single-joint movements after its application to motor cortical areas, although tDCS effects on maximum isometric voluntary contraction force (MIVC) in compound movements remain to be investigated. Here, we tested whether anodal tDCS and/or sham stimulation over primary motor cortex (M1) and cerebellum (CB) improves MIVC during isometric barbell squats (iBS). Our results provide novel evidence that CB stimulation enhances MIVC during iBS. Although this indicates that parameters relating to muscle strength can be modulated through anodal tDCS of the cerebellum, our results serve as an initial reference point and need to be extended. Therefore, further studies are necessary to expand knowledge in this area of research through the inclusion of different tDCS paradigms, for example investigating dynamic barbell squats, as well as testing other whole-body movements.
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Effekt av telerehabilitering på hälsorelaterad livskvalité och fysisk kapacitet hos patienter med kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom : En litteraturstudie / The effect of telerehabilitation on health-related quality of life and physical capacity : A systematic reviewMorén, Carl January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: KOL är den tredje vanligaste dödsorsaken världen över. Pulmonary rehabilitation är en vanlig del av behandlingen som fysioterapeuter ofta utgår ifrån vid rehabilitering för patienter som lider av KOL. Telerehabilitering är ett alternativ till pulmonary rehabilitation. Forskning som jämför effektiviteten av telerehabilitering hos patienter som lider av KOL är dock begränsad. På senare tid har det på grund av bland annat coronapandemin uppkommit ett ökat behov av att utvärdera hur effektiv telerehabilitering är jämfört med pulmonary rehabilitation eller obehandlad kontrollgrupp. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att systematiskt granska vetenskapliga artiklar vad gäller effekten av telerehabiltering på livskvalité samt, kondition och muskelstyrka hos patienter med KOL och att bedöma tillförlitligheten av artiklarnas sammanvägda resultat. Metod: Metoden som valdes var en litteraturstudie. Sökningen genomfördes i Pubmed och CINAHL. Kvalitén av åtta studier från sökningen granskades med PEDro och resultatets tillförlitlighet bedömdes med GRADEstud. Resultat: Kvalitén i de åtta studierna som inkluderades varierade mellan medelgod och hög. För utfallsmåttet livskvalité påvisades att telerehabilitering är lika effektivt som pulmonary rehabilitation och tillförlitligheten bedömdes som måttligt hög (+++). För utfallsmåttet fysisk kapacitet kunde man inte påvisa att telerehabilitering är lika effektivt som pulmonary rehabilitation där tillförlitligheten bedömdes som låg (++). Endast två studier hade med utfallsmåttet muskelstyrka vilket gjorde resultatet svårbedömt. Konklusion: Telerehabilitering bedömdes vara lika effektivt som pulmonary rehabilitation avseende livskvalité men detsamma kunde inte påvisas för fysisk kapacitet. Mer forskning inom området behövs och framtida forskning bör försöka eftersträva mer likhet i interventionerna. / Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death worldwide. Pulmonary rehabilitation is a common part of the treatment that is often used by physical therapists. Telerehabilitation is an alternative to traditional pulmonary rehabilitation, but it has a limited amount of research. Lately, partially because of the Covid-19 pandemic there has been an increased need to evaluate the effects of telerehabilitation. Objective: The objective of this systematic review was to systematically review scientific studies regarding the effects of telerehabilitation on health-related quality of life, physical capacity and muscle strength among patients suffering from COPD. The aim of this study was also to assess the reliability of the combined results of the studies. Method: A systematic search was conducted in Pubmed and CINAHL. Eight studies were reviewed using PEDro and the reliability of the result was assessed using GRADEstud. Results: The quality of the studies varied between good and excellent. Telerehabilitation was deemed to be equally effective as pulmonary rehabilitation regarding the outcome health related quality of life and the reliability for the result was rated as moderately high (+++). The effectiveness of telerehabilitation for the outcome physical capacity proved not to be certain with a low (++) reliability. Only two studies included the outcome muscle strength which meant it could not be assessed. Conclusion: Telerehabilitation was deemed to be equally effective as pulmonary rehabilitation for the outcome health related quality of life but not for the outcome physical capacity. More research on the subject is needed and future studies should aim to have the interventions be more similar.
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Changes in fitness with long-term cardiac rehabilitationPryzbek, Michael January 2020 (has links)
Despite known associations between fitness and recurrent cardiovascular events, changes in cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and muscle strength with long-term cardiac rehabilitation (CR) have not been extensively examined in men, and data in women is absent in the literature. The purpose of this thesis was to estimate changes in CRF and muscle strength associated with long-term CR program enrollment in men and women, and to examine the influence of baseline fitness and age on these fitness trajectories in men. Our methods and interpretations of the findings are discussed in the thesis, but in brief, using mixed model analyses we observed important fitness benefits over long-term CR enrollment in men and women and influences of baseline fitness and age on the trajectories in men. Our data provide new evidence of improved fitness trajectories in men and women after long-term CR enrollment and highlight the importance of long-term exercise-based CR after the completion of short-term programs. Larger prospective cohort studies are warranted to confirm the observations, and to identify potential mechanisms underlying these findings. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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New insights into respiratory muscle function in an athletic populationKroff, Jacolene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Sport Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The aims of this study were (1) to determine the effect of concurrent respiratory muscle
training (RMT) on respiratory muscle (RM) function and aerobic exercise performance in
women competitive field hockey players, (2) to determine the effect and time duration of
RM detraining on RM function in those who underwent RMT, and (3) to determine the
predictors of RM strength and endurance in an athletic population.
Twenty two women hockey players underwent a series of kinanthropometric and respiratory
muscle function measurements, and were then randomly assigned to an experimental group
(EXP, n = 15) who underwent concurrent RMT, and a control group (CON, n = 7) who
underwent sham training. Twenty subjects took part in the RM detraining study.
Significant improvements in pulmonary function and RM endurance (5 – 9%) were found in
both groups after the HT-RMT and HT-ST interventions, while EXP also showed a
significant improvement in RM strength variables (13% in MIP, 9% in MEP). MEF50% was
the only variable that showed a significant difference in the changes over time after 20
weeks of DT between EXP and CON. RM strength in both groups remained relatively
unchanged over the DT period. RM endurance in both groups remained unchanged after 9
weeks of DT, but decreased significantly after 20 weeks of DT in EXP.
It was concluded that the intensity and duration of both the HT-RMT and HT-ST
programmes were adequate to elicit training adaptations in the RM. In both groups there
was a complete reversal in lung volumes after 9 weeks and a tendency of a reversal in RM
endurance after 20 weeks of DT. It is suggested that a RMT programme should be
incorporated every 9 weeks in the training schedule of field hockey players, to maintain
improved RM function.
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Characteristics and adaptation of skeletal muscle to endurance exerciseKohn, Tertius A. 10 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Skeletal muscle adapts to stimuli by modifying structural and metabolic protein expression.
Furthermore, a muscle group may vary within itself to accommodate specialisation in regions.
Structural and metabolic characteristics of an individual are regulated partly by genotype, but
contraction duration and intensity may play a greater role in muscle phenotype. The aims of this
dissertation were to investigate: structural and metabolic regionalisation in a muscle group, possible
relationships between training volume and intensity and hybrid fibres, muscle characteristics of
athletes from two different ethnic groups, and muscle adaptation in already well-trained athletes
subjected to high intensity interval training.
Myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform content and citrate synthase (CS) activities were measured in
the Quadriceps femoris (QF) muscle of 18 female rats. Muscle was divided into superficial, middle
and deep, distal, central and proximal parts. MHC IIb and IIx were more abundant in superficial
regions (P < 0.05) with low CS activities compared to deeper parts. Isoform content varied along the
length of deep regions. This study showed that the QF has regional specialisation. Therefore,
standardisation of sampling site is important.
Hybrid fibre proportions in muscle biopsies of 12 middle distance runners and 12 non-runners were
investigated. MHC IIa/IIx correlated with training volume/week in runners (r = -0.66, P < 0.05) and
MHC IIa/IIx correlated with exercise hours/week in non-runners (r = -0.72, P < 0.01). Average
preferred racing distance (PRDA) correlated better with MHC IIa/IIx in runners (r = -0.85, P <
0.001). MHC IIa/IIx may therefore be more closely related to exercise intensity than previously
Fibre type characteristics and performance markers were investigated in 13 Xhosa and 13 Caucasian
distance runners, matched for performance, training volume and PRDA. Xhosa runners had less
MHC I and more MHC IIa fibres in muscle biopsies than Caucasian runners (P < 0.05). Xhosa
runners had lower plasma lactate at 80% peak treadmill speed (PTS) (P < 0.05), but higher lactate
dehydrogenase (LDH) (P < 0.01) and phosphofructokinase (P = 0.07) activities in homogenate
muscle samples. LDH activities in MHC I (P = 0.05) and IIa (P < 0.05) fibre pools were higher in
Xhosa runners. Xhosa athletes may thus have a genetic advantage or they may have adapted to
running at a higher intensity.
Six weeks of individually standardised high intensity interval treadmill training (HIIT) were
investigated in 15 well-trained runners. PTS increased after HIIT (P < 0.01), while maximum
oxygen consumption (VO2max) only showed a tendency to have increased as a result of HIIT (P = 0.06). Sub-maximal tests showed lower plasma lactate at 64% PTS (P = 0.06), with lower heart
rates at workloads from 64% to 80% PTS (P < 0.01) after HIIT. No changes were observed for
cross-sectional area, capillary supply and enzyme activities in homogenates muscle samples. LDH
activity showed a trend (P = 0.06) to have increased in MHC IIa pools after HIIT. Higher HIIT
speed was related to decreases in MHC I fibres, but increases in MHC IIa/IIx fibres (r = -0.70 and r
= 0.68, respectively, P < 0.05). Therefore, HIIT may alter muscle fibre composition in well-trained
runners, with a concomitant improvement in performance markers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Skeletspier kan adapteer deur strukturele en metaboliese protein ekspressie te verander as gevolg
van stimulante. ‘n Spiergroep kan ook intern verskil om spesialisering in spierdele toe te laat.
Strukturele en metaboliese karaktereienskappe van ‘n individu word deels gereguleer deur gene,
maar kontraksie tydperk en intensiteit mag ‘n groter rol speel in spierfenotipe. Die doelwitte van
hierdie tesis was om ondersoek in te stel in: strukturele en metaboliese eienskappe in
spiergroepstreke, moontlike verhoudings tussen oefeningsvolume of intensiteit en baster vesels,
spier eienskappe in atlete van twee etniese groepe, en spier adaptasie in goed geoefende atlete
blootgestel aan hoë intensiteit interval oefening.
Miosien swaar ketting (MSK) isovorm inhoud en sitraat sintase (SS) aktiwiteite is gemeet in die
Quadriceps femoris (QF) spier van 18 wyfie rotte. Spiere was opgedeel in oppervlakkig, middel en
diep, asook distaal, sentraal en proksimale dele. MSK IIb en IIx was meer oorvloedig in
oppervlakkige dele (P < 0.05) met lae SS aktiwiteite in vergelyking met dieper dele. Isovorm
inhoud het ook verskil oor die lengte van diep dele. Dus bevat die QF gespesialiseerde streke en is
die area van monsterneming belangrik.
Baster vesel proporsies is ondersoek in spiermonsters van 12 middel afstand hardlopers en 12 niehardlopers.
MSK IIa/IIx van hardlopers het met oefeningsvolume/week gekorreleer (r = -0.66, P <
0.05), asook MSK IIa/IIx van nie-hardlopers met oefeningsure/week (r = -0.72, P < 0.01).
Gemiddelde voorkeur wedloop afstand (VWAG) het beter met MSK IIa/IIx gekorreleer in
hardlopers (r = -0.85, P < 0.001). MSK IIa/IIx mag dus meer verwant wees aan oefeningsintensiteit.
Veseltipe eienskappe en prestasie merkers was ondersoek in 13 Xhosa en 13 Caucasian langafstand
atlete, geëweknie vir prestasie, oefeningsvolume en VMAG. Xhosa hardlopers het minder tipe I en
meer tipe IIA vesels in hul spiermonsters gehad as die Caucasian hardlopers (P < 0.05). Xhosa
hardlopers het laer plasma laktaat by 80% van hul maksimale trapmeul spoed (MTS) (P < 0.05),
maar hoër laktaat dihidrogenase (LDH) (P < 0.01) en fosfofruktokinase (P = 0.07) aktiwiteite in
homogene spiermonsters gehad. LDH aktiwiteite in MSK I (P = 0.05) en IIa (P < 0.05)
veselbondels was hoër in Xhosa hardlopers. Xhosa atlete mag dus ‘n genetiese voorsprong geniet, of
hulle het geadapteer om by hoër intensiteite te hardloop.
Ses weke van geïndividualiseerde gestandardiseerde hoë intensiteit interval trapmeul oefening
(HIIT) was ondersoek in 15 goed geoefende hardlopers. MTS het verhoog na HIIT (P < 0.01), en
maksimale surrstof verbruik (VO2max) het ‘n neiging getoon om te verhoog het na HIIT (P = 0.07).
Submaksimale toetse het laer plasma laktaat by 64% MTS getoon (P = 0.06), met laer harttempos by werkladings 64% tot 80% MTS (P < 0.01). Geen veranderings was gemerk vir deursnit area,
kapillêre toevoer en ensiem aktiwiteite in homogene spiermonsters nie. LDH aktiwiteit het ‘n
neiging getoon om te verhoog het (P = 0.06) in MSK IIa veselbondels na HIIT. Hoër HIIT snelhede
was verwant aan ‘n daling in MSK I vesels, maar ‘n verhoging in MSK IIa/IIx vesels (r = -0.70 en r
= 0.68, respektiwelik, P < 0.05). HIIT mag dus spier veseltipe verander in goed geoefende
hardlopers, met gevolglike verbetering in prestasie merkers.
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