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Dziudo sportuojančių 16-17 metų merginų fizinio parengtumo analizė / Physical capacity and its change among 16–17 years old female judoistsKorsakovas, Ruslanas 10 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – dziudo sportuojančių 16–17 metų amžiaus merginų fizinis parengtumas.
Darbo tikslas – nustatyti dziudo sportuojančių 16–17 metų amžiaus merginų fizinį parengtumą ir jo kaitą.
1. Nustatyti ir įvertinti tiriamųjų pusiausvyrą ir lankstumą bei jų kaitą.
2. Nustatyti ir įvertinti tiriamųjų greitumą ir jo kaitą.
3. Nustatyti ir įvertinti tiriamųjų staigiąją jėgą, jėgos greitumą ir jų kaitą.
4. Nustatyti ir įvertinti jėgos ištvermę, statinę jėgos ištvermę ir jų kaitą.
5. Nustatyti ir įvertinti jėgos greitumo ištvermę.
Nustatyta, kad mūsų tirtų dziudo sportuojančių merginų fizinio parengtumo rodikliai yra vertinami nevienodai: pagal Eurofito orientacines vertinimo skales (Eurofitas. Fizinio pajėgumo testai ir metodika, 2002) testų rezultatų vertinimas svyruoja nuo 6 iki 10 balų.
1. Vidutiniškai vertinami (7 balais) „flamingas“ pusiausvyros testo rezultatai pirmojo ir antrojo testavimo metu abiejų svorio kategorijų grupėse.
Liemens lankstumo „sėstis ir siekti“ rezultatai pirmojo testavimo metu lengvo svorio sportininkių buvo vertinami (7 balais), o antrojo testavimo metu lengvo svorio sportininkių grupėje buvo vertinami gerai (8 balais). Vidutinio svorio grupėje pirmojo testavimo metu lankstumas buvo vertintas vidutiniškai (7 balais), o antrojo testavimo metu buvo vertinamas labai gerai (9 balais). Vidutinio svorio merginų šis rezultatų pagerėjimas buvo statistiškai reikšmingas (p<0,05).
Specialus lankstumas testas „tiltelis“ abiejų svorio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of research: Physical capacity and its change among 16–17 years old female judoists. Aim of work: To determine physical capacity and its change among 16–17 years old female judoists. Tasks: 1. To identify the balance and flexibility of investigated persons, and their changes. 2. To identify speed and changes of investigated persons. 3. To identify the sudden strength, speed of strength and changes in investigated persons. 4. To identify the strength endurance, static strength endurance and their changes. 5. To identify the strength speed endurance. Results It was found that the physical fitness indicators of our studied judo female sportsmen are assessed differently: according to the Eurofit Reference Scales (Eurofitas. Physical fitness tests and methodology, 2002), the assessment of test results ranges from 6 to 10 points.
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Vilniaus miesto lietuvių ir lenkų mokyklų 9 klasių berniukų fizinis pajėgumas / Physical capacity of the 9th grade schoolboys of the Lithuanian and Polish schools in VilniusDainarovič, Pavel 06 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo objektas — 9 klasių berniukų fizinis pajėgumas.
Darbo tikslas — nustatyti Vilniaus miesto lietuvių ir lenkų mokyklų 9 klasių berniukų fizinį pajėgumą.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Nustatyti Vilniaus miesto lietuvių mokyklų 9 klasių berniukų fizinį pajėgumą pagal Eurofito testus.
2. Nustatyti Vilniaus miesto lenkų mokyklų 9 klasių berniukų fizinį pajėgumą pagal Eurofito testus.
3. Palyginti Vilniaus miesto lietuvių ir lenkų mokyklų 9 klasių berniukų fizinio pajėgumo rezultatus.
1. Nustatėme, kad daugumos lietuvių mokyklų 9 klasių berniukų kūno masė yra tinkama, o penktadalis berniukų turi per mažą kūno svorį. Vilniaus miesto lietuvių mokyklų 9 klasių berniukų rankų ir pečių raumenų ištvermė yra vidutinio ir žemo lygio, pusiausvyra, rankų judesių greitis, lankstumas, bėgimo greitis, vikrumas yra vidutinio lygio, kojų raumenų staigioji jėga, pilvo raumenų ištvermė yra vidutinio ir aukšto lygio.
2. Nustatėme, kad daugumos lenkų mokyklų 9 klasių berniukų kūno masė yra tinkama, o kas dešimtas berniukas turi nedidelį antsvorį. Vilniaus miesto lenkų mokyklų 9 klasių berniukų rankų ir pečių raumenų ištvermė yra vidutinio ir žemo lygio, pusiausvyra, lankstumas, kojų raumenų staigioji jėga, bėgimo greitis, vikrumas yra vidutinio lygio, rankų judesių greitis, pilvo raumenų ištvermė yra vidutinio ir aukšto lygio.
3. Vilniaus miesto lietuvių ir lenkų mokyklų 9 klasių berniukų fizinis pajėgumas pagal pusiausvyros, lankstumo, pilvo raumenų ištvermės, rankų ir pečių raumenų ištvermės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the work – physical capacity of the 9th grade schoolboys.
Aim of the work is to determine the physical capacity of 9th grade schoolboys of the Lithuanian and Polish schools in Vilnius.
1. To determine physical capacity of 9th grade schoolboys of the Lithuanian schools in Vilnius according to the Eurofit tests.
2. To determine physical capacity of 9th grade schoolboys of the Polish schools in Vilnius according to the Eurofit tests.
3. To compare the results of physical capacity testing between 9th grade schoolboys of the Lithuanian and Polish schools in Vilnius.
Conclusions. It was determined that the body mass of most of the 9th grade schoolboys is proper and the fifth part of them has the mass that is too small. The arm and shoulder muscle endurance of the 9th grade schoolboys of the Lithuanian schools is of average and low level, and the balance, speed of the hand movements, flexibility, running speed, dexterity are of average level, leg muscle explosive force, abdominal muscle endurance are of average and high level.
It was determined that the body mass of the most of the 9th grade schoolboys of the Polish schools is proper while every tenth schoolboy has a small overweight. The 9th grade schoolboys‘ of the Polish schools arm and shoulder endurance is of average and low level, balance, flexibility, leg muscle explosive force, running speed, dexterity are of average level, hand movement speed, abdominal muscle endurance are of average and high level... [to full text]
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Lietuvos vyrų fizinės parengties rodiklių kaita amžiaus aspektu / The age-related change of indicators of physical fitness state of Lithuanian menMickevičius, Vaidas 20 May 2005 (has links)
The aim of research — to identify the change dynamics of physical fitness state of 20—59-year-old Lithuanian men who participated in the final competitions — “Lithuanian Robust”. The testees were healthy 20—59-year-old men contestants at the competition “Lithuanian Robust” (n = 415). They were divided into 8 age groups and tested in autumn, 1999—2003. It was found out that their dynamic strength endurance and aerobic, anaerobic capacity of hand muscle, arm flexsor muscle, abdomen muscle as well as waist agility, back cathetus decreases depending on age and the studied indicator. Keywords: age group, physical capacity.
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Funktionell kapacitet hos barn med övervikt i relation till kroppssammansättning, energiförbrukning och självskattade överviktsproblemKillström, Karolina, Mossberg, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Övervikt är ett växande problem i samhället. I Sverige är 20–25% av landets 10-åringar överviktiga och ca 3% lider av fetma. Det finns få studier som visar huruvida den funktionella kapaciteten hos barn med övervikt påverkar deras uppfattning om sin övervikt som ett problem. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det förelåg ett negativt samband mellan funktionell kapacitet och upplevelsen av övervikt som ett problem hos barn på en överviktsmottagning. Studien syftade också till att undersöka om det fanns ett samband mellan funktionell kapacitet och kroppssammansättning respektive energiförbrukning samt om ett samband mellan energiförbrukning och individens upplevelse av övervikt som ett problem förelåg. Metod: En icke-experimentell, retrospektiv, deskriptiv och korrelerande tvärsnittsstudie. Studien baserades på insamlade data från nybesök på Akademiska barnsjukhusets överviktsmottagning. 58 deltagare i åldrarna 7–17 år inkluderades. Utfallsmåtten var sex minuters gångtest, Physiological cost index, kalipermätning och självskattade överviktsproblem. Resultat: Inget samband förelåg mellan funktionell kapacitet och självskattade överviktsproblem eller mellan funktionell kapacitet och energiförbrukning. Det fanns ett svagt samband (r=-0.55 p=0,03) mellan funktionell kapacitet och total fettmassa. Slutsats: Sambandet mellan funktionell kapacitet och total fettmassa överensstämde med tidigare studier. Andra mätmetoder bör övervägas vid uppföljande studier för att få ett säkrare resultat och undersöka de bakomliggande faktorerna till självskattade överviktsbesvär. / Background: Overweight is an increasing problem in today’s society. Approximately 20-25% of all 10-year old’s in Sweden are considered overweight and 3% are considered obese. There are few studies that show how the physical capacity in children with overweight can affect their perception of the overweight as an issue. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between physical capacity, energy cost, body composition and the child’s rating of their overweight as a problem Method: Retrospective study of data from admittance tests at Akademiska barnsjukhuset. Regression analysis of variables to study correlation. Subjects aged 7-17 with available data from Six-minute walk test, Physiological cost index, caliper measurements and rating of overweight as a problem. 58 subjects were studied. Results: There was no correlation between physical capacity, the child’s rating of their overweight as a problem and energy cost. A negative correlation was found between physical fitness and the body fat percentage (r=-0,55. p=0,03). Conclusion: The correlation between physical capacity and body fat percentage is consistent with previous studies. Other methods should be considered in future studies to better understand the underlying factors of the children’s rating of their overweight as a problem.
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Surgical treatment in chronic aortic regurgitation : Timing, results, prognosis and left ventricular functionTamás, Éva January 2008 (has links)
Chronic aortic regurgitation (AR) of varying degree affects 13% of men and 8.5% of women. In persons with severe AR, the expected length of life and its quality are influenced. Some individuals remain asymptomatic for a long period, due to effective compensatory mechanisms, but dysfunction of the left ventricle (LV) usually begins before symptoms appear and can be irreversible by then. This thesis addresses questions of LV function and optimal time for operation of patients suffering from chronic AR. Moreover, detailed echocardiographic studies of the anatomy of the normal aortic valve have been performed to obtain a better understanding of the in vivo anatomic relations within the aortic root. Patients with chronic AR, without concomitant cardiac disease, were studied both retrospectively (n=88) and prospectively (n=29) and the aortic valves of persons (n=32) free from cardiac disease were investigated. For the retrospectively studied patients, survival was 82% at 10 years which is an improvement compared with previously published results. The majority of the patients, however, had LV dysfunction preoperatively. By studying patients prospectively by echocardiography, radionuclide ventriculography (MUGA) and cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) our aim was to evaluate the predictive value of measurements of LV function at rest and during exercise for postoperative outcome. LV diameters were markedly elevated prior to and diminished significantly after surgery. Patients with an abnormal exercise ejection fraction (EF) response by MUGA preoperatively, presented the same reaction postoperatively. This could not be predicted by LV function determination at rest, or by NYHA functional class. In spite of median NYHA class II, these patients had a low work capacity on CPET, which was neither improved 6 months postoperatively nor correlated to echocardiographic LV dimensions. Thus, both MUGA and CPET may be useful complements for timing of surgery in patients with chronic AR. Assuming that patients would benefit from preservation of their native valves the normal aortic valve was studied to gain detailed information about the echocardiographic anatomy and relations within the normal aortic root. This extended examination of the aortic root may facilitate a better planning of aortic valve‐preserving interventions in the future.
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Low physical capacity among adolescents in practical educationSollerhed, Ann-Christin, Ejlertsson, Göran January 1999 (has links)
The aim of this study was to obtain better knowledge about teenagers' physical capacity and physical activity. The study group consisted of 301 students in upper secondary school, 191 students in practical education (74 girls and 117 boys) and 110 students in theoretical education (57 girls and 53 boys). The adolescents were 16-19 years old and lived in southern Sweden. The study comprised three parts: a questionnaire, seven physical tests (one test to predict maximal oxygen uptake, three strength tests, two flexibility tests and one balance test) and information on each pupil's grades. Pupils in practical education for occupations like industrial- and building workers, mechanics, assistant nurses and hairdressers, all of which are occupations involving physical effort, had lower physical capacity than pupils in theoretical education among both girls and boys. A correlation was found between physical capacity and grades.
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"Jag ska inte se till att de är vältränade" : Fysisk kapacitet i ämnet idrott och hälsaArvidsson, Marcus, Andersson, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om hur lärare i idrott och hälsa på gymnasieskolan ser på sitt arbete med elevers fysiska kapacitet samt vilka förmågor (till exempel styrka, rörlighet och kondition) de anser vara viktiga. Bakgrunden till arbetet är att studier har visat att elevers fysiska kapacitet sjunker trots att lärare i idrott och hälsa ska arbeta med den. Undersökningen har en kultursociologisk utgångspunkt och analysen gjordes efter Pierre Bourdieus teori om habitus samt tidigare forskning inom fysisk kapacitet. Undersökningen var av kvalitativ karaktär där lärare intervjuades utifrån deras tolkningar av fysisk aktivitet, fysisk kapacitet och kroppslig förmåga. Dessa tolkningar användes för att sedan beskriva deras arbete. Den forskning som är gjord tidigare visade på goda hälsomässiga fördelar av en god fysisk kapacitet. Resultatet av vårt arbete visar att tolkningarna av begreppen var olika men att arbetet med den fysiska kapaciteten var likartad. Lärarna inte vill arbeta med elevernas fysiska kapacitet men ändå framkommer det att lärarna arbetar med det per automatik i den vanliga undervisningen. Störst påverkan på undervisningen var lärarnas tidigare idrottsbakgrund och utbildning. / The aim of this study is to reveal how physical education teachers view their work with pupils’ physical capacity and which capacities (for example strength, endurance and flexibility) they see as important. The foundation of the study was made through studies showing that the physical capacity among pupils is getting worse. The curriculum for physical education indicates that it is a part of physical education teachers to maintain or improve pupils’ physical capacity. The study has a culture sociologic base and the analysis was made after Pierre Bourdieus’ theory about habitus and previous research about physical capacity. It is a qualitative study in which teachers were interviewed from their takes on physical capacity and furthermore described their work among pupils. The previous research on this subject showed that physical capacity gave many health-related benefits. The result of the study showed that teachers expounding of physical capacity was in disparity though the education made from the teachers were similar. The teachers did not want to improve pupils’ physical capacity though it occurred automatically. The result also showed that the largest impact on how the education was made was the teachers’ earlier background within sports and their teacher education.
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The Effects of Worker Age on Lifting: Psychophysical Estimates of Acceptable Loads and their Link to BiomechanicsChen, Jade Ashley January 2012 (has links)
Canada’s workforce, as well as many other countries, is continuing to age as the baby boomer generation (those born between 1946 and 1964) ages and are remaining in the workforce longer. The number of older workers is estimated to double within the next 10 years (Perry 2010). With increased age, there are a number of factors that could influence worker performance and risk of injury. For example, aging is associated with decreased strength and cardiovascular fitness. However, it is unknown whether a worker’s estimates of how much they can safely lift (based on an approach called psychophysics, which is often used in the design of manual materials handling tasks) is lower for older compared to younger workers. The primary goal of this thesis was to test the hypothesis that psychophysical estimates of maximum acceptable forces would be lower for older workers than younger workers during selected lifting tasks. The secondary goal was to measure a host of variables to provide insights into what factors (e.g. kinematic, strength, cardiovascular) might be influencing potential age-related differences. The experimental testing protocol used a psychophysical approach to identify the maximum acceptable mass of an object during several lifting tasks. Participants comprised a total of 24 female workers (12 older (50+ years old) and 12 younger (20-30 years old)). The primary outcome of interest was the maximum acceptable weight of lift (MAWL) for an 8 hour work day that would allow each participant to ‘work as hard as they can without straining themselves, or becoming unusually tired, weakened, overheated, or out of breath’ (Snook and Ciriello 1991). The participants completed four lifting tasks: floor-to-knuckle height (1 lift/9s and 1 lift/2 min) and knuckle-to-shoulder height (1 lift/2 min and 1 lift/8 hr) by adding or removing lead shot to a lifting box. Tasks were 30 minute in duration; participants could adjust the load mass at any time during the trial. The dependent variables collected were the MAWL (the load mass at the end of the trial), maximum sagittal plane joint angles of the shoulder, hip and knee, overall and body part specific ratings of perceived exertion, and heart rate. Older workers selected MAWL values that were significantly lower (by approximately 24%) than their younger counterparts. These age-related differences were more prevalent for tasks which were constrained by strength (i.e. low frequency) compared to those with large cardiovascular requirements (i.e. high frequency). The only significant difference in the sagittal plane joint flexion angle was for the right hip during the 1 lift/2 min from floor-to-knuckle height lifting task, characterized by 34.4 degree decrease hip angle (more flexed) for the older workers. There were also no significant age-related differences in overall ratings of perceived exertion. The only body part-specific rating of perceived exertion with a significant age-related difference was for the knees, with the younger workers reporting the tasks more taxing on this joint than the older workers. Although there were no age-related differences in absolute heart rate values, the older workers were at a significantly higher percentage of their maximum heart rate. The results of this work suggest there is value in continued research probing whether current ergonomic and work design guidelines need to be updated to accommodate the aging working population. According to the results presented in this study, the current approaches often employed during the design of manual materials handling tasks (i.e. incorporating the loads that 75% of females could perform based on the Snook and Ciriello tables (1991) may not be sufficiently protective for older female workers in the workplace.
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5-8 klasių mergaičių KMI ir lankstumo sąsajos / Class 5-8 girls ' BMI and the flexibility to interfacePetkevičiūtė, Indrė 06 September 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas-KMI ir lankstumas. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti KMI ir lankstumo sąsajas. Baigiamojo darbo uždaviniai. 1. Nustatyti 5-8 klasių mergaičių KMI duomenis. 2. Nustatyti 5-8 klasių mergaičių lankstumo duomenis. 3. Nustatyti 5-8 klasių mergaičių KMI ir lankstumo sąsajas. Hipotezė: Mergaitės su didesniu KMI yra lankstesnės. Svarbiausi rezultatai: Daugiausiai mergaičių yra su nepakankamu KMI – 51.52%, daugiausiai mergaičių yra su vidutiniu lankstumo lygiu – 47.48% ir daugiausiai mergaičių su vidutiniu KMI ir aukščiau vidutinio lankstumo lygio buvo – 30.77%. Išvados: 1. Tarp 5-8 klasių mergaičių daugiausiai buvo su nepakankamu KMI t.y. < 18.5 (kg/cm) Tokių mergaičių yra 51.52%. 2. Daugiausiai mergaičių buvo vidutinio lankstumo lygio, kurių testo rezultatai buvo nuo 20-25cm. Tokių mergaičių yra 47.48%, o mažiausiai buvo, aukščiau vidutinio lankstumo lygio, kurių rezultatai siekė nuo 25-30cm, procentaliai - 20.20% mergaičių. 3. Geriausi lankstumo rezultatai pasiekti mergaičių su vidutiniu KMI t.y, nuo 18.5 – 24.9 (kg/cm) , kurių rezultatų – 28.13cm. Procentaliai, tokių mergaičių, pasiekusių aukščiau vidutinio lankstumo lygį t.y. nuo 25 – 30cm., buvo 30.77%, iš visų vidutinį KMI turinčių moksleivių, o blogiausi rezultatai mergaičių su nepakankamu KMI, kurių rezultatų - 26.75cm. Procentaliai, aukščiau vidutinio lankstumo lygio pasiekusių mergaičių yra tik 3.92% iš visų tirtų mergaičių su nepakankamu KMI. / Research object: BMI and flexibility. Research goal: to determine BMI and flexibility in interfaces. Final work tasks. 1. Detection of 5-8 classes for girls BMI data. 2. Detection of 5-8 classes for girls flexibility data. 3. Detection of 5-8 classes for girls BMI and flexibility interface. Hypothesis: the girls with a higher BMI are more flexible. The most important results: Most of the girls are with the lack of BMI - 51.52%, most of the girls are with the average level of flexibility - 47.48% and most of the girls with the average BMI and above average level of flexibility has been – 30.77%. Conclusions: 1. Between 5-8 girls class was largely with a lack of BMI, this is < 18.5 (kg/cm). Such girls are 51.52%. 2. Most of the girls had a moderate level of flexibility, whose test results had been 20-25 cm. Such girls are 47.48%, and the minimum was above the average level of flexibility, the results amounted to between 25-30cm, percent to - 20.20%, girls. 3. The best results of the flexibility is for girls with the average BMI, this is from 18.5 – 24.9 (kg/cm) which results in the - 28.13cm. Such girls, above the, average level of flexibility, this is from 25 – 30cm., was 30.77%, of all students with the average BMI and having the worst results for girls with the lack of BMI, which results in the - 26.75cm. The girls above the average level of flexibility in performing girls there are only 3.92% from the total number of girls with the insufficiency of the BMI.
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9-11 klasių berniukų staigiosios jėgos ir fizinio pajėgumo ryšys / The relation between the explosive strength and physical capacity for 9-11 grade boysMatutis, Raimondas 06 September 2013 (has links)
Darbo objektas – 9 – 11 klasių berniukų staigiosios jėgos ir fizinio pajėgumo ryšys.
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti 9-11 klasių berniukų fizinio pajėgumo ir staigiosios jėgos ryšį.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Nustatyti 9-11 klasių berniukų fizinį pajėgumą.
2. Nustatyti 9-11 klasių berniukų staigiąją jėgą.
3. Nustatyti berniukų fizinio pajėgumo ir staigiosios jėgos ryšį.
Hipotezė – tarp fizinio pajėgumo ir staigiosios jėgos yra ryšys.
Pagrindiniai tyrimo rezultatai. Naudojant EUROFIT (2002) orientacines vertinimo skales buvo orientuotasi kokiam vertinimo lygiui galima priskirti rezultatų vidurkius. Palyginus visus testų rezultatus, galime teigti, kad geriausiai išlavintas berniukų lankstumas – 5,7 balo (testas „Sėstis/siekti“). Vertinant pagal Lietuvos gyventojų fizinio pajėgumo testavimo ir fizinės būklės nustatymo metodiką (2007), lankstumas būtų patenkinamas, jei tai yra 25,8 cm. Blogiausiai išlavinta širdies ir kvėpavimo sistemos ištvermė - 3,9 balo (testas „20 m bėgimas šaudykle“).
1. Nustatyta, kad tiriamųjų 9-11 klasių berniukų fizinio pajėgumo testų rezultatai buvo vidutiniai 5,1 balo vertinant pagal moksleivių fizinio pajėgumo moksleivių fizinio pajėgumo referencines skales: 10x5 m bėgimas šaudykle (vikrumas) – 5,4 balai, sėstis/gultis (liemens jėga) – 5,3 balai, sėstis/siekti (lankstumas) – 5,7 balai, 20 m bėgimas šaudykle (širdies ir kvėpimo sistemos ištvermės) – 3,9 balai.
2. 9-11 klasių berniukų šuolis į tolį iš vietos (staigioji jėga) testo rezultatas buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the research – the relation between the explosive strength and physical capacity for 9-11 grade boys.
The purpose of the research – to identify the liaison between the explosive strength and physical capacity in the group of 9-11 grade boys.
The objectives of the research:
1. To find out what is the physical capacity of the 9-11 grade boys.
2. To identify the level of the explosive strength of the 9-11 grade boys.
3. To identify the liaison between the explosive strength and physical capacity in the group of 9-11 grade boys.
The hypothesis - that there is a liaison between physical capacity and explosive strength.
The main results of the research. Using EUROFIT (2002) reference scales it was concentrated on which evaluation level we can attribute the averages of the results. After comparing the results of all the tests, we can see that the best educated skill of boys is flexibility – 5,7 points (test „Sit/Reach“). Based on „Lithuanian population physical fitness testing and physical methodologies, 2007“, the flexibility is average if it is 25,8 cm. The worst educated skill for boys is heart and breathing endurance – 3,9 points (test „20min shuttle run“).
1. It was found out that physical capcity tests results for the respondents in the group of 9-11 grade boys are in average 5,1 points based on the reference tables for students‘ physical capacity: 10x5 m shuttle run (agility) - 5.4 points, sit / lie (waist strength) - 5.3 points, to sit / reach... [to full text]
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