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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise musical e processos harmônicos em Concert à quatre, de Olivier Messiaen / Musical analysis and harmonic processes in Concert à quatre, by Olivier Messiaen

Ogata, Denise Mayumi 18 November 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação desenvolve uma análise musical de Concert à quatre (1990-1991), obra composta por Olivier Messiaen para quatro solistas (flauta, oboé, violoncelo, piano) e grande orquestra, apresentando os procedimentos harmônicos e os principais elementos que caracterizam a linguagem do compositor. Busca identificar e compreender a utilização de conceitos estabelecidos por Messiaen, bem como investigar os processos que estruturam a harmonia de Concert à quatre, priorizando uma abordagem baseada na análise das vozes comuns. Destacando Vingt Leçons d\'Harmonie (1951) no interior do levantamento bibliográfico que relaciona estudos sobre a produção bibliográfica do compositor, associa-o com os principais elementos composicionais de Concert à quatre e aborda referenciais que remetem à formação teórico-musical de Messiaen. Utiliza a segmentação por conjuntos e o mapeamento de vozes comuns em sucessões de acordes como ferramentas analíticas. O resultado da análise demonstra como os Modos de Transposições Limitadas e seus subconjuntos estruturam a obra, concomitante à ocorrência de breves tonicizações e à formação de centros referenciais harmônicos, evidenciando alturas e intervalos recorrentes. Além disso, destaca o uso dos elementos finalizadores de seções e os constituintes de trechos transitórios, os quais consolidam a sonoridade gerada pelas seções. / This work develops a musical analysis of Concert à quatre (1990-1), a work for four soloists (flute, oboe, cello, piano) and large orchestra, by Olivier Messiaen, presenting the harmonic procedures and the main elements that characterize his compositional language. Seeks to identify and understand the use of concepts established by Messiaen, as well as investigate the processes that structure Concert à quatre harmony getting priority to an approach based on analysis of common voices. Highlighting Vingt Leçons d\'Harmonie (1951) within the literature that relates studies on the bibliographic production of the composer, it associates this production with the main compositional elements of Concert à quatre and addresses references that refer to Messiaen\'s theoretical and musical studies. It uses sets segmentation and mapping common voices chord sequences as analytical tools. The analysis shows how the Modes of Limited Transposition and its subsets structure the work, being concurrent with the occurrence of brief tonicizations and forming harmonic reference centers, showing classes and recurring intervals. Furthermore, it emphasizes the use of the elements that are finishers constituent sections and transient portions, looking forward to consolidate the sound generated by each section.

An analysis of the first suite in E flat by Gustav Holst

Stith, Kenneth R. January 2010 (has links)
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Les Millions d’Arlequin de Marius Petipa et Riccardo Drigo : les créateurs, l’analyse du ballet, son destin / Harlequin's Millions by Marius Petipa and Riccardo Drigo : the creators, analysis of the ballet, its destiny

Anapolskaya, Ekaterina 23 September 2016 (has links)
Les Millions d’Arlequin est un ballet créé en 1900, fruit du talent et de la passion pour leur métier de deux figures significatives de la scène du Théâtre Mariinski à Saint-Pétersbourg à la fin du XIXe et au début du XXe siècle : le chorégraphe français Marius Petipa et le compositeur et chef d’orchestre italien Riccardo Drigo. 1900 est une date symbolique, la fin d’une époque et le début d’une autre, l’aboutissement du style académique dans le ballet classique russe et l’apparition de nouvelles tendances dans la chorégraphie qui vont triompher avec Les Ballets russes de Diaghilev. Nous connaissons bien les grands ballets de Petipa comme La Belle au bois dormant, Raymonda ou La Bayadère, mais une partie de l’œuvre de ce grand chorégraphe, ses ballets créés dans les années 1900, reste dans l’oubli. C’est aussi le cas pour la musique de Riccardo Drigo, qui comme la plus grande partie de la musique de ballet, est souvent reléguée au second plan. Par notre travail, grâce à une analyse détaillée de la dramaturgie musicale et à l’aide de nombreux documents que nous avons réussi à découvrir, nous aimerions faire sortir cette œuvre de l’oubli et montrer son importance pour l’histoire de la danse et l’évolution de la musique de ballet. Ce travail sur Les Millions d’Arlequin invite aussi à réfléchir sur le rapport envers les chorégraphies du passé, y compris les œuvres de Petipa, sur la nécessité et les moyens de les reconstruire, et sur la place qu’elles devraient avoir dans le répertoire actuel des troupes de ballet classique. / Harlequin’s Millions is a ballet created in 1900, the fruit of the talent and a passion for their craft of two major figures of the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg in the late 19th and early 20th century: the French choreographer Marius Petipa and the Italian composer and conductor Riccardo Drigo. 1900 is a symbolic date, the end of one era and the beginning of another, the culmination of the Academic style in Russian classical ballet and the emergence of new choreographic trends that will triumph with the Ballets Russes of Diaghilev. We are familiar with Petipa’s great ballets such as The Sleeping Beauty, Raymonda or La Bayadère, but a part of the work of this great choreographer, the ballets created in the 1900s, remain in oblivion. This is also the case for the music of Riccardo Drigo, which like much ballet music is often relegated to the second class.Through our work, based on a detailed analysis of musical dramaturgy and drawing on many documents we discovered, we would like to bring this work out of oblivion and to demonstrate its importance to the history of dance and the evolution of ballet music. This work on Harlequin’s Millions also invites reflection on the place of the choreography of the past, including Petipa’s works; on the need and the ways to revive it; and on the place it should have in the current repertoire of classical ballet companies.

Pluralidade e unidade: uma análise dos processos composicionais no Balé Agon, de Igor Stravinsky

Roberto Votta 10 October 2012 (has links)
O balé Agon é considerado o ápice da produção conjunta entre Stravinsky e o coreógrafo russo George Balanchine, e sua concepção foi repleta de descontinuidades. As ideias iniciais que motivaram a composição do balé datam de 1948, entretanto, Stravinsky começou a esboçar os primeiros rascunhos somente no final de 1953 e concluiu a obra, após algumas interrupções, em meados de 1957. Durante os anos de criação do balé, Stravinsky operou mudanças significativas em seu processo composicional, alguns movimentos remetem ao diatonismo de seu período neoclássico, enquanto outros são construídos a partir de elaborações seriais, desenvolvidas pelo compositor após o início da década de 1950. Este trabalho expõe os diferentes aspectos envolvidos na concepção do balé e, através da análise dos processos composicionais presentes na obra, busca determinar pontos de conexão em meio às referências díspares estabelecidas no diálogo entre música e dança. / The ballet Agon is considered the apex of the partnership between Stravinsky and the russian choreographer George Balanchine, and its creation was full of discontinuities. The initial ideas that motivated the composition of the ballet came up in 1948, but only in the end of 1953 Stravinsky began sketching the first drafts, and then in 1957, after some interruptions, he completed the work. During this years, Stravinsky made significant changes in his compositional process, some movements refers to the diatonicism of his neoclassical period, while others are constructed from serial elaborations, all of them developed by the composer after the 1950s. This dissertation expounds the several different aspects about the creation of the ballet and through the analysis of the compositional processes in the work, it attempts to determine the connection among the disparate references established in the dialogue between music and dance.

Os Lieder de Clara Schumann / Os Lieder de Clara Schumann

Clarissa da Costa Cabral 26 October 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um modelo de análise musical que fundamenta uma possibilidade interpretativa dos Lieder - gênero musical resultante da fusão das linguagens poética e musical - de Clara Schumann, pianista e compositora alemã do século XIX que teve papel relevante no cenário musical de sua época, realizando a primeira audição e divulgação da obra de muitos dos seus contemporâneos, especialmente de seu marido, Robert Schumann. As análises evidenciam o elevado nível artístico dessas composições, as quais abordam questões relacionadas ao período romântico em um contexto musical extremamente elaborado. A gravação que acompanha esta dissertação pretende oferecer um esboço de possibilidades para a interpretação dos Lieder analisados. / This paper introduces a musical analysis model which underlies an interpretative possibility of the Lieder - musical form resulting from the fusion of poetry and music - by Clara Schumann, German pianist and composer of the 19th Century. Her role in the musical scenario was quite relevant, since she held first auditions and thus disseminated the works of many contemporary composers, specially her husband, Robert Schumann. The analysis corroborates the high artistic level of these compositions, which bring into contact with issues related to the romantic period in a highly elaborated musical work. The included CD offers interpretation possibilities for the analyzed Lieder.

Zeitgestalt - análise e performance do trio em sol menor de Francisco Braga / Zeitgestalt Análysis and Performance of Trio in G minor by Francisco Braga

Margarida Tamaki Fukuda 09 March 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende dar continuidade à pesquisa de Mestrado concluída em 2002 na PUC-SP, sobre um método de análise das Zeitgestalten, voltado para a performance musical. Tendo por base o livro Denken und spielen (Pensar e tocar), escrito pelo pianista e pedagogo alemão Prof. J. Uhde, em parceria com a filósofa e pianista Profa. Dra. R. Wieland (1989) pesquisou-se naquela época os fundamentos teóricos do método, tendo sido analisadas as Zeitgestalten de peças para piano solo. O projeto de Doutorado tem como objetivo principal, compreender os limites e aplicações deste procedimento metodológico na Prática Instrumental de Música de Câmara, não desenvolvido pelos autores. A obra escolhida para esta pesquisa foi escrita em 1930 por um importante compositor pertencente à História da Música Brasileira do final do século XIX e início do XX. Trata-se do Trio em sol menor para piano e cordas, de Francisco Braga, obra de representatividade dentro daquele período histórico. Após encontro com a Profa. Dra. R. Wieland, em janeiro de 2008, ocasião em que foram discutidos assuntos relacionados a Zeitgestalt em obras camerísticas, e analisada o 1º mov. do Trio em sol menor, o trabalho foi direcionado à escrita da tese e ao estudo analítico-interpretativo da obra, junto a um trio formado por jovens estudantes de música do curso de graduação, formado especialmente para este projeto. Pode-se dizer após esta investigação, que o método de Uhde e Wieland se aplica, sim, em repertório camerístico tendo trazido resultados bastante positivos. Faz parte também desta pesquisa, além da questão analítica-interpretativa, a questão editorial. / The present work extends the research presented for Masters concluded in 2002 at PUC-SP, on a method of analysis of Zeitgestalten towards musical performance. On that occasion it was carried out a study on the theoretical foundations of the method and the Zeitgestalten analysis of pieces for piano solo, based on the book Denken und spielen (Thinking and Play) written by the German pianist and pedagogue, Prof. J.Uhde, in partnership with the philosopher and pianist Prof. Doctor R. Wieland (1989). The actual project aims the understanding of the limits and applications of this methodological procedure in the Performance of Chamber Music, which is not developed by those authors. For that purpose the chosen musical work belongs to Francisco Braga, na important composer who lived between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century and is part of the Brazilian Music History. The composition written in 1930 is the Trio in g minor for piano, violin and cello, a work of representativiness within that period of history. After meeting with Prof. Dr. R. Wieland in January 2008, when issues related to Zeitgestalt in Chamber Music works were discussed and the analysis of the first movement of the Trio in g minor was done, the work was directed towards the writing of the thesis and the interpretative-analytical study of it, with a trio constituted by young music students from the graduation course formed specifically for this project. Doubtless the method of Wieland and Uhde certainly applies to Chamber repertoire, and the results brought highly positive results. The work also includes, besides the analytical-interpretative question, the editorial matters results.

Minha música sendo outra : a narratividade como coisa composicional

Angelo, Bruno Milheira January 2014 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta estudos interpretativos sobre as obras musicais compostas pelo autor durante seu doutoramento: Introverso (piano), Ao Pó (clarinete em si , trombone, violoncelo, piano), Breviário das Narrativas Absurdas (vibrafone, piano), Coisas Pelo Ar (piano), O Desvão (2 clarinetes em si, clarone, piano), Epopeia Fantástica (oboé, trombone, percussão, violino, contrabaixo). A partir de uma perspectiva teórica hermenêutica, é realizada uma adaptação do conceito de narrativa musical a essas obras, alicerçando-a em extensa revisão bibliográfica sobre o assunto e estabelecendo procedimentos metodológicos para a elaboração de interpretações narrativas desse repertório. O objetivo geral do trabalho é conceber e fundamentar teoricamente interpretações que possam ser consideradas como transformadoras conceituais da música e continuadoras do processo composicional do autor. Esses procedimentos são complementados com definições reflexivas sobre o processo composicional, enfatizando o viés criativo e performático da disciplina ‘análise musical’. Assim, o produto desta tese pode ser dividido em três categorias: reflexão crítica sobre obras musicais compostas durante o curso de doutorado (apresentadas aqui em partitura e gravação audiovisual); interpretação analítica e narrativa dessas obras; fundamentação teórica e metodológica dessa interpretação. As três categorias são consideradas como complementares e imprescindíveis para o cumprimento dos objetivos desta tese, a qual o autor oferece como contribuição a debates pertinentes e correntes nas áreas de composição e teoria da música. / This thesis presents interpretive studies on musical works composed by the author during his doctoral studies. From a hermeneutical perspective, the concept of musical narrative was adapted to the analytical necessities found in these works. This adaptation includes extensive bibliographic review on the issue of musical narrative; it establishes methodological procedures for the elaboration of analytical/narrative interpretations for this repertoire. The overall objective of this thesis is to conceive and substantiate theoretically these interpretations, considering them as conceptual and transformative actions on the music, and therefore a continuation of the author’s compositional process. For this purpose, the abovementioned procedures were complemented with reflexive definitions regarding this compositional process, emphasizing the creative and performing bias of musical analysis. Thus, the product of this thesis may be divided into three categories: publication and critical reflection on the musical compositions created during this doctorate (presented here as scores and audiovisual recordings); analytical and narrative interpretations of these works; implementation of theoretical and methodological foundations for these interpretations. These three categories are seen as complementary and indispensable for the purposes of this thesis, which is meant by its author as a consistent contribution for the current debates on musical composition and musical theory. The following compositions are included in this thesis: Introverso (piano), Ao Pó (B clarinet, trombone, violoncello, piano), Breviário das Narrativas Absurdas (vibraphone, piano), Coisas Pelo Ar (piano), O Desvão (2 B clarinets, bass clarinet, piano), Epopeia Fantástica (oboe, trombone, percussion, violin, double bass).


Miller, Samuel James 01 January 2018 (has links)
Zdeněk Lukáš (1928-2007) was one of the most prolific Czech composers of the 20th century having composed over 300 pieces. His works include a wide array of genres including symphonies, operas, chamber music, and a large amount of choral and vocal music. He was influenced by Czech folklore and music and was self-taught until he was nearly 40 years old. Lukáš began his career as a teacher but later began working for the Czechoslovak Radio Studio in Plzeň where he founded the mixed choir, Česká Píseň (Czech Song), which became quite famous and still enjoys great fame. Requiem per coro misto, op. 252 is considered by many to be Lukáš’s most famous choral work. It was written in 1992 for a cappella SSATB chorus. The piece is divided into seven movements; “Requiem aeternam,” “Dies irae,” “Lacrymosa,” “Offertorium,” “Hostias,” “Sanctus,” and “Agnus Dei.” This document presents an analysis and conductor’s guide of Requiem. The analysis includes an examination of Latin pronunciation employing Germanic Latin when possible and an IPA pronunciation guide and translation of the text. Also included in the analysis is discussion on form, tonality, and development of melody, harmony, and rhythm all of which reveal that Lukáš wrote this piece in a very traditional style. The conductor’s guide points out many of the issues that a choir may face in preparing Requiem. Some of the issues include intonation, range, and dynamics. One specific issue is that although the piece is tonal, there is considerable use of modes and scales that many singers would consider exotic. One such scale is the Hungarian Gypsy which is essentially a harmonic minor scale, but includes a raised fourth degree. Many of the intonation issues that could arise stem from the frequent parallel motion. Lukáš believed that a cappella singing is one of the purest forms of music and that singers should be allowed to sing without regard to any instrumental influence whether it be from the composer or some other source. Requiem exhibits this belief through its challenges and its beauty. The work or its individual movements can be challenging yet accessible to singers of all levels.

Modeling Music with Grammars: Some Examples from Balinese Kotekan

Cowal, Janet Tom 31 May 1994 (has links)
What is the relationship of music and language? Analogies and comparisons of music and language are plentiful in various types of literature. For researchers in the cognitive sciences, the importance of organization, patterning, and structuring of sounds is a common theme in analyzing both language and music. With the success of generative grammars for languages, a number of researchers have used similar kinds of grammars to describe or model particular aspects of music. In addition, researchers are interested in possible universals in musical grammars. However, while grammars of non-Western musics have been written, most of the work has been based on Western tonal systems. The purpose of this research is to analyze, in an information processing, linguistic framework, a non-Western musical system for which there is currently no formal grammar in the literature, and to describe an aspect of it in the form of a grammar. Kotekan, the system of interlocking parts in Balinese game/an music, is examined in this study. This study is based on library research, scores, tapes, and communication with experts in Balinese music. A number of previously written grammars for musical systems are examined, as well as literature concerning various types of formal grammars. Balinese kotekan data is collected, in the form of literature, scores, and tapes. Portions of the data are described in the form of a grammar. The rules are then tested on new data, that is, portions of other Balinese pieces. The natures of and the relationship between music and language can be examined more closely through the use of an information processing, linguistic framework. Grammars are a precise and formal way of describing structure and regularities in linguistic and musical systems, and of describing aspects of competence. Linguistic and musical grammars share some features and differ in others. The grammar for Balinese kotekan presented in this study exhibits features that are similar to other musical grammars. The system can be described as a hierarchy of constraints from global tendencies to specific rules for various types of kotekan. In addition, there are deep and surface structures, variation related to structure, ranked or preference rules, spatio-motor considerations, and the need for context-sensitive rules. The structure of po/os and sangsih (the interlocking parts of kotekan) as individual lines is described by context-free phrase structure rules. The relationship between pol os and sangsih is described by transformations. The grammar presented is a starting point for a complete grammar of Balinese kotekan.

Automatic recognition of musical instruments using isolated monophonic sounds

Kaminskyj, Ian January 2004 (has links)
Abstract not available

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