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VIII – X klasių muzikos vadovėlių turinio vykdymo tyrimai / The Analysis of Implementation of Music Textbooks Content for the Students of Grade 8-10Miškinis, Artūras 22 June 2006 (has links)
The music teacher, who works at school, tries to implement the program of musical education and the content of the music textbook so that his students would advance the higher level of musical skills. If he wants to work successfully in the modern school, the music teacher has to select the material suitably according to the students’ skills and knowledge. The Master’s work analyzes how the content of the textbooks of musical training is implemented in the general schools of grade 8-10. The scientific- theoretical literature and methodology about musical education are studied in the Lithuanian secondary schools. The research was implemented, which analyzed how the content of the textbooks of grade 8-10 is implemented in Radviliškis secondary schools the first time and which is the students’ level of those grades. The data of this research has shown the position in the schools of the district.. This training experiment, which was done in Radviliškis Gražinos secondary school 8a class in 2004-2005, has shown that the content of the music textbook can be implemented by practicing the individual program of musical education and learning what students are able to do and to advance the students to the higher level of musical level.
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Dainų dainelės ir pedagogų vaidmuo formuojant teigiamą vaikų poziūrį į muzikinę saviugdą / The role of "Dainu dainele" and educationalists formative positive opinion of infants to musical self-helpMarazienė, Vaida-Jurgita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe „„Dainų dainelės“ ir pedagogų vaidmuo formuojant teigiamą vaikų požiūrį į muzikinę saviugdą“ nagrinėjama vaikų ir moksleivių televizijos festivalio-konkurso „Dainų dainelė“ įtaka vaikų ugdymui. Pedagoginė problema aktuali tuo, kad analogų neturintis per 30 metų gyvuojantis festivalis-konkursas tapo tikru fenomenu ir puikiu postūmiu reikštis jauniems dainininkams tiek ansambliuose, tiek solo. Pasirodymas „Dainų dainelėje“ dažnai tampa pirmuoju, tačiau anaiptol ne paskutiniu viešu pasirodymu.
Tyrimo objektas – vaikų muzikinė saviugda dalyvaujant „Dainų dainelėje“. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti „Dainų dainelės“ ir pedagogų įtaką vaikų muzikinei saviugdai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: muzikinė saviugda, pedagoginė įtaka, dainininkų ugdymas.
Darbe apžvelgiama „Dainų dainelės“ istorija, renginio kaita, pedagoginės ugdymo subtilybės – ugdytojo autoriteto svarba, scenos baimės apraiškos, balso higienos ypatybės. Juk rengimasis „Dainų dainelei“ gali skatinti ne tik mokinį, bet ir jo ugdytoją, kadangi šis turi tapti tikru, pilnaverčiu autoritetu. Šiuo aspektu labai daug lemia ne tik pedagogo gebėjimas komunikuoti, bet ir jo profesinis pasirengimas, uždegantis tikėjimas savo veikla, atraktyvi dėstymo metodika, didinanti pedagoginę įtaką.
Siekiant sužinoti „Dainų dainelės“ dalyvių nuomonę apie šį festivalį-konkursą, buvo apklausti 50 dalyvių. Empirinis tyrimas atskleidė, jog daugeliui dalyvių festivalis-konkursas „Dainų dainelė“ teikia teigiamas emocijas, žadina atsakomybės jausmą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Influence of children’s and schoolchildren’s festival “Dainu dainele” examined in Master‘s final scientific work “The role of “Dainu dainele“ and educationalists formative positive opinion of infants to musical self-help“. Pedagogical problem is relevant because festival – contest exist more than 30 years, it haven‘t any analogues in Lithuania and it became sure phenomenon and perfect push of young vocalists convey both in companys and in solo. The Appearance in „Dainu dainele“ often become the first but not the last public appearance.
The investigative subject of Master‘s final scientific work is musical self-help of infants when they involve in “Dainu dainele”.
The investigative purpose of Master‘s final scientific work is to find the role of “Dainu dainele“ and educationalists to musical self-help of infants.
Significant words: a musical self-help, the role of educationalists, education of singers.
The history of „Dainu dainele“, alternation of event, refinement of educationalists education, importance of educationalist, manifestatons of scene‘s fear, internal of voice‘s hygiene are reviewed in Master‘s final scientific work. After all arrangement to “Dainu dainele” can motivate not only schoolchildren but also his educator because he must to become real and full – fledged standing.
Instance very much determine educationalist not only ability to comunicate but also his professional readiness, inspirational belief in his work, methodology of enunciation that enhance... [to full text]
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Pradinių klasių mokinių intonavimo ugdymas muzikos pamokose / Primary school children intonation education during music lessonsTiažkienė, Kristina 29 June 2006 (has links)
The basis of nice singing is correct intonation. It is important to develop intonation in Primary School since musical abilities form until the age of ten. For the purpose of improving the intonation of Primary school children it is essential to organize the process of intonation education properly, to compose an effective system of tasks for intonation training which could contribute good vocal skills.
The purpose of this research is to estimate training intonation peculiarities of children. The subject of research is the intonation education of 3rd grade school children. Research hypothesis is formulated that if in educating process the exercises for improving musical hearing (intervals), practicing singing a cappela, canons and exercises are prepared properly and used, the quality of Primary school children intonation can be improved. Tasks of research are raised: 1) according to philosophic, psycological, pedagogical, literary analysis to reveal intonation conception and importance of intonation in misic development system; 2)to find out the reason of bad children`s intonation and the right specification of intonation; 3) to distinguish the peculiarities of Primary school children intonation development; 4) to form the system of exercises improving intonation training. In this research theoretical (classified system of literature), empirical (single alternative experiment, analysis of quality and quantity of received data and mathematical methods (percentage... [to full text]
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VII-VIII klasių mokinių aktyvesnio muzikos mokymosi galimybių panaudojimas nevalstybinėje bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / The employment of more active music learning possibilities in private secondary shools among students of the seventh and eighth formsPraniauskienė, Jūratė 25 May 2005 (has links)
Scientists almost unanimously claim that the efficiency of music learning of students is mostly determined by the active methods of music teaching, educational means of impact and factors.
This research paper is dedicated to the analysis of more active employment of music learning possibilities among the seventh and eighth form students in a private secondary school.
The first part of the paper discusses the concept of pedagogical activity and its peculiarities. It also provides the description of global private schools’ practice.
In the second part, the didactic principles, methods which predicate the active musical education, educational means of impact and factors which enable a student to participate actively are discussed. The peculiarities of more active music learning during the adolescence period and basic peculiarities of a private secondary school students’ activeness are described.
In the third part of the MA paper the results of the empirical survey are reported. The aim of the survey was to examine the activity of music learning among seventh and eighth form students and to identify its causes in both state and private secondary schools.
The findings have shown that students from private schools have more responsible attitudes towards the lessons of music, they participate more actively in music classes, a teacher adopts the active methods of music teaching more frequently, the relation between the teacher and students is more friendly, the atmosphere is... [to full text]
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Informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų taikymas mokant muzikos pagrindinėje mokykloje / Information and communication technologies application teaching music in the base schoolGerulytė, Lina 29 June 2009 (has links)
Nūdienos švietimo sistemoje vis labiau įsigali informacinės ir komunikacinės technologijos (toliau — IKT). Jų įdiegimas mokykloje yra svarbi pertvarkos dalis, nuo kurios sėkmės priklausys švietimo reformos sėkmė, krašto socialinė bei ūkinė pažanga.
Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų taikymą mokant muzikos bei atskleisti jų vaidmenį teigiamos mokymosi motyvacijos formavimuisi.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Išanalizuoti mokslinę bei metodinę literatūrą, nagrinėjamos temos aspektu.
2. Atskleisti mokinių požiūrį IKT naudojimą muzikos pamokose.
3. Atskleisti muzikos mokytojų požiūrį į IKT naudojimą muzikiniame ugdyme.
4. Pagrįsti, kad IKT naudojimas muzikos pamokose padeda formuoti teigiamą 7- 8 klasių mokinių požiūrį į muzikos mokymąsi.
Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės metodinės literatūros analizė, Q tipo duomenų rinkimas (anketinė apklausa), lyginamoji analize, kokybinė ir statistinė duomenų analizė.
Anketos parengtos dviem respondentų grupėms: 7 – 8 klasių mokiniams (300 mokinių) ir muzikos mokytojams (50 mokytojų).
Respondentų nuomone IKT muzikiniame ugdyme yra nepakankamai dažnai naudojamos mokymo tikslams ir uždaviniams pasiekti. Populiariausia technologija lieka magnetofonas su CD/Mp3 grotuvu.
Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad techninių priemonių naudojimas pamokose skatina mokytis net 90% mokinių, 78% mokinių mano, jog IKT naudojimas muzikiniame ugdyme turi įtakos jų mokymosi rezultatams. Tad mokytojai turėtų kuo dažniau naudoti ne tik magnetofoną ar... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In today's education system are becoming increasingly information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT). Their introduction in school is very important part of the transformation from which success will depend the success of education reform, edge of social and economic progress.
The aim of the research - to examine information and communication technologies application in teaching music and reveal their role in the formation of a positive learning motivation.
Challenges of the research:
1. Analyze the scientific and methodological literature, in case of theme aspect.
2. Disclosure of students approach to the use of ICT in music lessons.
3. Disclosure of music teachers approach to the use of ICT in music education.
4. Justify that the use of ICT in music lessons helps to shape 7 - 8 classes’ students approach to music learning.
Research methods: Scientific and methodological literature analysis, Q - type of data collection (questionnaire survey), comparative analysis, qualitative and statistical data analysis.
Questionnaires are prepared for two respondents groups: 7 - 8 classes students ( 300 pupils ) and music teachers ( 50 teachers ).
In respondents opinion ICT in musical education is not sufficiently used for the purposes of training and challenges. The most popular technology is still a tape recorder with CD/MP3 player. The investigation revealed that the technical measures to encourage the use of classroom learning, even 90% of the students, 78% of... [to full text]
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Muzikinio raštingumo svarba optimizuojant mokymo groti fortepijonu paruošiamąjį etapą / The Importance of Musical Literacy in Optimizing the Preparatory Stage of Learning to Play the PianoLukšaitė, Erika 03 September 2010 (has links)
Sėkmingas muzikinio rašto įsisavinimas tai ne tik sėkmingo mokymosi groti fortepijonu veiksnys, pateiktas įdomiai ir žaismingai dar vaikystėje, tai gali būti ir būdas sudominti bei pritraukti vaikus mokytis muzikos. Ketverių metų vaikų amžius pasižymi aukštu imlumu bei įsiminimu. Praleistas šis periodas yra pagrindinė priežastis, dėl kurios nėra realizuojami įgimti gabumai ir polinkiai. Tai galima traktuoti, kaip aktualią pedagoginę problemą. Siekiant ją išspręsti reikėtų išnaudoti šį, patį imliausią vaikų amžių. Remiantis žaidimo principu, tokio amžiaus vaikams galima suteikti nemažai muzikinio rašto pažinimo žinių.
Tyrimo objektas – muzikinio raštingumo įtaka pradiniam mokymo groti fortepijonu etapui.
Tyrimo tikslas – atskleisti muzikinio raštingumo svarbą optimizuojant paruošiamąjį grojimo fortepijonu etapą.
Pirmajame darbo skyriuje analizuojama žmogaus muzikinio ugdymo samprata, bei jo ypatumai, antrajame skyriuje aptariami keturių – penkerių metų vaikų amžiaus tarpsnių ypatumai, taip pat analizuojami sėkmingo muzikinio rašto įsisavinimo ir fortepijono pažinimo veiksniai, o trečiajame – aprašomas ugdomasis eksperimentas ir pateikiama „Muzikos rašto ir fortepijono pažinimo“ programa.
Ši programa – optimalus būdas žaismingai supažindinti vaikus su muzikinio rašto pagrindais ir įtraukti juos į muzikos pasaulį. Žinios vaikų nepervargina, yra įdomios ir nenuobodžios. Jas pateikiant vaikai nesupranta, kad vyksta mokymo procesas. Programa patikrinta vaikų darželyje „Žiogelis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Mastering of musical literacy is not just a factor of successful learning to play the grand piano, when presented in an engaging and playful manner already in childhood it may be a method for engaging and attracting the children to learn to play the grand piano. Children at age of four demonstrate high susceptibility and memorizing. If the latter period is missed it may become the main reason for non-realization of abilities and aptitudes. This might be treated as a relevant pedagogical problem. In pursuance of solving the latter one should make use of the most susceptible age of children. On the basis of the principle of game, children of such age may be awarded a wealth of knowledge on musical literacy cognition.
The object of the research – impact of musical literacy upon primary stage of teaching to play the grand piano.
The aim of the research – to reveal significance of musical literacy for optimizing preparatory stage of playing the grand piano.
The first part of the thesis analyses man’s conception of musical education as well as peculiarities thereof, in the second part the peculiarities of a period of age of four-five as well as the factors of successful mastering of musical writing and cognition of the grand piano are discussed, and finally, in the third part educational research is described and program on “Cognition of Musical Writing and the Grand Piano” is presented.
The above program is an optimal way to introduce the children the basics of musical... [to full text]
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Muzikinių renginių organizavimo vadybiniai aspektai Kauno ir Kauno rajono mokyklose / The aspects of musical events management in the city of Kaunas and Kaunas district school systemHanusauskienė, Inga 29 June 2009 (has links)
Muzikinis ugdymas – viena iš pagrindinių estetinio ugdymo sudedamųjų dalių. Muzikavimas teikia vaikui teigimų emocijų, kurios yra būtina sąlyga normaliam ir visapusiam vaiko vystymuisi. Esminiai mokyklinio amžiaus vaikų muzikinio ugdymo tikslai yra „įauginti“ vaiką į tautos muzikinę kultūrą, formuoti gerą muzikinį skonį, estetinį muzikos suvokimą, lavinti muzikinius gabumus, mokėjimus bei įgūdžius.
Muzikos vadyba – sudėtinga veikla, kuri užima ypatingą vietą mūsų besikeičiančioje visuomenėje.
Tyrimo tikslas - išsiaiškinti muzikinių renginių organizavimo vadybinius aspektus.
Šiame darbe aptarti populiariausi mokinių muzikiniai konkursai, t.y. Dainų šventė, dainų dainelė ir Tramtatulis (liaudies kūrybos atlikėjų konkursas), nagrinėjami muzikinių renginių organizavimo aspektai bei jų vadyba, o taip pat muzikinis ugdymas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose Lietuvoje.
Išanalizavus pedagoginę ir psichologinę bei muzikologinę literatūrą, paaiškėjo, kad naujoviškas požiūris į vadybą, šiuo atveju muzikinio renginio organizavimo valdymą, padeda siekti sėkmingų veiklos pokyčių.
Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais galima teigti, kad dauguma mokinių tik iš dalies patenkinti mokyklos organizuojamais renginiais, jų kokybe.
Vienas iš pagrindinių vadovo - vadybininko sugebėjimų, reikalingų kiekvienam, tai sugebėjimą ir patirtį paversti veikla. Be didžiulio kūrybiškumo, intuicijos, kompetencijos įvairiose veiklos srityse, žinių, meninio jautrumo ir tolerancijos būtina meilė menui, entuziazmas. Tai ir yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Musical training is one of the basic components of aesthetical education. Exposure to music gives a child positive emotions, which are necessary for his normal and comprehensive development. The essential purpose of musical training among young children is to “grow the child into” the musical culture of the nation, form good musical taste, aesthetical understanding of music, cultivate musical abilities, knowledge and skills.
Music Management is a complicated activity, which takes a very special place in our growing and changing society.
The purpose of research is to clarify the aspects of the management of musical events.
The paper discusses the most popular pupils musical competitions for example the Song Festival, “Dainu Dainele”, Tramtatulis (the competition for national music performers), analyzes aspects of musical events organization and management, musical education training in general education schools throughout Lithuania.
After analyzing pedagogical, psychological and musical literature, it became clear, that new points of view to the management, in this case-musical events organization management, helps reaching successful changes in this area.
Based on results of this research it can be said, that most of the pupils are only partly satisfied with the musical events that schools are offering and the quality of such events.
One... [to full text]
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Šeimos įtaka 2-3 metų amžiaus vaikų muzikinių gebėjimų plėtotei ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoje / Family’s influence to the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills in the preschool educational institutionsPovilaitienė, Eglė 13 June 2006 (has links)
Family’s influence to the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills in the preschool educational institutions
In the master’s degree paper, family’s influence to the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills is analyzed. Not much attention is paid to the children early musical education in Lithuanian preschool educational institutions; it is also not really effective. How to organize the children early musical education in the preschool educational institutions, how to make it more effective, how to create appropriate conditions for 2-3 year-old children musical skills development, what approaches should be used to achieve unity in musical education in a nursery school and in a family - these are the questions that formulate the topical pedagogical problem. The subject of this study is the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills; the objective of the study is to examine the development of 2-3 year-old children musical skills with their parents’ participation in the musical education classes. The goals of the study are to analyze pedagogical, psychological, musical literature that deals with this topic; to ascertain the parents and teachers’ attitude to music lessons together with 2-3 year-old children during the musical education classes in the preschool educational institution; to create a model for 2-3 year-old children musical skills development and to check the efficiency of this model during the experiment.. The hypothesis: the child... [to full text]
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Ugdymo sąlygų vaidmuo formuojantis kaimo pagrindinių mokyklų moksleivių muzikinėms nuostatoms / The role of educational conditions in shaping atti-tudes towards music of secondary school studentsVaidogienė, Regina 25 May 2005 (has links)
The way a person views something or tends to behave towards something or some-body often is defined using a term attitudes. The role of attitudes in pedagogy is especially important. In the postgraduate work “The role of educational conditions in shaping atti-tudes towards music of secondary school students” there are given findings of educational research, which analyse the influence of educational conditions in shaping attitudes to-wards music of rural secondary school students.
In the first part of the work, “Features of musical education in Lithuanian rural schools” there are analysed peculiarities of the development of attitudes towards musical education in Lithuania’s rural schools, traditions of musical education at Pastrėvys, Kietaviškės and Beižonys rural schools; peculiarities of teenagers psychophysiological devel-opment and their musical education. There is also examined influence of current rural so-ciocultural environment on shaping students’ attitudes towards music; in addition there is done a research comparing conditions of musical education in rural and urban secondary schools.
In the part “Developing students’ musical skills as a condition for shaping musical at-titudes” there are given findings of students’ intonation and rhythm abilities as well as de-pendence of their musical attitudes on the music abilities they posses.
Purpose of this work is to examine pedagogical conditions of musical education in rural schools, to determine the influence of them... [to full text]
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Smuikininko ugdymas griežiant iš klausos pradiniame mokymo etape / The Violinist’s Education While Playing by at the Primary Stage of LearningTunevič, Oksana 25 May 2005 (has links)
The primary stage of learning, while teaching a young violinist, is one of the most difficult stages for pedagogue. This is the foundation of learner’s developing abilities, skills, musicianship, and personal culture. The peculiarities of age and their significance to musical education, training of student’s musical abilities and playing skills playing by ear at the primary stage of learning, and moreover the advantages of this method at the beginning of violinist’s teaching process are analysed in the master’s degree work.
Subject – violinist’s education at the age of 6-7 playing by ear at the primary stage of learning.
Objective – to find out what influence on violinist’s education has playing by ear at the primary stage of learning.
1. Study the methods of teaching, which are presented in the pedagogical and methodical violin schools’ literature.
2. Find out the advantages of playing by ear while improving the abilities of violinist at the age of 6-7.
3. Reveal the importance of playing by ear at the primary stage of learning.
The research proved the hypothesis that the education of a beginner violinist becomes more efficient using the playing by ear at the primary stage of learning.
The development of a child in the educational context, the age peculiarities at the age of 6-7, the system of initial playing elements, and the advantages of playing by ear in teaching of a beginner violinist are analysed in the work.
The study proves the influence of playing... [to full text]
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