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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Self-esteem and employee burnout as predictors of employee turnover intention among professional counsellors in Nairobi, Kenya

Obulutsa, Thomas Austin 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Staff turnover affects employees, employers and their clients. When counsellors leave a particular employment context, relationships have to be modified or terminated, and in some instances, clients have to start counselling afresh. This study focused on testing whether self-esteem and burnout can be predictors of voluntary turnover. Relating the three variables of self-esteem, employee burnout, and employee turnover intentions among counsellors reveals a dearth in literature and research. This study utilised qualitative and quantitative data. A sample of 200 counsellors received questionnaires to collect quantitative data and 162 questionnaires were analysed. The Intentions-To-Stay Questionnaire by Roodt (2004) measured turnover intention, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (Maslach & Jackson, 1981) measured Burnout and the Rosenberg Self-esteem scale (Rosenberg, 1965) measured self-esteem. Qualitative data collection utilised the focus group interview. 23 participants for one group interview were selected using Convenience sampling. Significant relationship was found between self-esteem and age, gender, marital status, duration of work, academic qualification and job status. Results indicated that the emotional exhaustion subscale has statistically significant relationships with age, academic qualification, marital status and employment status. The depersonalization subscale indicated a statistically significant relationship with age, gender, marital status and employment status. The personal accomplishment subscale indicated statistically significant relationship with gender, academic qualification, marital status, duration of employment and employment status. A statistically significant relationship was found between turnover intention and age, marital status, highest academic qualification of participant and employment status. Further, a statistically significant relationship was found between turnover intention and burnout but not between turnover intention and self-esteem. This analysis confirmed burnout as a predictor variable and self-esteem as not. Study findings revealed three categories of reasons influencing turnover among counsellors; namely diversification reasons, growth and development reasons, and remunerative reasons. Counsellor narratives of burnout revealed three major themes namely: exhaustion, work settings, characteristics, and sources of stress. Workplace and institutional interventions were categorized into two namely developmental and normative. An integrated model of clinical supervision for responding to burnout and turnover intention was presented as part of the discussion. / Psychology / D.Phil. (Psychology)

The relationship between capital structure, performance and replacement of CEO in firms listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange

Otieno, Odhiambo Luther 01 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the relationship between capital structure, performance and replacement of chief executive officer in firms listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). Data was collected from a sample of 37 firms listed on the NSE over a period of 23 years, from 1990 to 2012. The analysis was conducted at three stages. The canonical correlation technique was employed to investigate the bi-directional relationship between capital structure and performance and to select competing indicators of performance and capital structure. Second, the general linear model (GLM) procedure was used to test the effect of performance and ownership structure and to test the effect of capital structure and ownership structure. Lastly, the generalised estimating equation (GEE) was used to assess effects of performance, capital structure and ownership structure on change in CEO. The results revealed that a bidirectional relationship exists between capital structure and debt capital. The indicators found to be useful in examining the relationship between performance and capital structure are asset turnover ratio and total debt to the total asset ratio. The findings support the efficiency hypothesis but not the franchise hypothesis. The results also indicated that firms with a low asset turnover are with a low asset turnover are 3.045 times likely to change CEO compared to firms with a high asset turnover. The results also indicated that firms with high leverage (debt) are he results also indicated that firms with high leverage (debt) are 3.430 times likely to change CEO compared to firms in low leverage, while the firms with medium leverage are are are are 6.491 times likely to change CEO. Therefore managers should not be passive when it comes to choosing between equity and debt capital played a disciplinary role on firms listed on the NSE. / Business Management / DCom (Business Management)

An investigation of the market efficiency of the Nairobi Securities Exchange

Njuguna, Josephine M. 10 1900 (has links)
This study tests for the market efficiency of the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) after the year 2000 to determine the effect of technological advancements on market efficiency. Data that is used is the NSE 20 share index over the period 2001 to 2015; and the NSE All Share Index (NSE ASI) from its initiation during 2008 to 2015. We cannot accept the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) for the NSE using the serial correlation test, the unit root tests and the runs test. However, we can accept the EMH for the more robust variance ratio test. Overall, the results of the market efficiency are mixed. The most significant finding is that the efficiency of the NSE has increased since the year 2000 which suggests that advancements in technology have contributed to the increase in the market efficiency of the NSE. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Utilising open educational resources in support of curriculum transformation at Africa Nazarene University : a participatory action research approach

Mays, Tony John 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis, Utilising Open Educational Resources in support of curriculum transformation at Africa Nazarene University: A participatory action research approach, derives from a multi-year project implemented by OER Africa, and funded by the Hewlett Foundation, to explore the potential of Open Educational Resources (OER) in support of pedagogic transformation in African universities. The project involves four institutions: Africa Nazarene University (ANU) in Kenya, the Open University of Tanzania (OUT), and the Universities of Pretoria and the Free State (UP and UFS) in South Africa. This study centred on ANU only in the period 2013 to 2016, with a focus on the period 2015-2016, and was timed to inform ANU’s new strategic planning process from 2017. The wider project adopted a participatory action research process in its engagement with the four core institutions. Within this over-arching project methodology, this study made use of an analytical autoethnographic approach to capture and analyse data and to make recommendations, to acknowledge the researcher’s dual role as both a co-participant and an institutional project lead. The approach was informed primarily by hermeneutics and systems thinking and involved multiple in-country engagements with ANU and the triangulation of information derived from document review, observation and iterative focus group discussions and individual interviews. An OER Maturity Index and Planning Tool was also developed and used to inform planning and reflection and to provide a barometer of changing attitudes and activities regarding engagement with OER. Initially the engagement focused on developing a supportive policy and capacity-building environment for individuals to integrate OER into specific Open, Distance and e-Learning (ODeL) courses and to publish revised course materials under an open licence. However, as the initiative progressed, it became apparent that there was need to revisit the institution’s overall business model considering increased competition, new regulatory requirements and a growing demand from students for more flexible forms of provision. In fact, the key finding of this study is the suggestion that engagement with OER is unlikely to move from being an individual to an institutional focus unless such engagement is aligned with the overall vision, mission and business model of the university. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

Printing Prosthetics : Designing an additive manufactured arm for developing countries

Carlström, Mikael, Wargsjö, Hampus January 2017 (has links)
De traditionella armproteser som tillverkas i utvecklingsländer står inför stora problem i att leverera patienter med lämpliga hjälpmedel. Processen är inte bara tidskrävande eftersom varje enhet måste anpassas för varje enskild användare men vissa komponenter kan inte produceras lokalt vilket driver upp priset ytterligare. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utveckla en armprotes för utvecklingsländerna med hjälp av additiv tillverkning (3D Printing) för klienten 3D Life Prints som baseras i Nairobi, Kenya. En protes är ett hjälpmedel som används för att underlätta en amputerad människa i dagliga aktiviteter och med hjälp av additiv tillverkning kan även en lokal tillverkningsprocess utvecklas och förbättras vilket skulle kunna minska tiden för tillverkning och distribution av proteser. Den initiala protesen, som låg till grund för designarbetet, var en underarmsprotes som fortfarande var i utvecklingsstadiet hos klienten. Protesen tillverkades med hjälp av tillverkningsmetoden Fused Deposit Modelling (FDM), som har den fördelen att den använder sig av relativt billiga 3D skrivare. För att sammanfatta syftet med projektet utvecklades följande frågeställningar 1. Hur tillverkas, distribueras och används konventionella proteser i jämförelse med additivt tillverkade proteser i Nairobi, Kenya? 2. Vem är den primära användaren av proteser i utvecklingsländer, vilka problem upplevs hos dagens lösningar och vilka faktorer anses vara den viktigaste hos användaren? Och varför?  3. Hur ska additivt tillverkade proteser utformas för optimal användning i utvecklingsländer?  Förutom att besvara frågeställningarna var målet att utvecklingen av systemet skulle leda till förbättrad funktionalitet för användaren och underlätta tillverkningen för organisationen.  För att få en allmän översikt över det vetenskapliga området av additivt tillverkade proteser studerades kontexten för utvecklingsländer, användarcentrerad design (eftersom syftet var att förbättra en produkt för en specifik användare), armproteser och additiv tillverkning. Resultatet, från de olika stadier av designprocessen, var den slutgiltiga designen av "3D Life Arm". Det slutliga systemet bestod av fyra huvudkomponenter, Kroppsselen, Inlägget, Proteshanden och Hylsan. Komponenterna använde sig utav additiv tillverkning i både styvt material (Kroppsselen, Hylsan och Inlägget) och flexibelt material (Proteshanden). Lokalt tillgängliga komponenter användes där additiv tillverkning inte var möjligt till exempel fisketråd och skruvar. En slutsats drogs att de två faktorer som ansågs viktigast för användaren var att produkten skulle vara estetiskt tilltalande och billig. Även sociala stigman spelar en stor roll och enligt användare och experter i Nairobi, måste protesen efterlikna den saknade armen så mycket som möjligt för att kunna smälta in. Författarna konstaterade att kostnaden var den viktigaste faktorn när man utformar proteser för utvecklingsländerna, eftersom användaren i dagsläget inte har råd med de proteser som tillverkas i Nairobi. Sammanfattningsvis utfördes en kostnads- och tidsanalys för att kontrollera tillverkningskostnaderna för hela systemet. Med tre skrivare kunde alla delar tillverkas för 282 kronor och skulle ta cirka 15 timmar och 15 minuter att skriva ut som är betydligt lägre än de funktionella proteser som tillverkades i Nairobi. Ytterligare utvärderingar krävs för att fastställa att protesen kommer att klara av påfrestningarna från dagliga aktiviteter hos användaren och en fungerande strategi för passning måste utvärderas ytterligare. Författarna tror dock att med hjälp av en fullt utbildad protestillverkare finns det en framtid för additiv tillverkning av armproteser. / The traditional prosthetic arms that are being fitted in developing countries are facing major issues in suppling patients with proper assistive aids. Not only is the process time consuming with every single unit having to be customized for the user but some parts can’t be locally produced which drives up price even further. The objective of this master thesis was to develop a prosthetic arm for developing countries with the help of additive manufacturing (3D printing) for the client 3D Life Prints which are based in Nairobi, Kenya. A prosthesis is used to aid an amputee in daily living activities. With additive manufacturing the intention is that a local manufacturing process could be developed and improved which would reduce the time of fitting and distributing a prosthesis. The initial prosthesis, that was the origin of the design, was a below elbow prosthetic arm that was being developed by the client. The prosthesis was fabricated with the additive manufacturing process fused deposition modelling (FDM) which has the advantage of providing the cheapest printers. To summarize the aim of the project the research questions that was established was as followed 1. How are conventional prosthetic arms generally being manufactured, distributed and used compared to additive manufactured prostheses in Nairobi, Kenya?  2. Who is the primary user of prosthetic arms in developing countries, what problems are they facing with current solutions and what factors are considered as the most important? And why? 3. How should additive manufactured prostheses be designed for optimal usage in developing countries? In addition to answer the research questions the aim was that the development of the system would lead to enhanced functionality for the user and to facilitate manufacturing for the organization. To get a general overview of additive manufacturing prostheses the fields theories that was studied included context of developing countries, user centred design (since the aim was to approve on a product which needed to suit a specific user), upper limb prostheses and additive manufacturing. As a result, from different stages of the design process a final design was reached called the “3D Life Arm”.  The final system was comprised of four main components, the Harness system, the Insert, the Cover and the Socket. These components used additive manufacturing in both rigid material (Harness parts, Socket and Insert) and flexible material (the Cover). Locally available components were used for parts not feasible to additive manufacture e.g. fishing wire and screws. The two factors that were concluded to be the most important for the user were the aesthetic appeal and cost. With social stigmas playing a major part according to users and experts in Nairobi, the prosthesis needs to resemble the missing limb as much as possible. It was concluded that cost was the major factor when designing prostheses for developing countries since user just wasn’t able to afford the prostheses that was being manufactured in Nairobi. In the end a cost and time analysis was conducted to verify what price the complete system would need to be manufactured. With three printers all parts could be printed for the price of 282 SEK and would take approximately 15 hours and 15 minutes to print which is considerably lower than that of the functional prosthesis being distributed in Nairobi. Further evaluations need to be done to establish that the prosthesis will manage the strains and stresses of daily living activities of the user and a complete fitting strategy needs to be evaluated further. It’s the authors belief however, that with the help of fully educated prosthetist there is a future for additive manufacturing of upper limb amputees.

Aspectos da polidez lingüística em sheng - língua urbana de Nairóbi / Aspects of linguistic politeness in Sheng - urban language of Nairobi

Macek, Juliana França 29 August 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe-se estudar, em contextos específicos, o fenômeno da polidez lingüística em sheng. Para atingir esse objetivo abordaremos, inicialmente, as teorias sobre polidez lingüística dentro do panorama da sociopragmática, apresentando tanto as teorias mais tradicionais, surgidas nos anos 70, quanto as mais recentes, todas desenvolvidas principalmente em países anglófonos. Em seguida, traçaremos um perfil da situação lingüística do Quênia e trataremos especificamente do sheng em Nairóbi. Finalmente, serão descritas as expressões em sheng utilizadas nas situações de abertura e fechamento de conversações, agradecimentos, pedidos de desculpas e outras que potencialmente podem ser avaliadas como polidas. Essa análise permitirá verificar se, mesmo em uma situação social de extrema exclusão, como a vivida pela comunidade de Mukuru, em Nairóbi, onde a mera questão de sobrevivência torna-se uma luta diária, os indivíduos da comunidade lingüística que hoje \"constrói\" esse novo código lingüístico, estariam preocupados em estabelecer regras de conduta para situações de interação que se refletiriam em seu discurso, e se essas regras seriam formas de \"polidez lingüística\" ou formas de \"comportamento político\", como proposto por Richard Watts. / This dissertation aims to analyze, in specific contexts, the linguistic politeness phenomenon in sheng. In order to fulfill this goal, we will initially approach the theories on linguistic politeness within the scope of socio pragmatics, presenting the more traditional theories, which appeared in the 1970s, as well as the more recent ones, all developed mainly in Anglophone countries. Then we will outline Kenya\'s linguistic situation, focusing mostly on sheng in Nairobi. Finally, we will describe sheng idioms that are used in conversational openings and closings, in acts of returning thanks and apologies, and other actions that might be potentially considered as polite. This analysis will allow us to observe if the individuals from the linguistic community that \"constructs\" today this linguistic code, even living in a situation of extreme exclusion such as the one experienced by the Makuru community in Nairobi, where mere subsistence is itself a daily struggle, are concerned about establishing rules of conduct for interaction situations that would reflect in their discourse, and if these rules would be forms of \"linguistic politeness\" or forms of \"political behavior\", as it is assumed by Richard Watts.

Des vies en veille : géographies abandonnées des acteurs quotidiens de la sécurité à Nairobi / Lives on hold : the abandoned geographies of everyday security actors in Nairobi

Lanne, Jean-Baptiste 28 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la place dans la ville des acteurs quotidiens de la sécurité à Nairobi, au Kenya. Ces acteurs, appelés génériquement « les veilleurs » afin de signifier du même coup leur tâche professionnelle (surveiller la ville) et leur condition incertaine (« être en veille », vivre dans une forme de suspens), sont entrevus au prisme de deux groupes particuliers : les gardiens de sécurité privée aux portes des résidences de la ville planifiée et les jeunes recrues des youthgroups dans les quartiers de bidonvilles. Privilégiant une approche par les individus et le quotidien, je m’inscris dans le champ renouvelé de la sécurité, sensible depuis une dizaine d’années aux effets « micro » produits par les dispositifs sécuritaires, notamment sur les subjectivités particulières, les affects, les corps et les pratiques routinières. La capitale kenyane présente un double caractère me permettant de mettre en lumière l’acuité de la condition des veilleurs dans la ville : une fragmentation urbaine iconique, voire « cliché » en termes d’imaginaire et une atmosphère générale d’inquiétude, relative au contexte traumatique des violences politiques récentes et à l’émergence de la menace terroriste. Cette recherche s’appuie sur une méthode qualitative de type ethnographique, combinée à l’expérimentation d’une méthodologie de création poétique, afin de lever l’inhibition de la parole. Elle appréhende la condition des veilleurs à trois niveaux de lecture : la condition politique d’individus maintenus dans un registre d’ambiguïté vis-à-vis des communautés qu’ils protègent, la vie quotidienne dérivant de cette condition, enfin le sens que ces individus s’efforcent d’en extraire. Ces trois niveaux me permettent de développer une approche spatiale des concepts d’abandon, désignant cette puissance sécuritaire ambiguë qui assigne les veilleurs dans un « ni dedans, ni dehors » (sur la ligne de démarcation entre le Familier et l’Étranger) ; de vies en attente, pour souligner le poids de l’incertitude au sein de leur quotidien ; enfin de place complexe afin de signifier la puissance des imaginaires spatiaux et temporels par lesquels les veilleurs s’approprient leur condition. / This PhD thesis aims at analysing the place within the city of everyday security actors in Nairobi, Kenya. I call them “veilleurs” (sentinels of the city), playing on the double meaning of the word in French : referring both to their professional activity (watching over the city) and their feeling of living a passive life (watching all day long can be considered as a non-action). The study focuses on two groups in particular : private security guards at the gate of residential compounds in the planned city, and youthgroups members in slum areas. Adopting an individual and everyday-centred approach, this work fits in with the recent renewal of security studies. For the last ten years, those have been advocating a closer attention to “micro” effects produced by security assemblages, especially on subjectivities, affects, bodies, and everyday routines. The city of Nairobi displays a double feature that sheds new light on the sensitive question of the veilleurs. First, its urban fragmentation appears as particularly iconic in terms of imaginaries. Second, Nairobi can be qualified as an “anxious city” in light of the recent political violence (2007-2008) and the emerging terrorist threat. This study is based on both an ethnographic approach and a creative methodology using poetry as a way to free the speech of my interlocutors. It seeks to analyse the place of the veilleurs through three layered readings: their ambiguous political condition (being “on the line” between familiarity and otherness: neither inside nor outside the community they are supposed to watch over), the uncertain everyday life resulting from this condition, and the diverse imaginaries they produce to make sense of it. These three layers allow me to develop both a spatial and social reading of the key concepts of abandonment, lives on hold, and complex place to better understand this particular category of urban workers.

Aspectos da polidez lingüística em sheng - língua urbana de Nairóbi / Aspects of linguistic politeness in Sheng - urban language of Nairobi

Juliana França Macek 29 August 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe-se estudar, em contextos específicos, o fenômeno da polidez lingüística em sheng. Para atingir esse objetivo abordaremos, inicialmente, as teorias sobre polidez lingüística dentro do panorama da sociopragmática, apresentando tanto as teorias mais tradicionais, surgidas nos anos 70, quanto as mais recentes, todas desenvolvidas principalmente em países anglófonos. Em seguida, traçaremos um perfil da situação lingüística do Quênia e trataremos especificamente do sheng em Nairóbi. Finalmente, serão descritas as expressões em sheng utilizadas nas situações de abertura e fechamento de conversações, agradecimentos, pedidos de desculpas e outras que potencialmente podem ser avaliadas como polidas. Essa análise permitirá verificar se, mesmo em uma situação social de extrema exclusão, como a vivida pela comunidade de Mukuru, em Nairóbi, onde a mera questão de sobrevivência torna-se uma luta diária, os indivíduos da comunidade lingüística que hoje \"constrói\" esse novo código lingüístico, estariam preocupados em estabelecer regras de conduta para situações de interação que se refletiriam em seu discurso, e se essas regras seriam formas de \"polidez lingüística\" ou formas de \"comportamento político\", como proposto por Richard Watts. / This dissertation aims to analyze, in specific contexts, the linguistic politeness phenomenon in sheng. In order to fulfill this goal, we will initially approach the theories on linguistic politeness within the scope of socio pragmatics, presenting the more traditional theories, which appeared in the 1970s, as well as the more recent ones, all developed mainly in Anglophone countries. Then we will outline Kenya\'s linguistic situation, focusing mostly on sheng in Nairobi. Finally, we will describe sheng idioms that are used in conversational openings and closings, in acts of returning thanks and apologies, and other actions that might be potentially considered as polite. This analysis will allow us to observe if the individuals from the linguistic community that \"constructs\" today this linguistic code, even living in a situation of extreme exclusion such as the one experienced by the Makuru community in Nairobi, where mere subsistence is itself a daily struggle, are concerned about establishing rules of conduct for interaction situations that would reflect in their discourse, and if these rules would be forms of \"linguistic politeness\" or forms of \"political behavior\", as it is assumed by Richard Watts.

A socio-pragmatic and structural analysis of code-switching among the Legoli speech community of Kangeni, Nairobi, Kenya

Jescah Khadi Gimode 02 1900 (has links)
The study is an in-depth examination of code-switching in the Logoli speech community in the cosmopolitan Kangemi informal settlement area on the outskirts of the city of Nairobi. The aim of the study is to investigate the sociolinguistic and structural developments that result from urban language contact settings such as Kangemi. The main objective is to identify and illustrate the social motivations that influence the tendency of the Logoli speakers to alternate codes between Lulogoli, Kiswahili and English in the course of their routine conversations as well as the structural patterns that emerge in the process of code-switching. Various methodological techniques were used in the gathering of data, including questionnaire surveys, oral interviews, tape recordings and ethnographic participant-observation techniques are highlighted. Extracts from the corpus were analysed within a theoretical framework based on two models, namely the Markedness Model and the Matrix Language Frame Model, both developed by Myers-Scotton. The study identified and interpreted, within the Markedness Model framework, the key social variables that determine code-switching behaviour among the Logoli speech community. These include age, education, status and the various social domains of interaction. In the light of these factors, the researcher was able to explain the tendency to switch codes in different settings and confirm the study’s assumption that urban-based social factors largely determine the motivations for and the patterns of code-switching. This lead to the conclusion that code-switching is not a random phenomenon but a strategy and a negotiation process that aims at maximizing benefits from interaction. Structural features of the corpus were also identified and analysed within the Matrix Language Frame Model. The assumptions of the model were tested and found to be supported by numerous examples from the data. A number of recommendations were made for further research on minority languages in Kenya and the need for language policy in Kenya to be formulated to take these language groups into consideration. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Sociolinguistics)

Menstrual cups - a sustainable way to achieve economic benefits in Kenya : How to empower women in a society with only small measures / Menskoppar - ett hållbart sätt att uppnå ekonomisk lönsamhet i Kenya : Att stärka kvinnor i ett samhälle med enbart små medel

Baars, Cajsa, Tapper, Josefine January 2017 (has links)
This bachelor thesis is based on a field study conducted in Nairobi, Kenya, and intends to elucidate the systematic crimes against humanity that the inability to handle menstruation properly causes every day. Women who live under poor circumstances and lack access to basic needs, such as sanitary facilities and running water are the ones who suffer the most. Menstruating women are victims of not only physical and mental abuse, but also the stigma and neglect pervading the subject. This leads to the exclusion of women, both in school and at work, which in turn causes negative economic effects for the whole society. Besides elucidating the substantial economic and health consequences that menstruation can result in, the purpose of the thesis is to examine the market conditions in Nairobi and suggest sustainable solutions for menstrual cups. The menstrual cup is a durable product that might improve the situation for both women and the society, because of its suitable features. The study focuses on the informal settlements of Nairobi, and the purpose is not to examine other informal settlements or rural areas in Kenya.  This is a qualitative study, primarily based on a field study, profound interviews, as well as a limited survey. To achieve the purpose, we have tried to answer questions concerning the fundamental conditions for the current market of menstrual cups; the conditions for an increase in demand; and what a well-functioning structure for the menstrual cup would be. Besides answering these research questions, the methods were necessary in order to get an understanding of the conditions in Nairobi. The interview respondents represent both the consumers and the producers, with the purpose of getting a wider perspective regarding the market conditions. The questionnaire targeted the parents and caretakers, whom are the economic decision makers in the households. The aim was to get a comprehension about the life situations and economic conditions characterising the informal settlements, but also to get a general idea about the attitude towards the menstrual cup, since the product is rather unfamiliar.  The current market structure is characterised by charity organisations who distribute the menstrual cups for free. Their main concept is to educate young girls and secure a better future for them by securing the supply of menstrual management products. The study has shown the biggest challenge to overcome is the inability to pay, however, the result shows there are different possible solutions for producers and distributors to approach the market of menstrual cups. Instalments, price discrimination, Multi-Level Marketing, governmental subsidies and sponsoring from global organisations are some of the proposed strategies discussed in this thesis.  A sustainable market solution is necessary to utilise the positive externalities that emerges from menstrual cup usage, and satisfy the need for good quality menstrual management products in Nairobi in the long run. Today, because the cup usage is low, the positive externalities are lost, resulting in deadweight losses.  In conclusion, there are several possible market strategies for both incumbents and potential new entrants. The study has also found that menstrual health does not get enough recognition by neither national authorities, nor global actors, like the United Nations. This matter needs to be acknowledged in order to improve the conditions for millions of women suffering from menstrual related problems today.

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