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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kinetically frozen copolymer nanocarriers : from non-equilibrium self-assembly to in vitro and in vivo evaluation / Micelles figées de copolymères séquencés : de l'auto-assemblage hors équilibre aux comportements in vitro et in vivo

Jennings, Laurence 23 November 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse, la production et la caractérisation de nanovéhicules de morphologies différentes propres au traitement et au diagnostic par radio-isotopes, a conduit à une meilleure compréhension de la façon dont ces véhicules se forment. Les résultats ont permis de concevoir des méthodes de préparation novatrices qui permettent d'obtenir des échantillons de qualité supérieure à ce qui est actuellement l'état de l'art. Un nouveau procédé pour la préparation d'échantillons pour les essais de flexion de microscopie à force atomique a été développé. Cela a permis de mesurer le module d'élasticité de nanofils préparés avec des mélanges copolymère séquencé/homopolymère de composition variable. Enfin, les nanoparticules de morphologies sphérique et allongée ont été comparées dans des études in vivo réalisées avec des souris saines. Les résultats montrent que leur temps de circulation et leur biodistribution peuvent être modulés par leur taille et leur morphologie. / This thesis provides an overview of the formation, characterization and testing of micelles of different morphology for biological applications. One major aspect of this thesis is the understanding of the processes which lead to the formation of block copolymer micelles through the emulsion evaporation method. The results obtained made it possible to develop an innovative micelle formation technique which provides samples which are of superior quality to what the current state of the art. A new method has been developed for the preparation of samples for three point bending tests experiments performed by atomic force microscopy. This has made it possible to determine the elastic modulus of elongated micelles formed with various blends of homopolymers and copolymers. Finally, the behavior of spherical and elongated micelles was compared in vivo in healthy mice. The results have shown that the micelle size and morphology influences their biodistribution and circulation time.

Atividade antiproliferativa de extrato de araucaria angustifolia em células tumorais de laringe HEp-2

Branco, Cátia dos Santos 02 December 2016 (has links)
Os produtos naturais constituem uma das fontes mais promissoras para o descobrimento de novos ativos na terapêutica do câncer. O carcinoma de laringe é um dos mais comuns tipos de câncer envolvendo as áreas de cabeça e pescoço, e apresenta elevada taxa de morbidade e mortalidade em pacientes com estágio avançado. Terapias alternativas e/ou adjuvantes para o tratamento deste tipo de câncer representam uma necessidade emergente. Uma das alternativas mais promissoras é o desenvolvimento de nanocarreadores contendo ativos antitumorais. Araucaria angustifolia (Bert. O Kuntze) pertence à família Araucariaceae e é uma planta reconhecidamente medicinal. Seus estróbilos femininos dão origem a pinha, constituída por pinhões (sementes verdadeiras) e brácteas (sementes não desenvolvidas). O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito antiproliferativo do extrato aquoso de brácteas de A. angustifolia (EAA) em células tumorais de laringe HEp-2 e seus mecanismos de ação. Além disso, a possibilidade de associar o EAA a nanoesferas (NE) a fim de potencializar seu efeito antitumoral também foi investigado. A análise química por meio de Espectrometria de Massas de Alta Resolução evidenciou a presença majoritária de polifenóis no EAA. Os resultados mostraram que o EAA induziu citotoxicidade nas células tumorais HEp-2 através de dois diferentes ensaios de viabilidade celular (ensaio de MTT e de exclusão do corante Trypan blue). No entanto, o mesmo não foi capaz de induzir citotoxicidade significativa em células normais HEK-293, utilizadas como controle, indicando um efeito diferencial seletivo do EAA sobre as células tumorais. As células HEp-2 tratadas com EAA apresentaram níveis aumentados de peroxidação lipídica, danos oxidativos a proteínas e aumento da produção de ON, juntamente com depleção das defesas antioxidantes superóxido dismutase (Sod) e catalase (Cat). Além disso, o EAA induziu danos ao DNA, juntamente com fragmentação nuclear e condensação da cromatina nestas células. Alterações nos marcadores epigenéticos, como hipometilação do DNA e redução da atividade de DNMT1 foram também observadas. A exposição das células tumorais ao extrato aumentou a expressão de proteínas apoptóticas de via intrínseca mitocondrial, mediada pela ativação da proteína Bax, liberação de AIF e foi independente da ativação de p53. O EAA modificou o metabolismo energético das células tumorais, elevando os níveis de piruvato desidrogenase (PDH) e estimulando a fosforilação oxidativa mitocondrial. Embora tenha ativado a mitocôndria destas células, o mesmo causou falhas no potencial de membrana mitocondrial (ΔΨm), juntamente com diminuição dos níveis de proteínas dos complexos I e III da CTE, inibição da atividade do complexo I, produção de ERO e depleção de ATP. A associação do EAA à NE permitiu a obtenção de sistemas com tamanho de partícula inferior a 200 nm, índice de polidispersibilidade abaixo de 1, potencial zeta negativo e pH estável pelo período de 30 dias, na condição testada. No entanto, a taxa de associação obtida foi baixa (19%), indicando a necessidade de futuros estudos a fim de aumentar a eficiência de incorporação do extrato. As NE per se demonstaram capacidade de reduzir a viabilidade de células tumorais e induzir alterações redox, sensibilizando estas células, demonstrando ser um possível carreador para a vetorização de ativos antitumorais. O conjunto de dados deste estudo demonstra a potencialidade dos compostos presentes nas brácteas de A. angustifolia para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégicas terapêuticas para o câncer. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES. / Natural products are among one of the most promising fields in finding new active substances in cancer therapy. Laryngeal carcinoma is one of the most common cancers affecting the head and neck regions, and is associated with high morbidity and mortality in patients with the advanced stage. Alternative and/or complementary therapies for treating this cancer represents an emerging need. One of the most promising alternatives is the development of nanocarriers containing antitumor substances. Araucaria angustifolia (Bert. O Kuntze) belongs to Araucariaceae family and it is recognized as medicinal plant. Female strobilus originates the pinecone, which contains seeds and undeveloped seeds, commonly known as bracts. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiproliferative effects of A. angustifolia bracts aqueous extract (AAE) in HEp-2 cancer cells and its action mechanisms. Moreover, the possibility to associate AAE in nanospheres (NS) to improve its antitumor effect was also investigated. Chemical analysis using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS) revealed the major presence of polyphenols in AAE. The results showed that AAE induced cytotoxicity in HEp-2 cells, by using two differents approaches (MTT and Trypan blue assays). However, the extract was not able to induce significant cytotoxicity in HEK-293 normal cells used as control, indicating a selective differential effect of AEE in tumor cells. HEp-2 treated cells presented high levels of lipid peroxidation, oxidative damage to proteins and increment on NO production, along with depletion on antioxidante defenses superoxide dismutase (Sod) and catalase (Cat). In addition, AAE induced DNA damage, nuclear fragmentation and chromatin condensation in these cells. Epigenetic alterations, such as DNA hypomethylation and DNMT1 activity were also observed. Cell exposition to the AAE increased expression of proteins of the mitochondrial intrinsic pathway, via Baxtriggered, along with AIF release, and it is independent of p53 incitement. AAE changed energetic metabolism of cancer cells, increasing levels of pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) and stimulating mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. Although it enabled the mitochondria of these cells, the extract caused loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm), reduction on protein expression levels of complex I and III, inhibition of complex I activity, ROS generation and ATP depletion. The association of EAA to NS allowed obtaining systems with particle size lower than 200 nm, polydispersity index less than 1, negative zeta potential and pH stable for the period of 30 days, under tested condition. However, the association rate obtained was low (19%); therefore, further studies are needed to improve AAE encapsulation. The NS per se demonstrated ability to reduce the viability of tumor cells and induce redox stress, sensitizing these cells, proving to be a possible carrier for delivery of antitumor substances. The data set of this study demonstrates the potentiality of the compounds present in the A. angustifolia bracts for the development of new therapeutic strategies for cancer.

Nanoformulation d'une molécule antirétrovirale pour le ciblage des réservoirs du VIH-1 / Nanoformulation of an antiretroviral drug for the targeting of HIV-1 reservoirs

Quaillet, Marion 30 November 2018 (has links)
Bien que les multithérapies aient révolutionné le traitement de l'infection VIH, ces traitements échouent aujourd'hui encore à éradiquer le virus de l'organisme. En cause, la faible accessibilité des antirétroviraux à certains tissus, notamment lymphoïdes, empêche l'élimination du virus dans ces réservoirs de l'infection. C’est actuellement un des principaux freins aux interruptions thérapeutiques, avec pour conséquence des traitements à vie pour les patients. Or les traitements actuels sont particulièrement contraignants pour le patient avec des prises multiples et quotidiennes d’antirétroviraux, ce qui limite leurs observances et leur qualité de vie.Au cours de cette thèse, des nanogels à base de chitosane ont été conçus et évalués au niveau cellulaire pour l’administration de l'enfuvirtide, un inhibiteur de fusion. La délivrance cellulaire de l'enfuvirtide a été modulée par les propriétés physico-chimiques des nanogels. Les nanogels ont également permis de maintenir l'activité antivirale de l'enfuvirtide sur les cellules infectées par le VIH. Quant aux études in vivo, elles ont montré le potentiel des nanogels pour cibler les ganglions lymphatiques, par voie sous-cutanée. De plus, les nanogels ont été incorporés dans un implant biodégradable à formation in situ. Après injection sous-cutanée, ces implants ont montré une libération prolongée sur plusieurs jours des nanogels. / Although highly active antiretroviral therapies (HAART) have significantly improved the HIV infection treatment, important hurdles remain towards an HIV cure. Due to their low bioavailability, penetration and/or residence time, antiretrovirals have restricted access to tissue compartments such as lymphoid tissue and latent HIV reservoirs. Reservoirs prevent the eradication of the virus and result in a lifelong treatment for HIV infected patients. Currently, compliance and the patient quality of life are limited by dose frequency.During this thesis, chitosan-based nanogels are developed and evaluated for the enfuvirtide delivery, an HIV-1 fusion inhibitor peptide. The cellular distribution of enfuvirtide delivered as nanogels show the combined effect of physicochemical properties in terms of particle size and surface charge. Nanogels also maintain the antiviral activity of enfuvirtide on HIV-infected cells. In vivo studies, after subcutaneous administration in mice, demonstrate the ability of nanogels to target lymph nodes. Furthermore, nanogels were incorporated in an in situ forming implant. After subcutaneous injection, the implant allows gradual release of nanogels over several days.

Development and Characterization of LDV Peptide Targeted Nanocarriers for Paclitaxel Delivery: A Comparative Study of Micelles, Liposomes and Solid Lipid Nanoparticles

Dattani, Poonam 01 January 2019 (has links)
Nanocarriers have been established as delivery vehicles to target cancer tumors. However, premature drug leakage is one of the major reasons for inefficient drug delivery of nanocarriers to the tumor. Drug diffusion out of the nanocarriers or destabilization of drug loaded nanocarriers by physiological interactions with blood cells, serum proteins, and cell membranes upon systemic administration contribute to premature drug release. In this study, targeted micelles, liposomes and solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) of similar composition were prepared and characterized to compare physicochemical characteristics, in vitro stability, in vitro release rates in release media and in vivo performance. Peptide Amphiphiles (PAs) formed micelles with critical micelle concentration (CMC) values ranging between 23.68 ± 0.72 µM to 38.76 ± 2.27 µM. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) images confirmed the self-assembly of PAs into spherical structures where the largest sizes were seen for C16-(PEG2)6-LDV micelles. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) results confirmed the presence of targeted liposomes and SLNs with sizes smaller than 100 nm. Forster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) studies revealed that targeted micelles, liposomes and SLNs were all stable upon dilution in aqueous medium, however the stability was significantly reduced in human serum, with micelles being the least stable and SLNs being the most stable. The same trend was observed for the in vitro release profiles, where targeted paclitaxel-loaded micelles (PTX-micelles) had the fastest release rate and paclitaxel-loaded SLNs (PTX-SLN) exhibited the slowest release rate. DLS results showed that sizes of PTX-SLNs were smaller than PTX-liposomes (80.53 ± 5.37 nm vs 123.31 ± 5.87 nm). Cryogenic TEM observation showed increasing size in the order of PTX-micelles (6 to 12 nm) < PTX-SLNs (10-120 nm) < PTX-liposomes (48-145 nm). Drug Loading Content (DLC) of PTX-SLNs was greater than PTX-micelles and PTX-liposomes (7.45 ± 0.41 % vs 1.70 ± 0.42 % and 0.92 ± 0.09 %). Compared to initial aqueous dispersions, reconstituted spray dried formulations maintained their nanosize and paclitaxel content over 7 days at 4⁰C. In A375 melanoma xenograft mouse model, the tumor volumes were significantly smaller for mice treated with PTX-SLNs compared to the control group. Furthermore, tumor volumes were significantly smaller for mice treated with PTX-SLNs compared to those treated with PTX-micelles and PTX-liposomes. These studies demonstrate the potential of stable PTX-SLNs for targeted delivery in cancer.

Novel amphiphilic dendrimers as nanovectors for siRNA delivery

Wang, Yang 13 June 2014 (has links)
Les dendrimères, font partie d'une famille particulière de polymères synthétiques, pouvant être utilisés comme nanovecteurs pour l'administration de médicaments grâce à leur structure polyvalente et leur action coopérative, ces fonctions étant confinées dans un volume de taille nanométrique. Notre groupe a récemment démontré que de petites unités dendritiques amphiphiles pouvaient s'auto-assembler en dendrimères supramoléculaires pouvant délivrer du siARN, avec une efficacité similaire à celle des dendrimères de grande génération construits de manière covalente. Dans cette thèse, ans le but de explorer des nouveaux dendrimères amphiphiles possédant des propriétés particulières d'auto-assemblage pour la délivrance de médicaments, j'ai synthétisé et caractérisé deux familles de dendrimères amphiphiles, à savoir des dendrimères bola-amphiphiliques de type PAMAM ainsi que des dendrimères amphiphiles biodégradables de type poly(aminoester). Leurs propriétés physico-chimiques et l'activité biologique pour la délivrance de siARN ont été étudiées. Nos résultats soulignent qu'elles constituent de nouveaux nanotransporteurs prometteurs pour la délivrance d'acide nucléique, voie dans laquelle nous poursuivons activement nos efforts. / Dendrimers, a special family of synthetic polymers, emerge as appealing nanovectors for drug delivery thanks to their unique precisely-controlled achitecture along with multivalency and cooperativity confined within a nanosized volume. Our group has recently demonstrated that small amphiphilic dendrons could self-assemble into supramolecular dendrimers, which mimick the covalently constructed high generation dendrimers and effectively deliver siRNA therapeutics in vitro and in vivo. In order to further explore novel amphiphilic dendrimers with special self-assembly properties for nucleic acid delivery, in this Ph.D thesis, I have synthesized and characterized two families of amphiphilic dendrimers, namely bola-amphiphilic PAMAM dendrimer and biodegradable amphiphilic poly(aminoester) dendrimer. Their physico-chemical properties and biological activity for siRNA delivery have been investigated. Our results demonstrate that they may constitute, via supramolecular self-assembling, effective and promising nanocarriers for nuclide acid delivery, in which we are actively pursuing our effort.

Carreadores lipídicos nanoestruturados como potencial estratégia para incorporação do p-metoxicinamato de octila: desenvolvimento, caracterização físico-química e ensaios biológicos in vitro / Nanostructured lipid carriers as a potential strategy for incorporation of octyl methoxycinnamate: development, physicochemical characterization and in vitro biological assays

Prado, Alice Haddad do [UNESP] 24 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ALICE HADDAD DO PRADO null (alicehaddadp@gmail.com) on 2016-07-28T18:49:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Final - Alice Haddad do Prado.pdf: 2393386 bytes, checksum: fa64a942cd6063384776f9d717e0e7d7 (MD5) / Rejected by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo a orientação abaixo: O arquivo submetido está sem a ficha catalográfica. A versão submetida por você é considerada a versão final da dissertação/tese, portanto não poderá ocorrer qualquer alteração em seu conteúdo após a aprovação. Corrija esta informação e realize uma nova submissão contendo o arquivo correto. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2016-07-29T16:16:30Z (GMT) / Submitted by ALICE HADDAD DO PRADO null (alicehaddadp@gmail.com) on 2016-07-29T16:26:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação - Alice Haddad do Prado.pdf: 2329800 bytes, checksum: 60401746b6bc1cb494e5e3107ef17ec6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-08-01T14:37:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 prado_ah_me_arafcf.pdf: 2329800 bytes, checksum: 60401746b6bc1cb494e5e3107ef17ec6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-01T14:37:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 prado_ah_me_arafcf.pdf: 2329800 bytes, checksum: 60401746b6bc1cb494e5e3107ef17ec6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-24 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O p-metoxicinamato de octila (OMC) vem sendo empregado em protetores solares objetivando a prevenção do câncer de pele e envelhecimento precoce. Todavia, estudos têm detectado a presença deste filtro solar em amostras de sangue, urina e leite após sua administração cutânea. Para promover a retenção do OMC nas camadas mais externas da pele, bem como protegê-lo da fotodegradação, sua incorporação em carreador lipídico nanoestruturado (CLN) pode ser interessante, pois este sistema permite maior retenção cutânea do ativo e consequentemente menor permeação pela pele, além de maior proteção e encapsulação. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de CLN como estratégia para incorporação do OMC. Os CLNs foram compostos por: miristato de miristila (MM) como lipídeo sólido, triglicerídeo de ácido cáprico e caprílico (TACC) como lipídeo líquido e tween 80 (T80) como tensoativo (F1), associados ou não à fosfatidilcolina de soja (FS) – F2 ou óleo de rícino (OR) – F3. O OMC foi adicionado na fase lipídica na concentração de 1,0%, obtendo-se as formulações F1.OMC, F2.OMC e F3.OMC. A caracterização dos sistemas foi realizada a partir de análises de diâmetro médio, polidispersidade, potencial zeta, calorimetria diferencial exploratória, microscopia de força atômica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Foi realizada a eficiência de encapsulação das formulações, além de ensaios de determinação do fator de proteção solar (FPS), liberação, permeação, retenção cutânea e citotoxicidade in vitro. Também, foi desenvolvido um método analítico para a quantificação do OMC por cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência (UPLC) com fase móvel constituída por 80:20 de acetonitrila e água ácida. As formulações desenvolvidas apresentaram valores de diâmetro hidrodinâmico médio entre 90 e 250 nm, índice de polidispersidade de 0,09 até 0,26 e potencial zeta de aproximadamente -20 mV. As análises de microscopia de força atômica e microscopia eletrônica de varredura sugeriram que as formulações apresentam formato esférico. Os resultados de DSC mostraram que os sistemas apresentaram estrutura cristalina, sofrendo alteração com a incorporação de OMC, além do aumento no ponto de fusão. Os resultados indicaram valores de FPS de aproximadamente 40 para as formulações. Os ensaios de liberação in vitro demonstraram que o OMC foi liberado das formulações seguindo o modelo matemático proposto por Peppas. A formulação F2.OMC foi a que promoveu maior liberação (55%) de OMC dos carreadores e maior permeação (37%) e retenção cutânea (0,17%). A formulação F1.OMC demonstrou menor liberação (30%) e retenção cutânea (0,05%) apresentando maior eficiência de encapsulação (60%), enquanto a formulação F3.OMC foi responsável pela menor permeação (18%). Os ensaios de citotoxicidade in vitro, empregando células HaCaT saudáveis, evidenciaram que as formulações não se apresentaram tóxicas na faixa de IC50 entre 0,08 e 0,004%. Os resultados sugerem que a formulação F3.OMC apresenta potencial aplicação para incorporação de OMC, objetivando sua aplicação em formulações fotoprotetoras. / The octyl methoxycinnamate has been used in sunscreens aiming at the prevention of skin cancer and premature aging. However, studies have detected the presence of this UV filter in samples of blood, urine and milk after topical administration. To promote the retention of the OMC in the outer layers of the skin and protect it from photobleaching, their incorporation into nanostructured lipid carrier (NLC) can be interesting because this system allows greater skin retention of active and therefore less permeation through the skin, besides greater protection and encapsulation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of NLC as a strategy for incorporating the OMC. The NLCs was composed of: myristate miristila as solid lipid, acid triglyceride capric and caprylic as liquid lipid and tween 80 as surfactant (F1), associated or not with soy phosphatidylcholine (F2) or castor oil (F3). OMC was added to the lipid phase in a concentration of 1.0% to yield the F1.OMC, F2.OMC and F3.OMC formulations. The characterization of the systems was conducted from analysis of average diameter, polydispersity, zeta potential, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The encapsulation efficiency of the formulations was carried out, as in vitro assays like sun protection fator (SPF), release, skin permeation, skin retention and cytotoxicity. Also, an analytical method was developed to quantify the OMC using liquid chromatography ultra-efficiency with mobile phase of 80:20 acetonitrile and acidic water. The formulations showed hydrodynamic mean diameter values between 90 and 250 nm, polydispersity of 0.09 to 0.26 and zeta potential of about - 20 mV. The analysis of atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy suggested that the formulations have spherical shape. The DSC results showed that the systems suffering crystalline structure changes with the incorporation of OMC, besides the increase in melting point. The SPF results indicate values about 40 for all formulations. In vitro release tests showed that the OMC was released from formulations following the mathematical model proposed by Peppas. The formulation F2.OMC was that promoted the greatest release of OMC (55%) higher skin permeation (37%) and retention (0.17%). The F1.OMC showed lower release (30%), skin retention (0.05%) and higher encapsulation efficiency (60%), while the F3.OMC formulation was responsible for the lower skin permeation (18%). In vitro cytotoxicity assays employing healthy HaCaT cells, demonstrated that the formulations did not show toxic IC50 in the range between 0.08 and 0.004%. The results suggest that F3.OMC formulation has potential application for incorporation of OMC, aiming their use in sunscreens formulations. / FAPESP: 2014/22426-2

Nanovecteurs lipidiques inhalables de dipropionate de béclométhasone : développement & caractérisation / Beclomethasone dipropionate-loaded lipidic nanocarriers for inhalation : development & characterization

Jaafar Maalej, Chiraz 21 December 2009 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de thèse a été d'élaborer et de caractériser des systèmes de nanovecteurs de nature lipidique, encapsulant le dipropionate de beclomethasone (DPB), adaptés à l'administration pulmonaire par nébulisation. Deux types de nanovecteurs lipidiques : des liposomes et des nanoparticules lipidiques incluant les nanoparticules solides (SLN) et les nanoporteurs lipidiques (NLC), ont été développés. Les liposomes ont été préparés par la technique d'injection d'éthanol. La technique appliquée pour la préparation des nanoparticules lipidiques était l'homogénéisation à haute vitesse. La taille, l'efficacité d'encapsulation du DPB ainsi que les profils de libération ont été satisfaisants. De plus la nébulisation de ces systèmes et la modélisation mathématiques de la déposition in vitro ont révélé des résultats prometteurs. Finalement, une technique de production des liposomes utilisant un réacteur membranaire a été étudiée pour une production à grande échelle / The objective of this work was to prepare and to characterize lipidic nanocarriers systems encapsulating the beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) and adapted to the nebulized pulmonary drug delivery. Two types of lipidic carriers: the liposomes and the lipidic nanoparticles including the solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) and the nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) were developed. Liposomes were prepared by the optimised ethanol injection based technology. The lipid nanoparticles were prepared by using the high shear homogenization process. Small sized particles, with high BDP encapsulation efficiency as well as a prolonged release effect in vitro were successfully obtained. Furthermore, the nebulized suspensions characteristics and deposition mathematical simulation in vitro revealed promising results. Finally, a liposomes production technique using a membrane contactor was investigated in order to produce large batches

Design And Synthesis Of Bile Acid Derived Oligomers And Study Of Their Aggregation And Potential Applications

Satyanarayana, T B N 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Chapter 1: Amphiphilic self-assembled systems as nanocarriers Nanocarriers are the nanometric size molecular assemblies that are used for the transport of small molecules into their non-solvating environments. These systems find major applications as drug delivery systems (DDS) in pharmacological research. These drug delivery systems improves solubility and stability of the drug molecules through encapsulation and also offer additional advantages like target specificity and stimuli responsive release of the drug molecules. Several types of DDS are reported in the literature, which can be prepared by a variety of processing techniques. Of these, molecular self- Chart 1: Developments in the design of amphiphilic nanocarriers assembly has attained considerable attention due to its greater tunability and control in the preparation of nanocarriers. In this chapter we discussed about the amphiphilic nanocarriers which are prepared through self-assembly of amphiphiles through hydrophobic interactions. Several developments in the area of amphiphilic nanocarriers such as di-block polymeric systems, dendritic systems and core-shell architectures are also mentioned. We also highlighted some recent developments in the design of amphiphilic nanocarriers through supramolecular interactions and advantages of such systems. Chapter 2: Bile acid derived dendrons and their application as nanocarriers Host-guest chemistry is well known for dendritic systems. To understand the influence of steric crowding, dendritic effect and importance of number of hydroxyl groups on the bile acid backbone in the host-guest chemistry of bile acid dendrons, we designed and synthesized a new series of C3 symmetric systems and studied the above-mentioned objectives through extraction of polar dyes into nonpolar media. Dye extraction experiments performed using trimeric molecules suggested that only the cholate derivatives (3 and 4) showed considerable extraction of the polar dyes into chloroform; deoxycholate derivatives did not show any extraction, thus emphasizing the importance of the number of hydroxyl groups for dye extraction in these molecular architectures. The effect of steric crowding at the core of these trimeric molecules was shown by efficient extraction of the dyes with the triethylbenzene core (4) compared to the benzene core (3). Greater influence of the aggregates in the case of triethylbenzene core on the extracted dye was also manifested in the Chart 2: Structures of the designed molecules 1-6 value of the induced circular dichroism signal. Surprisingly, a higher analogue in these molecular architectures showed lesser efficiency in dye extraction (on a per bile acid residue basis) compared to the trimers, suggesting a more compact structure for the higher analogue. This was supported by molecular modeling studies. Generality of these systems as nanocarriers for hydrophilic dyes was investigated by screening several other dyes and polar molecules, which are diverse in their structure and functionalities. All these experiments suggested a dependency of the extraction profile on the size of the dye molecule. This was also examined by dynamic light scattering studies, which showed larger size and wider distribution in the size of the aggregates in the case of larger dyes. We also demonstrated selective extraction of a single dye molecule from a blended food color (apple green) using one of the trimer (4) and demonstrated solvent dependent morphological changes in these compounds using electron microscopy. The self-assembly of these amphilic molecules at the air-water interface was studied through Langmuir monolayer studies. Chart 3: Structure of polar guest molecules (Cresol red (7). Erioglaucine (8), Eriochrome black T (9),) phenyl β-D-glucopyranoside (10) and Eosin B (11) Chapter 3: Design and synthesis of bile acid derived surfactants: Study of their aggregation and potential applications Bile acids are facially amphiphilic systems and their amphiphilicity can be improved by attaching polar groups on the bile acid back bone or by synthesizing oligomeric systems which show better self-assembly compared to their monomeric units. To study and improve the amphiphilicity of bile acids, we designed and synthesized a new tripodal surfactant system, with a phosphine oxide based central core to which the bile acids were attached through the C-3 position using click chemistry. Our molecular design also offers added advantage of studying the influence of the stereochemistry at the C-3 position on the aggregation of these molecular architectures. We synthesized trimeric systems with both cholic and deoxycholic acids attached to the central phosphine oxide core with α and β stereochemistry at the C-3 position. Aggregation of these molecules was studied by surface tension measurements, dye extraction studies and NMR. All these compounds showed aggregation at micromolar concentrations. NMR studies suggested changes in the structure of the aggregates at higher temperature and these changes were studied by DLS, which suggested thermodynamically stable monodispersed aggregates for cholic acid derivatives (13 and 15) at higher temperature. These aggregates are stable even after cooling to room temperature and with time. The aggregates of these derivatives were also characterized by atomic force microscopy. Gelation was observed in the case of α derivatives (12 and 13) in phosphate buffer (0.1 M) at pH 7.5 for both deoxy and cholic derivatives, which emphasized the influence of stereochemistry at C-3 position in these architectures. These gels were characterized by rheology experiments. Finally, the possible utility of these micellar systems as model systems to study photophysical processes was demonstrated through lanthanide sensitization experiments in these micellar solutions. Chart 4: Structure of the designed molecules Chapter 4: Synthesis of oligomeric bile acid-taurine conjugates: Study of their aggregation and efficiency in cholesterol solubilization Bile acids are bio-surfactants that are used for the emulsification of fats, vitamins etc. in our body. Bile salts also solubilize the excess cholesterol in our body through mixed micelle formation in the bile and when the bile gets saturated with cholesterol, it leads to cholesterol gallstone formation, which needs to be treated. Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is used as drug in some cases for the solubilization of (small) cholesterol gallstones, even though the efficiency to solubilize cholesterol is less for UDCA compared to the other bile acids (UDCA is less toxic than the others). So there is a need to develop new cholesterol solubilizing agents. Since oligomeric systems can aggregate better, we designed and synthesized two tetramer taurine conjugates, which differ in the spacer between the bile acid units. Since these conjugates are not soluble in water, their solubility and aggregation was studied in 10% MeOH/Water using pyrene fluorescence experiments. Aggregation studies suggested better aggregation for these molecules compared to their monomeric analogues. These aggregates were also characterized byDLS and electron microscopy. These systems were subsequently studied as nanocarriers for liphophilic dye molecules into aqueous media. Finally, the influence of oligomeric effect in cholesterol solubilization was investigated by cholesterol solubilization studied using these two tetramer taurine compounds and a control, sodium taurocholate. These studies suggested efficient solubilization of cholesterol by oligomers compared to monomeric analogues.(For structural formula pl see the abstract file)


09 March 2021 (has links)
[pt] Os métodos de recuperação terciária ou avançada de petróleo (EOR) permitem fatores de recuperação de até 70 por cento. A injeção de surfactantes aniônicos, amplamente empregados em EOR químico, pode se tornar inviável devido às perdas após precipitação, difusão para o interior de poros sem conectividade e especialmente adsorção sobre a superfície da rocha reservatório. Este trabalho almejou modificar a superfície de nanopartículas de sílica com alcoxisilanos para que possam ser utilizadas como nanocarreadores de surfactantes aniônicos em EOR químico, diminuindo desta forma as perdas por adsorção. Técnicas de caracterização foram empregadas para confirmar a modificação ocorrida na superfície da sílica, obtendo-se graus de modificação estimados entre 11 e 14 por cento. A inserção de grupos alquila (C8 e C16) na superfície da sílica aumentou significativamente a interação com o surfactante aniônico (dodecil sulfato de sódio, SDS), em comparação com as nanopartículas sem modificação, ampliando em até 11x a quantidade de surfactante retido na superfície das nanopartículas. Os nanomateriais híbridos obtidos possuem maior capacidade de manter adsorvido o tensoativo em soluções aquosas e salinas, bem como liberá-lo quando na interface salmoura/óleo. Ao fim, as nanopartículas de sílica modificadas contendo surfactante adsorvido na sua superfície atuaram sinergicamente na redução da tensão interfacial, sem afetar o desempenho do surfactante após liberação na interface água/óleo. Sendo assim, as nanopartículas modificadas com alcoxisilanos obtidas neste trabalho podem atuar como nanocarreadores de surfactantes em fluidos de injeção para EOR químico. / [en] The tertiary oil recovery methods or enhanced oi recovery (EOR) allow a recovery factor up to 70 percent. The injection of anionic surfactants, widely used in chemical EOR, could become unfeasible due to losses after precipitation, diffusion to the interior of non-connected pores and specially adsorption over reservoir rock surface. This work aimed to modify the surface of silica nanoparticles with alkoxysilanes in order to be used as surfactant nanocarriers in chemical EOR, reducing surfactant loss by adsorption. Characterization techniques were employed to confirm the modifications on silica surface, obtaining degrees of modification between 11 and 14 percent. The attachment of alkyl groups (C8 and C16) on the silica surface raised significantly the interaction with an anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS), in comparison to bare silica nanoparticles, increasing up to 11x the amount of adsorbed surfactant over silica s surface. The hybrid nanomaterials obtained in this work have a high capacity to keep the tensoactive in aqueous solutions and brine, as well as releasing it at the brine/oil interface. Finally, the modified silica nanoparticles containing surfactant adsorbed on their surface showed a synergy in reducing interfacial tension, without affecting the surfactant performance after the release at the water/oil interface. Thus, the nanoparticles modified with alkoxysilanes obtained in this work can act as surfactant nanocarriers in injection fluids for chemical EOR.

Engineering Extracellular Vesicles for Therapeutic Applications

Salazar Puerta, Ana Isabel January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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