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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Filtrace vzduchu / Air filtration

Krajčová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes the design of air conditioning equipment of materni-ty hospital and experimental measurement nanofilters and their subsequent comparison with conventional air filters. The work consists of three parts. The first part describes the types of filters. Nanofilters and nanofiber materials are de-scribed in detail here. In the second part is the topic of air filtration applied to the maternity hospital. Two variants of air conditioning and cooling are designed for the 3rd floor of this building. The third experimental part deals with antibacterial effects of thr silver fiber nanofilter and its comparison with commonly used filters. It also deals with the pressure drop on the filters at different air speeds.

Vývoj nanovláknového PVDF senzoru / Development of PVDF nanofibers sensor

Klásek, Matyáš January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the feasibility of using PVDF nanofibers as an active sensor layer generating electrical signal. PVDF and related electromechanical effects are described. A research study is conducted regarding existing PVDF nanofiber applications and based on it, an event sensor design utilizing triboelectric effect and electrostatic induction is proposed. The electrical response of the layers is experimentally investigated and a pulse detection algorithm is conceived and implemented. Finally, a way of integrating the sensor into a rail track is proposed.

Teoretické využití nanotechnologie pro filtraci ve vzduchotechnice / Theoretical use of nanotechnology for filtration in HVAC systems

Bosák, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Thesis solves problems using the nanotechnology for air filtration in HVAC systems. Main specialization work is air filtration for clean spaces with high classes of purity. For example Hospitals, sophisticated technology service, pharmacy etc. Thesis is devide for three parts. First part contains foundation infromations about theory and making fabrics by nanotechnology. Next I described laws of physics, That were using during the solving filtration´s issues. Goal for second part was making the experiments, which should show abilities and properties nanofilters during the air filtration in real environment HVAC systems. In the end measure part is compare nanofilters with common filters. There is describe nanofiltres behavior and their possibilies during the filtration as well as. In last part I expressed own opinions on air filtration by nanofibers. Opinions were making throught informations, That I found out in the process working on thesis and my experiences in HVAC field. By this facts I did compare for get a better idea. Additionally last part contains summary infomations from previously parts and own vision to development in the future. Goal work isn´t promotion and advertising sorts technologies. Ask is just summary and describe discovered knowledges, considered opinions ensue from measuring, information from the Net and people Who work in nanotechnology field.

Reologické chování roztoků polymeru vhodných pro elektrostatické zvlákňování / The Rheological Behavior of Polymer Solutions Suitable for Electrospinning

Divínová, Nikol January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with preparation and characterization of aqueous solutions of polyvinyl alcohol suitable for electrospinning. In the theoretical part method of electrospinning is described, including parameters which influence this process. Literary research also includes a chapter about rheology, which deals with the rheological properties of polymers, specifically PVA. The experimental part describes the preparation and rheological study of of aqueous solutions of polyvinyl alcohol, which were then spun. The morphology of prepared nanofibers was studied by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effect of molecular weight, the solvent, concentration of solution, rheological properties, electrical conductivity and surface tension on the spinability, diameter and morphology of nanofibers is discussed.

Charakterizace funkcionalizovaných vlákenpro jejich osídlení mezenchymálními kmenovými buňkami a diferenciaci těchto buněk / Characterization of functionalized fibres for mesenchymal stem cells cultivation and differentiation

Greplová, Jarmila January 2011 (has links)
Modification of nanofibers is an actual trend in tissue engineering. Polyvinylacohol (PVA) is nontoxic and biodegradable polymer suitable for preparation of submicron fibers by electrospinning. Main disadvantage of PVA fibers is rapid degradation in aqueous environment. On the other hand surface of fibers contains free hydroxyl group that could be chemically modified. In recent work, chemical modification of PVA nanofibers prepared by needleless electrospinning was investigated. Polyethylenglykol (PEG) linker was introduced to the fiber surface by acylation (PVA-PEG) and further modified by biotin (PVA-PEG-b) as a function agent. Process of chemical modification does not affected fibrous morphology of samples. Interestingly, linkage of PEG-b linker promoted stability of PVA in aqueous environment. PVA-PEG-b sample was stable for 41 days. Stability of samples was strongly dependent on amount of introduced PEG-b linker, thus proposed method of modification allows to prepare nanofibers of different solubility. Additionally, biocompatibility of chemically modified nanofibers with both mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and chondrocytes was determined. Proliferation of both cell types was not sufficient and number of cells decreased in time, probably because of high hydrophility of modified PVA scaffold. To...

Mobilité moléculaire dans des systèmes polymères complexes anisotropes et confinés / Molecular dynamics in complex polymer systems : from anisotropy to confinement effects

Monnier, Xavier 03 October 2017 (has links)
L’objet de ce travail est d’étudier l’influence de l’anisotropie structurale, induite lors de la mise en forme d’un Polylactide (PLA), sur les dynamiques moléculaires de la phase amorphe. Deux procédés de mise en oeuvre sont retenus : l’électrofilage et la cristallisation induite par flux. Le premier permet d’aboutir à un système non-cristallin, lorsque le deuxième permet d’aboutir à un système semi-cristallin. Pour chaque système, une étude microstructurale est préalablement réalisée pour mettre en avant l’anisotropie structurale induite lors de la mise en oeuvre. Pour ce faire différentes techniques d’analyses sont utilisées : microscopie optique, microscopie électronique, diffraction des rayons X, calorimétrie à balayage différentielle (DSC) et calorimétrie à balayage rapide (FSC). L’utilisation de la FSC s’avère précieuse. Du fait des vitesses extrêmement rapide (1000 K.s-1) et de la diminution importante de la masse (dizaine de nanogrammes), la transition vitreuse et la cinétique de vieillissement physique sont au préalable étudiées dans le cas d’un PLA amorphe. Il est montré que les vitesses de refroidissement atteignable en FSC permettent d’accélérer les cinétiques de vieillissement physique. Les dynamiques moléculaires sont ensuite étudiées à travers le concept de coopérativité et le phénomène de vieillissement physique. Il est montré que l’orientation préférentielle induite dans le système non-cristallin aboutit à la formation de mésophase qui augmente la coopérativité, autrement dit les interactions intermoléculaires. Dans le cas du système semi-cristallin, les dynamiques moléculaires sont influencées par le couplage amorphe/cristal et le confinement des cristaux, et non pas par l’anisotropie structurale induite avant cristallisation. / The aim of this work is to investigate the molecular dynamics of Polylactide (PLA) subjected to structural anisotropy during its processing. To do so, two experimental set-ups were used: electrospinning and flow induced crystallization. The first one leads to non-crystalline system, while the second one leads to semi-crystalline system. For each system, the microstructure is investigated to highlight the structural anisotropy induced during the processing. Different experimental techniques are used: optical microscopy, electronic microscopy, X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and fast scanning calorimetry (FSC). FSC proves to be useful. Due to the high scanning rates (1000 K.s-1) and the decrease of the sample mass (few tens of nanogrammes), glass transition and physical aging kinetics are beforehand investigated in the case of a wholly amorphous PLA. It is shown that high cooling rates available by FSC allow to accelerate physical aging kinetics. Molecular dynamics are then investigated through concept of cooperativity and phenomenon of physical aging. It is shown that preferential orientation induced during electrospinning leads to the formation of mesophase, which increase cooperativity, namely the intermolecular interactions. With regard to semi-crystalline system, molecular dynamics are only affected by the coupling between amorphous/crystal and the confinement effect of the crystals, rather than the structural anisotropy induced before the crystallization step.

Antimicrobial activity and dye photodegradation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles immobilized on polyacrylonitrile-cellulose acetate polymer blended nanofibers.

Nkabinde, Sibongile Chrestina January 2019 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / Electrospinning is a method that has gained more attention due to its capability in spinning a wide variety of polymeric fibers and nanoparticles embedded in polymer fibers. Polymer blending has been considered the most appropriate way for creating new materials with fused properties which improve poor chemical, mechanical, thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of each polymer. Hence, in this study, electrospinning technique was used to fabricate polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibers at concentrations of (10, 12 and 14 wt%) and cellulose acetate (CA) nanofibers at concentrations of (14, 16 and 18 wt%). 10wt% of PAN and 16 wt% of CA were blended together and the optimum blend ratio was found to be 80/20 PAN/CA. TiO2 nanoparticles (0.2 and 0.4 wt%) were incorporated into CA nanofibers and (1, 2 and 3 wt%) were incorporated into PAN and PAN/CA blended polymers, respectively. Applied voltages of 20, 22 and 24 kV were varied at a spinning distance of 15cm and the optimum voltage for the fabrication of composite was 22 kV. The sol-gel method was used to synthesise the TiO2 nanoparticles at different calcination temperatures of 400, 500 and 600 ºC. The fabricated composite nanofibers were tested for antibacterial and photocatalytic activities. The synthesised nanomaterials were characterized using SEM, TEM, EDX, UV-Vis, PL, FTIR spectroscopy, XRD and TGA. The absorption and emission spectra illustrated the formation of TiO2 nanoparticles and the increase in absorption band edges. TEM showed the spherical morphology of the nanoparticles with average diameter of 12.2 nm for nanoparticles calcined at 500 ºC. SEM illustrated the diameter and morphology of the nanofibers and composites with the average diameter of 220, 338, 181, 250, 538, 294 nm for PAN, CA, PAN-TiO2, CA-TiO2, PAN/CA and PAN/CA-TiO2, respectively. XRD revealed anatase phase as the dominant crystalline phase of the synthesised nanoparticles. FTIR spectroscopy and EDX signified that the formation of composite nanofibers and the presence of TiO2 nanoparticles corresponded to the Ti-O stretching and Ti-O-Ti bands on the FTIR spectra. The antimicrobial activity of the composite nanofibers were tested against E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans microorganisms. The photocatalytic activity of the nanomaterials was tested using methyl orange dye. PAN/CA-TiO2 composite nanofibers revealed the greatest antibacterial activity against selected microorganisms as compared to the other nanocomposites. PAN/CA-TiO2 nanocomposite (44%) showed greater rate of photodegradation of methyl orange than PAN-TiO2 nanofibers (28%) and TiO2 nanoparticles (12%) under visible light irradiation.

Fuel-Water Coalescing Filters

Gadhave, Ashish D. 29 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Elektrostatické zvlákňování modifikovaných biopolymerů pro medicínské aplikace / Electrospinning of Modified Biopolymers for Medical Applications

Pavliňáková, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá přípravou a charakterizací nových biokompatibilních nanovláken s potenciální aplikací v medicíně. V této práci byl výběr jednotlivých složek pro přípravu nanovlákenného materiálu zvolen tak, aby vyhovoval nárokům tkáňového inženýrství. Literární rešerše shrnuje poznatky o elektrostatickém zvlákňování a o jeho parametrech. Dále se věnuje možnostem elektrostatického zvlákňování proteinů kolagenu a želatiny a jejich směsmi se syntetickými polymery a biopolymery a anorganickými plnivy. Teoretická část řeší také různé postupy síťování nanovláken vedoucí ke zlepšení jejich hydrolytické stability a mechanických vlastností. Poslední část je zaměřena na anorganické nanotrubky halloysitu (HNT), které získaly svou pozornost díky svým vynikajícím fyzikálním a biologickým vlastnostem. V experimentální části byly zpracovány dvě případové studie, z nichž každá se zabývá přípravou nanovlákenných biomateriálů s potenciální aplikací v medicíně. První studie je zaměřena na přípravu a charakterizaci nových hydrolyticky stabilních antibakteriálních želatinových nanovláken modifikovaných pomocí oxidované celulózy. Unikátní inhibiční účinky nanovláken byly testovány na kmenu bakterie Escherichia coli pomocí metody chemické bioluminiscence. Kultivované buňky lidského papilárního adenokacinomu plic prokázaly dobrou adhezi a proliferaci k povrchu nanovláken. Druhá část popisuje vliv zdroje a množství anorganických halloysitových nanotrubek na strukturu a vlastnosti amfifilních nanovláken ze směsi želatiny a syntetického polykaprolaktonu. Přídavek HNT zlepšil tepelnou stabilitu, mechanické vlastnosti (jak tuhost, tak prodloužení) a snížil krystalinitu nanovláken. HNT z různých zdrojů neměl vliv na chování buněk, ale mírně ovlivnil proliferaci a životaschopnost buněk na povrchu nanovláken.

Spectroscopic Characterization of Metal Oxide Nanofibers

Bender, Edward Thomas 18 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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