Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nanoparticles.""
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Catalisadores a base de platina e nióbio para o ânodo da célula a combustível de membrana trocadora de prótons alimentada com alcoóis de baixa massa molecular / Platinum and nioubium based catalysts for the anode of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells fed with low molecular weight alcoholsRocha, Thairo de Araújo 25 January 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho descreve-se o estudo das reações de oxidação eletroquímica de metanol e etanol em catalisadores contendo platina (Pt) e Nióbio (Nb) suportados em carbono de alta área superficial. Os materiais estudados foram PtNb/C, Pt-Nb2O5(amorfo)/C e Pt-Nb2O5(cristalino) /C, utilizando-se como padrão para comparação o catalisador comercial Pt/C E-TEK 20 %. A caracterização física foi realizada com o auxílio das técnicas de Difração de Raios X (DRX), Espectroscopia por Energia Dispersiva de Raios X (EDX) e Espectroscopia de Absorção de Raios X (XAS). A partir dos picos de difração foi possível calcular o tamanho médio de cristalito e o parâmetro de rede das amostras estudadas. Os espectros de XAS na região de XANES sugerem que a Pt suportada sobre os óxidos de nióbio tem uma menor tendência a sofrer perda de densidade eletrônica na banda 5d. O comportamento eletroquímico dos catalisadores frente às reações de eletro-oxidação dos alcoóis foi avaliado através de voltametrias de varredura linear, voltametrias cíclicas e cronoamperometrias com o eletrodo de trabalho preparado com uma configuração de camada ultrafina. Os dois catalisadores contendo Pt suportada sobre os óxidos de nióbio apresentaram os melhores desempenhos na oxidação eletroquímica dos alcoóis, no entanto os três materiais estudados deslocaram o pico de oxidação de CO (ads) para menores valores de potencial em relação à Pt/C E-TEK 20 %. Experimentos de Espectroscopia de absorção na região do Infravermelho in situ com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) foram realizados com o intuito de se identificar os adsorbatos formados durante a eletro-oxidação de etanol. A presença dos óxidos de nióbio não favorece significativamente à conversão de etanol a CO2, sendo os principais produtos da oxidação o acetaldeído e o ácido acético. Por fim foram realizados testes na célula a combustível unitária seguindo-se a mesma abordagem que nos estudos de camada ultrafina. / In this work, the methanol and ethanol electrochemical oxidation reactions are studied on platinum (Pt) and niobium (Nb) catalysts supported on high surface area carbon. The selected materials were PtNb/C, Pt-Nb2O5(amorphous) /C e Pt-Nb2O5(crystalline) /C, using as reference for comparison purposes the commercial catalyst 20% Pt-C E-TEK. The catalysts were physically characterized by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS). The average crystal size and lattice parameters of the studied materials were assessed from the diffraction peaks. XAS spectra in the XANES region indicated that the supported platinum on the niobium oxide possesses a lower tendency to lose electronic density from the 5d band. The electrochemical performance of the different catalysts was evaluated by linear sweep voltammetry, cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry, using an ultra-thin layer electrode. The two catalysts containing platinum supported on the niobium oxide showed the best performances for the electrochemical oxidation of the alcohols, though the three studied materials displaced the CO (ads) oxidation peak for lower potential values compared to 20% E-TEK Pt/C. In situ Fourier Transform Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy (FTIR) experiments were carried out in order to identify the formed adsorbates during the ethanol electroxidation. The presence of the niobium oxides does not significantly favour the conversion of ethanol to CO2, being the main products of the oxidation acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Finally, fuel cell tests were carried out following the same procedure as in the case of the ultra-thin layer.
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Incorporação de nanopartículas de prata pelo processo de irradiação em Cateter Venoso Central (CVC) de poliuretano revestido com óxido de titânio para atividade antibacteriana / Incorporation of silver nanoparticles by the irradiation process in Central Venous Catheter (CVC) of polyurethane coated with titanium oxide for antimicrobial activityFreitas, Patricia de 12 July 2018 (has links)
Os cateteres intravasculares são aliados indispensáveis na prática da medicina moderna, particularmente em unidades de terapia intensiva (UTIs). Pelo Cateter Venoso Central (CVC) pacientes que ficam muito tempo internados recebem medicação e alimentação sendo, no entanto, importante fonte de infecção da corrente sanguínea primária. Os CVC\'s de poliuretano podem ter sua superfície modificada pela incorporação de titânio e prata (Ti/Ag) que possuem características antimicrobianas conhecidas desde a antiguidade. A incorporação das nanopartículas de prata sobre o polímero pode ser feita com o uso da radiação ionizante, que também irá esterilizar o material. Assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo utilizar a radiação ionizante para incorporação de nanopartículas de prata em Cateter Venoso Central (CVC) a fim de adquirir propriedades antibactericidas. Para isto utilizou-se o CVC Pellethane 2363-65D, termoplástico de poliuretano elastômero (TPU), óxido de titânio puro, sintetizado pelo processo sol-gel e nanopartículas de prata (NpAg_925). A irradiação para incorporação da prata foi com dose de 25 kGy e com taxa de dose de 1,03 kGy/h em um irradiador \"Gammacel 220\" de 60Co. Posteriormente, os cateteres foram esterelizados com dose de 25 kGy. Pode-se concluir que a incorporação da prata pelo processo de irradiação foi possível e que este processo não afeta a estrutura do polímero, o que é importante para a correta inserção do cateter venoso central no corpo do paciente. Observou-se que o método sol-gel, para deposição do titânio na superfície do CVC, não foi homogênea, dificultando a incorporação da prata que depende do titânio neste processo. Os testes de análise antimicrobiana não indicaram atividade antimicrobiana nos cateteres revestido com titânio e prata, acredita-se que a metodologia escolhida seja inadequada para o tipo de análise. / Intravascular catheters are indispensable allies in the practice of modern medicine, particularly in intensive care units (ICUs). Central Venous Catheter (CVC) patients who are hospitalized for a long time receive medication and feeding, however, being an important source of infection of the primary bloodstream. Polyurethane CVCs may have their surface modified by the incorporation of titanium and silver (Ti/Ag) which have antimicrobial characteristics known from antiquity. The incorporation of the silver nanoparticles on the polymer can be done with the use of ionizing radiation, which will also sterilize the material. Thus, this work aims to use ionizing radiation to incorporate silver nanoparticles in Central Venous Catheter (CVC) in order to acquire antibacterial properties. For this purpose CVC Pellethane 2363-65D, thermoplastic elastomer polyurethane (TPU), pure titanium oxide, synthesized by the sol-gel process and silver nanoparticles (NpAg_925) were used. Irradiation for incorporation of silver was at a dose of 25 kGy and at a dose rate of 1.03 kGy/h in a \"Gammacell 220\" irradiator of 60Co. Subsequently, the catheters were sterilized at a dose of 25 kGy. It can be concluded that the incorporation of silver by the irradiation process was possible and that this process does not affect the structure of the polymer, which is important for the correct insertion of the central venous catheter into the patient\'s body. It was observed that the sol-gel method, for deposition of the titanium on the surface of the CVC, was not homogeneous, making difficult the incorporation of the silver that depends on the titanium in this process. The antimicrobial analysis tests did not indicate antimicrobial activity in catheters coated with titanium and silver, it is believed that the chosen methodology is inadequate for the type of analysis.
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On the dynamics within a gas phase process for continuous carbon nanotube synthesisHöcker, Christian January 2018 (has links)
Extrapolating the properties of individual carbon nanotubes (CNTs) into macro-scale CNT materials using a continuous and cost effective process offers enormous potential for a variety of applications. The floating catalyst chemical vapour deposition (FCCVD) method discussed in this dissertation bridges the gap between generating nano- and macro-scale CNT material and has already been adopted by industry for exploitation. A deep understanding of the phenomena that occur within the FCCVD reactor and how to control the formation of the catalyst nanoparticles is, therefore, essential to producing a desired CNT product and successfully scaling up the FCCVD process. This dissertation connects information on the decomposition of reactants, axial catalyst nanoparticle dynamics and the morphology of the resultant CNTs and demonstrates how these factors are strongly related to the temperature and chemical availability of reactants within the reactor. For the first time, in-situ measurements of catalyst particle size distributions paired with reactant decomposition profiles and detailed axial SEM studies of formed CNT materials revealed specific temperature domains that have important implications for scaling up the FCCVD process. A novel observation was that the evaporation and re-condensation of catalyst nanoparticles results in the formation, disappearance and reformation of the nanoparticles along the reactor axis. The combined influences of pyrolytic carbon species and catalytic nanoparticles are shown to influence CNT aerogel formation. This work also examines the source of carbon in the formed CNTs and the location of aerogel formation. Axial measurements using isotopically-labelled methane (C13H4) demonstrate that carbon within all CNTs is primarily derived from CH4 rather than some of the early-forming CNTs being predominantly supplied with carbon from decomposed catalytic precursor components. Quantification of CNT production along the axis of the reactor dispels the notion that injection parameters influence CNT formation and shows that bulk CNT formation occurs near the reactor exit regardless of the carbon source (CH4, toluene or ethanol). By supplying carbon to different reactor locations, it was discovered that CNT aerogel formation will occur even when carbon is delivered near the exit of the reactor provided the carbon source reaches a temperature sufficient to induce pyrolysis (>1000°C). Furthermore, experimental studies that identify a new role of sulphur (S) in the CNT formation process are discussed in this work. Analogous to effects observed in other aerosol systems containing S, in the FCCVD reactor, S lowers the nucleation barrier of the catalyst nanoparticles and enhances not only CNT growth but catalyst particle formation itself. The new concept of critical catalyst mass concentration for CNT aerogel formation was identified by implementing the novel approach of completely decoupling catalyst particle formation from CNT aerogel production. Rather than aerogel formation being dependent on a critical particle number concentration and ideal sized catalyst nanoparticles at the entrance of the reaction furnace, it was identified that the important metric is instead a minimum critical catalyst mass concentration. Application of the principle using other catalyst precursors such as cobaltocene, with continuous CNT aerogel formation from cobalt based catalyst nanoparticles being reported for the first time, and iron-based nanoparticles from a spark generator, provides proof of the new principle’s robustness and ubiquity. In addition to the experimental studies above, theoretical studies have been carried out to understand the agglomeration occurring in a CNT aerosol. The agglomeration eventually leads to a gas phase synthesized CNT aerogel at the end of the reactor, which can be collected and spun continuously. The results of this work are not only scientifically interesting, they also provide a strong foundation for further research aimed at optimizing and controlling large-scale CNT reactors by modifying downstream dynamics.
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Bioaccumulation, biological effects and trophic transfer of metal (oxide) nanoparticles in marine invertebratesBaker, Antony James January 2017 (has links)
The production and use of manufactured metal (oxide) nanoparticles has exploded in recent years as they are exploited for their novel physical and chemical properties. Cerium oxide NPs (CeO2NPs) help increase combustion in diesel engines and their reported ability to scavenge free radicals has been exploited in therapeutic treatments. Silver NPs (AgNPs) are now used in consumer products such as socks and sticking plasters due to their antibacterial properties. Once released into the environment, their ultimate fate is predicted to be the oceans The aims of this thesis are to investigate the bioaccumulation and biological effects (oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation) of CeO2NPs and AgNPs on the mussel Mytilus edulis, and to understand the potential for trophic transfer of CeO2NPs to the crab Carcinus maenas, and subsequent induced biological effects. It was found in acute exposures that, at the suggested regulatory limit of 3mg/l, less than 5% of a CeO2NP dose will be accumulated by the digestive gland of M. edulis within 4 hours, before being depurated over at least 56 hours. There were no significant biological effects of CeO2NPs, yet larger, micron-size particles had significant anti-oxidant effects. Most effects were transitory, returning to normal levels after 24 hours. In uptake comparisons between AgNPs and Ag-nanorods (AgNRs) at 10μg/l (towards the regulatory limit of 1.9μg/l), AgNRs were accumulated in the digestive gland within 2 hours, but were depurated by 4 hours. Similarity in accumulation between AgNPs and ionic Ag – including continuous accumulation in the gills over 48 hours – suggested dissolution was mostly responsible for this. Both nanoforms instigated isolated oxidative stress responses over 4-24 hours, yet none were significantly worse than AgNO3, which instigated the greatest suite of significant oxidative stress responses. In trophic transfer experiments C. maenas accumulated CeO2NPs in the hepatopancreas at less than 1% of the fed dose. Stomach accumulation was high but transitory, with most particles removed in the faeces. Gills were also a site of accumulation and it was thought that the haemolymph provided a route of transit between the digestive organs and the respiratory organs. This novel experiment used NPs crafted from 140Ce; changes in isotopic ratios of Ce in the crab following trophic transfer could therefore be used to determine absolute increases in concentration against high, and highly variable, background concentrations. There were no significant biological effects following trophic transfer of these 140CeO2NPs. It was found that the current regulatory limits are predicted to be sufficient to protect M. edulis and C. maenas from acute exposure to CeO2NPs and AgNPs, yet chronic exposures should be investigated since the relationship between the uptake and elimination rate of NPs will determine the extent of bioaccumulation and biological effects.
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Aplicação de nanopartículas intermetálicas de NiSb e metálicas de Pt suportadas em carbono Vulcan® XC72 no desenvolvimento de um sensor eletroquímico / Application of Vulcan® XC72 carbon-supported NiSb intermetallic nanoparticles and Pt metallic particles for the development of an electrochemical sensorKushikawa, Ricardo Tomitan 14 November 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se um sensor eletroquímico a partir da modificação de superfície de um eletrodo de carbono vítreo com nanopartículas metálicas de Pt e intermetálicas de NiSb suportadas em carbono Vulcan® XC72. Tal modificação visou à obtenção de um sensor de baixo custo, simples e rápido para determinação do cloridrato de tetraciclina (TTC). A tetraciclina é um fármaco com propriedades antibióticas amplamente utilizado na saúde humana e animal devido sua baixa toxicidade e fácil obtenção. A modificação de superfície do eletrodo de trabalho foi realizada a partir da adição de uma suspensão das nanopartículas em dimetilformamida (DMF) (1 mg/1 mL) sobre a superfície do eletrodo previamente limpo e os estudos voltamétricos conduzidos utilizando as técnicas de voltametria cíclica, voltametria de pulso diferencial e cronoamperometria. Como consequência dos resultados obtidos, prosseguiu-se apenas com os estudos da nanopartícula de Pt na construção de um sensor para determinação da TTC. As nanopartículas apresentam propriedades diferentes daquelas exibidas pelo mesmo material quando estes se encontram em partículas de maior tamanho como bulks, e dentre suas principais características, o aumento da área superficial provocado pela modificação do eletrodo mostrou resultados promissores na detecção e quantificação do analito. Após diversos estudos sobre o eletrólito de suporte e o pH, obteve-se a melhor resposta voltamétrica em solução de tampão fosfato 0,10 mol L-1 pH 3,0 através da voltametria cíclica tanto na determinação do analito em água purificada quanto na determinação em urina sintética. O eletrodo modificado com nanopartículas de Pt apresentou resposta linear na faixa de 9,99 e 44,01 µmol L-1, limite de detecção 4,28 µmol L-1 e limite de quantificação 14,26 µmol L-1. A aplicação do eletrodo em uma amostra de urina sintética ocorreu com sucesso, alcançando um valor de concentração com diferença de 3% para o valor real. / In this work it was developed an electrochemical sensor by the surface modification of a glassy carbon electrode with metallic Pt nanoparticles and intermetallic NiSb nanoparticles in Vulcan® XC72 carbon as the support. Such surface modification sought to obtain a low cost sensor, easy to work and quick working to determine tetracycline hydrochloride. The tetracycline is a drug with antibiotics properties widely used in human and animal treatment due to its low toxicity and easy obtainability. The surface modification of the work electrode was accomplished through the addition of a suspension of the nanoparticles in dimethylformamide (1 mg/1 mL) in the electrode surface previously cleaned and the voltammetric studies conducted with the use of techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry and chronoamperometry. As a consequence of the obtained results, only the studies with the sensor developed with Pt nanoparticles were continued for the tetracycline determination. The nanoparticles presents different properties of those shown by the same material when these are in bigger forms, such as bulks and among the main characteristic, the superficial area increase caused by the electrode modification shown promising results for the detection and quantification of the analyte. After several studies about the supporting electrolyte and the pH, it was obtained a better voltammetric response in phosphate buffer solution 0.1 mol L-1 and pH 3.0 for the determination of the analyte in purified water and synthetic urine. The modified electrode with metallic Pt nanoparticles had a linear response in the range 9.99 to 44.01 µmol L-1 with a detection limit of 4.28 µmol L-1 and quantification limit of 14.26 µmol L-1. The electrode application in a synthetic urine sample was a success, reaching concentration values with a difference within 3% of the real value.
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Incorporação de nanopartículas de prata pelo processo de irradiação em Cateter Venoso Central (CVC) de poliuretano revestido com óxido de titânio para atividade antibacteriana / Incorporation of silver nanoparticles by the irradiation process in Central Venous Catheter (CVC) of polyurethane coated with titanium oxide for antimicrobial activityPatricia de Freitas 12 July 2018 (has links)
Os cateteres intravasculares são aliados indispensáveis na prática da medicina moderna, particularmente em unidades de terapia intensiva (UTIs). Pelo Cateter Venoso Central (CVC) pacientes que ficam muito tempo internados recebem medicação e alimentação sendo, no entanto, importante fonte de infecção da corrente sanguínea primária. Os CVC\'s de poliuretano podem ter sua superfície modificada pela incorporação de titânio e prata (Ti/Ag) que possuem características antimicrobianas conhecidas desde a antiguidade. A incorporação das nanopartículas de prata sobre o polímero pode ser feita com o uso da radiação ionizante, que também irá esterilizar o material. Assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo utilizar a radiação ionizante para incorporação de nanopartículas de prata em Cateter Venoso Central (CVC) a fim de adquirir propriedades antibactericidas. Para isto utilizou-se o CVC Pellethane 2363-65D, termoplástico de poliuretano elastômero (TPU), óxido de titânio puro, sintetizado pelo processo sol-gel e nanopartículas de prata (NpAg_925). A irradiação para incorporação da prata foi com dose de 25 kGy e com taxa de dose de 1,03 kGy/h em um irradiador \"Gammacel 220\" de 60Co. Posteriormente, os cateteres foram esterelizados com dose de 25 kGy. Pode-se concluir que a incorporação da prata pelo processo de irradiação foi possível e que este processo não afeta a estrutura do polímero, o que é importante para a correta inserção do cateter venoso central no corpo do paciente. Observou-se que o método sol-gel, para deposição do titânio na superfície do CVC, não foi homogênea, dificultando a incorporação da prata que depende do titânio neste processo. Os testes de análise antimicrobiana não indicaram atividade antimicrobiana nos cateteres revestido com titânio e prata, acredita-se que a metodologia escolhida seja inadequada para o tipo de análise. / Intravascular catheters are indispensable allies in the practice of modern medicine, particularly in intensive care units (ICUs). Central Venous Catheter (CVC) patients who are hospitalized for a long time receive medication and feeding, however, being an important source of infection of the primary bloodstream. Polyurethane CVCs may have their surface modified by the incorporation of titanium and silver (Ti/Ag) which have antimicrobial characteristics known from antiquity. The incorporation of the silver nanoparticles on the polymer can be done with the use of ionizing radiation, which will also sterilize the material. Thus, this work aims to use ionizing radiation to incorporate silver nanoparticles in Central Venous Catheter (CVC) in order to acquire antibacterial properties. For this purpose CVC Pellethane 2363-65D, thermoplastic elastomer polyurethane (TPU), pure titanium oxide, synthesized by the sol-gel process and silver nanoparticles (NpAg_925) were used. Irradiation for incorporation of silver was at a dose of 25 kGy and at a dose rate of 1.03 kGy/h in a \"Gammacell 220\" irradiator of 60Co. Subsequently, the catheters were sterilized at a dose of 25 kGy. It can be concluded that the incorporation of silver by the irradiation process was possible and that this process does not affect the structure of the polymer, which is important for the correct insertion of the central venous catheter into the patient\'s body. It was observed that the sol-gel method, for deposition of the titanium on the surface of the CVC, was not homogeneous, making difficult the incorporation of the silver that depends on the titanium in this process. The antimicrobial analysis tests did not indicate antimicrobial activity in catheters coated with titanium and silver, it is believed that the chosen methodology is inadequate for the type of analysis.
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Aplicação de nanopartículas intermetálicas de NiSb e metálicas de Pt suportadas em carbono Vulcan® XC72 no desenvolvimento de um sensor eletroquímico / Application of Vulcan® XC72 carbon-supported NiSb intermetallic nanoparticles and Pt metallic particles for the development of an electrochemical sensorRicardo Tomitan Kushikawa 14 November 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se um sensor eletroquímico a partir da modificação de superfície de um eletrodo de carbono vítreo com nanopartículas metálicas de Pt e intermetálicas de NiSb suportadas em carbono Vulcan® XC72. Tal modificação visou à obtenção de um sensor de baixo custo, simples e rápido para determinação do cloridrato de tetraciclina (TTC). A tetraciclina é um fármaco com propriedades antibióticas amplamente utilizado na saúde humana e animal devido sua baixa toxicidade e fácil obtenção. A modificação de superfície do eletrodo de trabalho foi realizada a partir da adição de uma suspensão das nanopartículas em dimetilformamida (DMF) (1 mg/1 mL) sobre a superfície do eletrodo previamente limpo e os estudos voltamétricos conduzidos utilizando as técnicas de voltametria cíclica, voltametria de pulso diferencial e cronoamperometria. Como consequência dos resultados obtidos, prosseguiu-se apenas com os estudos da nanopartícula de Pt na construção de um sensor para determinação da TTC. As nanopartículas apresentam propriedades diferentes daquelas exibidas pelo mesmo material quando estes se encontram em partículas de maior tamanho como bulks, e dentre suas principais características, o aumento da área superficial provocado pela modificação do eletrodo mostrou resultados promissores na detecção e quantificação do analito. Após diversos estudos sobre o eletrólito de suporte e o pH, obteve-se a melhor resposta voltamétrica em solução de tampão fosfato 0,10 mol L-1 pH 3,0 através da voltametria cíclica tanto na determinação do analito em água purificada quanto na determinação em urina sintética. O eletrodo modificado com nanopartículas de Pt apresentou resposta linear na faixa de 9,99 e 44,01 µmol L-1, limite de detecção 4,28 µmol L-1 e limite de quantificação 14,26 µmol L-1. A aplicação do eletrodo em uma amostra de urina sintética ocorreu com sucesso, alcançando um valor de concentração com diferença de 3% para o valor real. / In this work it was developed an electrochemical sensor by the surface modification of a glassy carbon electrode with metallic Pt nanoparticles and intermetallic NiSb nanoparticles in Vulcan® XC72 carbon as the support. Such surface modification sought to obtain a low cost sensor, easy to work and quick working to determine tetracycline hydrochloride. The tetracycline is a drug with antibiotics properties widely used in human and animal treatment due to its low toxicity and easy obtainability. The surface modification of the work electrode was accomplished through the addition of a suspension of the nanoparticles in dimethylformamide (1 mg/1 mL) in the electrode surface previously cleaned and the voltammetric studies conducted with the use of techniques such as cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry and chronoamperometry. As a consequence of the obtained results, only the studies with the sensor developed with Pt nanoparticles were continued for the tetracycline determination. The nanoparticles presents different properties of those shown by the same material when these are in bigger forms, such as bulks and among the main characteristic, the superficial area increase caused by the electrode modification shown promising results for the detection and quantification of the analyte. After several studies about the supporting electrolyte and the pH, it was obtained a better voltammetric response in phosphate buffer solution 0.1 mol L-1 and pH 3.0 for the determination of the analyte in purified water and synthetic urine. The modified electrode with metallic Pt nanoparticles had a linear response in the range 9.99 to 44.01 µmol L-1 with a detection limit of 4.28 µmol L-1 and quantification limit of 14.26 µmol L-1. The electrode application in a synthetic urine sample was a success, reaching concentration values with a difference within 3% of the real value.
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Desenvolvimento de processo de obtenção de nanopartículas de sílica a partir de resíduo de fonte renovável e incorporação em polímero termoplástico para a fabricação de nanocompósito / Development of silica nanoparticles obtaintion process from renewable source waste and its incorporation in thermoplastic polymer for manufacturing a nanocompositeAngel Visentim Ortiz 26 October 2016 (has links)
A tecnologia de nanocompósitos é aplicável a uma vasta gama de polímeros termoplásticos e termofixos. A utilização de subprodutos da cana de açúcar tem sido extensivamente estudada como fonte de reforços para os nanocompósitos. O bagaço da cana é largamente utilizado na cogeração de energia e, como resultado da queima deste material, são produzidas milhões de toneladas de cinzas. Para este trabalho, sílica contida nas cinzas do bagaço da cana de açúcar foi extraída por método químico e método térmico. O método térmico se mostrou mais eficiente levando a uma pureza de mais de 93 % em sílica, enquanto o método químico gerou sílica bastante contaminada com cloro e sódio provenientes dos reagentes da extração. As partículas de sílica obtidas foram avaliadas por espalhamento de luz dinâmico (DSL) e apresentaram tamanho médio de 12 μm. Estas partículas foram submetidas à moagem em moinho de bolas e na sequência a tratamento sonoquímico em meio líquido. As partículas de sílica tratadas no processo sonoquímico a 20 kHz, potência de 500 W e 90 minutos tiveram suas dimensões reduzidas a escala nanométrica da ordem de dezenas de nanômetros. A nanossílica obtida foi então incorporada como reforço em polietileno de alta densidade (HDPE). Ensaios mecânicos e termo-mecânicos mostram ganhos de propriedades mecânicas, com exceção da propriedade de resistência ao impacto. O ensaio de deflexão térmica (HDT) mostrou que a incorporação deste reforço no HDPE levou a um pequeno aumento nesta propriedade relação ao HDPE puro. A cristalinidade dos nanocompósitos gerados foi avaliada por meio de calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e observou-se um decréscimo de cristalinidade do material quando a incorporação de reforço foi de 3%. O material irradiado a 250 kGy com feixe de elétrons mostra ganhos acentuados na principais propriedades do mesmo, principalmente devido ao alto nível de reticulação do HDPE irradiado. / The nanocomposite technology is applicable to a wide range of thermoplastic and thermoset polymers. The use of sugar cane byproducts has been extensively studied as a source of reinforcement for nanocomposites. The bagasse is widely used in cogeneration and as a result of the burning of this material, millions of tons of ash are produced. For this work, silica contained in the ashes of bagasse from sugarcane was extracted by chemical method and thermal method. The thermal method is more efficient leading to a purity of more than 93% of silica, while the chemical method generated silica contaminated with chlorine and sodium from the extraction reagents. The silica particles obtained were evaluated by dynamic light scattering (DSL) and presented an average size of 12 micrometers. These particles were submitted to grinding in a ball mill and then to a sonochemical treatment. Silica particles treated by the sonochemical process ( 20 kHz, 500 W and 90 minutes) had its dimensions reduced to nanometric scale of tenths of nanometers. The nanossílica obtained was then used as reinforcement in high density polyethylene (HDPE). Mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties were assessed and gains were shown for mechanical properties , except for the impact resistance. The distortion temperature (HDT) showed that the incorporation of the reinforcement in HDPE led to a small increase in this property compared to pure HDPE. The crystallinity of the nanocomposites generated was evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and it was observed a decrease of crystallinity in the material when the reinforcing incorporation was 3%. The material irradiated to 250 kGy with electron beam showed important property gains, mainly due to the high level of crosslinking of irradiated HDPE.
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Interaction of gold nanomaterials with the edible food crop, Helianthus annuus (Common sunflower)Kern, Meaghan Estelle 01 May 2015 (has links)
By the year 2020, the nanotechnology market is expected to be three trillion dollars. With a quasi-exponential increase in consumer products, which contain nanomaterials, there is likely to be an equal increase in nanoparticles entering the environment. As a result, it is imperative to fully understand the relationship between nanomaterials and the food chain, including plants.
In this study, the relationship between gold nanomaterials and the edible food crop, Helianthus annuus was investigated. First, an attempt to inhibit the uptake of nanoparticles into the roots of H. annuus was investigated by decreasing temperature. Second, the interactions between citrate-stabilized 20 nm diameter Au nanoparticles and sunflower seedlings were explored by exposing sunflower to a range of concentrations (3.0-40.0 mg/L). Nanoparticle sorption to roots was estimated using a linear isotherm with a distribution coefficient, Kd. Finally, sunflowers were exposed to 20 nm Au nanoparticles and 25x69 nm CTAB-stabilized Au nanorods. Results showed there was no change in biomass growth and transpiration between sunflowers that were exposed to nanoparticles and the unexposed controls. Thus Au gold nanoparticles (20 nm) were shown to have no phytostimulatory or phytotoxic effect on sunflower seedlings during eight to ten day exposure experiments. However, 25x69 nm gold nanorods were phytotoxic to sunflowers at 6.0 mg/L, indicating a potential charge or chemical effect of the surface coating of the nanorods compared to the spherical gold nanoparticles.
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Nanoparticles: nanoscale systems for medical applicationsWadkins, David Allen 15 December 2017 (has links)
The goal of this project was to develop a series of nano platforms for single cell analysis and drug delivery. Nanoparticles are a promising option to improve our medical therapies by controlling biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of therapeutics. Nanosystems also offer significant opportunity to improve current imaging modalities. The systems developed during this thesis work can be foundations for developing advanced therapies for obesity and improving our fundamental understandings of single cell behavior.
The first of the two systems we attempt to create was a drug delivery system that could selectively target adipose tissue to deliver uncoupling agents and drive browning of adipose tissue and associated weight loss. Protonophores have a history of significant toxic side effects in cardiac and neuronal tissues a recently discovered protonophore, but BAM-15, has been shown to have reduced cytotoxicity. We hypothesized that the altered biodistribution of BAM-15 encapsulated in a nanoparticle could provide systemic weight loss with minimized side effects.
The second system developed utilized quantum dots to create a fluorescent barcode that could be repeatedly identified using quantitative fluorescent emission readings. This platform would allow for the tracking of individual cells, allowing repeat interrogation across time and space in complex multicellular environments.
Ultimately this work demonstrates the process and complexity involved in developing nanoparticulate systems meant to interact with incredibly complex intracellular environments.
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