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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthese und kontrollierte Mikrostrukturbildung funktionaler Peptid-Polymerkonjugate in organischen Lösungsmitteln / Synthesis and controlled microstructure formation of functional peptide-polymer conjugates in organic media

Hentschel, Jens January 2008 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Ansatz verfolgt, die besonderen Eigenschaften der Strukturbildung sequenzdefinierter Peptide mit den vielseitigen Materialeigenschaften synthetischer Blockcopolymere zu kombinieren. Dazu wurde ein synthetisches Polymer kovalent mit einer definierten Peptidsequenz verknüpft. Der Peptidblock (die Organisationseinheit) wurde speziell designt, um später die Strukturbildung des Peptid-Polymerkonjugates induzieren und leiten zu können. Als Organisationsmotiv diente hierbei das aus der Natur bekannte β-Faltblatt Strukturmotiv. Das Peptidsegment wurde in einer festphasengebundenen Synthese aufgebaut. Dabei wurden temporäre Stör-Segmente (Switch-Segmente) in die Peptidsequenz integriert. Diese Segmente unterdrücken die Aggregationstendenz während der Synthese und können durch einen pH-abhängigen Schaltvorgang in das natürliche Peptidrückgrat überführt werden. Zusätzlich zu der verbesserten Ausbeute und Reinheit der entsprechenden Peptide war auf diese Weise eine kontrollierte Aktivierung der Mikrostrukturbildung möglich. Mit Hilfe zwei verschiedener Synthesestrategien (Kupplungs- bzw. Polymerisationsstrategie) wurde ein Satz von definierten Peptid-Polymerkonjugaten mit unterschiedlich großen Polymersegmenten synthetisiert. Diese wurden anschließend im Hinblick auf ihre Strukturbildungseigenschaften in organischen Lösungsmitteln untersucht. Durch mikroskopische Verfahren (AFM, TEM), konnte für alle Konjugate, die Bildung faserartiger Aggregate mit Dimensionen im Nano- bis Mikrometerbereich beobachtet werden. Genauere Untersuchungen zeigten, dass die Peptidsegmente in diesen Faserstrukturen ein β-Faltblatt ausbilden. Dies ist ein deutlicher Hinweis darauf, dass die Strukturbildung der Konjugate tatsächlich durch den Peptidblock gesteuert und kontrolliert wurde. / The aim of this work was to combine the particular structuring properties of sequence-defined peptides with the versatile material properties of synthetic block-copolymers. Therefor, synthetic polymers were linked covalently to a defined oligopeptide-sequence using varying synthetic approaches. The oligopeptide was designed to guide and control the microstructure formation of the peptide-polymer conjugate. For this reason a peptide sequence with a high propensity to adopt the β-sheet motif was chosen. Thus, highly attractive, anisometric tape, fibrillar or fibre-like nanostructures can be accessed. However, such peptide-sequences are very difficult to synthesize and handle, as a result of their strong aggregation tendency. Therefore, temporary structure breaking units, so called switch-segments, were integrated into the peptide sequence, disturbing the peptide backbone and thus, temporarily suppressing the peptide properties. The controlled rearrangement of these defects reestablishes the native peptide backbone, switching the aggregation tendency of the peptide segment on, and triggers the assembly process. A set of defined peptide-polymer conjugates with different polymer block-lengths was synthesized either by an coupling approach or by RAFT polymerization using a switch-peptide macro chain transfer agent. Afterwards, the structure formation properties of these conjugates were investigated. By the use of microscopic techniques (AFM, TEM), the formation of densely twisted tape-like microstructures was observed for all conjugates. The formation of extended β-sheets was confirmed by different techniques (FT-IR, TEM-SAED), indicating a peptide guided microstructure formation process. Thus, it could be demonstrated that the peptide guided organization of synthetic polymers can be successfully transferred into organic solvents.

Nanostructured carbohydrate-derived carbonaceous materials

Kubo, Shiori January 2011 (has links)
Nanoporous carbon materials are widely used in industry as adsorbents or catalyst supports, whilst becoming increasingly critical to the developing fields of energy storage / generation or separation technologies. In this thesis, the combined use of carbohydrate hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) and templating strategies is demonstrated as an efficient route to nanostructured carbonaceous materials. HTC is an aqueous-phase, low-temperature (e.g. 130 – 200 °C) carbonisation, which proceeds via dehydration / poly-condensation of carbon precursors (e.g. carbohydrates and their derivatives), allowing facile access to highly functional carbonaceous materials. Whilst possessing utile, modifiable surface functional groups (e.g. -OH and -C=O-containing moieties), materials synthesised via HTC typically present limited accessible surface area or pore volume. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the development of fabrication routes to HTC materials which present enhanced textural properties and well-defined porosity. In the first discussed synthesis, a combined hard templating / HTC route was investigated using a range of sacrificial inorganic templates (e.g. mesoporous silica beads and macroporous alumina membranes (AAO)). Via pore impregnation of mesoporous silica beads with a biomass-derived carbon source (e.g. 2-furaldehyde) and subsequent HTC at 180 oC, an inorganic / carbonaceous hybrid material was produced. Removal of the template component by acid etching revealed the replication of the silica into mesoporous carbonaceous spheres (particle size ~ 5 μm), representing the inverse morphological structure of the original inorganic body. Surface analysis (e.g. FTIR) indicated a material decorated with hydrophilic (oxygenated) functional groups. Further thermal treatment at increasingly elevated temperatures (e.g. at 350, 550, 750 oC) under inert atmosphere allowed manipulation of functionalities from polar hydrophilic to increasingly non-polar / hydrophobic structural motifs (e.g. extension of the aromatic / pseudo-graphitic nature), thus demonstrating a process capable of simultaneous control of nanostructure and surface / bulk chemistry. As an extension of this approach, carbonaceous tubular nanostructures with controlled surface functionality were synthesised by the nanocasting of uniform, linear macropores of an AAO template (~ 200 nm). In this example, material porosity could be controlled, showing increasingly microporous tube wall features as post carbonisation temperature increased. Additionally, by taking advantage of modifiable surface groups, the introduction of useful polymeric moieties (i.e. grafting of thermoresponsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)) was also demonstrated, potentially enabling application of these interesting tubular structures in the fields of biotechnology (e.g. enzyme immobilization) and medicine (e.g. as drug micro-containers). Complimentary to these hard templating routes, a combined HTC / soft templating route for the direct synthesis of ordered porous carbonaceous materials was also developed. After selection of structural directing agents and optimisation of synthesis composition, the F127 triblock copolymer (i.e. ethylene oxide (EO)106 propylene oxide (PO)70 ethylene oxide (EO)106) / D-Fructose system was extensively studied. D-Fructose was found to be a useful carbon precursor as the HTC process could be performed at 130 oC, thus allowing access to stable micellular phase. Thermolytic template removal from the synthesised ordered copolymer / carbon composite yielded functional cuboctahedron single crystalline-like particles (~ 5 μm) with well ordered pore structure of a near perfect cubic Im3m symmetry. N2 sorption analysis revealed a predominantly microporous carbonaceous material (i.e. Type I isotherm, SBET = 257 m2g-1, 79 % microporosity) possessing a pore size of ca. 0.9 nm. The addition of a simple pore swelling additive (e.g. trimethylbenzene (TMB)) to this system was found to direct pore size into the mesopore size domain (i.e. Type IV isotherm, SBET = 116 m2g-1, 60 % mesoporosity) generating pore size of ca. 4 nm. It is proposed that in both cases as HTC proceeds to generate a polyfuran-like network, the organised block copolymer micellular phase is essentially “templated”, either via hydrogen bonding between hydrophilic poly(EO) moiety and the carbohydrate or via hydrophobic interaction between hydrophobic poly(PO) moiety and forming polyfuran-like network, whilst the additive TMB presumably interact with poly(PO) moieties, thus swelling the hydrophobic region expanding the micelle template size further into the mesopore range. / Nanoporöse kohlenstoffbasierte Materialien sind in der Industrie als Adsorbentien und Katalysatorträger weit verbreitet und gewinnen im aufstrebenden Bereich der Energiespeicherung/erzeugung und für Trennverfahren an wachsender Bedeutung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die Kombination aus hydrothermaler Karbonisierung von Zuckern (HTC) mit Templatierungsstrategien einen effizienten Weg zu nanostrukturierten kohlenstoffbasierten Materialien darstellt. HTC ist ein in Wasser und bei niedrigen Temperaturen (130 - 200 °C) durchgeführter Karbonisierungsprozess, bei dem Zucker und deren Derivate einen einfachen Zugang zu hochfunktionalisierten Materialien erlauben. Obwohl diese sauerstoffhaltige Funktionalitäten auf der Oberfläche besitzen, an welche andere chemische Gruppen gebunden werden könnten, was die Verwendung für Trennverfahren und in der verzögerten Wirkstofffreisetzung ermöglichen sollte, ist die mittels HTC hergestellte Kohle für solche Anwendungen nicht porös genug. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es daher, Methoden zu entwickeln, um wohldefinierte Poren in solchen Materialien zu erzeugen. Hierbei führte unter anderem der Einsatz von anorganischen formgebenden mesoporösen Silikapartikeln und makroporösen Aluminiumoxid-Membranen zum Erfolg. Durch Zugabe einer Kohlenstoffquelle (z. B. 2-Furfural), HTC und anschließender Entfernung des Templats konnten poröse kohlenstoffbasierte Partikel und röhrenförmige Nanostrukturen hergestellt werden. Gleichzeitig konnte durch eine zusätzliche Nachbehandlung bei hoher Temperatur (350-750 °C) auch noch die Oberflächenfunktionalität hin zu aromatischen Systemen verschoben werden. Analog zur Formgebung durch anorganische Template konnte mit sog. Soft-Templaten, z. B. PEO-PPO-PEO Blockcopolymeren, eine funktionelle poröse Struktur induziert werden. Hierbei machte man sich die Ausbildung geordneter Mizellen mit der Kohlenstoffquelle D-Fructose zu Nutze. Das erhaltene Material wies hochgeordnete Mikroporen mit einem Durchmesser von ca. 0,9 nm auf. Dieser konnte desweiteren durch Zugabe von Quell-Additiven (z. B. Trimethylbenzol) auf 4 nm in den mesoporösen Bereich vergrößert werden. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass beide untersuchten Synthesewege nanostrukturierte kohlenstoffbasierte Materialien mit vielfältiger Oberflächenchemie liefern, und das mittels einer bei relativ niedriger Temperatur in Wasser ablaufenden Reaktion und einer billigen, nachhaltigen Kohlenstoffquelle. Die so hergestellten Produkte eröffnen vielseitige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, z. B. zur Molekültrennung in der Flüssigchromatographie, in der Energiespeicherung als Anodenmaterial in Li-Ionen Akkus oder Superkondensatoren, oder als Trägermaterial für die gezielte Pharmakotherapie.

Ortsaufgelöster Aufbau von DNA-Nanostrukturen auf Glasoberflächen / Assembly of DNA nanostructures on glass surfaces

Breitenstein, Michael January 2012 (has links)
Im Fokus dieser Arbeit stand der Aufbau einer auf DNA basierenden Nanostruktur. Der universelle Vier-Buchstaben-Code der DNA ermöglicht es, Bindungen auf molekularer Ebene zu adressieren. Die chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften der DNA prädestinieren dieses Makromolekül für den Einsatz und die Verwendung als Konstruktionselement zum Aufbau von Nanostrukturen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war das Aufspannen eines DNA-Stranges zwischen zwei Fixpunkten. Hierfür war es notwendig, eine Methode zu entwickeln, welche es ermöglicht, Funktionsmoleküle als Ankerelemente ortsaufgelöst auf eine Oberfläche zu deponieren. Das Deponieren dieser Moleküle sollte dabei im unteren Mikrometermaßstab erfolgen, um den Abmaßen der DNA und der angestrebten Nanostruktur gerecht zu werden. Das eigens für diese Aufgabe entwickelte Verfahren zum ortsaufgelösten Deponieren von Funktionsmolekülen nutzt das Bindungspaar Biotin-Neutravidin. Mit Hilfe eines Rasterkraftmikroskops (AFM) wurde eine zu einem „Stift“ umfunktionierte Rasterkraftmikroskopspitze so mit der zu deponierenden „Tinte“ beladen, dass das Absetzen von Neutravidin im unteren Mikrometermaßstab möglich war. Dieses Neutravidinmolekül übernahm die Funktion als Bindeglied zwischen der biotinylierten Glasoberfläche und dem eigentlichen Adressmolekül. Das somit generierte Neutravidin-Feld konnte dann mit einem biotinylierten Adressmolekül durch Inkubation funktionalisiert werden. Namensgebend für dieses Verfahren war die Möglichkeit, Neutravidin mehrmals zu deponieren und zu adressieren. Somit ließ sich sequenziell ein Mehrkomponenten-Feld aufbauen. Die Einschränkung, mit einem AFM nur eine Substanz deponieren zu können, wurde so umgangen. Ferner mußten Ankerelemente geschaffen werden, um die DNA an definierten Punkten immobilisieren zu können. Die Bearbeitung der DNA erfolgte mit molekularbiologischen Methoden und zielte darauf ab, einen DNA-Strang zu generieren, welcher an seinen beiden Enden komplementäre Adressequenzen enthält, um gezielt mit den oberflächenständigen Ankerelementen binden zu können. Entsprechend der Geometrie der mit dem AFM erzeugten Fixpunkte und den oligonukleotidvermittelten Adressen kommt es zur Ausbildung einer definierten DNA-Struktur. Mit Hilfe von fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Methoden wurde die aufgebaute DNA-Nanostruktur nachgewiesen. Der Nachweis der nanoskaligen Interaktion von DNA-bindenden Molekülen mit der generierten DNA-Struktur wurde durch die Bindung von PNA (peptide nucleic acid) an den DNA-Doppelstrang erbracht. Diese PNA-Bindung stellt ihrerseits ein funktionales Strukturelement im Nanometermaßstab dar und wird als Nanostrukturbaustein verstanden. / The main aim of this work was the development of a DNA-based nanostructure. The universal four-letter code of DNA allows addressing bonds at the molecular level. The chemical and physical property of DNA makes this macromolecule an ideal candidate as a construction element for nanostructures. The aim of this work was to span a DNA strand between two fixed points. For this purpose it was necessary to develop a method which makes it possible to deposit functional molecules as anchoring elements with highly spatial resolution on a surface. These molecules should be immobilized on the lower micrometer scale to meet the requirements of the desired nanostructure. The method that has been developed for this task, which enables to deposit functional molecules, uses the binding pair biotin-neutravidin. Using the tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM), which can be uses like a pen, it was possible to deposit neutravidin on the lower micrometer scale. This neutravidin molecule is the linking element between the biotinylated glass surface and the actual address molecule. The thus generated neutravidin field could then be functionalized with a biotinylated molecule by incubation. The method has been published as sequential spotting method because it enables a sequential functionalization of neutravidin after it has been deposited. It was so possible to build up a multi-component array. The limitation of being able to deposit only one single substance with an AFM has been circumvented. It also was necessary to create anchor elements in order to immobilize the DNA at defined positions. The processing of the DNA was carried out using molecular biological methods and aimed at generating a DNA strand, which at both ends has a complementary sequence for binding to the surface bound anchor elements. The defined structure is a result of the geometry of the fixed points, generated by the AFM. Using fluorescence microscopy, the constructed DNA nanostructure was detected. The proof of the interaction of DNA-binding molecules with the DNA structure was carried out by the binding of PNA (peptide nucleic acid), which is capable of binding to double stranded DNA. The PNA and its DNA-interaction is a functional building block in the nanometer scale and can be regarded as a promising nanostructure.

Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured, mixed-valent compounds for electrochemical energy storage devices

Song, Min Kyu 10 November 2011 (has links)
The performances of current electrical energy storage systems (both batteries and electrochemical capacitors) are not capable of meeting the ever-increasing demands of emerging technologies. This is because batteries often suffer from slow power delivery, limited life-time, and long charging time whereas electrochemical capacitors suffer from low energy density. While extensive efforts have been made to the development of novel electrode materials, progress has been hindered by the lack of a profound understanding on the complex charge storage mechanism. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to develop novel electrode materials which can exhibit both high energy and power density with prolonged life-time and to gain a fundamental understanding of their charge storage mechanism. First, nanostructured, thin, and conformal coatings of transition metal oxides have been deposited onto three-dimensional porous substrates of current collectors to form composite electrodes. The structures and compositions of the oxide coatings are further altered by a controlled annealing process and characterized by electron microscopy and spectroscopy, laboratory X-ray diffraction, gas adsorption analysis, and in-situ and ex-situ synchrotron-enabled X-ray diffraction and absorption spectroscopy. The structural features have also been correlated with the electrochemical behavior of the transition metal oxides as an electrode in an electrochemical capacitor. It is found that the electrochemical performance of the composite electrodes depends sensitively on the composition, nanostructure, and morphology of the oxide coatings. When optimized, the electrodes displayed the highest energy and power density with excellent cycling life among all materials reported for electrochemical capacitors. Finally, new charge storage mechanisms have also been proposed for the novel electrode materials based on insights gained from in-situ synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy.

Nanostructure et propriétés électroniques locales des couches passives sur nickel et acier inoxydable

Massoud, Toni 10 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
La nanostructure et les propriétés électroniques locales de films passifs formés sur Ni(111) et Fe-18Cr-13Ni(100) ont été étudiées par microscopie à effet tunnel sous potentiel électrochimique (EC-STM) et par spectroscopie à effet tunnel combinée à l'imagerie (STM/STS). Les propriétés électroniques des sites granulaires et inter-granulaires de films passifs ultraminces formés sur le nickel dans différentes conditions de pH et potentiel ont été différenciées par STM/STS pour la première fois. Elles montrent les variations locales en lacunes anioniques ou en lacunes cationiques aux joints de grains des différentes couches passives formées. Les mesures sur l'acier inoxydable mettent en évidence l'hétérogénéité locale en épaisseur de la couche superficielle ultramince d'oxyde natif. La croissance des grains d'oxyde/hydroxyde est générée par la passivation de la surface et localisée préférentiellement sur les bords de marches du substrat. L'étude à haute résolution in situ montre la formation de zones cristallisées après 2-3 heures de passivation. L'étude par STM/STS du film natif et de films passifs formés à des temps de polarisation croissants montre la présence de deux types de sites ayant des propriétés électroniques différentes attribuées à la variation de la composition locale. Après passivation la largeur du gap augmente considérablement sur les deux types de sites du fait de l'enrichissement en Cr3+ du film passif mais l'hétérogénéité locale attribuée à la concentration en Fe2+ subsiste. Le vieillissement provoque des variations similaires mais atténuées

Elaboration et caractérisation de nanostructures Cu-Co : corrélation avec les propriétés magnétorésistives

Bran, Julien 11 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse concerne l'étude de l'influence de la nanostructuration du système Cu-Co sur ses propriétés magnétiques et magnétorésistives. Dans un premier temps, l'alliage granulaire Cu 80 Co 20 a été synthétisé sous différentes formes : poudres, couches minces et nanofils. Les poudres d'alliage ont été obtenues par broyage mécanique et les couches minces et nanofils par électrodépôt. Cela a permis d'étudier, d'une part, l'influence de la forme de l'échantillon et, d'autre part, l'influence de la technique d'élaboration sur la nanostructure et les propriétés magnétiques et magnétorésistives des échantillons. Dans un second temps, des nanofils multicouches Cu/Co ont été réalisés par électrodépôt. Des protocoles expérimentaux pour l'analyse à l'échelle nanométrique par microscopie électronique à transmission et par sonde atomique tomographique ont été mis en place. De telles analyses se sont avérées indispensables à la compréhension et à la corrélation complète des propriétés magnétiques et magnétorésistives. Contrairement aux nombreuses études publiées, qui ont souvent conclu à l'obtention de solutions solides sur la base de caractérisations microstructurales, les analyses à l'échelle nanométrique par sonde atomique tomographique et par microscopie électronique à transmission de nos alliages granulaires ont montré qu'aucune solution solide Cu-Co n'a pu être obtenue. De plus, un effet positif de magnétorésistance sous faible champ magnétique appliqué a été observé, et corrélé à la présence d'oxydes.

Europium and samarium doped fluorochlorozirconate (FCZ) glasses for optoelectronics applications: thermal and optical properties

Panigrahi, Sujata 23 August 2011
<p>Fluorochlorozirconate (FCZ) glasses are a member of heavy metal fluoride glasses, and are derived from a well known ZBLAN glass. In this work, halogen salts of europium (Eu<sup>2+</sup>) and samarium (Sm<sup>3+</sup>) are used as dopants in FCZ glasses. FCZ glasses doped with Eu<sup>2+</sup> and Sm<sup>3+</sup> can be used in high resolution x-ray imaging for tissue scanning, and have been shown to behave as storage phosphors and/or x-ray scintillators.</p> <p>Glass transition (T<sub>g</sub>), heat capacity (C<sub>p</sub>) and glass crystallization (T<sub>c</sub>) properties of Eu<sup>2+</sup> and Sm<sup>3+</sup> doped and undoped FCZ glasses with different amounts of relative Cl concentration, that is, with respect to the total Cl and F concentration have been investigated by conventional differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) techniques. MDSC experiments were performed at different heating rates to analyze the complex transitions and to get a better resolution of any overlapping transitions. The crystallization kinetics have also been studied by applying the Kissinger technique to multiple DSC scans in order to determine the thermal stability of FCZ glass samples used in this work. The apparent activation energy for the crystallization process was obtained by the crystallization peak temperature shift method in the conventional DSC mode. The specific heat capacity (C<sub>p</sub>) has been measured as a function of composition, and the glass transition temperature (T<sub>g</sub>) is evaluated from the smooth change in the heat capacity curve during the glass transformation. The observation of two possible glass transitions points to the presence of two phases in these FCZ glasses with higher relative Cl content.</p> <p>Optical transmission spectra of both doped and undoped FCZ glass samples have been measured by infrared spectroscopy and optical band gaps corresponding to an absorption coefficient of 10<sup>3</sup> cm<sup>-1</sup> have been determined. A good correlation between X-ray luminescence and the glass structure is observed. While the integrated photoluminescence intensity increases linearly with the Sm<sup>3+</sup> concentration, the integrated X-ray luminescence increases sublinearly. The importance of appropriate annealing conditions, such as temperature, time and ambient atmosphere, and their effect on the X-ray luminescence of rare earth (RE) doped FCZ glass samples have been investigated. Annealing conditions influence the formation of BaCl<sub>2</sub> nanocrystals in the glass and the properties of the resulting FCZ glass ceramics.</p>

Nanostructured Light Metal Hydrides Based on Li, Al, Na, B and N for Solid State Hydrogen Storage

Parviz, Roozbeh 12 July 2013 (has links)
The present work reports a study of the effects of the compositions, and various catalytic additives and nanostructuring by high-energy ball milling, on the hydrogen storage properties of LiBH4, NaBH4, LiNH2 and LiAlH4 complex hydrides and their composites. The composites of (NaBH4+2Mg(OH)2) and (LiBH4+2Mg(OH)2) without and with nanometric nickel (n-Ni) added as a potential catalyst were synthesized by ball milling. The effect of the addition of 5 wt.% nanometric Ni on the dehydrogenation behavior of both the NaBH4-and LiBH4-based composites is rather negligible. In the (LiNH2+nMgH2) system, the phase transformations occurring as a function of the ball milling energy injected into the hydride system (LiNH2+nMgH2), having molar ratios n=0.5 to 2.0, have been thoroughly studied. The milling energy is estimated by a semi-empirical method. The results show that for the molar ratios n<1.0 three new phases such as LiH, amorphous Mg(NH2)2 (a-Mg(NH2)2) and Li2Mg(NH)2 are formed during ball milling depending on the injected energy. For the molar ratios n≥1.0 the new phase of MgNH forms whose formation is accompanied by a profound release of hydrogen. Addition of 5 %wt. KH can improve desorption rate of the LiNH2+0.5 MgH2 system. Furthermore this hydride system can be nearly fully rehydrogenated at 200°C and 50 bar H2 pressure. LiAlH4 containing 5 wt.% of nanometric Fe and Ni shows a profound mechanical dehydrogenation by continuously desorbing hydrogen (H2) during ball milling. X-ray diffraction studies show that Fe and Ni ions dissolve in the lattice, replacing the Al ions and forming a substitutional solid solution. Both Fe and Ni decrease the activation energies of stage I and II , but stage I is more sensitive to the particle size . The addition of 5 wt.% nano-size “interstitial compound” (n-TiC, n-TiN and n-ZrC) shows a continuous desorption of H2 is observed during high energy milling. Mechanical dehydrogenation rate of the doped samples increases noticeably during high-energy ball milling in the order of TiN > TiC > ZrC. The interstitial compound additives are able to strongly reduce the activation energy of Stage II dehydrogenation but do not substantially affect the apparent activation energy of Stage I .

Europium and samarium doped fluorochlorozirconate (FCZ) glasses for optoelectronics applications: thermal and optical properties

Panigrahi, Sujata 23 August 2011 (has links)
<p>Fluorochlorozirconate (FCZ) glasses are a member of heavy metal fluoride glasses, and are derived from a well known ZBLAN glass. In this work, halogen salts of europium (Eu<sup>2+</sup>) and samarium (Sm<sup>3+</sup>) are used as dopants in FCZ glasses. FCZ glasses doped with Eu<sup>2+</sup> and Sm<sup>3+</sup> can be used in high resolution x-ray imaging for tissue scanning, and have been shown to behave as storage phosphors and/or x-ray scintillators.</p> <p>Glass transition (T<sub>g</sub>), heat capacity (C<sub>p</sub>) and glass crystallization (T<sub>c</sub>) properties of Eu<sup>2+</sup> and Sm<sup>3+</sup> doped and undoped FCZ glasses with different amounts of relative Cl concentration, that is, with respect to the total Cl and F concentration have been investigated by conventional differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and modulated differential scanning calorimetry (MDSC) techniques. MDSC experiments were performed at different heating rates to analyze the complex transitions and to get a better resolution of any overlapping transitions. The crystallization kinetics have also been studied by applying the Kissinger technique to multiple DSC scans in order to determine the thermal stability of FCZ glass samples used in this work. The apparent activation energy for the crystallization process was obtained by the crystallization peak temperature shift method in the conventional DSC mode. The specific heat capacity (C<sub>p</sub>) has been measured as a function of composition, and the glass transition temperature (T<sub>g</sub>) is evaluated from the smooth change in the heat capacity curve during the glass transformation. The observation of two possible glass transitions points to the presence of two phases in these FCZ glasses with higher relative Cl content.</p> <p>Optical transmission spectra of both doped and undoped FCZ glass samples have been measured by infrared spectroscopy and optical band gaps corresponding to an absorption coefficient of 10<sup>3</sup> cm<sup>-1</sup> have been determined. A good correlation between X-ray luminescence and the glass structure is observed. While the integrated photoluminescence intensity increases linearly with the Sm<sup>3+</sup> concentration, the integrated X-ray luminescence increases sublinearly. The importance of appropriate annealing conditions, such as temperature, time and ambient atmosphere, and their effect on the X-ray luminescence of rare earth (RE) doped FCZ glass samples have been investigated. Annealing conditions influence the formation of BaCl<sub>2</sub> nanocrystals in the glass and the properties of the resulting FCZ glass ceramics.</p>

Water-based suspension of polymer nanoclay composite prepared via miniemulsion polymerization

Tong, Zhaohui 19 December 2007 (has links)
The polymer-clay nanocomposites, when applied as coating materials, are expected to improve the barrier properties without sacrificing mechanical and thermal properties, and thus solve one of the most challenging problems existing in current food and beverage packaging using paper barrier coating. Furthermore, a stable polymer composite suspension in an aqueous form has many other advantages such as better environmental concern, easier manipulation and better energy saving. However, the research in this area is quite limited in the literature. In this research, a stable water-based suspension of polymer-encapsulated nanoclay composite has been successfully synthesized. The polymer nanocomposites, which encapsulate the exfoliated and well-dispersed nanoclay inside the polymer matrix, can dramatically improve almost all the aspects of mechanical properties and thermal stability in comparison with that of pure polystyrene (PS) and polystyrene butyl acrylate (PSBA) films. The particle size of nanoclay and the surface modification method are two important factors for emulsion stability, the encapsulation and intercalation (or exfoliated) degree of nanoclay. Furthermore, the impact of nanoclay on miniemulsion kinetics has been extensively investigated and the results show the hindrance of nanoclay on styrene miniemulsion polymerization kinetics.

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