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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TAUTINIŲ MAŽUMŲ TEISIŲ UŽTIKRINIMAS LIETUVOJE: Klaipėdos rusų tautinės mažumos atvejis / Assurance the Rights of National Minorities in Lithuania: the Case of Klaipeda Russian Minority

Jocienė, Aistė 27 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti tautinių mažumų teisinę padėtį Lietuvos Respublikoje. Tautinės mažumos yra svarbi kiekvienos valstybės gyventojų dalis. Būdama kitoje kultūrinėje terpėje ir kitoje socialinėje erdvėje, mažuma stengiasi išsaugoti savo identitetą. Tautinių mažumų padėtis vienoje ar kitoje šalyje yra svarbus rodiklis, parodantis demokratijos, kultūros lygį. Tautinių mažumų teisių apsauga padeda palaikyti politinį stabilumą valstybėje, kurti pilietinę visuomenę, išvengti konfliktų, įtampos. Šiame magistro darbe aptariamos pagrindinės tautinių mažumų teisės, jas ginantys nacionaliniai bei tarptautiniai dokumentai, bei institucijos. Taip pat analizuojamos dažniausiai pasitaikančios nepakantumo formos tautinių mažumų atžvilgiu. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, jog dauguma Klaipėdos rusų yra susidūrę su teisių pažeidimais, išskiriamos dažniausiai pažeidžiamos teisės. Aprašomas rusų požiūris į Lietuvos institucijas ginančias šias teises, bei galimybės ginti savo teises. / The aim of master’s final paper is to analyze the legal situation of national minorities in the Republic of Lithuania. National minorities is an important part of the population in each state. Being in another culture and other social enviroment, the minority is trying to preserve it’s identity. The status of ethnic minority is an important indicator of democracy, the cultural level in the country. The protection of ethnic minority rights helps to maintain political stability in the country, create civil society, avoid conflicts and tension. This master’s final paper describes and analyzes the fundamental rights of national minorities, the national and international documents, the position of Lithuanian institutions. There are also analyzed the most common forms of intolerance. The results of research present the most common case of the violated rights of Klaipeda Russian minority, an approach to the Lithuanian authorities, the possibility to protect their rights.

Lietuvių ir tautinių mažumų gimnazijos Kaune 1918 - 1940 metais / Developmental changes of Lithuanian and national minority gymnasiums in 1918-1940

Levanavičiūtė, Elvyra 10 June 2005 (has links)
Historically the period of 1918-1940 is not long but very complicated and important period of education development in our country. The gymnasium system of those times was created in very complicated circumstances. The peculiarities of Lithuanian and national minority gymnasiums in the independent Lithuania are being analyzed in this work. Chronological limit is year 1918-1940. The purpose of this work is realized by the following tasks: • To reveal the developmental changes of Lithuanian and national minority gymnasiums in 1918-1940; • To analyze the results of education, pupils’ crop changes and the reasons for that; • To reveal the teaching programs in Lithuanian and national minority gymnasiums; • To analyze the gymnasium extracurricular activities, festivities celebrated in gymnasiums and commemorations; • To discuss the qualification of gymnasium teachers. After the First World War the revived Lithuania as a national state did not have a properly organized school system. That’s why school establishment was taken into consideration. The educated people of Lithuania were the first to start this work as they understood that establishing a national school is a very important condition for survival of a free state. Besides, the representatives of national minorities were also seeking to uphold their nationality and asked the Ministry of Education to allow them to establish their own gymnasiums. The local intellectuals, communities of educated people, public and catholic... [to full text]

The National Minority Movement : a study in the organisation of trade union militancy in the inter-war period

Martin, Roderick January 1965 (has links)
No description available.

Zavádění dvojjazyčných místních názvů jako veřejně politický proces (případová studie) / The introduction of bilingual local names as a public policy process (case study)

Mašková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the public political process for the implementation of local bilingual names while focusing on the enforcement of this law for citizens with Polish nationality in the Těšin Region. The main objective is to explain why this policy was or was not changed, what the reasons were for the non-conformity of the policy objectives with the results and to discover the actual failures in the implementation process, where as a consequence, in some villages the right of the minority to use local bilingual names was not fulfilled or was beset with problems in some villages. The subject of the investigation of both the legal and the institutional aspect of the problem focuses on the participating subjects, where one of the main roles of the committee for national minorities on the board of the municipal representatives was the requirement to implement local bilingual names. The guidelines for understanding the tools, procedures and relations used were the initial theoretical points related to the institutions and their changes, the implementation process (top-down and bottom-up approaches), initial theoretical points explaining the responsibilities of the participating subjects and not the intended consequences of their actions and those of others. The research design is a case study.

À la recherche d’une diversité dans l’unité : l e passé, le présent et l’avenir de la Chine multiethnique

He, An 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse, divisée en trois chapitres, traite de la question nationale en Chine. Le premier chapitre retrace l’évolution conceptuelle de la notion de nation, un concept importé en Chine de l’Occident en passant par le Japon, pour révéler comment la société chinoise s’adapte à cette nouvelle idée. Il établit surtout que le concept de minzu, à cause de son ambiguïté sémantique par une interprétation indécise ab initio, permet aux pouvoirs de le manipuler à des fins politiques et aux minorités ethnonationales de contester la légitimité du pouvoir. Sa nature indéterminée fait du concept de minzu une arme à double tranchant : d’une part, le gouvernement chinois s’attache à construire un État-nation ; d’autre part, il reconnaît et maintient un héritage multinational ancien. Le deuxième chapitre présente tout d’abord les politiques en vigueur relatives aux minorités ethniques en Chine par une approche descriptive et par une évaluation critique. Il démontre que le système d’autonomie régionale ethnique, basé sur une reconnaissance politique des minorités ethniques et aux caractéristiques antiséparatistes, paternalistes et développementalistes, va à l’encontre de ce que le Parti communiste chinois a voulu, à savoir une cohésion interethnique au sein de la nation chinoise. La deuxième section de ce chapitre examine le débat intellectuel contemporain sur la question nationale. En effet, plusieurs penseurs s’interrogent sur le pluralisme culturel qui renforcerait l’identité ethnique des minorités désireuses de se séparer si une citoyenneté commune ne s’impose pas. Le débat se déroule dans un environnement autoritaire. Il en résulte une opposition entre le sectarisme et l’étatisme. La dernière partie du chapitre est consacrée à un examen approfondi du confucianisme. Après avoir analysé le renouveau du confucianisme en tant que manifestation du nationalisme ethnique majoritaire, elle scrute les idées inhérentes à la philosophie chinoise pour révéler ses répercussions politiques et culturelles sur la politique identitaire d’aujourd’hui. Le troisième chapitre vise à explorer une solution pour la gestion de la diversité dans l’unité. Il commence par disséquer la stratégie nationaliste que l’État-parti promeut sous le couvert du patriotisme pour étayer sa légitimité. Face à un éloignement du nationalisme de la majorité, le nationalisme étatique ne peut pourtant que rouler sur la culture du groupe dominant pour représenter la sinité, laquelle est contestée à la fois par la majorité et à la fois par les minorités. Ensuite, nous examinons des expressions de la crise identitaire des Chinois contemporains et nous démontrons qu’une citoyenneté commune n’est pas capable d’unir les Chinois dans une Chine non démocratique. Nous nous interrogeons par la suite sur le rapport entre la démocratisation et la question nationale. Enfin, en rapprochant le patriotisme constitutionnel d’Habermas et le néotianxiaïsme, idée tirée des expériences locales, nous proposons que seule une identité chinoise bâtie sur une nouvelle civilisation qui elle-même prendra en compte toutes les civilisations et toutes les cultures présentes en Chine, sera partagée par l’ensemble des Chinois. Pour conclure, la Chine demeure un champ d’expérimentation pour tester l’idée d’État multinational et ses variantes. / This thesis divided into three chapters deals with the national question in China. The first chapter traces the conceptual evolution of the notion of nation, a concept imported into China from the West through Japan, to reveal how Chinese society adapts to this new idea. It demonstrates that the concept of minzu, because of its semantic ambiguity by an ab initio indecisive interpretation, allows political powers to manipulate it for political purposes and meanwhile, il enables ethnic minorities to challenge the legitimacy of power. The indeterminacy makes the concept of minzu a double-edged sword: on one hand the Chinese government is committed to building a nation-state and on the other hand it recognizes and maintains an ancient multinational legacy. The second chapter first presents the current policies on ethnic minorities in China through a descriptive approach and a critical evaluation. It demonstrates that the system of ethnic regional autonomy, based on political recognition of ethnic minorities characterized by antisecessionism, paternalism and developmentalism, runs counter to what the Chinese Communist Party wanted, namely inter-ethnic cohesion within the Chinese nation. The second section of this chapter examines the contemporary intellectual debate on the national question. Several thinkers wonder about cultural pluralism that would strengthen the ethnic identity of minorities who want to separate if common citizenship is not required. The debate takes place in an authoritarian environment, which leads eventually to an opposition between sectarianism and statism. The last part of the chapter is devoted to a thorough examination of Confucianism. After analyzing the revival of Confucianism as a manifestation of majority ethnic nationalism, it examines the ideas inherent in Chinese philosophy to reveal its political and cultural repercussions on today's identity politics. The third chapter seeks to explore a solution for managing diversity in the unity. It begins by dissecting the nationalist strategy that the party-state promotes under the guise of patriotism to underpin its legitimacy. The state nationalism, although distanced by majority nationalism, must rely on the dominant group’s culture to represent sinity, which is disputed by both the majority and minorities. Then we move to review different expressions of identity crisis of contemporary Chinese and we demonstrate that a common citizenship is not able to unite the Chinese in an undemocratic China. We then examine the relationship between democratization and the national question. By bringing Habermas’ constitutional patriotism and neo-tianxiaism, an idea drawn from local experiences, we propose in the end that only a Chinese identity built on a new civilization that shall take all the civilizations and cultures present in China into account, shall be shared by all Chinese. To conclude, China remains a test bed to test the idea of a multinational state and its variants.

Minäkin haluan oppia suomea! : Ruotsin peruskoulun suomen opetuksen kartoitus / I Want to Learn Finnish Too! : A Survey of Finnish Language Teachingin Swedish Primary Schools

Silfsten, Jemina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Suomen kieli on yksi Ruotsin vähemmistökielistä. Lain mukaan kaikki lapset, joilla on suomenkielinen tausta ja perustavat taidot suomen kielessä, ovat oikeutettuja suomenkielen opetukseen.</p><p>Tämä opinnäytetyö on pieni muotoinen kvalitatiivinen kartoitus Ruotsin peruskoulun suomen kielen opetuksesta. Teoria perustuu Ruotsin lakiin ja Ruotsin suomen kielen opetushistoriaan. Empiirinen osuus koostuu suomen kielen opettajien ja suomea opiskelevien oppilaiden haastatteluista sekä ruotsinsuomalaisen vapaakoulun rehtorin ja suomalaistaustaisen vanhemman kanssa käymistäni keskusteluista. Olen myös kysynyt usealta kunnalta suomen kielen opetuksen järjestelyistä ja sen toteuttamisesta.</p><p>Työn tavoitteena on kartoittaa suomen kielen opetuksen tämänhetkinen tilanne Ruotsin peruskoulussa. Eräs tutkimustulokseni osoittaa, että kunta ei tiedota tarpeeksi suomen kielen opetuksesta. Olen saanut myös selville, että pätevistä suomen kielenopettajista on pulaa Ruotsissa. Lisäksi olen todennut, että suomen kielen oppituntien pituus ei joissakin kunnissa yllä edes yhteen tuntiin. Kiertävien suomen opettajien työolot ovat stressaavia ja työpäivät koostuvat lähes pelkästään opetustunneista.</p><p>Kaikesta tästä olen tehnyt johtopäätöksen: suomen kielen opetuksen tilaa on parannettava laadukkailla opetustunneilla ja pätevillä opettajilla, joilla on hyväksyttävät työolot. Lisäksi opetuksen määrää täytyisi lisätä.</p> / <p>Finska är ett av Sveriges nationella minoritetsspråk. Enligt svensk lag har barn som har finsk bakgrund och grundläggande kunskaper i finska språket rätt till att få undervisning i finska.</p><p>I detta examensarbete presenterar jag en kort kvalitativ kartläggning av undervisningen i finska i den svenska grundskolan. Teoridelen bygger på förordningstexter och andra styrdokument samt litteratur om den historiska bakgrunden till dagens finskundervising i Sverige. Den empiriska informationen består av intervjuer av finska lärare och elever som läser finska samt diskussioner med en rektor i en sverigefinsk friskola och en förälder till ett barn som har ansökt om finskundervisning. Jag har även frågat flera kommuner om deras sätt att organisera och genomföra finskundervisning.</p><p>Syftet med detta examensarbete är att kartlägga finska språkets situation i dagens svenska grundskola. Ett av mina resultat är att kommunen inte informerar tillräckligt om finskundervisningen. Jag har också fått reda på att det råder brist på behöriga finska lärare i Sverige. Jag har även kommit fram till att finska lektioner i vissa kommuner är kortare än en timma. Ambulerande lärarna har stressiga arbetsförhållanden och arbetsdagarna består nästan endast av undervisningstillfällen.</p><p>Med hjälp av allt detta har jag kommit fram till följande slutsats: man måste förbättra villkoren för finskundervisningen med hjälp av högkvalitativ undervisning och behöriga lärare, som arbetar under acceptabla arbetsförhållanden. Dessutom bör undervisningstiden utökas.</p> / <p>Finnish is one of the Swedish minority languages. According to Swedish law children who have a Finnish background and basic knowledge of the Finnish language have a right to Finnish education.</p><p>In this Degree Project I present a short qualitative survey of the field of teaching of Finnish in Swedish primary schools. The theoretical frame work is based on Swedish law and the literature on the history of Finnish teaching in Sweden. The empirical data consist of interviews with Finnish teachers and their pupils and some discussions with a principal of the Sweden Finnish independent school and a parent for a child who had applied for Finnish education. In addition, several municipalities were surveyed about their plans forteaching Finnish.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to document the situation of the Finnish language in Swedish primary schools today. One of my findings is that municipalities do not provide adequate information about teaching in Finnish. A further finding is that there is a shortage of competent Finnish teachers in Sweden. I have also established that in some Swedish states schools the Finnish lessons are not even an hour long. The travelling teachers have stressful circumstances at work and workdays consist almost only of lessons.</p><p>From this my conclusion is that we have to improve conditions for Finnish language teaching with high qualitative teaching and with competent teachers who have acceptable working conditions. Furthermore teaching time should be increased.</p>

Percepce Záolší očima polských menšinových médií. Analýza vybraných historických a společenských otázek Těšínského Slezska na základě textů Głosu Ludu a Zwrotu / Teschen Silesia through the Minority Media. Analysis of Selected Historical and Social Issues on the Regional Territory Based on Articles of Głos Ludu and Zwrot

Matelová, Táňa January 2018 (has links)
(in English): The diploma thesis analyzes special historical and social themes, which have been published in two most significant newspapers of Polish minority from Teschen Silesia - Głos Ludu and Zwrot. The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on problematics of Polish press in Teschen Silesia since 1848, especially on a history, contens and editors of first Polish- language newspapers. This part is also dedicated to the development of Polish press in Teschen Silesia in the 20th century, primarily to advancement of Polish press in the first half of the century, but also to the reaction to partition of Teschen Silesia after the First World War. This part put emphazis on Czech-Polish relations. The diploma thesis is also focused on the historical development and content of Głos Ludu and Zwrot (in the period of communism). Except for content analysis the thesis is dedicated to newspeak. The main purpose of the practical part of the thesis is to introduce a Polish perception of themself and perception of Czech majority through the minority press in the first six years after the fall of the communist regime (1990-1995). Using the Critical discourse analysis (CDA), the thesis examine a snippets of articles, which are divided into the following socio-historical thematic units: position of Polish...

Politicko-kulturní rámec slovenské národnostní menšiny v rámci sociální integrace na území České republiky / Politico-cultural framework of the Slovak national minority in the context of social integration in the Czech Republic

Rulcová, Simona January 2017 (has links)
Slovak national minority are among the largest minority in the Czech Republic. The work offers an analysis of the political and cultural framework aimed at Slovak minority in our country. Slovak question is presented on the basis of minority rights in a historical perspective, but the emphasis is on analysis of the current situation. The work is complemented by field research that maps the real situation of implementation of minority rights, cultural and political rights in the Czech Republic in relation to international and national standards.

Jazykové biografie a sociální sítě příslušníků české národnostní menšiny (na příkladu česko-chorvatského a chorvatsko-českého bilingvismu Čechů v Chorvatsku / Language biographies and social networks of Czech minority members (on example of Czech-Croatian and Croatian-Czech bilingualism Czechs in Criation

Stranjik, Helena January 2017 (has links)
The goal of the thesis Language biographies and social networks of the Czech minority members (on example of Czech-Croatian and Croatian-Czech bilingualism of Czechs in Croatia) is to contribute to the knowledge of language behavior of the Czech minority members from Czech or mixed Czech-Croatian families living in Croatia. Language is one of the basic identity attributes of both individual and group of individuals. Being a social phenomenon, language has got two basic functions: the communicative function (as a communication device) and the identifying function (an individual identifies themselves with a group through the use of a certain language). The author of the thesis strives to describe the language processes that are going on in compatriot families, and the factors which affect maintaining the language within the national minorities, on the example of the Czech minority in Croatia. The first part of the thesis introduces the Czech minority in Croatia since the times of the Czech's moving into Croatia, their organizing within the minority or founding of Czech associations and schools, up to the present form of existence, minority organization and Czech minority status in the laws and statutes of the Republic of Croatia. The author also describes the Czech minority language and summarizes...

Spolková činnost ukrajinské menšiny v Praze v letech 2001-2013 / Activities of the Ukrainian civic associations in Prague from 2001 to 2013

Vágnerová, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Ukrainian minority associations in Prague from 2001 to 2013. The Ukrainian minority in our country has a long tradition, although the nature of its activity is influenced by different waves of migration and socio-political changes since the early 20th century to the present. After a long period of repression, national minorities activity was restored in 1990, when official registration of minority civic associations was granted. The first of these were established by the Ukrainians from the earlier migration waves or by their descendants, while the new associations registered after 2001 were usually created in connection with the significant increase of Ukrainian migrants, coming to the Czech Republic since the 90s, and caused by the diversification of the Ukrainian minority. The thesis therefore presents a report on the Ukrainian organizations in Prague in the period from 2001 until 2013, reflecting their development, differences, and introducing the specific activities as a means to achieving the goals of associations and needs of their members. At the same time, this work highlights several elements that associate the social activity of the Ukrainian minority. At the same time, the purpose of the introduction of the Ukrainian diaspora in Prague is to offer a better...

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