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Caracterização e diferenciação neural in vitro de células-tronco de polpa de dente decíduo humano / Characterization and in vitro neural differentiation of human dental pulp stem cellsKarla de Oliveira Pelegrino 03 August 2009 (has links)
A polpa do dente contém uma população de células-tronco multipotentes, que possuem a capacidade de se diferenciar em várias linhagens celulares distintas, in vitro e in vivo. Estas células possuem origem mesenquimal e, acredita-se que sejam derivadas da crista neural. Elas podem ser induzidas a se diferenciar em células de osso, cartilagem, músculo liso e esquelético. Há trabalhos também que descrevem a diferenciação neural destas células, com base principalmente em caracterizações morfológica e protéica. Contudo, um número crescente de dados sugere que a diferenciação neural de células de origem mesenquimal, pode, na verdade, ser um artefato de cultura. Neste contexto, se torna de grande importância introduzir nos estudos medidas de eletrofisiologia que possam confirmar a identidade neural destas células. Nosso objetivo foi isolar e caracterizar células-tronco de polpa de dente decíduo humano (IDPSC), verificando se as mesmas poderiam configurar um bom modelo para estudo da diferenciação neural in vitro. No presente trabalho, nós descrevemos uma população de IDPSCs indiferenciadas capazes de se diferenciar em adipócitos e osteócitos in vitro. Quando tratadas com ácido retinóico as IDPSC exibiram morfologia semelhante à de células neurais, além de apresentar expressão de proteínas neurais e disparar potencial de ação. Porém, curiosamente, as células sem tratamento também expressam esses marcadores e apresentam resposta eletrofisiológica, limitando a interpretação acerca do valor que o tratamento teria na promoção da diferenciação neural e, conseqüentemente, restringindo a utilização das mesmas como modelo de estudo da diferenciação neural in vitro. Apesar de a questão acerca da capacidade das IDPSCs em se diferenciar para neurônios permanecer não respondida, as IDPSCs foram capazes de direcionar a diferenciação neural de células-tronco embrionárias em ensaios de co-cultura. Estes resultados reforçam trabalhos prévios que mostram que as células-tronco de polpa de dente podem ser boas candidatas para terapia celular. / Post-natal stem cells have been isolated from a multiple source of tissues, as bone marrow, brain, skin, hair follicle and muscle. Many works have shown that these cells exhibit plasticity higher than the first believed and are able to transdifferentiate into cells from other germ layer origin. From dental pulp tissue is possible to isolate a population of multipotent stem cell which have mesenchymal origin and are supposed to be derived from neural crest. They can be induced to differentiate into mesodermal cell types, like chondrocyte, osteocyte and adipocyte. It has been also reported that they are able to transdifferentiate into neural cells. However, increasing data suggests that neural transdifferentiation of cells from mesenchymal origin, actually, may be an artifact of culture, due to cellular stress, for example. In front of this, it becomes of great importance to show that the expected differentiated cells exhibit functional responses, by the investigation of electrophysiological properties. Here we describe a population of undifferentiated human dental pulp stem cell that can be induced to differentiate into adipocytes and osteocytes in vitro. When treated with retinoic acid they showed neural cell like morphology, expressed neural markers and were able to fire action potentials. However, curiously, undifferentiated cells also exhibited the same responses, limiting the interpretation of neural treatment effect and, therefore, restricting the use of IDPSCs as a model for neural differentiation in vitro. Although the question of whether or not DPSC are able to become a neuron remains unsolved, these cells were able to direct neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells in co-culture assays. These findings in conjunction with previous works which shows DPSCs can exercise neuroprotective and neurotrophic effects indicate they may be a feasible candidate for cellular therapy.
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Role mTOR dráhy v neurální diferenciaci kmenových buněk / The role of mTOR signalling pathway in neural differentiation of stem cellsŠintáková, Kristýna January 2021 (has links)
Spinal cord injury is a very serious, complex, and life changing injury for which today's medicine still does not have an efficient treatment. It is only possible to mitigate the consequences of this injury and the pathological processes associated with it. Neural stem cell transplantation has immunosuppressive effects in the pathology of spinal cord injury and promotes regeneration. mTOR kinase is a member of the crucial intracellular PI3K/Akt/mTOR signalling pathway, making it a suitable target for therapeutic intervention and immunosuppressants such as rapamycin. mTOR signalling is important for neural stem cells and in the pathology of spinal cord injury. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of the mTOR pathway in differentiation of stem cells into neuronal phenotype. Rapamycin was applied to in vitro culture of neural progenitors. Immunocytochemistry and immunoblotting techniques were used to study the effect of this inhibition on the cell phenotype and on the activity of the mTOR pathway. Using the rat model of spinal cord injury in vivo, immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting techniques were used to evaluate the impact of rapamycin inhibition on the mTOR pathway, autophagy, and cytokine production by cells in the damaged tissue. The results show that the mTOR pathway plays role...
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Micro-engineering of embryonic stem cells niche to regulate neural cell differentiationJoshi, Ramila, Joshi January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Combining induced pluripotent stem cells and fibrin matrices for spinal cord injury repairMontgomery, Amy 23 April 2014 (has links)
Spinal cord injuries result in permanent loss of motor function, leaving those affected with long term physical and financial burdens. Strategies for spinal cord injury repair must overcome unique challenges due to scar tissue that seals off the injury site, preventing regeneration. Tissue engineering can address these challenges with scaffolds that serve as cell- and drug-delivery tools, replacing damaged tissue while simultaneously addressing the inhibitory environment on a biochemical level. To advance this approach, the choice of cells, biomaterial matrix, and drug delivery system must be investigated and evaluated. This research seeks to evaluate (1) the behaviour of murine induced pluripotent stem cells in previously characterized 3D fibrin matrices; (2) the 3D fibrin matrix as a platform to support the differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells; and (3) the ability of an affinity-based drug delivery system to control the release of emerging spinal cord injury therapeutic, heat shock protein 70 from fibrin scaffolds. / Graduate / 0541 / amy.lynn.montgomery@gmail.com
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Collagène auto-assemblé en support 3D biomimétique fonctionnalisé pour la différenciation de cellules nerveuses / Neural cell differentiation on a functionnalized collagen 3D biomimetic matrixLabour, Marie-Noëlle 18 September 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail était de mettre au point un système de culture tridimensionnel compartimenté pour la différentiation de cellules neurales et la croissance des neurites en 3D. Les matériaux biomimétiques permettent l'élaboration de microenvironnements contrôlés qui peuvent orienter la réponse cellulaire. Ils sont particulièrement intéressants pour les études fondamentales visant à étudier des voies de signalisation impliquées dans des processus physiologiques ou pathologiques. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la maladie d'Alzheimer, où l'on observe des neurites dystrophiques associés aux plaques amyloïdes. Aucune relation n'a été réellement établie entre l'interaction neurites - agrégats, leur dystrophie et la mort neuronale. Dans un premier temps, nous avons décrit et caractérisé la structure et les propriétés de matrices de collagène fibrillaire d'épaisseur calibrée. Ensuite, nous avons mis au point la fonctionnalisation de ces matrices avec des facteurs de croissance neurotrophiques (NGF et BDNF). Deux techniques ont été étudiées : l'imprégnation/libération et le couplage covalent. Ces matrices fonctionnalisées ont été validées comme support pour la différenciation de cellules nerveuses (PC-12 et SH-SY5Y) par des études de la morphologie cellulaire. Enfin, nous avons caractérisé des agrégats amyloïdes (Aβ) formés à l'intérieur des matrices de collagène par co-précipitation du peptide Aβ avec le collagène et nous avons étudié leur toxicité sur les cellules neurales. / The objective of this work was to develop a 3D compartmented cell culture set-up that allow the differentiation of nerve cells and the growth of neurites in the matrix depth. Biomimetic materials enable the formation of controlled microenvironments that orient cell behavior. They are particularly interesting for fundamental studies that aim to study signaling pathways involved in physiologic or pathologic processes. We focused on Alzheimer's disease, in which dystrophic neurites are associated to amyloid plaques. No direct relationship has yet been established between Aβ aggregates-neurite interaction, neurite dystrophy and cell death. First, we described and characterized the structure and properties of fibrillar collagen matrices with adapted thickness. Then, we adjusted functionalization of these matrices with neurotrophic growth factors (NGF and BDNF). Two methods were studied: impregnation/release and covalent coupling. Cell morphology studies confirmed that these functionalized matrices were efficient supports for nerve cells differentiation (PC-12 and SH-SY5Y). Finally, we have characterized Aβ aggregates that were formed inside collagen matrices by coprecipitation of amyloid peptide and collagen and we studied their toxicity on neural cells.
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Implementação de abordagens computacionais para identificação de RNAs longos não codificadores envolvidos na diferenciação neural / Implementation of computational approaches for identification of long noncoding RNAs involved in neural differentiationZaniboni, Gabriel Francisco 03 December 2015 (has links)
Cada vez mais, RNAs longos não codificadores (lncRNAs) surgem como importantes reguladores da biologia celular, principalmente em processos de diferenciação durante o desenvolvimento. O interesse no estudo das funções e mecanismos de atuação dessa classe de transcritos durante esses processos é crescente, e mostra-se bastante relevante no processo de diferenciação neural, pelo qual são gerados neurônios e células da glia. A linhagem celular P19, uma célula pluripotente advinda de um tipo de carcinoma embrionário murino, é bem consolidada como modelo in vitro de diferenciação neural. Após tratamento com ácido retinóico, ela é capaz de se diferenciar em neurônios e células da glia (astrócitos e oligodendrócitos). Em busca de evidências que indiquem a atuação de lncRNAs durante o processo de diferenciação neural, nosso grupo realizou experimentos utilizando microarranjos para averiguar os níveis de expressão gênica de lncRNAs e genes codificadores de proteínas (mRNAs) durante a diferenciação de células P19 em neurônios (predominância após 10 dias de diferenciação) e glia (predominância em 14 dias de diferenciação). Em um primeiro momento foi realizada a reanotação das sondas referentes a esses lncRNAs da plataforma de microarranjo, visto que as informações presentes nos arquivos de anotação da mesma eram muito escassas e desatualizadas. Registros de lncRNAs e mRNAs foram obtidos a partir de bancos de dados públicos para esse fim, e ao final dessa etapa aproximadamente 25,0% das sondas que não tinham uma anotação foram reanotadas com identificadores advindos desses bancos de dados. A partir dos dados de expressão, foram identificados todos os lncRNAs e mRNAs que apresentaram expressão diferencial entre as diferentes condições estudadas. As informações dos mRNAs diferencialmente expressos foram então utilizadas para a realização de análises de enriquecimento de categorias gênicas do Gene Ontology, nas ontologias de processo biológico e função molecular. A partir das sondas reanotadas, foram realizadas análises de coexpressão entre lncRNAs e mRNAs. A partir do cruzamento das informações obtidas, foram selecionados lncRNAs que através dos princípios de guilt by association se mostraram propensos a desempenharem um papel regulatório na diferenciação neural. Assim, as informações geradas nesse trabalho servirão como base para estudos futuros de validação funcional desses lncRNAs. / Increasingly, long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) emerge as important regulators of cell biology, especially in differentiation processes during development. The interest in the study of functions and mechanisms of action of this class of transcripts during these processes is growing, and shows quite relevant in the neural differentiation process by which neurons and glia are generated. The P19 cell line, pluripotent cells arising from a type of murine embryonal carcinoma, is well established as an in vitro model of neural differentiation. After treatment with retinoic acid, it is capable of differentiating into neurons and glial cells (astrocytes and oligodendrocytes). In search of evidence that indicate the action of lncRNAs during the neural differentiation process, our group conducted experiments using microarrays to assess gene expression levels of lncRNAs and protein coding genes (mRNAs) during differentiation of P19 cells into neurons (mainly after 10 days of differentiation) and glial cells (mainly after 14 days of differentiation). At first was performed the reannotation of the probes relating to these microarrays lncRNAs, as the information provided in the annotation files were very scarce or outdated. LncRNAs and mRNAs records were obtained from public databases for this purpose, and at the end of this stage approximately 25.0% of the probes without annotation were reannotated with identifiers arising from these databases. From the expression data, we identified all lncRNAs and mRNAs that showed differential expression between the different studied conditions. The information of differentially expressed mRNAs were then used to perform Gene Ontology enrichment, in the ontologies biological process and molecular function. From the reannotated probes, coexpression analyses were performed for lncRNAs and mRNAs. From the crosscheck of information obtained, we selected those lncRNAs that by the principles of guilt by association proved likely to play a regulatory role in neural differentiation. Thus, the information generated in this study will serve as a basis for future studies of functional validation of these lncRNAs.
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Controlling the microenvironment of human embryonic stem cells: maintenance, neuronal differentiation, and function after transplantationDrury-Stewart, Danielle Nicole 14 November 2011 (has links)
Precise control of stem cell fate is a fundamental issue in the use of human embryonic stem (hES) cells in the context of cell therapy We examined three ways in which the microenvironment can be controlled to alter hES cell behavior, providing insight into the best conditions for maintenance of pluripotency and neural differentiation in developmental and therapeutic studies. We first examined the effects of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) growth surfaces on hES cell survival and maintenance of pluripotency. Lightly cured, untreated PDMS was shown to be a poor growth surface for hES cells. Some of the adverse effects caused by PDMS could be mitigated with increased curing or UV treatment of the surface, but neither modification provided a growth surface that supported pluripotent hES cells as well as polystyrene. This work provides a basis for further optimizing PDMS for hES cell culture, moving towards the use of microdevices in establishing precise control over stem cell fate. The second study explored the use of an easily constructed diffusion-based device to grow hES cells in culture on a defined, physiologic oxygen (O₂) gradient. We observed greater hES cell survival and higher levels of pluripotency markers in the lower O₂ regions of the gradient. The greatest benefit was observed at O₂ levels below 5%, narrowing the potential optimal range of O₂ for the maintenance of pluripotent hES cells. Finally, we developed a small molecule-mediated adherent and feeder-free neural differentiation protocol that reduced the cost and time scale for in vitro differentiation of neural precursors and functional neurons from human pluripotent cells. hES cell-derived neural precursors transplanted into a murine model of focal ischemic stroke survived, improved neurogenesis, and differentiated into neurons. Transplant also led to a more consistent and measurable sensory recovery after stroke as compared to untransplanted controls. This protocol represents a potentially translatable method for the generation of CNS progenitors from human pluripotent stem cells.
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Combining induced pluripotent stem cells and fibrin matrices for spinal cord injury repairMontgomery, Amy 23 April 2014 (has links)
Spinal cord injuries result in permanent loss of motor function, leaving those affected with long term physical and financial burdens. Strategies for spinal cord injury repair must overcome unique challenges due to scar tissue that seals off the injury site, preventing regeneration. Tissue engineering can address these challenges with scaffolds that serve as cell- and drug-delivery tools, replacing damaged tissue while simultaneously addressing the inhibitory environment on a biochemical level. To advance this approach, the choice of cells, biomaterial matrix, and drug delivery system must be investigated and evaluated. This research seeks to evaluate (1) the behaviour of murine induced pluripotent stem cells in previously characterized 3D fibrin matrices; (2) the 3D fibrin matrix as a platform to support the differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells; and (3) the ability of an affinity-based drug delivery system to control the release of emerging spinal cord injury therapeutic, heat shock protein 70 from fibrin scaffolds. / Graduate / 0541 / amy.lynn.montgomery@gmail.com
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From Autopsy Donor to Stem Cell to Neuron (and Back Again): Cell Line Cohorts, IPSC Proof-of-Principle Studies, and Transcriptome Comparisons of In Vitro and In Vivo Neural CellsJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are an intriguing approach for neurological disease modeling, because neural lineage-specific cell types that retain the donors' complex genetics can be established in vitro. The statistical power of these iPSC-based models, however, is dependent on accurate diagnoses of the somatic cell donors; unfortunately, many neurodegenerative diseases are commonly misdiagnosed in live human subjects. Postmortem histopathological examination of a donor's brain, combined with premortem clinical criteria, is often the most robust approach to correctly classify an individual as a disease-specific case or unaffected control. We describe the establishment of primary dermal fibroblasts cells lines from 28 autopsy donors. These fibroblasts were used to examine the proliferative effects of establishment protocol, tissue amount, biopsy site, and donor age. As proof-of-principle, iPSCs were generated from fibroblasts from a 75-year-old male, whole body donor, defined as an unaffected neurological control by both clinical and histopathological criteria. To our knowledge, this is the first study describing autopsy donor-derived somatic cells being used for iPSC generation and subsequent neural differentiation. This unique approach also enables us to compare iPSC-derived cell cultures to endogenous tissues from the same donor. We utilized RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) to evaluate the transcriptional progression of in vitro-differentiated neural cells (over a timecourse of 0, 35, 70, 105 and 140 days), and compared this with donor-identical temporal lobe tissue. We observed in vitro progression towards the reference brain tissue, supported by (i) a significant increasing monotonic correlation between the days of our timecourse and the number of actively transcribed protein-coding genes and long intergenic non-coding RNAs (lincRNAs) (P < 0.05), consistent with the transcriptional complexity of the brain, (ii) an increase in CpG methylation after neural differentiation that resembled the epigenomic signature of the endogenous tissue, and (iii) a significant decreasing monotonic correlation between the days of our timecourse and the percent of in vitro to brain-tissue differences (P < 0.05) for tissue-specific protein-coding genes and all putative lincRNAs. These studies support the utility of autopsy donors' somatic cells for iPSC-based neurological disease models, and provide evidence that in vitro neural differentiation can result in physiologically progression. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Molecular and Cellular Biology 2013
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Implementação de abordagens computacionais para identificação de RNAs longos não codificadores envolvidos na diferenciação neural / Implementation of computational approaches for identification of long noncoding RNAs involved in neural differentiationGabriel Francisco Zaniboni 03 December 2015 (has links)
Cada vez mais, RNAs longos não codificadores (lncRNAs) surgem como importantes reguladores da biologia celular, principalmente em processos de diferenciação durante o desenvolvimento. O interesse no estudo das funções e mecanismos de atuação dessa classe de transcritos durante esses processos é crescente, e mostra-se bastante relevante no processo de diferenciação neural, pelo qual são gerados neurônios e células da glia. A linhagem celular P19, uma célula pluripotente advinda de um tipo de carcinoma embrionário murino, é bem consolidada como modelo in vitro de diferenciação neural. Após tratamento com ácido retinóico, ela é capaz de se diferenciar em neurônios e células da glia (astrócitos e oligodendrócitos). Em busca de evidências que indiquem a atuação de lncRNAs durante o processo de diferenciação neural, nosso grupo realizou experimentos utilizando microarranjos para averiguar os níveis de expressão gênica de lncRNAs e genes codificadores de proteínas (mRNAs) durante a diferenciação de células P19 em neurônios (predominância após 10 dias de diferenciação) e glia (predominância em 14 dias de diferenciação). Em um primeiro momento foi realizada a reanotação das sondas referentes a esses lncRNAs da plataforma de microarranjo, visto que as informações presentes nos arquivos de anotação da mesma eram muito escassas e desatualizadas. Registros de lncRNAs e mRNAs foram obtidos a partir de bancos de dados públicos para esse fim, e ao final dessa etapa aproximadamente 25,0% das sondas que não tinham uma anotação foram reanotadas com identificadores advindos desses bancos de dados. A partir dos dados de expressão, foram identificados todos os lncRNAs e mRNAs que apresentaram expressão diferencial entre as diferentes condições estudadas. As informações dos mRNAs diferencialmente expressos foram então utilizadas para a realização de análises de enriquecimento de categorias gênicas do Gene Ontology, nas ontologias de processo biológico e função molecular. A partir das sondas reanotadas, foram realizadas análises de coexpressão entre lncRNAs e mRNAs. A partir do cruzamento das informações obtidas, foram selecionados lncRNAs que através dos princípios de guilt by association se mostraram propensos a desempenharem um papel regulatório na diferenciação neural. Assim, as informações geradas nesse trabalho servirão como base para estudos futuros de validação funcional desses lncRNAs. / Increasingly, long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) emerge as important regulators of cell biology, especially in differentiation processes during development. The interest in the study of functions and mechanisms of action of this class of transcripts during these processes is growing, and shows quite relevant in the neural differentiation process by which neurons and glia are generated. The P19 cell line, pluripotent cells arising from a type of murine embryonal carcinoma, is well established as an in vitro model of neural differentiation. After treatment with retinoic acid, it is capable of differentiating into neurons and glial cells (astrocytes and oligodendrocytes). In search of evidence that indicate the action of lncRNAs during the neural differentiation process, our group conducted experiments using microarrays to assess gene expression levels of lncRNAs and protein coding genes (mRNAs) during differentiation of P19 cells into neurons (mainly after 10 days of differentiation) and glial cells (mainly after 14 days of differentiation). At first was performed the reannotation of the probes relating to these microarrays lncRNAs, as the information provided in the annotation files were very scarce or outdated. LncRNAs and mRNAs records were obtained from public databases for this purpose, and at the end of this stage approximately 25.0% of the probes without annotation were reannotated with identifiers arising from these databases. From the expression data, we identified all lncRNAs and mRNAs that showed differential expression between the different studied conditions. The information of differentially expressed mRNAs were then used to perform Gene Ontology enrichment, in the ontologies biological process and molecular function. From the reannotated probes, coexpression analyses were performed for lncRNAs and mRNAs. From the crosscheck of information obtained, we selected those lncRNAs that by the principles of guilt by association proved likely to play a regulatory role in neural differentiation. Thus, the information generated in this study will serve as a basis for future studies of functional validation of these lncRNAs.
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