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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Liberação de 3H-GABA por tecido estriatal de ratos: caracterização e efeitos da lesão experimental parkinsoniana / Rat striatal tissue 3H-GABA release: Characterization and effects of experimental parkinsonian injury

Homem, Karen Silvia de Carvalho 27 June 2013 (has links)
A Doença de Parkinson, uma condição neurodegenerativa e progressiva, está relacionada à morte de neurônios localizados na Substância Negra compacta, um dos componentes dos Núcleos da Base. Quando há a morte de neurônios dopaminérgicos nigrais, esta via modulatória é perdida, levando ao desequilíbrio entre as vias direta e indireta, esta última tendo sua atividade aumentada em detrimento da outra. O estriado tem um papel importante no recebimento e filtração de sinais motores corticais e talâmicos e suas maiores populações neuronais são GABAérgicas, demonstrando a importância do neurotransmissor GABA nesta modulação. O estriado recebe projeções dopaminérgicas vindas da Substância Negra compacta e, na falta desta aferentação, surgem os sintomas e sinais da Doença de Parkinson. Nosso objetivo é caracterizar a liberação de GABA nesta estrutura, avaliando os efeitos de outros transmissores e também o papel de alguns sinalizadores intracelulares neste processo. Para isto, empregamos o método de superfusão e liberação de GABA radiomarcado, previamente carregado, em tecido picado in vitro. A lesão nigral é produzida por cirurgia estereotáxica e microinjeção de 6-OHDA no feixe medial prosencefálico (mfb). Diversas drogas foram utilizadas para avaliarmos diferentes passos na liberação do transmissor. Concluímos que a liberação é fortemente dependente de cálcio e segue o modelo de exocitose vesicular, além de a subpopulação neuronal GABAérgica estrital estudada sofrer pouca influência de aferências glutamatérgicas e colinérgicas. No entanto, drogas dopaminérgicas regulam complexamente a liberação de GABA no estriado e ela também é bastante dependente de calmodulina. Conjecturamos se algumas drogas antipsicóticas que agem sobre calmodulina devem seu efeito terapêutico, ou parte dele, a esta ação e se, no modelo de DP de lesão unilateral por 6-OHDA, há comunicação entre os hemisférios lesado e não lesado após o estabelecimento da lesão e processo de rearranjo neuronal / Parkinsons disease, a progressive and neurodegenerative condition, is related to the death of neurons located in Substantia Nigra compacta, a component of Basal Ganglia. When nigral dopaminergic neurons die, this modulatory pathway is lost leading to imbalance between direct and indirect pathways, the latter having its activity increased over the former. Striatum has an essential role in receiving and filtering motor signals from cortex and thalamus and its major neuronal populations are composed by GABAergic neurons, showing how important is GABA in this modulation. Striatum receives dopaminergic projections from Substantia Nigra compacta and in its absence the typical signals and symptoms of the disease arise. We aimed to characterize GABA relase at this structure, assessing the effect of other transmitters as well the role of some intracellular signaling molecules in this process. For that, we employed the superfusion method and release of preloaded radiolabeled GABA from chopped striatal tissue. Nigral injury was produced by stereotaxic surgery and 6-OHDA microinjection at medial forebrain bundle (mfb). Several drugs were used to evaluate different steps in transmitter release. We concluded that the release is strongly calcium-dependent and follows vesicular exocytosis model; in addition the striatal GABAergic subpopulation of neurons studied here undergo little influence of glutamatergic and cholinergic afferents. However, dopaminergic drugs complexly regulate striatal GABA release and it also shows high involvement of calmodulin. We wonder if some antipsychotic drugs that act over calmodulin owe their therapeutical effects, or at least part of it, to this activity and if in 6-OHDA unilateral lesion parkinsonism model there is communication between injuried and healthy hemispheres after the establishment of the injury and neuronal rearrangement process

Caracterização da atividade entomotóxica induzida pelo extrato metanólico de araucaria angustifolia em baratas da espécie phoetalia pallida / Vegetative communities in melting areas in the maritime Antarctic: review and case study

Freitas , Thiago Carrazoni de 05 January 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Francine Silva (francine.silva@unipampa.edu.br) on 2019-03-26T18:42:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Caracterização da atividade entomotóxica induzida pelo extrato metanólico de araucaria angustifolia em baratas da espécie phoetalia pallida.pdf: 1288498 bytes, checksum: 743a39a2337c5be31393482af81a2fb6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-03-26T18:42:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Caracterização da atividade entomotóxica induzida pelo extrato metanólico de araucaria angustifolia em baratas da espécie phoetalia pallida.pdf: 1288498 bytes, checksum: 743a39a2337c5be31393482af81a2fb6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-01-05 / Neste trabalho foi demostrado, pela primeira vez, a atividade inseticida do extrato metanólico de Arauacaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze 1898 (AAME) e seu metabólito secundário, a quercetina, em baratas da espécie Phoetalia pallida. A investigação fitoquímica preliminar, realizada através da Cromatografia em Camada Delgada (CCD), demonstrou a presença do flavonóide quercetina no AAME. A confirmação da presença da quercetina no extrato foi obtida por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (HPLC), com tempo de retenção em 10.6min. A determinação de fenólicos totais indicou uma alta concentração destes compostos (1,03%) no AAME. Os ensaios para a determinação da dose letal mínima (DLM) em baratas da espécie P. pallida, confirmaram a atividade inseticida do extrato em doses a partir de (800g/g de animal). A mesma atividade foi demonstrada pela quercetina (80μg/g), porém, com maior potência comparada ao AAME. Ambos, AAME (200μg/g) e quercetina (40μg/g) foram eficazes em bloquear significativamente a atividade da enzima acetilcolinesterase no inseto. Os ensaios de atividade biológica demonstram uma atividade neurotóxica do AAME e da quercetina, tanto em nível central quanto periférico do inseto. Dessa forma, o AAME (200μg/g) e a quercetina (40μg/g) induziram um aumento no tempo total de grooming realizado pelo inseto, (138.11±5s /30min; p<0.05 e 2305s/30min; p<0.05), respectivamente. A administração de Atropina (40μg/g), previamente à adição de quercetina (40μg/g) induziu um aumento significativo na atividade de grooming quando comparado à quercetina isoladamente (3503s/30min; p<0.05). Quando o animal foi pré-tratado com Metoctramina (40μg/g), um inibidor seletivo de receptores colinérgicos M2-M3, observou-se o maior aumento no tempo de grooming induzido pela quercetina (40μg/g) (6008s/30min; p<0.01 teste t). Por outro lado, o pré-tratamento com o SCH23390 (40μg/g), um inibidor seletivo de receptores DA-D1, reduziu significativamente o grooming induzido pela quercetina (40μg/g) (906s/30min; p<0.05). A administração de Tiramina (40μg/g) e hidroxilamina (40μg/g), um inibidor da guanilato ciclase, aumentaram significativamente o tempo de grooming induzido pela quercetina (20415s/30min; p<0.05) e (32515s/30min; p<0.01), respectivamente. Quando ensaiados em preparação músculo coxal-adutor metatorácico de P. pallida, tanto o AAME (200μg/g de animal) quando a quercetina (40μg/g) induziram bloqueio neuromuscular irreversível em 120 min de registros (50±9%; p<0.05 e 100±7%; p<0.05), respectivamente. Este último resultado indica uma ação direta do extrato de A. angustifolia sobre o Sistema Nervoso Periférico da barata. Os resultados mostrados neste trabalho validam a atividade inseticida do AAME em P. pallida. Compostos fenólicos presentes no extrato provavelmente estão envolvidos na atividade inseticida, como demonstrado pela quercetina. O mecanismo de ação inseticida é complexo, e envolve tanto a neurotoxicidade sobre o Sistema Nervoso Central quanto sobre o Periférico. A ativação de uma cascata de eventos que se inicia com a ativação de autoreceptores muscarínicos no soma dopaminérgico e/ou em interneurônios colinérgicos, induziria um aumento da concentração do IP3 citosólico bem como do Ca2+ favorecendo a liberação da dopamina no sistema nervoso central do inseto. Quanto à atividade bloqueadora neuromuscular, estudos mais detalhados usando-se moduladores farmacológicos de receptores de glutamato e do ácido-gama-aminobutírico (GABA) poderão elucidar esse efeito. / We have demonstrated, for the first time, the insecticidal activity of Araucaria angustifolia methanolic extract (AAME) and one of its chemical secondary metabolites, quercetin against Phoetalia pallida. Preliminary investigation of AAME phytochemical compounds by thin layer chromatography showed the presence of quercetin. The total phenolic contents measured by spectrophotometry showed high content of phenolic acids (1,03%). High Performance Liquid Cromatography (HPLC) proved the presence of quercetin that was eluted at 10.6min. In doses ranging from 800-1200g/g (animal weight) AAME was effective to kill all cockroaches injected after 24 hours. Quercetin was more effective than AAME whole extract being lethal at 80g/g (animal weight). Both AAME (200μg/g of animal weight) and quercetin (40μg/g of animal weight) were able to induce a significative blockage at insect acetylcholinesterase activity. these compounds also induced increase in the time of grooming activity (138.11±5s /30min; p<0.05) and (2305s/30min; p<0.05), respectively. The injection of atropine (40μg/g) combined with quercetin (40μg/g of animal weight) significantly increased the grooming levels to over the control values of quercetin (3503s/30min; p<0.05). When methoctramine (40μg/g), a selective inhibitor of M2-M3 cholinergic receptor was combined with quercetin (40μg/g of animal weight) there was the highest increase on the grooming pattern (6008s/30min; p<0.01). When the SCH 23390 (40μg/g), a selective DA-D1 receptor blocker was administrated 15min earlier the treatment with quercetin (40μg/g) there was a significative inhibition of the grooming levels (906s/30min; p<0.05). Treatments with Tyramine (40μg/g) and Hydroxylamine (40μg/g), a Guanylate Cyclase (GC) induced a significative increase in the quercetin-induced grooming activity (20415s/30min; p<0.05) and (32515s/30min; p<0.01), respectively. Both AAME and quercetin were able to complete inhibit cockroach neuromuscular transmission in 120 min recordings (50±9% n=6; p<0.05) and (100±7% n=10; p<0.05), respectively . The later result, point out to a direct action of the extract on insect peripheral nervous system. The results presented here validate the insecticide activity of A. angustifolia methanolic extract in P. pallida. Phenolic compounds presents in this extract era likely to be involved in the insecticide activity of AAME. The mechanism of insecticide activity is complex and involve both Central and Peripheral Nervous System. The activation of events that initiate with the activation of Muscarinic Auto-receptors and/or cholinergic interneurons, could lead to an increase of cytosolic IP3 and Ca2+ concentration which could induce a dopamine release in the insect Nervous System. Concerning to the neuromuscular blockage, a further pharmacological investigation would be necessary to clarify this effect. However, one cannot disregard a direct action of quercetin on insect NMDA receptors.

Selected Neuropharmacology of Resurgence

Pyszczynski, Adam D. 01 August 2013 (has links)
Resurgence refers to the reappearance of an extinguished operant behavior when reinforcement for an alternative behavior is also discontinued. It is especially relevant to the reappearance of problem behavior because many behavioral interventions discontinue reinforcement for aberrant behavior while simultaneously reinforcing an appropriate response. Existing information about the neuropharmacology of resurgence is scarce, but suggests overlap between drug seeking observed in the resurgence model and drug seeking observed in the more widely studied reinstatement and renewal models. The aim of this dissertation was to explore additional neural systems relevant to reinstatement and renewal preparations within a resurgence paradigm to assess further overlap. The neuropharmacology of resurgence was examined in two studies via administration of two drugs that have proven effective in blocking drug seeking in reinstatement and renewal preparations. In two experiments, rats earned food pellets for pressing a target lever in Phase I. In Phase II, lever pressing no longer produced food, but food was delivered contingent on an alterative nose poke response. Finally in Phase III, neither response produced food deliveries. Prior to these Phase III sessions, separate groups of rats were injected with 0, 50, or 100 mcg/kg of the dopamine D-2 receptor antagonist raclopride in Experiment 1 or 0, 20, or 40 mcg/kg of alpha-2 agonist clonidine in Experiment 2. Both doses of raclopride were effective in blocking resurgence, but there was strong evidence that the higher dose did so via motor rather than motivational impairment. Furthermore, the lower dose significantly suppressed the alternative nose poke, which suggests motor impairment, as well. Only the higher dose of clonidine blocked resurgence, but did so with no evidence of motor impairment. Raclopride significantly impacted extinction of the alternative poke at both doses tested, whereas clonidine had no effect at either dose. The results of the present studies provide additional information about the neuropharmacology of resurgence, as well as additional evidence of overlap between resurgence, reinstatement, and renewal. The present results may also have implications regarding underlying neural mechanisms and for pharmacotherapies to attenuate relapse when alternative sources of reinforcement are thinned or discontinued.

Neuropharmacology of kainate receptor-mediated excitotoxicity

Giardina, Sarah Filippa, 1974- January 2001 (has links)
Abstract not available


Largent- Milnes, Tally Marie January 2010 (has links)
Pain is the most common and debilitating sign of a medical problem, with nearly 15 million patients suffering from chronic pain, including neuropathic pain. Widely used therapies for treating neuropathic pain include tri-cyclic antidepressants, opioids, anticonvulsants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and combinations thereof. Despite the abundance of treatments, the management of chronic pain remains difficult due to an inability for many patients to achieve appropriate pain relief at doses which are tolerable over long periods of time.Opiates (natural products), or opioids (synthetic derivatives), are considered the gold standard of analgesic care, though with little efficacy for neuropathic pain. Opioids are associated with unwanted side effects, including paradoxical pain and abuse liability that may result from several nervous system adaptations within the pain modulating neural network. These dose related side effects become more prevalent as clinicians try to overcome analgesic tolerance.Molecular mechanisms underlying these unwanted side effects have been studied extensively, and the literature purports a variety of contributing factors and neurobiological adaptations. The studies herein describe additional molecular adaptations and novel pharmacological approaches to counteract these changes. First, the contributions of neurobiological remodeling within a single receptor system (the opioid system) were investigated in the spinal dorsal horn after peripheral nerve ligation and chronic exposure to an opioid agonist in combination with an ultra-low-dose of opioid antagonist. The effects of the ultra-low-dose opioid antagonist naltrexone on the efficacy of oxycodone for neuropathic pain were investigated after both central and systemic administration.Secondly, molecular remodeling occurs across different receptor systems in the pain network, including altered regulation of pronociceptive molecules (e.g. substance P; SP). Previous studies have reported that opioid-induced hyperalgesia, tolerance and reward can be prevented by a blockade or ablation of SP activity at the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1). We have characterized single compounds, rationally designed to act as opioid agonists and an NK1 antagonist using in vitro assays and the efficacy in vivo using rodent models of pain, antinociceptive tolerance and reward. Collectively, these studies validate the concept of targeting multiple neurobiological adaptations as a therapeutic option for neuropathic pain and reducing opioid- mediated side effects.

Structural and functional properties of NMDA receptors in the mouse brain endothelial cell line bEND3

Dart, Christopher F. 07 January 2011 (has links)
Previous work in our laboratory indicates that the diameter of brain arteries and arterioles can be increased by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation. We looked for expression of NMDA receptors and endothelial cell responses to NMDA receptor agonists and antagonists in the mouse brain endothelial cell line bEnd.3. Using RT-PCR and Western blotting we found evidence supporting the presence of NMDA receptor subunits NR1 and NR2C. Treatment of bEnd.3 cells with combinations of 100 μM glutamate and D-serine significantly increased intracellular calcium. However, we saw no direct evidence that NO was produced in response to NMDA receptor activation using the Griess method. We did observe an NMDA receptor-dependent increase in protein nitrosylation. This increase is unlikely related to enhanced NO levels since it was not correlated with NO production and was not inhibited by the endothelial NO synthase inhibitor L-NIO.

Structural and functional properties of NMDA receptors in the mouse brain endothelial cell line bEND3

Dart, Christopher F. 07 January 2011 (has links)
Previous work in our laboratory indicates that the diameter of brain arteries and arterioles can be increased by N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation. We looked for expression of NMDA receptors and endothelial cell responses to NMDA receptor agonists and antagonists in the mouse brain endothelial cell line bEnd.3. Using RT-PCR and Western blotting we found evidence supporting the presence of NMDA receptor subunits NR1 and NR2C. Treatment of bEnd.3 cells with combinations of 100 μM glutamate and D-serine significantly increased intracellular calcium. However, we saw no direct evidence that NO was produced in response to NMDA receptor activation using the Griess method. We did observe an NMDA receptor-dependent increase in protein nitrosylation. This increase is unlikely related to enhanced NO levels since it was not correlated with NO production and was not inhibited by the endothelial NO synthase inhibitor L-NIO.

Neuropharmacological investigations into the mechanisms of emesis caused by cytotoxic drugs and radiation

Davis, Christopher John January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

Efeito da proteção desencadeada pelo estrógeno na linhagem C6 de glioma de rato. / Effect of protection triggered by estrogen on rat glioma cell line C6.

Lucas Augusto Moysés Franco 24 February 2011 (has links)
Evidências sugerem que as células da glia desempenham um papel importante na sinalização neuronal e na resposta inflamatória no Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC). Respostas inflamatórias crônicas, bem como a ativação da glia estão associadas com doenças neurodegenerativas, como Parkinson e Alzheimer. A inflamação crônica pode ser modulada por altas concentrações de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) que potencializam esse quadro. O estrógeno (E2) é bem conhecido por suas ações neuroprotetoras que podem ser exercidas via receptores clássicos (ESR1, ESR2), não-classicos (GPER-1) ou ainda por sua ação antioxidante, proveniente da alta semelhança com as moléculas dos flavonóides. A ação do E2 no SNC é relevante uma vez que este hormônio está relacionado com a modulação da memória, neurogênese e plasticidade. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar o papel protetor do E2 em linhagem de células C6 de glioma de ratos em um modelo de estresse oxidativo que induz morte celular pela exposição a concentrações tóxicas de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2). Ensaios de PCR, Western Blot e de imunofluorescência confirmaram a presença e funcionalidade dos receptores ESR1, enquanto ensaios de PCR mostraram a presença do RNAm para o GPER-1 em células C6. Nossos resultados confirmaram que a H2O2 induz morte nas células C6 e o pré-tratamento com E2 (por 24 horas) e G1 (por 20 minutos) diminuiu a toxicidade da H2O2 de maneira dose-dependente, gerando aumento de viabilidade celular. Estes resultados destacam o envolvimento do E2 e seus receptores na prevenção do dano celular em células da glia. Além disso, eles também sugerem que o rápido efeito protetor do E2 parece estar associado com a sinalização rápida do E2 via GPER-1. Por Western blot e RT-PCR avaliamos a participação da via AKT-CREBBDNF frente aos tratamentos com E2, moduladores seletivos de estrógeno (SERMs) e G1, onde observamos que estes são capazes de modular a expressão da proteína AKT e os níveis de RNAm para BDNF. / Evidence suggests that glial cells play an important role in neuronal signaling and inflammatory responses in the central nervous system (CNS). Chronic inflammatory responses, as well as activation of glia, are associated with neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson´s and Alzheimer´s diseases. Chronic inflammation can be modulated by high concentrations of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that enhance this process. Estrogen (E2) is well known for its neuroprotective actions that can be performed via classical (ESR1, ESR2) and non-classical receptors (GPER-1) or by its antioxidant action due to its high similarity to flavonoids molecules. E2 action in the CNS is relevant as this hormone is associated to memory modulation, neurogenesis and plasticity. This work has as purpose to investigate the protective role of E2 in rat C6 glioma cell lines in a model of oxidative stress that induces cell death by exposure to toxic concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). PCR, Western blot and immunofluorescence assays have confirmed the presence and functionality of the ESR1 receptor, while PCR assay has showed the presence of GPER-1 receptor mRNA in C6 cells. Our results confirmed that H2O2 induces cell death and pre-treatment with E2 (24 hours) and G1 (20 minutes) reduces H2O2 toxicity in a dose-dependent way, leading to increased cell viability. These results highlight the involvement of E2 and its receptors in preventing cell damage in glial cells. Moreover, they also suggest that the prompt E2 protective effect seems to be associated to the fast E2 signaling via GPER-1. We also evaluated the involvement of AKT-CREB-BDNF pathway when C6 cells were treated with E2, selective estrogen modulators (SERMs) and G1 by Western blot and RT-PCR assays, and we could notice that they can modulate the expression of AKT protein and BDNF RNAm levels.

Liberação de 3H-GABA por tecido estriatal de ratos: caracterização e efeitos da lesão experimental parkinsoniana / Rat striatal tissue 3H-GABA release: Characterization and effects of experimental parkinsonian injury

Karen Silvia de Carvalho Homem 27 June 2013 (has links)
A Doença de Parkinson, uma condição neurodegenerativa e progressiva, está relacionada à morte de neurônios localizados na Substância Negra compacta, um dos componentes dos Núcleos da Base. Quando há a morte de neurônios dopaminérgicos nigrais, esta via modulatória é perdida, levando ao desequilíbrio entre as vias direta e indireta, esta última tendo sua atividade aumentada em detrimento da outra. O estriado tem um papel importante no recebimento e filtração de sinais motores corticais e talâmicos e suas maiores populações neuronais são GABAérgicas, demonstrando a importância do neurotransmissor GABA nesta modulação. O estriado recebe projeções dopaminérgicas vindas da Substância Negra compacta e, na falta desta aferentação, surgem os sintomas e sinais da Doença de Parkinson. Nosso objetivo é caracterizar a liberação de GABA nesta estrutura, avaliando os efeitos de outros transmissores e também o papel de alguns sinalizadores intracelulares neste processo. Para isto, empregamos o método de superfusão e liberação de GABA radiomarcado, previamente carregado, em tecido picado in vitro. A lesão nigral é produzida por cirurgia estereotáxica e microinjeção de 6-OHDA no feixe medial prosencefálico (mfb). Diversas drogas foram utilizadas para avaliarmos diferentes passos na liberação do transmissor. Concluímos que a liberação é fortemente dependente de cálcio e segue o modelo de exocitose vesicular, além de a subpopulação neuronal GABAérgica estrital estudada sofrer pouca influência de aferências glutamatérgicas e colinérgicas. No entanto, drogas dopaminérgicas regulam complexamente a liberação de GABA no estriado e ela também é bastante dependente de calmodulina. Conjecturamos se algumas drogas antipsicóticas que agem sobre calmodulina devem seu efeito terapêutico, ou parte dele, a esta ação e se, no modelo de DP de lesão unilateral por 6-OHDA, há comunicação entre os hemisférios lesado e não lesado após o estabelecimento da lesão e processo de rearranjo neuronal / Parkinsons disease, a progressive and neurodegenerative condition, is related to the death of neurons located in Substantia Nigra compacta, a component of Basal Ganglia. When nigral dopaminergic neurons die, this modulatory pathway is lost leading to imbalance between direct and indirect pathways, the latter having its activity increased over the former. Striatum has an essential role in receiving and filtering motor signals from cortex and thalamus and its major neuronal populations are composed by GABAergic neurons, showing how important is GABA in this modulation. Striatum receives dopaminergic projections from Substantia Nigra compacta and in its absence the typical signals and symptoms of the disease arise. We aimed to characterize GABA relase at this structure, assessing the effect of other transmitters as well the role of some intracellular signaling molecules in this process. For that, we employed the superfusion method and release of preloaded radiolabeled GABA from chopped striatal tissue. Nigral injury was produced by stereotaxic surgery and 6-OHDA microinjection at medial forebrain bundle (mfb). Several drugs were used to evaluate different steps in transmitter release. We concluded that the release is strongly calcium-dependent and follows vesicular exocytosis model; in addition the striatal GABAergic subpopulation of neurons studied here undergo little influence of glutamatergic and cholinergic afferents. However, dopaminergic drugs complexly regulate striatal GABA release and it also shows high involvement of calmodulin. We wonder if some antipsychotic drugs that act over calmodulin owe their therapeutical effects, or at least part of it, to this activity and if in 6-OHDA unilateral lesion parkinsonism model there is communication between injuried and healthy hemispheres after the establishment of the injury and neuronal rearrangement process

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