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[pt] Com o avanço na medida dos parâmetros responsáveis por oscilação de
neutrinos, podemos dizer que hoje a física de neutrinos está entrando na era
da precisão, o que nos permite explorar cenários além de massas e misturas
de três sabores de neutrinos, ou seja, podemos procurar uma nova física que
cause algum efeito subdominante, que não pode ser explicado por oscilação
usual. Podemos citar a anomalia de antineutrinos de reator e anomalia
de Gálio, ambas serão explicadas posteriormente no capítulo 3. Propomos
uma solução alternativa para estas duas anomalias, baseado em um cenário
com grandes dimensões extras. Exploramos também a capacidade de um
experimento com neutrinos ultramonocromáticos produzidos via efeito
Mossbauer, de detectar ou vincular alguns cenários de nova física além
do modelo padrão. Os cenários que consideramos nesta tese são: neutrinos
esteréis, estes sendo a extensão mais simples do modelo de três sabores;
o cenário com grandes dimensões espaciais extras; descoerência quântica
como física não padrão; e por último e não menos importante o cenário com
neutrinos de massa variável. Mostramos também o impacto, se assumimos
a existência destes cenários, na determinação dos parâmetros de oscilação
Delta m2 31 e Teta 13. / [en] With advances in the measurements of the neutrino oscillation
parameters, we can assume that neutrino physics is going to a precision
era, as a consequence we can explore new scenarios beyond the standard
mass and mixing with three neutrino flavors , that is, we can look for a new
physics that affects in a subleading way and that can not be explained by
the standard oscillation framework. For instance, the reactor antineutrino
and Gallium anomalies, both anomalies will be discussed in chapter 3.
We propose an explanation for these anomalies based on a scenario with
large extra dimension. We also explore the capability of an experiment
with ultramonochromatic neutrinos based on M ossbauer effect detects or
constrains some new physics scenarios beyond the standard model. In this
thesis we consider: sterile neutrinos, large extra dimensions, non standard
quantum decoherence and mass varying neutrinos. We also show the impact
on the determination of the standard oscillation parameters delta m2 31 and teta 13
if we assume non standard physics scenarios.
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Neutrino mass ordering studies with IceCube-DeepCoreWren, Steven January 2018 (has links)
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole is the world's largest neutrino detector with over 1km^3 of instrumented Antarctic ice. While it has been primarily designed to observe astrophysical neutrinos, this size also allows it to collect vast quantities of atmospheric neutrinos. These high-statistics datasets allow for measurements of the properties of neutrinos, in particular the phenomena of neutrino oscillation. One of the outstanding questions in this field is that of the neutrino mass ordering (NMO). The Precision IceCube Next Generation Upgrade (PINGU) is a proposed low-energy extension to IceCube for which a determination of the NMO is a priority science goal. The current low-energy atmospheric neutrino experiment at the South Pole, DeepCore, has been successfully collecting data since 2011. In this thesis the potential of this existing data to determine the NMO has been explored. While it was not expected to have a large sensitivity, this work has explored a Feldman-Cousins treatment for converting the delta-chi^2 between the two discrete mass ordering hypotheses into the standard Gaussian significance metric. Using 2.7 years of data from the DeepCore detector, the inverted mass ordering was preferred at the level of 0.05sigma. The second aspect of this thesis was to study the impact of the systematic uncertainties on the NMO determination. This particular analysis was actually statistics-limited and so the only impactful systematic uncertainties were the parameters that govern atmospheric neutrino oscillations, theta_23 and Deltam^2_31. Therefore, to improve the NMO results, these parameters were constrained by including the global information on them in the fits, yielding a new NMO sensitivity of 0.29sigma. This new global fit also yields measurements of the oscillation parameters of Deltam^2_32,NO=(2.443+/-0.037)e-3eV^2 and sin^2theta_23,NO=0.442+0.026-0.018 for the hypothesis of the normal mass ordering and Deltam^2_32,IO=(-2.510+/-0.036)e-3eV^2 and sin^2theta_23,IO=0.579+0.019-0.021 for the hypothesis of the inverted mass ordering. In addition to the work on the neutrino mass ordering, this thesis also investigated two issues related to predictions of the flux of atmospheric particles. The first related to the treatment of the predictions of the atmospheric neutrino flux, provided in binned tables. Crucially, these contain values representative of the integral of the flux across that bin and so an integral-preserving interpolation must be used. One such method will be presented along with a discussion of how it performs in the two-dimensional case of the atmospheric neutrino flux. The second issue related to quantifying uncertainties on the background muon distributions observed with the IceCube detector coming from the uncertainties on the initial cosmic ray flux. This involved performing a global fit on the available cosmic ray flux measurements and then propagating these uncertainties in to the muon distributions. To finalise this section, the exact manner in which these uncertainties can be included in the physics analyses of IceCube will be discussed.
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Neutrinos aus photohadronischen Wechselwirkungen in kosmischen Beschleunigern / Neutrinos from photohadronic interactions in cosmic accelereatorsHümmer, Svenja January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Produktion von Neutrinos in astrophysikalischen Quellen. Bei der Beschreibung der Wechselwirkung betrachten wir resonante, direkte und Multipion-Produktion. Zusätzlich berücksichtigen wir die Produktion von Neutronen und positiv geladenen Kaonen. Wir beachten explizit die Energieverluste der Sekundärteilchen - Pionen, Myonen und Kaonen - auf Grund von Synchrotronstrahlung derselben und adiabatischer Expansion. In Bezug auf den Neutrinofluss berücksichtigen wir Flavor-Mischungen der Neutrinos auf dem Weg zum Beobachter. Zunächst führen wir eine Analyse basierend auf einem generischen Quellmodell durch, in der wir den Einfluss von Magnetfeld und Größe der Quelle auf die Neutrinospektren und das Verhältnis der verschiedenen Neutrino-Flavor untersuchen. Es stellt sich heraus, dass man im Rahmen dieses generischen Modells verschiedene Regionen im Parameterraum anhand des Flavor-Verhältnisses, das für hohe Magnetfelder von dem zumeist angenommenen Verhältnis (nu_e:nu_mu:nu_tau)=(1:2:0) abweicht, klassifizieren kann. In einer zweiten Analyse bestimmen wir die erwarteten Neutrinospektren von Gammablitzen im Rahmen des Feuerball-Modells aus beobachteten Photonspektren. Es zeigt sich, dass auf Grund grober Abschätzungen in der Literatur, der Neutrinofluss zumeist um etwa eine Größenordnung überschätzt wird. Deshalb berechnen wir den erwarteten Neutrinofluss der Gammablitze neu, die während der 40-Leinen-Konfiguration des IceCube-Detektors gemessen wurden, und folgern, dass entgegen der Behauptung der IceCube-Kollaboration, das Feuerball-Modell noch nicht ausgeschlossen ist. Des Weiteren quantifizieren wir systematische und astrophysikalische Unsicherheiten in dem vorhergesagten Neutrinofluss. / In this work we investigate the photohadronic neutrino production within astrophysical environments. In the description of the photohadronic interactions we consider resonant, direct and multipion production. In addition we include the production of neutrons and positiv charged kaons. For the secondaries - pions, muons, kaons - we take into account the effects of energy losses due to synchrotron radiation and adiabatic expansion. We also consider flavor effects on the neutrino flux. In a first analysis we define a generic model for a neutrino source and investigate the effect of the magnetic field and the size of the source on the neutrino flux and flavor ratio. We find that within the model we can classify different regions in the parameter space by the flavor ratio which for higher magnetic field differs from the often used assumption of (nu_e:nu_mu:nu_tau)=(1:2:0). In a second analysis we recompute the expected neutrino flux expected from gamma-ray bursts in the fireball model and see that the neutrino flux in the literature typically overestimates the flux by one order of magnitude due to rough approximations. We therefore reconsider the expected neutrino flux from the gamma-ray bursts measured during the 40-string-configuration of IceCube. As a result we conclude that against the claim of the IceCube collaboration the fireball model is not excluded yet. Furthermore we quantify the systematical and astrophysical uncertainties on the neutrino flux prediction.
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Testing Models with Higher Dimensional Effective Interactions at the LHC and Dark Matter Experiments / Tests von Modellen mit höherdimensionalen effektiven Operatoren am LHC und Experimenten zur Suche dunkler MaterieKrauß, Martin Bernhard January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dark matter and non-zero neutrino masses are possible hints for new physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics. Such potential consequences of new physics can be described by effective field theories in a model independent way. It is possible that the dominant contribution to low-energy effects of new physics is generated by operators of dimension d>5, e.g., due to an additional symmetry. Since these are more suppressed than the usually discussed lower dimensional operators, they can lead to extremly weak interactions even if new physics appears at comparatively low scales. Thus neutrino mass models can be connected to TeV scale physics, for instance. The possible existence of TeV scale particles is interesting, since they can be potentially observed at collider experiments, such as the Large Hadron Collider. Hence, we first recapitulate the generation of neutrino masses by higher dimensional effective operators in a supersymmetric framework. In addition, we discuss processes that can be used to test these models at the Large Hadron Collider. The introduction of new particles can affect the running of gauge couplings. Hence, we study the compatibilty of these models with Grand Unified Theories. The required extension of these models can imply the existence of new heavy quarks, which requires the consideration of cosmological constraints. Finally, higher dimensional effective operators can not only generate small neutrino masses. They also can be used to discuss the interactions relevant for dark matter detection experiments. Thus we apply the methods established for the study of neutrino mass models to the systematic discussion of higher dimensional effective operators generating dark matter interactions. / Dunkle Materie und nichtverschwindende Neutrinomassen sind nur zwei Hinweise auf das mögliche Vorhandensein neuer Physik jenseits des Standardmodells der Teilchenphysik. Solche möglichen Konsequenzen neuer Physik können modellunabhängig mit effektiven Feldtheorien beschrieben werden. Beispielsweise aufgrund zusätzlicher Symmetrien ist es möglich, dass Operatoren mit Dimension $d>5$ den dominanten Beitrag zu den Effekten neuer Physik bei niedrigen Energieskalen liefern. Da diese stärker unterdrückt sind als die gewöhnlicherweise betrachteten Operatoren niedrigerer Dimension, können sie zu äußerst schwachen Wechselwirkungen führen, selbst wenn neue Physik bereits bei vergleichsweise niedrigen Energien auftritt. Dies ermöglicht unter anderem neue Teilchen mit Massen im Bereich der TeV-Skala mit der Erzeugung der sehr geringen Neutrinomassen in Verbindung zu bringen. Solche Teilchen sind besonders interessant, da sie an Beschleunigerexperimenten wie dem Large Hadron Collider untersucht werden können. Deswegen wird in dieser Arbeit zunächst die Erzeugung von Neutrinomassen durch höherdimensionale effektive Operatoren in supersymmetrischen Modellen rekapituliert. Darüber hinaus sollen mögliche Prozesse zum Nachweis dieser Modelle am Large Hadron Collider anhand eines Beispiels diskutiert werden. Da das Einführen neuer Teilchen das Laufen der Kopplungskonstanten beeinflussen kann, wird ferner betrachtet, inwiefern solche Szenarien vereinbar mit großen vereinheitlichten Theorien (Grand Unified Theories) sind. Die entsprechende Erweiterung dieser Modelle kann beispielsweise das Auftreten neuer schwerer Quarks zur Folge haben, die auf ihre Vereinbarkeit mit kosmologischen Beobachtungen untersucht werden. Höherdimensionale Operatoren können jedoch nicht nur sehr kleine Neutrinomassen erzeugen, sondern auch für Experimente zum Nachweis dunkler Materie relevant sein. Daher sollen die zuvor angewandten Methoden zur systematischen Diskussion effektiver Operatoren, die Wechselwirkungen dunkler Materie beschreiben, verwendet werden.
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Etude du bruit de fond provenant du Bismuth 214 et analyse du signal de double désintégration bêta avec une méthode de maximum de vraisemblance dans l'expérience NEMO-3Simard, L. 19 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les résultats récents des expériences d'oscillations ont montré que le neutrino est une particule massive; jusqu'à présent la valeur absolue de sa masse reste inconnue, même si les expériences de cosmologie ou de mesure directe donnent des contraintes. D'autre part, comme le neutrino est le seul fermion qui n'est pas chargé électriquement, il peut être identique à son antiparticule, c'est-à-dire être une particule de Majorana. La recherche de la double désintégration bêta $\mathrm{\beta \beta 0 \nu}$ est actuellement la seule technique expérimentale susceptible de mettre en évidence le neutrino de Majorana. Le détecteur NEMO-3, qui recherche la double désintégration bêta du Molybdène 100 et du Sélénium 82, prend des données au Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane depuis février 2003. La première phase de prise de données a permis de mettre en évidence une contamination de la chambre à fils trop élevée en Bismuth 214. Afin d'éviter qu'une faible fraction du radon de l'air du laboratoire ne diffuse dans le détecteur, une tente a été installée autour de celui-ci et une installation de déradonisation de l'air permet d'appauvrir en radon l'air qui entre dans la tente. Le détecteur NEMO-3 peut mesurer pour chaque prise de données sa contamination interne en Bismuth 214; des modèles permettent de décrire comment le radon peut diffuser dans le détecteur, ou comment l'activité en radon de l' air du laboratoire peut varier lors d'une coupure de ventilation. Après installation de la tente et de l'installation de déradonisation de l'air, plusieurs hypothèses sont proposées pour expliquer la contamination résiduelle, sachant que compte-tenu de la longue demi-vie du Radon 222, l'analyse des désintégrations du Bismuth 214 ne permet pas de remonter avec certitude à l'origine du matériau où le radon émane. Enfin, les désintégrations du Bismuth 214 rendent possible un test global, sur lénsemble du détecteur et pour une prise de donnée assez longue, de l'étalonnage en énergie. La recherche de la double désintégration bêta est basée sur une méthode de maximum de vraisemblance, qui utilise l'ensemble des informations mesurées sur les événements à deux électrons par NEMO-3 : non seulement la somme des énergies des électrons, mais également leurs énergies individuelles et l'angle d'émission entre eux. Les distributions sont ajustées sur des simulations pour les signaux et les bruits de fonds; ensuite les contributions des bruits de fond autres que la $\mathrm{\beta \beta 2 \nu}$ sont fixées, grâce à des canaux dédiés de plus haute statistique. Après 2,6 ans de prises de données pour la période à teneur en radon réduite, aucun signal n'a été observé et les contraintes sur les demi-vies de $\mathrm{\beta \beta 0 \nu}$ sont : $$\mathrm{T_{1/2}^{\beta \beta 0 \nu,~} > 8,3~10^{23}~ann\acute{e}es (90\% CL)~^{100}Mo}$$ $$\mathrm{T_{1/2}^{\beta \beta 0 \nu,~} > 4,9~10^{23}~ann\acute{e}es (90\%CL)~^{82}Se}$$ L'utilisation de l'information sur les énergies individuelles et sur l'angle d'émission entre les électrons permet d'améliorer la sensibilité au processus de $\mathrm{\beta \beta 0 \nu}$ généré par les courants droits : $$\mathrm{T_{1/2}^{\beta \beta 0 \nu,~V+A} > 3,5 ~10^{23} ~years~ (90\% CL)~^{100}Mo}$$ $$\mathrm{T_{1/2}^{\beta \beta 0 \nu,~V+A} > 2,7~ 10^{23} ~years~ (90\% CL)~^{82}Se}$$
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Méthode d'analyse pour la recherche de la double désintegration beta sans émission de neutrinos dans l'expérience NEMO3. Etude du bruit de fond et premiers résultatsEtienvre, Anne-Isabelle 07 April 2003 (has links) (PDF)
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Search for low mass WIMPs with the AMANDA neutrino telescopeDavour, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>Recent measurements show that dark matter makes up at least one fifth of the total energy density of the Universe. The nature of the dark matter is one of the biggest mysteries in current particle physics and cosmology.</p><p>Big Bang nucleosynthesis limits the amount of baryonic matter that can exist, and shows that the dark matter has to be non-baryonic. Particle physics provides some candidates for non-baryonic matter that could solve the dark-matter problem, weakly interacting massive</p><p>particles (WIMPs) being the most popular. If these particles were created in the early Universe a substatial relic abundance would exist today. WIMPs in our galactic halo could be gravitationally bound in the Solar System and accumulate inside heavy bodies like the Earth. Supersymmetric extensions to the Standard Model give a viable WIMP dark matter candidate in the form of the lightest neutralino. This thesis describes an indirect search for WIMPs by the neutrino signature from neutralino annihilation at the core of the Earth using the AMANDA detector. As opposed to previous dark matter searches with AMANDA, this work focuses on the hypothesis of a relatively light WIMP particle with mass of 50-250GeV/c<sup>2</sup></p><p>The AMANDA neutrino telescope is an array of photomultiplier tubes installed in the clear glacier ice at the South Pole which is used as Cherenkov medium. Data taken with AMANDA during the period 2001-2003 is analyzed. The energy threshold of the detector is lowered by the use of a local correlation trigger, and the analysis is taylored to select vertically upgoing low energy events. No excess above the expected atmospheric neutrino background is found. New limits on the flux of muons from WIMP annihilations in the center of the Earth are calculated.</p>
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Charm studies in emulsionKalinin, Sergey 20 March 2006 (has links)
Neutrino-nucleon scattering is an effective way to investigate the inner structure of the nucleon, to extract the Standard Model parameters and to explore heavy quarks production dynamics. In the last decades, several experiments have been constructed to study weak interactions of neutrinos with nucleons. One of them was CERN-WA95 experiment operated by the CHORUS collaboration. It is based on a hybrid detector with nuclear emulsion as a target followed by electronic devices. Nuclear emulsion provides three dimensional spatial information with an outstanding resolution of the order of one micron. Therefore, it is ideal to detect short-lived particles. A special technique has been developed to reconstruct events in the emulsion which allows to perform a detailed investigation of events such as charmed hadrons production by neutrinos. As a result, the backround in the selected charm sample is up to six times lower compared to similar experiments. Such a method also permits to make direct measurements of some quantities instead of model fittings. This thesis is devoted to the study of the muonic decays of charmed hadrons and their production in emulsion. Manual inspection of charm events gives a complete reconstruction of charm decay topology. The extraction of the inclusive muonic branching ratio is based on the ratios per number of charged daughters in charm decay. Such an approach allows to separetely measure the muonic branching ratios for neutral and charged charm particles. Finally, normalization of the events with a muon in the final state to the charged current events gives dimuon production rate which is found compatible with the previous experiments. On top of that, preliminary results are shown for Bjorken x distribution and for a direct measurement of the Vcd Cabbibo-Kabayashi-Maskawa matrix element.
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Charm studies in emulsionKalinin, Sergey 20 March 2006 (has links)
Neutrino-nucleon scattering is an effective way to investigate the inner structure of the nucleon, to extract the Standard Model parameters and to explore heavy quarks production dynamics. In the last decades, several experiments have been constructed to study weak interactions of neutrinos with nucleons. One of them was CERN-WA95 experiment operated by the CHORUS collaboration. It is based on a hybrid detector with nuclear emulsion as a target followed by electronic devices. Nuclear emulsion provides three dimensional spatial information with an outstanding resolution of the order of one micron. Therefore, it is ideal to detect short-lived particles. A special technique has been developed to reconstruct events in the emulsion which allows to perform a detailed investigation of events such as charmed hadrons production by neutrinos. As a result, the backround in the selected charm sample is up to six times lower compared to similar experiments. Such a method also permits to make direct measurements of some quantities instead of model fittings. This thesis is devoted to the study of the muonic decays of charmed hadrons and their production in emulsion. Manual inspection of charm events gives a complete reconstruction of charm decay topology. The extraction of the inclusive muonic branching ratio is based on the ratios per number of charged daughters in charm decay. Such an approach allows to separetely measure the muonic branching ratios for neutral and charged charm particles. Finally, normalization of the events with a muon in the final state to the charged current events gives dimuon production rate which is found compatible with the previous experiments. On top of that, preliminary results are shown for Bjorken x distribution and for a direct measurement of the Vcd Cabbibo-Kabayashi-Maskawa matrix element.
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A bottom-up approach to fermion massesGoffinet, François 19 December 2008 (has links)
There is now convincing evidence that the Standard Model of electroweak and strong interactions is not the end of the story but only a low energy effective theory. In particular, new flavour physics is required to explain the fermion mass spectrum. Most of the proposed extensions of the Standard Model fail to meet this criterion. We may hope that the LHC or some future colliders could help to clarify the situation by discovering new particles or spotting some unexpected events.
In the meantime, more precise measurements of masses and mixing parameters could also play an important role. In this work, we do not aim at finding a new mechanism that could explain this spectrum, but we rather assume that fermion masses and mixings are calculable in a yet-to-be-found more fundamental theory. Our goal is to glean as much information as possible from the observed fermion masses and mixings in order to find some hidden structures that could significantly lower the number of free parameters and help us to get some clues about what could be this fundamental theory.
We analyse first the various parametrizations of the flavour mixing and single out a specific decomposition. The parameters of this decomposition can be independently and accurately computed if we impose some simple textures to the Yukawa couplings. We propose then a straightforward combination of these interesting textures which reproduces quite well the observed quark flavour mixing.
We study then the properties of a successful mass relation for the charged leptons. We propose some generalizations of this relation in order to be valid also for the neutrinos and the quarks. One of them successfully combines the masses and mixings while another one describes the lepton masses via an accurate geometric description.
Hopefully, these two studies lead to similar conclusions and allow us to speculate on some interesting properties for new flavour physics.
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