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Ouers se belewenis van die dood van 'n baba met kongenitale afwykingsDe Kock, Joanita 16 April 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. (Midwifery and Neonatal Nursing) / The purpose of this study is to determine the experiences of the parents after the death of a congenital abnormal baby. Parents who have lost a baby go through a process of grief. This also applies to parents of a baby with congenital abnormalities. Parents whose congenital abnormal baby dies, not only grieve because of the abnormality of their baby, but also because it died Unstructured in-depth interviews were held with six couples within a year after the death of their babies. The experiences of the six couples were afterwards compared. A literature study was undertaken in order to determine what the conclusions of other researchers field were. The result of the literature study was compared with that of the present study. Recommendations are made at the end of this study on the practical applications, education and further research that can be undertaken on this subject.
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Premature Labor and Neonatal Septicemia Caused by Capnocytophaga OchraceaAlhifany, Abdullah A., Almangour, Thamer A., Tabb, Deanne E., Levine, David H. 16 June 2017 (has links)
Objective: Unknown ethiology Background: Capnocytophaga ochracea is a gram-negative anaerobic organism commonly found in human oral flora. It is characteristically sensitive to beta-lactams and resistant to aminoglycosides. Case Report: A 23-year-old woman presented with lower abdominal pain and was admitted for premature labor at 24-weeks of gestation. At presentation, the cervix was closed and the membrane was intact; however, contractions continued, the membrane subsequently ruptured before receiving any steroids or magnesium, and the mother gave birth to a 540-gram female baby. At birth, Apgar scores were 1 at 5 minutes, 1 at 10 minutes, and 2 at 15 minutes. On the fifth day of life, the blood culture grew Capnocytophaga species. Consequently, Cefotaxime was started and ampicillin continued for a total of 14 days; however, on the 6th day, the head ultrasound showed grade 4 intraventricular hemorrhage and a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order was placed in the chart. The patient's health continued to deteriorate, having multiple episodes of bradycardia and desaturation until cardiac arrest on the 17th day. Conclusions: Capnocytophaga ochracea was isolated from the blood culture of a preterm neonate. It was thought to be the cause of the premature labor and subsequent neonatal septicemia. This case report suggests that the prevalence of Capnocytophaga infections is most likely underestimated and that additional premature labors and abortions could have been caused by Capnocytophaga infections that were never detected. Hence, more studies are needed to investigate the route of transmission.
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The Epidemiology and Health System Impact of Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency Among Affected Children and Those with False Positive Newborn Screening Results in Ontario, CanadaKaraceper, Maria D January 2014 (has links)
Objective: To describe the epidemiology and health system impact of medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) in Ontario.
Methods: Following a review of methods to estimating robust health event rates for small populations, this study described health services use among infants diagnosed with MCADD or received a false positive newborn screening result for MCADD from April 2006 through March 2010. Each cohort was compared with screen negative infants by linking to databases encompassing physician visits, emergency department care, and hospitalizations.
Results: Relative to comparison birth cohorts, children with MCADD (n=40) experienced significantly higher rates of all health service types, regardless of age at the time of visit; infants with false positive results for MCADD (n=43) experienced significantly higher rates of physician visits and hospitalizations in the first year of life only.
Conclusion: This study makes an important contribution to the limited existing research describing the health system impact of rare diseases.
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Die effek van gehepariniseerde spuite by die bepaling van die pasgeborene se bloedglukosevlakWolmarans, Irma 24 April 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Tendencia secular do tempo de permanencia hospitalar de recem-nascidos sadios e com peso maior ou igual a 2.500 gramas, no hospital Maternidade de CampinasMoura, Monica Barthelson Carvalho de, 1967- 17 May 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Sergio Tadeu Martins Marba / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T00:24:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a tendência secular de permanência hospitalar de recém-nascidos sadios e = 2.500 gramas em uma maternidade de grande porte em Campinas (Hospital Maternidade de Campinas) e sua modificação com algumas variáveis maternas e do recém-nascido. Foi um estudo descritivo, analítico, retrospectivo, realizado através de dados dos prontuários de pacientes nascidos vivos entre os anos de 1951 a 2000, com uma amostra de 5001 recém-nascidos, selecionada através de sorteio, dentre a população total incluindo todos os anos do período de estudo. A variável dependente foi o tempo de permanência hospitalar e as independentes foram peso de nascimento, idade materna, tipo de parto e categorias de internação. Para analisar a tendência secular do tempo de permanência hospitalar em função do ano de nascimento, bem como sua associação com as variáveis independentes, foi utilizado análise de regressão linear com estimação pelo método dos quadrados mínimos. O nível de significância adotados para os testes estatísticos foi de 5%. A média de tempo de permanência hospitalar do binômio mãe-filho na maternidade em 1951 foi de 123 horas e em 1970, já havia diminuído para 55, 8 horas. O tempo de permanência Hospitalar não variou com o peso de nascimento, a idade materna e a categoria de internação, variando apenas com o tipo de parto. Concluiu-se que houve um decréscimo vertiginoso no tempo de permanência hospitalar no período de 1951 a 1970 independente do peso de nascimento, da idade materna e das categorias de internação, variando apenas com o tipo de parto, as cesáreas apresentaram queda mais significativa do tempo de internação, destes recém- nascido / Abstract: The objective of this research was to become known the secular tendency of lenght of perinatal hospital stay in healthy newborns, with birth weight more than 2.500g in a big hospital of Campinas (Hospital Maternidade de Campinas). It was a descriptive, analitic and retrospective study, analyzing prontuary datas of pacients that have been borned from 1951 to 2000. They have been choosen by picking them up from the total population during all years. The dependent variable has been the lenght of stay and the independents have been birth weight, maternal age, kind of delivery and economic categories. To analyse the secular tendency of length of stay for each year and associate it with the independent variables, it has been used linear regression analysis. The significance level was 5%. The middle time of length of stay for mother and newborn, in 1951, was 123 hours and in 1970, was 55,8 hours.The variables: birth weight, maternal age and economic categories haven't change hospitalar permanency, only kind of delivery has interwied in this process. Conclusion: the length of stay has decreased significantly between 1951 to 2000. Birth weight, maternal age and economic categories haven't interviewed in this process. Only the kind of delivery, the cesareans have been decreased significantly during 1951 to 2000 / Mestrado / Pediatria / Mestre em Saude da Criança e do Adolescente
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Biomarkery oxidačního stresu erytrocytů u novorozence - follow-up studie / Oxidative stress biomarkers of the erythrocyte in the newborn - a follow-up studyZubatá, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
Charles University University of Porto Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Department of Biological Sciences Student: Karolína Zubatá Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Martina Čečková, Ph.D. Consultants: Susana Rocha, Ph.D., prof. Alice Santos-Silva, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Oxidative stress biomarkers of the erythrocyte in the newborn - a follow-up study Increased levels of oxidative stress (OS) have been described in healthy, full-term newborns as a consequence of the drastic changes introduced by birth and by the exposure to extrauterine environment. Our intention was to examine the OS levels in red blood cells (RBCs) of neonates and to further understand the changes that the newborn organism undergoes with its newly- acquired autonomy as this knowledge is limited and there are no reference values. Umbilical cord blood samples were collected from a small population of newborns (n = 8) and several hematological and biochemistry parameters were evaluated. Our experimental data consist of OS biomarkers measurements performed in different fractions of blood (RBC membrane, total RBCs and plasma): membrane bound hemoglobin (MBH), lipid peroxidation (LPO), quantification of catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities,...
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Difference in hearing screening failure rates as a function of ethnicity in well newborns screened at Tampa General HospitalPrewitt, Sybil N 07 December 2000 (has links)
The difference in otoacoustic emission (OAE) hearing screening failure rates as a function of ethnic category was investigated in a population of newborns at Tampa General Hospital, Tampa, Florida. Clinical observation led to a concern that due to a higher incidence of outer and middle ear dysfunction in Hispanic newborns and children, screening could result in disparate failure rates, with a larger number of these infants requiring further testing. This result would warrant changes in current protocols, as well as screener training,and parent counseling practices.
Between January and July of 2000, 1407 newborns were tested utilizing distortion product otoacoustic emission screening protocols. Of those infants,only 68 failed, yielding a higher than average overall program referral rate of 5%. It is hypothesized that since later reported referral rates for this program fall below 1%, the individuals performing the screenings had not yet become experienced enough to yield low refer rates. In addition, initial screens are not repeated in this program due to staffing and funding issues, which may contribute to higher than average fail rates.
More important, however, results indicated that there is indeed a difference in failure rates as a function of ethnicity, with a greater proportion of Hispanic and African-American and "Other" newborn referrals that Caucasian or Asian newborns. This difference, however, was not significantly reliable. It is hypothesized that this difference may be the result of a generally lower socioeconomic status and access to medical care within urban minority populations in Hillsborough County, Florida. Implications are discussed.
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Breaking the bttleneck: Understanding the intractable bottlenecks and data-informed decision-making to deliver life-saving commodities for women and childrenNemser, Bennett January 2021 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Access to life-saving commodities and related services for women and children is a fundamental
component of universal health coverage. However, countries confront numerous intractable
challenges, such as aligning regulatory practices, enhancing health workforce capacity, and effectively
managing supply chains, to ensure essential reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
(RMNCH) commodities and services reach all communities. To address these entrenched obstacles,
the UN Commission on Life Saving Commodities for Women and Children (UNCoLSC) in 2012
outlined a series of recommendations to improve access to 13 low-cost and high-impact commodities.
This thesis explores the improvements and remaining barriers to accessing life-saving commodities for
women and children in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. In addition, this thesis showcases how
effective data-informed decision-making can support prioritized RMNCH investments and equitycentered
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Three Papers Exploring the Evidence for Improving Quality of Care for Small and Sick Newborns in Low- and Middle-income Countries With a Focus on Rural GhanaThomas, Hana S. January 2022 (has links)
Globally, nearly 40% of under-five deaths occur in the first 28 days after birth. Neonatal mortality is concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia with an estimated 80% of all neonatal deaths occurring in the two regions. Low quality of care has been associated with poor health outcomes in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). Low quality of intrapartum care has been shown to be strongly associated with poor newborn outcomes. Improving access to high-quality neonatal care for small and sick newborns is crucial to reducing preventable deaths in the immediate newborn period.
Over the last two decades, significant advances have been made in measuring the coverage, quality and equity of maternal health services. However, few studies to-date have explored the quality of care for small and sick newborns in resource-constrained settings. Those studies conducted in low-and middle-income settings demonstrate that in-patient service readiness for small and sick newborns is low. While there have been increasing efforts to develop and standardize metrics for measuring facility readiness for this population, few studies to-date have explored the effective coverage – a term used to denote utilization adjusted for quality – of services for emergency newborn care in such settings. Recommendations for intervention packages for small and sick newborns have largely focused on secondary and tertiary levels of care, leaving the role of community and peripheral facilities under-explored. Central to the agenda of improving the coverage of high-quality services for small and sick newborns is also strengthening the capacity of health workforce that participate in their care. A plethora of training packages and supervision strategies have been tried and tested in LMICs for improving emergency obstetric care with the focus on emergency newborn limited to a few complications. These human resources initiatives have been criticized for being fragmented in implementation. Little is known about the quality of training and supervision for emergency newborn care competencies for the rural health workforce in under-resourced settings.
This dissertation is presented in three papers to help evaluate specific components of quality and coverage for the small and sick newborn population in LMICs. Paper one identifies and describes the breadth of strategies used to successfully translate evidence-based community interventions for the management of newborns with possible serious bacterial infections (PSBI), enabling the generation of a common and consistent taxonomy for practitioners and researchers in this domain. Paper two uses quantitative methods to examine the service readiness and effective coverage of services for small and sick newborns at the sub-district and district levels in rural Ghana. Paper three, using a mixed-methods design, assesses health worker perceptions of the quality and gaps in training, supervision and tele-mentoring activities for emergency obstetric and newborn care in rural Ghana.
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Bess and Hearing Screening: Portending the Challenges in ChildrenGravel, Judith S., Fischer, Rebecca M., Chase, Patricia 01 May 2009 (has links)
This article summarizes the significant contributions of Fred H. Bess to the early detection of hearing loss in infants and children. Based on public health and educational policy, Bess challenged audiologists to view hearing screening as a responsibility that brought with it the need to develop screening tools that are effective in identifying hearing loss - whether for use with infants, preschoolers, or school-age children - and that adhere to important screening principles. A review of his influence on pertinent guidelines, position statements, and recommendations highlights his belief that early identification of hearing loss is critical if children are to overcome the significant obstacles presented by even mild and unilateral hearing losses. This section is followed by a review of seminal papers that stimulated research in universal newborn hearing screening programs and the detection of unilateral and minimal hearing loss. We conclude with a review of selected studies that build on Bess's earlier work and strive to drive our field forward to practices that are both evidence-based and effective in detecting hearing loss in children.
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