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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gender differences in answering questions in a News Interview : a study of male and female answers in The Andrew Marr Show

Rask, Linnea January 2014 (has links)
This study aims to examine possible differences in the way male and female politicians answer questions in a news interview, with focus on hedging expressions, answer resistance strategies and negative mentions of other politicians and political parties.The study is based on analysis of 13 interviews with British politicians made for the BBC One programme The Andrew Marr show in 2013 and 2014. The data used for analysis is transcripts and recordings of the interviews, and the study uses conversation analytical tools to in detail examine the answers in relation to conversational phenomena and techniques.The results show several significant differences in the way men and women answer questions. Women use more hedging expressions, minimal response and overt resistance than men, whereas men covertly resist questions to a greater extent than women. Men also seem more likely to mention colleagues or other political parties in a negative manner in a way to pass blame. These results are discussed in relation to social structures in society as well as former studies on the matter.

Likvärdigt bemötande i TV – eller inte : En studie av fyra partiledarutfrågningar i SVT inför valet 2010

Ritter, Anders, Schultz, Göran January 2011 (has links)
As the 2010 Swedish election was closing in, there was a discussion about how the media represented the different party leaders in a differential and unfair manner. This study aims to identify if there were any differences in how four of these party leaders, Lars Ohly, Maud Olofsson, Fredrik Reinfeldt and Mona Sahlin were treated in four individual questioning sessions on Swedish television. Utilizing conversation analysis the study focuses on identifying differences in the usage of interruptions between the four different sessions. The study also analyzes the aggressiveness of the journalists’ questioning and how they designed their questions in the four different sessions. Results show some significant differences in how the four different party leaders were treated in their individual questioning sessions.

Práticas discursivas de negociação da face em entrevistas jornalísticas de televisão no estado de Alagoas / Discoursive practices of saving face in Alagoas tv news interviews

Gama, Maria do Carmo Milito 18 August 2011 (has links)
This research is guided from the perspective of Pragmatics, and it is situated in the theoretical and methodological field of Interactional Sociolinguistics and Conversation Analysis. The objective is to analyze the conversation between participants in a specific type of interaction, that is TV news interviews, conducted in the news of state of Alagoas local TV channels, in order to investigate the saving face process on the run. The theoretical framework is based on studies developed by Goffman (1967) and research work on politeness as an element of saving face developed further by Brown & Levinson (1987). For the research methodology I adopted the proposal of ethnographic microanalysis to analyze in detail each of the interactions recorded in audio and video, through observation and transcription of the conversation, to investigate through the accuracy required, the saving face discursive practice of the interlocutors. The corpus consisted of six interviews that were collected during the initial period of the survey. The results reveal a broad and diverse discursive practice of saving face in the discourse of the interaction in focus. The topic being discussed in every interaction is an element that influences the practice of face saving, especially when taking into account certain contextual components, such as personal/professional identity of the person who is speaking on the topic and its relation with it. The distance from the speech is a resource used repeatedly by both interviewer and interviewee, and there is evidence that a party perceives the occurrence of this practice in the speech of the other. The reaction to cooperate or try to disprove this intention will also vary depending on the contextual elements, not only on who is talking, but mainly from what is being said. In this regard, it was noticed that when the disclosure happens it is not always a threat to face. Finally, it was noticed that politeness is a discursive practice widely used by both parties in the saving face process, and by making use of this practice the interviewer, as one who directs the interaction at first, can achieve the goal of their work as well as mantaining a harmonious interaction with their interviwees. / Esta pesquisa é orientada sob a perspectiva dos estudos da Pragmática, e situa-se no campo teórico-metodológico da Sociolinguística Interacional (SI) e da Análise da Conversação (AC). O objetivo é analisar a conversa que ocorre entre os participantes de um tipo específico de interação, as entrevistas jornalísticas de TV, realizadas e veiculadas em noticiários de emissoras locais - do estado de Alagoas -, com o propósito de investigar como se dá o processo de negociação das faces em jogo. A fundamentação teórica tem como base os estudos sobre a negociação da face desenvolvidos por Goffman (1967) e o trabalho de pesquisa sobre a polidez como um elemento de negociação da face, realizado posteriormente por Brown & Levinson (1987). Como procedimento metodológico, adotei a proposta da microanálise etnográfica, e analisei detalhadamente cada uma das interações orais gravadas em áudio e vídeo, através da observação e transcrição da conversa, para investigar com a acuidade necessária, a prática discursiva de negociação da imagem dos interlocutores na interação. O corpus constituiu-se da transcrição de seis entrevistas, e foi coletado durante o período inicial de realização da pesquisa. Os resultados revelam uma ampla e diversificada prática discursiva de negociar a imagem no discurso da interação em foco. O tema que se discute em cada interação é um dos elementos que influencia na prática da negociação da imagem, principalmente ao considerar certos componentes contextuais, como a identidade pessoal/profissional da pessoa que está falando sobre o tema e em que sentido, a ele, a pessoa está relacionada. O afastamento dos interlocutores do discurso é um recurso recorrentemente usado na fala de ambos, entrevistador e entrevistado, e há evidências de que um interlocutor percebe a ocorrência dessa prática no discurso do outro. A reação de colaborar com o afastamento ou de tentar desmascarar essa intenção também vai variar a depender dos elementos contextuais, não só de quem está falando, mas, principalmente, do quê se está falando. A esse respeito, percebeu-se também que quando há o desvelamento, esse nem sempre se constitui em um ato ameaçador das faces. Por fim, percebeu-se que a polidez é uma prática discursiva muito usada pelos dois interlocutores no processo da negociação da imagem, e que o entrevistador, como aquele que a princípio dirige a interação, ao fazer uso dessa prática, consegue atingir o objetivo do seu trabalho sem abrir mão de manter um contato harmonioso na interação com o entrevistado.

The Uses of the Discourse Markers ‘well’, ’you know’ and ‘I mean’ in News Interviews

Rangraz, Masood January 2014 (has links)
This study is about the use of three Discourse Markers (henceforth DMs) in news interviews. It is an attempt to demonstrate how well, you know and I mean are employed in news interviews. It also shows what participants accomplish using the DMs as rhetorical devices.


CARLOS ALBERTO SOARES ALVES 22 October 2020 (has links)
[pt] O caráter acusatório do jornalismo contemporâneo em entrevistas a políticos é objeto de estudo de analistas da conversa em contextos britânico e americano (CLAYMAN, 2001; CLAYMAN E HERITAGE, 2002; CLAYMAN et. at. 2007; HERITAGE, 2002). Contudo, até as eleições de 2018, esse tipo de jornalismo não era visto como uma prática comum no Brasil, dada a repercussão das entrevistas aos candidatos à Presidência na mídia impressa e nas redes sociais que levantou um debate acerca do papel dos jornalistas nesse tipo de interação institucional. Diante desse cenário, com o objetivo de contribuir para o entendimento do caráter adverso das perguntas, examinamos, neste estudo, o design de perguntas feitas pelos jornalistas para o então candidato Jair Bolsonaro, no programa Roda Viva da TV Cultura, à luz do arcabouço teórico-metodológico da Análise da Conversa. De modo geral, os resultados revelam que os jornalistas não usaram as perguntas para pedir informações, mas, sim, para mobilizar ações responsivas que podiam comprometer os objetivos políticos do candidato. Além disso, os entrevistadores lançaram mão de recursos que restringiam as possibilidades de resposta do entrevistado, independentemente do tipo de pergunta e de apresentar ou não um prefácio, limitando, assim, ações evasivas. / [en] The accusatory character of contemporary journalism in interviews with politicians has been object of study of conversation analysts both in British and American contexts (CLAYMAN, 2001; CLAYMAN E HERITAGE, 2002; CLAYMAN et. at. 2007; HERITAGE, 2002). However, until the 2018 elections, this kind of journalism was not seen as a common practice in Brazil, given the repercussion of interviews with presidency candidates in the press and in social media networks, which raised a debate about the role of journalists in this type of institutional interaction. In face of this scenario, we analyzed in this study the design of questions asked by journalists to the candidate, at the time, Jair Bolsonaro, in the TV program Roda Viva, by Culture TV, in the light of Conversation Analysis theoretical methodological framework, aiming at contributing to an understanding of questions adversarial character. In general, results reveal that journalists did not use questions to request information, but, on the contrary, to mobilize responsive actions that could jeopardize the candidate s political goals. Besides, interviewers made use of resources that restricted interviewee s possibilities of answering, independently of the type of question or presence of not a preface, thus, limiting evasive actions.

新聞訪談之「語用技巧」分析:以前提概念為例 / On Pragmatic Strategies in News Interviews

葉方珣, Yeh,Fanghsun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在討論新聞記者如何運用語用學之「前提」概念來引導受訪者回答,藉由「丟面子問題」質疑並挑戰受訪者「答非所問」之迴避回應。個案研究以一則平面政經新聞報導為言說分析之例,從主張與前提兩個語言單位來探究前提在訪談問答間扮演何種角色與功能。 相關語言學文獻討論曾指出記者前提影響受訪者之回應面向。本文進一步認為,記者訪談前提往往誘導受訪者針對該前提回應(而非針對問題本身),並藉助記者的背景知識與訪談對話以預設前提並挑戰受訪者。 歸納個案文本的言說分析與個案記者訪談後,本研究發現,記者前提所產生的命題確實影響並誘導受訪者回應,並以記者的前設知識來探討前提技巧如何獲得受訪者更多、更深入的回應。整理上述提問、回應模式,本研究擬出語用前提作為「問好問題」之言談方法及雙方互動的橋樑,盼能提供訪談者一套語言策略。 / The goal of this research aims to explore how pragmatic presuppositions in news interviews influence the interaction of interlocutors, conducted by discourse analysis on assertions and presuppositions within each pair of questioning. By identifying the face-threatening questions which ends up leading the interviewee to non-reply responses, the case study concentrates on one public-figure interview in attempts to unveiling the tactics of placing presuppositions, added by the in-depth interview with the journalist of the case to take the speaker’s meaning into account. The result of this research enabled the author to discover the interaction of presupposition in the form of propositions between the interlocutors that leads the interviewee’s response to challenge the journalist’s presuppostions. The researcher also found evidences indicating the presumption of the journalist produces presuppostion as well as the response, which enables this research to develop a pragmatic strategy of news interview based on the use of presuppositions.

Budskapspostinskott, budskapsinbäddningar och övergångsfraser : En teorigenererande konversationsanalys av politikers strategier för att utöva makt över innehållet i partiledarintervjuer. / Message Post-Expansions, Message Embeddings and Transitional Phrases : A theory generating conversation analysis of Swedish party leaders’ strategies to take power in pre-election interviews.

Palm, Eva-Lotta January 2019 (has links)
This study examines Swedish party leaders’ strategies in political campaign interviews to both answer the journalist’s question and deliver own messages. The material studied consists of eight fifty minutes long interviews, each with one Swedish party leader, broadcast in the channels of the Swedish public service company Sveriges television in a series of episodes called “Val 2014 #dinröst” in the weeks before the 2014 elections. The answering turns, where the politicians both answer the question given by the journalist and give messages which the question has not explicitly asked for, were analyzed using conversation analysis. Two main findings are the “message post-expansion” and the “message embedding”, two features of the politicians’ answering turns in which they deliver own messages, sometimes with help of a “transitional phrase”. The study is theory generating in the sense that it contributes with these features. The study indicates that the Swedish party leader interview format gives the politicians possibilities to express themselves rather freely. Questions asked by the journalists set the topics but journalists seem to expect the politicians to do more than answering the question, as well as the politicians themselves seem to feel expected to present their positions after answering the question. A conclusion is also that the party leader considers her or his task in the party leader interview as two-sided: she or he shall both follow the Q-A turn-taking organization and deliver own messages. At a macro level, the study suggests that media logic has made party leaders develop strategies to maximize their usage of the party leader interview as a communication channel, and that the features of the “budskapspostinskott” and the “budskapsinbäddning” indicate that mediatization of politics is advanced. In addition, the results make it reasonable to suggest that the journalist and the party leader, from an institutionalistic perspective of mediatization of politics, can have different logics but at the same time have at least one common aim: to provide as many people as possible with a basis to take a stand on the day of the election. With this view, the journalist and the party leader co-work to contribute to a sustainable democracy. The profession dimension of media logic can, thus, in addition to scrutinizing the party leader, include helping the party leader reach the audience with understandable and clear messages. Finally, the actions of the party leaders in “Val 2014 #dinröst” can be understood as indicating that mediatization of politics has reached so far that message construction has become a natural part of the politics dimension of political logic. The construction of political messages can be said to have been triggered by media logic but, in the light of this study, have become included into the dimension of political logic which embraces the work of winning voters and gaining support for political ideas. / Den här studien undersöker svenska partiledares strategier för att i partiledarintervjuer både svara på journalistens fråga och föra fram egna budskap som journalisten inte explicit bett om att få. Empirin består av de åtta knappt femtio minuter långa partiledarintervjuerna i Sveriges televisions program ”Val 2014 #dinröst” som direktsändes under valrörelsen inför de allmänna valen i Sverige den 17 september 2014. De svarsturer i vilka politikerna både svarar på frågan och utnyttjar sin tur till att leverera egna budskap analyserades med hjälp av konversationsanalys. Studien är teorigenererande så till vida att den presenterar budskapspostinskott och budskapsinbäddningar, två konstruktioner i politikernas svarsturer som de använder för att leverera egna budskap, ibland med hjälp av en övergångsfras. Studiens slutsatser är att partiledarna i det programformat som studerats får tala relativt fritt – partiledarna kan sägas ta sig en proaktiv roll, och deras budskapspostinskott och budskapsinbäddningar tycks för både journalist och politiker ingå som en naturlig del i programformatet. En slutsats är också att partiledaren ser sig ha ett tudelat uppdrag i partiledarintervjun – att både följa frågasvarturtagningsordningen och föra fram egna budskap. På en makronivå anför studien att det är medielogiken som har gjort att partiledarna har utvecklat strategier för att maximalt kunna nyttja partiledarintervjun som kanal, och att studiens budskapspostsinskott och budskapsinbäddningar kan ses som ett indicium på att mediatization av politiken är mycket långtgående. Därutöver konstateras att journalist och partiledare utifrån ett institutionalistiskt mediatization-perspektiv kan utgå från olika logik och samtidigt ha åtminstone ett gemensamt mål: att hålla ett begripligt och levande samtal för att så många tittare som möjligt ska tillhandahållas underlag för att ta ställning på valdagen. På så sätt kan de sägas tillsammans bidra till en hållbar demokrati. Professionsdimensionen av medielogiken kan utifrån det förda resonemanget gå ut på att journalisten, utöver att granska politikern kritiskt, ska hjälpa politikern att nå ut med sina budskap på ett lättfattligt sätt. Det föreslår den här studien. Till sist kan partiledarnas ageranden i ”Val 2014 #dinröst” sägas tyda på att mediatization av politiken har gått så långt att budskapsformulering har blivit en naturlig del i politics-dimensionen av politiken. Budskapsformulering kan sägas ha triggats av medielogiken men bör i ljuset av den här studien inte längre ses som en effekt av medielogiken som står vid sidan av politikens politics-dimension utan som en numera naturlig och självklar införlivad del av den dimension av politiken som handlar om att få väljarstöd och vinna gehör för olika frågor.

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