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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of a partial nitritation/Anammox system for nitrogen removal

Gut, Luiza January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis evaluates the performance of a deammonification system designed as a two-step tech-nology consisting of an initial partial nitritation followed by an Anammox process. Operation of a technical-scale pilot plant at the Himmerfjärden Wastewater Treatment Plant (Grödinge, Swe-den) has been assessed. Oxygen Uptake Rate (OUR) to evaluate the respiration activity of nitrifi-ers in the system and batch tests to assess reaction rates have also been applied in the study. It was found that the total inorganic nitrogen elimination strongly depended on the nitrite-to-ammonium ratio in the influent to the Anammox reactor, which was correlated with the per-formance of the partial nitritation phase. Therefore, a control strategy for oxidation of ammo-nium to nitrite has been proposed. Controlled oxygen supply to the partial nitritation reactor is obligatory to obtain a proper pH drop indicating oxidation of ammonia to nitrite at the adequate ratio. A very high nitrogen removal efficiency (an average of 84%) and stable operation of the system have been reached. Conductivity measurements were also used to monitor the system influent nitrogen load and the nitrogen removal in the Anammox reactor. The data gathered from the operation of the pilot plant enabled the use of multivariate data analysis to model the process behaviour and the assessment of the covariances between the process parameters. The options for full-scale implementation of the Anammox systems have been proposed as a result of the study.</p>

Efterpolering med våtmark : Hur kan det användas vid Haga reningsverk?

Carlsen, Inger-Marie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this report is to present a proposal for a constructed wetland as a complement toHaga treatment plants, Surahammar. First, a literature study in the subject was made andthen a case study was conducted, where Ekeby and Trosa wetland was visited. Parallel anarchival study was performed and several field visits were made to the proposed site toinvestigate the local conditions for constructing a wetland adjacent to Haga treatment plants.Finally, a proposal for the design of the constructed wetland was made. The proposalincludes an oxygenating area for reduction of ammonium to nitrate followed by a system ofdams and channels to convert nitrate to nitrogen diffuses into the air. Phosphorus removaltakes place throughout the residence time in the wetland, as well as reduction of the bacterialload. Expected results for the outgoing water from the wetland is that P-tot can be reduced to0.10-0.11 mg / l, N-tot can be reduced to 11-14 mg / l, a reduction of E. coli, fecal streptococciand intestinal streptococci by 70-99% and a little reduction of residues from drugs take placedue to oxygenation and the UV-irradiation of the water. / Allt vatten här på jorden ingår i den hydrologiska cykeln, så även det renade avloppsvattnet.Avloppsvatten innehåller bland annat kväve och fosfor vilka bidrar till övergödningen avsjöar, vattendrag och hav. Övergödningen är ett utbrett problem och i Västmanland är 53 %av länets sjöar och vattendrag utsatta för det.Syftet med den här rapporten är att ta fram ett förslag till våtmark för Haga reningsverk,Surahammar. Först har information om hur en våtmark kan användas för efterpolering avrenat avloppsvatten tagits fram för att därefter nyttjas som grund i ett förslag till våtmark förHaga reningsverk, Surahammar. Först gjordes en litteraturstudie inom ämnesområdet ochdärefter gjordes en fallstudie där Ekeby och Trosa våtmark besöktes. Parallellt utfördes enarkivstudie och flera områdesbesök på den tilltänkta platsen för att få fram vilkaförutsättningar som finns för att anlägga en våtmark i anslutning till Haga reningsverk ochsist gjordes ett förslag på en våtmark.Anledningen till att anlägga en våtmark kan vara flera, men att avskilja fosfor, kväve samtbryta ner organiskt material är vanliga orsaker. En våtmark fungerar som ett kompletterandesteg till det ordinarie reningsverket och minskar belastningen på recipienten. Hur mycketutsläppen reduceras beror på många faktorer och egenskaper där utformning, vattnetsuppehållstid, syresättning och tillgång till organiskt material är viktiga men även parametrarsom förbehandling av avloppsvattnet och belastningen på våtmarken spelar stor roll. Ävenväxtligheten i våtmarken påverkar det slutliga resultatet, både vad det gäller vad och hurmycket som avskiljs. Avskiljningen av fosfor och kväve sker främst genom sedimentation ochnäringsupptag till växter samt att kväve även avskiljs vid denitrifikation. För den långsiktigaavskiljningen av kväve från vattnets kretslopp är nitrifikation och denitrifikation de som harstörst betydelse. Nitrifikationsprocessen är när ammoniumjoner omvandlas till nitratjoneroch det kräver god tillgång på syre, därefter följer denitrifikationen när nitratjonerna undersyrefria förhållanden omvandlas till kvävgas som diffunderar upp i atmosfären. För attnitrifikationsprocessen ska kunna fungera krävs antingen att det finns ennitrifikationsanläggning i reningsverket eller en syresättningsfas i våtmarken. Det kan skapasgenom att börja våtmarken med en översilningsäng, där det renade avloppsvattnet får strilaner över en bevuxen äng. Vattnet syresätts av luften och nitrifikationsbakterier som trivs bra iväxtligheten utför nitrifikationsprocessen och omvandlar ammoniumjonerna till nitratjoner.Därefter följer ett system av dammar och kanaler där denitrifikationsprocessen tar vid ochomvandlar nitratjonerna till harmlöst kväve. Även i dammar och kanaler har växtlighetenstor betydelse eftersom det bildas biofilm, ett tunt lager av bakterier på växterna, som deltar iden biologiska processen av nedbrytning av organiskt material samt avskiljning av fosfor ochkväve i vattnet.När vattnet passerar genom våtmarken sker också en reducering av antalet bakterier somfinns i det renade avloppsvattnet. Mätningar av E. coli, fekala streptokocker, Koliformabakterier och intestinala enterokocker visar på att halterna kan reduceras kraftigt. Även vissaläkemedel visar tendenser till att brytas ned, men läkemedel är en komplex grupp och detfinns begränsad kunskap om deras omvandling och påverkan i miljön. Det finns dock indikationer om att nedbrytningen av läkemedelsrester är högre i de våtmarker som harsyresättande delar som till exempel översilningsäng.Haga reningsverk är beläget strax utanför Surahammars tätort och har idag en kulvert somleder ut det renade avloppsvattnet från verket till recipienten. Mellan Haga och recipientenligger ett markområde på cirka 750 gånger 750 meter som skulle kunna utnyttjas till envåtmark. Redan idag ligger utsläppsvärdena för Haga reningsverk under de tillåtna halternamen en önskan att ytterligare minska belastningen på miljön finns. Vid analysering avutsläppsvärden för Haga reningsverk framkom att ammoniumkväve utgör en stor andel avutgående totalkväve samt att halterna av totalfosfor, BOD7 och suspenderade ämnen är lågatill måttliga. Ett förslag på våtmark anpassat till de förutsättningar som råder vid Hagareningsverk har tagits fram och presenteras i rapporten. Våtmarken föreslås innehålla tvåsektioner med först en översilningsäng för att reducera den höga andelen ammoniumkväveoch därefter ett damm och kanalsystem för att reducera nitratkvävet. Under hela processensker avskiljning av fosfor samt reducering av bakterier och en viss nedbrytning avläkemedelsrester. Förväntade resultat för det utgående vattnet från våtmarken är att P-totkan reduceras till 0,10–0,11 mg/l, N-tot kan reduceras till 11–14 mg/l, en reducering av E.coli, fekala streptokocker och intestinala streptokocker med 70-99 % samt att en vissminskning sker av läkemedelsrester tack vare syresättning och solens UV-bestrålning avvattnet.

Removal of wastewater cod and nitrogen using fibrous packing media

楊龍元, Yeong, Lung-yuen, Christopher. January 1991 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Civil and Structural Engineering / Master / Master of Philosophy

Βιολογική απομάκρυνση του αζώτου απο υγρά απόβλητα με παράκαμψη της παραγωγής νιτρικών. / Biological nitrogen removal from wastewater, bypassing nitrate production.

Κρομμύδας, Δημήτριος 28 June 2007 (has links)
Στις μέρες μας, η πρόοδος της τεχνολογίας έχει επιφέρει μια μεγάλη αύξηση στην ποσότητα των υγρών αποβλήτων. Ταυτόχρονα, υπάρχει η απαίτηση για βιολογική απομάκρυνση του αζώτου από υγρά απόβλητα με στόχο τη μείωση του συνολικού κόστους της διεργασίας. Προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση, τεχνολογίες για βιολογική απομάκρυνση αζώτου με παράκαμψη της παραγωγής νιτρικών, έχουν αναπτυχθεί. Ένας αριθμός παραγόντων όπως η αμμωνία, η θερμοκρασία, το PH, παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στην παραγωγή νιτρικών. Τελευταία γίνεται και η χρήση ματηματικών μοντέλων με στόχο την μελέτη και τη βελτιστοποίηση αυτών των τεχνολογιών. Στην παρούσα εργασία μια τροποποίηση του μοντέλου ASM1 χρησιμοποιείται για την προσομοίωση μιας οξειδωτικής τάφρου, στην οποία πραγματοποιείται βιολογική απομάκρυνση αζώτου. Το σύστημα προσομοιάζεται με με 26 αντιδραστήρες CSTR, συνδεδεμένους σε σειρά. Αερόβιες και ανοξικές συνθήκες επικρατούν σε κάθε αντιδραστήρα. Παράγοντες όπως η κατανομή αερόβιων ανοξικών αντιδρστήρων, η ηλικία της λάσπης, ο λόγος ανακύκλωσης της λάσπης και του ανάμικτου υγρού και ο ογκομετρικός ρυθμός ροής μελετήθηκαν. Η συμπεριφορά του συστήματος ήταν παρόμοια.Σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις, πλην μιας, δεν παρατηρήθηκε παραγωγή νιτρικών. Τελικά οι επαναλαμβανόμενες αερόβιες-ανοξικές συνθήκες ευνοούν την παράκαμψη της παραγωγής νιτρικών. / Nowadays, the progress of technology has created a big increasement in the quantity of wastewater. Simultaneously, there is the demand of biological nitrogen removal from wastewater in order the cost of the process be reduced. In this direction, technologies of biological nitrogen removal, bypassing nitrate production, has developed. A number of factors such as ammonia, temperature, PH, play a significant role in nitrate production. Lately, mathematical models are used in great extend in order to study and optimize these technologies. In this study a modified ASM1 model is used to simulate an oxidation ditch, which performs biological nitrogen removal. The system is simulated with 26 CSTRS, connected in series. Aerobic or anoxic conditions prevail in each reactor. A number of factors such as the distribution of aerobic-anoxic reactors, sludge age, recycling rate of the sludge, recycling rate of mixed liquor and volumetric flow of wastewater was studied. The behavior of the system was the same. Nitrate production did not take place in all cases, except one. So repeated aerobic-anoxic conditions favor bypassing nitrate production.

Municipal wastewater characterization : application of denitrification batch tests.

Naidoo, Valerie. January 1999 (has links)
The biological treatment of wastewater has evolved significantly from simple single sludge systems practicing organic carbon removal to ones which now include either nitrification/denitrification (N/DN) and / or phosphorus (P) removal. The inclusion of more biological processes have increased the complexity of current wastewater systems which has subsequently led to the development of more complex mathematical models. The operation of plants can be assessed and improved by the use of mathematical modelling tools which require accurate input data. Thus, knowledge of the wastewater characteristics is an important step towards the optimum modelling, design and operation of present and future plants. However, for these tools to be effective, the input data needs to be accurate which is dependent on the current methods used to determine them. Wastewater is a complex substrate consisting of compounds of differing biodegradability. Biokinetically, these compounds have been divided into readily biodegradable (RBCOD), slowly biodegradable (SBCOD) and unbiodegradable substrate groups. Compounds with intermediate biodegradability i.e. compounds which fall between the RBCOD and SBCOD groups, have been termed readily hydrolyzable organic substrates (RHCOD). The organic matter is discussed in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD). The readily biodegradable and readily hydrolyzable COD fractions of wastewater can be determined by respirometric tests such as the oxygen utilization rate (OUR) and nitrate-N utilization rate (NUR) tests. The principal aim of this project was to investigate the NUR test as a tool for wastewater characterization and to study denitrification kinetics in batch reactors. In addition, an experimental readily biodegradable substrate, acetate, was used to determine the reliability of the NUR tests. Acetate was also used to ascertain utilization profiles and rates of a typical readily biodegradable substrate during denitrification. Biodegradable COD characterizations with enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) sludges were also investigated to determine the impact of anoxic phosphorus removal on NUR tests. The results obtained from the numerous NUR tests added to the undestanding of the NUR test. Samples from 22 wastewater treatment plants were tested, most of which were located in France. Four South African plants were also tested. Data obtained from the NUR tests were used to calculate the RBCOD and RHCOD fractions. The SBCOD, however, could not be determined directly from the 6 h NUR batch tests. The readily biodegradable COD (RBCOD) fractions ranged between 7 and 25 % of the total COD concentration of raw wastewater, with majority of those results falling within the 10-20 % (of the total COD) range. The results also showed that the initial rapid rate associated with readily biodegradable COD utilization was sometimes followed by a short intermediate phase (i.e. short duration, 2 to 3 h). The intermediate fraction was found to range between 5 and 29 % of the total COD concentration and was classed as a readily hydrolyzable COD component of raw wastewater since the magnitude of the RHCOD fraction was too small to be classed as slowly biodegradable COD which comprises approximately 30 to 60 % of the total COD found in raw wastewaters. The variability of the RHCOD fractions suggests that this fraction is either very variable or that the NUR test does adequately or accurately characterize it. Another possibility is that the RHCOD (or second biodegradable fraction) calculated from the NUR test is a component of the RBCOD of the influent wastewater. In this case, the bacteria may have used some of the RBCOD directly for energy and accumulated or stored the rest as part of a survival mechanism which allows them to be more competitive under dynamic operating conditions. Once the readily biodegradable COD becomes limiting, the bacteria will use the accumulated or stored compounds. This hypothesis is substantiated by tests done with acetate as substrate. An intermediate phase was also observed when acetate was the sole substrate. Thus, it was possible with the 3-phase profiles to calculate a second biodegradable fraction. Results suggest that a significant part of the added acetate (as COD) was stored and the second phase is in fact an 'apparent or residual' phase brought about by the consumption of the stored or accumulated acetate products. This is suggested in two ways: (1) the calculation of the yield coefficient is lower and closer to the 0.5 mg/l values, cited in the literature, when the COD calculated from phases 1 and 2 are considered, and (2) the acetate mass balances were found to be approximately 100 % when phases 1 and 2 were used to calculate the amount of acetate utilized under anoxic conditions. The results obtained with sodium acetate as a readily biodegradable substrate were used to formulate several conclusions on acetate utilization during denitrification. Firstly, from acetate mass balances it was found that acetate may be used exclusively for denitrification (100 % acetate was accounted for). In this case, the sludge contains a significant proportion of denitrifiers and little or no polyphosphate accumulating organisms. This observation was made only when non-EBPR (enhanced biological phosphorus removal) sludges were used. Secondly, acetate mass balances which were found to be < 100 % suggest that acetate could be used for denitrification and the production of storage products like polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA's). These sludges probably contained a higher proportion of polyphosphate accumulating organisms which competed for the available acetate in the bulk liquid. This observation was made for both EBPR and non-EBPR sludges. Thirdly, acetate could be used for denitrification by denitrifiers and for polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis by denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms. The stored PHA's in the denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organisms are subsequently utilized during denitrification. This secondary utilization is manifested in the second denitrification phase and is supported by the observation of phosphorus uptake. These results showed that wastewaters high in volatile fatty acids (VFA's) were also subject to denitrifying polyphosphate accumulating organism activity even though the sludge was sampled from non enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems (non EBPR). Several of the NOx profiles revealed either 2 or 3 rates due to the control of the substrate to biomass ratio (S/X: :<_0.1 mgO2 / mgO2). Majority of the samples (i.e. 85%) tested produced initial maximum specific denitrification rates (k1) between 3 and 6 mgN/gVSS.h. The intermediate denitrification rate (k2) was found to vary between 2 and 3 mgN/gVSS.h. Denitrification rates (k3) obtained from utilization of influent and. endogenous slowly biodegradable COD (SBCOD) varied between 1.0 and 1.5 mgN/gVSS.h. This latter rate is significantly higher than the endogenous denitrification rates cited in the literature. One of the reasons for these higher rates could be be linked to the the reuse of stored or accumulated products by the microorganisms. In addition, a comparative study on RBCOD determination of wastewaters with enhanced biological phosphorus removal and non-EBPR sludges. It was found that the RBCOD values derived by NUR tests with EBPR sludge were consistently lower (4 to 5 %) than those with non-EBPR sludge. Thus, the NUR tests with EBPR sludge resulted in a 4 to 5 % underestimation of the RBCOD fraction of raw wastewaters. This loss in RBCOD to polyphosphate accumulating organisms appears to be linked to the influent raw wastewater acetate concentration. These tests showed that the RBCOD fraction could be adequately characterized using the NUR method. The accuracy of the tests appears to be compromised when enhanced biological phosphorus removal sludges are used in the NUR tests. Moreover, it was found that non-EBPR sludges can also consume some of the acetate that is present in the system for the production and replenishment of storage compounds. Fortunately, for the wastewaters tested, the acetate component of the RBCOD fraction was small and therefore, did not significantly affect the results. Mechanisms such as substrate accumulation and storage may also impact on substrate removal and hence, the determination of the readily biodegradable COD concentration of municipal wastewaters. Thus, while the results showed that the NUR is a useful characterization tool for wastewaters, it will continue to be a more tedious characterization tool than the oxygen utilization rate test, until a suitable nitrate/nitrite electrode is developed to automate the test. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1999.

Nitrification inhibition assessment of industrial effluents and influent to Amanzimtoti wastewater treatment plant.

Petlane, Mapaseka. January 2005 (has links)
The aim of process industries is to produce products and intermediates from raw materials and other intermediates. Inevitably, there are waste products to be disposed of and if these are of no use, they must be returned to the air, water or land environments. Such returns should be carried out in such a way as to minimise any adverse effects on the environment, otherwise the waste is bound to cause pollution to the environIDent. Wastewater is one such product that has to be returned to the environment. A weakness in the current practice of wastewater treatment is that the potential toxicity of the effluent is only addressed through the prevention of specific types of waste being discharged to the sewer. The discharge of effluents containing toxic or inhibitory substances is currently not directly addressed or controlled by many industries and local authorities. While cost recovery is important, due consideration must be given to the possible effect on the receiving environment. The magnitude of the problem of toxic components in the inflow to wastewater treatment plants in South Africa is largely unknown. However, it is thought by some treatment authorities to be relatively serious. In addition, there has been no attempt to quantify the effect of individual toxicants on the performance of the treatment processes and thus put a monetary value to individual discharges. Nitrification is one of the important biological processes that takes place in wastewater treatment plants, which may be affected by toxicants from wastewater. The toxicants may inhibit the nitrification process and create problems in the treatment plant. The aim of this study was to determine if the Amanzimtoti Wastewater Treatment Plant is experiencing inhibition of nitrification, and if so, determine whether large industries discharging into the plant contribute to this problem. The study site used in this research was the Amanzimtoti Wastewater Treatment Plant, located at Isipingo, in Durban, together with some selected industries that discharge their effluents into this treatment plant. In this study, the Amanzimtoti Wastewater Treatment Plant together with lO industries that discharge effluent into it, were surveyed for inhibition of nitrification. A screening method for estimation of inhibition of nitrification at municipal wastewater treatment plants described by Jonsson (2001) was used in the investigations. This involved testing inhibition of nitrification at various dilutions of wastewater effluent from 20% to 80% dilution. An investigation was conducted of inhibitory substances within influent wastewaters to the Amanzimtoti Wastewater Treatment Plant, and inhibitory substances were detected in all four sampling weeks. The level of inhibition was in general up to 29%, with the greatest inhibition being observed at 20% and the least at 80% dilution. In order to investigate the source of inhibition, inhibition of nitrification was measured in the sewage influent during times when industries are open and when they are closed. Inhibition was significantly lower during December when industries close, supporting the hypothesis that industrial effluent contributes to inhibition of nitrification. Comparison of wastewater from different industries showed that of 10 surveyed industries, 9 generated wastewaters that were found to be inhibitory, with Industry D showing the highest inhibition of approximately 30% over the 4 dilutions. The least inhibitory effluent was from Industry C with an average of 10%. Industry A was found to stimulate nitrification. There was no correlation found between the daily volume contribution of the industries to the treatment plant, and the inhibition of nitrification. There was also no correlation found between the inhibition of nitrification and the chemical oxygen demand and settleable solids concentration of wastewater from each of the industries.. At 80% dilution, the nitrification inhibition results obtained for all nine industries were similar and it was difficult to distinguish between them, whereas at 20% dilution, the differences among the industrial effluents on nitrification could be clearly evaluated. Industries B, D, E, G and J were found to have higher inhibition than the other four surveyed industries. Results obtained at the 20% dilution could therefore be used as a decision making tool by wastewater pollution officers to identify industries requiring close monitoring. From the study, it was clear that the inhibition of nitrification that resulted from mixtures of industrial wastewaters cannot be readily predicted from nitrification inhibition by the individual wastewaters. New compounds may be formed during mixing in the sewer network that are more or less inhibitory than if the wastewaters are not mixed. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2005.

Reduktion av föroreningar i processvatten från en äggfabrik i Brasilien : Kväve- och fosforrening i anlagda våtmarker.

Charlson, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
A water treatment unit consisting of two aeration basins, two settling tanks, a residence basinand a horizontal subsurface flow wetland were used to treat wastewater from an eggprocessing factory in Brazil. The aim of this paper was to determine the efficiency of thesystem in reducing nitrogen, phosphorus, BOD5 and TSS (among other parameters) andgetting a further understanding on different kinds of constructed treatment wetlands as well astheir nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes. The wastewater from the factory consistedof process water from manufacturing and water used for cleaning, no stormwater or sewagewater entered the system. Tests were taken three times a month from October 2013 ‘til April2014. The mean influent concentrations from wastewater directly from the factory were2,606 mg/L, 46.60 mg/L, 318.3 mg/L and 1,112 mg/L for BOD5, TP, TKN and TSS. Themean results of reduction through the wetlands gave the following results; BOD5 42 ± 351%,TP 66 ± 9.7%, TN 42 ± 13% and TS -11 ± 30%. Compared to other wetland systems treatingsimilar wastewater the reduction of BOD5 and TSS is low. Recommended solutions toincrease the reduction in the wetland are presented in the discussion. / Processvatten från livsmedelsindustrier och anläggningar med animalieproduktion har högakoncentrationer av organiskt material, suspenderat material och närsalter (Kadlec &amp; Wallace,2008). Förr släpptes mycket processvattnet direkt ut till närliggande dammar, floder ellerbäckar. I moderna tider finns riktvärden satta från till exempel svenska Naturvårdsverket och det brasilianska miljödepartementet, CONSEMA, som gör att processvattnet måste förbehandlas innan det kan släppas till recipienten. Våtmarker har visat sig vara ett bra val av reningsmetod när det kommer till rening av bland annat kväve, fosfor, BOD5 och TSS(Camino et al., 2011; Johansson, 2014; Knight et al., 2000; Lin et al., 2005; Mantovi et al.,2003). De olika typer av anlagda våtmarker har för- och nackdelar, till exempel har vissa typer en högre nitrifikationsprocess och andra har en högre denitrifikationsprocess. Genom attkänna till vilka för- och nackdelar de olika typer av anlagda våtmarker har går det att skräddarsy ett behandlingssystem som uppfyller de specifika reningsändamålen för just det processvattnet. Syftet med detta arbete är att avgöra hur pass effektiv NaturOvos våtmarkreducerar föroreningar, att får en bättre förståelse av olika typer av anlagda våtmarker samt deras kväve- och fosforreningsprocesser. NaturOvos äggfabrik ligger i Salvador do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasilien. Under juni år 2013 byggdes en horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) våtmark för att öka kväve- och fosforrening av processvattnet från fabriken. Behandlingssystemet består av en aktivslamanläggning bestående av två luftningsbassänger och två sedimenteringstankar, en uppehållsbassäng och en HSSF våtmark. Recipienten är en närliggande damm. Behandlingsvattnet som renas genom systemet innehåller processvatten och vatten som används vidrengöring av fabriken. Obehandlat vatten direkt från fabriken har ett medelvärde på2 606 mg/l för BOD5, 46,60 mg/l för TP, 318,3 mg/l för TKN och 1 112 mg/l för TSS. Provtagning av inflödes- och utflödesvatten har skett tre gånger per månad från oktober 2013 till april 2014. Medelvärdesresultat av retention i våtmarken är följande; BOD5 42 ± 351 %,TP 66 ± 9,7 %, TN 42 ± 13 % och TS -11 ± 30 %. Jämfört med andra studier (Camino et al.,2011; Johansson, 2014; Knight et al., 2000; Lin et al., 2005; Mantovi et al., 2003) är retentionav kväve och fosfor hög, men retentionen av BOD5 och TS är låg. Förbättringsförslag för att öka reningen i våtmarken redovisas i diskussionen.

Avaliação da remoção de matéria orgânica carbonácea e nitrogenada de águas residuárias utilizando biorreator de membranas

Bezerra, Luiz Fernando [UNESP] 19 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-03-19Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:38:24Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 bezerra_lf_me_ilha.pdf: 1874770 bytes, checksum: b6f02018abe581f4724626202c471af4 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / As atividades industriais, principalmente as indústrias químicas e alimentícias que se utilizam dos processos fermentativos, geram efluentes com altas concentrações de matéria orgânica carbonácea e nitrogenada. Estas necessitam de sistemas complexos para o tratamento de suas águas residuárias, pois a emissão excessiva de nutrientes no corpo d’água pode resultar na ocorrência da eutrofização que interfere nos usos desejáveis do recurso hídrico e altera o equilíbrio ambiental. Neste sentido, o presente avaliou da remoção de matéria orgânica carbonácea e nitrogenada, bem como a determinação do fluxo crítico, em biorreator de membranas (MBR) tratando águas residuárias industriais do processo de produção de aminoácidos. Pelos resultados obtidos, constatou-se a viabilidade técnica no uso do MBR para ao tratamento dessas águas residuárias contendo 2505 mg DQO/L de material carbonáceo e 277 mg NTK/L de material nitrogenado. O biorreator foi operado com carga orgânica volumétrica de 1,91 ± 0,13 kg DQO/m³ dia e carga nitrogenada volumétrica de 0,18 ± 0,02 kg NTK/m³ dia, com recirculação interna de 4 vezes a vazão afluente. O efluente tratado apresentou concentrações médias de 59 ± 27 mg DQO/L, 0,60 ± 0,24 mg N-NH4 +/L e 20,5 ± 11,9 mg N-total/L, com eficiências médias de remoção de DQO, NTK e NT de 97,5%, 98,6% e 92,1%, respectivamente. O sistema de ultrafiltração foi testado em vários fluxos entre 25 e 37 LMH e determinou-se o fluxo crítico de 28 LMH para o sistema operando com 11,4 g/L de SST / Industrial activities, especially the chemical and food industries, that use fermentation processes, generate effluents with high concentrations of carbonaceous organic matter and nitrogen. These require complex systems to treat its wastewater, since the emission of excessive nutrients in the water body can result in the occurrence of eutrophication, which interferes with the desirable uses of water resource and changes the environmental balance. In this sense, this paper evaluated the carbonaceous organic matter and nitrogen removal as well as the determination of critical flux in membrane bioreactor (MBR) treating industrial wastewater from amino acids production. By the obtained results, it found the technical feasibility of MBR for the wastewater treatment containing 2505 mg COD / L of organic material and 277 mg TKN / L of nitrogen material. The bioreactor was operated with organic loading rate of 1.91 ± 0.13 kg COD / m³ day and nitrogen volumetric load of 0.18 ± 0,02 kg TKN / m day, with internal recirculation of 4 times. The treated effluent showed concentrations of 59 ± 27 mg COD / L, 0.60 ± 0.24 mg N-NH4 + / L and 20.5 ± 11.9 mg total N / L, with average removal efficiencies of COD , TKN and TN of 97.5%, 98.6% and 92.1%, respectively. The ultrafiltration system was tested at various flow rates between 25 and 37 LMH, to determine the critical flux of 28 LMH with the system operating at 11.4 g / L of TSS

Avaliação da remoção de matéria orgânica carbonácea e nitrogenada de águas residuárias utilizando biorreator de membranas /

Bezerra, Luiz Fernando. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Tsunao Matsumoto / Banca: Milton Dall'Aglio Sobrinho / Banca: Marcelo Zaiat / Resumo: As atividades industriais, principalmente as indústrias químicas e alimentícias que se utilizam dos processos fermentativos, geram efluentes com altas concentrações de matéria orgânica carbonácea e nitrogenada. Estas necessitam de sistemas complexos para o tratamento de suas águas residuárias, pois a emissão excessiva de nutrientes no corpo d'água pode resultar na ocorrência da eutrofização que interfere nos usos desejáveis do recurso hídrico e altera o equilíbrio ambiental. Neste sentido, o presente avaliou da remoção de matéria orgânica carbonácea e nitrogenada, bem como a determinação do fluxo crítico, em biorreator de membranas (MBR) tratando águas residuárias industriais do processo de produção de aminoácidos. Pelos resultados obtidos, constatou-se a viabilidade técnica no uso do MBR para ao tratamento dessas águas residuárias contendo 2505 mg DQO/L de material carbonáceo e 277 mg NTK/L de material nitrogenado. O biorreator foi operado com carga orgânica volumétrica de 1,91 ± 0,13 kg DQO/m³ dia e carga nitrogenada volumétrica de 0,18 ± 0,02 kg NTK/m³ dia, com recirculação interna de 4 vezes a vazão afluente. O efluente tratado apresentou concentrações médias de 59 ± 27 mg DQO/L, 0,60 ± 0,24 mg N-NH4 +/L e 20,5 ± 11,9 mg N-total/L, com eficiências médias de remoção de DQO, NTK e NT de 97,5%, 98,6% e 92,1%, respectivamente. O sistema de ultrafiltração foi testado em vários fluxos entre 25 e 37 LMH e determinou-se o fluxo crítico de 28 LMH para o sistema operando com 11,4 g/L de SST / Abstract: Industrial activities, especially the chemical and food industries, that use fermentation processes, generate effluents with high concentrations of carbonaceous organic matter and nitrogen. These require complex systems to treat its wastewater, since the emission of excessive nutrients in the water body can result in the occurrence of eutrophication, which interferes with the desirable uses of water resource and changes the environmental balance. In this sense, this paper evaluated the carbonaceous organic matter and nitrogen removal as well as the determination of critical flux in membrane bioreactor (MBR) treating industrial wastewater from amino acids production. By the obtained results, it found the technical feasibility of MBR for the wastewater treatment containing 2505 mg COD / L of organic material and 277 mg TKN / L of nitrogen material. The bioreactor was operated with organic loading rate of 1.91 ± 0.13 kg COD / m³ day and nitrogen volumetric load of 0.18 ± 0,02 kg TKN / m day, with internal recirculation of 4 times. The treated effluent showed concentrations of 59 ± 27 mg COD / L, 0.60 ± 0.24 mg N-NH4 + / L and 20.5 ± 11.9 mg total N / L, with average removal efficiencies of COD , TKN and TN of 97.5%, 98.6% and 92.1%, respectively. The ultrafiltration system was tested at various flow rates between 25 and 37 LMH, to determine the critical flux of 28 LMH with the system operating at 11.4 g / L of TSS / Mestre

Utilização de efluente nitrificado para oxidação de sulfeto oriundos do efluente de tratamento anaeróbio de esgotos sanitários

Cabral, Luciana Leôncio Bertino 27 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jean Medeiros (jeanletras@uepb.edu.br) on 2018-05-18T13:18:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Luciana Leôncio Bertino Cabral.pdf: 26933991 bytes, checksum: 16582e8219a683ebcba28f0ec330a8cd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-18T13:18:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PDF - Luciana Leôncio Bertino Cabral.pdf: 26933991 bytes, checksum: 16582e8219a683ebcba28f0ec330a8cd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-27 / The present study had, as main objective, to evaluate the oxidation of sulfides usin g nitrified effluent as an electron acceptor in anaerobic reactors treating sanitary sewage. This process was possible because the interactions between the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycle that allow the practical use of the fundamentals already known about the process of denitrification and oxidation of sulfides at simultaneous moments. The experiments were perform in a Hybrid Anaerobic Reactor (HAR) with a useful volume of 60 liters and TDH of 24 hours. The HAR consists of a UASB reactor in the lower part and in the middle part an Anaerobic Filter, with polyurethane foam used as a support form. An equilibrium tank, designed at the top of the HAR, sent the effluent into an Intermittent Flux of Sand’s Filter - FaFint, allowing the formation of the nitrified effluent, with the purpose of recirculating this material to the anaerobic phase of the system. The research was developed in four phases. In the first phase, the HAR nourished with 100% of sewer from the Campina Grande – PB city, with the purpose of comparing its results with the other phases, in which different flows in each phase of the operation recirculated from the effluent produced in the FaFint. During phase 2, the HAR received a flow of 83% of sewer and 17% of nitrified effluent, in phase 3 the flow changed to 64% of raw sewer and 33% of the effluent recirculated from FaFint. While in phase 4, the ratio applied was 50% crude sewer and 50% nitrified effluent. Concentrations of sulfate, sulfide, elemental sulfur, nitrate, nitrite, organic nitrogen and ammoniacal nitrogen were monitored, as well as other parameters of interest. The results showed that the operational conditions imposed during phase 4 allowed the accumulation of 41% of the oxidized forms of sulfur in the anaerobic phase, 31% in the form of sulfate and 10% in the form of elemental sulfur. The addition of a higher amount of nitrified effluent in the HAR also favored the denitrification process, showing 38% of the nitrogen forms removed during the anaerobic stage and a 46% removal of nitrogen in the final effluent. Thus, it was concluded that the use of nitrate and nitrite can effectively treat the stinks generated by the treatment of anaerobic wastewater systems. / A presente pesquisa teve por principal objetivo, avaliar a oxidação de sulfetos utilizando efluente nitrificado como aceptor de elétrons em reatores anaeróbios tratando esgoto sanitário. Esse processo foi possível devido as interações entre o ciclo do carbono, nitrogênio e enxofre que permitem a utilização prática dos fundamentos já conhecidos sobre o processo de desnitrificação e oxidação de sulfetos em momentos simultâneos. Os experimentos foram realizados em um Reator Anaeróbio Híbrido – RAH – com volume útil de 60 litros e TDH de 24 horas. O RAH é constituído por um reator UASB na parte inferior e na parte intermediária um Filtro Anaeróbio, com espuma de poliuretano utilizado como meio suporte. Um tanque de equilíbrio, projetado na parte superior do RAH, lançava o efluente em um Filtro de Areia de Fluxo intermitente – FaFint, permitindo a formação do efluente nitrificado, com o propósito de realizar a recirculação desse material para a fase anaeróbia do sistema. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em quatro fases. Na primeira fase o RAH foi alimentado com 100% de esgotos da cidade de Campina Grande – PB, teve a finalidade de comparar seus resultados com as demais fases, na qual, fora recirculado vazões, distintas em cada fase de operação, do efluente produzido no FaFint. Durante a fase 2, o RAH recebeu uma vazão de 83% de esgoto e 17% de efluente nitrificado, na fase 3 a vazão foi alterada para 64% de esgoto bruto e 33% de efluente recirculado do FaFint. Enquanto que na fase 4, a razão aplicada foi de 50% de esgoto bruto e 50% efluente nitrificado. Foram monitoradas as concentrações de sulfato, sulfeto, enxofre elementar, nitrato, nitrito, nitrogênio orgânico e nitrogênio amoniacal, além de outros parâmetros de interesse. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, as condições operacionais impostas no decorrer da fase 4, possibilitaram o acúmulo de 41% das formas oxidadas de enxofre na fase anaeróbia, sendo 31% na forma de sulfato e 10% na forma de enxofre elementar. A adição de uma maior quantidade de efluente nitrificado no RAH, também favoreceu o processo de desnitrificação, apresentando remoção de 38% das formas de nitrogênio durante a etapa anaeróbia e 46% na eficiência de remoção de nitrogênio no efluente final. Dessa forma, foi concluído que o uso de nitrato e nitrito, podem tratar de forma eficaz os problemas de mal odor gerado pelo tratamento de sistemas anaeróbios de águas residuárias.

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