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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de procedimentos para determinação do número e atividade de microrganismos anaeróbios procariontes em amostras de biorreatores operados para a estabilização de resíduos sólidos urbanos padronizados / not available

Corrêa, Regiane Cristina 07 February 2000 (has links)
Foram estudados três procedimentos para o tratamento prévio de amostras provenientes de três sistemas de biodigestão anaeróbia operados com resíduos sólidos urbanos padronizados (RSUDp), com o fim de promover o desprendimento de células microbianas de fibras e outros materiais, e com isso obter um inóculo mais homogêneo para contagens celulares. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: (a) suspensão de amostras em tampão fosfato e processamento em liqüidificador; (b) homogeneização mecânica e manual de amostras em solução mineral anaeróbia; (c) amostras submetidas a banho de ultra-som. O método do Número Mais Provável (NMP) foi utilizado para avaliar o número de bactérias celulolíticas e arqueas metanogênicas, em meio mineral contendo celulose em pó. Não foram constatadas diferenças entre os três tratamentos empregados, considerando-se os valores encontrados para ambos os grupos, da ordem de 102 células/mL. O tratamento com ultra-som foi escolhido para outras determinações em função da simplicidade quanto à manipulação. Assim, foram operados dois biorreatores anaeróbios com RSUDp para avaliação da reprodutibilidade dos valores das amostras após tratamento com ultra-som, para a determinação do número de microrganismos (celulolíticos, acetogênicos e metanogênicos) e avaliação da atividade microbiana anaeróbia na degradação do RSUDp. Os resultados das contagens de bactérias celulolíticas e arqueas metanogênicas pelo método do NMP em meio contendo celulose não foram superiores a 103 células/mL, e as réplicas foram bastante semelhantes. O aumento do número do grupo metanogênico pôde ser correlacionado com o aumento dos teores de metano no biorreator amostrado. As contagens de organismos acetogênicos e metanogênicos em meio mineral com fontes específicas revelou valores até 103 células/mL. Os tipos morfológicos predominantes nos exames microscópicos dos sistemas de biodigestão foram bacilos curvos, retos, sarcinas e cistos de sarcinas e as amostras dos tubos de contagem mostraram para celulolíticas, bacilos, cocos e sarcinas, para acetogênicas bacilos, bacilos espessos, cocos e cistos de sarcinas e para as arqueas metanogênicas bacilos fluorescentes e sarcinas. A evolução do processo de biodigestão anaeróbia nos dois últimos sistemas operados mostrou-se bastante próxima a proposta por BARLAZ et al. (1989b), em que o número de bactérias celulolíticas e de arqueas metanogênicas aumenta na fase considerada metânica acelerada. O conteúdo de sólidos totais diminuiu em 50% ao longo do processo e os teores de ácidos orgânicos voláteis diminuíram de 27,5 para 8, 79 g de ác. acético/L. / Three different treatments were applied to samples from three anaerobic biodigestion systems operated with standardized municipal solid waste to promote the release of microbial cells adhered to fibers and other materials, resulting in a more homogeneous inoculum to cellular counting. The following treatments were applied to the samples: a) suspension in phosphate buffer followed by blending; b) mechanical and hand homogenization in anaerobic mineral solution; c) sonication in ultrasound bath. The Most Probable Number (MPN) technique was employed to evaluate the populations of cellulolytic bacteria and methanogenic Archaea, in mineral medium containing powdered cellulose. The populations of both groups of microorganisms were close to 102 cells/mL independently of the treatment applied to release the cells and no clear distinction among them could be made concerning their efficiencies. In view of this fact the ultrasound treatment was employed in all other determinations due to its simple execution. Two anaerobic bioreactors operated with standardized municipal solid waste were monitored to evaluate the reliability of sonication as a procedure for cell release, to determine microorganism populations (cellulolytic, acetogenic bacteria and methanogenic Archaea) and to evaluate the microbial anaerobic activity concerning the biodegradation of the standardized municipal solid waste. Cellulolytic bacteria and methanogenic Archaea had similar populations (lower than 103 cells/mL) as well as acetogenic and methanogenic microorganisms (up to 103 cells/mL). The increase in the methanogenic population could be directly related to the increase of methane production in the studied reactor. The morphological types which predominate in the microscopic examinations of the biodigestion systems were curved and straight rods and sarcina. The tubes for MPN countings showed the presence of rods, coccus and sarcina for cellulolytic bacteria; rods, tick rods, coccus and sarcina for acetogenic bacteria and fluorescent rods and sarcina for methanogenic Archaea. The evolution of the anaerobic biodigestion process in the latter two monitored systems was very similar to the one proposed by BARLAZ et al. ( 1989b) where the number of cellulolytic bacteria and methanogenic Archaea increase during the accelerated methane phase. The total content of solids decreased 50% during the process and the volatile acidity decreased from 27,5 g acetic acid/L to 8,79 g acetic acid/L.

Nanocomposites à base de particules magnétiques : synthèse et contribution de la dispersion des charges et de la conformation des chaines sur les propriétés de renforcement

Robbes, Anne-Sophie 14 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les propriétés mécaniques de films polymériques peuvent être considérablement améliorées par l'inclusion de nanoparticules au sein de la matrice du fait de deux effets majeurs : (i) la structure locale de la dispersion des charges et (ii) la modification potentielle de la dynamique et de la conformation des chaînes à l'interface charge/polymère. Néanmoins, les mécanismes précis qui permettent de relier ces contributions à l'échelle nanométrique aux propriétés macroscopiques des matériaux, et en particulier aux propriétés mécaniques, sont actuellement mal décrits. Dans ce contexte, nous avons synthétisé des nanocomposites modèles à base de nanoparticules magnétiques de maghémite γ-Fe2O3 (nues ou greffées d'une couronne de polystyrène (PS) par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée) dispersées dans une matrice de PS, que nous avons caractérisé en couplant la diffusion de rayonnement (Rayons X et neutrons) et la microscopie électronique à transmission. En jouant sur différents paramètres tels que la taille des particules, la concentration, ou le rapport de taille entre les chaînes greffées et celles de la matrice pour les charges greffées, nous avons obtenu des nanocomposites présentant un éventail de dispersions de charges variées, contrôlées, parfaitement reproductibles, allant de particules individuelles ou d'agrégats ramifiés jusqu'à la formation d'un réseau de charges connecté. En appliquant un champ magnétique externe durant la synthèse des nanocomposites, nous sommes parvenus à aligner les différentes structures le long de la direction du champ et ainsi former des matériaux présentant des propriétés remarquables de renforcement anisotropes. La conformation des chaînes au sein des nanocomposites, déterminée expérimentalement grâce aux propriétés spécifiques de contraste neutronique du système, n'est pas affectée par la présence des charges, quels que soient le degré de confinement des chaînes, l'orientation, la dispersion ou l'état de surface des charges. L'alignement des charges sous champ magnétique a permis de décrire précisément l'évolution du module de renforcement des matériaux avec la réorganisation structurale locale des charges et des chaînes sous étirement, et de finalement mettre en évidence le rôle majeur joué par la réorganisation des charges sous déformation dans les mécanismes de renforcement.


Amon-Armah, Frederick 03 October 2012 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of alternative cropping systems on farm net returns, and nitrate-N and sediment yields in Thomas Brook Watershed (TBW). The study involved integrated bio-physical and economic optimization modelling. Crop yield and nitrate-N pollution response functions were estimated and then used in trade-off analysis between farm returns and environmental quality improvement. Five crop rotation systems were evaluated for seven fertilizer levels under conventional tillage (CT) and no-till systems (NT). Nitrate-N leached, as well as estimated maximum economic rate of N (MERN) fertilizer level and marginal abatement costs depended on crop type, rotation system, and tillage type. The most cost effective cropping systems that met restrictions on Health Canada maximum limit on nitrate-N in water included corn-corn-corn-alfalfa-alfalfa under NT for corn-based cropping systems, potato-winter wheat-carrot-corn under CT for vegetable horticulture-based and potato-barley-winter wheat-potato-corn under NT for potato-based cropping systems.

Avaliação de procedimentos para determinação do número e atividade de microrganismos anaeróbios procariontes em amostras de biorreatores operados para a estabilização de resíduos sólidos urbanos padronizados / not available

Regiane Cristina Corrêa 07 February 2000 (has links)
Foram estudados três procedimentos para o tratamento prévio de amostras provenientes de três sistemas de biodigestão anaeróbia operados com resíduos sólidos urbanos padronizados (RSUDp), com o fim de promover o desprendimento de células microbianas de fibras e outros materiais, e com isso obter um inóculo mais homogêneo para contagens celulares. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: (a) suspensão de amostras em tampão fosfato e processamento em liqüidificador; (b) homogeneização mecânica e manual de amostras em solução mineral anaeróbia; (c) amostras submetidas a banho de ultra-som. O método do Número Mais Provável (NMP) foi utilizado para avaliar o número de bactérias celulolíticas e arqueas metanogênicas, em meio mineral contendo celulose em pó. Não foram constatadas diferenças entre os três tratamentos empregados, considerando-se os valores encontrados para ambos os grupos, da ordem de 102 células/mL. O tratamento com ultra-som foi escolhido para outras determinações em função da simplicidade quanto à manipulação. Assim, foram operados dois biorreatores anaeróbios com RSUDp para avaliação da reprodutibilidade dos valores das amostras após tratamento com ultra-som, para a determinação do número de microrganismos (celulolíticos, acetogênicos e metanogênicos) e avaliação da atividade microbiana anaeróbia na degradação do RSUDp. Os resultados das contagens de bactérias celulolíticas e arqueas metanogênicas pelo método do NMP em meio contendo celulose não foram superiores a 103 células/mL, e as réplicas foram bastante semelhantes. O aumento do número do grupo metanogênico pôde ser correlacionado com o aumento dos teores de metano no biorreator amostrado. As contagens de organismos acetogênicos e metanogênicos em meio mineral com fontes específicas revelou valores até 103 células/mL. Os tipos morfológicos predominantes nos exames microscópicos dos sistemas de biodigestão foram bacilos curvos, retos, sarcinas e cistos de sarcinas e as amostras dos tubos de contagem mostraram para celulolíticas, bacilos, cocos e sarcinas, para acetogênicas bacilos, bacilos espessos, cocos e cistos de sarcinas e para as arqueas metanogênicas bacilos fluorescentes e sarcinas. A evolução do processo de biodigestão anaeróbia nos dois últimos sistemas operados mostrou-se bastante próxima a proposta por BARLAZ et al. (1989b), em que o número de bactérias celulolíticas e de arqueas metanogênicas aumenta na fase considerada metânica acelerada. O conteúdo de sólidos totais diminuiu em 50% ao longo do processo e os teores de ácidos orgânicos voláteis diminuíram de 27,5 para 8, 79 g de ác. acético/L. / Three different treatments were applied to samples from three anaerobic biodigestion systems operated with standardized municipal solid waste to promote the release of microbial cells adhered to fibers and other materials, resulting in a more homogeneous inoculum to cellular counting. The following treatments were applied to the samples: a) suspension in phosphate buffer followed by blending; b) mechanical and hand homogenization in anaerobic mineral solution; c) sonication in ultrasound bath. The Most Probable Number (MPN) technique was employed to evaluate the populations of cellulolytic bacteria and methanogenic Archaea, in mineral medium containing powdered cellulose. The populations of both groups of microorganisms were close to 102 cells/mL independently of the treatment applied to release the cells and no clear distinction among them could be made concerning their efficiencies. In view of this fact the ultrasound treatment was employed in all other determinations due to its simple execution. Two anaerobic bioreactors operated with standardized municipal solid waste were monitored to evaluate the reliability of sonication as a procedure for cell release, to determine microorganism populations (cellulolytic, acetogenic bacteria and methanogenic Archaea) and to evaluate the microbial anaerobic activity concerning the biodegradation of the standardized municipal solid waste. Cellulolytic bacteria and methanogenic Archaea had similar populations (lower than 103 cells/mL) as well as acetogenic and methanogenic microorganisms (up to 103 cells/mL). The increase in the methanogenic population could be directly related to the increase of methane production in the studied reactor. The morphological types which predominate in the microscopic examinations of the biodigestion systems were curved and straight rods and sarcina. The tubes for MPN countings showed the presence of rods, coccus and sarcina for cellulolytic bacteria; rods, tick rods, coccus and sarcina for acetogenic bacteria and fluorescent rods and sarcina for methanogenic Archaea. The evolution of the anaerobic biodigestion process in the latter two monitored systems was very similar to the one proposed by BARLAZ et al. ( 1989b) where the number of cellulolytic bacteria and methanogenic Archaea increase during the accelerated methane phase. The total content of solids decreased 50% during the process and the volatile acidity decreased from 27,5 g acetic acid/L to 8,79 g acetic acid/L.

Isolamento e caracterização de microrganismo envolvido na desnitrificação autrófica pela oxidação de sulfeto em reator vertical de leito fixo / Isolation and characterization of a microorganism involved on autotrophic denitrification by sulfide oxidation in a vertical fixed-bed reactor

Fabiana Mestrinelli 15 October 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a comunidade envolvida na desnitrificação autotrófica pela oxidação de sulfetos, aplicada ao pós-tratamento de efluentes anaeróbios. O enriquecimento da comunidade bacteriana e da comunidade desnitrificante autotrófica foi realizado a partir de amostras da biomassa coletadas de três reatores verticais de leito fixo operados em condições distintas, sendo, redução autotrófica de nitrato, redução autotrófica de nitrito e redução autotrófica de nitrato com excesso de sulfeto. Após a determinação da melhor condição de enriquecimento, a cultura foi purificada, identificada por meio de ferramentas da biologia molecular e caracterizada quanto às melhores condições de crescimento. O enriquecimento foi bem sucedido com a biomassa dos três reatores. No entanto, a condição de redução de nitrato com relação \'N\'/\'S\' igual a 0,8 foi a que apresentou maior concentração de microrganismos desnitrificantes autotróficos. A bactéria isolada foi identificada como Pseudomonas stutzeri. A velocidade específica máxima de crescimento da cultura (\'mü\'máx) foi de 0,037/h, com tempo de duplicação de 18,7 horas. O rendimento celular (Y) do composto nitrogenado foi de 0,15 gSSV.g/\'N\' e a velocidade de desnitrificação foi de aproximadamente 0,24 g\'N\'/gSSV.h. Os dados obtidos indicaram a viabilidade da aplicação da espécie isolada no processo de desnitrificação autotrófica utilizando sulfeto como doador de elétrons. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the community involved on autotrophic denitrification by sulfide oxidation applied to the post-treatment of anaerobic effluents. The enrichment of the bacterial community and autotrophic denitrifier community was accessed in three immobilized bed reactors operated at the conditions of autotrophic reduction of nitrate, autotrophic reduction of nitrite and autotrophic reduction of nitrate under excess of sulfide. Following the determination of the best enrichment conditions, the culture was purified, identified by molecular biology tools and the best growth conditions were characterized. Enriched cultures were obtained for the three operational conditions, but the best condition for the growth of autotrophic denitrifiers microorganisms was at \'N\'/\'S\' ratio of 0,8. The isolated microorganism was identified as Pseudomonas stutzeri. The maximum specific growth rate (\'mü\'máx) was 0.037/h, with a doubling time of 18.7 hours. The growth yield (Y) of nitrogen compound was 0.15 gSSV/g\'N\' and the specific rate of nitrogen utilization was approximately 0.24 g\'N\'/gSSV.h. The results indicated the viability of application of this microorganism for autotrophic denitrification using sulfide as electron donor.

Evaluating NMP Quality of Service : Experiment with JackTrip regarding Latency versus Packet Jitter/Dropouts with High Quality Audio via LAN and WAN / Utvärdering av  quality of service vid NMP : Experiment med JackTrip angående Latens kontra Jitter/Tapp av Paket med Högkvalitetsljud via LAN och WAN

Müntzing, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
This study has developed a method to create an, to a big extent, automated testing system for NMP (Networked Music Performance) communication over LAN and WAN to be able to benchmark the UDP streaming engine JackTrip using a client-server model. The method is not locked into using JackTrip only, it could be used to do experiments with other engines too. The study tried to answer the question if latency correlates to amount of correctly aligned audio, and to what extent the audio is correctly aligned in respect to tolerated latency (based on earlier research) when at least two musicians remote-conducting musical pieces together. There were 13 different buffer settings tested, which used no redundancy and redundancy of 2, and which were sent through 4 different LAN/WAN-scenarios. A big dataset was produced, with about 82 minutes’ worth of audio per test. To post-process the data a phase cancelling method was used to measure correctly aligned audio, while the latency was measured by counting the number of samples from the start of each audio file to the first sample that were not null or not under a certain threshold. The results showed clear correlations of buffer sizes impact of latency and amount of correctly audio sent over the network. If the buffer sizes are greater, it will produce higher latency and increase the amount of correctly aligned audio, and on the opposite side, if using less buffer, it will produce lower latencies and less correctly aligned amount of audio. The study also showed that there was very little impact of using higher redundancies, both regarding latency and amount of correctly audio. When analysing the amount of correct data when respecting the tolerated level of latency, the study showed a support for correctly aligned amount of streamed audio up to 65% when using JackTrip. / Den här studien har utvecklat en metod för att skapa ett, till stor del, automatiserat testsystem för NMP-kommunikation (Networked Music Performance) över LAN och WAN för att kunna prestandatesta den UDP-strömmande ljudmotorn JackTrip, med en klient-server-modell. Metoden är inte låst till att endast användas med JackTrip, den kan användas för att göra experiment med andra motorer också. Studien försökte svara på frågorna om latens korrelerar med mängden korrekt justerat ljud, och till hur stor del som ljudet är korrekt justerad med hänsyn till tolererbar latens (baserat på tidigare undersökning) när minst två musiker fjärrmusicerar tillsammans. Det testades 13 olika buffertinställningar, som använde ingen redundans samt med redundans på 2, och som kördes genom 4 olika LAN / WAN-scenarier. En stor datamängd producerades, med ca 82 minuters ljud per test. För att post-bearbeta data användes en fas-elimineringsmetod för att mäta mängden korrekt justerat ljud, medan latensen var uppmätt genom att räkna antalet samplingar från starten av varje ljudfil till den första samplingen som inte var innehållslös eller inte under ett specifikt tröskelvärde. Resultaten visade tydlig korrelation av buffertstorlekens påverkan av latens och mängd korrekt ljud skickat över nätverket. Om buffertstorlekarna är större kommer det att ge högre latens och öka mängden korrekt justerat ljud, och tvärtom, om mindre buffert används, kommer det att ge lägre latens och mindre rätt justerad mängd ljud. Studien visade också att det gav mycket liten effekt att använda högre redundans, både vad gällande latens och mängden korrekt ljud.  Vid analys av mängden korrekta data med hänsyn till den tolererade latensnivån visade studien ett stöd för korrekt justerat mängd av strömmat ljud upp till 65% vid användning av JackTrip.

Nanocomposites Polymère-Particules greffées : de la synthèse en solution colloidale à l'étude des propriétés macroscopiques

Chevigny, Chloé 12 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les propriétés macroscopiques d'un polymère peuvent être modifiées en y dispersant de petites particules inorganiques: on forme alors un composite. Récemment, une attention particulière a été portée à la réduction de la taille de ces particules vers une taille nanométrique, afin d'augmenter la surface de contact et d'amplifier les effets sur les propriétés macroscopiques du composite. Nous avons mis au point un système modèle dans lequel les charges sont des nano-billes de silice greffées de polystyrène, dispersées dans une matrice de polystyrène. Le greffage des particules est réalisé en solution colloïdale, par polymérisation contrôlée aux nitroxydes (NMP) selon une technique " grafting from ". La dispersion des particules dans la matrice va dépendre du rapport des masses de polymère greffé et libre (matriciel). Deux types de dispersion ont ainsi été observés, par des mesures complémentaires de DXPA et de MET: lorsque la masse de la matrice est suffisament proche de celle des chaînes greffées, les nanoparticules de silice sont réparties individuellement de manière homogène dans le film. A l'inverse, lorsque la masse de la matrice devient trop grande par rapport à la masse greffée, les particules se regroupent en agrégats denses. Grâce à la synthèse d'une matrice spécifique copolymère styrène H/D dont la densité de longueur de diffusion égale celle de la silice, nous avons pu réaliser une première mesure directe de la conformation de la couronne greffée dans le film, en utilisant la DNPA. La dispersion de la silice et la conformation de la couronne ont ensuite été étudiées sur des films étirés de manière uniaxiale, afin d'observer leur évolution sous déformation. Les matériaux synthétisés ont enfin été soumis à différentes sollicitations mécaniques (grandes et petites déformations), dont les réponses peuvent être corrélées à la structure locale des charges et des chaînes de polymère.

An Efficient Network Management System using Agents for MANETs

Channappagoudar, Mallikarjun B January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Network management plays a vital role to keep a network and its application work e ciently. The network management in MANETs is a crucial and the challenging task, as these networks are characterized by dynamic environment and the scarcity of resources. There are various existing approaches for network management in MANETs. The Ad hoc Network Management Protocol (ANMP) has been one of the rst e orts and introduced an SNMP-based solution for MANETs. An alternative SNMP-based solu-tion is proposed by GUERRILLA Management Architecture (GMA). Due to self-organizing characteristic feature of MANETs, the management task has to be distributed. Policy-based network management relatively o ers this feature, by executing and applying policies pre-viously de ned by network manager. Otherwise, the complexity of realization and control becomes di cult Most of the works address the current status of the MANET to take the network man-agement decisions. Currently, MANETs addresses the dynamic and intelligent decisions by considering the present situation and all related history information of nodes into consid-eration. In this connection we have proposed a network management system using agents (NMSA) for MANETs, resolving major issues like, node monitoring, location management, resource management and QoS management. Solutions to these issues are discussed as inde-pendent protocols, and are nally combined into a single network management system, i.e., NMSA. Agents are autonomous, problem-solving computational entities capable of performing e ective operation in dynamic environments. Agents have cooperation, intelligence, and mobility characteristics as advantages. The agent platforms provide the di erent services to agents, like execution, mobility, communication, security, tracking, persistence and directory etc. The platform execution environment allows the agents to run, and mobility service allows them to travel among the di erent execution environments. The entire management task will be delegated to agents, which then executes the management logic in a distributed and autonomous fashion. In our work we used the static and mobile agents to nd some solutions to the management issues in a MANET. We have proposed a node monitoring protocol for MANETs, which uses both static agent (SA) and mobile agents (MA), to monitor the nodes status in the network. It monitors the gradational energy loss, bu er, bandwidth, and the mobility of nodes running with low to high load of mobile applications. Protocol assumes the MANET is divided into zones and sectors. The functioning of the protocol is divided into two segments, The NMP main segment, which runs at the chosen resource rich node (RRN) at the center of a MANET, makes use of SA which resides at same RRN, and the NMP subsegment which runs in the migrated MAs at the other nodes. Initially SA creates MAs and dispatches one MA to each zone, in order to monitor health conditions and mobility of nodes of the network. MAs carrying NMP subsegment migrates into the sector of a respective zone, and monitors the resources such as bandwidth, bu er, energy level and mobility of nodes. After collecting the nodes information and before moving to next sector they transfer collected information to SA respectively. SA in turn coordinates with other modules to analyze the nodes status information. We have validated the protocol by performing the conformance testing of the proposed node monitoring protocol (NMP) for MANETs. We used SDL to obtain MSCs, that repre-sents the scenario descriptions by sequence diagrams, which in turn generate test cases and test sequences. Then TTCN-3 is used to execute the test cases with respect to generated test sequences to know the conformance of protocol against the given speci cation. We have proposed a location management protocol for locating the nodes of a MANET, to maintain uninterrupted high-quality service for distributed applications by intelligently anticipating the change of location of its nodes by chosen neighborhood nodes. The LMP main segment of the protocol, which runs at the chosen RRN located at the center of a MANET, uses SA to coordinate with other modules and MA to predict the nodes with abrupt movement, and does the replacement with the chosen nodes nearby which have less mobility. We have proposed a resource management protocol for MANETs, The protocol makes use of SA and MA for fair allocation of resources among the nodes of a MANET. The RMP main segment of the protocol, which runs at the chosen RRN located at the center of a MANET, uses SA to coordinate with other modules and MA to allocate the resources among the nodes running di erent applications based on priority. The protocol does the distribution and parallelism of message propagation (mobile agent with information) in an e cient way in order to minimize the number of message passing with reduction in usage of network resources and improving the scalability of the network. We have proposed a QoS management protocol for MANETs, The QMP main segment of the protocol, which runs at the chosen RRN located at the center of a MANET, uses SA to coordinate with other modules and MA to allocate the resources among the nodes running di erent applications based on priority over QoS. Later, to reallocate the resources among the priority applications based on negotiation and renegotiation for varying QoS requirements. The performance testing of the protocol is carried out using TTCN-3. The generated test cases for the de ned QoS requirements are executed with TTCN-3, for testing of the associated QoS parameters, which leads to performance testing of proposed QoS management protocol for MANETs. We have combined the developed independent protocols for node monitoring, location management, resource management, and QoS management, into one single network management system called Network Management System using Agents (NMSA) for MANETs and tested in di erent environments. We have implemented NMSA on Java Agent development environment (JADE) Platform. Our developed network management system is a distributed system. It is basically divided into two parts, the Network Management Main Segment and other is Network Management Subsegment. A resource rich node (RRN) which is chosen at the center of a MANET where the Main segment of NMSA is located, and it controls the management activities. The other mobile nodes in the network will run MA which has the subsegments of NMSA. The network management system, i.e., the developed NMSA, has Network manage-ment main (NMSA main), Zones and sector segregation scheme, NMP, LMP, RMP, QMP main segments at the RRN along with SA deployed. The migrated MA at mobile node has subsegments of NMP, LMP, RMP, and QMP respectively. NMSA uses two databases, namely, Zones and sectors database and Node history database. Implementation of the proposed work is carried out in a con ned environment with, JDK and JADE installed on network nodes. The launched platform will have AMS and DF automatically generated along with MTP for exchange of message over the channel. Since only one JVM, which is installed, will executes on many hosts in order to provide the containers for agents on those hosts. It is the environment which o ered, for execution of agents. Many agents can be executed in parallel. The main container, is the one which has AMS and DF, and RMI registry are part of JADE environment which o ers complete run time environment for execution of agents. The distribution of the platform on many containers of nodes is shown in Fig. 1. The NMSA is based on Linux platform which provides distributed environment, and the container of JADE could run on various platforms. JAVA is the language used for code development. A middle layer, i.e., JDBC (java database connection) with SQL provides connectivity to the database and the application. The results of experiments suggest that the proposed protocols are e ective and will bring, dynamism and adaptiveness to the applied system and also reduction in terms network overhead (less bandwidth consumption) and response time.

Large Scale Synthesis of Polymerized Human Hemoglobin for Use as a Perfusate in <i>Ex Vivo</i> Normothermic Machine Perfusion

Cuddington, Clayton 09 September 2022 (has links)
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