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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La figure aristocratique dans le portrait d'apparat européen (1650-1800) : positions, danse et civilité

Bouffard-Veilleux, Mickaël January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal / Pour respecter les droits d'auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse ou ce mémoire a été dépouillée, le cas échéant, de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse ou du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Photoluminescence of ZnO Grown by Eclipse Pulsed Laser deposition

Mendelsberg, Rueben Joseph January 2009 (has links)
ZnO thin films and nanostructures were grown by eclipse pulsed laser deposition (EPLD) for the first time. On bare sapphire held at 600 °C, a complex nanostructured surface was formed when ablating a metallic Zn target in an oxygen ambient. Nanorods grown by a vapor-solid mechanism clumped together in well separated, micron-sized regions. Nanoscale pyramids with 6 fold symmetry formed between the nanorod clumps by vapor-liquid-solid growth. Strong photoluminescence (PL) was observed from the EPLD grown samples, an order of magnitude stronger than PLD grown nanorods formed under similar growth conditions. Low temperature PL was dominated by the I₇ exciton, which still has an unknown origin. Excitation intensity dependence of I₇ was drastically different than the rest of the nearby excitonic features, behavior which has not been previously reported for bound excitons in ZnO. I₇ also showed large, seemingly random variations in intensity across the surface of each sample compared to the other nearby recombinations, suggesting a structural connection. Introduction of a buffer layer had a profound effect on the morphology and PL from EPLD grown ZnO from a metallic Zn target. Pt has a high melting temperature, which helped suppress the vapor-liquid-solid nanostructure growth resulting in thin-film formation. For standard PLD, the ZnO film showed large grains separated by cracks on the surface. Due to the reduced growth rate in the EPLD geometry, the ZnO layer had a high density of nanoscale pores, reminiscent of the porous Pt buffer layer. Strong PL emission, which was dominated by I₇, was observed from the ZnO/Pt/Al₂O₃ which showed unusual blue/violet emission when the EPLD geometry was used for growth. Thin ZnO buffer layers deposited at reduced temperature also had a profound effect on EPLD grown ZnO, resulting in a random array of nanorods with alignment which was dependent on the growth temperature of the buffer layer. Buffer layers offer another dimension in the control over epitaxial structures and show large potential for EPLD growth of ZnO. Pb was the dominant impurity in the Zn targets used for EPLD growth, hinting at a Pb-related origin for the I7 peak. To explore this idea, hydrothermally grown bulk ZnO was ion-implanted with Pb and then annealed in oxygen at 600 °C to repair damage to the crystal. PL emission intensity was substantially reduced in the Pb-implanted ZnO but the line widths were preserved. No evidence of an I₇ feature was seen for Pb concentrations of up to 0.10%, three orders of magnitude higher than the expected level in the EPLD grown ZnO. However, this does not rule out a Pb-related complex as the origin of I₇ since Pb has complicated interactions with the impurities and native defects in ZnO. Instead of I₇, other sharp excitonic features were observed near the band edge. A bound exciton with a localization energy of 12.4 ± 0.2 meV was observed in the Pb-implanted samples and was attributed to neutral interstitial Pb donors. Pb-implantation produced a clear PL signature which is unique enough to unambiguously detect its presence in ZnO. EPLD also proved successful at depositing oxides of the noble metals. Ir, Pt, Pd, and Ru targets were ablated in oxygen and argon ambients and films were collected on room temperature substrates. Growth in argon resulted in pure metal while oxidized layers were obtained in oxygen. This was clearly evident by the semiconductor-like transmission spectra observed for the oxidized samples. The high fluence used for these growths promoted the oxidation of these resilient metals while the shadow mask blocked most of the molten particulates generated by the high fluence. EPLD is an excellent way to produce oxides from metallic targets, a technique which should be explored in more detail for many material systems.

Noble Crayfish (Astacus astacus) in a Changing World : Implications for Management

Zimmerman, Jenny K. M. January 2012 (has links)
The noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) is critically endangered in Sweden. This is mainly due to the crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci), a lethal disease that, among other things, can be spread through the stocking of fish from contaminated water or contaminated fishing gear. The largest single propagation path is the illegal introduction of infected signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). A conservation measure for crayfish is to re-introduce it to where it has a chance to survive, though a sustainable, locally regulated fishing can also serve as an indirect protection for the species. When the local inhabitants are allowed to keep their fishing culture and when fishing is acceptable, the incentive for illegal stocking of signal crayfish is low. However, it is important to avoid overfishing because the recovery, especially in the northern regions, can take several years. Therefore, it is important to know how crayfish respond long-term to fishing and environmental factors. Crayfish populations became extinct in the River Ljungan for unknown reasons in 1999. The water flow of the river has been used for activities such as fishing, timber transport and hydroelectric power since the 1500s, and the noble crayfish has been part of the fauna since the last century. The River Ljungan was known as one of Sweden's best fishing areas for crayfish and fishing became an important part of the local tradition. When the crayfish populations became extinct, a reintroduction program was a natural step, and crayfish are nowadays re-established in the river. From 1963 to 1990 the Swedish Board of Fisheries collected data from crayfish fishing in the River Ljungan to determine the economic damage to fishery owners caused by the construction of a power plant. After each season the fishermen reported the catch. In this thesis, the data was used to investigate which factors influence the long-term size of the crayfish catch and how the crayfish catches were affected by the power plant building. After re-introduction of the crayfish to the River Ljungan, the local fishermen monitored the population development in a simple, standardized way. To examine the validity of their measurements and to investigate the body growth of the individuals, a capture-recapture technique with a permanent marking of the crayfish was used. The crayfish catches were primarily impacted by the previous years' catch size, and a large catch the previous year resulted in a reduced catch the following year. A mild winter climate (NAO-index > -0.7) six years before the catch implied a large catch, whereas a high water flow during the autumn or spring (>95m3s-1) two years before the catch, implied a poor catch. Major habitat changes in the form of greatly reduced water flow (~90%) were negative for crayfish catches. The standardized method of fishing used by the local fishermen to monitor the development of the crayfish population was precise enough to detect population trends and this method can therefore be recommended to monitor future re-introductions of crayfish. Although the River Ljungan is located at the northern edge of the species' range, noble crayfish in the river presently have a body growth rate that is close to the maximum measured for crayfish (8 mm/moult for females and 10 mm/moult for males). Based on the results, the most important advice for sustainable fisheries in Ljungan and other northern rivers is to: Monitor the population trends, NAO-index and water flow in May and October.  Use the results from the monitoring to determine the number of allowed fishing days and traps. Collect data about the catch size and efforts from legal fishing and use it to evaluate the sustainability of the fishing. Enhance the buildup of the harvestable cohort by -saving reproductive females -introduce a size limit of 10 cm -provide proper shelters for the non-harvestable cohort. / Flodkräftan (Astacus astacus) är akut hotad i Sverige främst på grund av kräftpest (Aphanomyces astaci). Kräftpest är en dödlig sjukdom som bland annat kan spridas vid fiskutsättningar från smittade vatten eller med smittade fiskeredskap. Den enskilt största spridningsvägen är illegala introduktioner av smittade signalkräftor (Pacifastacus leniusculus). En bevarandeåtgärd för flodkräfta är att återintroducera den till lokaler där den har chans att överleva, men ett hållbart fiske med lokal styrning kan också fungera som ett indirekt skydd för arten. När lokalbefolkning tillåts att behålla sin fiskekultur och fisket är bra, blir incitamentet för illegal inplantering av signalkräfta lågt. Men det är viktigt att undvika överfiske då återhämtning, speciellt i nordlig miljö kan ta åtskilliga år. Därför är det betydelsefullt att veta hur flodkräftan svarar på fiske och omgivningsfaktorer i det långa loppet. Flodkräftbeståndet dog, av okänd anledning, ut i Ljungan 1999. I Ljungans flöde har det fiskats, flottats timmer och utvunnits vattenkraft etc. sedan 1600-talet och under det senaste århundradet har flodkräftan varit en del av Ljungans fauna. På sin tid var det en av Sveriges bästa lokaler för flodkräfta. Kräftfisket blev en viktig del av den lokala traditionen, så när kräftbeståndet dog ut var återintroduktion en självklarhet och flodkräftan har åter sin hemvist i älven. Under perioden 1963 till och med 1990 samlade Fiskeriverket in data från kräftfisket i Ljungan för att fastställa den ekonomiska skadan som fiskerättsägarna åsamkats i samband med ett kraftverksbygge. Efter varje säsong fick fiskarna rapportera hur fisket gått. I den här avhandlingen, har det materialet använts för att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar kräftfångstens storlek på lång sikt och hur kräftfångsterna påverkades av kraftverksutbyggnaden. Efter återintroduktionen av flodkräfta till Ljungan mättes beståndsutvecklingen på ett enkelt, men standardiserat sätt av de lokala fiskevårdsområdena. För att undersöka validiteten av deras mätningar och hur kräftornas individuella utveckling fortskred, användes fångst- och återfångstteknik, med permanent märkning av kräftorna. Kräftfångsternas storlek påverkades främst av tidigare års fångststorlek; en stor fångst föregående år innebar minskad fångst följande år. Ett milt vinterklimat (NAO-index > -0.7) sex år före fångst innebar bättre fångster, medan höga vattenflöden höst och vår (>95m3s-1) två år före fångsttillfället innebar sämre fångst. Större habitatförändringar i form av kraftigt reducerade vattenflöden (~90%) var negativt för kräftfångsterna. Den standardiserade metoden som fiskevårdsområdena använt för att mäta beståndsutvecklingen var tillräckligt precis för att påvisa populationsutvecklingen och kan därför rekommenderas också för uppföljning av andra återintroduktioner av flodkräfta. Trots att Ljungan ligger i norra kanten av flodkräftans utbredningsområde har flodkräftorna i Ljungan för närvarande en kroppstillväxt som är nära den maximala som uppmätts för flodkräfta (8 mm/ömsning för honor och 10 mm/ömsning för hannar). Utifrån resultaten är de viktigaste råden för ett hållbart fiske i Ljungan och andra nordliga vattendrag att: Övervaka kräftstammens utveckling, NAO-index samt vattenflöde i maj och oktober.  Använda resultaten från övervakningen för att bestämma antalet tillåtna fiskedagar och burar. Samla in data om fångststorlek och hur många burnätter som faktiskt gjordes under säsongen. Använda data för att utvärdera fiskets hållbarhet. Stärka uppbyggnaden av den fångstbara storleken genom att -spara reproduktiva honor -införa en storleksgräns på 10 cm -tillse att det finns gömslen för kräftor av icke-fångstbar storlek.

The higher nobility in Scotland and their estates, c. 1371-1424

Grant, Alexander January 1975 (has links)
Few studies relating to the nobility of medieval Scotland have been carried out. Those which have mostly fall into two categories: studies of individual nobles and single noble families, or studies of noble institutions, generally over a long time-scale. With the exception of parts of the work of Professors Ritchie and Barrow on the twelth century, there are no general surveys of the Scottish nobility during a short period. This thesis is an attempt to provide such a survey. It gives an account of the top layer of Scottish noble society in the early Stewart period, that is between 1371 and 1424. A broad view of the nobility, noble estates, and noble institutions has been taken, which is intended to be complementary to other studies of more restricted subjects. The topics dicussed in the thesis have been largely determined by the nature of the sources. The material available for the study of the Scottish nobility in this period consists almost entirely of charters, especially those issued by the crown. Hardly any documents of a more ephemeral nature have survived. In particular (with two slight exceptions) there are none of the account rolls and similar estate records which historians of the English medieval nobility have used to such effect. Because of this, the thesis has a strong topographical and institutional bias. It is possible to say what lands the nobility held and how they held them, but not to describe in any great detail what they did with them, how they were run, or what they were worth.

Hyperpolarised helium and xenon production and applications to imaging and materials analysis

Cavin Talbot Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Photoluminescence of ZnO Grown by Eclipse Pulsed Laser deposition

Mendelsberg, Rueben Joseph January 2009 (has links)
ZnO thin films and nanostructures were grown by eclipse pulsed laser deposition (EPLD) for the first time. On bare sapphire held at 600 °C, a complex nanostructured surface was formed when ablating a metallic Zn target in an oxygen ambient. Nanorods grown by a vapor-solid mechanism clumped together in well separated, micron-sized regions. Nanoscale pyramids with 6 fold symmetry formed between the nanorod clumps by vapor-liquid-solid growth. Strong photoluminescence (PL) was observed from the EPLD grown samples, an order of magnitude stronger than PLD grown nanorods formed under similar growth conditions. Low temperature PL was dominated by the I₇ exciton, which still has an unknown origin. Excitation intensity dependence of I₇ was drastically different than the rest of the nearby excitonic features, behavior which has not been previously reported for bound excitons in ZnO. I₇ also showed large, seemingly random variations in intensity across the surface of each sample compared to the other nearby recombinations, suggesting a structural connection. Introduction of a buffer layer had a profound effect on the morphology and PL from EPLD grown ZnO from a metallic Zn target. Pt has a high melting temperature, which helped suppress the vapor-liquid-solid nanostructure growth resulting in thin-film formation. For standard PLD, the ZnO film showed large grains separated by cracks on the surface. Due to the reduced growth rate in the EPLD geometry, the ZnO layer had a high density of nanoscale pores, reminiscent of the porous Pt buffer layer. Strong PL emission, which was dominated by I₇, was observed from the ZnO/Pt/Al₂O₃ which showed unusual blue/violet emission when the EPLD geometry was used for growth. Thin ZnO buffer layers deposited at reduced temperature also had a profound effect on EPLD grown ZnO, resulting in a random array of nanorods with alignment which was dependent on the growth temperature of the buffer layer. Buffer layers offer another dimension in the control over epitaxial structures and show large potential for EPLD growth of ZnO. Pb was the dominant impurity in the Zn targets used for EPLD growth, hinting at a Pb-related origin for the I7 peak. To explore this idea, hydrothermally grown bulk ZnO was ion-implanted with Pb and then annealed in oxygen at 600 °C to repair damage to the crystal. PL emission intensity was substantially reduced in the Pb-implanted ZnO but the line widths were preserved. No evidence of an I₇ feature was seen for Pb concentrations of up to 0.10%, three orders of magnitude higher than the expected level in the EPLD grown ZnO. However, this does not rule out a Pb-related complex as the origin of I₇ since Pb has complicated interactions with the impurities and native defects in ZnO. Instead of I₇, other sharp excitonic features were observed near the band edge. A bound exciton with a localization energy of 12.4 ± 0.2 meV was observed in the Pb-implanted samples and was attributed to neutral interstitial Pb donors. Pb-implantation produced a clear PL signature which is unique enough to unambiguously detect its presence in ZnO. EPLD also proved successful at depositing oxides of the noble metals. Ir, Pt, Pd, and Ru targets were ablated in oxygen and argon ambients and films were collected on room temperature substrates. Growth in argon resulted in pure metal while oxidized layers were obtained in oxygen. This was clearly evident by the semiconductor-like transmission spectra observed for the oxidized samples. The high fluence used for these growths promoted the oxidation of these resilient metals while the shadow mask blocked most of the molten particulates generated by the high fluence. EPLD is an excellent way to produce oxides from metallic targets, a technique which should be explored in more detail for many material systems.

Hyperpolarised helium and xenon production and applications to imaging and materials analysis

Cavin Talbot Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Analýza parametrů reprodukce ve velkochovu prasnic

KOŘÍNKOVÁ, Hana January 2017 (has links)
In the thesis work have been compared with parameters of reproduction in sows of different genotype in the enterprise AGROPIG CZ s. r. o. in Velešín. There are in breeding were monitored achieved the performance parameters in sows of Czech white noble breed and crossbreed Czech white noble breed with landrace insemination hybrid boars. At the conclusion of the work was designed recommendations for the improvement of those parameters in practice. In the enterprise AGROPIG CZ s. r. o. have been identified following the results of the reproduction: there is in 2014 the breed BU, the average was stillborn 1,2 piglet of all births and losses in the postpartum period were 2,3 piglet. Crossbreed BU x L in this year have better values, was born to them in average of 1 stillborn piglet and losses of piglets in the postnatal period were at an average of 1.8 piglet. In 2015 the results of both groups are identical. The diameter of stillborn piglets was 0,9 pieces of all births and losses in the postpartum period were 1.3 piglet. In 2014 breed of BU showed on average a lower number of live born piglets (11,7 pcs) compared to crossbreed BU x L (12,9 pcs, i.e. by 1.2 piglet more). Weaned piglets was on average 0.6 more at crossbreed BU x L. In the year 2015 should crossbreed in average by 0.4-born piglets more than purebred sows of Czech white noble breed. Live born piglets was in average 0.5 more and all born about 0,4 more. From the obtained data prove that the percentage of farrowing and service in 2014 and 2015 in gilts crossbreed breed white noble x landrace is better than for pure-bred gilts breed white noble. There is in the category of sows should be in 2015, better results pure male. Furthermore, it was found that sows in a given enterprise overrun most often in the range of 18. 24. day of gestation. This corresponds to the length of one reproductive cycle and may be due to the poor quality of the insemination dose, or the wrong technique of insemination. Percent overrun was in the two study groups almost equal in both monitored years. In contrast, in the value of the abortion the two groups differed. To abortion occurred in 2014 more often in crossbreed, in 2015 in purebred sows. Statistical evaluation shows that the gilts and sows crossbreed BU x L is less overrun, have better results of pregnancy rate and even better killing it. Crossbreed BU x L also had better indicators related to births. Crossbreed had on average more of all births, live born and weaned piglets (at least by 0.4 piglet more).

Aceleração da nitretação iônica pela nanoestruturação de superfícies metálicas induzidas por bombardeio com gases nobres / Entanglement and matrix product states in quantum phase transitions

Ochoa Becerra, Erika Abigail 26 October 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Alvarez / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-11T13:13:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 OchoaBecerra_ErikaAbigail_D.pdf: 5724102 bytes, checksum: c62c9d58c0f942077a9cfd1ba1d75d94 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: A presente tese trata o estudo as propriedades físicas resultantes em sistemas metálicos com superfícies nanoestrutura as pelo bombardeio com gás nobre e posteriormente nitretados com técnicas basea as em plasma. A busca e novas condições e tratamento que aumentem a velocidade a ifusão o nitrogênio é e grande interesse para a modificação e superfícies metálicas. Para isto, o pré-tratamento a superfície o material, através e métodos e refinamento os grãos a superfície, é fundamental na melhora a incorporação e nitrogênio no material. Este trabalho visa o estudo e sistemas basea os em ferro, especialmente aços e interesse tecnológico, com superfícies refinadas até a escala nanométrica e submeti os ao processo e nitretação. Neste caso, a superfície a amostra considera a po e ser nanoestrutura a por bombar eiodiônico com gases nobres ("atomic attrition") e posteriormente nitreta a usan o feixe e íons. O material escolhi o para o presente trabalho é o aço enomina o AISI 4140, um aço e baixa liga. O tratamento superficial ("atomic attrition") prévio ao processo e nitretação possibilita o aumento o conteúdo e nitrogênio em profundidade permitindo ainda que a nitretação possa ser realizada a temperaturas relativamente mais baixas (T ~ 300 °C). A caracterização as amostras pré-trata as e/ou nitretadas é realizada in-situ por espectroscopia e elétrons fotoemitidos garantindo condições únicas para o estudo o fenômeno e nanoestruturação e sua influência na ifusão o nitrogênio. Outras técnicas usuais e caracterização utiliza as foram a nano-in entação, raios-X (em nosso grupo e no LNLS) e microscopia óptica e eletrônica. Os resultados indicam o sucesso na nanoestruturação a superfície as amostras pela formação e caminhos e rápida difusão e nitrogênio e assim aumentando a dureza resultante o material / Abstract: The present thesis treats the stu y of the physical resultant properties in metallic systems with nano-structure surfaces by the bombar ment with noble gas an subsequently nitri e with techniques base on plasma. The search for new con itions of treatment that increase the spee of diffusion of the nitrogen is of great interest for the modification of metal surfaces. For this, the pre-treatment of the material surface, through methods of refinement of the grains at the surface, is fundamental in the improvement of the incorporation of nitrogen in the material. This work aims at the study of systems base on iron, especially steels of technological interest, with surfaces refine up to the nanometric scale an subjecte to the nitriding process. In this case, the surface of the considere sample can be nano - structure by ionic bombar ment with noble gases ("atomic attrition") an subsequently nitride using bundle of ions. The material chosen for the present work is the steel AISI 4140, a steel of low alloy. The superficial treatment ("atomic attrition") prior to the process of nitriding makes possible the increase of the content of nitrogen in epth allowing still that nitriding could be carrie out to relatively lower temperatures (T ~ 300 °C). The characterization of the samples pre-treate an / or nitride is carrie out in-situ by spectroscopy of photo-emitte electrons guaranteeing singular conditions for the study of the phenomenon of nano-structuring an its influence in the nitrogen iffusion. Other usual techniques of characterization use were nano - in dentation, X-rays (in our group an at LNLS), optical an electronic microscopy. The results indicate the success in the nano - structuring of the sample surface for the formation of ways of quick diffusion of nitrogen an so increasing the resultant har ness of the material / Doutorado / Física da Matéria Condensada / Doutor em Ciências

Calorímetro de Líquidos Nobres para Radiações de Alta Energia / Noble Liquid Calorimeter High-energy Radiation

Marco Aurelio Lisboa Leite 25 March 1999 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a construção e testes de um calorímetro eletromagnético de criptônio liquido utilizando uma geometria projetiva na forma de acordeom para os absorvedores eletrodos. Testes do calorímetro com feixes de elétrons de energia entre 20 e 200 GeV, realizados na linha de feixe H4 do acelerador SPS do CERN, apontam para uma resolução em energia de 5.63/(E[GeV] )0.26)% e uma não linearidade integral máxima de +/- 0,3%. O calorímetro é dividido longitudinalmente em 3 seções, sendo a primeira altamente segmentada transversalmente em uma direção, formando um pre-shower integrado ao calorímetro. A posição de incidência da partícula no calorímetro pode ser determinada com uma resolução de 2.16/(E[GeV] )0,19 7.93 / E[GeV])mm no pre-shower e o ângulo de incidência da partícula (utilizando a informação de posição das outras seções) com uma resolução de (32.01/(E[GeV] ) 0.95 44 /E[GeV])mrad. Os sinais do calorímetro permitem a realização de medidas de tempo com uma resolução de 290ps com elétrons de 120 GeV. Também são apresentados e discutidos o efeito da presença de material inativo na resolução em energia, a resposta do calorímetro a múons e os resultados da comparação entre simulações de Monte Carlo com medidas feitas com feixes de partículas. Por fim, é feito um estudo comparativo da resolução em energia obtida com este calorímetro e com um calorímetro de argônio liquido de geometria semelhante. / This work describes the construction and tests of a liquid krypton electromagnetic calorimeter employing an accordion shaped projective geometry for the absorbers and electrodes. The tests of the calorimeter using electron beams of energy ranging from 20 to 200 GeV and a muon beam of 225 GeV, from the H4 beam line of the CERN SPS, showed an energy resolution of 5,63/(E[GeV] ) 0.26)% and a maximum integral non-linearity of +/- 0.3%. the calorimeter is divided longitudinally in 3 sections, the first one being highly segmented on the transversal direction, operating as a pre-shower integrated on the calorimeter. The position of incidence for a particle in the calorimeter can be determined with a resolution of (2.16/E[GeV] 0.19 7.93 /E[GeV])mm on the pre-shower and the angle of incidence (using the position information from all sections) with a resolution of (32.01/E[GeV] 0.95 44 /E[GeV])mrad. The calorimeter signal allow timing measurements to be performed with a resolution of 290ps for 120 GeV electrons. It is also presented and discussed the energy resolution behavior in the presence of dead material in front of the calorimeter, the calorimeter response to muons and the comparison between the results from data and Monte Carlo calculations. Finally, it is presented a comparative study between the energy resolution of this calorimeter and a liquid argon calorimeter employing a similar accordion shaped geometry.

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