Spelling suggestions: "subject:"nominal"" "subject:"nominais""
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Il tema affrontato nella tesi è rappresentato dall’attribuzione della funzione gestoria nella società a responsabilità limitata. Nello specifico, l’indagine muove, in primo luogo, dall’individuazione della disciplina legale dei procedimenti di nomina e di revoca degli amministratori, per poi verificare i margini di operatività lasciati, in materia, all’autonomia privata. Nello sviluppo del primo capitolo, delimitato il campo dell’indagine, viene sviluppata l’analisi del dato normativo; evidenziati i profili di criti-cità della disciplina positiva (antinomia fra li artt. 2475 c.c. e 2479 c.c. e mancanza del-la disciplina della revoca), vengono riportate le varie ricostruzioni dottrinali che hanno affrontato le citate questioni. Nel corso del secondo capitolo viene affrontata la proble-matica relativa alla disciplina residuale della nomina e della revoca degli amministrato-ri. In tale contesto, l’indagine è finalizzata a verificare quale sistema organizzativo (“per uffici” o “per persone”) caratterizza, a livello legale, la s.r.l.; tale operazione, nella pro-spettiva del candidato, si sostanzia nella individuazione del “valore” (quale “parte mate-riale” o “meramente formale”) della nomina dei primi amministratori contenuta nell’atto costitutivo. Dopo aver analizzato i sistemi di amministrazione negli altri tipi sociali, il candidato vede nell’”amministrazione per uffici” il sistema organizzativo residuale della s.r.l. Il terzo capito si suddivide in due distinte parti: una prima, volta ad enucleare i pro-fili disciplinari (con particolare riguardo a quelli operativi) delle operazioni di nomina e revoca degli amministratori; una seconda dedicata all’analisi dell’autonomia statutaria. In questo contesto vengono affrontati i seguenti temi: (i) la legittimità di clausole che, in relazione alle decisioni di nomina e revoca degli amministratori, prevedono quorum co-stitutivi e/o deliberativi superiori a quelli legali (legittimità ammessa unicamente nell’ipotesi di adozione del sistema amministrativo “per persone”); (ii) la possibilità di privare la compagine sociale del potere di nomina degli amministratori con contestuale devoluzione del medesimo ad un organo terzo o ad un socio; (iii) la possibilità di intro-durre il sistema amministrativo “per persone”; (iv) gli strumenti attraverso i quale intro-durre tale sistema (viene espressamente escluso il ricorso alla figura dei diritti particola-ri di cui all’art. 2468 c.c.); (v) la ricostruzione del sistema di revoca degli amministratori in caso di nomina non assembleare (nomina, cioè, affidata ad un organo terzo o ad uno o più soci, in virtù del riconoscimento di un diritto particolare ex art. 2468 c.c.); (vi) la possibilità di attribuire all’assemblea la funzione amministrativa (opzione esclusa alla luce della funzione di “filtro”, strumentale alla tutela del ceto creditorio, esercitata dagli amministratori nell’esecuzione delle decisioni assembleari a carattere gestorio). / The subject of the work is the “appointment and removal of the directors in the Italian S.r.l.” The analysis begins from the reconstruction of the default regulation of this procedures and then moves to the study of the limits of the freedom of contract, as far as the appointment and removal of directors are concerned.
The first part of Chapter one is dedicated to the analysis of the civil code norms and their critical profiles; in the second part of chapter one the legal scholar’s theory regarding the appointment and the removal of the directors are shown.
The second Chapter deals with the problem of the reconstruction of the default regulation of the procedures of appointment and removal of directors.
In this perspective the core problem is to understand and individuate the nature of the organizational architecture (“per persone” or “per uffici”) of the s.r.l.: the solution of this issue involves the comprehension of the value of the appointment of the first directors written down in company (s.r.l.)‘s bylaws.
After an analysis of the system of election and discharge of the managers in the other types of companies, and partnerships, the system “per uffici” is considered to be the legal organization set up of the S.r.l.
In the third chapter the profile liked to the freedom of contract are developed.
In this contest the most relevant topics are: 1) the possibility of increase of the decisional quorum, in matters concerning the appointment and removal of directors; (ii) the possibility to entitle a third organ or a single person of the power of appointment and removal of directors; (iii) the possibility to create, through specific disposition of the by-laws, the organizational system “per persone”; (iv) the possibility to eliminate the boards of directors and to entitle the general shareholder’s meeting of the management of the company.
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Nominal Morphology in Russian Correspondence 1700-1715 : Part One - Part TwoMidy, Isabelle January 2011 (has links)
The materials examined here consist of 121 Russian letters dating from 1700-1715. The present study aims to define a stage in linguistic evolution and analyze the morphological heterogeneity in the textual corpus. The letters are divided into three categories: private, semiofficial, and official. All nomina (substantives, adjectives, pronouns, and numerals) are registered and their occurrences processed statistically case by grammatical case. The focus is on linguistic features where a choice is possible and variation is in evidence. Conservatism asserts itself primarily in strongly standardized texts such as the official correspondence, while phonetic spelling reflecting akanie and dialectally influenced syncretism between different cases (e.g., the GDLsg) is observable mainly in the private letters, which consitute the least standardized category. There is a trend break among u-genitives and u-locatives, where our findings indicate that the u-ending is losing ground. A statistically established correlation between declensional type and the presence/absence of a coordinated adjunct is noted in the instrumental plural of masculine o-, jo-stems. The choice of the archaizing Ipl-ending suggests that repetition of the –mi- element is perceived to be redundant. In the singular paradigm of the adjective the feminine instrumental forms are strongly conservative, and the modern short ending occurs in only a few instances. In the nominative plural the modern ending –ye, -ie dominates for all cases and in all letter categories. The use of samyj for the comparative degree is not particularly prominent in these 18th-century letters. Because this descriptive comparison type developed in the 17th century, its use could have been expected to rise in the 18th, but our materials do not indicate any such increase. With few exceptions, pronouns generally display forms corresponding to modern usage. One notable deviation is the occurrence of a pronoun with an adjectival ending in the genitive singular (tago), but it is an idiosyncratic feature. Numerals for the most part correspond to modern usage, although their low frequency does not invite generalizations. / <p>978-91-86071-61-5 (del 1), 978-91-86071--62-2 (del 2), 978-91-86071-63-9 (del 1-2)</p>
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Nové názvy profesí / New Names of ProfessionsKožuriková, Daniela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis New Names of Professions is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part, basic terms from the world of work are defined; the essential term is profession. Furthermore, neologisms are defined in the first part in accordance with professional literature without being confined to denomination of persons. For the purposes of the practical part, new names of professions were excerpted from the list of professions of the employment office and from a list in Učitelské noviny. Their occurrence was further verified using the EDA and Newton media databases and the results of the research were compared with the created list. An alphabetical list of the excerpted professions and a thematically divided list of those professions are an integral part of this work.
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[pt] Esta tese é composta por três artigos relacionados à macroeconomia. O
primeiro artigo analisa os efeitos macroeconômicos dos processos de aprofundamento
de crédito observados no Peru e no México através de um modelo
padrão Novo Keynesiano dinâmico de equilíbrio geral com fricções financeiras.
Do ponto de vista do modelo, os efeitos sobre o consumo, o PIB e o investimento
são pequenos. Assim, nossos resultados sugerem apenas uma contribuição modesta da expansão do crédito para o crescimento acima do potencial
das economias peruana e mexicana durante o período considerado. No segundo
artigo, documentamos que a associação entre o crescimento do consumo e expansão do crédito é maior para países com maior desigualdade de renda. Nós
usamos um modelo de mercados incompletos com agentes heterogêneos, risco
idiossincrático e restrições ao crédito para verificar em que medida este arcabouço teórico é capaz de racionalizar a evidencia empírica. Em nosso modelo,
consideramos duas fontes de desigualdade de renda: a variância do risco idiossincrático e o nível fixo de capital humano dos agentes. Mostramos que, quando
a fonte de desigualdade de renda vem da menor nível fixo das famílias do capital
humano, o nosso modelo pode racionalizar a evidência empírica. Nos outros
casos, o resultado oposto ocorre. O terceiro artigo testa os efeitos de um grande
programa de intervenções no mercado cambial anunciado pelo Banco Central
do Brasil afim de combater o excesso de volatilidade e overshooting da taxa de
câmbio. Nós usamos uma abordagem de controle sintético para determinar se
o programa de intervenção foi bem sucedido ou não. Nossos resultados sugerem
que o primeiro programa de intervenção cambial mitigou a depreciação do
real frente ao dólar. Todavia, um segundo anúncio feito no final do ano que o
programa ia continuar com uma intensidade menor teve um efeito menor e não
significativo. Esse resultado é corroborado por uma metodologia de estudo de
evento padrão. Nós também documentamos que o programa e a continuação
do mesmo não tiveram impacto sobre a volatilidade da taxa de câmbio. / [en] This dissertation is composed of three articles in macroeconomics. The
first article explores the macroeconomics effects of the credit deepening processes
observed in Peru and Mexico using a standard New Keynesian dynamic
general equilibrium model with financial frictions. From the perspective of the
model, the effects on consumption, GDP and investment are small. Hence, our
results suggest only a modest contribution of credit expansion to the abovetrend
growth experienced by Peruvian and Mexican economies during our sample
period. In the second article, we documented that the association between
consumption growth and credit expansion is stronger in countries with higher
income inequality. We use an incomplete-markets model with heterogeneous
households, idiosyncratic risk and borrowing constraints to corroborate this
empirical finding. A loosening of credit constraints mitigates precautionary
motives, inducing households to reduce savings along the transition path to
the new steady-state. Therefore, consumption grows more rapidly in the shortrun.
This consumption boom is amplified in economies with more constrained
households. We consider two sources of income inequality in our model: the
variance of the idiosyncratic risk and the households fixed level of human capital.
They have different implications for the extent to which households are
credit constrained in equilibrium. We show that when the source of income inequality
comes from households lowest fixed level of human capital, our model
can rationalize the empirical evidence. In the other cases, the opposite occurs.
The third article tests the effects of a major program of interventions in foreign
exchange markets announced by the Central Bank of Brazil to fight excess volatility
and exchange rate overshooting. We use a synthetic control approach
to determine whether or not the intervention program was successful. Our results
suggest that the first foreign exchange intervention program mitigated
the depreciation of the real against the dollar. A second announcement made
later in the year that the program was going to continue on a smaller basis
had a smaller effect, which was not significant. This result is corroborated by a
standard event study methodology. We also document that both program did
not have an impact on the volatility of the exchange rate.
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Bare nouns in Persian / interpretation, grammar and prosodyModarresi, Fereshteh 01 October 2015 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht das variable Verhalten von sogenannten „bare nouns“ (Nominale ohne Artikel) im Persischen. Dieses Verhalten kann jedoch nicht verstanden werden ohne eine Reihe von entscheidenden Eigenschaften der persischen Satzstruktur zu betrachten. Dazu gehören Informationsstruktur, Prosodie und Wortstellung, sowie die semantischen und syntaktischen Funktionen verschiedener morphologischer Markierungen im Persischen. Die vorliegende Dissertation kann daher zum besseren Verständnis von satzinterner Syntax, Semantik und Prosodie des Persischen beitragen. Ich beginne meine Untersuchung mit dem Vergleich der BNs in verschiedenen Positionen mit Nominalen, die mit verschiedenen Morphemen gekennzeichnet sind. Die quasi-inkorporierten Nominale im Persischen scheinen zur Klasse der diskursintransparenten inkorporierenden Sprachen zu gehören. Doch dies scheint nicht immer zu stimmen, unter bestimmten Umständen zeigen persische BNs Diskurstransparenz. In Kapitel 3 untersuche ich daher, unter welchen Umständen BNs Diskurstransparenz zeigen und warum. In Kapitel 3 präsentiere ich einen Alternativvorschlag zu Farkas & de Swart, in dem ich darlege, dass ein BN tatsächlich einen neuen Diskursreferenten einführt. Aber der Numerus von BNs ist neutral (numerusneutralen Diskursreferenten).In der zweiten Hälfte der Dissertation wird die Interpretation von BNs in verschiedenen Positionen und mit unterschiedlichen grammatischen Funktionen diskutiert. Kapitel 4 konzentriert sich auf BNs in Objektposition. Wir stellen einen direkten Vergleich an zwischen BNs als tatsächliche BNs, d.h. Nominale, die nicht mit einem Morphem markiert sind, und Kontexten, in denen sie mit dem Morphem -ra auftreten. Ich werde argumentieren, dass -ra lediglich markiert, dass ein BN oder auch ein anderes Nominal nicht in seiner VP-internen Position interpretiert, sondern in eine VP-externe Domäne bewegt wird. Das bedeutet, das Morphem -ra ist ein syntaktisches Morphem auf Phrasenebene. / This thesis explores the variable behavior of bare nouns in Persian. Bare singular nouns realize different grammatical functions, including subject, object and indirect object. They receive different interpretations, including generic, definite and existential readings. However, the task of understanding the reasons for, and limits on, this variation cannot be achieved without understanding a number of pivotal features of Persian sentential architecture, including Information Structure, prosody, word order, and the functions of various morphological markers in Persian. With respect to the discourse transparency of Incorporated Nominals, under certain circumstances, Persian bare nouns show discourse transparency. These circumstances are examined in chapter 3, and it is proposed that bare nouns do introduce a number neutral discourse referent. This proposal is phrased within Discourse Representation Theory. In the second half of the dissertation, the interpretation of bare nouns in different positions and with different grammatical functions are discussed. Under the independently supported hypothesis of position>interpretation mapping developed by Diesing (1992), we will see the role of the suffix -ra in indicating that an object has been moved out of VP. For subjects, there is no morphological marking corresponding to –ra on objects, and we have to rely on prosody and word order to determine how a VP is interpreted using theories of the interaction of accent and syntactic structure. It is proposed that both subject and object originate within the VP, and can move out to the VP-external domain. The motivation for these movements are informational-structural in nature, relating in particular to the distinctions between given and new information, and default and non-default information structure.
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