Spelling suggestions: "subject:"noncoaxial"" "subject:"nanocoaxial""
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Study of shear-driven unsteady flows of a fluid with a pressure dependent viscositySrinivasan, Shriram 15 May 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, the seminal work of Stokes concerning the ow of a Navier-Stokesuid due to a suddenly accelerated or oscillating plate and the ow due to torsionaloscillations of an innitely long rod in a Navier-Stokes uid is extended to a uid withpressure dependent viscosity. The viscosity of many uids varies signicantly withpressure, a fact recognized by Stokes; and Barus, in fact, conducted experiments thatshowed that the variation of the viscosity with pressure was exponential. Given sucha tremendous variation, we study how this change in viscosity aects the nature of thesolution to these problems. We nd that the velocity eld, and hence the structureof the vorticity and the shear stress at the walls for uids with pressure dependentviscosity, are markedly dierent from those for the classical Navier-Stokes uid.
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Millimeter Wave Microstrip Launchers And Antenna ArraysAkgun, Erdem 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Coaxial-to-microstrip launcher and microstrip patch array antenna are designed to work at center frequency of 36.85 GHz with a bandwidth higher than 300 MHz. The antenna array design also includes the feeding network distributing the power to each antenna element. The design parameters are defined on this report and optimized by using an Electromagnetic Simulation software program. In order to verify the theoretical results, microstrip patch array antenna is produced as a prototype. Measurements of antenna parameters, electromagnetic field and circuit properties are interpreted to show compliance with theoretical results. The values of deviation between theoretical and experimental results are discussed as a conclusion.
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The Study of 10-40 Gb/s High-Speed Laser Module Based on Coaxial-Type PackagesLin, Min-Ching 12 February 2008 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation is to provide a solution by using a low-cost and high-performance laser module package for the applications of high-speed optical communication, fiber-to-the-home (FTTH), and passive optical network (PON). A 10-Gb/s coaxial-type laser module, a 10-Gb/s bi-directional optical sub-assembly (BOSA) module, and a 4 channels x 10-Gb/s coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) laser module have been implemented for this study.
The conventional TO-Can header suffers poor RF transmission characteristics without proper modification. The notch filter effect induced by the parasitic inductance of the long lead and wires is one of its major factors. The proposed coaxial laser module is fitted with a commercial TO-Can with an internal matching resistor of 18£[ to reduce the signal reflection. The comparison of small signal results between the theoretical and the experimental results shows good agreement. The proposed 10-Gb/s coaxial laser module implemented can achieve 31% mask margins with the OC-192 standard.
For cost consideration, the structure of the proposed 10-Gb/s BOSA modules is adapted to the idea of the commercial low bit rate of 155-Mb/s or 1.25-Gb/s BOSA modules. The proposed BOSA modules show a clear opening eye diagrams at both their transmitter and receiver side. The power penalty with a 10-km SMF transmission is 0.5dB and the crosstalk penalty is 0.9dB. According to the experimental results, we have demonstrated successfully the high-performance and the low-cost of 10-Gb/s BOSA modules and verified the feasibility of the bi-directional architecture for use in the future¡¦s high-speed FTTH or PON network applications.
The 4 channel x 10-Gb/s laser modules adapted the existing low-cost TO-Can laser and the CWDM techniques provide one of the solutions for the 40-Gb/s optical communication application. The proposed optical module operating at 10-Gb/s per channel can exceed a rate of over 30 km transmission at the bit-error-rate (BER) of 10-9, with an average system power penalty of 12 dB. The proposed high-performance 40-Gb/s CWDM module shows the low-cost possibility that ensures the application of WDM-passive optical network (WDM-PON) fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) systems.
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An empirical study of SD signal delay versus temperature in a plenum grade coaxial cableKaur, Sukhdeep 14 February 2012 (has links)
A high resolution speedy delivery time domain reflectometer (SD/TDR) has been developed in the Electrical Engineering department at The University of Texas at Austin. The SD/TDR uses a novel non-sinusoidal signal that does not undergo dispersion during transmission in a lossy media. SD/TDR is used to estimate the length and detect the location of faults in the transmission lines. Time of flight (TOF) is one of the critical parameters of SD/TDR and a function of several temperature dependent factors. Given the TOF and length of a transmission line, signal delay can be computed. This research presents an empirical study of the effect of temperature on the TOF in a plenum grade coaxial cable for temperatures ranging from -3 °C to 60 °C. We also study the effect of temperature on characteristic impedance of the coaxial cable. Finally, a SD double exponential waveform is used to estimate TOF for calibrated short and open terminations. / text
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Συστήματα καύσης με περιδίνιση : επίδραση εξωτερικής παράλληλης ροής σε μια περιδινούμενη δέσμη εκροήςΓιανναδάκης, Αθανάσιος 27 April 2009 (has links)
Η διδακτορική διατριβή αφορά την πειραματική μελέτη του ισόθερμου ροϊκού πεδίου που αναπτύσσεται λόγω της αλληλεπίδρασης μιας περιδινούμενης δέσμης με μια εξωτερική παράλληλη ροή. Η συγκεκριμένη μελέτη έχει άμεση αναφορά σε διατάξεις καύσης (στροβιλοκινητήρες, φούρνους υαλουργίας, καυστήρες ντίζελ σε πλοία) και ως στόχο έχει την εμβάθυνση της κατανόησης των φυσικών μηχανισμών που αναπτύσσονται στο μέσο και τυρβώδες ροϊκό πεδίο αλλά και στη βελτίωση της διαδικασίας μίξης μεταξύ καυσίμου και οξειδωτικού μέσω του χαρακτηρισμού του τρισδιάστατου διατμητικού στρώματος που δημιουργείται λόγω της αλληλεπίδρασης τους.
Αναλυτικότερα, στα πλαίσια της παρούσης διδακτορικής διατριβής μελετώνται διαφορετικές συνθήκες αλληλεπίδρασης (λόγος παροχής μαζών) μεταξύ μιας εσωτερικής περιδινούμενης δέσμης εκροής και μια εξωτερικής ομοαξονικής ροής. Η δημιουργία της περιδίνησης βασίζεται στην εφαπτομενική έγχυση ρευστού, μια τεχνική της οποίας τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά έχουν μελετηθεί ελάχιστα στη μέχρι τώρα βιβλιογραφία. Το υπό μελέτη ροϊκό πεδίο παρουσιάζει ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον τόσο ως προς την πολυπλοκότητα του όσο και ως προς τη διερεύνηση παραμέτρων που επηρεάζουν την απόδοση συστημάτων καύσης.
Το κύριο σκέλος αποτελεσμάτων που παρουσιάζεται στην παρούσα διατριβή αφορά πειραματικές μετρήσεις οι οποίες πραγματοποιήθηκαν με τη μέθοδο Ταχυμετρίας Απεικόνισης Σωματιδίων (Digital Particle Image Velocimetry). Παρ’ όλα αυτά, στα πλαίσια του σχεδιασμού της πειραματικής διάταξης και της αρχικής αξιολόγησης του ροϊκού πεδίου, παρουσιάζονται αποτελέσματα τα οποία προέκυψαν με τη χρήση εμπορικού κώδικα Υπολογιστικής Ρευστοδυναμικής (CFD-ACE+) και με την πειραματική μέθοδο Ανεμομετρίας Θερμού Νήματος διάταξης Χ (HWA-X probe). Τα αποτελέσματα που προέκυψαν κατά πρώτα στάδια υλοποίησης της διδακτορικής διατριβής συσχετίζονται με αυτά της Ταχυμετρίας Απεικόνισης Σωματιδίων, επιτρέποντας είτε την αξιολόγηση των διάφορων τυρβωδών μοντέλων και διαφορικών σχημάτων των εξισώσεων κίνησης ή την επιβεβαίωση των συμπερασμάτων μέσω της σύγκρισης των αποτελεσμάτων των δύο πειραματικών μεθόδων.
Στα πλαίσια της διδακτορικής διατριβής γίνεται αναφορά και σύγκριση με παρόμοιες διατάξεις ομοαξονικών ροών, ενώ προκύπτουν νέα στοιχεία σχετικά με τα κριτήρια ομοιότητας ομοαξονικών ροών με περιδίνηση και τους φυσικούς μηχανισμούς που αναπτύσσονται στο τρισδιάστατο στρώμα μίξης που διαμορφώνεται. Ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δίδεται στη σύνδεση της τοπολογίας του πεδίου ανακυκλοφορίας (φυσαλίδα ανακυκλοφορίας, στροβιλιζόμενος δακτύλιος) με τη δυναμική του μέσου και τυρβώδους ροϊκού πεδίου αλλά και στην επίδραση της μεταβολής του αριθμού Rossby στην ίδια τη φυσαλίδα ανακυκλοφορίας. Από την ανάλυση επίδρασης της φυσαλίδας ανακυκλοφορίας στο ροϊκό πεδίο προκύπτει η τοπολογία των ζωνών υψηλής μίξης μεταξύ των δύο ροών αλλά και αυτών που χαρακτηρίζονται από υψηλές τιμές τυρβώδους κινητικής ενέργειας όπως και από υψηλά επίπεδα ανακυκλοφορίας. Η μελέτη των χαρακτηριστικών του τρισδιάστατου διατμητικού στρώματος καταδεικνύει την ισχυρή αλληλεπίδραση του διαμήκους με το αζιμουθιακό διατμητικό στρώμα και παρέχει σημαντική πληροφορία ως προς την εξέλιξη της μίξης μεταξύ της περιδινούμενης δέσμης εκροής και της εξωτερικής ομοαξονικής ροής. Για την καλλίτερη κατανόηση της διαδικασίας μίξης εισαγάγεται ο συντελεστής διάχυσης στροφορμής (λ) ο οποίος παρέχει σημαντική πληροφορία ως προς την εξέλιξη της περιδινούμενης δέσμης εκροής σε σχέση με τις συνθήκες εισαγωγής του ροϊκού πεδίου. Τέλος, επιχειρείται η αναπαράσταση του τρισδιάστατου ροϊκού πεδίου από την επαλληλία των αποτελεσμάτων στο διαμήκες και εγκάρσιο επίπεδο μετρήσεων, όπου απεικονίζεται η τοπολογία της φυσαλίδας ανακυκλοφορίας.
Από τη μελέτη των αποτελεσμάτων προκύπτει ότι η κλασική προσέγγιση ταξινόμησης ροών με περιδίνηση σύμφωνα με το βαθμό στροβιλισμού δεν επαρκεί για σύνθετες ροές όπως αυτή που εξετάζεται στην παρούσα διατριβή. Για αυτό το λόγο, προτείνεται ένας νέος αδιάστατος αριθμός (αριθμός Rossby) ο οποίος σχετίζει το πεδίο πιέσεων που δημιουργείται λόγω της συμπαράσυρσης της εσωτερικής δέσμης από την εξωτερική με αυτό που οφείλεται στην περιδίνηση της εσωτερικής δέσμης εκροής. Η εισαγωγή του τροποποιημένου αριθμού Rossby βασίστηκε στην ήδη υπάρχουσα βιβλιογραφία (σύγκριση δυνάμεων αδράνειας με τις δυνάμεις επιτάχυνσης Coriolis) ως προς την επιλογή των κλιμάκων ταχύτητας, παρ’ όλα αυτά διαφοροποιείται μιας και στην ήδη υπάρχουσα θεωρία δεν υπάρχουν αναφορές σε ομοαξονικές ροές. / In this work the isothermal flow field generated by the interaction of an internal swirling jet with an external parallel flow is experimentally investigated with the use of 2D Digital Particle Image Velocimetry. Swirl is produced through tangential injection of air. Parametric change of inlet flow rates (constant tangential injection with change of annular flow and vice versa) is being considered in order to study the mean and turbulent flow field.
Coaxial swirling jets are widely used in combustion systems as they enhance fuel and oxidant mixing and flame stabilization. Amongst well known features of introducing swirl in jet flows (increase of jet growth, entrainment and decay), highly swirling jets have been studied in combustion configurations as they impose radial and axial pressure gradients generating an internal toroidal recirculation zone, a phenomenon known as “vortex breakdown”. The complex structure of vortex breakdown has been a challenging issue for experimentalists over the past few decades emphasizing on its effect on aerodynamic and mixing attributes of combustion flow fields. Focusing on the study of coaxial swirling jets,
rather limited data has been presented up to now, regarding the topology and turbulent attributes of the flow field created by coaxial jets with inner and/or outer swirl. Following previous work on coaxial swirling jets with inner or outer swirl and coaxial jets without swirl which lead to recirculation, a sufficient need for a deeper understanding of the physical mechanisms developing in such complex flow fields, comes up. This Thesis stands as an attempt to present the main features of such a complex flow field, which results from the interaction of a typical swirling jet undergoing “vortex breakdown” with an outer annular flow with “back step flow” characteristics. An analysis of the mean and turbulent flow statistics is presented, correlating flow field mechanisms with the three dimensional shear layer characteristics and the topology of the recirculating flow field (recirculation bubble, vortex ring).
Research on vortex breakdown phenomena has led to a parallel research on the critical parameters that could determine whether vortex breakdown will occur. The definition of non-dimensional parameters (Swirl/ Rossby number etc), mainly based on the correlation of axial and azimuthal velocities or momenta, has been an issue of scientific interest that has often led to different approaches and criteria for vortex breakdown prediction. Additionally, it is seen through literature review that predicting vortex breakdown is not by itself adequate to characterize the mean and turbulent features of the recirculating flow field. In the case of coaxial jets, with or without swirl, previous studies have shown that the flow field created is strongly affected not only by the velocity or mass flow ratio of the jets but also by the absolute values of the jets’ velocities or the velocity jump between the two streams. For the case of coaxial swirling jets it is apparent that the interaction between the shear layers (mainly azimuthal and axial) is the key to understand the features of such a complex flow field. Through the similarity study conducted within this Thesis, a modified Rossby number is proposed as a parameter sufficient to describe the flow field’s trends. The modified Rossby number correlates the pressure drop due to fluid entrainment to that due to the rotation of the inner swirling jet.
Presentation of the experimental results breaks down into two main sections; the first one where the effect of inlet conditions on the recirculating flow field mean and turbulent characteristics is discussed and the second one dealing with the interaction between the azimuthal and longitudinal shear layer. Through the analysis of the recirculation bubble effect on flow field attributes, emphasis is given into the characterization of intense mixing and turbulence regions. Additionally, the interaction between the azimuthal and longitudinal shear layer is studied through a similarity approach, utilizing boundary layer non-dimensional scales. Finally, mixing between the two flows is studied in terms of angular momentum diffusion by introducing a non dimensional parameter (λ). Results show a global effect of the proposed Rossby number on the flow field attributes, such as the recirculation bubble length and flow characteristics and the mixing of the two flows.
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Fabrication, Biocompatibility, and Tissue Engineering Substrate Analysis of Polyvinyl Alcohol-Gelatin Core-Shell Electrospun NanofibersMerkle, Valerie Marie January 2013 (has links)
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States with approximately 49% of the cardiovascular related deaths attributed to coronary heart disease (CHD). CHD is the accumulation of plaque resulting in the narrowing of the vessel lumen and a decrease in blood flow to the downstream heart muscle. In order to restore blood flow, arterial by-pass procedures can be undertaken. However, the patient's own arteries/veins may not be suitable for use as a vessel replacement, and synthetic grafts lack the compliancy and durability needed for these small diameter locations (<5 mm). Therefore, the goal of this research is to develop a nanofibrous material that can be used in vascular applications such as this. In this study, we fabricate coaxial electrospun nanofibers with gelatin in the shell and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) in the core using 1 Gelatin: 1 PVA and 3 Gelatin: 1 PVA mass ratios. Gelatin, derived from collagen, is highly bioactive while PVA, a synthetic polymer, has appealing mechanical properties. Therefore, by combining these materials in a core-shell structure, we hypothesize that the resulting nanofibers will have enhanced mechanical properties, cellular growth and migration, as well as minimal platelet deposition and activation compared to scaffolds composed solely of gelatin or PVA. First, the coaxial scaffolds exhibited an enhanced Young's modulus and ultimate strength compared to scaffolds composed of PVA or gelatin alone. Endothelial cells had high proliferation and migration on the coaxial electrospun scaffolds with higher migration seen on the stiffer, coaxial scaffolds. The smooth muscle cells had less proliferation and lower migration rates on the coaxial scaffolds than the endothelial cells. Using a modified prothrombinase assay, the coaxial scaffolds had minimal platelet activation. Lastly, when pre-seeding the coaxial scaffolds with endothelial cells or smooth muscle cells, the platelet deposition decreased in comparison to platelet deposition with no cell pre-seeding. Overall, the 1 Gel: 1 PVA coaxial scaffolds promoted endothelial cell growth and migration, minimized smooth muscle cell growth and migration, and had minimal platelet activation. Therefore, the 1 Gel: 1 PVA coaxial nanofibers are an intriguing material for use in vascular applications.
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Momentum Exchange In Coaxial Jet FlowsPeker, Ekim Atilla 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Coaxial jet flows have a considerable practical application area as water jet pumps. Efficiency of such systems is affected by complex turbulence mechanisms and large-scale vortex structures formed in the mixing regions. An experimental setup is constructed to estimate the momentum exchange rates and mixing of the two jet flows from the coaxial pipes. Pressure distributions along the mixing pipe wall are measured for different flow ratios of the jets. In addition to present experiments, numerical data of two experimental studies from the literature are considered as test cases. Numerical solutions for the test cases are obtained using FLUENT. Experimental and numerical results are compared and adequacy of FLUENT solution is illustrated.
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The design of a coupled co-axial resonator filter for low earth orbit satellites working at microwave frequenciesSam, Lwazi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Keywords: Coupled resonator filters, Co-axial line resonators, Basic Coupling
Design, Co-axial resonator filter
The study of the basic dynamics of filters, with the emphasis on coupled resonator
filters, is presented. Special attention is paid to the synthesis of doubly terminated
coupling matrices using the Darlington method. Due to restrictions placed on the
filter by the equivalent circuit used, a coupling matrix reduction is applied to the
resulting coupling matrix.
An investigation is performed on A/2 co-axial line resonators, with the emphasis on
rectangular co-axial line resonators with a round center conductor. The basic
definition of the coupling coefficient is revisited and it is calculated using the method
based on Bethe's theory and Cohn's experimental work.
A 4th-order co-axial resonator filter operating at 3 GHz is designed using the theory
outlined in this thesis. The measured response is in good agreement with the theory in
terms of the center frequency, but disagree in terms of the coupling coefficient,
bandwidth and Q-factor. The reasons for this, as well as suggestions for improving
the accuracy of the parameters mentioned, are given. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sleutelwoorde: Gekoppelde resoneerder filters, Ko-aksiale lyn resoneerders,
Basiese Koppeling Ontwerp, Ko-aksiale resoneerder filter
Die studie van die basies dinamika van filters, met die klem op gekoppelde
resoneerder filters, is voorgelê. Spesiale aandag is gegee aan die sintese van
dubbelbelaste koppel matrikse met die gebruik van die Darlington metode. As gevolg
van die beperkings wat op die filter geplaas word deur die gebruik van die ekwivalent
stroombaan, word 'n koppel matriks vermindering gebruik.
'n Ondersoek is gedoen op A/2 ko-aksiale lyn resoneerders, met die klem op
reghoekige ko-aksiale lyn resoneerders met 'n ronde binnegeleier. Die basiese
definisie van die koppel koëffisiënt is hersien en dit is bereken met die gebruik van
die metode wat baseer is op Bethe se teorie en Cohn se experimentele werk.
'n 4de-orde ko-aksiale resoneerder filter wat opereer by 3 GHz is ontwerp met die
gebruik van die teorie wat in hierdie tesis gaskets word. Die gemete weergawe is in
goeie ooreenkoms met die teorie in terme van die senter frekwensie, maar verskil in
terme van die koppel koëffisiënt, bandwydte en Q-faktor. Die rede hiervoor, as ook
voorstelle vir die verbetering van die akkuraatheid van die parameters wat genoem is,
IS gegee.
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Probes in HF metrologyRossouw, Daniel Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Flanged coaxial probes are widely used to conduct accurate, broadband permittivity measurements
of various dielectric materials. A metrology study, discussed in [1], revealed that
small perturbations in measured permittivity data, are due to escaping common-mode (CM)
current that propagates onto exposed VNA feed cabling. This is not considered in published
permittivity extraction algorithms, like the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) full-wave code that assumes an infinite flange radius. To characterise this effect we
validate a finite volume time domain (FVTD) CST simulation model of an SMA coaxial
probe, by probing sensitive E-fields in a metallic shielding cylinder, placed around it.
For this process, electro-optic (EO) E-field sensors are considered and a Mach-Zehnder
type sensor is designed. Manufacturing difficulties discontinues this approach, but the revisited
extended centre conductor E-field probing technique proves successful. The technique
entails a high dynamic range, two-port VNA measurement. Through CST we gain
knowledge of the physics behind the CM-problem and the behaviour of fields around the
coaxial probe. Different shielding environments are simulated to establish their ability to
impede CM-current coupling onto measurement cabling.
To study the CM-effect on extracted permittivity results, the investigation is extended
to Short-Open-Load (SOL) calibrated face-plane measurements of dielectric solids. A CST
model, which considers escaping CM-energy, is used to generate open circuit (OC) calibration
coefficients and to serve as an independent extraction method. We inspect the effect
of different shielding environments and through CST, extract accurate permittivity results
for e00, to a degree not previously achieved for such systems. This allows comment on the
infinite-flange-radius assumption of the NIST method and proves the significance of the
CM-effect. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geflensde koaksiale probes word algemeen in die praktyk gebruik om akkurate, wyeband
permitiwiteitmetings van diëlektriese materiale te verrig. ’n Studie wat in [1] bespreek
word, dui aan dat klein verskynsels in gemete resultate, verband hou met gemene-modus
(GM) stroom, wat ontsnap en teenwoording is aan die buitekant van onbeskermde voerkabels.
Hierdie verkynsel word nie deur huidige volgolf ekstraksie-algoaritmes, soos die van
NIST wat ’n onëindige flensradius aanvaar, in ag geneem nie. Om die GM-effek te karakteriseer,
verifieer ons ’n eindige-volume tyd-gebied CST simulasiemodel, deur sensitiewe
metings binne ’n silidriese metaalskerm, wat om so ’n probe geplaas word.
Vir hierdie meting word elektro-optiese E-veld probes eers oorweeg. In gevolg word
’n Mach-Zehnder-tipe probe ontwerp, maar vervaardigingsprobleme en tyd-oorwegings
kniehalter hierdie benadering. Heroorweging van die verlengde koaksiale sentraalgeleier,
E-veld-probe tegniek, wat hoë dinamiese bereik twee-poort netwerkanaliseerder metings
behels, slaag uiteindelik in hierdie doel. CST maak dit nou moontlik om die GM stroomprobleem
te simuleer en spesefieke veldgedrag te kan waarneem. Verskillende afskermingsmetodes
se vermoë om GM-koppeling na kabels te beperk word ondersoek.
Die GM studie word uitgebrei na SOL-gekalibreerde, flensvlakverwysde permitwiteitmetings
van diëlektriese vastestowwe. ’n CST model, wat GM stroom in ag neem, word
gebruik om oopgeslote kalibrasiekofisiënte te genereer en dien ook as ‘n alternatiewe permitiwiteit
ekstraksiemetode. Die effek van die verskillende afskermingstegnieke word ondersoek
en deur die CST metode te gebruik, word ’n aansienlike verbetering in akkuraatheid
van e00 waardes verkry. Dit regverdig kommentaar oor die aannames wat in die NIST
metode gemaak word en beklemtoon die belangrikheid om GM stroom in ag te neem.
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Understanding the later prehistoric field systems of the Yorkshire DalesBrown, Hannah J. January 2016 (has links)
The Yorkshire Dales National Park contains some of the UK’s most extensive and well-preserved prehistoric landscapes. Of particular interest are a number of coaxial field systems, which cover hundreds of hectares and exhibit significant time-depth, yet remain little studied and poorly understood in relation to comparable resources elsewhere in Britain and north western Europe. This research aims to address this situation, bringing together existing disparate source materials for the first time, alongside supplementary field observation, to develop a detailed record of the coaxial landscapes. Using a Geographic Information System to manage, interpret and interrogate the combined datasets, analysis focuses on form and character, and explores prehistoric use of the iconic landscape. The study seeks to enhance our knowledge and understanding of the landscapes’ place in space and time, setting them against the backdrop of systems elsewhere, and attempts to place them within the context of later prehistoric society. The research, conducted in association with the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, also informs the management and public understanding of the archaeological resource of the Dales via the Historic Environment Record.
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