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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos de diferentes padrões respiratórios no desempenho e na braçada do nado crawl / Effects of different breathing patterns on the performance and the arm stroke of the front crawl

Marcos Roberto Apolinário 15 December 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos de diferentes padrões respiratórios no desempenho e na braçada do nado crawl. Participaram do estudo 21 jovens atletas do gênero masculino. Eles foram filmados nadando 25 metros do nado crawl, em velocidade máxima, em quatro condições de respiração: inspiração para o lado preferido (LP); para o lado não preferido (LNP); bilateral (B); e, sem respiração (S). Duas filmadoras digitais (60fps) captaram as imagens que foram analisadas através do software Kinovea 0.8.7 nos 10 metros centrais do percurso. Os resultados permitiram concluir que o padrão respiratório afeta o desempenho de atletas jovens. Mostraram que em termos de velocidade e tempo, é mais vantajosa a condição de nadar crawl em apneia que em qualquer das condições com inspiração (B, LNP, LP); e, no que diz respeito à frequência e comprimento da braçada a condição B é a mais eficiente e a LNP, a menos eficiente dentre as três condições com inspiração utilizadas no presente estudo. Portanto, o padrão preferido de respiração, não necessariamente, corresponde ao mais eficiente em termos do desempenho. Em relação à braçada, os resultados mostraram que, diante da modificação do padrão respiratório, nadadores peritos jovens mantêm a estrutura temporal das braçadas direita e esquerda (aspectos invariantes da braçada) bem como a coordenação entre os braços inalterada enquanto efetuam ajustes na fase aérea da braçada (aspectos variantes) / The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different breathing patterns on the performance and the arm stroke of the front crawl. Twenty-one young male athletes participated in the study. They were filmed swimming 25 meters at maximum speed using the front crawl stroke, under four breathing conditions: preferential inhalation side (PS); nonpreferential inhalation side (NPS); bilateral inhalation (B) and without inhalation (N). Two digital video cameras (60fps) captured the images that were analyzed using the software Kinovea 0.8.7 in the central 10 meters of the lenght. The results showed that the breathing pattern affects the performance of young athletes. That in terms of speed and time, comparing to any of the inhalation conditions (B, PS, NPS), the more advantageous one to swim front crawl stroke is in apnea (N); and, with respect to frequency and length of stroke the condition B is the most efficient and NPS, the least efficient among the three inhalation conditions of this study. Therefore, the preferred breathing pattern does not necessarily correspond to the most efficient in terms of performance. Regarding arm stroke, the results showed that, given the change in breathing pattern, young expert swimmers maintain the temporal structure of the right and left arm strokes (invariant features of the stroke) as well as the coordination between the arms unchanged while adjusting in the aerial phase of the stroke (variant features)

Consistência e variabilidade do nado crawl em indivíduos habilidosos / Consistency and variability in the crawl swim of skillful individuals

Caio Graco Simoni da Silva 20 March 2008 (has links)
Ao observar os movimentos de indivíduos habilidosos praticando esporte, supõe-se que estes sejam a repetição de uma série de movimentos idênticos. Mas, o que no comportamento motor habilidoso parece idêntico a partir de uma observação geral, macroscópica, quando observado em detalhes, apresenta variabilidade. O comportamento motor habilidoso apresenta aspectos invariantes que resultam em um padrão característico da habilidade praticada (consistência) e também aspectos variantes, quando fatores microscópicos são focalizados. Assim qualquer tentativa de compreender o comportamento motor habilidoso deve considerar consistência e variabilidade como características complementares. No entanto, os poucos estudos de natação que consideraram estas características tiveram crianças como participantes. O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a consistência e a variabilidade da braçada do nado crawl em indivíduos habilidosos. Participaram 16 nadadores, todos voluntários, do sexo masculino, com média de idade de 20 anos. Destes, 8 com índice para disputar campeonatos nacionais e 8 com índice para participarem de campeonatos estaduais. Todos nadaram 2 x 50 metros em cada uma das três condições, ou seja, a 80%, 90% e 100% da velocidade máxima individual. Para fins de análise foram utilizadas medidas antropométricas, de desempenho global e de organização temporal, estas últimas correspondentes a macro e a microestrutura da braçada. Não foram detectadas diferenças entre os nadadores dos grupos Nacional e Estadual nas medidas antropométricas, mas os do grupo Nacional foram mais velozes nas condições 100% e 90%. O grupo Nacional, ao contrário do Estadual, manteve a macroestrutura da braçada nas três condições, e na condição de 80%, apresentou maior variabilidade nas medidas correspondentes a microestrutura que o grupo Estadual. Em conjunto, os resultados permitem concluir que o grupo Nacional é mais habilidoso que o Estadual desempenho e que adaptou seu comportamento a partir da redundância do sistema, enquanto o Estadual o fez a partir da modificação da estrutura / When observing the movements of skillful individuals practicing sport, one might suppose that they are a repetition of a series of identical movements. However, what seems to be identical in a skillful motor behavior from a general macroscopic view, is, in fact, variable when observed in detail. Skillful motor behavior presents invariant aspects that result in a particular pattern of the skill (consistency), but shows variant aspects, when microscopic factors are focused. Thus, any attempt to understand skillful motor behavior should consider consistency and variability as complementary features. However, the few studies of swimming that considered those features had children as participants. The aim of this study was to investigate consistency and variability in the crawl stroke of skillful individuals. Participants were 16 male volunteer swimmers with a mean age of 20 years. Eight with ranking to participate in national championships and eigth with ranking to participate in state championships. All swam 2 x 50 meters in each of three conditions, 80%, 90% and 100% of the individual maximum speed. For analisys purpose, antropometric, performance and temporal organization measures were employed, the last ones in correspondence to strokes macro and microstructures. On the antropometric measures no difference were detected between National and State groups but the National group was faster at 100% and 90% conditions. The National group, contrarily to State group, maintained stroke macrostructure within the three conditions and at the 80% condition, showed more variability on the the microstructure measures than the State group. Summing up, results lead to the conclusion that the National group is more skilled than the State group performance and that adapted his behavior do system redundancy while the State group did it through structure modification


Glazek, Kuba January 2011 (has links)
The concept of novelty has important implications for theories of cognition, as familiar objects are categorically distinct from novel ones; accessing a stored representation of a known stimulus influences perception in a way that is precluded for a novel stimulus. The experiments that constitute this dissertation shed light on the perception-action cycle, as it is a persistent feature of human life; we see things and we act upon them. When those things are novel, how does cognitive processing change? Specifically, how do people who deliberately practice seeing things act upon them, and are there observable differences between trained and "casual" perceivers' perceptual processing? Some argue that any processing advantages possessed by experts are limited to objects or relations among objects within an expert's particular domain of expertise. However, a central point of contention revolves around what exactly constitutes a domain in the first place. Expertise may boil down to a long-term memory advantage for deliberately-practiced categories of stimuli, or to a heuristic that is only applicable to one trained goal or category of goals, or to a heuristic independent of task that can be applied to any novel situation. The present set of experiments examined visual cognition with the perceptual goal of fine-motor output (i.e., accurate sketching) as a candidate for a domain of expertise that confers advantages in visual perception in general. The extent to which visual processing is altered in expert visual artists was examined; whether they are more efficient only at sketching images of familiar stimuli, or whether their advantage extends to other visual cognition tasks. Familiarity and complexity of stimuli were manipulated, as were the goals of perception, including sketching and recognition. Finally, retention durations were manipulated before responses or sketches were made in order to examine the limits on experts' advantage on tasks that are known to tax the perceptual system. Results suggest that expertise in visual art confers a robust visual cognition advantage that generalizes beyond a narrowly-defined domain of expertise. / Psychology

Understanding and Improving Distal Pointing Interaction

Kopper, Regis Augusto Poli 04 August 2011 (has links)
Distal pointing is the interaction style defined by directly pointing at targets from a distance. It follows a laser pointer metaphor and the position of the cursor is determined by the intersection of a vector extending the pointing device with the display surface. Distal pointing as a basic interaction style poses several challenges for the user, mainly because of the lack of precision humans have when using it. The focus of this thesis is to understand and improve distal pointing, making it a viable interaction metaphor to be used in a wide variety of applications. We achieve this by proposing and validating a predictive model of distal pointing that is inspired by Fitts' law, but which contains some unique features. The difficulty of a distal pointing task is best described by the angular size of the target and the angular distance that the cursor needs to go across to reach the target from the input device perspective. The practical impact of this is that the user's relative position to the target should be taken into account. Based on the model we derived, we proposed a set of design guidelines for high-precision distal pointing techniques. The main guideline from the model is that increasing the target size is much more important than reducing the distance to the target. In order to improve distal pointing, we followed the model guidelines and designed interaction techniques that aim at improving the precision of distal pointing tasks. Absolute and Relative Mapping (ARM) distal pointing increases precision by offering the user a toggle which changes the control/display (CD) ratio such that a large movement of the input device is mapped to a small movement of the cursor. Dynamic Control Display Ratio (DyCoDiR) automatically increases distal pointing precision, as the user needs it. DyCoDiR takes into account the user distance to the interaction area and the speed at which the user moves the input device to dynamically calculate an increased CD ratio, making the action more precise the steadier the user tries to be. We performed an evaluation of ARM and DyCoDiR comparing them to basic distal pointing in a realistic context. In this experiment, we also provided variations of the techniques which increased the visual perception of targets through zooming in the area around the cursor when precision was needed. Results from the study show that ARM and DyCoDiR are significantly faster and more accurate than basic distal pointing with tasks that require very high precision. We analyzed user navigation strategies and found that the high precision techniques afford users to remain stationary while performing interactions. However, we also found that individual differences have a strong impact on the decision to walk or not, and that, sometimes, is more important than the technique affordance. We provided a validation for the distal pointing model through the analysis of expected difficulty of distal pointing tasks in light of each technique tested. We propose selection by progressive refinement, a new design concept for distal pointing selection techniques, whose goal is to offer the ability to achieve near perfect accuracy in selection at very cluttered environments. The idea of selection by progressive refinement is to gradually eliminate possible targets from the set of selectable objects until only one object is available for selection. We implemented SQUAD, a selection by progressive refinement distal pointing technique, and performed a controlled experiment comparing it to basic distal pointing. We found that there is a clear tradeoff between immediate selections that require high precision and selections by progressive refinement which always require low precision. We validated the model by fitting the distal pointing data and proposed a new model, which has a linear growth in time, for SQUAD selection. / Ph. D.

L'évaluation scolaire en question : de l'activité des enseignants aux conduites des élèves : impact des évaluations proposées et des modalités de groupement sur les conduites des élèves du secondaire en éducation physique et sportive / School assessment in question : teachers' activity and students' behavior : impact of assessments and group modalities on the behavior in high school students in physical education

Mougenot, Lucie 21 November 2013 (has links)
L’évaluation scolaire est une étape indispensable à tout cycle d’apprentissage tant dans sa finalité sociale que dans sa perspective pédagogique qui vise à optimiser l’apprentissage des élèves. L’enseignant est amené à réfléchir quotidiennement aux différents types d’évaluation qu’il va mettre en place, à leurs fonctions, aux critères pertinents d’évaluation à utiliser au regard de ses attentes et des apprentissages réalisés. La recherche présentée ici a pour objectif d’étudier l’activité évaluative des enseignants en EPS dans le secondaire et les répercussions qu’elle peut avoir sur les élèves. En premier lieu, à partir de questionnaires diffusés auprès de 179 enseignants, nous avons pu faire émerger les points forts et les faiblesses de l’évaluation actuelle telle qu’elle est proposée en éducation physique et sportive (EPS) actuellement. Les résultats révèlent notamment qu’il existe d’une part des pratiques évaluatives disparates chez les enseignants et, d’autre part, que ceux-ci tendent à réinterpréter les modalités d’évaluation formative davantage comme une évaluation sommative intermédiaire souvent notée. En second lieu, au cours d’une expérimentation de terrain se déroulant au sein d’une activité collective en EPS (basketball), nous nous sommes intéressés aux conduites motrices et verbales des élèves dans le but de mesurer les effets de différents types d’évaluation sur leurs apprentissages et leurs conduites décisionnelles. La nécessaire adaptation à autrui, que requiert l’activité collective proposée, nous a incités aussi à prendre en compte les relations socio-affectives qui structurent les sous-groupes d’élèves car ceux-ci interagissent, s’opposent, coopèrent avec des camarades qu’ils ne choisissent pas et dans des situations évaluatives parfois à enjeu conséquent. L’analyse des conduites des élèves dévoile l’impact positif de l’évaluation formative sur l’apprentissage et son rôle important dans la préparation des élèves à l’évaluation sommative et ce, quelle que soit la forme de regroupement des élèves du point de vue socio-affectif. La recherche entreprise augure au plan scientifique des difficultés rencontrées par les praticiens dans les évaluations qu’ils proposent. De plus, elle ouvre la voie au plan pédagogique à une réflexion sur les choix des modalités d’évaluation et des regroupements d’élèves en EPS. / School assessment is an essential step in learning through its social purpose and its educational approach in order to maximize student’s learning. Teachers reflect daily on different types of assessment, their functions, criteria of assessment to be used in relation to expectations and learning. This study aims to investigate teachers' evaluative activity in high school and the impact it can have on students in physical education. The strengths and weaknesses of the current assessment emerged in the results of a survey. The results show that there are such disparate evaluation practices among teachers and, secondly, that they tend to reinterpret the formative assessment more as an intermediate summative assessment. Then, in an in vivo experiment that takes place in a collective activity in physical education (basketball), we are interested in students' motor and verbal behavior. The purpose of this experiment is to measure effects of different types of assessment on their learning and decisions. Moreover, the collective activity that has been proposed requires adaptation to others: this prompted us to take into account the socio-emotional relationships that structure the students' subgroups. Indeed they interact, are opposed, cooperate with peers who are not chosen, in evaluative situations. The analysis of students’ behavior shows the positive impact of formative assessment on learning and its role in preparing students for the summative evaluation, whatever the form of grouping students in a socio-emotional perspective. This research augurs at scientific level difficulties experienced by practitioners in assessments. In addition, it opens the way to a pedagogical reflection on the choice of assessment methods and student groupings in EPS.

L'ΕΡS au défi de l'individuatiοn : recherches sur la cοntributiοn de la matrice de l'individuatiοn psychique et cοllective à la discipline scοlaire "Εducatiοn Ρhysique et Spοrtive" / PSE faces the challenge of individuation : research on the contribution of the matrix of psychic and collective individuation to the school discipline "Physical and Sports Education"

Delattre, Benjamin 03 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à former les conditions d’une rencontre entre la matrice du processus d’individuation psychique et collective (IPC) et la discipline scolaire Éducation Physique et Sportive (EPS) afin de contribuer à l’épistémologie de cette discipline dans une perspective pédagogique. La théorie philosophique de l’IPC a été élaborée dans un premier temps par Gilbert Simondon. Elle a été reconfigurée par Bernard Stiegler en replaçant la technique au cœur du processus. Elle vise à mieux comprendre les tendances qui ont parcouru les sociétés humaines et à inscrire cet héritage dans une vision lucide de leur avenir. Une synthèse des principaux concepts de cette matrice a été proposée au cours de ce travail et un certain nombre d’entre eux ont été plus particulièrement explorés. Dans cette perspective, la méthode organologique, qui étudie conjointement l’histoire et le devenir des organes du corps, des organes techniques et des organisations sociales, a permis d’identifier le point de départ de l’étude des apports et des controverses au sein des conceptions passées et actuelles de la discipline EPS (1880-2016). Cette démarche a permis de montrer que la toile de fond épistémique, qui sous-tend les courants disciplinaires, a conduit majoritairement à une vision de l’activité de l’élève en termes d’« adaptation » et de « maîtrise ». Il a été proposé de lui substituer une approche en termes d’« apprivoisement » des conduites en « adoptant » des techniques (matérielles et mnémotechniques) pour former l’attention motrice des élèves. Cette attention se traduit par la formation de conduites motrices symboliques, en se réappropriant le concept élaboré par Pierre Parlebas, tout en prenant en compte les critiques faites à son endroit. Aussi, il a été élaboré une théorie qui cherche à rendre compte de la dynamique de ces conduites à partir de trois composantes articulées : la composante performative de la conduite, sa composante relationnelle, et sa composante métamotrice. L’étude de cas, basée sur la pratique scolaire du badminton avec une classe de quatrième, a cherché à mettre à l’épreuve cette théorie et à documenter les effets d’apprentissage d’une pédagogie fondée sur la formation de conduites motrices symboliques évolutives, envisagées comme des « faire-corps », en montrant les spécificités et les relations qui se sont tissées entre deux des trois composantes de la conduite : la composante performative et la composante métamotrice. / The purpose of this work is to create the conditions of an epistemological encounter between, on the one hand: the matrix of the psychic and collective individuation process, and on the other hand: physical education as a subject of learning and teaching. Gilbert Simondon first developed the philosophical theory of psychic and collective individuation process. Therefrom, Bernard Stiegler made it his own and rebuilt it while putting technics at its core. More precisely, for Stiegler, this theory rests on technics which is the main part of the process. Moreover, he shows that technics is, most of the time, excluded from epistemology. Throughout the concepts forged within this matrix, we can figure out the different patterns human societies went through. Moreover, understanding these patterns leads us to consider clearly their prospects and evolution. This work summarizes the main concepts seen as essential to define this matrix, while some of these concepts were given more attention. The organologic approach studies history and the prospects of body organs, technical tools, and social organizations. This approach brought to light the starting point for the topic concerning the contributions as well as the disputations within the past and present views of physical education (1880-2016). This process shows that the epistemic background mainly leads to consider the student action in terms of adjustment or in terms of mastering. We propose to turn this approach into a new one where the student will ease into new behavior using technics (such as physical ones or mnemonics) so that they can develop the motor attention. This view is based on the idea developed by Pierre Parlebas, seizing his work as well as the critical reviews of it. Therefore, we rely on the notion of forming symbolic motor behavior. This work also presents a theory attempting to report how the formation of these assets includes three major components: the performative component of the behavior, the relational component and the meta motor component. To test this theory, observations were made on a class of eighth graders practicing badminton. This case study points out two essential ideas: revealing the effects of an educational way of teaching based on the formation of a progressive and symbolic motor behavior (seen as "faire corps"), showing how two of the three components are specifically connected: the performative component and the meta motor component.

Efeitos do peso adicional nos chutes espontâneos de lactentes nos primeiros dois meses de vida / The effects of extra weight on spontaneous kicking in the first two months of life

Landgraf, Jocelene de Fátima 09 February 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:19:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 890.pdf: 2264472 bytes, checksum: 6edbcc6e17524c5dbcff6f0b401fd7f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-09 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / This study aimed to characterize the spontaneous kicking patterns in 1-and-2-monthold infants, as well as verify whether the extra weight of 1/10 and 1/3 of the leg mass can modify such patterns. Eight infants were longitudinally recorded in supine at 1 and 2 months of age. The experiment lasted six minutes and twenty seconds, and was subdivided into five conditions: (1) training: the examiner put the infants right foot, then their left foot, and finally their feet simultaneously on a board three times running in order to make them raise the board and start the mobile. (2) Baseline: while kicking, the infants used their feet to raise the board and start the mobile; (3) Extra Weight 1: the same as the baseline condition, but with the weight of 1/10 of the leg mass on the ankle; (4) Extra Weight 2: The same as the baseline condition, but with the weight of 1/3 of the leg mass on the ankle; (5) Post-weight: the same as the baseline condition. Frequency of kicking, frequency of feet contact with the board when starting the mobile, uni and bipodal movements, and lateralization were verified by analyzing the images. In order to analyze intralimb coordination pattern, kicking duration, mean velocity, and straightness index, the kinematic analysis was applied by using the Dvideow System 6.3. The Chi-Square test indicated a significant increase in the frequency of kicking at 2 months and in the conditions of extra weight 1 and postweight. The frequency of feet-contact with the board decreased in the condition of extra weight 2, and increased at 2 months. Unilateral kicking was predominant in all the conditions and ages, and infants showed no preference for either leg. The Kruskal- Wallis test indicated no significant differences in the intralimb coordination pattern among the conditions or ages. However, hip-knee correlation was shown to be high, indicating that these articulations are in-phase when kicking. The ANOVA for repeated measures showed no significant differences in kicking duration, mean velocity, and straightness index. In summary, kinematic variables were not altered with extra weight or increased age. Therefore, it is possible to suggest that the infants changed the frequency of kicking at 1 and 2 months of age due probably to intrinsic factors (e.g. increased mass and muscle strength, infants behavioral state, maturation of the Central Nervous System) and extrinsic factors (e.g. interest in interacting with the environment and performing the proposed tasks). Furthermore, the infants spontaneous kicking was influenced by the stimulation of the proprioceptive system when bearing the extra weight of 1/10 of their leg mass. / Este trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar o padrão de chutes espontâneos de lactentes nas idades de um e dois meses, bem como verificar se pesos adicionais de 1/10 e 1/3 da massa do membro inferior do lactente modificam o padrão dos chutes nessas idades. Participaram do estudo oito lactentes com um e dois meses de vida. Os lactentes foram filmados longitudinalmente, nas idades de um e dois meses, em supino. O experimento teve a duração de seis minutos e vinte segundos, subdivididos em cinco condições: (1) Treinamento: o examinador, segurando os tornozelos dos lactentes, colocava o pé direito, em seguida o pé esquerdo e, finalmente, os dois pés simultaneamente por três vezes consecutivas no painel a fim de elevá-lo para acionar o móbile; (2) Linha de Base: o lactente, durante os chutes, poderia elevar o painel com os pés e acionar o móbile; (3) Condição de Peso 1: idêntica à condição anterior, exceto pelo acréscimo da tornozeleira contendo 1/10 da massa do membro inferior; (4) Condição de Peso 2: idêntica à condição anterior, entretanto com peso de 1/3 da massa do membro inferior; e (5) Póspeso: idêntica à Linha de Base. Através da conferência das imagens, analisamos a freqüência de chutes, a freqüência de contatos dos pés no painel que acionava o móbile, os movimentos uni e bipodais e a lateralidade. Para analisar o padrão de coordenação intramembro, a duração dos chutes, a velocidade média e o índice de retidão, empregamos a análise cinemática através do Sistema Dvideow 6.3. O teste Quiquadrado revelou aumento significativo da freqüência de chutes nas idades de dois meses e nas condições referentes ao peso de 1/10 e pós-peso. Na condição de peso de 1/3 da massa do membro, verificamos diminuição do contato dos pés no painel e, na idade de dois meses, aumento da freqüência de contatos. Em todas as condições e idades houve predomínio por chutes unilaterais, não havendo preferência por um dos membros. Para o padrão de coordenação intramembro, o teste Kruskal-Wallis não revelou diferenças significativas entre as condições experimentais ou entre as idades. No entanto, a correlação entre quadril e joelho foi alta, demonstrando que essas articulações estão em-fase durante a realização dos chutes. A ANOVA para medidas repetidas não revelou diferença significativa nas variáveis duração dos chutes, velocidade média e índice de retidão. Dessa forma, podemos verificar que as variáveis cinemáticas não foram alteradas com o peso adicional ou nos dois meses estudados. Portanto, podemos sugerir que nas idades de um e dois meses de vida, os lactentes alteraram a freqüência dos chutes espontâneos, provavelmente, devido aos fatores intrínsecos ao organismo (como aumento da massa e força musculares, estado comportamental dos lactentes, maturação do Sistema Nervoso Central) e fatores extrínsecos (como interesse pelo ambiente e em realizar a tarefa proposta). Além disso, os chutes espontâneos dos lactentes foram influenciados pela estimulação do sistema proprioceptivo, empregandose 1/10 da massa do membro inferior.

The Effects of Training and Individual Differences in Heart Rate Variability on the Golf Swing’s Coordination Structure

Speller, Lassiter F. 30 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Influence de la mécanoréception faciale sur les comportements moteurs chez l’opossum nouveau-né, Monodelphis domestica

Desmarais, Marie-Josée 07 1900 (has links)
L’opossum nait dans un état très immature, mais rampe avec ses membres antérieurs (MA) de l’orifice urogénital de la mère à une tétine, où il s’attache pour poursuivre son développement. Des informations sensorielles sont nécessaires pour guider le nouveau-né vers une tétine et déclencher son attachement. Des expériences précédentes ont montré que le système du trijumeau, dont dépend l’innervation somesthésique du museau, influence les mouvements précoces des MA. Le présent projet vise à déterminer si les mécanorécepteurs faciaux sont fonctionnels et exercent une influence sur les MA. On s’intéresse particulièrement aux cellules de Merkel, un mécanorécepteur épidermique innervé par des fibres à adaptation lente de type I (SA I). Ces cellules ont été localisées sur le pourtour du museau de l’opossum nouveau-né en utilisant un traceur cellulaire, l’AM1-43. Nous avons analysé les réponses musculaires des MA consécutives à l’application de forces calibrées au museau sur des préparations in vitro. Ces réponses sont bilatérales et simultanées, très variables, et leur intensité augmente avec la force de la stimulation. Lors de stimulations répétitives pendant 60 min, les réponses diminuent avec le temps. Le retrait de la peau faciale abolit presque ces réponses. De plus, l’application d’un antagoniste des récepteurs métabotropiques du glutamate, qui affecte l’activité des fibres SA I, ou d’un antagoniste des récepteurs purinergiques les diminue fortement, suggérant une participation des cellules de Merkel. Ces résultats soutiennent que le sens du toucher facial relayé par le système du trijumeau est fonctionnel chez l’opossum nouveau-né et qu’il pourrait influencer les mouvements des MA. / The opossum, Monodelphis domestica, is born very immature but crawls, unaided, with its forelimbs (FL) from the mother's birth canal to a nipple where it attaches to pursue its development. Sensory clues are needed to guide the newborn to the nipple and trigger its attachment to it. We postulated that the trigeminal system, responsible for sensory innervation of the face, is involved. Indeed, light pressure applied on the snout evokes FL movements in vivo, low intensity electrical stimulation of the trigeminal ganglion induces motor responses of the FL in vitro, and trigeminal fibers is distributed in the facial dermis and basal epidermis of the newborn. Also, slowly adapting mechanosensory receptors Merkel cells (AM1-43 positive) are present in the face epidermis. To determine if Merkel cells exert an influence on locomotion of newborn opossums, we analyzed the FL muscles responses following application of calibrated forces on the snout in in vitro preparations. Pressure applied to the face induced bilateral and simultaneous FL motor responses, which intensity is proportional to stimulation force. Following consecutive stimulations during 60 min, the responses tended to decrease. Removing the facial skin nearly abolished the responses. Bath applications of the glutamate metabotropic receptor antagonist YM298198, and of the purinergic receptors (P2) antagonist PPADS, decreased the muscles responses. These results support that touch sensitivity of the snout relayed by the trigeminal system is functional in newborn opossums and may influence FL movement, possibly contributing to guiding the animal to the nipple.

A influência do voo na resposta do H1 e o registro do comportamento motor em Chrysomya megacephala / The influence of flight in the H1s response and the record of motor behavior in Chrysomya megacephala

Silverio, Carolina Menezes 19 August 2013 (has links)
Desenvolvemos um protocolo experimental para estudar a codificação do movimento horizontal pelo neurônio H1 de moscas varejeiras Chrysomya megacephala durante o voo. Tradicionalmente, o neurônio H1 é considerado puramente sensorial, e a maioria dos trabalhos tem utilizado o trem de potenciais de ação deste neurônio para explorar o código neural visual da mosca enquanto esta se encontra imobilizada (cabeça, asas, patas) e observa passivamente uma imagem que se move de maneira controlada. Nosso laboratório já dispunha de um aparato para registrar de maneira adequada a atividade do H1, enquanto a mosca imobilizada observava um padrão de barras verticais se movendo de acordo com uma sequência de velocidades previamente escolhidas pelo experimentador. Por meio de um novo suporte, especialmente desenvolvido neste trabalho, pudemos obter as medidas eletrofisiológicas quando apenas parte do corpo do inseto se encontra fixo. Além disso, conseguimos encontrar uma maneira de estimular a mosca para que esta apresentasse períodos de atividade, com batimentos de asa, similares ao voo. Utilizamos estes períodos de atividade de voo para registrar a atividade dos músculos que controlam a direção do voo. Também utilizamos microfones que captam pequenas diferenças de pressão do batimento das asas para inferir quando a mosca quer mudar a direção do voo e validamos estas medidas com o auxílio de um pequeno acelerômetro adaptado à haste de fixação da mosca. Mostramos que a taxa média de disparo do H1 é mais alta quando a mosca está voando do que quando está com as asas paradas. Além disso, a resposta ao estímulo visual é mais rápida e mais intensa quando a mosca está voando. Estes resultados são evidências de que a codificação da informação visual é diferente nos dois casos. Nossos experimentos com registro da atividade de controle motor do voo através de microfones permitiram encontrar padrões que podem ser usados para inferir a tentativa do inseto de mudar a direção do voo, em um intervalo de poucas batidas de asas e de maneira não invasiva. Esta informação poderá ser utilizada no futuro para produzir um equipamento em que a própria mosca controle o movimento da imagem em tempo real. / We developed a protocol do address the movement information coding in flying Chrysomya Megacephala by the horizontal sensitive H1neuron. H1 is traditionally considered a purely sensory neuron and his sequence of action potentials is used to explore the visual neural code while an immobilized fly passively watch a movie generated by the experimenter. We improved an apparatus to perform such experiments, that was already working in our laboratory, by developing a new holder for the fly and electrode that allowed to record from H1 while only part of the fly was fixed, keeping wings and legs free to move. Moreover we found a protocol to stimulate the fly to present long periods of wing beating activity, very similar to the insect flying. During these flying periods of activity, we also recorded from the steering muscles that control fly direction as well as from small microphones sensitive to subtle pressure variations of the beating wings when the fly try to change direction. These recordings were validated by using an accelerometer adapted to the fly fixation rod. According to our results, the firing rate of H1 increases during the flying periods. Moreover, the response to visual stimuli is faster and more intense during the flying than the response when the wings are not beating. These are evidences that the information coding is different in both cases. We could also find some patterns in the time series of the microphones recordings that allowed us to infer, in a small number of wing beatings, when the insect tries to turn and what is the turning direction. This information can be useful to perform new experiments in the future, were the fly controls in real-time the image movement.

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