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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Des Algériennes à Lyon. 1947-1974 / Algerian women in Lyon. 1947-1974

André, Marc 04 April 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les Algériennes entrées dans la région lyonnaise avant 1962 et opte pour une histoire du contact en croisant le point de vue des métropolitains et celui des Algériennes. Elle examine d’abord le contexte dans lequel ces femmes arrivent (essor des nationalismes algériens, guerre d’indépendance en métropole). D’une part, les discours et pratiques des journalistes, photographes, agents de la préfecture, démographes, juges témoignent des préjugés hérités de l’époque coloniale qui les effacent ; de l’autre, celles-ci manifestent par leurs pratiques sociales, leurs stratégies de défenses, une conscience des préjugés qui leur permet de s’effacer à leur tour. Pendant la guerre d’indépendance, telle qu’elle prend forme en métropole, cet effacement facilite leur mobilisation dans les différents partis en lutte puisque les Algériennes du MNA comme celles du FLN intègrent les réseaux clandestins : elles connaissent alors l’action clandestine, la répression, l’emprisonnement, la violence, le deuil, la fuite, etc. Dépassant l’événement de la guerre, la thèse replace ensuite les Algériennes dans leurs dynamiques migratoires et leurs parcours en métropole jusqu’en 1962. L’étude des parcours scolaires, de l’inscription socio-professionnelle, du mariage, met en évidence leur diversité. Ces femmes, loin d’être inactives, quoique bénéficiaires d’aides, génèrent des réseaux qui définissent leurs propres territoires urbains et forment une diaspora discrète. On est enfin en mesure de poser les fondements d’un exemple d’intégration originale, communautaire sans communautarisme, telle qu’elle s’opère après 1962. Le succès mitigé de l’Amicale des femmes algériennes le montre. C’est là le résultat d’un ensemble de résistances culturelles et politiques (choix d’une nationalité, d’un lieu d’inhumation, etc.) face auxquelles et avec lesquelles les Algériennes composent leur identité sociale en métropole. / This thesis focuses on Algerian women who arrived in Lyon and surrounding areas before 1962. It presents a historical analysis which cross-compares their point of view and that of the metropolitan French, with regard to their interactions. It first examines the context in which these women arrived: the growth of Algerian nationalism and the Algerian War in metropolitan France. On the one hand, it analyses the discourses and social practices of journalists, photograph reporters, authorities, experts in demographics, judges. These discourses and social practices bear witness to the colonial era’s legacy in terms of prejudice and to the way in which this prejudice subjected Algerian women to effacement – the process in which a group of people within a society become less visible because they do not match the characteristics that are expected from them. On the other hand, through their social habits and defence strategies, these women showed their consciousness of the stereotypes affecting them: they subjected themselves to effacement and used it strategically as a camouflage. During the Algerian War, as it took shape in metropolitan France, effacement facilitated their mobilization in the two opposing parties: both FLN and MNA integrated women in their clandestine networks. This research analyses all the aspects of their involvement in the struggle: clandestine actions, repression prison, violence, mourning, flight, etc. Beyond the war as an event, this thesis moves on to resituate Algerian women in their migratory dynamics and their process of settling in, in metropolitan France, up to 1962. The study of their education, socio-professional insertion, and marriages highlights the diversity of Algerian women living in Lyon and surrounding areas. Although they benefited from welfare, they were far from being idle, and created networks that defined their own urban territories. More generally speaking, Algerian women formed a discreet diaspora. Based on a study of the press and on interviews and previously unpublished sources, this thesis highlights the evolution of a media discourse on Algerian women and cross-compares it with a sociological data base. This allows us to lay the foundations of an original form of social integration after 1962 which is community-based but not communitarian as made visible by the evolution of the association Amicale des Femmes Algériennes. It is the result of a series of cultural and political resistances in relation to which and with which Algerian women constructed their identity in metropolitan France.

Financování nestátních neziskových organizací působících v oblasti sportu v Kraji Vysočina / Financing of Nongovernmental Non-Profit Organizations active in the Sphere of Sports Activities in the Vysočina Region

Eliášová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of the Diploma work is to define the structure and rate of the source base level of the organizations working in the field of amateur sports in the Vysočina Region, to identify the accessibility of the individual sources (especially from the point of the time costs and fund exigence, sustainability and eligibility, to find out if the receipts are one-off or repeated ones etc) and to find out how the organizations evaluate preference, what possible risks and uncertainties they connect with drawing from the sources and what organizations evaluate effectiveness of their efforts made for drawing from the individual sources. The aim of this work is to analyse the current situation of financing of Nongovernmental Non-Profit Organizations active in the Sphere of Sports Activities in the Vysočina Region, on the foundations of analysis formulate the concrete recommendation of improvement the structure of the source base and to offer the variant of the structure and proportion of the sources that, from the point of view of the questioned organizations, seem to be the most suitable one.

The role of non-profit organizations: an economic analysis / Role neziskových organizací : Analýza ekonomických teorií a nad-národní empirická studie na faktory určující velikost neziskového sektoru

Vajčner, David January 2013 (has links)
This thesis investigates the economic theories on the role on non-profit organizations, their creation, and factors for the size of the non-profit sector. An analytical approach was taken to determine what factors seem to affect the size of the non-profit sector. Firstly a literature review was conducted of the existing, and predominant economic theories relating to the role of the non-profit sector, and several hypotheses where suggested from the analysis of past research. Then an empirical model was created to test the validity of the hypotheses on a cross-national sample, in an effort to deduce what factors affect the size of the non-profit sector.

Spolky a neziskový sektor v Československu 1945 - 1948 (1951) / Associations and Nonprofit Sector in Czechoslovakia 1945 - 1951

Kasíková, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the non-profit sector in Czechoslovakia in 1945 - 1951 period. In this pivotal period, the independent non-profit organizations were partly revived during the post-war reconstruction, but they have been gradually limited by the state pressure, aiming to achieve their ultimate liquidation. This study examines the causes and transformation tools of the NGO sector until its abolition, as well as their subordination to direct government oversight. This work views the topic especially in terms of financial and managerial aspects of the organizations during this period. Due to the fact that this is an unexplored issue, the theoretical knowledge related to the topic is presented first, and the terminology and legislative developments of this type of organization are subsequently clarified. The practical part uses the example of three socially oriented associations: YMCA, Czechoslovak Red Cross and Charita (Caritas), their specific economic issues and the examples of contemporary management.

Föreningskultur, Kommersialiseringen & 51-procentsregeln / Leading organizations and elite football clubs' perspectives on Swedish football's club culture and club structure

Arkelius, Linus, Petersson, Sebastian January 2021 (has links)
Svensk fotboll har en starkt rotad föreningskultur som bygger på ideellt engagemang,amatörmässiga ideal och demokrati. Under lång tid har dock fotbollen i stort genomgått enkommersialiseringsprocess där elitfotbollen allt mer styrs som företag och ekonomi blir alltviktigare. Detta har skapat en debatt kring 51-procentsregeln som hindrar privata investerare från attköpa upp svenska klubbar. Supportrarna värnar om denna regeln och under tidigt 10-tal var fråganom en avreglering uppe i Riksidrottsförbundets stämma men supportrarna protesterande och regelnblev kvar.Supportrarnas åsikt i frågan framkommer därmed tydligt vilket leder oss in på vårt syfte. Vi vill tareda på hur ledande organisationer inom svensk fotboll och svenska elitfotbollsklubbar ser på densvenska föreningskulturen och den svenska föreningsstrukturen, samt vad de anser att de finns förkonsekvenser med att ha kvar respektive häva 51-procentsregeln. För att genomföra studien har detgjorts totalt sju stycken intervjuer, med fem klubbchefer i svenska elitfotbollsklubbar och envardera med representanter från Riksidrottsförbundet och Svensk Elitfotboll.Studien har gett oss tydliga svar på vad dessa respondenter har för åsikter kring den svenskaföreningskulturen och 51-procentsregeln men även kring den svenska fotbollsstrukturen. Detframkommer i studien kritik till den svenska strukturen och även hanteringen av pandemin ochflertalet respondenter kräver förändringar. Studien hoppas kunna bidra med att vara ett underlag försådana eventuella förändringar samt hoppas vi, kunna öka förståelsen för olika aktörers perspektiv ihögst aktuella frågor. / Swedish football has a strongly rooted club culture based on non-profit involvement, amateurishideals and democracy. During a long time, however, football has largely undergone acommercialization process in which elite football is increasingly controlled as a company and theeconomy is becoming increasingly important. This has created a debate about the 50+1 rule thatprevents private investors from buying Swedish clubs. The supporters care about this rule andduring the early 10s the question of a deregulation was up in the Swedish Sports Confederationsmeeting but the supporters protested and the rule remained.The supporters' opinion on the issue is thus clear, which leads us into our purpose. We want to findout how leading organizations in Swedish football and Swedish elite football clubs view theSwedish club culture and club structure, as well as what consequences they believe exist ofretaining and removing the 50+1 rule, respectively. To conduct the study, a total of seven interviewswere conducted, with five club managers in Swedish elite football clubs and one each withrepresentatives from the Swedish Sports Confederation and Swedish Elite football.The study has given us clear answers to what opinions these respondents have about the Swedishclub culture and the 50+1 rule, but also about the Swedish football structure. The study revealscriticism of the Swedish structure and also how the pandemic has been handled and mostrespondents demands changes in the structure. The study hopes to be able to contribute as a basisfor such possible changes and we hope, to be able to increase the understanding of different actors'perspectives on highly current issues.

Analýza a návrh změn informačního systému firmy / Company's Information System Analysis and Modifications Concept

Zahradník, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis and design changes to a specific company information system under real conditions, and is therefore more practically oriented. The information system is studied both from the perspective of the end user, which is the focus, and in terms of operation and implementation of program solutions. The information system is studied as a whole in a broader context, not only in terms of applications (software), but also in terms of the flow of information, storage and organization of data, users, security, hardware, etc. It should serve to the company as a guide for the elimination of inefficient and / or risk areas, thereby helping to improve work productivity and employee satisfaction.

Non-profit Organizations : Development of nonprofit organization’s sustainability reports / Ideella Organisationer

Ahmad, Sadaf January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to analyze and evaluate three non-profit organizations regarding how their sustainability accounting reports have changed and developed between year 2017 and year 2019. The study analyzes how parameters in the sustainability index have been taken into consideration to perceive which parameters are the three non-profits organization’s focal points. In addition, the study will analyze how sustainability accounting reports meet the stakeholder's information needs. Given the prevailing issues and purpose of the study, a qualitative method is relevant to this study. The selection of organizations is based on organizations' availability of sustainability reports for the assessment period. In this study, non-probability selection was chosen, where the selection was made through a preliminary investigation. The study is based on a secondary data method which is a flexible and appropriate approach.   This thesis consists of empirical studies that will help strengthen the quality of the study. The data collected in the empirical data have been analyzed on the basis of the theoretical frame of reference. Frame of reference in this thesis is based on sustainable development, sustainability accounting, Venn diagram of sustainable development, triple bottom line and stakeholder theory. The empirical data in this thesis consists of Red Cross Sweden, Save the Children Sweden and WWF.   Based on the result of this thesis, the parameters under dimensions, environmental responsibility, social responsibility and financial responsibility in each organization have similarities. For example, the environmental requirements for purchasing and procurement are seen in both the Red Cross' and Save the Children's sustainability reports. Another example of similarity that can be seen in all three organizations' sustainability reports is gender equality and diversity. The organization's focus for different parameters in sustainability reports depends on the type of business they have. The development of each organization's sustainability reports in 2017 has been remarkable. Prior to 2017, Save the Children was a pioneer in presenting sustainability reports. While the Red Cross and WWF began to present sustainability reports in 2017. According to their stakeholder analysis, all three respective organizations have included all parameters that are important to their stakeholders. Through their dialogues with both internal and external stakeholders, the respective organizations meet the stakeholders' need for information. / Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att analysera och utvärdera tre ideella organisationer och hur deras hållbarhetsredovisning rapporter har förändrats och utvecklats mellan åren 2017 och2019. Studien analyserar hur parametrar i hållbarhetsredovisning rapporter har beaktats. Studien kommer också att analysera hur hållbarhetsredovisning rapporter möter intressenternas informationsbehov.   Metod: Med hänsyn till uppsatsens syftet och frågeställningar har studien en kvalitativ ansats. Studien utgår ifrån en sekundärdata metod som är ett flexibelt och lämpligt tillvägagångssätt. Studien består också av empiriska studier som kommer att bidra till att stärka studiens kvalitet. Den insamlade datan i empirin har analyserats med underlag av den teoretiska referensramen. Teoretiska perspektiv: Den teoretiska referensram som uppsatsen bygger på är hållbarutveckling, hållbarhetsredovisning, triple bottom line och intressentteori.  Empiri: De tre ideella organisationer som har undersökts i denna uppsats är Röda Korset, Rädda barnen och WWF.  Resultat: Parametrarna under dimensioner, miljöansvar, socialt ansvar och ekonomiskt ansvar i respektive organisation har likheter. Till exempel ses miljökraven för inköp och upphandling i både Röda korsets och i Rädda barnens hållbarhetsrapporter. Ett annat exempel på likhet som kan ses i alla de tre organisationernas hållbarhetsrapporter är jämställdhet och mångfald. Organisationens fokus för olika parametrar i hållbarhetsrapporter beror på vilken typ av verksamhet de har. Utvecklingen av respektive organisations hållbarhetsrapporter under 2017har varit anmärkningsvärt. Före 2017 var Rädda barnen en pionjär när det gäller att presenterahållbarhetsrapporter. Medan Röda Korset och WWF började presentera hållbarhetsrapporter först år 2017. Alla de tre respektive organisationerna har enligt sin intressentanalys inkluderat alla parametrar som är viktiga för deras intressenter. De respektive organisationerna försöker genom sina dialoger med både interna och externa intressenter möter intressenternas behov av information.

La gestion de la face et de la figuration lors d'interactions interculturelles au sein d'une organisation à but non lucratif

Ginoux, Laura 12 1900 (has links)
Dans une société où nous souhaitons désormais donner du sens à notre travail, remplir une mission, les organisations à but non lucratif (OBNL) constituent de plus en plus un milieu professionnel attrayant. Cet intérêt s’est également répandu au sein de la communauté scientifique qui cherche à comprendre la particularité de ce contexte organisationnel. Certain.e.s chercheur.e.s remarquent que les conflits sont mal perçus dans ce type d’organisations qui prône la collaboration, tandis que d’autres soulignent l’omniprésence de conflits dans toutes organisations. Les concepts de face et de figuration sont souvent utilisés pour analyser le conflit organisationnel. Cependant, peu de recherches, voire aucune, adoptent ce cadre théorique pour étudier le conflit dans des OBNL. La face et la figuration étant co-construites durant l’interaction, ce mémoire s’intéresse ainsi particulièrement à ce contexte analytique « méso ». Au sein de celui-ci, il est d’ailleurs primordial de prendre en compte la dimension interculturelle qui est intrinsèque à tout milieu organisationnel, notamment à Montréal. À partir d’une étude qualitative réalisée au sein d’une organisation à but non lucratif montréalaise, ce mémoire cherche à comprendre, au moyen d’observations de réunions d’équipe et d’entrevues, la manière dont les membres d’une OBNL gèrent leur face et leur figuration lors d’interactions interculturelles. Grâce à une analyse des actes de langage, les résultats de cette recherche révèlent que les tensions sont effectivement perçues comme inappropriées, mais que les participant.e.s utilisent des stratégies de figuration pour les diminuer ou les cacher et orienter leur figuration vers des objectifs transcendants. / In a society where many workers seek to engage in meaningful, mission-centered work, non-profit organizations (NPOs) are an increasingly attractive workplace. NPOs’ focus on employee engagement, participation and collaborative practices has sometimes meant that scholars have neglected the unique challenges of managing conflicts in this organizational context. Some researchers state that conflict is viewed as inappropriate for NPOs, whereas others argue that conflict is ubiquitous in all types of organizations. Although, the concepts of face and facework are often used to examine organizational and intercultural conflicts, few if any empirical studies have analyzed conflict in NPOs using this theoretical framework. As face and facework are co-constructed in and through interaction, this thesis focuses specifically on this “meso” analytic level, while also taking into account the intercultural dimensions of interactions. Based on observations of team meetings and interviews with team members of a culturally-diverse NPO in Montreal, this thesis aims to understand how members of the organization managed their face and facework during intercultural interactions. Relying on an analysis of speech acts, the results revealed that tensions are indeed viewed as inappropriate, but that participants used facework strategies that avoided or minimized them and oriented their facework to transcendent objectives.

Analýza event marketingu studentské organizace / The Analysis of Event Marketing by Student Organisation

Ježková, Martina January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the marketing communication in non-profit organization focusing on organizing events and related event marketing. The aim of the analysis is to prepare the groundwork for the creation and implementation of new, unique event that will fill in the accompanying programme of a specific project. The work is divided into three parts: theoretical, analytical and proposal. The analytical part focuses on cultural activities in public spaces with focus on students and the public in order to prepare a unique event. Based on this analysis, the specific event is designed and incorporated into the communication mix of company. The diploma thesis also describes detailed implementation and assesses the whole progress of the event.

E-learning v českém mimoškolním prostředí / E-learning in Czech non-school corporations

Baslová, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
The overall theme of this thesis is the electronic training of employees (volunteers) in Czech non-school organizations. The main objects are the organizations' satisfaction with e-learning methods, benefits and obstacles that organizations face while implementing and using e-learning and forms of e-learning that are distinctive for Czech non-school environment. The theoretical part of the thesis is dedicated first to explaining the term "e-learning" and followed by its brief history. Subsequently, different approaches to classification of e-learning are summed up. One of the chapters follows the work of David A. Kolb - especially his theory of experiential learning including learning styles and their use in the development of e-learning in organization. In the practical part of the thesis the current state of e-learning in the Czech non-school organizations is explored (with the use of a survey). First, the methodology is presented, followed by an analysis of collected data and answering of seven stated research questions with the goal to clarify different aspects of the use of e-learning in Czech non-school organizations. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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