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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nondirective Counseling : Effects of Short Training and Individual Characteristics of Clients

Rautalinko, Erik January 2004 (has links)
<p>Nondirective counseling is to listen, support, and advise, without directing a client’s course of action. It has been influenced by humanistic theories in the tradition of Carl Rogers, but techniques used in nondirective counseling are common in many forms of psychological counseling and treatment today. There are, however, few conclusions as to what the results of training nondirective counseling are. The purpose of the present thesis is to examine effects of nondirective counseling training, and to analyze how such effects are moderated by the characteristics of clients. Three quasi-experimental or experimental studies (Paper I­III) are presented. In Paper I, trained and untrained insurance company employees were compared on their Reflective listening (RL; a subskill of nondirective counseling) skills before and after a training program. Training increased RL, and the skills were transferred to authentic settings. Trained employees were, however, not evaluated differently than untrained. In Paper II, psychology students were compared before and after RL training of three time lengths. All training times increased skills equally, but clients disclosed more information to those with longer training, the students remembered the information better, and external judges perceived the therapeutic relationship as better, especially if the judge was socially competent. In Paper III, two nondirective counseling techniques, RL and open-ended questions, were evaluated by judges who differed in social skills and cognitive ability. RL received positive ratings, whereas open-ended questions did not, and the judges’ ratings were moderated by their social skills and cognitive ability. In the Discussion, it is proposed that even short training has effects, that trained skills generalize to authentic contexts, but that the usefulness of the examined subskills of nondirective counseling depends on client characteristics such as social skills and cognitive ability.</p>

Nondirective Counseling : Effects of Short Training and Individual Characteristics of Clients

Rautalinko, Erik January 2004 (has links)
Nondirective counseling is to listen, support, and advise, without directing a client’s course of action. It has been influenced by humanistic theories in the tradition of Carl Rogers, but techniques used in nondirective counseling are common in many forms of psychological counseling and treatment today. There are, however, few conclusions as to what the results of training nondirective counseling are. The purpose of the present thesis is to examine effects of nondirective counseling training, and to analyze how such effects are moderated by the characteristics of clients. Three quasi-experimental or experimental studies (Paper I­III) are presented. In Paper I, trained and untrained insurance company employees were compared on their Reflective listening (RL; a subskill of nondirective counseling) skills before and after a training program. Training increased RL, and the skills were transferred to authentic settings. Trained employees were, however, not evaluated differently than untrained. In Paper II, psychology students were compared before and after RL training of three time lengths. All training times increased skills equally, but clients disclosed more information to those with longer training, the students remembered the information better, and external judges perceived the therapeutic relationship as better, especially if the judge was socially competent. In Paper III, two nondirective counseling techniques, RL and open-ended questions, were evaluated by judges who differed in social skills and cognitive ability. RL received positive ratings, whereas open-ended questions did not, and the judges’ ratings were moderated by their social skills and cognitive ability. In the Discussion, it is proposed that even short training has effects, that trained skills generalize to authentic contexts, but that the usefulness of the examined subskills of nondirective counseling depends on client characteristics such as social skills and cognitive ability.

The Practice of Developmental Supervision Approaches in Saudi Arabia

Alshehri, Rajeh 01 August 2018 (has links)
The main purpose of this explanatory sequential mixed-methods study is to examine the current practices of developmental supervision in Saudi Arabia. This study focused on the three approaches of developmental supervision which are, directive informational approach, collaborative approach, and nondirective approach. The data were collected through a self-administered web-based survey on a 4-point Likert scale and subsequent semi-structured interviews. The sample contains male and female teachers from Makkah schools who have different levels of education and teaching experiences. A t-test and a one-way ANOVA were used to compare the participants’ responses. Coding method was used to analyze the qualitative data. The findings indicated that elementary school teachers in Saudi Arabia perceived their supervisors’ practice of developmental approaches to supervision as follows. Supervisors sometimes practiced the directive and collaborative approaches but rarely practiced the nondirective approach. Moreover, gender and years of teaching experience had no impact on participants’ responses regarding the three approaches to developmental supervision. Level of education also had no impact on their responses regarding the directive approach but did appear to affect responses about the collaborative and nondirective approaches. In qualitative phase, the themes were organized within the three approaches under study. The qualitative findings supported the quantitative results, which indicated that the most common supervisory practice has a directive nature. Recommendations were made for future research and for policymakers to establish an appropriate climate to effectively implement developmental supervision or other contemporary approaches to supervision.

Effects of Nondirective and Paradoxical Therapist Communication on Core Therapeutic Conditions and Perceived Client Influence

Beard, Myron Joseph 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was first to determine whether or not paradoxical communication could be designed to contain therapeutic levels of the core therapeutic conditions, and, second, to determine how paradoxical counselor communication compared to nondirective communication on the social influence dimensions of attractiveness, expertness, and trustworthiness. For the first phase, four judges rated audiotapes on the level of the core therapeutic conditions on one of four counseling conditions (paradox high or low on core conditions, and nondirective high or low on core conditions). For the second phase, 133 undergraduate college students were asked to listen to the four counseling conditions on audiotapes and to rate the counselor on the social influence dimensions

The explicit attitudes of genetic counselors towards individuals with disabilities: A survey

Ugas, Abigail, B.S. 15 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluating a Nondirective Health Coaching Package and a Directive Coaching Package for Increasing Physical Activity

Donohue, Hailey E. 01 January 2022 (has links)
Physical inactivity is a worldwide public health problem. Applied behavior analysis has demonstrated success in this area; interventions such as goal setting, self-monitoring, and feedback have produced increases in physical activity of adults. Nevertheless, strategies with a more nondirective approach, such as health coaching, are gaining traction in practice independent of behavior analytic approaches. We do not know about the relative effects of nondirective approaches and the established, directive interventions in applied behavior analysis, or about client preference for nondirective and directive approaches. The present study employed a multiple baseline across participants design to evaluate a largely nondirective, client-centered health coaching approach for increasing physical activity of adults and the subsequent introduction of a directive coaching approach. Four adult females participated in the study remotely via telehealth. Active zone minutes were the primary dependent variable in the present study, and physical activity metrics were measured by the Fitbit Inspire 2. Meaningful increases in active zone minutes were observed for 1 of 4 participants, and preference for nondirective and directive coaching styles varied across participants.

Writing Tutoring in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study on the Effectiveness of Directive and Nondirective Tutoring

Sugino, Nicole Emiko, Sugino, Nicole Emiko January 2016 (has links)
Writing academic papers continues to be a struggle for college students. Many universities provide tutoring services for a range of academic subjects including writing. Currently, there are few experimental studies to support the effectiveness of two frequently used tutoring methods: directive and nondirective tutoring. Based on existing knowledge about the acquisition of written language, this study aims to determine if directive (expert-directed) tutoring is more effective than nondirective (student-directed) tutoring in improving students' writing skills. In addition, this study sought to determine if changes in macrostructure and microstructure correlated to instructor assigned grades. Participants were recruited from undergraduate courses that included an initial paper and a revised final paper. Participants who chose 30-min of free tutoring were randomly assigned to one of the tutoring conditions: expert-directed (ED) or student-directed (SD). Participants who did not choose to receive tutoring were allocated to the control condition. There were 16 participants: ED group [n=7], SD group [n=7], and control group [n=2]. A descriptive analysis on measures of microstructure, paragraph structure, overall rating, and instructor assigned grades for the initial and final paper was conducted for 6 participants: ED group [n=2], SD group [n=2], and control group [n=2]. On measures of microstructure, the ED group decreased the average number of errors, the SD group maintained the same number of errors, and the control group increased the number of errors. Both the ED and SD tutoring groups decreased the average number of internal paragraph structure errors, while the control group maintained the same number of errors. All three groups received an increase in average overall rating; however, the control group received the smallest increase. All three groups received a comparable increase in average instructor assigned grade. The preliminary results suggest that tutoring is beneficial compared to no tutoring. Furthermore, there does not appear to be a relation between changes in the measures used in this study (microstructure, paragraph structure, overall rating) and instructor assigned grades. Further examination on whether directive tutoring is more effective than nondirective is required. The theories supporting directive tutoring (i.e. writing development, Vygotsky's zone of proximal development, learning theory) suggest that this method would be more effective than nondirective tutoring. In addition, research into the relation between grades and changes in macrostructure and microstructure is warranted.

Les représentations de la société grecque dans le rebetiko / Representations of the Greek Society through Rebetiko

Anagnostou, Panagiota 12 December 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche relève de la sociologie politique et aborde la musique, objet peu commun en politologie. Elleexamine le rebetiko, une musique populaire urbaine grecque, en postulant que l’analyse de musiques populairesoffre un accès privilégié aux représentations ambivalentes du pouvoir, à la participation au politique et à salégitimation. La construction d’un cadre théorique dynamique, capable de prendre en compte le changementincessant, tant musical que social, et de faire fusionner forme et contenu, approches extérieures et intérieures,conduit à adopter une méthode plurielle : historique, musicale et sociologique. La première partie propose derevisiter l’histoire du rebetiko, d’examiner ses conditions de production et sa réception pour la période quis’étend de la fin du XIXe à l’aube du XXIe siècle. A travers des articles de presse, je mets en évidence laconstruction et la fluidité de cette catégorie musicale, sa place dans l’ensemble plus large de la musiquepopulaire, ainsi que les processus de son authentification et traditionalisation. Un corpus de vingt-cinq chansons,encore populaires aujourd’hui, est ensuite analysé. Y sont décelés emprunts et appropriations, traces du passé,mais aussi potentiels oublis de réserve. Enfin, j’explore la réception actuelle du rebetiko et interprète différentsrécits tissés sur cette musique, recueillis grâce à la méthode des entretiens collectifs non-directifs enrichie parl’écoute d’extraits musicaux. Tout au long du parcours, des passerelles entre le musical et le social sont établies.Echafaudées à partir et dans le rebetiko, de multiples configurations identitaires et mémorielles dévoilentl’ambiguïté des divisions et des transformations de la société grecque. / This research derives from political sociology and is concerned with music, an uncommon entity in regard topolitical science. It explores rebetiko, an urban kind of Greek popular music, and postulates that the analysis ofpopular music offers a privileged access to the ambiguous representations of authority, to the participation topolitics and its legitimation. Constructing a dynamic theoretical frame, capable of undertaking constant change,musical and social, as well as capable of integrating form and content, external and internal approaches, resultsin adopting a pluralistic methodology: historical, musical and sociological. The first part attempts to revisit thehistory of rebetiko, to study the conditions of its production and reception during the period extending from theend of the 19th up to the dawn of the 20th century. Through press articles, I intend to highlight the constructionand fluidity of this musical category, its place in the broad entity of popular music, as well as the process of itsauthentication and its adherence to tradition. Furthermore, a corpus of twenty-five songs, still popular to this day,is analysed. Loans and adaptations are detected, traces of the past, as well as “reserved oblivion” (oublis deréserve). Finally, I survey the actual appreciation of rebetiko and interpret various stories told about this kind ofmusic, being collected by means of collective, non-directive interviews, enriched with the listening of musicalexcerpts. All along the way bridges are being built between the musical and the social realms; scaffolding in andout of rebetiko, multiple identity and memory configurations unveil the ambiguity of divisions andtransformations of the Greek society.

Aconselhamento em DST/aids: uma análise crítica de sua origem histórica e conceitual e de sua fundamentação teórica / Counseling in STD/aids: a critical analysis of its historical and conceptual origin and theoretical foundation.

Pupo, Ligia Rivero 24 August 2007 (has links)
Apesar do aconselhamento no campo das DST/aids ser considerado, em diferentes regiões do mundo, como uma das principais estratégias para prevenção primária, secundária e terciária, implantada nos serviços da rede de atendimento às DST/aids e em serviços da rede básica de saúde, tanto estudos nacionais como internacionais mostram que esta prática ainda concentra uma dose significativa de fragilidades e problemas.Estes estão relacionados principalmente à falta de uma reflexão e clareza sobre a definição, conceituação, estrutura e forma de atuação do aconselhamento, bem como sobre seus limites e possibilidades. Este estudo se propôs a resgatar as origens históricas e conceituais do aconselhamento em DST/aids, e identificar e analisar criticamente a principal concepção teórica indicada como fundamento dos materiais de referência sobre o aconselhamento em DST/aids, apontando suas contribuições, limites e possibilidades de aplicação. Trata-se, portanto, de um estudo de natureza qualitativa, baseado na análise de documentos sobre o aconselhamento em geral, o aconselhamento em DST/aids, e sobre a principal corrente teórica identificada nesses materiais: a Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa, de Carl Rogers. Além de identificar a origem histórica da imprecisão do conceito de aconselhamento enquanto prática social, este estudo colocou em evidência tanto as potencialidades e fragilidades da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa para lidar com a complexidade de facetas presentes nessa epidemia, como a existência de alguns desacordos e contrastes entre a prática de ajuda proposta por esse referencial teórico e a estrutura de aconselhamento proposta pelos manuais, bem como, algumas contradições e ambigüidades existentes na própria proposta desenhada para o aconselhamento no campo da aids. Sustenta-se que, para fazer um uso consistente da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa no aconselhamento em DST/aids, algumas mudanças de concepção, expectativa, enfoque e posicionamento se fazem necessárias. Primeiramente é imperioso que se veja o aconselhamento como um espaço onde a ação está voltada às necessidades e características do cliente, e não voltado para resolver a múltiplas demandas da política de prevenção e assistência, pois ele nunca deve ser visto como uma ação isolada, mas deve sempre estar inserido em uma estratégia mais ampla aonde se somam outros tipos de intervenção.É importante que se reveja a idéia de objetivos, conteúdos e resultados fechados e pré-determinados, possibilitando que sejam centrados na pessoa do cliente e, portanto mais abertos, flexíveis ou construídos conjuntamente. Finalmente, é importante para uma maior qualificação e efetividade dessa prática, utilizar-se de outros quadros teóricos e conceituais, que discutem outras dimensões e aspectos do universo individual, não abordados por essa linha teórica. / In spite of the fact that in different regions of the world counseling in the field of STD/aids is considered as one of the main strategies for the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention techniques applied in the services available to STD/aids and in basic health services, studies done nationally and internationally show that this practice still concentrates a significant amount of weaknesses and problems. These relate mainly to the lack of a clear expression and thought on the definition, conceptualization, structure and format for the role of counseling, as well as its limitations and possibilities. This study proposes to rescue the historical and conceptual origins of counseling in STD/aids, and to identify and critically analyze the main theoretical concept used as the basis for the reference material on counseling in STD/aids, pointing out its contributions, limitations and possibilities of application. It is, therefore, a qualitative study by nature, based on the analysis of documents on counseling in general, counseling in STD/aids, and on the main theoretical current identified in the material: the Client Centered Therapy, by Carl Rogers. In addition to identifying the historical origin of the imprecision in the concept of counseling as a social practice, this study makes clear the potentialities and weaknesses of the Client Centered Therapy to deal with the complexity of facets present in this epidemic, such as the existence of some differences and contrasts between the help practice proposed by this theoretical reference and the structure of counseling proposed by manuals, as well as some contradictions and ambiguities present in the proposal itself, designed for the counseling in the field of aids. One supports the idea that in order to make a consistent use of the Client Centered Therapy in the counseling for STD/aids, some changes in the concept, expectation, focus and positioning are necessary. First of all it is imperative to see counseling as a space where action is oriented towards the needs and characteristics of the client, and not to solve the multiple demands of the policy for the prevention and assistance, as it should never be seen as an isolated action, but it must always be inserted in a wider strategy where other kinds of interventions are added. It is important to revisit the idea of objectives, content, closed and predetermined results, enabling them to be centered on the person, the client, and therefore, to be more open, flexible or constructed jointly. Finally, it is important for a wider qualification and effectiveness of this practice, to use other theoretical and conceptual frameworks, which discuss other dimensions and aspects of the individual universe, not dealt with in this theoretical line.

Aconselhamento em DST/aids: uma análise crítica de sua origem histórica e conceitual e de sua fundamentação teórica / Counseling in STD/aids: a critical analysis of its historical and conceptual origin and theoretical foundation.

Ligia Rivero Pupo 24 August 2007 (has links)
Apesar do aconselhamento no campo das DST/aids ser considerado, em diferentes regiões do mundo, como uma das principais estratégias para prevenção primária, secundária e terciária, implantada nos serviços da rede de atendimento às DST/aids e em serviços da rede básica de saúde, tanto estudos nacionais como internacionais mostram que esta prática ainda concentra uma dose significativa de fragilidades e problemas.Estes estão relacionados principalmente à falta de uma reflexão e clareza sobre a definição, conceituação, estrutura e forma de atuação do aconselhamento, bem como sobre seus limites e possibilidades. Este estudo se propôs a resgatar as origens históricas e conceituais do aconselhamento em DST/aids, e identificar e analisar criticamente a principal concepção teórica indicada como fundamento dos materiais de referência sobre o aconselhamento em DST/aids, apontando suas contribuições, limites e possibilidades de aplicação. Trata-se, portanto, de um estudo de natureza qualitativa, baseado na análise de documentos sobre o aconselhamento em geral, o aconselhamento em DST/aids, e sobre a principal corrente teórica identificada nesses materiais: a Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa, de Carl Rogers. Além de identificar a origem histórica da imprecisão do conceito de aconselhamento enquanto prática social, este estudo colocou em evidência tanto as potencialidades e fragilidades da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa para lidar com a complexidade de facetas presentes nessa epidemia, como a existência de alguns desacordos e contrastes entre a prática de ajuda proposta por esse referencial teórico e a estrutura de aconselhamento proposta pelos manuais, bem como, algumas contradições e ambigüidades existentes na própria proposta desenhada para o aconselhamento no campo da aids. Sustenta-se que, para fazer um uso consistente da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa no aconselhamento em DST/aids, algumas mudanças de concepção, expectativa, enfoque e posicionamento se fazem necessárias. Primeiramente é imperioso que se veja o aconselhamento como um espaço onde a ação está voltada às necessidades e características do cliente, e não voltado para resolver a múltiplas demandas da política de prevenção e assistência, pois ele nunca deve ser visto como uma ação isolada, mas deve sempre estar inserido em uma estratégia mais ampla aonde se somam outros tipos de intervenção.É importante que se reveja a idéia de objetivos, conteúdos e resultados fechados e pré-determinados, possibilitando que sejam centrados na pessoa do cliente e, portanto mais abertos, flexíveis ou construídos conjuntamente. Finalmente, é importante para uma maior qualificação e efetividade dessa prática, utilizar-se de outros quadros teóricos e conceituais, que discutem outras dimensões e aspectos do universo individual, não abordados por essa linha teórica. / In spite of the fact that in different regions of the world counseling in the field of STD/aids is considered as one of the main strategies for the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention techniques applied in the services available to STD/aids and in basic health services, studies done nationally and internationally show that this practice still concentrates a significant amount of weaknesses and problems. These relate mainly to the lack of a clear expression and thought on the definition, conceptualization, structure and format for the role of counseling, as well as its limitations and possibilities. This study proposes to rescue the historical and conceptual origins of counseling in STD/aids, and to identify and critically analyze the main theoretical concept used as the basis for the reference material on counseling in STD/aids, pointing out its contributions, limitations and possibilities of application. It is, therefore, a qualitative study by nature, based on the analysis of documents on counseling in general, counseling in STD/aids, and on the main theoretical current identified in the material: the Client Centered Therapy, by Carl Rogers. In addition to identifying the historical origin of the imprecision in the concept of counseling as a social practice, this study makes clear the potentialities and weaknesses of the Client Centered Therapy to deal with the complexity of facets present in this epidemic, such as the existence of some differences and contrasts between the help practice proposed by this theoretical reference and the structure of counseling proposed by manuals, as well as some contradictions and ambiguities present in the proposal itself, designed for the counseling in the field of aids. One supports the idea that in order to make a consistent use of the Client Centered Therapy in the counseling for STD/aids, some changes in the concept, expectation, focus and positioning are necessary. First of all it is imperative to see counseling as a space where action is oriented towards the needs and characteristics of the client, and not to solve the multiple demands of the policy for the prevention and assistance, as it should never be seen as an isolated action, but it must always be inserted in a wider strategy where other kinds of interventions are added. It is important to revisit the idea of objectives, content, closed and predetermined results, enabling them to be centered on the person, the client, and therefore, to be more open, flexible or constructed jointly. Finally, it is important for a wider qualification and effectiveness of this practice, to use other theoretical and conceptual frameworks, which discuss other dimensions and aspects of the individual universe, not dealt with in this theoretical line.

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