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The North American Indian Reframed: The Photography of Edward S. Curtis in Context with American Art and Visual CultureTeemant, Marie Elizabeth, Teemant, Marie Elizabeth January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the photographer Edward Sheriff Curtis and his primary photographic body of work, The North American Indian, within the context of the art and visual culture that informed and influenced Curtis in his image making process. Within the history of photography, an understanding of who Curtis was is complex. Depictions of Curtis have included various roles including photographer, businessman, philanthropist, artist, ethnologist, capitalist, and profiteer. Until the last twenty years, much of the scholarship surrounding Curtis was focused on his biography, without consideration to the similarities Curtis's work had to contemporary photographers or to American art depicting Native Americans prior to him. My research will examine this prior scholarship and focus on two different frameworks The North American Indian fits into in terms of how the Native subjects are depicted. The first framework is within the influential artwork of American painters and the Native American as incorporated into American art. I will compare Curtis's depiction of Native Americans to those by Benjamin West, Thomas Cole, and George Catlin. All three of these painters included Native Americans in their work at varying levels and for various purposes. While Curtis was working in a different medium, the ways in which he framed and posed his subjects exhibits his awareness in continuing the expected Native American image. The second framework considers The American Indian and its parallels to missionary albums (used to promote missionary work among non-Christian people) as well as a Carlisle School yearbook (used to promote the school's mission in educating and acclimating its students from tribes across the country). In addition to the three types of objects being created in the first two decades of the twentieth century, they also share a relationship through the use of photographs and words to convey a meaning the images alone could not accomplish. Native Americans have been used to symbolize the American continent since the first Europeans laid claim to the land. Curtis is only one of many artists who turned their attention to native subjects and attempted to create an understanding of who they were. A more nuanced understanding of Curtis and his work surfaces through acknowledging the ways in which The North American Indian functions similarly to other works depicting Native Americans.
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Religieuses au cœur des communautés indiennes : mémoires féminines des missions de l'Ouest canadien / Religious in the heart of Indian communities : women's memories of Western Canada missionsRobinaud, Marion 15 November 2017 (has links)
Les missions catholiques auprès des populations nord-Amérindiennes canadienness’offrent à la recherche en sciences sociales comme un laboratoire d’expériences de la rencontreinterculturelle. Cette thèse se veut une anthropologie comparée de deux aires culturellesparticulièrement au sujet de deux points : les processus d’adaptation à l’altérité et la constructionculturelle du genre féminin. Nous proposons d’interroger la façon dont le contexte des missionspermet de mettre en comparaison deux cultures dans le rapport de chacune à l’altérité etcomment, dans cette altérité respective, il est possible d’observer deux versions du genre fémininse dessiner. Pour ce faire, les récits de vie des femmes missionnaires catholique ayant travailléavec les populations autochtones de l’Ouest canadien au XXe siècle sont au cœur de notrepropos, tout comme l’ethnographie classique nord-Amérindienne, ravivée et complétée par denouveaux témoignages. Notre propos s’éclaircit en trois temps. Tout d’abord, avec uneethnographie des acteurs de la rencontre, où religieuses missionnaires et populations autochtonesde l’Ouest canadien sont présentées dans une situation interactionnelle. L’analyse se poursuitensuite par l’interrogation des processus d’adaptation à l’altérité qui d’une part peuvent êtredéfinis par le principe d’inculturation et d’autre part par une logique d’adoption etd’appropriation. Enfin, nous proposons de mettre en lumière la construction culturelle du genreféminin à travers les expériences vécues dans ce contexte des missions. En interrogeant ladiversité culturelle, nous espérons mettre en relief les enjeux de production culturelle dans lesdialogues et négociations permanents entre ces deux mondes qui se rencontrent. / Catholic missions to North American Indian territories in Canada offer an experimental laboratory of the intercultural encounters for the social sciences. This doctoral thesis proposes a comparative anthropology of two cultural areas, particularly with regard to two points : the adaptation processes to alterity and the cultural construction of the female gender. We propose to ask how the context of the mission allows compare two cultures in their relation to each other, and how this respective alterity can highlight two versions of the female gender ? To do this, the focus will be on the life stories of Catholic missionary nuns who worked with the North American Indian people (from Western Canada in the twentieth century), just as well the classic North-Amerindian ethnography, completed and strengthened with new testimonies. Our questioning becomes clear in three stages. First, with an ethnography of the protagonists of the encounter : missionary nuns and Aboriginal peoples of Western Canada are presented. Then, the analysis continues with the questioning of the adaptation processes to alterity, which can be defined by the inculturation principle on the one hand, and by adoption and appropriation logic on the other. Finally, we propose to bring to light the cultural construction of the female gender through the experiences lived in this missionary intercultural encounter context. By questioning cultural diversity in this context, we hope to highlight the stakes of cultural productions in the permanent dialogues and negotiations between these two worlds that encounter each other.
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Hnutí Rudá síla: politický aktivismus severoamerických indiánů / Red Power movement: political activism of North American IndiansDufek, Tadeáš January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the period of radicalization and militarization of North American Indian activism during the 1960s and 1970s. For this period we use the term Red Power Movement. The thesis describes the history of Indian federal policy of USA. Outlines the Red Power Movement as a important actor in political process and focus on the role of the Movement in the shaping the Indian identity.
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The Impact of naming practices among North American Indians on name authority controlExner, Frank Kepler 13 May 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to discover the impact of naming practices among North American Indians on name authority control. In order to address all the aspects, the main problem was divided into the following subproblems: 1. What are the naming practices among North American Indians? 2. Are North American Indian names found in the publication environment? 3. Is it necessary to standardize North American Indian names? 4. What are the authority control rules for North American Indian names and are they adequate? 5. How are North American Indian names presented in national authority files? North American Indian names showed three different forms: European, traditional, and mixed. Name sequences and name sets were also identified. If these name sequences and sets are found in the publication environment, provision should be made for the name forms in authority control systems. All of the sample North American Indian name forms (as well as names sets) were found in the identified academic texts, popular books, children’s books, and textbooks. So these forms and sequences had to either fit the current authority control system or the system would have to be modified to meet the new names. The thesis documented how Native American Indian name forms present specific problems of standardization. The necessity of addressing these problems was confirmed. The rules in two of the central authority control reference sources, AACR2R and Names of persons: national usages for entry in catalogues, were examined. Deficiencies were identified with regard to North American Indian names and changes suggested. Presentation of North American Indian names in national bibliographies was a final test to determine the impact of North American Indian names on name authority control. The forms of North American Indian names in the national bibliographies studied varied substantially, which is an indication of the lack of standardization of the names. / Thesis (DPhil (Information Science))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Information Science / unrestricted
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L'explosion démographique des populations autochtones du Canada de 1986 à 2001Guimond, Éric January 2009 (has links)
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.
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Les partenaires d'interactions de Cirhin, la protéine portant la mutation responsable de la Cirrhose Amérindienne Infantile (NAIC)Ruest, Marie-Ève 03 1900 (has links)
La Cirrhose Amérindienne Infantile (CAI, NAIC) est une forme de cholestase non-syndromique héréditaire à transmission autosomique récessive, décrite uniquement chez les enfants autochtones du Nord-Ouest québécois et issue d’un effet fondateur. La maladie se présente d’abord sous la forme d’une jaunisse néonatale chez un enfant autrement en bonne santé, qui progresse en cirrhose de type biliaire dans l’enfance et dans l’adolescence. Le taux de survie à l’âge adulte est inférieur à 50% et la seule thérapie efficace à ce jour pour les patients avancés dans la maladie demeure la transplantation hépatique.
Les recherches antérieures menées par le groupe ont permis d’identifier le locus ainsi que le gène responsable de NAIC, qui encode la protéine nucléolaire Cirhin. Cirhin est exprimée uniquement dans le foie et tous les patients sont homozygotes pour la mutation R565W. La fonction de Cirhin est inconnue, mais les motifs WD40 retrouvés dans sa séquence indiquent qu’elle participerait à des interactions protéine-protéine et serait impliquée dans un mécanisme moléculaire de base. Cirhin interagit avec la protéine nucléaire Cirip, qui a un effet positif important sur la transcription de l’élément activateur HIV-1 LTR et qui a un rôle dans la prolifération cellulaire. L’interaction de Cirhin et Cirip est affectée par la mutation R565W.
À l’aide de la technique du double hybride chez la levure, la protéine nucléolaire Nol11 a été identifiée comme étant un partenaire d’interaction de Cirhin. Par son interaction avec MARK3 et c-Myc, Nol11 serait impliquée dans des processus cellulaires tels que le contrôle du cycle cellulaire, la polarité, la croissance cellulaire et possiblement la biogenèse des ribosomes. La portion C-terminale de Nol11 interagirait avec Cirhin, et la mutation R565W abolit cette interaction. Le résidu R565 serait donc important pour la fonctionnalité de Cirhin. / North American Indian childhood cirrhosis (NAIC) is a nonsyndromic form of hereditary autosomal recessive cholestasis, described only in children of Algonquin origin from the Abitibi region of north-western Québec and issued from a founder effect. NAIC typically presents with transient neonatal jaundice in a child who is otherwise healthy, but progresses to biliary fibrosis in childhood or young adulthood. The survival rate at adulthood is lower than 50% and liver transplantation is currently the only effective therapy for patients with advanced disease.
Previous research by the group allowed the identification of the locus and the gene responsible for NAIC, which encodes the nucleolar protein Cirhin. Cirhin is expressed only in the liver and all patients are homozygous for the R565W mutation. Cirhin’s function is unknown, but it is a WD40-repeat containing protein, which indicates that it would participate in protein-protein interactions and would be involved in a basic molecular mechanism. Cirhin interacts with the nuclear protein Cirip, which has a significant positive effect on the transcription of the HIV-1 LTR enhancer element and has a role in cellular proliferation. The interaction between Cirhin and Cirip is affected by the R565W mutation.
Using the yeast two-hybrid technique, the nucleolar protein Nol11 was identified as an interacting partner of Cirhin. By its interaction with MARK3 and c-Myc, Nol11 may be involved in cellular processes such as cell cycle control, polarity, cell growth and possibly ribosome biogenesis. The C-terminal portion of Nol11 interacts with Cirhin and the R565W mutation abolishes the interaction. The residue R565 may thus be important for Cirhin’s functionality.
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L'explosion démographique des populations autochtones du Canada de 1986 à 2001Guimond, Éric January 2009 (has links)
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur.
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Les partenaires d'interactions de Cirhin, la protéine portant la mutation responsable de la Cirrhose Amérindienne Infantile (NAIC)Ruest, Marie-Ève 03 1900 (has links)
La Cirrhose Amérindienne Infantile (CAI, NAIC) est une forme de cholestase non-syndromique héréditaire à transmission autosomique récessive, décrite uniquement chez les enfants autochtones du Nord-Ouest québécois et issue d’un effet fondateur. La maladie se présente d’abord sous la forme d’une jaunisse néonatale chez un enfant autrement en bonne santé, qui progresse en cirrhose de type biliaire dans l’enfance et dans l’adolescence. Le taux de survie à l’âge adulte est inférieur à 50% et la seule thérapie efficace à ce jour pour les patients avancés dans la maladie demeure la transplantation hépatique.
Les recherches antérieures menées par le groupe ont permis d’identifier le locus ainsi que le gène responsable de NAIC, qui encode la protéine nucléolaire Cirhin. Cirhin est exprimée uniquement dans le foie et tous les patients sont homozygotes pour la mutation R565W. La fonction de Cirhin est inconnue, mais les motifs WD40 retrouvés dans sa séquence indiquent qu’elle participerait à des interactions protéine-protéine et serait impliquée dans un mécanisme moléculaire de base. Cirhin interagit avec la protéine nucléaire Cirip, qui a un effet positif important sur la transcription de l’élément activateur HIV-1 LTR et qui a un rôle dans la prolifération cellulaire. L’interaction de Cirhin et Cirip est affectée par la mutation R565W.
À l’aide de la technique du double hybride chez la levure, la protéine nucléolaire Nol11 a été identifiée comme étant un partenaire d’interaction de Cirhin. Par son interaction avec MARK3 et c-Myc, Nol11 serait impliquée dans des processus cellulaires tels que le contrôle du cycle cellulaire, la polarité, la croissance cellulaire et possiblement la biogenèse des ribosomes. La portion C-terminale de Nol11 interagirait avec Cirhin, et la mutation R565W abolit cette interaction. Le résidu R565 serait donc important pour la fonctionnalité de Cirhin. / North American Indian childhood cirrhosis (NAIC) is a nonsyndromic form of hereditary autosomal recessive cholestasis, described only in children of Algonquin origin from the Abitibi region of north-western Québec and issued from a founder effect. NAIC typically presents with transient neonatal jaundice in a child who is otherwise healthy, but progresses to biliary fibrosis in childhood or young adulthood. The survival rate at adulthood is lower than 50% and liver transplantation is currently the only effective therapy for patients with advanced disease.
Previous research by the group allowed the identification of the locus and the gene responsible for NAIC, which encodes the nucleolar protein Cirhin. Cirhin is expressed only in the liver and all patients are homozygous for the R565W mutation. Cirhin’s function is unknown, but it is a WD40-repeat containing protein, which indicates that it would participate in protein-protein interactions and would be involved in a basic molecular mechanism. Cirhin interacts with the nuclear protein Cirip, which has a significant positive effect on the transcription of the HIV-1 LTR enhancer element and has a role in cellular proliferation. The interaction between Cirhin and Cirip is affected by the R565W mutation.
Using the yeast two-hybrid technique, the nucleolar protein Nol11 was identified as an interacting partner of Cirhin. By its interaction with MARK3 and c-Myc, Nol11 may be involved in cellular processes such as cell cycle control, polarity, cell growth and possibly ribosome biogenesis. The C-terminal portion of Nol11 interacts with Cirhin and the R565W mutation abolishes the interaction. The residue R565 may thus be important for Cirhin’s functionality.
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