Spelling suggestions: "subject:"daptation processes"" "subject:"aadaptation processes""
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Comprendre le processus d'adaptation des démarches d'enseignement en classe de sciences et technologies à l'école secondaire analyse des besoins perçus par les personnes enseignantes en milieu défavoriséHoude, Sylvie January 2008 (has links)
Since the implementation of the latest reform in the education programs of Quebec, the adaptation of teaching has taken on an important place in the concerns of all actors in education. However, this adjustment towards the adoption of teaching practices that require more participation on the part of the pupil is not accomplished so easily, particularly in the field of science and technology (ST). In order to gain a better understanding of these processes of adaptation, it is opportune to question ourselves on the factors and dynamics of interest at stake, especially in disadvantaged environments. Such environments are faced with situations where other difficulties coexist: integration of pupils, lack of interest, problems in classroom management, multi-ethnicity, etc. As a result, such difficulties give rise. to particular limitations, expressed in the form of needs, by pupils and teachers, likely to have a restrictive effect on the adaptation of teaching practices. Accordingly, our research focuses on the needs perceived by teachers in high school ST classrooms in disadvantaged school environments, since they present a privileged means to better understand the processes involved in the adaptation of practices. The adoption of an ecosystemic perspective, centered on these needs and their contribution towards the dynamics of decision-making, enabled us to better apprehend the complexity of these processes in ST classrooms. We were able to identify the needs perceived by teachers by following the methodology of conceptanalysis of needs, and by combining focus groups with the DRAP software. The results account for the large variety of needs to be considered in the equation of adaptation of teaching practices. These needs generally belong to the classroom system (microsystem). For pupils, they are mainly cognitive needs, but for teachers, they pertain to organization and structure. The influence of these needs on the adaptation processes depends on the interpretation by teachers of teaching situations, so much so that a same need can at times be assumed as negative pressure, generating obstacles, or at other times as a positive impulse, facilitating adaptation.
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Religieuses au cœur des communautés indiennes : mémoires féminines des missions de l'Ouest canadien / Religious in the heart of Indian communities : women's memories of Western Canada missionsRobinaud, Marion 15 November 2017 (has links)
Les missions catholiques auprès des populations nord-Amérindiennes canadienness’offrent à la recherche en sciences sociales comme un laboratoire d’expériences de la rencontreinterculturelle. Cette thèse se veut une anthropologie comparée de deux aires culturellesparticulièrement au sujet de deux points : les processus d’adaptation à l’altérité et la constructionculturelle du genre féminin. Nous proposons d’interroger la façon dont le contexte des missionspermet de mettre en comparaison deux cultures dans le rapport de chacune à l’altérité etcomment, dans cette altérité respective, il est possible d’observer deux versions du genre fémininse dessiner. Pour ce faire, les récits de vie des femmes missionnaires catholique ayant travailléavec les populations autochtones de l’Ouest canadien au XXe siècle sont au cœur de notrepropos, tout comme l’ethnographie classique nord-Amérindienne, ravivée et complétée par denouveaux témoignages. Notre propos s’éclaircit en trois temps. Tout d’abord, avec uneethnographie des acteurs de la rencontre, où religieuses missionnaires et populations autochtonesde l’Ouest canadien sont présentées dans une situation interactionnelle. L’analyse se poursuitensuite par l’interrogation des processus d’adaptation à l’altérité qui d’une part peuvent êtredéfinis par le principe d’inculturation et d’autre part par une logique d’adoption etd’appropriation. Enfin, nous proposons de mettre en lumière la construction culturelle du genreféminin à travers les expériences vécues dans ce contexte des missions. En interrogeant ladiversité culturelle, nous espérons mettre en relief les enjeux de production culturelle dans lesdialogues et négociations permanents entre ces deux mondes qui se rencontrent. / Catholic missions to North American Indian territories in Canada offer an experimental laboratory of the intercultural encounters for the social sciences. This doctoral thesis proposes a comparative anthropology of two cultural areas, particularly with regard to two points : the adaptation processes to alterity and the cultural construction of the female gender. We propose to ask how the context of the mission allows compare two cultures in their relation to each other, and how this respective alterity can highlight two versions of the female gender ? To do this, the focus will be on the life stories of Catholic missionary nuns who worked with the North American Indian people (from Western Canada in the twentieth century), just as well the classic North-Amerindian ethnography, completed and strengthened with new testimonies. Our questioning becomes clear in three stages. First, with an ethnography of the protagonists of the encounter : missionary nuns and Aboriginal peoples of Western Canada are presented. Then, the analysis continues with the questioning of the adaptation processes to alterity, which can be defined by the inculturation principle on the one hand, and by adoption and appropriation logic on the other. Finally, we propose to bring to light the cultural construction of the female gender through the experiences lived in this missionary intercultural encounter context. By questioning cultural diversity in this context, we hope to highlight the stakes of cultural productions in the permanent dialogues and negotiations between these two worlds that encounter each other.
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Climate change adaptation processes : Regional and sectoral stakeholder perspectives / Anpassningsprocesser inför klimatförändringar : Regionala och sektoriella intressentperspektivAndré, Karin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses how societal adaptation processes in public and private sectors at the regional to local level in Sweden are enacted. The thesis pays particular attention to critical factors that constrain or enable adaptation by focussing on: who are the stakeholders, how do different stakeholders perceive their capacity to adapt, and the role of stakeholder interaction in facilitating adaptation processes A combination of two analytical perspectives is used where one is based on key concepts within adaptation literature, and the other draws on boundary crossing and transdisciplinary knowledge production (stakeholders, adaptive capacity, and science-based stakeholder dialogues). The study is conducted within the scope of two overall case studies of local adaptation processes within an urban region, and a land-use based sector, the private forestry sector. The cases are setting the scene for the collection of empirical material which is achieved through qualitative methods, primarily focus groups discussions with local and regional, public and private stakeholders with an interest in, and responsibility for adaptation. The focus groups meetings are organized as a series of meetings to which different participatory techniques are applied. The study also builds on a comprehensive stakeholder mapping. First, the results suggest a systematic method for identifying stakeholders in adaptation research, policy, and planning applicable in both sectors and regions that combines top-down knowledge with experience and knowledge based on bottom-up processes. Second, the analysis of perceived adaptive capacities reveal several facilitating and constraining factors that relates both to the characteristics of climate risks, experience of climate variability and extreme weather events, and responsibility- and decision-making structures. Third, the analysis of the interaction between local experts and scientists show that there is potential for the boundary spanning function of science-based stakeholder dialogues in facilitating adaptation through stimulating questions and sharing different knowledge bases and experiences among the participants. However further attention needs to be taken to the institutional environment and the role of so called anchoring devices that help local experts to contextualise, discus and thus anchor scientific knowledge in their own decision-making context. In conclusion, there are both commonalities between adaptation processes in the two case studies and some marked differences, e.g., regarding the concept of adaptation, what type of adaptation actions that are identified, the perceived opportunities for adaptation and degree of complexity. / Denna avhandling analyserar hur klimatanpassningsprocesser inom privata och offentliga sektorer på regional till lokal nivå i Sverige initieras, utvecklas och genomförs. Avhandlingen ägnar särskild uppmärksamhet åt identifiering av vilka intressenter (”stakeholders”) som är involverade i att underlätta och genomföra anpassning, uppfattningar om anpassningsförmåga samt vilken roll interaktion mellan olika intressenter kan ha för att underlätta anpassning. En kombination av två analytiska perspektiv används som bygger på tidigare forskning om klimatanpassningsprocesser samt transdisciplinär kunskapsproduktion. Studien genomförs inom ramen för två övergripande fallstudier av anpassningsprocesser i en urban region samt den privata skogssektorn. Fallstudierna utgör grunden för insamlingen av det empiriska materialet som bygger på kvalitativa metoder. Den främsta metoden är fokusgruppsdiskussioner med lokala och regionala, privata och offentliga aktörer med intresse av, eller ansvar för klimatanpassning. Fokusgrupperna organiseras som en serie möten där olika deltagandetekniker tillämpas. Studien bygger också på en omfattande intressentkartläggning. I avhandlingen utvecklas och ges förslag på en stegvis metod för att identifiera intressenter för anpassningsprocesser som kan användas inom forskning och praktik. Studien analyserar också hur olika intressentgrupper upplever förmågan att hantera klimatförändringar. Ett antal möjliggörande och begränsande faktorer identifieras så som karaktären på de upplevda klimatriskerna, erfarenhet av klimatvariationer och extrema väderhändelser, samt ansvar- och beslutsstrukturer. Slutligen, analyseras om och i så fall hur interaktionen mellan lokala experter och forskare som deltar i intressantdialoger (”science-based stakeholder dialogues”) kan underlätta anpassning. Resultaten visar att det finns potential genom att deltagarna ges möjlighet att ställa frågor tillvarandra och dela med sig av sina olika kunskapsbaser och erfarenheter, samt utforska olika anpassningsalternativ. Däremot behövs vidare studier för att undersöka betydelsen av det institutionella sammanhanget samt hur olika verktyg (”anchoring devices”) kan bidra när det gäller att förankra och omsätta kunskap om klimatförändringar i olika beslutskontexter. Avslutningsvis visar denna studie på att det finns både likheter och skillnader i hur anpassningsprocesser kommer till uttryck bland de olika aktörsgrupperna inom fallstudierna, t.ex. när det gäller hur begreppet anpassning används, vilken typ av anpassning som identifieras, upplevda möjligheter för anpassning samt graden av komplexitet.
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