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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da rugosidade de superfícies planas usinadas por fresas de topo esférico / Roughness study for flat surfaces milling by ball nose tools

Batista, Marcelo Ferreira 19 January 2007 (has links)
Dentro da cadeia produtiva de moldes e matrizes, a usinagem tem o maior peso, considerando tanto os custos envolvidos, quanto o tempo de programação e execução. O emprego das tecnologias CAD/CAM/CNC e HSC atualmente é um atributo básico de competitividade. O que determinará a vantagem estratégica das empresas será o uso otimizado dessas tecnologias. Nos processos de usinagem, o acabamento é uma operação que demanda muito tempo, e muitas vezes não se atinge o resultado desejado, seja por falta de conhecimento dos fenômenos envolvidos na usinagem, seja pelo uso de estratégias de usinagem sem conhecimento detalhado do processo de fabricação. A otimização da etapa de acabamento terá um ganho enorme na repetibilidade da usinagem, uma economia de ferramentas e, principalmente a eliminação de uma etapa, considerando a usinagem do molde/matriz com o material já tratado termicamente com a dureza final de utilização. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a usinagem de acabamento de superfícies planas utilizando fresas de topo esférico, demonstrando que os valores teóricos de altura de crista fornecidos pelos softwares CAM não são valores reais. A determinação de fatores ligados à etapa de acabamento de superfícies planas, indicando a melhor alternativa na usinagem do aço ferramenta WNr 1.2367, mostra que os parâmetros de usinagem estudados tiveram grande influência na rugosidade, principalmente o sentido de corte. O conhecimento dos melhores parâmetros de usinagem e suas influências no resultado final, assim como outros fatores, tem o intuito de oferecer informações às empresas e aos seus programadores no sentido de agilizar o planejamento e execução de moldes e matrizes. / In die mould production sequence, the milling is the most important factor, considering both the programming costs and the manufacturing time. In fact, the application of CAD/CAM/CNC and HSC technologies is a basic competitiveness edge. The optimized use of these technologies will determine the strategic advantage for industries. The finishing by milling is a step that spend a long time and, in most cases, the final result is not the desired one. That is a consequence of the lack of knowledge on the involved phenomenon or by the use of milling strategies without the enough knowledge on milling processes. The optimization of the finishing by milling will provide a gain on the next operations, save tools, and mainly because of the possibility of eliminating one step, consider a mould being machined in hardened state. The main objective of the present work is to study the finishing milling on flat surfaces using ball nose end mills and shows that the theoretical scallop height values yielded by CAM softwares is not reached on practical operations. Also, the factors governing flat surfaces as well as the best parameters for the WNr. 1.2367 tool steel showing that the studied milling parameters has a strong influence in the roughness, manly the cut sense. The knowledge of the best milling parameters and their influences on the final result, as well as others some factors, intend to offer information for industries and their programmers to optimize the die and moulds cutting plan and manufacturing.

Contribution au développement d'un dispositif robuste de détection-diffusion d'huiles essentielles à concentration contrôlée / Development of a robust detection-diffusion system for essential oils concentration control

Ahmadou, Mohamed Diaa 04 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail contribue à la conception d’un système de détection-diffusion contrôlant en temps réel la concentration en huile essentielle dans un espace confiné. L’objectif est d’assurer la reproductibilité des conditions d’exposition aux stimuli olfactifs de sujets vivants, afin de tester les impacts neurosensoriels provoqués. La principale contrainte est de pouvoir mesurer, avec de bonnes qualités de rapidité et précision, la concentration odorante d’une atmosphère. Pour la détection gazeuse, le choix s’est porté sur un dispositif basé sur des capteurs de gaz commerciaux à base d’oxyde métalliques (nez électronique), couplé à un étalonnage préalable sous concentrations fixes d’huile essentielle de pin. Un équipement expérimental a été mis au point afin d’étudier, de caractériser et surtout d’optimiser les performances de ce dispositif. De premières études ont permis de classer les capteurs selon la rapidité, la sensibilité et le niveau de dérives, et d’optimiser la procédure de mesures : cycle d’exposition gazeuse de 75sec suivie de 350sec de régénération des capteurs sous air pur. Une caractérisation a été menée à partir de mesures systématiques réalisées sous diverses variations (croissantes, décroissantes, aléatoires) de concentration, prenant ainsi en compte toutes les formes possibles de dérive. Afin de réduire les erreurs dues à ces dérives, un prétraitement original a été initié en normalisant les signaux de réponse, grâce à la réponse de chaque capteur prise en fin de régénération. Deux descripteurs normalisés (conductance moyenne et maximale) ainsi que la valeur maximale de la courbe dérivée de chaque réponse temporelle ont été définis pour chaque capteur. L’exploitation de la base de données constituée à l’aide de ces trois paramètres par des méthodes de classification ACP et AFD montrent la difficulté de différencier les hautes concentrations, même en éliminant les deux capteurs les moins performants. Une toute nouvelle approche est alors proposée en combinant la technique de correction orthogonale des signaux (OSC), conduisant à la suppression des informations non pertinentes de la base de données, suivie d’une régression des moindres carrés partiels (PLS) adaptée aux problèmes de multi-colinéarité et au nombre élevé de variables. L’association de ces méthodes permet une meilleure discrimination des fortes concentrations, tout en garantissant le maximum de stabilité au modèle de régression et la précision d’estimation requise des concentrations gazeuses. Enfin, cette discrimination a été optimisée en remplaçant les trois paramètres représentatifs précédents par l’intégralité des signaux de réponse, le temps de calcul nécessaire restant modique. Une très bonne évaluation de la concentration gazeuse dans toute la gamme utilisée a alors été obtenue. Nous avons ainsi élaboré un modèle robuste et précis pour l’étalonnage de notre système, grâce à des méthodes d’analyse et de prétraitement judicieux, qui permet d’entreprendre la réalisation du prototype. / ControlThis work contributes to the design of a gas diffusion-sensing system controlling in real time the essential oil concentration in a confined atmosphere. The objective is to create reproducible exposure conditions of olfactory stimuli on living beings to test their neurosensory impacts. The main constraint is to measure with good accuracy and rapidity the odor concentration of a global atmosphere. We decided to use a gaseous detection device (electronic nose) based on commercial resistive metal oxide sensors coupled to a prior learning at fixed concentrations of pine essential oil. Experimental equipment was first developed in order to study, characterize and especially optimize the device performances to be achieved. Initially, the study of time gas sensor responses was used to optimize working measurement conditions: cycle of 75s gas exposure phase, followed by 350s pure air regeneration phase. First results allowed the classification of our sensors in terms of rapidity, sensitivity and drift levels. A systematic characterization measurement was made under various concentration variations: increasing, decreasing or random ones taking account of all possible forms of response drifts. To reduce errors due to the drifts, an original pretreatment was initiated by normalizing each sensor response value in relation with its corresponding conductance value at the end of regeneration phase. Two normalized features and also the maximum value of the derivative curve were defined for each time sensor response. The analysis by ACP and AFD classification methods of the database created using these three features show the difficulty in differentiating high concentrations, even by eliminating the two least efficient sensors. So, a completely new approach was proposed by combining the orthogonal signal correction technique (OSC) allowing to remove irrelevant information, and the Partial Linear Square regression method PLS, adapted in case of multi-collinearity and a large number of parameters. Using these two methods yields a much better discrimination of the high concentrations, maintaining the concentration prediction accuracy with a maximum stability of the regression model. Finally, the concentration prediction has been optimized by substituting representative parameters with the full response signal, the calculation time remaining low. A very good assessment of the gas concentration in all the used range was obtained. So we have developed a robust and accurate model for the calibration of our system thanks to a combination of original processing and analysis methods, allowing to achieve a reliable detection-diffusion prototype

Desenvolvimento de sistemas multissensoriais híbridos, língua e narizes eletrônicos para a avaliação de combustíveis. / Development of multisensor hybrid systems, electronic tongue and electronic noses for fuel evaluation.

Nadja Karolina Leonel Wiziack 13 August 2010 (has links)
A utilização simultânea de diferentes tecnologias de sensores é um método eficiente para aumentar o desempenho de sistemas sensoriais. Com o intuito de contribuir para um melhor controle da qualidade de combustíveis brasileiros, foram desenvolvidos neste trabalho sensores para serem utilizados em Língua e Narizes Eletrônicos. Estes sistemas multissensoriais foram utilizados separadamente, bem como simultaneamente, integrando-os para a avaliação da qualidade de gasolina e etanol. Desse modo, foram fabricados dois tipos de sistemas multissensoriais híbridos. O primeiro sistema foi composto pela integração de uma Língua Eletrônica (LE) e de um Nariz Eletrônico (NE), denominado SH-1. Neste sistema multissensorial, a impedância elétrica do conjunto dos diferentes sensores, baseados em filmes nanoestruturados de diferentes polímeros condutores depositados sobre diferentes microeletrodos de ouro, foi medida simultaneamente no líquido e no vapor de amostras de combustíveis. Já o segundo sistema multissensorial híbrido, SH-2, foi composto pela união de dois tipos de NEs e foi fabricado integrando sensores produzidos a partir de microbalanças de quartzo e de uma matriz de capacitores, ambos funcionalizados com os mesmos materiais sensoativos, polímeros condutores e metaloporfirinas. A frequência de oscilação do cristal de quartzo, bem como a capacitância da matriz de capacitores foram medidas no vapor de combustíveis. Estes sistemas híbridos são de fácil fabricação, simples operação e sensíveis a uma grande variedade de substâncias químicas de interesse. Foram empregadas ferramentas de análise multivariada de dados para a calibração e validação dos sensores, bem como para a interpretação dos resultados obtidos. / The simultaneous use of different sensor technologies is an efficient method to increase the performance of sensor systems. Aiming to contribute to a better quality control of Brazilian fuels, sensors were developed in this work to be used in electronic tongue and electronic noses. These multisensor systems were used separately and simultaneously integrating them to evaluation the quality of gasoline and ethanol. Thus, two types of multisensor hybrid systems were manufactured. The first system was composed by the integration of an Electronic Tongue (LE) and an Electronic Nose (NE), called SH-1. In this multisensor system, the electrical impedance of all the different sensors, based on nanostructured films of conducting polymers deposited on different gold microelectrodes, was measured simultaneously in both liquid and vapor fuel samples. The second multisensor hybrid system, SH-2, was composed by the union of two types of NEs and was fabricated by integrating sensors made from quartz microbalance and an array of capacitors, both functionalized with the same sensitive materials, conducting polymers and metalloporphyrins. The oscillation frequency of quartz crystal, and the capacitance of the array of capacitors were measured in the fuel vapor. These hybrid systems are easy to fabricate, simple to operate and sensitive to a wide variety of chemicals of interest. Tools for multivariate analysis were used for calibration and validation of the sensors, as well as for the interpretation of results.

Nez artificiel à transduction optique à base de matériaux sol-gel nanoporeux. / Artificial nose with optical transduction based sol-gel nanoporous technology.

Perret, Emilie 13 December 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse ont pour but l'élaboration de matrices poreuses sol-gel pour une applications de détections des composés organiques microbiens, ce-ci a des fins d'identifications bactériennes.Les travaux se sont articulés autour des la synthèse et l'optimisation du matériaux d'une part puis de l'analyse des composés organiques volatiles (COV) microbiens d'autre part. Cette analyse a été envisagé selon deux voies. La première était une approche globale des profils olfactifs microbiens. La seconde était une approche ciblée des COV cibles d’importance majeur.La synthèse du matériau a été mené par voie sol-gel, les études caractéristiques ont été effectué par manométrie d'azote et diffraction des rayons X aux petits angles.La détection microbienne, via notre matériaux sol-gel, s'effectue par transduction optique. Les spectrométries d'Absorbance ou de Fluorescence ont été envisagées en mode directe (sans molécules sondes) ou en mode indirect (avec molécules sondes). / 989/5000The purpose of this thesis is to develop sol-gel porous matrices for microbial detection of microbial organic compounds for bacterial identification.The work revolved around the synthesis and optimization of materials on the one hand and then the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on the other hand. This analysis was considered in two ways. The first was a global approach to microbial olfactory profiles. The second was a targeted approach to target VOCs of major importance.The synthesis of the material was carried out by sol-gel, the characteristic studies were carried out by nitrogen manometry and X-ray diffraction at small angles.Microbial detection, via our sol-gel material, is carried out by optical transduction. The Absorbance or Fluorescence spectrometries were considered in direct mode (without probe molecules) or in indirect mode (with probe molecules)

Estudo da rugosidade de superfícies planas usinadas por fresas de topo esférico / Roughness study for flat surfaces milling by ball nose tools

Marcelo Ferreira Batista 19 January 2007 (has links)
Dentro da cadeia produtiva de moldes e matrizes, a usinagem tem o maior peso, considerando tanto os custos envolvidos, quanto o tempo de programação e execução. O emprego das tecnologias CAD/CAM/CNC e HSC atualmente é um atributo básico de competitividade. O que determinará a vantagem estratégica das empresas será o uso otimizado dessas tecnologias. Nos processos de usinagem, o acabamento é uma operação que demanda muito tempo, e muitas vezes não se atinge o resultado desejado, seja por falta de conhecimento dos fenômenos envolvidos na usinagem, seja pelo uso de estratégias de usinagem sem conhecimento detalhado do processo de fabricação. A otimização da etapa de acabamento terá um ganho enorme na repetibilidade da usinagem, uma economia de ferramentas e, principalmente a eliminação de uma etapa, considerando a usinagem do molde/matriz com o material já tratado termicamente com a dureza final de utilização. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a usinagem de acabamento de superfícies planas utilizando fresas de topo esférico, demonstrando que os valores teóricos de altura de crista fornecidos pelos softwares CAM não são valores reais. A determinação de fatores ligados à etapa de acabamento de superfícies planas, indicando a melhor alternativa na usinagem do aço ferramenta WNr 1.2367, mostra que os parâmetros de usinagem estudados tiveram grande influência na rugosidade, principalmente o sentido de corte. O conhecimento dos melhores parâmetros de usinagem e suas influências no resultado final, assim como outros fatores, tem o intuito de oferecer informações às empresas e aos seus programadores no sentido de agilizar o planejamento e execução de moldes e matrizes. / In die mould production sequence, the milling is the most important factor, considering both the programming costs and the manufacturing time. In fact, the application of CAD/CAM/CNC and HSC technologies is a basic competitiveness edge. The optimized use of these technologies will determine the strategic advantage for industries. The finishing by milling is a step that spend a long time and, in most cases, the final result is not the desired one. That is a consequence of the lack of knowledge on the involved phenomenon or by the use of milling strategies without the enough knowledge on milling processes. The optimization of the finishing by milling will provide a gain on the next operations, save tools, and mainly because of the possibility of eliminating one step, consider a mould being machined in hardened state. The main objective of the present work is to study the finishing milling on flat surfaces using ball nose end mills and shows that the theoretical scallop height values yielded by CAM softwares is not reached on practical operations. Also, the factors governing flat surfaces as well as the best parameters for the WNr. 1.2367 tool steel showing that the studied milling parameters has a strong influence in the roughness, manly the cut sense. The knowledge of the best milling parameters and their influences on the final result, as well as others some factors, intend to offer information for industries and their programmers to optimize the die and moulds cutting plan and manufacturing.

Avaliação das propriedades sensoriais dos produtos de interesterificação da gordura do leite com óleos vegetais / Assessing the sensorial properties of products obtained in the interesterification of milk fat with vegetable oils

Mayara Ribeiro Rocha 15 July 2016 (has links)
A procura dos consumidores por produtos mais saudáveis, combinada às descobertas científicas sobre os efeitos na saúde humana de diversos alimentos, gerou a busca por processos adequados à produção de alimentos. Neste contexto, óleos e gorduras modificados têm ganhado atenção especial. Uma opção industrial para modificar as propriedades dos óleos e gordura é por meio de reações de interesterificação catalisadas por agentes químicos ou bioquímicos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo, verificar a influência do tipo de catalisador (metóxido de sódio e lipase de Rhizopus oryzae imobilizada em silica-PVA) nas propriedades sensoriais dos produtos obtidos por interesterificação da gordura do leite anidra e dois óleos vegetais (soja e canola). A avaliação sensorial feita através de um nariz eletrônico e um texturômetro, utilizando matérias-primas que estavam de acordo com as normas brasileiras e adequadas para as duas rotas de interesterificação. As reações de interesterificação química foram realizadas em rotaevaporador de baixa pressão contendo 320g da mistura (65% de gordura do leite e 35% de óleo vegetal) e 0,75% de metóxido de sódio a 60°C por 60min. As reações de interesterificação enzimática foram realizadas em reatores cilíndricos encamisados, carregados com 70g de meio (65% de gordura do leite e 35% de óleo vegetal) incubadas com derivado imobilizado na proporção fixa de 500 unidades de atividade por grama de meio (500U/g). As reações foram conduzidas por 6 horas, com agitação magnética, em atmosfera inerte (N2), ao abrigo da luz, a 45°C. Os resultados mostraram que os sensores do nariz eletrônico discriminaram as amostras satisfatoriamente e que o tipo de catalisador influenciou de forma marcante no aroma dos produtos interesterificados, independentemente do tipo de óleo usado. Este fato pode ser atribuído à especificidade do catalisador enzimático (enzima 1,3 específica) que atua nos carbonos 1,3 do glicerol enquanto na interesterificação química a distribuição dos triacilgliceróis ocorre ao acaso, imprimindo no painel dos componentes principais do aroma posições opostas. Especificamente, verificou-se que os aromas dos produtos interesterificados pela rota enzimática ficaram localizados em posição mais próxima à dos óleos vegetais, enquanto pela rota química os produtos obtidos ficaram mais próximos aos componentes dos aromas da gordura de leite e das misturas gordura e óleos vegetais. Apesar desta metodologia não permitir identificar que tipo de aroma poderia ser mais agradável ao consumidor, é possível afirmar que o catalisador tem uma influência importante no aroma de produtos obtidos por interesterificação. Com relação à textura, ambas as rotas geraram produtos com consistências adequadas ao critério estabelecido por Haigton. / Consumers\' demand for healthier products, combined with scientific discoveries about the effects of different foods on human health, has generated the search for suitable processes for the production of food. In this context, oils and modified fats have gained special attention. Reactions catalysed by chemical or biochemical agents are an industrial option to modify the properties of the oils and fat by means of its interesterification. This study aimed to verify the influence of the type of catalyst (sodium methylate and Rhizopus oryzae imobilizada on silica PVA) on the sensory properties of the products obtained by interesterification anhydrous fat milk and two vegetable oils (soybean and canola). Sensory evaluation was made through an electronic nose and texturometer, using raw materials that were in accordance with Brazilian rules and appropriate standards for the two routes of interesterification. The chemical interesterification reactions were performed at low pressure rotaevaporator, the mixture containing 320g (65% milk fat and 35% vegetable oil) and 0.75% sodium methoxide at 60° C for 60min. The enzymatic interesterification reactions were carried out in cylindrical jacketed reactors loaded with 70g of médium (65% milk fat and 35% vegetable oil) incubated with immobilized derivative in a fixed proportion of 500 activity units per gram of reaction medium (500U / g). The reactions were conducted for 6 hours, with magnetic stirring under inert atmosphere (N2), protected from light, at 45 ° C. The results showed that the sensors of the electronic nose discriminated samples satisfactorily and that the type of catalyst influenced markedly in the aroma of interesterified products regardless of the type of oil used. This fact can be attributed to the specificity of the enzyme catalyst (1.3-specific enzyme) that acts on the 1,3 carbons of the glycerol as chemical interesterification of triacylglycerols distribution occurs randomly, printing on the panel of the components of the aroma opposite positions. Specifically, it was found that the scent of interesterified product by enzymatic route were located in the nearest position to the vegetable oil, while by the chemical route the products obtained were closest to the components of milk fat flavors and mixtures fat and vegetable oils . Although this methodology cannot identify what kind of aroma could be more pleasant to the consumer, it is clear that the catalyst has an important influence on product aroma obtained by interesterification. Regarding the texture, both routes generated products with suitable consistency to the criteria established by Haigton.

Olfactory Metacognition : A Metamemory Perspective on Odor Naming

Jönsson, Fredrik January 2005 (has links)
<p>Although many aspects of odor naming have received attention during the years, the participants' own cognitions (metamemory) about their naming attempts have not. (i) We showed that feeling of knowing (FOK) judgments accompanying odor naming failures are predictive of later recognition (Study I) or retrieval (Study III) of the missing name, but to a lesser degree than equivalent judgments about names of persons. “Tip of the nose” (TON) experiences do predict later odor name recall (Study I), but are otherwise poorly related to any partial activation of other information associated with the odor. (ii) We evaluated two theories proposed to explain the underlying basis of FOK judgments. Correlational analysis showed that FOK judgments about odor names are related to the perceived familiarity of the cue triggering the FOK (cue familiarity theory; Study III). FOK judgments are based on the amount of available information about the sought-for memory (accessibility theory; Study I and III). (iii) We demonstrated that the participants are overconfident in their odor naming attempts (Study I and II). This may to some degree be due to the arousing properties of the odors (Study II), suggesting that emotional variables should be taken into account when researching metamemory. (iv) Our inability to correctly name odors are typically not due to an uniquely poor association between odors and their proper names, but rather due to failures to identify the odors (Study III), that is, failures to retrieve “what it is”. It was also found that TOT experiences are unusual for odor names and more so than for person names. (v) We discuss potential differences between olfactory metamemory and metamemory for other modalities. The TON experience differs from the tip of the tongue (TOT) experience and the predictive validity is lower for metamemory judgments about odor names compared to other modalities.</p>

Olfactory Metacognition : A Metamemory Perspective on Odor Naming

Jönsson, Fredrik January 2005 (has links)
Although many aspects of odor naming have received attention during the years, the participants' own cognitions (metamemory) about their naming attempts have not. (i) We showed that feeling of knowing (FOK) judgments accompanying odor naming failures are predictive of later recognition (Study I) or retrieval (Study III) of the missing name, but to a lesser degree than equivalent judgments about names of persons. “Tip of the nose” (TON) experiences do predict later odor name recall (Study I), but are otherwise poorly related to any partial activation of other information associated with the odor. (ii) We evaluated two theories proposed to explain the underlying basis of FOK judgments. Correlational analysis showed that FOK judgments about odor names are related to the perceived familiarity of the cue triggering the FOK (cue familiarity theory; Study III). FOK judgments are based on the amount of available information about the sought-for memory (accessibility theory; Study I and III). (iii) We demonstrated that the participants are overconfident in their odor naming attempts (Study I and II). This may to some degree be due to the arousing properties of the odors (Study II), suggesting that emotional variables should be taken into account when researching metamemory. (iv) Our inability to correctly name odors are typically not due to an uniquely poor association between odors and their proper names, but rather due to failures to identify the odors (Study III), that is, failures to retrieve “what it is”. It was also found that TOT experiences are unusual for odor names and more so than for person names. (v) We discuss potential differences between olfactory metamemory and metamemory for other modalities. The TON experience differs from the tip of the tongue (TOT) experience and the predictive validity is lower for metamemory judgments about odor names compared to other modalities.


小澤, 啓伺, OZAWA, Hiroshi, 花井, 勝祥, HANAI, Katsuhisa, 中村, 佳朗, NAKAMURA, Yoshiaki 05 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Corrected head position.

Barbera, Andrew Lawrence. January 2008 (has links)
Background: Historically, many reference lines and planes of the human skull have been used in an attempt to depict the head in a natural head position (NHP) which is a relaxed/balanced position when looking ahead at their eye level. Head position correction has been attempted in fields such as anatomy, art, anthropology, orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, and forensics. In orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and plastic surgery, corrected head position (CHP) is particularly important for diagnosis of the normality/protrusion/retrusion of the patient’s facial skeleton. Usually a single plane, such as Frankfurt horizontal, is used to correct head position, but its angulation is variable between individuals, because each individual’s anatomy is unique. It has been found previously that the Neutral Horizontal Axis (NHA), Frankfurt horizontal (FH), Krogman-Walker plane (KW plane), and Palatal plane (P plane) demonstrated near parallelism, and these planes averaged -1 to -2 degrees from the true horizontal (HOR, which is a horizontal plane determined as being perpendicular to the earth’s gravitational force) with subjects in NHP. Methods: Craniofacial planes were measured in an Aboriginal Australian sample and in two contemporary samples obtained from Australian orthodontic practices, and the findings were compared with previous studies. Each sample consisted of 40 individuals (20 males and 20 females) with subjects in NHP. The Aboriginal Australian sample was longitudinal (T1, mean age 10 years; T2, mean age 14 years, and T3, mean age 18 years) enabling NHP to be assessed over approximately 8 years. A soft tissue Ear - nose plane (EN plane) was also investigated. Results: NHP reproducibility over 8 years demonstrated a mean of absolute difference of 2.9 degrees, with a range of differences from -7.9 to 8.2 degrees and a standard deviation of differences equal to 3.6 degrees. The Neutral Horizontal Axis (NHA), Frankfurt horizontal (FH), Krogman-Walker plane (KW plane), and Palatal plane (P plane) demonstrated near parallelism with each other, and averaged between 0 and -3 degrees from HOR. On average, EN plane was horizontal but was variable. Conclusions: NHP is not consistently reproducible at the individual level. For hard tissue images, the combined use of NHA, FH, KW plane, and P plane enables prediction of CHP. Additionally, the rectangular shape of the lower orbit - nasal airway region appears to be useful for correcting head position. In facial soft tissue images, EN plane in combination with other visual factors helps to correct head position. Simple geometry enables this head position correction to be performed from any view of the head where relevant landmarks are seen. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1346599 / Thesis (D.Clin.Dent.) - University of Adelaide, School of Dentistry, 2008

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