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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etats intrus dans les noyaux de la couche sd : de 1p-1t à np-nt dans les isotopes de Si / Intruder states in sd-shell nuclei : from 1p-1h to np-nh in Si isotopes

Goasduff, Alain 19 September 2012 (has links)
Des calculs de type modèle en couches ont été réalisés dans un espace de valence 1¯hω complet pour les noyaux de la couche sd. Ces calculs ont permis pour la première fois de prédire la durée de vie des états de parité positive et négative des noyaux riches en neutrons de la couche sd. Les durées de vie prédites (1 - 100 ps) sont mesurables par la méthode de décalage Doppler différentiel.Le démonstrateur du détecteur γ européen de nouvelle génération, AGATA, en coïncidence avec le spectromètre magnétique PRISMA du LNL (Italie) et le plunger de l’Université de Cologne ont été utilisés pour mesurer les durées de vie des états excités dans 32,33Si et 35,36S. Les structures plus complexes, à n¯hω ont également été étudiées dans le 28Si. Ce dernier est un noyau important pour comprendre la compétition entre les structures de type champ moyen et les structures en agrégats. La réaction résonante de capture radiative d’ions lourds-légers 12C+16O a été réalisée à des énergies sous-coulombiennes. La décroissance γ complète depuis les résonances peuplées par laréaction jusqu’au niveau fondamental de 28Si a été mesurée pour la première fois à ces énergies et montre une forte alimentation d’états intermédiaires autour de 10 MeV. Les comparaisons avec des études de captures radiatives au-dessus de la barrière de Coulomb ont été effectuées et les résultats ont été interprétés en termes de l’alimentation favorisée d’états à isospin T = 1 dans le noyau autoconjugué 28Si. / New large-scale shell-model calculations with full 1¯hω valence space for the sd-nuclei has been used for the first time to predict lifetimes of positive and negative parity states in neutron rich Si isotopes. The predicted lifetimes (1 - 100 ps) fall in the range of the differential Doppler shift method. Using the demonstrator of the European next generation γ-ray array, AGATA, in coincidence with the large acceptance PRISMA magnetic spectrometer from LNL (Legnaro) and the differential plunger of the University of Cologne, lifetimes of excited states in 32,33Si and 35,36S nuclei were measured. In a second step, the n¯hω structure in the stable 28Si nucleus was also studied. 28Si is an important nucleus to understand the competition between mean-field and cluster structures. It displays a wealth of structures in terms of deformation and clustering. Light heavy-ion resonant radiative capture 12C+16O has been performed at energies below the Coulomb barrier. The measured γ-spectra indicate for the first time at these energies that the strongest part of the resonance decay proceeds though intermediate states around 10 MeV. Comparisons with previous radiative capture studies above the Coulomb barrier have been performed and the results have been interpreted in terms of a favoured feeding of T = 1 states in the 28Si self-conjugate nucleus.

Développement de la spectrométrie gamma in situ pour la cartographie de site / Development of in situ gamma spectrometry for mapping site

Panza, Fabien 20 September 2012 (has links)
La spectrométrie gamma à haute résolution offre un outil d’analyse performant pour effectuer des mesurages environnementaux. Dans le cadre de la caractérisation radiologique d’un site (naturelle ou artificielle) ainsi que pour le démantèlement d’installations nucléaires, la cartographie des radionucléides est un atout important. Le principe consiste à déplacer un spectromètre HPGe sur le site à étudier et, à partir des données nucléaires et de positionnements, d’identifier, de localiser et de quantifier les radionucléides présents dans le sol. Le développement de cet outil fait suite à une intercomparaison où un exercice orienté intervention a montré les limites des outils actuels. Une partie de ce travail s’est portée sur la représentation cartographique des données nucléaires. La connaissance des paramètres d’un spectre in situ a permis la création d’un simulateur modélisant la réponse d’un spectromètre se déplaçant au-dessus d’un sol contaminé. Ce simulateur a lui-même permis de développer les algorithmes de cartographie et de les tester dans des situations extrêmes et non réalisables. Ainsi, ce travail ouvre sur la réalisation d’un prototype viable donnant en temps réel les informations nécessaires sur l’identité et la position possible des radionucléides. La recherche réalisée sur la déconvolution des données permet de rendre en post traitement une carte de l’activité du sol par radionucléide mais également une indication sur la profondeur de la source. Le prototype nommé OSCAR (Outil Spectrométrique de Cartographie de Radionucléides) a ainsi été testé sur des sites contaminés (Suisse et Japon) et les résultats obtenus sont en accord avec des mesures de référence. / The high-resolution gamma spectrometry currently provides a powerful analytical tool for performing environmental measurements. In the context of radiological characterization of a site (natural or artificial radioactivity) and for the dismantling of nuclear installations, mapping of radionuclides is an important asset. The idea is to move a HPGe spectrometer to study the site and from nuclear and position data, to identify, to locate and to quantify the radionuclides present in the soil. The development of this tool follows an intercomparaison (ISIS 2007) where an intervention / crisis exercise showed the limits of current tools. The main part of this research project has focused on mapping of nuclear data. Knowledge of the parameters of an in situ spectrum helped to create a simulator modeling the response of a spectrometer moving over contaminated soil. The simulator itself helped to develop algorithms for mapping and to test them in extreme situations and not realizable. A large part of this research leads to the creation of a viable prototype providing real-time information concerning the identity and locality as possible radionuclides. The work performed on the deconvolution of data can make in post processing a map of the activity of radionuclide soil but also an indication of the depth distribution of the source. The prototype named OSCAR was tested on contaminated sites (Switzerland and Japan) and the results are in agreement with reference measurements.

Application of perturbation theory methods to nuclear data uncertainty propagation using the collision probability method / Application de la théorie des perturbations à la propagation des incertitudes des données nucléaires par la méthode des probabilités de première collision

Sabouri, Pouya 28 October 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une étude rigoureuse des barres d'erreurs et des sensibilités de paramètres neutroniques (tels le keff) aux données nucléaires de base utilisées pour les calculer. Notre étude commence au niveau fondamental, i.e. les fichiers de données ENDF et leurs incertitudes, fournies sous la forme de matrices de variance/covariance, et leur traitement. Lorsqu'un calcul méthodique et consistant des sensibilités est consenti, nous montrons qu'une approche déterministe utilisant des formalismes bien connus est suffisante pour propager les incertitudes des bases de données avec un niveau de précision équivalent à celui des meilleurs outils disponibles sur le marché, comme les codes Monte-Carlo de référence. En appliquant notre méthodologie à trois exercices proposés par l'OCDE, dans le cadre des Benchmarks UACSA, nous donnons des informations, que nous espérons utiles, sur les processus physiques et les hypothèses sous-jacents aux formalismes déterministes utilisés dans cette étude. / This dissertation presents a comprehensive study of sensitivity/uncertainty analysis for reactor performance parameters (e.g. the k-effective) to the base nuclear data from which they are computed. The analysis starts at the fundamental step, the Evaluated Nuclear Data File and the uncertainties inherently associated with the data they contain, available in the form of variance/covariance matrices. We show that when a methodical and consistent computation of sensitivity is performed, conventional deterministic formalisms can be sufficient to propagate nuclear data uncertainties with the level of accuracy obtained by the most advanced tools, such as state-of-the-art Monte Carlo codes. By applying our developed methodology to three exercises proposed by the OECD (UACSA Benchmarks), we provide insights of the underlying physical phenomena associated with the used formalisms.

Bases génétiques de la différenciation adaptative en milieu anthropisé chez Macoma balthica, un bivalve marin à fort flux génique / Genetic basis of the adaptive differentiation in anthropized environment in Macoma balthica, an high gene flow marine bivalve

Saunier, Alice 11 December 2015 (has links)
Dans un contexte environnemental anthropisé, fragmenté et soumis à un changement climatique rapide, l’appréhension des processus d'adaptation locale des organismes marins par l'étude de zones de contact entre taxa proches constitue une approche privilégiée. Dans ces zones, des génotypes hybrides persistent malgré un état de maladaptation liée à des incompatibilités génétiques endogènes et/ou des barrières exogènes. L'histoire biogéographique complexe de la telline baltique Macoma balthica fait émerger quatre zones hybrides européennes, dont l'une, localisée autour de la Pointe Finistère (France), est le résultat d’un contact entre deux stocks génétiques ayant divergé en allopatrie. Ces divergences sont susceptibles de rompre la coadaptation entre génomes nucléaire et mitochondrial en raison de l'émergence d'incompatibilités mitonucléaires (MNIs). Ainsi, les sous-unités protéiques des cinq complexes de la chaine OXPHO sont codées à la fois par des gènes nucléaires et mitochondriaux, et une coévolution inter-génomique étroite est requise pour maintenir la production énergétique cellulaire. De précédentes données de transcriptomique dévoilent de probables MNIs chez M. balthica au niveau des complexes respiratoires I et V. Afin d’apporter des éléments de compréhension aux mécanismes de maintien des zones hybrides dans un contexte de pression anthropique, le présent travail se propose de tester l'hypothèse de putatives MNIs dans cette zone de contact. Pour cela, (i) six mitogénomes correspondant à cinq lignées haplotypiques divergentes en Europe ont été séquencés et l'architecture génomique a été étudiée conjointement à une cartographie des mutations des 13 gènes mitochondriaux, (ii) le niveau de transcription de 5 gènes nucléaires et 8 gènes mitochondriaux (complexe I à V) des individus hybrides a été comparé à celui des lignées parentales après détermination du statut d'hybridation de chaque individu (six populations françaises). A défaut d'apporter des éléments de réponses concrets quant à l'existence de MNIs chez M. balthica, et ses répercussions évolutives en terme de dépression d'hybridation, ce travail constitue un tremplin vers une étude approfondie de la zone hybride française en développant de nouveaux outils moléculaires, et de solides techniques expérimentales pour la conduite de futurs croisements artificiels. / In the anthropized, fragmented environmental context subject to rapid climate change, understand local adaptation processes of marine organisms by studying the contact zones between close taxa is a preferred approach. In these areas, hybrid genotypes persist despite a maladaptive state related to endogenous genetic incompatibilities and/or exogenous barrier. The complex biogeographic history of the Baltic tellin Macoma balthica leads to emergence of several European hybrid zones, one of which, located around the Pointe Finistère (France), is the result of the confluence of two genetic stocks that have diverged in allopatric. These divergences may have lead to the co-adaptation breakdown between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes due to the emergence of mito-nuclear incompatibilities (MNIs). Thus, the different protein subunits of the five OXPHO chain complexes are encoded by both nuclear and mitochondrial genes, and a tight inter-genomic coevolution is required to maintain the cellular energy production. Recent transcriptomic data unveil the existence of underlying MNIs in M. balthica, bearing by the respiratory complexes I and V. In order to provide some understanding clues of mechanisms in hybrid zone's maintenance in the context of human pressure, the present work aims to test the assumption of putative MNIs in this area. For this purpose, (i) six mitogenomes corresponding to five divergent haplotype lineages in Europe were sequenced and the genomic architecture has been studied jointly to a mapping mutation of the 13 mitochondrial genes, (ii) the level of transcription of 5 nuclear and 8 mitochondrial genes (complex I to V) of hybrid individuals was compared to the parental lineages after identification of the hybrid status of each individual (six french populations). For the lack of bringing concrete answers concerning the existence of MNIs in M. balthica, and its evolutionary effects in term of hybrid breakdown, this work is a springboard for a comprehensive study of the French hybrid zone by developing new molecular tools, and stable experimental technics for the realisation of future artificial crosses.

Etanchéité de l’interface argilite-bentonite re-saturée et soumise à une pression de gaz, dans le contexte du stockage profond de déchets radioactifs / Sealing efficiency of an argillite-bentonite plug subjected to gas pressure, in the context of deep underground nuclear waste storage

Liu, JiangFeng 27 June 2013 (has links)
En France, le système de stockage profond de déchets radioactifs envisagé est constitué d’une barrière naturelle (roche hôte argileuse, argilite) et de barrières artificielles, comprenant des bouchons d’argile gonflante (bentonite)-sable pour son scellement. L'objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier l’efficacité du gonflement et du scellement des bouchons placés dans l’argilite, sous l’effet, à la fois, d’une pression d’eau et d’une pression de gaz (tel que formé dans le tunnel). Pour évaluer la capacité de scellement du bouchon bentonite/sable partiellement saturé en eau, on a évalué sa perméabilité au gaz Kgaz sous pression de confinement variable (jusqu’à 12MPa). L'étanchéité au gaz (Kgaz < 10-20m2) est obtenue sous confinement Pc≥9MPa si la saturation est d’au moins 86-91%. Par ailleurs, nous avons évalué le gonflement et l'étanchéité du bouchon de bentonite-sable imbibé d’eau dans un tube d’argilite ou de Plexiglas-aluminium lisse ou rugueux. La présence de gaz diminue la pression effective de gonflement (et la pression de percée de gaz) à partir d’une pression Pgaz= 4 MPa. Après saturation complète en eau, l’écoulement continu de gaz au travers du bouchon seul se fait à Pgaz=7-8MPa s’il dispose d’une interface lisse avec un autre matériau (tube métallique), alors que celui au travers de l’ensemble bouchon/argilite a lieu à Pgaz=7-7,5MPa. Le passage à travers le bouchon gonflé au contact d’une interface rugueuse se fait à une pression de gaz bien supérieure à la pression de gonflement du bouchon. Les essais de percée de gaz montrent que l'interface et l'argilite sont deux voies possibles de migration de gaz lorsque l’ensemble bouchon/roche hôte est complètement saturé / In France, the deep underground nuclear waste repository consists of a natural barrier (in an argillaceous rock named argillite), associated to artificial barriers, including plugs of swelling clay (bentonite)-sand for tunnel sealing purposes. The main objective of this thesis is to assess the sealing efficiency of the bentonite-sand plug in contact with argillite, in presence of both water and gas pressures. To assess the sealing ability of partially water-saturated bentonite/sand plugs, their gas permeability is measured under varying confining pressure (up to 12MPa). It is observed that tightness to gas is achieved under confinement greater than 9MPafor saturation levels of at least 86-91%. We than assess the sealing efficiency of the bentonite-sand plug placed in a tube of argillite or of Plexiglas-aluminium (with a smooth or a rough interface). The presence of pressurized gas affects the effective swelling pressure at values Pgas from 4MPa. Continuous gas breakthrough of fully water-saturated bentonite-sand plugs is obtained for gas pressures on the order of full swelling pressure (7-8MPa), whenever the plug is applied along a smooth interface. Whenever a rough interface is used in contact with the bentonite-sand plug, a gas pressure significantly greater than its swelling pressure is needed for gas to pass continuously. Gas breakthrough tests show that the interface between plug/argillite or the argillite itself are two preferential pathways for gas migration, when the assembly is fully saturated

Reactions involving exotic nuclei in a discretized-continuum model

Druet, Thomas 29 October 2013 (has links)
The structure of exotic nuclei is one of the main interests in current nuclear physics. Exotic nuclei present unusual properties, such as a low breakup energy, a short lifetime and/or a halo structure. Because of their short lifetimes, they can not be studied by usual spectroscopic techniques. Indeed, targets of such nuclei are impossible to build. But since the availability of radioactive beams, nuclear reactions have provided possibilities of exploring nuclei far from stability.<p><p>The investigation of exotic nuclei has been recently reactivated by the development of intense radioactive nuclear beams. As firstly observed for the deuteron, and then for other exotic projectiles such as $^6$He and $^{11}$Be, the internal structures of the interacting nuclei can have a significant effect on the elastic cross sections. Due to their low binding energy, the projectile dissociation process, leaving the target in its ground state, highly affects elastic cross sections but also other measurements such as transfer and fusion reactions. Accurate reaction theories are therefore needed. The coupled discretized-continuum channel (CDCC) method is one of those theories and assumes a projectile made of N clusters (usually N=2 or 3) impinging on a target which is structureless. The N+1-body Schrödinger equation is approximately solved by expanding the total wave function over the bound and continuum states of the projectile. These latter take into account the dissociation events and are approximately described by a truncated set of square-integrable wave functions. There are two available methods for discretizing the continuum, the pseudostate method where the projectile Hamiltonian is diagonalized within a finite basis of square-integrable functions, or the bin method where exact scattering wave functions of the projectile are averaged over bins in a finite region of space. In both cases, the N+1-body Schrödinger equation is replaced by a set of coupled-channel differential equations, which provides the physical quantities such as the collision matrix. In principle, the CDCC method can be very close to the exact N+1-body wave function and is adapted to low as well as to high energy reactions. However, its main interest consists in the low-energy domain.<p><p>In the present work, we propose a new approach to solve the CDCC equations. This method is based on the R-matrix theory associated with a Lagrange mesh basis. We will show that the combination of both approaches provides a fast and accurate technique to solve the CDCC equations, even for large systems, where traditional methods meet convergence problems. Before investigating collisions with exotic projectiles, we restrict ourselves to the simplest nucleus, the deuteron. Then we make a step towards a more complicated system, the $^6$Li which is a well known stable nucleus. We apply the CDCC method to the d + $^{58}$Ni and $^6$Li + $^{40}$Ca elastic scattering and breakup. These systems are considered in the literature as test cases. They have been investigated by several authors who showed the importance of the breakup channels in the elastic cross sections.<p><p>After having validated the present version of the CDCC method, we focus on $^{11}$Be, a typical example of a halo nucleus, with low binding energy and large quadrupole moment. Elastic, inelastic and breakup cross sections are computed in the CDCC formalism, at energies near the Coulomb barrier, where continuum effects in the scattering of exotic nuclei, and more specifically on the $^{11}$Be + $^{64}$Zn scattering, are observed. We show that converged cross sections need high angular momenta as well as large excitation energies in the wave functions of the projectile.<p><p>A Borromean nucleus is made of three constituents which are weakly linked together, but where each pair of those three constituents does not form a bound system. The name "Borromean" comes from the Borromean rings where, if any one of three rings is removed, the remaining two become unbound. Collisions with $^6$He and $^9$Be Borromean projectiles are studied in the present work. Again we compare our method with the $^6$He + $^{208}$Pb and $^6$He + $^{12}$C benchmark calculations. Afterwards, the convergence against the parameters of the description of the $^9$Be projectile is tested for the elastic cross section. The sensitivity to the technique employed to remove the forbidden states and also the sensitivity to the collision energy are investigated. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Solution of algebraic problems arising in nuclear reactor core simulations using Jacobi-Davidson and multigrid methods

Havet, Maxime 10 October 2008 (has links)
The solution of large and sparse eigenvalue problems arising from the discretization of the diffusion equation is considered. The multigroup<p>diffusion equation is discretized by means of the Nodal expansion Method (NEM) [9, 10]. A new formulation of the higher order NEM variants revealing the true nature of the problem, that is, a generalized eigenvalue problem, is proposed. These generalized eigenvalue problems are solved using the Jacobi-Davidson (JD) method<p>[26]. The most expensive part of the method consists of solving a linear system referred to as correction equation. It is solved using Krylov subspace methods in combination with aggregation-based Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) techniques. In that context, a particular<p>aggregation technique used in combination with classical smoothers, referred to as oblique geometric coarsening, has been derived. Its particularity is that it aggregates unknowns that<p>are not coupled, which has never been done to our<p>knowledge. A modular code, combining JD with an AMG preconditioner, has been developed. The code comes with many options, that have been tested. In particular, the instability of the Rayleigh-Ritz [33] acceleration procedure in the non-symmetric case has been underlined. Our code has also been compared to an industrial code extracted from ARTEMIS. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

A study of in-package nuclear criticality in possible Belgian spent nuclear fuel repository designs

Wantz, Olivier 16 June 2005 (has links)
About 60 percent of the electricity production in Belgium originates from nuclear power plants. Belgium owns 7 nuclear pressurized water reactors, which are located in two sites: 4 reactors in Doel and 3 reactors in Tihange. Together they have a capacity of approximately 5900 MWe. All these reactors use classical uranium oxide fuel assemblies. Two of them (Doel3, Tihange2) have also accepted a limited number of mixed (uranium and plutonium) oxide fuel assemblies. These mixed fuel assemblies came from the reprocessing of spent uranium oxide fuel assemblies in La Hague (France). The reprocessing of spent fuel gives birth to vitrified high-level waste, and to different isotopes of uranium and plutonium, which can be used in the manufacture of mixed oxide fuel assemblies. Each country producing radioactive waste must find a solution to dispose them safely. The internationally accepted solution is to dispose high-level radioactive waste in a deep and stable geological layer. This seems to be the most secure and environment-friendly way to get rid of the high-level radioactive waste. One of the few stable geological layers, which could accept radioactive waste in Belgium, is the Boom clay layer. Another possible layer is the Ypresian clay layer, but it is not the reference option for the moment. The Boom clay layer is quite thin (about 100 m thick) and is not at a large depth (about 240 m below the ground surface) at the proposed disposal site, beneath the SCK CEN Nuclear Research Centre in Mol. A large number of studies have already been performed on the Boom clay layer, and on the possibility of building a high-level radioactive waste repository in this geological medium. Since 1993, the Belgian government has promulgated a moratorium on the reprocessing of spent uranium oxide fuels in La Hague. Since then, spent fuel assemblies are considered as waste, and ONDRAF/NIRAS (the Belgium Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials) has thus to deal with them as waste. This rises a number of questions on how to deal with this new kind of waste. A solution is to directly dispose these spent fuel assemblies in containers in a repository, just like the other high-level radioactive waste. This repository would be build in the Boom clay layer at a depth of about 240 m beneath the SCK CEN. One of the questions raised by this new kind of waste is: "could the direct disposal of the spent nuclear fuel assemblies lead to nuclear criticality risks in the future?". Nuclear criticality is the ability of a system to sustain a nuclear fission chain reaction. This question was not a key issue with vitrified high-level waste because these do not include fissile uranium and plutonium isotopes, which could lead to a criticality event. The spent fuel repository will be designed in order to totally avoid the occurrence of a criticality event at the closure time. But in the future history of the repository, external events could possibly affect this. These events could maybe lead to criticality inside the repository, and this has also to be avoided. This work tries to answer this question, and to determine how to avoid a long-term criticality event inside the repository. The only complete research work answering this question has been performed in the U.S. for the Yucca Mountain repository but this design is fully different from the Belgian one studied here: for example, the waste are not only spent fuel waste, and the geological layer is volcanic tuff.<p>The main achievements of this work are: <p>*A first set of in-package criticality scenarios for different design options for a Belgian spent fuel repository in the Boom clay layer. <p>*A large number of criticality calculations with different parameters (fuel type, fuel burnup, fuel enrichment, distance between the fuel assemblies, distance between the fuel rods, water fraction inside the overpack) for the different design options. <p>*A preliminary study of the effects of the spent fuel assemblies isotopic evolution with time on the multiplication factor. <p>*For the first time, a coupling between the in-package criticality scenarios and the criticality calculations has been performed. / Doctorat en sciences appliquées / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Rôle de la chaperonne d'histone DAXX dans le maintien et l'établissement de l'hétérochromatine / Role of the histone chaperone DAXX in the maintenance and establishment of heterochromatin

Yettou, Guillaume 26 October 2012 (has links)
Le rôle fonctionnel des transcrits de l’hétérochromatine péricentromérique reste à ce jour largement incompris chez les eucaryotes supérieurs. Néanmoins, il a été montré que ces transcrits sont soumis à un contrôle très précis, fonction du cycle cellulaire. La régulation de la transcription est fortement contrôlée par la structure de la chromatine qui peut être modifiée localement en changeant la composition biochimique du nucléosome, notamment par l’utilisation des variantes d’histones. L’objectif de ma thèse a été de mieux comprendre le rôle de la protéine chaperonne d’histone DAXX et de sa variante d’histone H3.3 dans la régulation de la transcription des séquences répétées péricentromériques. Par la méthode de purification TAP-TAG, les partenaires spécifiques de DAXX ont été identifiés à partir d’extraits solubles nucléaires de fibroblastes embryonnaires murins. Ces analyses ont mis en évidence que CAF-1, classiquement associé à H3.1, et les facteurs de remodelage de la chromatine ATRX et CHD4 interagissent spécifiquement avec DAXX. Le rôle de ces protéines dans le contrôle de la transcription de l’hétérochromatine péricentromérique a ensuite été mis en évidence par une approche combinant l’interférence ARN et la Q-PCR. Enfin, les résultats suggèrent fortement que ces mécanismes de régulation ont lieu au niveau des corps nucléaires PML. L’ensemble de ces données montre qu’il existe une régulation spatio-temporel très fine de la structure de la chromatine régulant la transcription de l’hétérochromatine péricentromérique. / The functional role of pericentromeric heterochromatin transcripts remains largely unknown in higher eukaryotes. Nevertheless, it has been shown that these transcripts are subject to very precise control, depending on the cell cycle. Regulation of transcription is tightly controlled by chromatin structure that can be modified locally by changing the biochemical composition of the nucleosome, including the use of histone variants. The aim of my thesis was to better understand the role of the histone chaperone protein DAXX and its histone variant H3.3 in the regulation of transcription of pericentromeric repeats. By the method of TAP-TAG purification, DAXX specific partners were identified from soluble nuclear extracts of murine embryonic fibroblasts. These analyzes revealed that CAF-1, classically associated with H3.1, and the chromatin remodeling factors, ATRX and CHD4, specifically interact with DAXX. The role of these proteins in the control of transcription of pericentromeric heterochromatin was then highlighted by an approach combining RNAi and Q-PCR. Finally, the results strongly suggest that these regulatory mechanisms take place at PML nuclear bodies. Taken together, these data show that there is a spatio-temporal regulation of the fine structure of chromatin regulates transcription of pericentromeric heterochromatin.

Effets du bézafibrate sur l'expression et la régulation des enzymes du métabolisme des xénobiotiques et sur le protéome hépatique dans les cultures primaires d'hépatocytes de rat et d'Homme. Impact de l'environnement redox. / Effects of bezafibrate on the expression and régulation of xenobiotic metabolism enzymes and on the liver proteome in primary cultures of rat and human hepatocytes. Influence of the cellular redox status.

Alvergnas-Vieille, Magalie 16 June 2011 (has links)
Le foie est le principal organe impliqué dans la biotransformation des xénobiotiques. Les cytochromes P450 (CYP) en sont des enzymes dés. Parmi elles, leCYP4A est impliqué dans rhydroxylatlon des acides gras et la biotransformation de médicaments, tels que le bézafibrate (BE2A), un hypolipémiant utilisé enthérapeutique humaine. Cette molécule a été montrée hépatocarcinogène chez les rongeurs mais cet effet n'a pas été rapporté chez l'Homme. H est doncimportant de connaître les mécanismes d'action impliqués dans les effets du BEZA chez l'Homme. Dans une première étude, nous avons étudié l'expression duCYP4A au niveau ARNm et apoprotéine ainsi qu'au niveau de son activité dans des cultures primaires d'népatocytes de rat et d'Homme traitées ou non par duBEZA et de la N-acétylcystéine, molécule précurseur du glutathion. Nous avons mis en évidence d'importantes différences Interespèces et l'influence del'environnement redox des cellules en termes de réponse aux Inducteurs. L'implication des récepteurs nucléaires PPARa, PXR et CAR et des CYP4A/3A/2B aensuite été évaluée pour expliquer les différences inter-espèces observées. D'autre part, nous avons montré pour la première fois que le BEZA diminuel'expression de l'ARNm de OATP2 chez le rat et la biodisponibilité des statines en utilisant un système de biochromatographie original. Enfin, nous avonsmontré que le BEZA, en fonction de l'environnement redox de la cellule, régule des protéines impliquées dans le métabolisme des acides gras et lipides, ainsique des biomarqueurs d'hépatocarcinogenèse chez l'Homme, ce qui pose réellement la question du bien-fondé de l'utilisation de cette molécule enthérapeutique / The liver is the main organ involved in biotransformation of xenobkrtics invotving the cytochrome P450 (CYP). Among thèse enzymes, the CYP4A participate in the <o-hydroxylat!on of fatty acids and the met a bolis m of drugs such as be zafibrate (Beza), a lipld-lo wering molécule used In human therapy. It has been shown hepatocarcinogen In rodent; but no effect was reported in humans. It is thus important to understand thé mechanisms of action of Beza in humans. In a first study, we Investigated the expression of CYP4A at the mRNA, apoprotein and activity leveis In primary cultures of rat and human hepatocytes treated or not wlth Beza and/or N- acetylcysteine, a glutathtone precursor. We hâve highlighted Important différences between spedes and the Influence of ce» redox envlronment in terms of response to inducers. The involvement of nudear receptors PPARa, PXR and CAR and of CYP4A/3A/2B was then evaluated to explain the différences observed between species. On the other hand, we showed for the flrst time that Beza decreases the expression of rat OATP2 mRNA and the bioavailability of statins by uslng an original biochromatography System. Flnally, we showed that Beza, dependlng on the cellular redox envlronment modulâtes proteins involved In the metabolism of fatty acids and liplds, and also some biomarkers of hepatocarcinogenesis In humans, which raises the reai question a bout the appropr iateness of using t h is drug in human therapy.

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