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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da qualidade da água e da carga de nutrientes do córrego do Cancã, município de São Carlos - SP / not available

Sílvia Renata de Oliveira 28 April 2003 (has links)
Os estudos em microbacias hidrográficas têm mostrado que as características físicas, químicas e biológicas das águas dos córregos e riachos possuem uma estreita relação com a composição do ambiente terrestre adjacente, refletindo as condições de uso e ocupação dos solos da bacia hidrográfica por eles drenada. A microbacia do Córrego do Cancã, localizada perpendicularmente ao Rio Monjolinho, situa-se em uma maior parte no município de São Carlos (SP), e foi estudada sob uma abordagem ecossistêmica. As coletas e análises de campo foram realizadas em sete transectos do córrego, em dois períodos hidrológicos distintos: seca e chuva. A caracterização física e química da água foi realizada através da análise do pH, da condutividade elétrica, da concentração de oxigênio, da temperatura, da concentração e da carga de nutrientes. Alguns dos parâmetros analisados foram comparados aos limites estabelecidos pela CONAMA segundo a resolução nº 20/1986. O córrego do Cancã, segundo a classificação proposta pela CONAMA, é um rio de classe-2. A água do córrego é levemente ácida tendendo à neutralidade em um gradiente da nascente à foz e caracteriza-se pela baixa condutividade elétrica. A temperatura variou entre os períodos avaliados e espacialmente foi influenciada pelos horários de coleta. As concentrações de nutrientes não foram elevadas, e das formas nitrogenadas as mais abundantes foram o nitrato (na estação mais impactada) e o amônio (após o represamento), com valores mais elevados no período de seca. A maior variabilidade foi observada para o nitrogênio total, sendo as maiores concentrações registradas na estação seca. Com base no índice de estado trófico, as águas do córrego do Cancã foram classificadas como mesotróficas. A forma da microbacia é irregular e ligeiramente alongada e pouco sujeita a enchentes. A área da microbacia foi determinada como sendo de 3,075 Km2. Na análise das comunidades planctônicas foram encontrados poucos representantes, distribuídos principalmente nas estações localizadas nos trechos inicial e médio do córrego, sendo, entretanto mais abundantes na nascente. Ocorreu predominância das clorofíceas e diatomáceas entre os organismos fitoplanctônicos e de rotíferos e cladóceros no zooplâncton. A microbacia está sujeita à práticas agrícolas e atividade pecuária semi-intensiva que alteram o balanço de massa dos principais nutrientes, contribuindo para o aumento da carga de nutrientes que são carreados do sistema terrestre para o aquático particularmente no período chuvoso. / The studies peformed in small hydrographic basins have shown that the physical chemical and biological characteristics of the water in springs and streams have a close relation with the composition of adjacent terrestrial ecosystems, reflecting the uses and activities in the soils in the basin drained by them. The microbasin of Cancã stream belongs to the Monjolinho river basin and is mainly located inside the district of São Carlos (SP). In this study It has been evaluated under the ecosystemic approach. Field sampling and analysis were carried out in seven transects of the stream at two distinct hydrological periods: dry and rainy seasons. Physical and chemical analyses of water were performed by mesuring the pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen and the nutrient concentrations and loads. The parameters obtained were compared to the CONAMA limits, act nº 20/1986. The Cancã stream according to CONAMA proposed system, is classified as a class 2 water. The pH of Cancã water is slightly acid and there a tendency to the neutral from the source to the mouse. It is also characterized by low electrical conductivity. Water temperature has changed between dry and rainy periods and spatially it was influenced by the sampling timing. Nutrient concentrations are low and the main nitrogen compounds present were nitrate and ammonium, at the most impacted site, with highest values in the dry season. The highest variability was obtained for the total nitrogenvariability with higher concentrations at the dry season. Based on the trophic state index. The water of Cancã stream was classified as mesotrophic. The hydrographic microbasin has a non-regular shape, being slightly elongated and it has low vulnerability to floodings. The area of the catchment was found to be 3,071 Km2. Planktonic communities were composed by few organisms mainly occuring at the upper and middle stream streches, being most abundant at the first stretch. Clorophyceans and diatoms were the dominant groups among phytoplankton and the rotifers and cladocerans among the zooplankton. Cancã microbasin is subjected to a variety of agriculture and semi-intensive cattle enterprises that have changed major nutrient mass balances, contributing to the increase in nutrient loadings mainly via surface terrestrial runoff.

Optimierung N-Management

Heinitz, Franziska, Albert, Erhard, Reinicke, Frank, Wagner, Bernhard 10 March 2011 (has links)
In 16 sächsischen Landwirtschaftsbetrieben wurde das Stickstoff-Management umfassend analysiert. Das Projekt hatte zum Ziel, die N-Bilanzüberschüsse zu reduzieren und betriebsbezogene Maßnahmen zur optimalen N-Nutzung abzuleiten. Es geht konform mit der Vorgabe der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie, die Nährstoffeinträge in Gewässer und Grundwasser wirksam zu verringern. Bilanziert wurde mit dem in Sachsen entwickelten Programm BEFU und dem Umwelt- und Betriebsmanagementsystem REPRO. Die untersuchten Betriebe wiesen aufgrund der Standortbedingungen eine hohe Auswaschungsgefahr für N-Überschüsse auf. In den Szenariorechnungen mit REPRO zeigte sich, dass durch den Anbau von Zwischenfrüchten und einem reduzierten N-Einsatz die N-Salden und die potenzielle Nitratauswaschung deutlich reduziert werden können. Der Bericht enthält zahlreiche Vorschläge zur Optimierung des N-Managements im Betrieb und beweist das erhebliche Potenzial zur Minderung der Nitratverluste und Nitratbelastung.

Sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação (DRIS) para avaliação do estado nutricional da macieira no sul do Brasil. / Diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (dris) to evaluation of nutritional status of apple in southern Brazil.

Nachtigall, Gilmar Ribeiro 04 August 2004 (has links)
O manejo nutricional adequado é fator determinante na produtividade e na qualidade dos frutos de macieira. Dentre os métodos para diagnóstico nutricional das plantas, destacam-se o critério de faixa de suficiência e o sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação (DRIS). Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o DRIS como método de interpretação de resultados de análises de folhas de plantas de macieira, estabelecendo normas adequadas para a cultura, e compará-lo com o método de diagnose nutricional, baseado no critério de faixa de suficiência, atualmente utilizado no Sul do Brasil. Buscou-se determinar, também a melhor época de amostragem de folhas de macieira para a aplicação do método DRIS. O estudo foi realizado na região produtora de maçã dos Campos de Cima da Serra, no Rio Grande do Sul, e nas regiões do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe e Planalto Serrano, em Santa Catarina, em 70 pomares selecionados quanto à produtividade e técnicas de manejo do pomar, onde foram obtidas informações sobre a produtividade, espaçamento, porta-enxertos e realizada a amostragem de folhas e solo. Foram determinadas as concentrações de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, boro, cobre, ferro, manganês e zinco nas amostras de folhas e os valores de pH e os teores de matéria orgânica, fósforo, potássio, cálcio e magnésio nas amostras de solos. Também foram utilizados resultados de experimentos de adubação potássica e nitrogenada para avaliar a eficiência dos métodos DRIS, bem como de resultados de sazonalidade de nutrientes em três cultivares de macieira, para avaliar a época adequada de coleta de folhas para o método DRIS. Os índices DRIS foram calculados utilizando-se dois critérios para a escolha da ordem da razão dos nutrientes (Letzsch, 1985 e Walworth et al., 1986; Nick, 1998) e três formas de cálculo das funções dos nutrientes (Beaufils, 1973; Jones, 1981; Elwali & Gascho, 1984). Os resultados indicaram que: (i) A concentração dos nutrientes apresentou correlação positiva e significativa (p<0,01) com os respectivos índices DRIS, com exceção do N; (ii) O critério do "valor F" (Letzsch, 1985 e Walworth et al., 1986) mostrou-se mais eficiente que o "valor R" (Nick, 1998) para a escolha da ordem da razão dos nutrientes para a cultura da macieira; (iii) O Índice de Balanço Nutricional (IBN), calculado a partir das normas geradas, apresentou correlação negativa e significativa (p<0,01) com a produtividade para a população de referência, em todas as combinações de métodos testados; (iv) O método DRIS descrito por Elwali & Gascho (1984), utilizando o "valor F", quando comparado com o critério de faixas de suficiência, apresentou diagnóstico nutricional mais eficiente que os demais métodos de cálculo do DRIS; (v) O método de cálculo do DRIS, com base no somatório das funções, descrito por Elwali & Gascho (1984), utilizando o "valor F" é o mais indicado para a cultura da macieira, por apresentar valores de IBN que melhor indicam o estado nutricional das plantas e pela eficiência no diagnóstico nutricional da cultura; (vi) A melhor época de coleta de folhas para o método DRIS esta situada entre a quinta e a décima quinta semana após a plena floração; (vii) As normas DRIS geradas neste trabalho foram adequadas para o diagnóstico nutricional da macieira, para as condições do Sul do Brasil. / The appropriate nutritional management is a decisive factor in fruit productivity and quality of apple trees. Among the several methods for nutritional diagnosis of the plants, the most important are the sufficiency range approach and the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS). The objective of this work was evaluate DRIS as an interpretation method of results of analyses of apple tree leaves, establishing appropriate norms for the culture and comparing it with the sufficiency range approach currently used in the Southern Brazil, and determine the best sampling time of apple tree leaves for the application of the DRIS method. The study was carried out in the apple producing area of Campos de Cima da Serra (RS, Brazil), and in the areas of Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe and Planalto Serrano (SC, Brazil), in 70 orchards selected on basis of productivity and management techniques, where information on productivity, spacing, rootstock was obtained and leaf and soil sampling were performed. The concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, boron, copper, iron, manganese and zinc were determined in the leaf samples as well as the pH values and the concentrations of organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium in the samples of soils. Results of fertilization experiments with potassium and nitrogen were also used to evaluate the efficiency of DRIS methods, as well as results of nutrient seasonally in three apple tree cultivars, to evaluate the appropriate leaf collection time for the DRIS method. The DRIS indices were calculated using two criteria to choose the order of the nutrient ratio (Letzsch, 1985 and Walworth et al., 1986; Nick, 1998) and three forms of calculating of the nutrient functions (Beaufils, 1973; Jones, 1981; Elwali & Gascho, 1984). The results indicated that: (i) the nutrient concentration presented positive and significant correlation (p<0.01) with the respective DRIS indices, except for N; (ii) the criterion of the "F value" (Letzsch, 1985 and Walworth et al., 1986) was shown to be more efficient than the "R value" (Nick, 1998) to choose the order of the nutrient ratio for apple tree culture; (iii) the Nutritional Balance Index (NBI), calculated from the generated norms, presented a negative and significant correlation (p <0.01) with productivity for the reference population in all combinations of methods tested; (iv) the DRIS method described by Elwali & Gascho (1984), using the "F value", when compared with the sufficiency range approach, presented a more efficient nutritional diagnosis than the other methods of DRIS calculation; (v) the method of DRIS calculation, based on the sum of the functions, described by Elwali & Gascho (1984), using the "F value" is the most suitable for apple tree culture, for presenting NBI values that best indicate the nutritional state of the plants and for the efficiency in the nutritional diagnosis of the culture; (vi) the best leaf sampling time for the DRIS method is between the fifth and the fifteenth week after full blossom; (vii) The DRIS norms generated in this work were appropriate for the nutritional diagnosis of apple trees, for the conditions of Southern Brazil.

Agricultural Water Consumption Decreasing Nutrient Burden at Bohai Sea, China

Tong, Yindong, Wang, Xuejun, Zhen, Gengchong, Li, Ying, Zhang, Wei, He, Wei 05 February 2016 (has links)
In this study, we discussed the impacts of human water consumption to the nutrient burden in a river estuary, and used Huanghe River as a case study. The agricultural water consumption from the Huanghe River has significantly decreased the natural water flows, and the amount of water consumption could be almost twice as high as the water entering into the estuary. According to our calculation, agricultural water usage decreased TN outflows by 6.5 x 104 Mg/year and TP outflows by 2.0 x 103 Mg/year. These account for 74% and 77% of the total output loads. It has been widely reported that the majority of the rivers in northern China were severely polluted by nutrients. Its implication on the budget of nutrient in the estuary ecosystem is not well characterized. Our study showed that the discharge of nutrients in the coast waters from polluted rivers was over concerned. Nutrients in the polluted rivers were transported back to the terrestrial systems when water was drawn for human water consumption. The magnitudes of changes in riverine nutrient discharges even exceed the water-sediment regulation trails in the Huanghe River. It has non-negligible impact on estimating the nutrient burden in costal water ecosystem.

Management Options for Optimizing Nutrient Cycling and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Smallholder Rice Farms in Vietnam

Dao Trong, Hung 30 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação para a cultura do milho em espaçamento reduzido na região de Hidrolândia, Goiás / Diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) in corn in reduced row spacing

ROCHA, Anisio Correa da 20 April 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T14:52:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Anisio Correa da Rocha.pdf: 638336 bytes, checksum: f682754f5a9bc3ce7529561acba4ade5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-04-20 / Soil and leaves samples were collected and grain yield were evaluated in a commercial crop in order to diagnostic the limiting nutrients, deficiency or excess, on corn planted in 0.45 m row spacing, at Hidrolândia, Goiás. For the diagnosis of soil and leaves samples, were utilized sufficiency range approach, currently used in Brazil and the DRIS. The DRIS procedure for assessing nutritional status of plants by leaf and soil analysis utilizes standard values ( norms ) for nutrient rations rather than the nutrient itself. With the results of the analyses of corn leaves and soil, the population was divided in low and high yielding groups. DRIS norms were established using a yield of 5000 kg ha-1 to divide the data set into high and low yield subpopulations. The locally calibrated norms used to evaluate the nutritional status of the corn, from the leaves analysis, were compared to the others authors in several places. The geographic differences in DRIS norms were identified. For the calculation of indices DRIS differents procedures were used. The interpretation of the soil and leaves analyses by the different procedures of the DRIS methods and by the sufficiency range showed different responses with relation to the deficiency and/or excess of nutrients. The P and K in the soil analysis and B in the leaves analysis, in the majority of the procedures, were the most limiting nutrients by deficiency. / Amostras de solo, folhas e produtividade de milho foram avaliadas de área comercial para diagnosticar os nutrientes mais limitantes à produção de milho semeado em espaçamento reduzido (0,45 m), no município de Hidrolândia, GO. No diagnóstico das análises de solo e de folha utilizaram-se as faixas de suficiência, tradicionalmente recomendadas e o DRIS. No procedimento DRIS, para se efetuar as diagnoses, utilizaram-se como normas as relações entre nutrientes obtidas das análises de uma população de alta produtividade e não o teor do nutriente em si. Com os resultados das análises foliar e de solo os dados foram divididos em duas sub-populações: uma de alta e outra de baixa produtividade, sendo considerada ≥5.000 kg ha-1 a produtividade de corte. Determinaram-se as normas DRIS pelas relações binárias da população de alta produtividade. As normas obtidas foram comparadas com as de outros autores, obtendo-se resultados divergentes entre as diversas localidades. Para o cálculo dos índices DRIS utilizaram-se diferentes procedimentos. Tanto nas análises de folhas como de solo a interpretação pelos índices DRIS e pelas faixas de suficiência apresentaram resultados diferentes com relação à deficiência e, ou excesso dos nutrientes. O P e o K, na análise de solo, e o B na análise foliar, na maioria dos procedimentos, foram os nutrientes mais limitantes por deficiência.

Análise do impacto ambiental de unidades agropecuária = estudo de caso : microbacia do rio Pinhal, Santa Catarina / Analysis of the environmental impact of agribusiness units : case study : pinhal river watershed, Santa Catarin

Teixeira, Mariana Barros 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Enrique Ortega Rodriguez, Sandra Furlan Nogueira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T16:52:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Teixeira_MarianaBarros_M.pdf: 3071623 bytes, checksum: cd6cd7c977e91a71e35f2508302c65c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa foi avaliar a sustentabilidade ambiental da microbacia hidrografica do rio Pinhal atraves do uso combinado do Sistema de Informacoes Geograficas (SIG), Balanco de nutrientes e Avaliacao Emergetica auxiliando na compreensao do sistema de producao pecuario atual e fornecendo subsidios potenciais a gestao da microbacia. Para tanto, primeiramente foram analisados todas as propriedades com atividade pecuaria da microbacia para quantificar os excedentes de nutrientes no solo (nitrogenio e fosforo) existentes e avaliar o seu risco ambiental. Em seguida, foram comparadas propriedades com atividades pecuarias distintas (bovinocultura, suinocultura, avicultura e suinocultura com utilizacao de biodigestores no tratamento de dejetos animais) para avaliar qual dentre estas tem maior influencia nesses valores e qual causa maior impacto ao meio ambiente. E por ultimo foram realizados calculos de areas necessarias de florestas, por meio da metodologia SANPP, e areas necessarias de terras umidas, considerando o excedente de nutrientes, para quantificar o impacto ocasionado pelas atividades pecuarias. Os resultados mostram que há um excesso de nitrogenio e fosforo na microbacia, cerca de 15 e 26 Mg.ano-1, respectivamente, ocasionado principalmente pelo excesso de fertilizantes e adubos organicos aplicados no solo. Estes excedentes podem contaminar rios e lencois freaticos devido ao processo de escoamento superficial e lixiviacao. Alem disso, a analise dos indicadores emergeticos indicou a suinocultura como a atividade pecuaria com mais influencia na contaminacao ambiental da regiao, sendo a atividade menos sustentavel dentre as quatro analisadas. Esta atividade utiliza menos recursos renovaveis (Renovabilidade = 5,24%), requer mais energia (Transformidade = 588,477 seJ.J-1), apresenta menor potencial para exportacao dos recursos locais com maior emergia investida (EYR = 1,0), possui maior dependencia dos recursos da economia (EIR = 101,98) e apresenta alta carga ambiental (ELR = 18,08). Em contrapartida, a bovinocultura apresentou como a atividade mais sustentavel, com maior Renovabilidade (17,45%) e EYR (1,22), menor Transformidade (184,942 seJ.J-1), EIR (3,13) e ELR (4,73). Em relacao a utilizacao de biodigestores no tratamento de dejetos animais, os indicadores mostram que a incorporacao deste levou a uma melhora do sistema do ponto de vista ambiental. A Transformidade do sistema foi diminuida, houve uma producao maior de emergia pelo sistema diluindo a emergia requerida, uma diminuicao do valor do EIR e ELR, aumento da Renovabilidade e o pequeno aumento do EYR. O balanco economico dos quatro sistemas mostrou que todas as atividades sao lucrativas aos produtores apresentando valores de EER menores que 1, sendo que a incorporacao do biodigestor diminuiu o valor do EER, diminuindo a lucratividade do sistema. Assim, a area adicional de floresta calculada atraves da abordagem SANPP foi de 957 hectares enquanto que a area necessaria de terras umidas de florestas considerando o excedente de nutrientes foi de 6.000 hectares. Portanto, medidas mitigatorias no intuito de diminuir o uso de fertilizantes no solo e melhorar o uso de fontes nao renovaveis nos sistemas pecuarios se fazem necessarias / Abstract: The objective of this research was to evaluate the environmental sustainability of the Pine River watershed through the integrated use of Geographical Information System (GIS), Balance of nutrients and Emergy Analysis, assessment and through this understanding of subsidizing livestock production system and current provide potential benefits to the management of the watershed. Initially, we analyzed all properties with cattle ranching as the watershed to excess nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) and assess their environmental risk. Properties were then compared with different livestock activities (cattle, swine, poultry and swine with the use of digesters to treat manure) to evaluate which reported the highest surplus and which cause greater impact to the environment. And last estimates were made necessary areas of forests, using the methodology SANPP and necessary areas of wetlands, considering the surplus of nutrients, to mitigate the impact caused by cattle ranching. The results showed excess nitrogen and phosphorus in the watershed, about 15 and 26 mg year-1, respectively, caused mainly by the use of fertilizers and organic fertilizers applied to the soil. Such surpluses can contaminate rivers and groundwater as preprocesses runoff and leaching. Furthermore, analysis of emergy indicators showed the pig as the cattle industry with the greatest influence on environmental contamination in the region, being less sustainable the activity of the four analyzed. This activity uses less renewable resources (Renewability = 5.24%), requires more energy (Transformity = 588.477 seJ.J-1), has less potential for export of local resources with greater invested emergy (EYR = 1.0), higher depending on the resources of the economy (EIR = 101.98) and has a high environmental load (ELR = 18.08). In contrast, cattle represented the activity more sustainable. This activity has increased Renewability (17.45%) and EYR (1.22), lower value of Transformity (184.942 seJ.J-1), EIR (3.13) and ELR (4.73). Regarding the use of digesters to treat manure, the indicators showed that the incorporation of this technology has improved the system of the environmental point of view. The Transformity of the system was decreased, there was a greater production of the emerging system emerged diluting required, a decrease in the value of the index EIR, Renewability increased, ELR decreased and the small increase in EYR. The economic balance of the four systems showed that all activities are profitable for producers presenting EER values smaller than 1, and the incorporation of the digester decreased profitability due to decrease in value of the EER. Thus, the additional area calculated using the approach SANPP was 957 hectares while the area required for wetland forests considering the surplus of nutrients was 6,000 hectares. Therefore, mitigation measures in order to reduce the use of fertilizers in the soil and improve the use of non-renewable sources in livestock systems are needed / Mestrado / Engenharia de Alimentos / Mestre em Engenharia de Alimentos

Sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação (DRIS) para avaliação do estado nutricional da macieira no sul do Brasil. / Diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (dris) to evaluation of nutritional status of apple in southern Brazil.

Gilmar Ribeiro Nachtigall 04 August 2004 (has links)
O manejo nutricional adequado é fator determinante na produtividade e na qualidade dos frutos de macieira. Dentre os métodos para diagnóstico nutricional das plantas, destacam-se o critério de faixa de suficiência e o sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação (DRIS). Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o DRIS como método de interpretação de resultados de análises de folhas de plantas de macieira, estabelecendo normas adequadas para a cultura, e compará-lo com o método de diagnose nutricional, baseado no critério de faixa de suficiência, atualmente utilizado no Sul do Brasil. Buscou-se determinar, também a melhor época de amostragem de folhas de macieira para a aplicação do método DRIS. O estudo foi realizado na região produtora de maçã dos Campos de Cima da Serra, no Rio Grande do Sul, e nas regiões do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe e Planalto Serrano, em Santa Catarina, em 70 pomares selecionados quanto à produtividade e técnicas de manejo do pomar, onde foram obtidas informações sobre a produtividade, espaçamento, porta-enxertos e realizada a amostragem de folhas e solo. Foram determinadas as concentrações de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, boro, cobre, ferro, manganês e zinco nas amostras de folhas e os valores de pH e os teores de matéria orgânica, fósforo, potássio, cálcio e magnésio nas amostras de solos. Também foram utilizados resultados de experimentos de adubação potássica e nitrogenada para avaliar a eficiência dos métodos DRIS, bem como de resultados de sazonalidade de nutrientes em três cultivares de macieira, para avaliar a época adequada de coleta de folhas para o método DRIS. Os índices DRIS foram calculados utilizando-se dois critérios para a escolha da ordem da razão dos nutrientes (Letzsch, 1985 e Walworth et al., 1986; Nick, 1998) e três formas de cálculo das funções dos nutrientes (Beaufils, 1973; Jones, 1981; Elwali & Gascho, 1984). Os resultados indicaram que: (i) A concentração dos nutrientes apresentou correlação positiva e significativa (p<0,01) com os respectivos índices DRIS, com exceção do N; (ii) O critério do “valor F” (Letzsch, 1985 e Walworth et al., 1986) mostrou-se mais eficiente que o “valor R” (Nick, 1998) para a escolha da ordem da razão dos nutrientes para a cultura da macieira; (iii) O Índice de Balanço Nutricional (IBN), calculado a partir das normas geradas, apresentou correlação negativa e significativa (p<0,01) com a produtividade para a população de referência, em todas as combinações de métodos testados; (iv) O método DRIS descrito por Elwali & Gascho (1984), utilizando o “valor F”, quando comparado com o critério de faixas de suficiência, apresentou diagnóstico nutricional mais eficiente que os demais métodos de cálculo do DRIS; (v) O método de cálculo do DRIS, com base no somatório das funções, descrito por Elwali & Gascho (1984), utilizando o “valor F” é o mais indicado para a cultura da macieira, por apresentar valores de IBN que melhor indicam o estado nutricional das plantas e pela eficiência no diagnóstico nutricional da cultura; (vi) A melhor época de coleta de folhas para o método DRIS esta situada entre a quinta e a décima quinta semana após a plena floração; (vii) As normas DRIS geradas neste trabalho foram adequadas para o diagnóstico nutricional da macieira, para as condições do Sul do Brasil. / The appropriate nutritional management is a decisive factor in fruit productivity and quality of apple trees. Among the several methods for nutritional diagnosis of the plants, the most important are the sufficiency range approach and the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS). The objective of this work was evaluate DRIS as an interpretation method of results of analyses of apple tree leaves, establishing appropriate norms for the culture and comparing it with the sufficiency range approach currently used in the Southern Brazil, and determine the best sampling time of apple tree leaves for the application of the DRIS method. The study was carried out in the apple producing area of Campos de Cima da Serra (RS, Brazil), and in the areas of Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe and Planalto Serrano (SC, Brazil), in 70 orchards selected on basis of productivity and management techniques, where information on productivity, spacing, rootstock was obtained and leaf and soil sampling were performed. The concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, boron, copper, iron, manganese and zinc were determined in the leaf samples as well as the pH values and the concentrations of organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium in the samples of soils. Results of fertilization experiments with potassium and nitrogen were also used to evaluate the efficiency of DRIS methods, as well as results of nutrient seasonally in three apple tree cultivars, to evaluate the appropriate leaf collection time for the DRIS method. The DRIS indices were calculated using two criteria to choose the order of the nutrient ratio (Letzsch, 1985 and Walworth et al., 1986; Nick, 1998) and three forms of calculating of the nutrient functions (Beaufils, 1973; Jones, 1981; Elwali & Gascho, 1984). The results indicated that: (i) the nutrient concentration presented positive and significant correlation (p<0.01) with the respective DRIS indices, except for N; (ii) the criterion of the "F value" (Letzsch, 1985 and Walworth et al., 1986) was shown to be more efficient than the "R value” (Nick, 1998) to choose the order of the nutrient ratio for apple tree culture; (iii) the Nutritional Balance Index (NBI), calculated from the generated norms, presented a negative and significant correlation (p <0.01) with productivity for the reference population in all combinations of methods tested; (iv) the DRIS method described by Elwali & Gascho (1984), using the "F value", when compared with the sufficiency range approach, presented a more efficient nutritional diagnosis than the other methods of DRIS calculation; (v) the method of DRIS calculation, based on the sum of the functions, described by Elwali & Gascho (1984), using the "F value" is the most suitable for apple tree culture, for presenting NBI values that best indicate the nutritional state of the plants and for the efficiency in the nutritional diagnosis of the culture; (vi) the best leaf sampling time for the DRIS method is between the fifth and the fifteenth week after full blossom; (vii) The DRIS norms generated in this work were appropriate for the nutritional diagnosis of apple trees, for the conditions of Southern Brazil.

Assessment of soil fertility change and sustainability of agroecological management in different land use systems of the southern Ecuadorian Andes / Bewertung der Veränderung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit und der Nachhaltigkeit des agroökologischen Managements in verschiedenen Landnutzungssystemen Südecuadors anhand quantitativer und qualitativer Methoden

Bahr, Etienne 16 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis was conducted to investigate soil fertility changes and assess the sustainability of agroecological management in different land-use systems of the southern Ecuadorian Andes using quantitative and qualitative methods. Ecuador still holds the highest deforestation rate of all Latin American countries which also has a large impact in the research area by forest conversion into agricultural land. Agricultural land-use systems in the research area are multifaceted due to heterogeneous biophysical and socio-economic conditions. To map this diversity, land-use systems were investigated in Yantzaza (low-external-input), El Tambo (irrigated cash crops) and San Lucas (integrated nutrient management). Yet, management effects on soil fertility have not been assessed systematically in Ecuadorian farming systems which hampers the evaluation whether agroecological management is sustainable. Therefore, the present study used a set of quantitative and qualitative approaches to assess soil fertility changes at plot and farm scale with a nutrient balance/chronosequence approach and local expert knowledge. Nutrient balances were modeled with Nutmon after adaptation of difficult-to-quantify flows to the local conditions facilitating area and land-use specific calculation. Soil nutrient balances in the research area were diverse and varied between −151 to 66 kg ha-1 a-1, −4 to 33 kg ha-1 a-1 and −346 to 39 kg ha-1 a-1 for NPK, respectively. The evaluation of socio-economic and soil fertility explanatory variables revealed that up to 70% of the balances’ variability could be explained. Land-uses with a strong market orientation such as annual crops in El Tambo received large amounts of external inputs which were often focused on mineral N fertilization causing strongly negative PK balances. In contrast, P balances were mainly positive after the application of organic fertilizers and nutrient recycling as was found in perennial crops of San Lucas. NP balances in annual crops of Yantzaza were most negative due to the low-external-input system with nonexistent fertilization as well as leaching and burning of crop residues. Highest soil nutrient stocks were found in land-uses benefiting from a surplus of within-farm flows. The quantification of soil nutrient stocks and their temporal changes were carried out with a chronosequence approach in Yantzaza. SOC stocks in annual/perennial crops and pastures decreased between 14% and 19% after forest conversion by slash-and-burn. Annual sites were abandoned not later than five years after forest conversion due to a shortage of available N and P closely linked to low-external-input management. Stocks for TN, TP, TS and exchangeable bases increased above forest level in perennial crops and pastures 6-20 years after forest conversion. Yet a strong decrease in SOC and soil nutrient stocks was found in oldest perennial and pasture sites compared to medium aged sites. This was traced back to adverse site processes such as the decay of clay humus complexes, leaching as well as poor pasture management. To assess sustainability of the agroecological management, a set of sustainability indicators was implemented including N balances, yearly N stock change and SOC stocks as well as total (TN) and available (PO4-P) soil nutrient stocks. Sustainability assessment took place based on individual land-uses and nutrients within each pilot study since soil fertility change did not show a consistent trend within one research area. Despite mainly negative soil nutrient balances, the impact on the yearly soil nutrient stock change was often negligible due to large soil nutrient pools. Annual and perennial crops of Yantzaza and pastures of San Lucas exceeded the threshold value of 1% for yearly TN stock losses. Yet, only annual crops in Yantzaza, having the highest yearly TN stock losses of 4.9%, also showed severe TN and SOC losses between 15-25% below those of the forest reference area. Therefore, the present agroecological management of annuals in Yantzaza is not sustainable which was also indicated by the abandonment of these sites not later than 5 years after forest conversion due to soil fertility decline. Hence, it is proposed to install an integrated agricultural management in annual crops of Yantzaza using nutrient recycling and fertilization for the replenishment of soil nutrient stocks. Nutrient balance studies indicated an average N-fertilizer application of more than 200 kg ha-1 a-1 for annual crops in El Tambo and low SOC stocks in soils of the colluvial foot slopes. Therefore, a laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to investigate fertilization effects of urea and newly introduced guinea pig manure on the microbial activity in colluvial and eroded soils of El Tambo. While urea fertilization induced an acceleration of SOM mineralization, a combined fertilization (urea + GPM) increased the amount of microbial biomass and provided mineral nitrogen for immediate plant uptake. SOM stocks in colluvial soils were 40% below those of eroded soils which was partly due to the positive priming effect after urea fertilization. A participatory appraisal with local farmers resulted in the adaptation of the present harvest residue management aiming at SOM maintenance in colluvial soils. Yet, the calculation of the potential for SOM replenishment indicated that only the maize residue biomass had the potential to compensate for SOM mineralization losses. Therefore, it is recommended to support SOM replenishment by additional organic inputs since SOM has to be maintained in the long-term to enable agricultural productivity.

Landwirtschaftliche Ursachen hoher Sulfatgehalte in gefördertem Trinkwasser / Bilanzierung und Modellierung des Schwefelhaushaltes am Beispiel von zwei überwiegend landwirtschaftlich genutzten Wassereinzugsgebieten / Agricultural Causes of High Sulfur Concentrations in Drinking Water / Calculation and Modelling of the Sulfur Balance of two Catchment Areas under Predominant Agricultural Use

Willms, Matthias 02 May 2004 (has links)
No description available.

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