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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komunální politika malých obcí a její neformální aspekty / Local politics in small municipalities and its informal aspects

Bernard, Josef January 2012 (has links)
Mgr. Josef Bernard Dizertační práce Local politics in small municipalities and its informal aspects Abstract The subject of the thesis is the analysis of political processes in local government of small municipalities in the Czech Republic. The author focuses particularly on the question how do the activities of local government influence the different aspects of local life. The goals of local government, the negotiation of these goals and the role of different local government members in achieving these goals are examined. The thesis is based on three theoretical approaches - on the theories of local communities and their development, on the social capital theory and on theories of local political leadership. Different types of empirical data are used in the thesis: qualitative interviews and non-standardized observation of political processes in selected municipalities, questionnaire data and census data as well as other accessible statistical data on local communities and municipalities in the Czech Republic. The analyses have proved that local governments in small municipalities can be regarded as specific types of community interaction fields. The existence of this field has a significant impact on the situation in the community, including local citizen participation and social capital of the...

Vývoj místní samosprávy v obci Nižbor / The Development of Local Government in the Municipality of Nižbor

Votrubová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The MA thesis aims to describe the development of local government in the municipality of Nižbor, which is located in the Central Bohemia Region near Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, and the town of Beroun. The thesis includes a brief summary of the village´s history, its socioeconomic indicators and management, and also assessment of local elections focusing on the years 2006, 2010 and 2014. The thesis also contains interviews with local councillors, at least one councillor from each list of candidates was selected. Some parts of the interviews were directly quoted, others were paraphrased. The thesis also mentions political parties of the local political system, such as the Civic Democratic Party (ODS), political movement ANO 2011 (ANO 2011) and various associations of independent candidates. The aim of the thesis is to describe the main socioeconomic indicators, to identify actors of the political process in the municipality of Nižbor and to define the character of the decision-making proces of its local government.

Vývoj místní samosprávy v obci Pelhřimov / The Development of Local Government in the Municipality of Pelhřimov

Nováková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with local government. The thesis is made as a case study. The first part deals with theoretical basic concepts and characteristics of municipality. Then the historical development of local self-government in the Czech countries is outlined there and also main specifics of local political process are described. The practical part deals with characteristics of chosen municipality, town of Pelhřimov which is located in the Region of Vysočina and the attention is concentrated mainly on the factors which could influence local government. The main part of the thesis is concentrated on development of local political scene and individual political player inclusive of citizen political participation. The emphasis is put on municipal elections in the year 2014. In the end discovered facts are summarized.

Aplikace auditu ve veřejném sektoru

Klimešová, Petra January 2006 (has links)
Práce je zaměřena na audit veřejného sektoru. Vymezuje podstatu, cíle a význam auditu. Zabývá se zákonem o finanční kontrole ve veřejné správě, zákonem o přezkoumávání hospodaření územních samosprávných celků a DSO. Praktická část je zaměřena na město Mnichovo Hradiště.

Daňvoé určení v ČR se zaměřením na obce

Lainová, Kateřina January 2007 (has links)
Práce analyzuje rozpočtové určení sdílených daní obcí a nástiňuje možné řešení pro dosažení větší spravedlnosti v rozdělení rozpočtových příjmů. Podrobně se zabývá problematikou velikostních kategorií. Centrální vláda ovlivňuje rozpočtové příjmy obcí tvorbou daňových zákonů. Je nutné zdůraznit potřebu větší daňové autonomie obcí. Velký podíl sdílených daní, který tvoří v porovnání se státy Evropské unie dominantní část všech obecních příjmů v České republice, způsobuje finanční nesoběstačnost obcí.

Studie vlivu zadlužování obcí na stav veřejného dluhu / The study of impact of municipal indebtedness on state of public debt

Pazderová, Iveta January 2007 (has links)
V této práci je ukázán vývoj dluhu obcí v České republice v období 1994 až 2005. Je zde zkoumán vliv dluhu obcí na veřejný dluh a také jeho ostatní vlivy. Dluh obcí je jednou z částí veřejného dluhu a proto se ho stát snaží regulovat, i když je obec ve svém hospodaření nezávislá. V této práci jsou také jednotlivé formy regulace dluhu obcí obsaženy.

Finanční postavení obcí

Flaška, Václav January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce podává přehled finančního hospodaření města Nepomuk za poslední volební období, dále předkládá návrh možného programu rozvoje obce, který doposud v Nepomuku schází a sestavuje rozpočtový výhled s finanční, věcnou a časovou návazností na navržený program rozvoje obce. Rozpočtový výhled také uvádí možná alternativa financování navržených aktivit programu rozvoje obce. Diplomová práce by měla být přínosem pro další zpracování rozpočtu města Nepomuk a impulsem pro další rozvoj města.

Plnění rozpočtu města Českých Budějovic v časové řadě let 2009 - 2010 / Implementation of the budget city České Budějovice years time line 2009 - 2010

Šitnerová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the community, their management and reporting. There is also mention of the financial reform, which took place in 2010. The work is divided into two parts on the theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the characteristics of communities, their financial management and the impact of the accounting reform. The practical part is focused on the performance of a particular community and that is the town of České Budějovice. It is broken down budget of 2009 and 2010, and balance sheets, profit and loss, attachment and cash flows and changes in equity. Finally, it outlined the draft budget for 2012.

Návrh rozšíření a následné péče o LBC 1 v k.ú. Provodov

Talaš, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis deals with the theme of the local biocentre B1 U Provodova which is problematic from the very beginning considering its stability and functionality. In this work there were investigated various basic principles which treated historical, current and future situation of the biocentre. There was proposed a possible adjustment in the sense of enlargement and specification of the realities which were changed in the locality of the biocentre during the time. The target of this work is the specification of the current information about the locality by the way of mapping and proposing the convenient solutions to improve the functionality of the biocentre.

Webové geoportály pro samosprávy obcí a možnosti realizace pro město Strážnice

Král, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the map portals, respectively geoportals being possibly implemented principally by local governments and citizens themselves. The literature review section looks at the current geoportals in the historical and contemporary context. The research of the current market identified possible options of commercial implementation of geoportal for specific conditions of the town of Strážnice. The following section analyzes open source variants of creating map portals. The market research is followed by an evaluation of particular alternatives and implementation process. Several sample functional geoportals have been created in the thesis. Results of this study provide materials for the local government of Strážnice and all potential applicants on the decision of an implementation of geoportal.

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