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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expansion and Validation of the Political Skill Inventory (PSI): An Examination of the Link Between Charisma, Political Skill, and Performance

Coole, David R 28 February 2007 (has links)
The present research was developed to reexamine the factor structure of the Political Skill Inventory (PSI), expand upon the political skill behavioral taxonomy to include charisma, and provide validity evidence for both the PSI and our new measure of charisma. In study one, using a large undergraduate student sample, confirmatory factor analysis provided evidence for a three factor structure of political skill. Charisma and networking ability were identified as unique factors of the political skill construct domain while PSI dimensions of social astuteness, interpersonal influence, and apparent sincerity collapsed to form a single dimension. Study One results also indicated a strong positive relationship between self-reports of political skill, charisma, and OCB. In Study Two, using a sample of public-sector triads consisting of professional level employees, their coworkers and their supervisors, mixed support was found for the convergent and divergent validity of the four PSI dimensions and charisma across reporting sources. As hypothesized, political skill predicted supervisor reports of overall job performance, task performance, and OCB. Charisma contributed to the prediction of supervisor ratings of overall performance and task performance after controlling for PSI total scores. At the dimensional level, social astuteness and charisma demonstrated the strongest predictive validity across all study criteria. Social astuteness and charisma also demonstrated a significant interaction when predicting supervisor ratings of overall performance and task performance. This interaction indicated that social astuteness plays more of a role in predicting job performance for employees low in charisma than for employees high in charisma. As an addition to the second study, the ability of the PSI and charisma to predict performance ratings was compared against an abridged version of a situational judgment test assessing practical intelligence, the Tacit Knowledge Inventory for Managers (TKIM; Wagner and Sternberg, 1991). After controlling for PSI total scores and charisma, the TKIM provided a modest contribution to the prediction of supervisor ratings of overall performance. Implications of these findings and directions for future research are provided.

Investigating Turnover Intention among Emergency Communication Specialists

Liu, Yufan 25 October 2005 (has links)
This study tested a model that uses job stressors, equity sensitivity, perceived organizational justice, and job satisfaction to explain turnover intention and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). An online survey was distributed to emergency communication specialists from 14 emergency communication centers in Florida. The supervisors in these emergency communication centers were asked to rate their employees on OCB. Responses to the survey and the OCB ratings were analyzed using structural equation modeling to evaluate the fit of a theoretical model to those data. Results showed that the model fit the data reasonably well and nearly all the hypotheses were supported. Specifically, job satisfaction completely mediated the relationships between job stressors, equity sensitivity, perceived organizational justice, and turnover intention. Job satisfaction partially mediated the relationships between job stressors, equity sensitivity, perceived organizational justice, and OCB, and equity sensitivity also had a unique, direct impact on OCB. Turnover intention alone did not reduce OCB. The implications of these finding are discussed.

Organizational Citizenship Behavior- Individual or Organizational Citizenship Behavior- Organization: Does the Underlying Motive Matter?

Newland, Sarah J. 01 May 2012 (has links)
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is considered behavior that benefits others, but is not a part of the employee’s job description. Research has indicated that OCB can be divided into two categories, behavior that is directed towards other individuals (OCBI) and behavior that is directed towards the organization (OCBO). Research has also suggested that there are three different motives behind OCB, impression management, prosocial values, and organizational concern. This study examines the relationship between the motives and the type of OCB that is performed. The results failed to indicate that motives matter in determining which type of OCB is performed. Additionally, participants in all three motives were more likely to engage in OCBO behavior than in OCBI behavior.

The research of difference of Corporation operating characterization affects staff behavior - Taiwan local bank and international bank as analytic subjects

Sun, Cheng-Jung 02 August 2006 (has links)
Abstract It is difficult to exam whether the employees¡¦ perceiption of political behavior in an organization has negative influence on their extra-role behavior. However, facing such difficulties, many researches in management field are still interested in investigating organiztional political behavior. Previous studies found that when employees perceive organizational political behavior, their trust towards orgnizations would decreased and their organizational citizen behavior (OCB) would be lessen. Even though at certain degree, OCB is not significantly related to the formal work assignments and performance evaluation, OCB is not only essential to contexual performance, but also influential to self efficacy and work efficiency. This study aims to explore the difference of employees¡¦ perception of organizational political and OCB in different organization types of international business and local companies in Taiwan. It is also to investigate whether the management styles in international business and in Taiwanese companies would have different impact on employees¡¦ perception of political behavior, and cause different OCB. The research results indicate that first of all, in both international and local Taiwanese companies, management styles have influence on OCB, while the democratic leadership is more effective than the paternalistic leadership. It is also found that political behavior in organizations has impact on OCB, while the organizations without political behaviors have better performance. Secondly, in the international companies, the management styles have significant interaction effect on political behaviors in organizations and OCB; under the democratic leadership, there is less political behaviors and therefore has more effective OCB. Lastly, in the local companies, the management styles have significant interaction effect on political behaviors in organizations and OCB; under the democratic leadership, the less political behaviors does not lead to effective OCB. keywords¡Gmanagement styles, organizational citizen behavior (OCB), Organizational Politics Perceptions, paternalistic leadership, democratic leadership

Antecedents and outcomes of organisational virtues

Martin-Moreno, Jose Felix January 2010 (has links)
Recent years have seen an increasing interest in the application of virtue ethics in business as opposed to consequentialist or deontogical ethics. However the focus has often been on virtues at the individual as opposed to the organizational level of analysis.It is proposed that the organisational virtues intermediate individual (leadership) and group level constructs (organisational citizenship behaviours, corporate citizenship) to foster intrinsic motivation through a focus on eudemonia (measured as affective commitment). The overall aim of this study is to test this hypothesis using the Chun (2005) scale of organisational virtues ('Virtue Ethical Character Scale'). In the conceptualisation of the organisational virtues I draw from the Aristotelian virtue ethics tradition as reinterpreted by Alasdair MacIntyre.The study is in the main quantitative using SPSS and AMOS, vs. 16 and it is based on a sample of 643 questionnaires drawn from eight different organisations, including two law firms, the headquarters of an international timeshare company, four hotels and a dairy company. All the organisations are based in the UK, except the timeshare company which is based in Cork, Ireland.The survey questionnaire used for the collection of quantitative data is composed of measurement scales representing each construct which were available in the literature and whose validity and reliability were also tested.The outcome of the study is a structured equation model linking the various constructs in the hypothesised manner, which is then applied in a series of case studies involving the organisations surveyed. The model shows particularly strong path coefficients between transformational leadership behaviours and the organisational virtues, and the organisational virtues and affective commitment. Findings from semi-structured and informal qualitative interviews conducted at the organisations are used to help interpret the results.

Tillit eller politiska åsikter : Vad som styr kommunala chefstjänstemäns beteenden, prestation och engagemang på arbetet

Ödlund Lindholm, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka om kommunala chefstjänstemän som delar politisk åsikt med kommunens styrande politiker i högre utsträckning än andra chefer också ”gör det lilla extra” på arbetet. Syftet är även att se om det är tillit till de styrande politikerna snarare än politiska åsikter som är viktigast för att förklara benägenheten att göra det lilla extra på arbetet. Detta undersöks genom att studera beteenden, prestation och engagemang på arbetet. Urvalet bestod av chefen för utbildningsförvaltningen (eller motsvarande) i Sveriges samtliga kommuner och undersökningen baserades på data insamlat med hjälp av webenkäter under hösten 2014. Av logistiska regressionsanalyser framgår att det verkar vara tillit till styrande politiker snarare än politiska åsikter som styr kommunala chefstjänstemäns benägenhet att göra det lilla extra på arbetet. Detta ger stöd åt teorin om socialt utbyte, d.v.s. att chefstjänstemännen ”i utbyte” mot politikers hänsyn och omtanke, utför beteenden som går i linje med politikernas preferenser. Det är dock möjligt att kommunala chefstjänstemän utnyttjar sin makt över politiska processer för att gynna preferenser som inte är kopplade till politisk syn. Det kan exempelvis handla om att gynna andra gruppers preferenser eller att förbättra vissa gruppers position i samhället. Det är ett uppdrag för framtida forskning att undersöka om så är fallet.

Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Shifting Standards for Women in the Workplace

Cameron, Sean Michael 01 August 2012 (has links)
This study explores the gendered nature of OCB effects by examining communal and agentic forms of OCB (altruism and civic virtue, respectively), as well as the possible effects of not performing gendered OCBs on performance appraisals and related job outcomes. Using employee evaluation based scenarios which included task performance and OCBs (altruism/civic virtue; engage/disengage/no OCB), participants (N= 306) rated the job performance of a female or male employee. Employees engaged in OCBs experienced higher performance evaluations than did employees in scenarios which did not contain OCB information or scenarios in which employees disengaged in OCB. Employees who engaged in OCB, despite gender, were rated similarly. Gender differences were found in the disengaging of OCB but directions were contrary to the past research and theories. In this study, employees incurred lower evaluations when disengaging in gender incongruent OCB in comparison to disengaging in gender congruent OCB. The findings of this study are two-fold. First, in comparison to past research, the results of this study present positive possibilities for women and men who engage in the OCBs of altruism and civic virtue. Second, the results on disengagement suggest more research needs to be conducted to explore evaluations of employees disengaging in gender incongruent OCBs.

The relationship between emotional intelligence and changeoriented leadership style of managers and the OCB of non-academic staff members at a tertiary institution in the Western Cape

Sefela, Fred January 2017 (has links)
Magister Commercii (Industrial Psychology) - MCom (IPS) / Organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) has been documented as an important work outcome that correlates positively with positive job performance. Engagement in OCBs is not a random event, and it depends on a myriad of factors that include the organisation's ability to put in place measures to develop employees' emotional intelligence. Change-oriented leadership plays a pivotal role in fostering emotional intelligence and the engagement in OCBs as the 21st century organisation strives to adapt to changes in the external environment. The primary goal of the study was to conduct an investigation of the relationships between change-oriented leadership, emotional intelligence and OCB. The secondary aim of the study was to validate a theoretical model explaining the structural relationships between these variables in a South African University. A convenience sample consisting of 206 support staff at a selected university in the Western Cape Province was drawn. Generally, high levels of reliability were found in the sub-scales of the latent variables. In addition, the unidimensionality of the sub-scales was tested using exploratory factor analyses (EFA). The overall measurement and structural models were ascertained using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural modelling, respectively, using the LISREL 8.80 software. The Reasonable model fit was found for the overall measurement model of the specific latent variables through confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). Structural equation modelling (SEM) also showed reasonable model fit for the structural model.

The Relationship Between Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in a Federal Government Organization

Boockoff, Shawn 01 January 2016 (has links)
This applied dissertation was a study of the relationship between leader-member exchange (LMX) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in a federal government organization in Washington, DC. As a result of the organization’s business and leadership challenges, understanding the relationship between a leader and a follower and extra-role behaviors may help to understand how high-quality relationships are developed with staff members that are productive and motivate staff to extend their efforts beyond normal expectations. Productive high-quality relationships demonstrate loyalty, consideration, and affect towards the organization and its leaders. Understanding the relationship between LMX and OCB in a federal government organization may help to produce greater awareness of the factors that lead to high-quality leader-member relationships. Knowing the characteristics of high-quality relationships may promote extra-role behaviors enabling increased job satisfaction and greater results. Federal organizations find that many employees have low job satisfaction. In addition, only 38% of federal workers believe leaders generate high levels of commitment. The researcher employed an explanatory sequential mixed-methods design that included surveys and interviews. The sample study was composed of 50 paired dyads from 433 employees of the target federal agency selected using convenience sampling. Survey instruments were used for demographics, LMX, and OCB to gather data. The results from the LMX and OCB instruments were used to formulate interview questions for a select group from the core sample represented by the top and bottom 5% of raw survey score totals. The targeted federal organization should benefit from this study. The results showed how differences in the quality of the relationship between a leader and a follower related to OCB, or extra-role behaviors and led to recommendations on leader-subordinate relationships.

The Effects of Computer Generated Scheduling on Employee Behaviors and Outcomes

Cooper, Charles Herman, IV 22 March 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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