271 |
Beleidstelselanalise van militêre opleiding in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale WeermagCoetzee, Abraham Johannes Albertus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / 457 Leaves printed single pages, preliminary pages i-xxvii and 429 numberd pages. Includes bibliography. List of figures, List of tables. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: POLICY SYSTEM ANALYSIS OF MILITARY TRAINING IN THE SOUTH
Borders in a global economy market exist only to determine the sovereignty of
nations. Modern military interventions on the other hand are caught up in a struggle
to stabilise international focal points. In the midst of this struggle, is the South
Africa National Defence Force, in a process of change on the way to a supportive
role to the African Renaissance and an upliftment mandate of the South African
society. The South African government is caught in a battle against poverty,
illiteracy and unemployment of an abundance of general workers, opposing a
shortage of speciality skills measured against the National Qualifications
Framework. The National Defence Force in contrast, attempts to create a
meaningful military development training policy for the backbone of the National
Defence Force, the non-commissioned officer. This military development training
policy should not only adhere to economic restrictions of the Defence Budget, but
should also acknowledge the potential and skills of this specific group.
A literature survey as well as an empirical study of the non-commissioned officer's
military development training policy in respect of the different arms of service in the
National Defence Force shows that up to 18% of the personnel budget is spent on
training. In the midst of this tendency, military development training does not keep
up with changing training policy systems in South Africa, and that its effectiveness
should therefore be improved in an integrated military developmental training
system. The study has found that there are gaps in the military developmental
training policy where learners in the South African Army have to meet far more
course requirements than their peers in other Arms of the Service. Furthermore, the
standard of curricula of the different training courses is not the same. Both these
problems could be solved by way of one responsible, joint training department in the
National Defence Force.In an emotional protection of a defence force culture, the National Defence Force
creates a training budget monster, where seven different training units' supply the
same training. According to the different developmental training curriculums, with
small exceptions of arms of service specific training, developmental training could
easily be presented in one or two separate National Defence Force Units. This idea
will support the concept of one force and joint operations. In addition this idea will
ensure that the National Defence Force exists within a National Defence Force
culture followed by an arm of service culture that is supported by a functional
Grense bestaan in ’n globale ekonomiese omgewing slegs ten einde die
soewereiniteit van volke te bevestig. Moderne militêre intervensies hierteenoor is
gewikkel in ’n stryd om internasionale brandpunte te stabiliseer. Te midde van
hierdie stryd is die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag in ’n toetstand van
verandering, onderweg na ’n ondersteuningsrol tot die Afrika-Renaissance en
opheffingsopdrag van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. Die Suid-Afrikaanse
regering veg teen armoede, ongeletterdheid en werkloosheid wat ’n oorvloed
algemene werkers bied, teenoor ’n skaarsste aan spesialisvaardighede, gemeet teen
die Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk. Die Nasionale Weermag hierteenoor, poog
om vir die ruggraat van die Nasionale Weermag, die Onderoffisier, ’n betekenisvolle
militêre ontwikkelingsopleidingbeleid daar te stel. Hierdie ontwikkelingsopleidingsbeleid
moet nie slegs aan die ekonomiese beperkings van die Verdedigingsbegroting
voldoen nie, maar moet ook aan die ontwikkelingspotensiaal en
vaardighede van hierdie groep erkenning verleen.
’n Literatuuroorsig sowel as ’n empiriese ondersoek na die militêre ontwikkelingsopleidingsbeleid
van onderoffisiere ten opsigte van die verskillende weermagsdele
in die Nasionale Weermag toon dat die Weermag tot 18,2% van die
personeelbegroting aan opleiding spandeer. Te midde van hierdie tendens hou
militêre ontwikkelingsopleiding nie tred met die veranderende opleidingsbeleidstelsels
in Suid-Afrika nie en kan die effektiwiteit daarvan in ’n geïntegreerde
militêre ontwikkelingsopleidingstelsel verbeter word. Die ondersoek het bepaal dat
daar veral leemtes bestaan in die militêre ontwikkelingsopleidingsbeleid, aangesien
leerders in die Suid-Afrikaanse Leër aan veel meer kursusvereistes moet voldoen as
hulle gelykes in die ander weermagsdele. Verder is die standaard van die
kurrikulums van die verskillende opleidingskursusse ook nie dieselfde nie. Beide
hierdie probleme sou opgelos kon word deur middel van een verantwoordelike,
gesamentlike opleidingsdepartement in die Nasionale Weermag.In ’n emosionele beskerming van ’n weermagsdeelkultuur, skep die Nasionale
Weermag ’n opleidingsbegrotingsmonster, waar sewe verskillende opleidingseenhede
dieselfde opleiding verskaf. Die verskillende ontwikkelingsopleidingskurrikulums,
met die uitsondering van ’n beperkte aantal weermagsdele wat unieke
opleiding verskaf, kan gemaklik onder die vaandel van een of twee Nasionale
Weermagsdeeleenhede aangebied word. Hierdie gedagte sal steuning verleen aan
die Een Mag en Gesamentlike Operasionele gedagte van die Nasionale Weermag.
Verder sal hierdie visie verseker dat die Nasionale Weermag eerstens bestaan binne
’n Nasionale Weermag kultuur, gevolg deur ’n Weermagsdeelkultuur wat
gerugsteun word deur ’n funksionele kultuur.
272 |
Skills development and organisational development : an assessmentCloete, Harlan C. A. (Harlan Courtenay Alva) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Education and training under apartheid can at best be described as
fragmented and unequal along racial lines. The consequence of the
decades of human resource neglect resulted in the virtual destruction
of human resource potential, with devastating effects for social and
economic development. At the organisational level witness to this has
been the lack of career paths offered to workers and the debilitating
effect on worker motivation and general productivity. In response to this
state of affairs the South African government introduced a number of
innovative laws aimed at reversing this downward spiral:
The Skills Development Act, 1998 and the related legislation have as
their single objective the establishment of a more enabling and
responsive human resource environment. This will amount to the
rebuilding of the South African workforce within organisations through
the introduction of new sets of human resource processes, policies and
This study compares the activities of the Pioneer Foods Group with
those of the Drakenstein Municipality in relation to the skills
development regulatory framework and the subsequent obligations it
places on organisations to establish new human resource practices.
The study goes further and seeks to establish whether there is a causal
link between the processes of skills development and Organisational
Development (00). The study concludes that there is a definitive link
between the skills development regulatory framework and 00. The two
processes are regarded as mutually supportive, leading to the
achievement of individual and organisational end goals. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Opvoeding en opleiding onder die Apartheidsregering kan beskryf word
as gefragmenteerd, ongelyk en geskoei op ras. Die gevolge van
dekades van menslike hulpbron vernalting het geweldige en
verreikkende ekonomiese en sosiale implikasies tot gevolg gehad. 'n
Nadere blik op die vlak van organisasies dui aan dat vir werkers geen
beroeps vooruitsigte was nie met die gevolg dat die motiverings vlak en
veral produktiwiteit ontsettend laag was. Die respons vanaf die Suid
Afrikaaanse regering was die bekendmaking van 'n reeks innoverende
wetgewing gemik om die afwaartste kurwe te stop.
Die Vaardigheids Ontwikkeling Wet, 1998 en die ander meegaande
wette het as primêre doelwit die daarskep van "n meer
verantwoordelike menslike hulpbron klimaat. Dit het ten doel die
heropbou van die Suid Afrikaanse mense deur die bekendmaking van
"n stel menslike hulpbron prosessese, beleid en beginsels.
Hierdie studie fokus en vergelyk die vaardigheidsontwikkeling
aktiwiteite van die Pioneers Voedsel Groep met die van die
Drakenstein Munisipaliteit. Die studie gaan verder deur vas stel of daar
n definitiewe verband is tussen die prossese van
vaardigheidsontwikkeling en die van organisasie ontwikkeling. Die
slotsom is die volgende: dat daar 'n definitiewe verbintenis is tussen
vaardigheidsontwikkeling en organisasie ontwikkeling. Die twee
prossese steun op mekaar deurdat beide ten doel het 'n verbeterde
organisasie en individu, soos hulle strewe na die bereiking van
273 |
Creating a culture of learning : recommendations for public service organisationsMarthinus, Kenneth Joseph 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:
The dawn of the new South Africa, with the election of the first democratically elected government in 1994, provided a huge service delivery challenge to the public service. Delivery challenges included, the different own affairs services that had to be amalgamated into one public service, matters of transformation, with regard to representivity of all race groups in government, and to reduce the huge backlog of access to public services to millions of South Africans previously excluded. Notwithstanding various initiatives by government through legislation and policies, to support the public sector in developing necessary skills and competencies of public servants for the improvement of service delivery, there is currently massive dissatisfaction from citizens regarding government's inability to provide basic services.
Research will prove that the “traditional manner” of skills development initiatives cannot alone assists public servants to improve their skills and competencies to allow government to deliver on its mandate to provide minimum services to its citizens. Furthermore the research will prove that the concept of the “learning organisation (LO)” or alternatively “organisational learning (OL)”:
Can support the “traditional” training and development methods to improve the skills levels of public servants to deliver on the mandate of government ;
Is a planned intervention which must be supported from management as change agents ;
Benefit employees more from this approach to learn ;
Must be supported by a change of the organisational culture, information and knowledge management and the appreciation of individual knowledge and experience. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Met aanbreek van die nuwe Suid-Afrika in 1994, na die nuut verkose eerste demokratiese regering, is groot uitdagings ten opsigte van dienslewering aan die openbare sektor gestel. Hierdie uitdagings sluit onder andere in die verskeie eie-sake administrasies wat geamalgameer moes word, hervormingsaangeleenthede soos om verteenwoordiging van alle rasse in die openbare sektor te verseker en ook om die groot agterstand in dienslewering aan miljoene mense in Suid Afrika wat voorheen daarvan uitgesluit was, te verminder. Nieteenstaande verskeie regeringspogings om dienslewering te verhoog deur nuwe wetgewing te promulgeer om die nodige vaardighede en bevoegdhede van staatsamptenare te verbeter, is daar nog steeds grootskaalse ontevredenheid by die algemene publiek oor die regering se onvermoë om basiese dienste te verskaf.
Die navorsing sal toon dat die "tradisionele" wyse van vaardigheids-ontwikkelingsinisiatiewe alleen nie voldoende sal wees om die vaardighede en bevoegdhede van staatsamptenare te verbeter om die regering in staat te stel om aan sy mandaat te voldoen om minimum dienste aan die publiek te lewer nie. Die navorsing sal ook toon dat die konsep van leef "organisatoriese leer (OL)":
Die tradisionele manier van opleiding en ontwikkeling kan ondersteun om die vaardigheidsvlakke van staatsamptenare te verbeter en sodoende op die regering se mandaat te kan lewer ;
'n Beplande ingryping is wat deur bestuur ondersteun moet word wie as veranderingsagente in die organisasie moet optree ;
Meer voordele bied aan werknemers om te leer ;
Deur 'n verandering in die kultuur van die organisasie, inligting- en kennisbestuur, en die waardering van individuele kennis en ervaring, ondersteun moet word.
274 |
An evaluation of the implementation of the learnership programme within the Public Service CommissionMathenjwa, Irene Legodile 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nine years after the launch of the Learnership programme, considerable efforts have been undertaken by various organisations to implement the programme. However, the implementation of the programme is still faced with various challenges which hamper the overall goal of obtaining a formal registered qualification and maximising the employment opportunities of the learners through the combination of vocational education and training.
The study focuses on the evaluation of the implementation of the Learnership programme within the Public Service Commission. By nature, evaluations play a critical role of determining the worthiness of a programme or its shortcomings. The study provides a detailed account of the Learnership programme, its design, and the implementation thereof. Furthermore, the study highlights the need for a transparent, non-discriminatory legislative and policy context, as well as sound institutional mechanisms for supporting the implementation of the programme. Based on the evidence gathered, it appears that there is little appreciation of the concept of skills development through the Learnership programme.
The implementation of the programme has been marred by coordination and management challenges and as a result, the acquiring of skills or skills transfer through the programme remains a challenge. Overall, the lack of institutionalising the programme has rendered it an ad-hoc activity as opposed to a strategic investment of addressing skills shortage. A number of recommendations are provided for improving the implementation of the programme and to contribute towards resolving the pervasive skills constraints in South Africa through the Learnership programme. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nege jaar na die instelling van die Leerderskapprogram is heelwat werk reeds deur verskeie organisasies gedoen om die program te implementeer. Die implementering van die program gaan steeds met verskeie uitdagings gepaard wat nadelig is vir die verwesenliking van die oorkoepelende doel om 'n formele geregistreerde kwalifikasie te verwerf en die leerders se indiensnemingsgeleenthede te verbeter deur 'n kombinasie van beroepsonderwys en -opleiding.
Die studie fokus op die evaluering van die implementering van die Leerderskapprogram in die Staatsdienskommissie. Evaluering speel uiteraard 'n kritieke rol om die waarde of tekortkominge van 'n program te bepaal. Die studie bied 'n gedetailleerde oorsig van die Leerderskapprogram en die ontwerp en implementering daarvan. Voorts beklemtoon die studie 'n deursigtige, niediskriminerende wetgewende en beleidskonteks asook 'n stewige institusionele meganisme om die implementering van die program te steun, hoewel dit uit die getuienis blyk dat daar weinig begrip is van die konsep van vaardigheidsontwikkeling deur die Leerderskapprogram.
Die implementering van die program word belemmer deur koördinerings- en bestuursuitdagings, met die gevolg dat die verwerwing van vaardighede of vaardigheidsoordrag deur middel van die program 'n uitdaging bly. In die geheel gesien, veroorsaak die gebrekkige institusionalisering van die program dat dit 'n ad hoc-aktiwiteit is in plaas van 'n strategiese investering om die vaardigheidstekort die hoof te bied. Verskeie aanbevelings word gedoen om die implementering van die program te verbeter en om by te dra tot die oplossing van die wydverspreide vaardigheidstekort in Suid-Afrika deur middel van die Leerderskapprogram.
275 |
Bedryfs-maatskaplike werk by plaaslike owerhede in die Kaapse SkiereilandPowrie, Anon Hugh Ferdinand 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to investigate the present functioning of
occupational social work at local governments in the Cape Peninsula. In order to
realise this aim, an exploratory study was undertaken. In this study the historical
development of occupational social work, internationally as well as in the South
African context, was investigated. From the investigation it became apparent that
there is a difference in the pattern between the historical development of
occupational social work internationally and in the South African context. In
South Africa industrialization occurred almost a century later than in the
European countries and the development of occupational social work was further
hampered by the political system of separate development.
The organizational context of occupational social work practice as well as the
roles, functions, knowledge and skills of the occupational social worker were
discussed. It is essential that the occupational social worker should not only have
insight into the structural and functional aspects of organizations, but should also
have the know how to apply this knowledge base to promote social work services
in the workplace. Although the roles, functions, knowledge and skills of the
occupational social worker are relatively similar to those of social workers in
other fields of practice, it is also evident that this field requires more specialized
skills and knowledge.
Attention was given to social work supervision and management in the
occupational context and it became apparent that in the occupational context,
social work supervision and management are influenced by a variety of
organizational factors. Supervision is extremely important to local governments
because it provides the opportunity for these organizations to guide the service
delivery of the social workers in a scientific and responsible manner.
Lastly the structure and functioning of local governments were discussed with
specific reference to occupational social work. The emergence of occupational social work at local governments in the Cape Peninsula as well as the Employee
Assistance Program policy and the substance dependency treatment policy of
local governments were also discussed.
An empirical investigation was undertaken after the literature study, in which
eight occupational social workers as well as their six managers at local
governments in the Cape Peninsula participated. The questionnaire was used as
the technique for data collection.
On the basis of the conclusion and findings of this study, certain
recommendations on the practical implementation of occupational social work
policy and the process of supervision for local governments in the Cape
Peninsula are made at the end of the report. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die huidige funksionering van bedryfsmaatskaplike
werk by plaaslike owerhede in die Kaapse Skiereiland te
ondersoek. Om hierdie doel te bereik is 'n verkennende studie onderneem. In
die studie is die historiese ontwikkeling van bedryfs-maatskaplike werk
internasionaal sowel as in Suid-Afrika ondersoek. Uit die ondersoek blyk dit dat
die historiese ontwikkeling van bedryfs-maatskaplike werk internasionaal en in
Suid-Afrika, nie dieselfde patroon gevolg het nie. In Suid-Afrika het
industrialisasie bykans 'n eeu later as in die Europese lande plaasgevind en is
die ontwikkeling van bedryfs-maatskaplike werk verder ook gestrem deur 'n
politieke stelsel van afsondering.
Die organisatoriese konteks van bedryfs-maatskaplike werk praktyk en die rolle,
funksies, kennis en vaardighede van die bedryfs-maatskaplike werker is
bespreek. Dit is noodsaaklik dat die bedryfs-maatskaplike werker nie slegs oor
insig van die strukturele en funksionele aspekte van organisasies moet beskik
nie, maar behoort hy veel eerder te weet hoe om hierdie insig en kennis-basis te
benut ten einde maatskaplike werk in die werkomgewing te bevorder. Alhoewel
die rolle, funksies, kennis en vaardighede van die bedryfs-maatskaplike werker
tot 'n groot mate met maatskaplike werkers in ander velde ooreenstem, is dit ook
duidelik dat hierdie veld meer gespesialiseerde vaardighede en kennis verg.
Daar is aandag geskenk aan maatskaplike werk supervisie en bestuur in die
bedryfsopset en het dit uit die studie duidelik geword dat maatskaplike werk
supervisie en bestuur in die bedryfsopset deur verskeie organisatoriese faktore
beïnvloed word. Supervisie is van besondere belang vir plaaslike owerhede, aangesien 'n program vir supervisie aan dié organisasies die geleentheid bied
om op 'n wetenskaplike, verantwoordbare wyse met die maatskaplike werkers te
kommunikeer en kontrole oor hulle dienslewering en doelbereiking uit te oefen.
Laastens is die struktuur en funksionering van plaaslike owerhede met
spesifieke verwysing na bedryfs-maatskaplike werk bespreek. Die ontstaan van
bedryfs-maatskaplike werk by plaaslike owerhede in die Kaapse Skiereiland en
plaaslike owerhede se werknemer hulpprogrambeleid en middele-afhanklikheid
behandelingsbeleid is ook bespreek.
'n Empiriese ondersoek is na die literatuurstudie onderneem, waraan agt
bedryfs-maatskaplike werkers by plaaslike owerhede in die Kaapse Skiereiland
sowel as hul ses bestuurders deelgeneem het. Die vraelys is as tegniek van
inligtinginsameling gebruik. Gegrond op die gevolgtrekkings en bevindings van
hierdie studie, word daar aan die einde van die verslag bepaalde aanbevelings
ten opsigte van die praktiese implementering van bedryfs-maatskaplike werk
beleid en die proses van supervisie vir plaaslike owerhede in die Kaapse
Skiereiland gemaak.
276 |
Mannekragontwikkeling in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika met besondere verwysing na aspekte van formele tegniese en beroepsonderwys van die geemplojeerde in die VrystaatVan Lill, J. J. (Jacob Jacobus) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DComm)--Stellenbosch University, 1982. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Manpower development is a subsection of economic planning. The
aim of this study was to make a contribution to the existing
perception of the education planning and economic planning of
manpower development by means of formal, technical and vocational
education, so as to bring the manpower supply of trained
persons in balance with the demand. The emphasis falls on the
formal education and training and re-training of the EMPLOYEE
as a means of combating the continuous shortage of skilled
manpower in the Republic of South Africa.
The planning of an education system must have as aim, to plan
in such a way that sufficient skilled manpower can be supplied
to the labour market, that is - a demand and supply system of
formal education for the employee is advocated.
A theoretical framework is constructed which indicates that a
balance on all levels of manpower demand and supply can be
pursued by means of a system of co-operative education for
the employee.
The essence of effective co-operative education was identified
in the study as effective liaison mechanisms between the interested
parties, the self-regulating role which financing plays
in this type of education and the importance of the timely
identification of manpower training needs by the formal education
planners and employers.
The empirical results indicated that the employees who received
post school education and training in the Orange Free State,
amount to 5,9 per cent, whilst 94,1 per cent received no such
This investigation clearly proved that manpower development, as
it appears at present in the Orange Free State, could be substantially
improved by means of post-school, formal technical
and vocational training of the employee by implementing the
recommendations made in this dissertation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mannekragontwikkeling is n onderafdeling van ekonomiese beplanning.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om n bydrae te lewer
tot die bestaande insigte aangaande onderwysbeplanning en
ekonomiese beplanning van mannekragontwikkeling deur formele
tegniese en beroepsonderwys, qm daardeur mannekragvoorsiening
van opgeleides in ewewig met die aanvraag te bring. Die klem
val op die formele onderwys en opleiding en heropleiding van
die GEeMPLOJEERDE as middel om die voortdurende tekorte aan geskoolde
mannekrag in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, die hoof
te bied.
Die onderwysstelselbeplanning moet ten doel he om so te beplan
dat genoegsame geskoolde mannekrag, aan die arbeidsmark voorsien
sal kan word, dit wil se n vraag-aanbodstelsel van formele
onderwys vir die geemplojeerde word begunstig.
n Teoretiese raamwerk is opgebou waarvolgens aangetoon word dat
ewewig op alle vlakke van mannekragaanvraag en -aanbod nagestreef
kan word deur n stelsel van kooperatiewe onderwys vir
die geemplojeerde.
Die wese van doeltreffende, kooperatiewe onderwys is in die
studie geidentifiseer as doeltreffende skakelingsmeganismes
tussen die belanghebbende partye, die selfregulerende rol wat
finansiering in die soort onderwys speel en die belangrikheid
van die tydige identifisering van mannekragopleidingsbehoeftes
deur die formele onderwysbeplanners en werkgewers.
Die empiriese resultate het getoon dat geemplojeerdes wat naskoolse
onderwys en opleiding in die Vrystaat deurloop het
5,9 persent bedra, terwyl 94,1 persent geen sodanige opleiding
gehad het nie.
Uit die ondersoek het dit duidelik geblyk dat mannekragontwikkeling
deur middel van naskoolse, formele tegniese en beroepsonderwys
van die geemplojeerde, in die huidige opset in die
Vrystaat, aansienlik verbeter kan word, deur dit aan te pas
by die aanbevelings wat in hierdie proefskrif gemaak is.
277 |
Academics' conceptions and orientations of graduate attributes in applied design programmes at a university of technologyBester, Marianne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Based on a number of comprehensive international studies conducted in the past three decades as well as various other national surveys and reports, it is reasonable to argue that a focus on mere academic disciplinary knowledge is not sufficient to meet employers’ and students’ expectations about higher education studies. These studies support arguments of preparing students for today’s rapidly changing and highly competitive labour markets, for periods of unemployment in terms of economic downturn, and for lifelong learning. Moreover, the literature suggests that the so-called discrepancy between the needs of the world of work and those offered by higher education could possibly be addressed by placing a more pertinent focus on the development of graduate attributes. Despite the fact that graduate attributes have been the centre of discussion in many countries over a number of decades, literature indicates that the notion of graduate attributes is a complex concept that relates to issues such as employability, lifewide and lifelong learning, social responsibility and good citizenship, as well as others related to environmental consciousness and technological adeptness. This study is located within a constructivist-interprevist paradigm using a phenomenographic approach to investigate the qualitatively different ways in which academic staff members in five undergraduate Applied Design programmes at a University of Technology experience, conceptualise, perceive and understand the phenomenon of graduate attributes in the subjects they teach. The conceptual framework used in the study is based on the three domains of higher learning of the engaged curriculum model of Barnett and Coate (2005). For this study qualitative data was collected using multiple data collection methods, including curriculum document analysis, focus-group sessions and semi-structured interviews. The data analysis process consisted of seven stages of defining the categories of description that emerged from the qualitative data available to the researcher. This was an iterative process of discovery of which the categories of description were not based on predetermined classifications. A set of a limited number of hierarchically related categories of description emerged from this analysis. These categories of description, in conjunction with the relationships among the categories, constitute the outcome space of phenomenography.
Based on the findings from the literature perspectives on graduate attributes and the empirical findings of the phenomenographic study a number of important issues can be highlighted. These include academics’ misconceptions of what is meant by graduate attributes as well as the interactions between their conceptions of graduate attributes and how they approach the development of graduate attributes through their teaching practice. The phenomenographic analysis indicates that if academics view graduate attributes as discrete, isolated units of learning that can be attached to an existing curriculum as a ‘quick-fix’ to address employers’ needs, they are likely to have a simplistic, technicist conception of curriculum and may adopt a transmission, teacher-centred approach to their teaching. Literature has revealed that such approaches negatively influence students’ learning experiences. As an alternative approach, an integrated capabilities framework is suggested to support the notion of graduate attributes as a complex, multi-dimensional and inter-related aspects of higher education. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gebaseer op ‘n aantal omvattende internasionale studies wat in die afgelope drie dekades wêreldwyd uitgevoer is asook verskeie nasionale opnames en verslae kan daar met reg aangevoor word dat deur slegs klem te plaas op die ontwikkeling van akademiese dissiplinêre kennis binne hoër onderwys daar nie aan die behoeftes en verwagtinge van werkgewers en studente voldoen word nie. Hierdie studies bevestig ook vraagstukke wat verband hou met die voorbereiding van studente vir die hedendaagse snel veranderende arbeidsmark, ekonomiese afswaai en gepaardegaande werksloosheid, asook aspekte rakende lewenslange leer. Literatuur dui daarop dat hierdie sogenaamde tekortkominge moontlik aangespreek kan word deur meer klem te plaas op die ontwikkeling van die kenmerke wat met gegradueerdes geassosieer word. Alhoewel hierdie kenmerke van gegradueerdes reeds gedurende die afgelope aantal dekades en in verskeie lande die spilpunt van bespreking is, dui literatuur daarop dat die opvattings wat met gegradueerde kenmerke gepaardgaan kompleks van aard is. Dit hou ook verband met kwessies soos werkverkryging, lewenslange en lewenswye leer, goeie burgerskap en gemeenskapsveranderwoordelikheid asook ander relevante kwessies soos omgewingsbewustheid en tegnologiese kundigheid. Hierdie studie is geposisioneer binne ‘n konstruktivistiese en interpretatiewe paradigma. ‘n Fenomenografiese benadering is gebruik om die opvattings oor gegradueerde kenmerke, wat akademici in vyf toegepaste ontwerpskursusse aan ‘n Universiteit van Tegnologie het, kwalitatiewelik te ondersoek. Die konseptuele raamwerk vir hierdie studie is gebaseer op die drie aspekte van gevorderde leer wat deel vorm van die samevoegende kurrikulum model van Barnett en Coate (2005). Vir die doel van hierdie studie is kwalitatiewe data ingesamel deur middel van veelvuldige data insamelingsmetodes wat die ontleding van kurrikulum dokumente, fokusgroep besprekings en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude ingesluit het. Die ontledingsproses het bestaan uit sewe stadiums om die kategorieë van beskrywing, wat vanuit die data ontstaan het, te definieer. Dit was ‘n proses van herhaaldelike ontdekking en was nie gebaseer op vooraf bepaalde klassifikasies nie. ‘n Stel van ‘n beperkte aantal kategorieë van beskrywing binne ‘n hierargiese orde het ontstaan vanuit hierdie ontleding. Hierdie kategorieë van beskrywing, met inagneming van die verband tussen die kategorieë, vorm die uitkomste ruimte (“outcome space”) van hierdie fenomenografiese studie.
‘n Aantal belangrike gevolgtrekkinge kan gemaak word gebaseer op die literatuurstudie en die bevindings van die empiriese studie. Hierdie gevolgtrekkinge sluit in die wanopvattings van akademiese personeellede aangaande die kenmerke van gegradueerdes, asook die wisselwerking tussen die akademici se opvattings en wyse waarop hul onderrig benader. Die data-ontleding dui daarop dat indien akademici die kenmerke van gegradueerdes beskou as afsonderlike en geïsoleerde eenhede van leer wat by ‘n bestaande kurrikulum gevoeg kan word as ‘n sogenaamde kitsoplossing om aan werkgewers se verwagtinge te voldoen, hul heel moontlik ‘n oorvereenvoudigde, tegniese opvatting van kurrikulum het en dat hul ook waarskynlik ‘n transmissie, dosentgesentreerde benadering tot onderrig het. Literatuur dui daarop dat sulke benaderings studente se leerervarings negatief beïnvloed. As ‘n alternatiewe benadering, stel die navorser ‘n geïntegreerde raamwerk voor wat gebaseer is op ‘n vermenging van alvermoë en vernuftigheid sodat die kenmerke van gegradueerdes gesien kan word as ‘n stel komplekse, multi-dimensionele en inter-afhanklike aspekte van hoër onderwysstudies.
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An Assessment of Occupational Needs and Training Programs in Saudi ArabiaAwwad, Muhammad M. Joma 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the size of the Saudi Arabian manpower shortage in light of the Second Development Plan, (2) the number of skilled and semi-skilled workers that will be graduated from vocational and technical programs during the plan period, and (3) the factors that explain the major causes of the labor shortage problem. In order to accomplish these objectives, the study has considered two questions: (1) Is there a consistency between the manpower needs of skilled and semi-skilled workers and the vocational and technical training programs' output? (2) What are the major factors that explain the labor shortage in Saudi Arabia?
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The establishment of an ABET centre in a rural school in the Northern Province of South AfricaManamela, Enos 21 May 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to ident-fy issues involved in the
establishment of an ABET centre in a rural secondary school. A
case study of two schools with ABET centres and one without an
ABET centre as well as a community college was undertaken. The
procedure involved gathering information on how ABET was
established and how it is implemented in the two schools.
Observations and unstructured interviews were carried out in the
four institutions. The information which was gathered was
analysed to identify themes related to the establishment of an
ABET centre. Factors which were investigated in the four
institutions included among others, strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats (herein referred to as swot-analysis,
see Abbreviations, Acronyms and Terminology). All the
stakeholders such as ABET practitioners and governing bodies were
requested to, for example, list and explain factors of 'swot'
which they were experiencing.
The analysis of the information gathered was used to inform the
’ researcher what factors to consider in es'tXL ishing an ABET
centre in a rural school,, A procedural model for the
establishment of an ABET centre is proposed in this study. The
proposed model can be used not only by the sale rural school
alone, but by other schools both in the rural and urban areas
wishing to establish ABET centres in future. The decision, to :ise
the model will depend on the evaluation by ABET implementers.
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Uma contribui????o ao estudo da adequa????o da grade curricular dos cursos de ci??ncias cont??beis da cidade de S??o Paulo e do exame de sufici??ncia exigido pelo Conselho Federal de Contabilidade para a obten????o do registro profissional de contadorLuiz??o, Adilson 13 September 2002 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2002-09-13 / Facing the need and interest, of the accounting class, in protecting the quality of rendered service by professionals of the area, the Federal Accounting Board (Conselho Federal de Contabilidade CFC) created a Capacity Exam required to obtain the Public Certification in the Regional Accounting Board (Conselho Regional de Contabilidade CRC). The Federal Accounting Board established the contents requested for the Capacity Exam aiming at the demands of the working market. This research is focused on verifying the adequacy among the syllabuses of universities which offer Accounting courses in the city of S??o Paulo. Tabulating the answers of the questionnaire sent to all the universities which offer Accounting courses in the city of S??o Paulo, it was verified an adequacy among the accounting courses syllabuses and the contents of the Capacity Exam. In this way, the objective of the research was achieved through the contribution which result is the study of this topic. / Diante da necessidade e interesse da classe cont??bil de resguardar a qualidade dos servi??os prestados pelos profissionais da ??rea cont??bil, o Conselho Federal de Contabilidade - CFC, criou o Exame de Sufici??ncia. A aprova????o neste Exame ?? condi????o indispens??vel para a obten????o do registro profissional nos Conselhos Regionais de Contabilidade - CRC's. O CFC estabeleceu o conte??do program??tico a ser exigido na realiza????o do Exame de Sufici??ncia partindo da premissa de que tais conte??dos seriam os adequados para atender ao quanto ?? solicitado pelo mercado de trabalho. Este trabalho de pesquisa est?? centrado na verifica????o da adequa????o entre as grades curriculares do Exame de Sufici??ncia e das grades curriculares das Institui????es de Ensino Superior que oferecem o Curso de Ci??ncias Cont??beis, dentro do munic??pio de S??o Paulo. Atrav??s de question??rio enviado a todas as Institui????es de Ensino Superior - IES - do munic??pio de S??o Paulo que oferecem o Curso de Ci??ncias Cont??beis, verificou-se se havia uma adequa????o entre as grades curriculares dos cursos de Ci??ncias Cont??beis com o conte??do program??tico do Exame de Sufici??ncia, o que restou plenamente comprovado ao final da an??lise das respostas apresentadas. Desta forma o objetivo da pesquisa foi atendido atrav??s desta contribui????o ao estudo do presente tema.
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