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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beräkningsmodul för ett förbättrat offertförfarande och minskad icke-värdeskapande tid / A calculation template for an improved, easier and less wasteful way in making bid calculations

Fetah, Samir, Herrmann, Peter January 2011 (has links)
In early January 2010 the authors participated in a meeting with the chief engineer for a company in which a central part is manufacturing of printed circuit boards (PCB). At this meeting it emerged that the machinery and production methods have changed substantially since the early 1990's. The spreadsheet for preliminary production time calculations by the company is today based on conditions from almost 20 years ago. The company has over the years been trying to adjust the spreadsheet template. The result of these adjustments has filled it with historical residue, something which makes the template difficult and time consuming when the primary user tries to handle it. The purpose of this study was to help the company increase its accuracy in the representation of the production times for the different PCB-based products by developing a new costing model based on an already existing but inadequate spreadsheet template. The company also expressed the wish that the new costing model would be less time consuming to work with. The methods used to achieve the goal are interviewing, participatory observations and meetings with relevant persons. The data obtained were analyzed using the theory on PCB production and visualization of data. Many questions have also been clarified through additional interviews and some meetings. This has made it possible to analyze the total production time of most work stations. Studies of Mathematical Statistics show that the total time variance is made up of the different work stations variance. This insight has influenced us in our analysis of the various work stations. After the analysis and discussion between us and the company's technical director together with production engineers concerning the time parameters for each workstation a pilot template and user guide were designed. The pilot template and user guide has been developed in accordance with the theory of visualization and has been evaluated by the company's production and marketing departments. This generated a final proposal on the spreadsheet template and user guide. This proposal is an Excel-based spreadsheet template consisting of six tabs: Presentation marknad, Presentation teknik, Variabler, Konstanter, Formler and a user's guide which highlights the use of the tabs. "Presentation marknad” shows what marketers need for their work and the "Variabler" for the engineers. Tabs and User Manual has been designed with visualization in mind, for example, have different font sizes and colored text been used. Tabs "Konstanter" and "Formler" is the basic data and information on how core data can be changed when the need arises. The reason for the last two tabs characteristics is that through our identification and analysis of workstations and own studies performed by the company, the company is allowed to increase the templates accuracy compared to reality.

Echanges culturels dans une économie mondialisée. La réception du spectacle de langue française en Corée, 1960-2012 / Cultural exchange in the process of economic globalization : Korean reception of performing art in French, 1960-2012

Ji, Eun Min 28 March 2013 (has links)
L’histoire des relations culturelles internationales à travers l’étude des circulations et des transferts culturels, dans un contexte de mondialisation, est un sujet de plus en plus fréquent. Nous comprenons alors que l’action dans le domaine culturel correspond à l’intérêt que portent les États et les nations à faire connaître leur réalité sociale, politique, économique, scientifique et technique, afin de mieux échanger leurs réalisations. Dans le contexte particulier de la Corée du XXe siècle, les spectacles en langue française sont davantage perçus pour leur approche académique. Si ces derniers sont compris comme des œuvres savantes, mais aussi critiques et politiques, les spectacles coréens se focalisent davantage sur leur popularité auprès du grand public. En revanche, la comédie musicale de langue française, déjà présente sur le sol coréen mais qui jusqu’alors était perçue pour son approche académique, investit désormais le champ du divertissement populaire. Nous pouvons relever les principaux facteurs contribuant à ce succès au travers d’une approche esthétique et une méthodologie propre au marketing. Dans un contexte de circulation internationale des produits culturels, le plus important est de saisir dans quelles mesures cette culture peut s’adapter et influencer le développement d’une autre culture. Notre étude consacrée à la réception de la comédie musicale de langue française en Corée devrait constituer un moyen de révéler les points de convergences ou de différences entre deux cultures radicalement éloignées, géographiquement, certes, mais aussi sur le plan historique, social ou généalogique. Notre analyse du rôle de la mondialisation repose sur la réception d’une culture sur un terrain étranger afin d’évaluer les influences réciproques que se portent ces deux cultures. / The history of cultural relations in the international arena, carried out through circulations andtransfers, has come to be a subject emerging more and more frequently in the context of globalization. It hasbecome apparent that actions of interchange in and from cultural domains respond to the states’ interestwhile countries allows others to acknowledge their social, political, economic, scientific and technical reality,in order for their realizations to be exchanged better. As for the context of Korea in the midst of its 20thcentury development, performances in French have been well perceived mainly through their academicapproach. They tend to be understood as technical, as well as critical and political maneuvers, whereasKorean performing arts exhibit the tendency of focusing on gaining popularity from a large public. On theother hand, musical theatre in French, readily present in Korean stages but perceived predominantly in thelight of academic approach, is starting to shift to the popular entertainment realm. Some of the principalfactors to its success can be studied through an aesthetic approach and methods oriented on marketing. Interms of international flow of cultural products, with the recognition of globalized economies, the essentialquestion is to grasp to what extent one culture can be assimilated into and influence the development ofanother. The efforts directed towards the Korean reception of musical theatre in French will have to give riseto a system in which the point of convergence or the differences between two radically distinct cultures notonly in geographical, but also in historical, social and genealogic respect should be duly noted. Our analysisof the role of the process of globalization lies on the inflow of one culture into a foreign territory, with thereciprocal influences arising from the relationship between the two.

Rökgaskondensering : Ett möjligt alternativ för Nybro Energi AB? / Flue gas condensor : A possible option för Nybro Energi AB?

Zackrisson, Åsa, Sjölin, Jens January 1900 (has links)
Syftet med undersökningen var att klargöra om en rökgaskondensor är en bra investering för Nybro Energi AB. Saxlund Bioenergy AB kontaktades för sammanställning av offert. Med hjälp av parametrar från Nybro Energi AB och offerten från Saxlund Bioenergy AB, gjordes beräkningar för att avgöra om en investering är lönsam. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att en investering av sådant slag som behandlats i detta arbete var intjänad efter mindre än sju år i drift och effekten som är möjlig att utvinna uppgår till 2,8 MW, förutsatt att panneffekten utgjordes av minst 15 MW.  Slutsatserna var att investeringen inte var betald efter sju år med underlag av att kostnader som utgjordes av eventuell ombyggnation inte var behandlade i undersökningen, detta innebar dock inte att en investering ärr olönsam då dessa kostnader uppskattades som små i förhållande till den totala besparingen efter att den ekonomiska livslängden på 15 år har löpt ut. / The purpose of this investigation was to clarify whether a flue gas condenser was a good investment for Nybro Energi AB. Saxlund Bioenergy AB was contacted for the compilation of quotation. Using parameters from Nybro Energi AB and the quote from Saxlund Bioenergy AB, calculations were made to determine whether an investment was suitable. The results of the study showed that the investment of the kind dealt with in this work was earned after less than seven years of operation, and the output that was possible to recover amounted to 2,8 MW, provided that the boiler output consisted of at least 15 MW. The conclusions were that the investment was not paid after seven years because of the costs consisted of possible reconstructions were not considered in the survey, this does not mean that an investment was unprofitable since these costs were estimated as small relative to the total savings after the economic life of 15 years, has expired.

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