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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Huang, Chi-ya 09 September 2009 (has links)

Conseil adaptatif et accompagnement des demandeurs d'emploi. / Adaptive counseling for job seekers.

Guénolé, Nicolas 11 December 2013 (has links)
Nous orientons nos travaux vers l’analyse des effets d’une individualisation de l’accompagnement proposé auxdemandeurs d’emploi, en fonction de leurs problématiques vocationnelles. Il s’agit de considérerl’individualisation sous la forme d’un accompagnement adapté aux problématiques vocationnelles desindividus, en partant de l’idée que ceux-ci ne bénéficient pas tous au même niveau d’une prestation d’aide à larecherche d’emploi. Nous postulons ainsi qu’un accompagnement à la recherche d’emploi différenciépermettra de mieux prendre en considération les attentes et les besoins des bénéficiaires, et d’accroîtrel’efficacité de leurs démarches. Les actions proposées aux personnes seront en effet a priori plus pertinentes sielles sont mises en oeuvre en fonction de leurs problématiques personnelles et vocationnelles. Ainsi, nousavons travaillé dans une première partie de nos travaux de thèse à la présentation d’une typologie desproblématiques vocationnelles de demandeurs d’emploi. Un protocole évaluant le niveau de ressourcespsychologiques, de dépression, de soutien social, de sentiment d’efficacité personnelle, d’estime de soi,d’indécision et d’employabilité a été proposé à 323 participants. Les résultats obtenus mettent en évidence troiscatégories de problématiques vocationnelles, permettant d’engager une réflexion sur les modalités d’unaccompagnement différencié. Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié les attentes et les besoins desdemandeurs d’emploi en matière de dispositifs d’aide à l’insertion professionnelle. Adoptant un point de vuequalitatif, nous avons mis en évidence auprès d’un échantillon de 16 demandeurs d’emploi, leur répartition entrois axes distincts. Les dispositifs doivent ainsi permettre de retrouver rapidement un emploi, de maîtriser destechniques de recherche d’emploi, et de formaliser un projet professionnel pertinent vis-à-vis du marché del’emploi. Ces deux expérimentations nous ont permis, dans un dernier temps, d’étudier, à l’aide d’uneapproche “interaction caractéristique traitement”, les effets d’un dispositif d’aide à la recherche d’emploidifférencié fondé sur la théorie du conseil adaptatif. Si cette étude montre les effets significatifs d’un dispositifd’insertion professionnelle vis-à-vis des problématiques vocationnelles des participants et de leur niveau dedynamisation, elle ne permet pas de mettre en évidence l’effet accru d’un conseil différencié. Les limites denos travaux, ainsi que leurs apports théoriques et pratiques sont discutés en conclusion, tout en ouvrant denouvelles perspectives de recherche. / We focus our work on analyzing the effects of adaptive career counseling proposed to job seekers, according totheir vocational problems. The individualization will thus be considered as an appropriate support to vocationalproblems of individuals, based on the idea that these job seekers do not all have the same level of benefits ofcareer counseling. We can highlight the idea that adaptive counseling will better take into account the needsand expectation of the beneficiaries, and increase the effectiveness of their efforts. The intervention will bemore relevant if they are implemented according to their personal and vocational problems. Thus, the first partof our thesis work aims at defining a taxonomy of people’s career profile during their career counselingsessions. Some 323 clients have consequently been submitted to a test protocol assessing their level ofpsychological resources, social support, depression, self-esteem, indecision, but also their feeling of selfefficacyand their abilities required to be hired as trustworthy employees. The given results allow us to put theemphasis on three distinct categories of career profile who permit to regard adaptive counseling as an answerto reemployment. In a second part, we have put forward the expectations and needs of job seekers as to supportemployability devices. Adopting a qualitative point of view, we have emphasized their distribution in threeseparate axes. Their devices must help them to quickly find a job, to have total control of the job-seeking toolsand to establish a suitable professional project. Finally, those two experimentations have allowed us to studythe degree of change for the job seekers who have been attending an individualized career counselingworkshop based on the theory of the adaptive counseling theory. If the results shows significant effects onpeople’s career profile and on their investment while searching for a job, it does not allow to induce a moresignificant effect by these last. The limitations of our work, as well as their theoretical and practicalcontributions are discussed in conclusion, while opening up new opportunities for future researches.

Strategies of Information Acquisition Under Uncertainty / Stratégies d'acquisition d'information dans l'incertain

Attallah, May 13 October 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de présenter quatre essais en économie comportementale et expérimentale sur prise de décision dans le risque et l’ambiguïté. Le premier essai présente une synthèse et un point de vue sur la représentativité des résultats expérimentaux en matière de préférences : préférences sociales et préférences concernant le risque et le temps dans les pays développés ainsi que dans les pays en voie de développement. Le deuxième essai explore expérimentalement l’effet du risque et de l’ambiguïté sur le comportement de recherche d’emploi en horizon infini. Les résultats montrent qu’en risque et ambiguïté, les salaires de réservation sont inférieurs aux valeurs théoriques et diminuent au cours du processus de recherche. De même, les sujets se comportent comme des agents neutre à l’ambiguïté. Le troisième et quatrième essai étudient l’effet du contexte social et la corrélation des paiements sur les attitudes face au risque et à l’ambiguïté respectivement dans le domaine de gain, perte et le domaine mixte. Les résultats montrent que l’introduction du contexte social a un effet significatif sur les attitudes face au risque dans les trois domaines. Néanmoins, la corrélation des risques a un effet sur les attitudes face au risque seulement dans le domaine mixte. Les attitudes face à l’ambiguïté varient selon le domaine. De même, la corrélation des paiements diminuent l’aversion à l’ambiguïté. / The objective of this thesis is to present four essays in behavioral and experimental economics on decision-making under risk and ambiguity. The first essay presents a synthesis and a point of view on the representativeness of experimental results regarding individual preferences: social preferences and risk and time preferences, in developed countries as well as in developing countries. The second essay explores experimentally the effect of risk and ambiguity on job search behavior in an infinite horizon. The results show that in risk and ambiguity, reservation wages are lower than the theoretical values and decrease during the search process. Similarly, subjects behave as ambiguity neutral agents. The third and fourth essay examine the effect of the social context and the correlation of payments on attitudes towards risk and ambiguity respectively in gain, loss and mixed domain. The results show that the introduction of the social context has a significant effect on attitudes towards risk in all three domains. Nevertheless, the correlation of risks has an effect on risk attitudes only in the mixed domain. As for ambiguity, ambiguity attitudes vary across domains. The correlation of payments decreases ambiguity aversion.

Recent graduates’ usage and thoughts about LinkedIn

Larsen, Leonora January 2020 (has links)
This study examines how recent graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Media Technology use LinkedIn as a tool for job search and networking. It examines their thoughts around theirbehaviour in relation with how their behaviour can affect their future career opportunities. Thepurpose is to gain a deeper understanding of how LinkedIn is used which is based on the uses and gratifications theory. To examine this an abductive approach has been used, and four semistructured interviews have been done to gather data from the recent graduates. The study shows that recent graduates with a Bachelor of Science in Media Technology use LinkedIn as a tool for job search, but do not use the opportunity to network to its fullest potential. The recent graduates in this study are also passive users who use LinkedIn as a place to gather information that can be used later. This strengthens the earlier studies done in the field that students and recent graduates use LinkedIn passively and do not use the functions “liking”, “commenting”, “sharing” and “posting” to be more visible to the fullest. The recent graduates are aware of the opportunities LinkedIn provide and that it is beneficial for them to be more active there than they are today but find it difficult to know what they would contribute with by being more active.

Student Loan Impacts on Labor Market Decisions in the United States: Employment Transitions, Education-Occupation Mismatch, and Entrepreneurship

Litt, Wade Howarth 02 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Improving Job Seeking Outcomes at the Baldwin Public Library: A Qualitative Inquiry

Kuunifaa, Cletus Dipnibe 07 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding Anticipatory Socialization for New Student Affairs Professionals

Lombardi, Kara M. 10 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Towards stress-less UX design: How job search systems contribute to job search stress?

Come, Amarildo, Javaid, Muhammad January 2022 (has links)
Unemployment has long been considered a risk factor for mental health. While jobsearch is an extremely draining and stressful process, the job-search systems thatjobseekers use do not have to be. Among the many pressuring factors that are known tocontribute to stress, it remains unexplored how job search systems UX impactsjobseekers. This study aimed at identifying and understanding job search systemsrelated stressors based on existing stressor characteristics and on stressless designheuristics. To achieve this goal, semi-structured interviews were conducted incombination with a survey. Thematic analysis was performed to identify themes; and asurvey was conducted to gather the broader sentiment on job search experience.The results show that existing stressless design heuristics are effective in thinkingdesign for stress; as new themes emerged, three new heuristics are proposed.The 3 main stressors identified are related to poor UX in terms of feedback systems,complex interactions to fill in application forms, poor job description quality combinedwith a wanting job search capability. The major reasoning for the identified stressors isthat they are perceived as hindrances towards the main goal – getting a job.Stressor’s impact appears in the form of lowering job search engagement and makingjobseekers develop a negative attitude towards online job search.One important finding is that these stressors only become visible over time; this mighthave an implication on how software is tested and evaluated for stress. The findingswere discussed in view of previous studies, practical and scientific implications arepresented as well as suggestions for future research.

The Reputation Game: Searching for Low-Wage Work in Urban Nicaragua

Ibanez, Lindsey McKay 18 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Two Essays on the Economics of Discrimination : Ethnicity and Gender in the Labour Market and Welfare System

Ottosson, Niklas January 2024 (has links)
This thesis covers two areas of the labour market not commonly studied in the context of discrimination: potential bias of job seekers against employers based on ethnicity and gender, and discrimination against employment seekers in the context of the unemployment insurance system. Utilizing survey experiments, both studies yield robust null results. Overall, these studies contribute to the understanding of discrimination dynamics in the labour market and welfare systems. Paper I shows that job seekers may not be motivated by discriminatory practices when seeking employment. However, more research is needed, and future work should be focused on natural experiments to prevent limitations similar to those in our study. Paper II highlights the importance of strict legal frameworks and of maintaining rigorous standards in public service delivery to mitigate discriminatory practices. / <p><strong>Funding:</strong> Swedish Unemployment Insurance Inspectorate</p>

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