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GPU accelerated rendering of vector based maps on iOSQvick Faxå, Alexander, Bromö, Jonas January 2014 (has links)
Digital maps can be represented as either raster (bitmap images) or vector data. Vector maps are often preferable as they can be stored more efficiently and rendered irrespective of screen resolution. Vector map rendering on demand can be a computationally intensive task and has to be implemented in an efficient manner to ensure good performance and a satisfied end-user, especially on mobile devices with limited computational resources. This thesis discusses different ways of utilizing the on-chip GPU to improve the vector map rendering performance of an existing iOS app. It describes an implementation that uses OpenGL ES 2.0 to achieve the same end-result as the old CPU-based implementation using the same underlying map infras- tructure. By using the OpenGL based map renderer as well as implementing other performance optimizations, the authors were able to achieve an almost fivefold increase in rendering performance on an iPad Air.
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Rozšířená realita pro platformu Android / Augmented Reality for Android PlatformNohejl, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes design and implementation of augmented reality system for Android platform using location sensors. The application serves as a navigation and displays geographical points of interest. Thesis deals with augmented reality on mobile devices, describes design of own framework and mentions the details about implementation of selected problems. Finally, the results are evaluated.
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Accelerated Graphical User Interfaces / Accelerated Graphical User InterfacesNavrátil, Ladislav January 2013 (has links)
Tato práce je zaměřena na multiplatformní grafická uživatelské rozhraní a jejich hardwarovou akceleraci. Popisuje, co to uživatelské rozhraní jsou a srovnává nástroje na jejich tvorbu a způsoby jejich realizace. Hlavním bodem je vlastní návrh a implementace nástroje na tvorbu multiplatformních hardwarově akcelerovaných grafických uživatelských rozhraní. Srovnává vlastní koncept s existujícími řešeními, a uvádí ho do praxe na projektu s externí firmou.
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3D Augmented Reality Mobile Application Prototype for Visual Planning Support / Mobil 3D Augmented Reality Applikationsprototyp för Visuellt Planeringsstöd Godkänd från AnnMari och mig!Fombuena Valero, Arnau January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to implement a prototype of a 3D Augmented Reality mobile application. Using 3D is becoming more and more common for professionals as well as users. A good example of that is Google Earth and its 3D view. Implementing a mobile application that takes advantage of 3D and Augmented Reality may be very useful for planning new constructions in both urban and non-urban areas allowing to visualize how the construction will be in the future and how it will interact with its surrounding environment. There is a great potential for such kind of applications. An example could be the modification of a certain area of a city; allowing the inhabitants of that city to preview the project and, hopefully, avoiding unnecessary conflicts related to that project. In non-urban areas this application is also very useful for helping decision making by visualizing, on site, how the project will be and its impact on the environment. In order to preview a future construction there is the need to have a 3D model. Therefore, a 3D format for that model is necessary. Since COLLADA is a 3D standard interexchange format it is used in this thesis. Together with COLLADA, the computer graphics imagery and gaming technology called OpenGL ES 2.0 is used. Using COLLADA and OpenGL ES 2.0 combined with the properties of the views’ layers, the camera input, the sensors in the mobile device and the positioning technologies permit obtaining successful results displaying a 3D object in an Augmented Reality mobile prototype application. Interface elements are implemented as well in order to bring basic usability tools. The results show the advantages of combining technologies in a mobile device and the problems derived from the low accuracy in positioning in such kind of devices. Thus, ideas for improving the positioning accuracy are discussed as well.
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Rozšířená realita pro platformu Android / Augmented Reality for Android PlatformLžičař, Radek January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with Google Android platform, augmented reality and the ARToolKit library. An application demonstrating augmented reality for Google Android was designed and implemented in this thesis.
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Augmented Reality for Product Packaging : An Android Augmented Reality AppNikobonyadrad, Sam January 2012 (has links)
Augmented Reality for smartphones, while still in its initial stages, has a great potential in relation to the future path of mobile marketing and has already shown significant market presence thus far. However, Augmented Reality is an almost new concept, but its basis and techniques have been used for years. By generating enthusiasm in the retail market, Augmented Reality presents many opportunities. Simulating virtual interaction in real-time for an unknown product, encourages customers to experience an advertisement. The sense enhancement that Augmented Reality provides over a real-world environment, might be either the result of the device's location or the environmental images surrounding the device. The latter is called vision Augmented Reality. This study aims to develop a vision-based Augmented Reality application for Android platforms. The idea is based on a proposal offered by a ProductPackaging company, which would like to develop a smartphone application in order to provide shoppers an idea regarding what is inside the package. However, this is only one of the numerous advantages that AR brings and the benefits of this technology appears to be almost limitless in relation toincreasing productivity for customers. Once the goal has been achieved, the application can be used to provide relevant information about the product suchas physical specification, ingredients, animated instruction manual, repair wizard and so on. The main focus of the entire implementation is on integrating an existing ARSDK and a Java rendering library so that they can cooperate together. In addition, the fundamentals associated with the Image Registration process, which is the basis of Augmented Reality, are addressed. Both the advantages and drawbacks of the implementation model are discussed in this paper as arethe problematic issues surrounding the execution steps.
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Skinning på GPUn : Med dubbel kvaternionerBjörn, Overå January 2012 (has links)
Målet med projektet var att undersöka hur skeletal animationer utförs. Ett mål till var att det skulle vara förbestämda animationer. För att kunna ha förberäknade animationer användes autodesk fbx-filer. Skinningen har använt dubbel kvaternioner istället för matriser.Rapporten visar att skeletal animation med dubbel kvaternion skinning teknik kan utföras genom att använda fbx-filer med data som först exporterats till json-format.
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Vývoj grafických aplikací na iPhone a iPad platformě / Graphics Application Development on iPhone and iPad PlatformFiala, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The project deals with the creation of graphical applications for iOS system, describes the basics of OpenGL ES 2.0, development environment Xcode, Cocoa Touch Framework and Objective-C language. It focuses on the description of creation OpenGL game in the genre of "line drawing" games.
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Augmented Reality for Mobile Devices for Precise Urban Navigation / Augmented Reality for Mobile Devices for Precise Urban NavigationMurín, Michal January 2013 (has links)
Diplomová práce je zaměřená na rozšířenou realitu a její realizaci pro mobilní platformu Android. V teoretické části je kladen důraz na obeznámení se s principy rozšířené reality, možnostmi její realizace pro mobilní platformu Android, která je také podrobněji představena. V praktické části se dále zaměřuje na návrh a realizaci knihovny a aplikace využívající tuhle knihovnu pro tvorbu rozšířené reality na platformě Android pomocí GPS a polohových senzorů. Aplikace slouží jako navigace a zobrazuje cestu ke konkrétnímu cíly, jak v podobě rozšířené reality, tak i na klasické dvourozměrné mapě. Práce podrobně popisuje navrhované řešení knihovny a aplikace a jejich implementaci. Nakonec popisuje testování, zhodnocuje dosažené výsledky a diskutuje nedostatky výsledného řešení a možnosti jeho vylepšení, respektive rozšíření.
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Proposta para aceleração de desempenho de algoritmos de visão computacional em sistemas embarcados / Proposed algorithms performance acceleration computer vision in embedded systemsCurvello, André Márcio de Lima 10 June 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um benchmark para avaliar o desempenho de uma plataforma embarcada WandBoard Quad no processamento de imagens, considerando o uso da sua GPU Vivante GC2000 na execução de rotinas usando OpenGL ES 2.0. Para esse fim, foi tomado por base a execução de filtros de imagem em CPU e GPU. Os filtros são as aplicações mais comumente utilizadas em processamento de imagens, que por sua vez operam por meio de convoluções, técnica esta que faz uso de sucessivas multiplicações matriciais, o que justifica um alto custo computacional dos algoritmos de filtros de imagem em processamento de imagens. Dessa forma, o emprego da GPU em sistemas embarcados é uma interessante alternativa que torna viável a realização de processamento de imagem nestes sistemas, pois além de fazer uso de um recurso presente em uma grande gama de dispositivos presentes no mercado, é capaz de acelerar a execução de algoritmos de processamento de imagem, que por sua vez são a base para aplicações de visão computacional tais como reconhecimento facial, reconhecimento de gestos, dentre outras. Tais aplicações tornam-se cada vez mais requisitadas em um cenário de uso e consumo em aplicações modernas de sistemas embarcados. Para embasar esse objetivo foram realizados estudos comparativos de desempenho entre sistemas e entre bibliotecas capazes de auxiliar no aproveitamento de recursos de processadores multicore. Para comprovar o potencial do assunto abordado e fundamentar a proposta do presente trabalho, foi realizado um benchmark na forma de uma sequência de testes, tendo como alvo uma aplicação modelo que executa o algoritmo do Filtro de Sobel sobre um fluxo de imagens capturadas de uma webcam. A aplicação foi executada diretamente na CPU e também na GPU embarcada. Como resultado, a execução em GPU por meio de OpenGL ES 2.0 alcançou desempenho quase 10 vezes maior com relação à execução em CPU, e considerando tempos de readback, obteve ganho de desempenho total de até 4 vezes. / This work presents a benchmark for evaluating the performance of an embedded WandBoard Quad platform in image processing, considering the use of its GPU Vivante GC2000 in executing routines using OpenGL ES 2.0. To this goal, it has relied upon the execution of image filters in CPU and GPU. The filters are the most commonly applications used in image processing, which in turn operate through convolutions, a technique which makes use of successive matrix multiplications, which justifies a high computational cost of image filters algorithms for image processing. Thus, the use of the GPU for embedded systems is an interesting alternative that makes it feasible to image processing performing in these systems, as well as make use of a present feature in a wide range of devices on the market, it is able to accelerate image processing algorithms, which in turn are the basis for computer vision applications such as facial recognition, gesture recognition, among others. Such applications become increasingly required in a consumption and usage scenario in modern applications of embedded systems. To support this goal were carried out a comparative studies of performance between systems and between libraries capable of assisting in the use of multicore processors resources. To prove the potential of the subject matter and explain the purpose of this study, it was performed a benchmark in the form of a sequence of tests, targeting a model application that runs Sobel filter algorithm on a stream of images captured from a webcam. The application was performed directly on the embbedded CPU and GPU. As a result, running on GPU via OpenGL ES 2.0 performance achieved nearly 10 times higher with respect to the running CPU, and considering readback times, achieved total performance gain of up to 4 times.
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