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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optické a magnetooptické vlastnosti Heuslerových sloučenin / Optical and magneto-optical properties of Heusler compounds

Král, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Cílem této práce bylo studium Heuslrových sloučenin pomocí optických a magneto-optických (MO) metod. V případě první sloučeniny, Co2FeGa0.5Ge0.5, jsme studovali výskyt strukturálního disorderu za pomoci spektroskopické elipsometrie, MO spektroskopie a MO Kerrovy magnetome- trie. Experimentální výsledky jsme poté porovnali s teoretickými modely. Doplnili jsme také výsledky našich spolupracovník·, a to včetně X-ray difrakce, atomic-force mikroskopie a ab initio výpočt·, abych potvrdili naši interpretaci naměřených výsledk·. Bylo zjištěno, že strukturální disorder je vskutku pozorovatelný pomocí metod, kterých jsme využili. Jeho výskyt se projevil změnou elektronové struktury vzork·. V případě druhé sloučeniny, Fe2MnGa, jsme vyšetřovali vliv obsahu Fe složky na optické a MO vlastnosti tohoto materiálu. Zjistili jsme, že atomy Fe ovlivňují koncentraci volných elektron·, čímž dodávají sloučenině kovový charakter (v porovnání s Ni2MnGa). Zároveň zvyšují optickou a MO odezvu v blízké infra-červené oblasti spektra. Dále bylo zjištěno, že vzorek s nejvyšším obsahem Fe má nulovou magnetizaci. 1

Vibrační spektroskopie farmakologicky významných molekul: Studium L-DOPA a jeho deuterovaných derivátů / Vibrational spectroscopy of pharmacologically important molecules: Study of L-DOPA and its deuterated derivatives

Spasovová, Monika January 2020 (has links)
L-3,4-dihyroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA, levodopa) is a gold standard treatment of Parkinson's disease. Lately, it has been found that some of its deuterated analogues exhibit higher potency in the treatment; thus, they could replace L-DOPA. The subject of this thesis was a study of L-DOPA and its deuterated derivatives by the means of vibrational spectroscopy (Raman, ROA, IR, and VCD) and a comparison of the experimental results to a quantum mechanical simulations of the spectra. ROA and VCD are chiroptical methods, thus they are suitable for measurement of chiral molecules amongst which L-DOPA indeed belongs. Thanks to the quantum chemistry calculations, which yielded spectra with a very good agreement with the experiment, we were able to assign experimental spectral features to individual vibrational modes of the L-DOPA. The use of chiroptical techniques (mainly ROA) enabled an assignment of an absolute configuration of double deuterated derivative of L-DOPA, α,β-D2-L-DOPA. It reviled that it occurs in a (S-α,S-β)-enantiomeric form.

Studium fluidních inkluzí vybraných žilných ložisek Ag-Pb-Zn v blanické brázdě / Fluid inclusion study of selected Ag-Pb-Zn vein-type deposits in the Blanice graben

Islakaeva, Zemfira January 2011 (has links)
This work is focused on study of fluid inclusions in quartz and carbonate gangue of selected Ag-Pb-Zn vein type deposits of the Blanice graben. Samples from localities Ratibořské Hory, Hradové Střimelice and Zvěstov were studied. Geology and mineralogy of the localities mentioned above were described. Optic microthermometry, which allows to determine concentration of salts in enclosed solutions and to identify possible temperatures of fluid inclusion formation, was the main method used during the studies. The results of microthermometrical measurements of the samples showed, that salinity of fluid inclusions ranges from 1,4 to 11 wt. % eq. NaCl. Paragenetically first stages of mineralization formed from fluids of higher salinity (6 - 11 wt. % eq. NaCl), later stages formed from fluids of low salinity. Only aqueous fluids were detected, which can be approximated by H2O-NaCl, ±MgCl2, and ±FeCl2 systems. Temperatures of homogenization of primary inclusions range mostly from 150 to 200 řC. Actual temperatures of mineralization can be higher, but probably not more than by 50 řC.

Systém pro návrh optických sítí FTTH

Starý, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
The thesis explains the principle of optical conduction and describes its possible structures. It also deals with the automation of designing, projecting, constructing FTTH optical networks, processing RUIAN data, creating plugins into the QGIS geographic information system and implementing them using the Python programming language.

Vliv atomů kovů na dohasínající dusíkové plazma / Influence of metallic atoms on nitrogen post-discharge

Bocková, Ivana January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to study the influence of metallic atoms on nitrogen post-discharge. Pure nitrogen post-discharge is a subject study of many works dealing with kinetic processes in plasma. Unfortunately, there are only a few published works that present influence of various traces on nitrogen post-discharge kinetics. This master thesis deals with problems of nitrogen post-discharge containing mercury traces. All experimental data were obtained using optical emission spectroscopy of a DC discharge in a flowing mode, which can achieve appropriate temporal resolution in the order of milliseconds. Spectra emitted during the post-discharge were recorded in the range of 320-780 nm and the following molecular spectral systems were identified: • 1. positive system of nitrogen: N2(B) -> N2(A), • 2. positive system of nitrogen: N2(C) -> N2(B), • 1. negative system of nitrogen: N2+(C) -> N2+(X), • NO-beta system: NO(B) -> NO(X). Besides them we were able to record the mercury line at 254 nm, only (in the spectrum of the first as well as in the second order); no other mercury lines were observed. The mercury vapor was introduced into the system at selected post-discharge time. Dependence of selected molecular band head intensities as well as mercury line intensity on experimental conditions (pressure, discharge power, wall temperature, time of mercury vapor introduction) were observed in time evaluation. The data obtained in pure nitrogen were used as a reference. The obtained results showed very high sensitivity of kinetic processes on mercury atoms presence. If mercury was introduced into the post-discharge the mercury line was observable around the site where mercury vapor was introduced into the discharge. The experimental data showed that mercury line intensity was directly proportional to the mercury atoms concentration and saturation effect could be observed. The energy level diagram demonstrates that the observed mercury line can be excited by collisions with nitrogen ground state molecule excited to vibrational level 18. Thus the mercury can be used for the monitoring of population at this vibrational level. Finally we obtained the population profile at this nitrogen metastable level during the post-discharge. The presented work demonstrates possibility of mercury atoms application for the monitoring of one nitrogen metastable state. Unfortunately, the contemporary data are not sufficient for the measurement of metastable absolute concentration. However, complex understanding of nitrogen post-discharge kinetics is still an open problem. Therefore a lot of future work should be done although the presented work brings a good fundament for such research.

Tvarování vyzařovací charakteristiky optického vysílače / Radiation pattern shaping of the optical transmitter

Csonka, Gábor January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with questions of space assembling of several optics beams. There are mentioned the base features and values of space distribution of beam intensity in laser beam. The forms of diffusion of space localized light that is described by beam optics. There is a characterization of Gaussian beam, and diffraction of several beams. There is mentioned a simulation an assembling of two and more beams. It contains model of assembling incoherent beams. The work also includes suggestion of final layout of laser beams, which form optical transmitter with radiating characteristics, resistant to defects evoked by atmosphere.

Geometrie v pohybu / Geometry in Motion

DROZNÁ, Šárka January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the influence of geometric abstraction and op art on art and the use of new media in video art. Above all, it focuses on selected Czech artists of these directions and their work. The thesis is divided into two main parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the beginnings of geometric abstraction and its expansion, especially in the second half of the twentieth century in Bohemia. Important names of this direction are mentioned here, namely Jan Kubíček, Hugo Demartini, Zdeněk Sýkora and Milan Grygar. Following the geometric abstraction, there are tendencies to create geometric optical illusions outlined in the chapter devoted to op art. The work of Vladislav Mirvald and Radoslav Kratina is highlighted here. In addition, it devotes itself mainly to the penetration of new media into video art and overall to the arts as such. Mr and Mrs Vasulka are mentioned as representatives of video art. They have contributed to the development of this direction, primarily through their creativity and inventiveness during their creative work. The text describes the issue not only from a global point of view, but also focuses on the development of Czech art. The practical part reflects the knowledge of the theoretical part and unifies the elements of the above-mentioned directions by creating an authorial video using mainly the principles of geometric abstraction.

Modelování velmi chladných plynů ve vícedimenzionálních optických mřížkách / Modelling of Ultracold Gases in Multidimensional Optical Lattices

Urbanek, Miroslav January 2017 (has links)
Title: Modelling of Ultracold Gases in Multidimensional Optical Lattices Author: Miroslav Urbanek Department: Department of Chemical Physics and Optics Supervisor: doc. Ing. Pavel Soldán, Dr. Abstract: Optical lattices are experimental devices that use laser light to confine ultracold neutral atoms to periodic spatial structures. A system of bosonic atoms in an optical lattice can be described by the Bose-Hubbard model. Although there exist powerful analytic and numerical methods to study this model in one dimension, their extensions to multiple dimensions have not been as successful yet. I present an original numerical method based on tree tensor networks to simulate time evolution in multidimensional lattice systems with a focus on the two-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model. The method is used to investigate phenomena accessible in current experiments. In particular, I have studied phase collapse and revivals, boson expansion, and many-body localization in two-dimensional optical lattices. The outcome of this work is TEBDOL - a program for modelling one-dimensional and two-dimensional lattice systems. Keywords: Bose-Hubbard model, multidimensional system, optical lattice, tensor network

Optická koherenční tomografie u roztroušené sklerózy. / Optical coherence tomography in multiple sclerosis.

Lízrová-Preiningerová, Jana January 2018 (has links)
Spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), a non-invasive imaging method, is based on an analysis of a near-infrared light deflected from tisssue layers, that provides detailed images of retinal structures. Nerve cells of the retina, that originate from neuroectoderm, reflect neurodegeneration of the central nervous system (CNS), as well as acute damage of nerve structures caused by optic neuritis. The dissertation first presents established imaging protocol and quality standards for SD-OCT imaging in multiple sclerosis (MS). In the following section we introduce SD-OCT as a biomarker in MS. In a multicentric cross-sectional study, we had shown, that a single time measurement of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFL) has a predictive value for a risk of disease progression in the next five years. Patients with a thickness of RNFL in the lowest tercile of the studied population had a relative risk of disease progression 2x higher than patients in the highest tercile. The second presented study tests whether the history of optic neuritis (ON) in MS is a risk factor for neurodegeneration of RNFL in later years. The study confirmed that long term changes of RNFL thickness in eyes post-ON and in eyes with no history of ON are not different. Therefore, we conclude that both,...

Vysokovýkonný zdroj pikosekundových optických pulzů ve střední infračervené oblasti / High-average power picosecond mid-IR source

Vyvlečka, Michal January 2017 (has links)
1 Title: High-average power picosecond mid-IR source Author: Michal Vyvlečka Department: Department of Chemical Physics and Optics Supervisor: Ing. Ondřej Novák, Ph.D., Hilase centre, Institute of Physics of CAS Abstract: High average power wavelength tunable picosecond mid-IR source based on optical parametric generation (OPG) and optical parametric amplification (OPA) is being developed. The conversion system is pumped by an Yb:YAG thin-disk laser delivering 100 W of average power at 100 kHz repetition rate, 1030 nm wavelength, and 2-3 ps pulse width. Part of this fundamental beam pumps an OPG process in a PPLN crystal. The generated wavelength is determined by PPLN's poling period and temperature. Tunability of the signal wavelength between 1.46 µm and 1.95 µm was achieved, the signal beam of 20 mW was generated at 2 W of pump power, when double pass of the beams through PPLN crystal was used. The corresponding idler wavelengths were in range 2.18-3.50 μm. The signal beam was further amplified by OPA process in two KTP crystals, which was pumped by the fundamental beam. The signal beam was amplified up to 2 W at pumping of 38 W. Tuning of the output wavelength was realized by change of the phase-matching angle in KTP crystals. Tunability between 1.70-1.95 µm for signal and 2.18-2.62 µm for idler was...

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