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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Měření fáze spinových vln pomocí Brillouinova rozptylu světla: vývoj zařízení a jeho aplikace / Phase-resolved Brillouin light scattering: development and applications

Wojewoda, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
Spinové vlny mají potenciál být použity jako nová platforma pro přenos a zpracování dat, protože mohou dosáhnout vlnových délek v rozsahu nanometrů a frekvencí v rozsahu terahertzů. K tomu, aby bylo možné navrhnout zařízení a logické obvody založené na spinových vlnách, je zapotřebí získat informace o prostorovém rozložení intenzity spinové vlny a pokud je to možné, také o jejich fázi. To lze měřit pomocí fázově rozlišeného fokuso-vaného Brillouinova rozptylu světla (µ -BLS). Předložená práce se zabývá rozšířením stávající optické sestavy o možnost měření fáze, kde doposud bylo možné měřit pouze intenzitu. Toto rozšíření sestavy je důkladně popsáno a charakterizováno. Schopnosti optické sestavy jsou demonstrovány ve studii šíření spinových vln skrz Néelovu doménovou stěnu. Získané 2D mapy intenzity spinových vln ukazují, že propagace přes doménovou stěnu je ovlivněna topologicky vynucenou kruhovou Blochovou čarou ve středu doménové stěny a že režim propagace závisí na frekvenci spinových vln. V prvním režimu propagace se vytvoří dva svazky spinových vlny šířící se kolem kruhové Blochovy čáry, zatímco ve druhém režimu se spinové vlny šíří pouze středem. Fázově rozlišené µ-BLS měření odhaluje fázový po- sun spinových vln pro oba režimy. Mikromagnetické modelování spinových vln ukazuje rozrušení jejich fázových vlnoploch, které je třeba brát v úvahu při interpretaci měření a navrhování potenciálních zařízení. Mikromagnetické simulace ukazují, že vnější magnetické pole může být použito k pohybu kruhové Blochovy čáry ve stěně domény, a tedy k manipulaci spinových vln.

Studium rozkladu těkavých uhlovodíků v nerovnovážném plazmatu povrchového výboje za atmosférického tlaku / Study of volatile hydrocarbon decomposition in non-thermal plasma of surface discharge at atmoapheric pressure

Věrná, Jana January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis was to study plasma generated by surface discharge and its application in volatile organic compound destruction. Introduction of this thesis deals with the issue of volatile organic compound. The term of volatile organic compound was defined and explained. Summary of the most important sources of volatile organic compound emissions and possible technics for their elimination was presented. This thesis drew attention on negative aspects of volatile organic compounds on human organism and on the whole environment. The problems of surface discharge and its possible application in various branches are known only few years therefore construction of plasma reactor itself was the first independent step of this work. The plasma reactor was consisted of electrode, which was created from the series of metal stripes each other separated by dielectric barrier. On the surface of the electrode, discharge was regulated and distributed. For the reason of technical limits experiment time was limited up to one minute. The experimental part describes reactor for surface discharge and other parts of apparatus in which degradation volatile organic compound was carried out. Nitrogen was used as carrier gas and it was mixed with air before entering into the reactor. Samples of compounds after degradation process were taken from reactor for the subsequent analysis. Analysis of the products proceeded in a gas chromatogram linked to mass spectrometer. The decomposition products were adsorbed in the SPME filaments or in sorption tubes. The decomposition products were analysed also through the mean of Testo 350 M/XL. This apparatus provided the information on the concentration of small molecules such as CO, H2, NO, NO2 and CxHy Hexane, cyclohexane and xylene were used as VOC examples. Analysis of GC-MS showed decomposition products of hexane, cyclohexane and xylene. The decomposition products were especially various alcohols, ketones, aldehydes and benzene compounds. The apparatus Testo 350 M/XL was unable to detect any CxHy, only large quantity of NO2. This thesis was further focused on possible factors which could have an influence on degradation of compounds, for example input power or different flow of oxygen. It was found that increasing power declined the removal efficiency. The maximum removal efficiency was 87 % for degradation of hexane at the lowest input power. Next part of this thesis was focused on diagnostics of plasma generated in the surface discharge form. The optical emission spectroscopy has been chosen as the best method for plasma characterisation. By this method, various important discharge parameters can be determined, e.g. vibration and rotation temperature. The obtained numeric value of rotation temperature was 840±80 K and vibration temperature was 1880±140 K. The obtained results may be used as a fundament for further study of VOC decomposition in surface discharge.

Studium plazmochemické redukce korozních vrstev na mědi / Study of plasmachemical reduction of corrosive layers on copper

Šimšová, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
The present diploma thesis concerns the research of plasmachemical reduction of copper corrosion layers. The process was based on using low pressure hydrogen RF plasma in which copper samples are treated for several hours. Four series of copper corrosion layers were prepared in four different corrosion atmospheres. The first two were prepared using saturated vapors of HCl and ammonium acetate that affected copper samples for one week. The second two sets were prepared by samples dipping in HNO3 and H2SO4. EDX analysis confirms visual composition of corrosion layers – chlorides, nitrides and sulphate, respectively. The ammonium acetate produced no corrosion layers and thus this set of samples was omitted. The optical emission spectroscopy was used to find out reactions in a hydrogen RF discharge. At the first, a character of plasma without samples was taken by measuring in continuous and pulsed regime. The integral spectrum intensity (300-700 nm) and intensities of hydrogen atomic lines were observed in the dependences on hydrogen flow, power and duty cycle. After that copper samples were treaded under various conditions in continual and pulse regime, typically at pressure of 170 Pa, 200 W power and hydrogen flow rate of 10.2 ml/min. The integral OH radical spectral intensity in the range of 305 – 330 nm was used as a monitor of plasma treatment process. The experimental results showed that intensities of OH radical depended strongly on the corrosion layer kind as well as on the RF discharge mode. Reduction of corrosion layers treated in the pulsed regime was not so satisfactory then in the continuous regime probably due to lower temperature of sample during the treatment. The total supplied energy into the system was also lower in this case. The sample sputtering was observed during the reduction in continuous regime. It means the corrosion was successfully removed but the process was not stopped at that moment, so it is necessary to propose another additional monitoring process besides observing OH radicals. Our experimental results are the first step in the spread research of plasmachemical treatment of copper made archaeological artifacts.

Diagnostika depozice tenkých vrstev připravovaných z tetravinylsilanu / Diagnostics of thin layer deposition using tetravinylsilane monomer

Flamíková, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this work is plasma diagnostic during the deposition of thin films based on organosilicone compounds. These layers have a wide range of applications mainly as protective coatings or intermediate phase in composites reinforced by glass fibers. The theoretical part of this work gives a basic fundaments of optical emission spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy and describes procedures for rotational, vibrational, and electron temperature calculations. The RF capacitive coupled discharge in configuration with planar electrodes was used with tetravinylsilane (TVS) organosilicone monomer in this study. The optical emission spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy were applied for the plasma diagnostics. The deposition process was carried out in continuous regime with applied power of 20, 25, 40, 50, 60, and 70 W, some experiments were done also in pulsed regime with duty cycle 1:1, 1:4 and 1:9 at fixed power of 50 W and 10 W when discharge was on. The atomic lines of hydrogen Balmer series and many rotational lines of molecular hydrogen were identified in the spectra. Besides them, the molecular bands of SiH, CH and C2 species were observed. The rotational temperature calculated from 0-0 CH band was in the range of 600 – 1000 K depending on the discharge conditions. The electron temperature in the range of 3600-7500 K was calculated from hydrogen atomic lines. In situ mass spectra collected simultaneously with optical emission spectra showed TVS monomer fragmentation increase with the increase of applied power in continuous regime. This result well correlated with OES in case of CH radical and hydrogen species, the other particles were mainly non-measurable by emission spectroscopy. The same results were also obtained with respect to the duty cycle parameter. The presented results clearly demonstrated the increase of monomer fragmentation with the increase of mean applied discharge power. Determination of prepared layer properties is a subject of other works and their relation to the plasma parameters will be a subject of further studies.

Redukce korozních vrstev na mosazi pomocí vodíkového plazmatu / Reduction of brass corrosion layers using hydrogen plasma

Řádková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The main topic of this Diploma thesis is the application of low-pressure low-temperature hydrogen plasma for the treatment model samples of rusted brass. Plasmachemical treatment of metallic artifacts is a relatively new way how to remove corrosion of artifacts. The temperature of an object should not exceed 150 °C during the treatment. Corrosion layers were prepared in an ammoniac corrosion atmosphere. The corrosion formation took two weeks. Energy Dispersive X-ray Microanalysis has shown that the corrosion layer was formed by carbon, oxygen, copper, zinc, and lead. The corrosion layers were blue-colored with white crystals on the surface. Except those two colors, brown color was observed on corrosion layers, too. The plasma reactor was a quartz tube with outer copper electrodes and supplied by the RF source of 13.54 MHz. The reactive atomic hydrogen was formed in plasma discharge. This atomic hydrogen reacted with the corrosive layer containing oxygen. This reaction created an unstable OH radical, which emitted light in the region of 305–320 nm. This radiation was detected by the optical emission spectroscopy and it was applied as process monitoring quantity. Rotational temperature and intensity of OH radicals were determined from obtained data. The sample temperature was measured by thermocouple installed inside the sample volume. Rusted samples were treated by low-pressure low-temperature hydrogen plasma. 16 samples were treated at different conditions – plasma power was 100 W, 200 W, 300 W, and 400 W at continuous mode and pulse mode with duty cycle of 25 %, 50 %, and 75 %. The pressure was between 140–160 Pa at hydrogen flow rate of 50 sccm. Samples after plasmachemical treatment were grey colored with white crystals on their surface. Corrosion layers were removed by spatula. The corrosion layers of some samples were easy removable, some others were difficult. Energy Dispersive X-ray Microanalysis, which was carried out after the treatment of 2 selected samples (400 W, 50% pulse mode and 400 W, 75% pulse mode), showed different amounts of carbon, oxygen, copper, zinc, and lead compared to the rusted sample. Other elements in the treated layer were silicon, sulfur, chlorine, and fluorine.

Redukce korozních vrstev na bronzu pomocí vodíkového plazmatu / Reduction of bronze corrosion layers using hydrogen plasma

Miková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused to the plasma chemical reduction of model corrosion layers prepared on bronze samples. Bronze was the main material for production of the subjects in Bronze Age. First, it was very rare, and therefore was used only for making jewellery and other decorative subjects. Later, the objects of daily use and weapons were produced of bronze. These objects are found and it is necessary to restore him and preserve the cultural heritage for future generations. The research and the optimalization of plasmochemical reduction of model corrosion layers on bronze samples contributes to this. A metallographic grinder was used to create a defined surface, first with the sandpaper P 280 and then after sample 90 degree rotation with the sandpaper P 600. This ensured uniform surface at all bronze samples that is necessary to provide the same corrosion conditions. The grinded samples were washed by ethanol and dried by hot air stream. To prevent contact with the surrounding atmosphere and successive initiation of corrosion, the samples were stored in lockable polyethylene bags. This step was followed by the preparation of model corrosion layers. Hydrochloric and sulfuric acids were chosen as corrosive environments. Petri dish containing 20 ml of the selected acid was placed at the bottom of the desiccator. Samples were placed to the ceramic grate, over the dish, and they were corroded (in vapours of hydrochloric acid for 34 days and in vapours of sulfuric acid for 27 days). The corroded samples were treated using low-pressure hydrogen plasma excited by RF generator. Treatment of samples was carried out in quartz cylindrical reactor (length of 90 cm, inner diameter 9.5 cm) with copper electrodes placed outside. The pressure in the reactor was ranged around 160 Pa at hydrogen flow rate of 50 sccm during the experiments. The continuous and pulse modes (duty cycle of 25%, 50% or 75%) at peak power of 50–300 watts were used for the treatment of 90 minutes duration. The plasma treatment was monitored by optical emission spectroscopy of OH radical using compact Ocean Optics HR4000 spectrometer. Its integral intensity is proportional to the corrosion layer removal. The rotational temperatures of plasma were calculated using selected OH rotational lines, too. The sample temperature during the treatment was measured by thermocouple installed inside the additional non-corroded samples. The reduction of corrosion layer is successful when the maximum of relative intensity of OH radicals is produced and follow gradual decline. The samples which corroded in vapours of sulphuric acid and were treated in pulse modes with duty cycle of 25 % or with delivered power of 50 W has produced no maximum. To the remain samples the maximum although were observed, but reduced corrosion products on the surface were very cohesive. The maximum of relative intensity of OH radicals was observed at all samples corroded in vapours of hydrochloric acid. But there is problem with temperature of sample during experiment. The samples which layer of corrosion product was after experiment incoherent produced the layer of deposit tin. This effect formation at a higher temperature of sample during experiment and therefore with greater deliver energy.

Studium dohasínajícího plazmatu ve směsích N2-H2 / Study of post-discharge in N2-H2 mixtures

Zedníčková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The presented Thesis deals on the nitrogen-hydrogen DC post-discharge observations by optical emission spectroscopy. The plasma was generated in Pyrex tube in flowing regime at pressure of 1 kPa at discharge current of 100 mA. The optical emission spectra were recovered at discharge times up to 50 ms in nitrogen containing 0 – 92 % of hydrogen; the gas mixture volume, i.e. the gas speed in the system was conserved for all mixtures. The experiments were carried out at two reactor wall temperatures at the spectra collecting point – at ambient temperature and at the wall temperature of liquid nitrogen (temperature in plasma was about 150 K). The nitrogen first and second positive and first negative spectral systems were identified in the spectra, the hydrogen atomic Balmer series lines were recorded, too. No molecular hydrogen emission was determined during the post-discharge. Some non-identified bands (but with high probability bands of nitrogen Herman infrared system) at 690 and 780 nm were detected, too, mainly at low temperature. The intensities of all determined radiating species decreased exponentially or more than exponentially with the decay time. The experimental data showed strong quenching of all nitrogen radiative states even at very a few percent hydrogen additions. The shape of the selected intensity dependencies on both hydrogen concentration, and the decay time are nearly the same for N2(C) and N2+(B) states, dependencies for N2(B) levels differs of them. The hydrogen line emission was nearly independent on the hydrogen content in the gas mixture up to about 50%, at highest hydrogen concentrations it slightly increased. The results obtained at the decreased wall temperature were very similar, only intensities of all nitrogen spectra increased by the factor about 3, the intensities of levels populated by the recombination of nitrogen atoms increased by factor about five. The atomic hydrogen alpha line (at 656 nm) was the most sensitive on temperature decrease; its intensity increased over one order in whole observed time interval. The obtained results will be confronted with numeric model of kinetic processes in the near future. After that, the specific conditions applicable for the technological applications of nitrogen-hydrogen gas mixtures under post-discharge conditions will be proposed.

Plazmochemická příprava a charakterizace tenkých vrstev na bázi hexamethyldisiloxanu / Plasmachemical deposition and characterization of hexamethyldiloxane thin layers

Blahová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
Thin films have been used to modify surface properties of various materials for many years. Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) is one of the possible methods for their preparation and this technique is applied in this work as well. An organosilicone – hexamethyldisiloxane – is used as precursor. Thin films are created on the surface of the substrate using mixture of precursor and oxygen in radiofrequently excited capacitively coupled plasma. The aim of the thesis is to find the optimal deposition conditions for production of transparent thin layers with good barrier capabilities, low oxygen transmission rate especially. Thin film depositions were realized for different compositions of the deposition mixture in continuous and pulsed mode of plasma with varying supplied power and duty cycle values. The deposition process itself was monitored in situ by optical emission spectroscopy. Thin film coatings were analyzed to determine their physical chemical properties (infrared spectroscopy, surface energy) and barrier properties. Using optical emission spectroscopy, important particles were identified in the deposition plasma. Vibrational, rotational and electron temperatures were determined from relative intensities of chosen fragments. Composition of thin films was studied by infrared spectroscopy. The best results of oxygen transmission rate were achieved with layers prepared from deposition mixture with high oxygen content. It was possible to improve barrier properties by performing deposition in pulsed plasma mode with 20–30% duty cycle. In this diploma thesis, optimal deposition conditions of thin films from hexamethyldisiloxane with low oxygen transmission rate were determined. It is possible to use these results in practical applications, such as corrosion inhibitors for archaeological objects. Optionally, they can be used in various industry branches where it is desirable and feasible to prevent oxygen access to the material by deposition of barrier coatings.

Optimalizace a měření parametrů PON sítě FTTx / Optimization and parameter measurement of PON network FTTX

Černý, Michal January 2011 (has links)
Práce rozebírá současný vývoj na poli pasivních optických sítí a jednotlivé generace přenosových standardů. Podrobněji se zabývá parametry ODN, metodami jejich měření a volbou potřebných měření v praxi. Hlavní část práce je zaměřena na měření pasivního WDM prvku, kde je provedena analýza vstupů a výstupů, měření vložného útlumu a přelechů podle ORL na provozních vlnových délkách.

Komunikační protokoly v pasivních optických sítích / Communication protocols in passive optical networks

Ševela, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This master´s thesis explores a comparison of the transmission parameters in time division networks and wavelength division networks. The paper is divided into the three sections. The first part deals with preparation of individual standards time division networks and specific wavelength division networks, along with passive components used passive optical networks. The second part briefly describes the possibility of transmission of television signals in optical networks and the last part is devoted to simulating networks GPON and WDM-PON and comparison simulated values.

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