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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comprometimento, entrincheiramento e enraizamento no trabalho: um olhar sobre o impacto do lugar no desenvolvimento de ví­nculos / Commitment, entrenchment anexo job embeddedness: a look at the impact of place on the development of bonds

Aquino, Rafael dos Santos 30 October 2018 (has links)
O presente projeto de dissertação teve como objetivo compreender a influência do ambiente externo à organização na dinâmica de desenvolvimento dos vínculos que o indivíduo estabelece com seu empregador, nomeadamente o comprometimento e o entrincheiramento organizacionais e o enraizamento no trabalho (job embeddedness). Dada a amplitude do que pode ser entendido como ambiente externo, ele é aqui delimitado como o espaço físico e social compreendido pela cidade em que o indivíduo vive. Com isso, conceitos oriundos da Psicologia Ambiental foram incluídos e discutidos de forma que a relação que o indivíduo estabelece com esse espaço pudesse ser compreendida. Para alcançar os objetivos apontados, diferentes estratégias metodológicas foram implementadas: em uma primeira etapa, dados quantitativos sobre o nível de comprometimento e entrincheiramento de trabalhadores de uma grande empresa estatal foram colhidos de forma longitudinal; em seguida, com base nesses dados, foi selecionada uma amostra dentre os respondentes para participar da etapa principal, que incluiu a condução de entrevistas narrativas e a construção de mapas afetivos. Os dados foram analisados através das técnicas de análise temática, estrutural e de conteúdo de modo a compreender como as experiências dos trabalhadores vividas nos ambientes interno e externo à organização influenciam de forma conjunta os vínculos organizacionais. Como resultados principais, foram encontradas evidencias que sugerem que a organização tem um papel central para a integração do trabalhador no novo espaço urbano, o que contribui para a manutenção dos vínculos organizacionais ao longo dos anos. Por fim, este trabalho contribui para o avanço da pesquisa a respeito de vínculos organizacionais ao tratar simultaneamente de questões já relevantes a literatura - isto é, relação entre múltiplos vínculos, contexto e dinâmica de vínculos - além de discutir também a questão de relevância atual da mobilidade. / The present dissertation project seeks to understand the influence of the organization\'s external environment in the dynamics of development of the bonds that the individual establishes with his employer, namely organizational commitment and entrenchment and job embeddedness. Given the amplitude of what can be understood as the external environment, it is delimited here as the physical and social space comprehended as the city in which one lives. Hence, concepts from Environmental Psychology were included and discussed so that the relationship that the individual establishes with this space could be understood. In order to achieve the stated objectives, different methodological strategies were implemented: during the first stage, quantitative data on the level of commitment and entrenchment were collected longitudinally from workers of a large state company; afterwards, based on these data, a sample among the respondents were selected to participate in the main stage, which included the conduction of narrative interviews and the construction of affective maps. The data set was analyzed through the techniques of thematic, structural and content analysis in order to understand how the experiences of the workers, both in the environment internal and external to the organization, influence jointly the organizational bonds. As main results, evidences were found that suggests that the organization has central role in the integration of the worker in the new urban space, which contributed to the maintenance of the organizational bonds over the years. Finally, this work contributes to the advancement of research on organizational bonds by simultaneously addressing issues already relevant to literature - such as the relationship between multiple bonds, context and bonds dynamics - as well as discussing the question of current relevance of mobility

Estratégias genéricas na gestão de pessoas e comprometimento organizacional: um estudo em sociedades cooperativas de crédito / Generic strategies towards human resource management and organizational commitment: a study concerning credit cooperatives

Stecca, Jaime Peixoto 08 October 2014 (has links)
As sociedades cooperativas ocupam um papel importante na geração e distribuição de riquezas e na prestação de serviços às pessoas que, por vezes, não estão assistidas pelo sistema empresarial tradicional ou procuram no associativismo uma forma de empreender coletivamente. Estas organizações caracterizam-se por procurar contrabalançar seus objetivos sociais com a necessidade de manutenção econômica, diferenciando-se por alcançar a eficácia social por intermédio da eficiência econômica. Neste contexto, salienta-se o importante papel que as cooperativas de crédito vêm alcançando na popularização dos serviços bancários e na concessão de crédito, sendo o ramo do cooperativismo brasileiro a apresentar os maiores índices de crescimento e possibilitando ao associado não apenas usufruir dos serviços, mas também dos lucros advindos das transações. Mas as cooperativas, pelas suas peculiaridades em relação às empresas tradicionais, apresentam desafios igualmente peculiares na condução do negócio, inclusive ao se tratar da gestão de pessoas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a relação entre as estratégias de gestão de pessoas adotadas nas sociedades cooperativas de crédito com o comprometimento organizacional dos seus colaboradores. Para o alcance deste, realizou-se uma investigação junto aos colaboradores de cooperativas de crédito do Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina pertencentes a três representativos sistemas brasileiros de crédito cooperativo - Sicredi, Sicoob e Unicred - verificando-se a percepção em relação às estratégias de gestão adotadas e o comprometimento organizacional dos mesmos. Para ambos os levantamentos foram utilizados os instrumentos de Medeiros (2003). A pesquisa foi dividida em duas prospecções distintas, ambas acontecendo ao mesmo tempo: a primeira prospecção teve por objetivo identificar a percepção acerca das estratégias genéricas na gestão de pessoas adotadas pelas organizações pesquisadas, englobando os Indicadores de Estrutura Organizacional (especialização, hierarquia e descentralização), os Indicadores de Subsistemas de Recursos Humanos (subsistema alinhado de recursos humanos e subsistema de contratação) e Indicadores de Filosofia e Valores Organizacionais (equipes, pessoas e confiança e ainda rigor e busca de resultados). A segunda prospecção investigou o a percepção de comprometimento organizacional dos colaboradores das mesmas, identificando as variantes do comprometimento classificadas como Afetivo (internalização de valores e objetivos), Instrumental (poucas alternativas), Normativo (obrigação pelo desempenho), Normativo (obrigação em permanecer), Afiliativo (sentimento de fazer parte) e Instrumental (linha consistente de atividade). Para a realização de ambos os levantamentos foi aplicado uma survey, com instrumento utilizando uma Escala Likert de seis opções, contendo 33 questões relativas às estratégias genéricas de gestão de pessoas e 23 questões relativas ao comprometimento organizacional. A pesquisa foi respondida por 388 pessoas e os dados foram tratados utilizando-se estatísticas descritivas e multivariadas, sendo a descritiva para descrição da amostra. Na estatística multivariada, foi aplicada em primeiro lugar a análise fatorial exploratória, verificando-se a conformidade dos modelos de comprometimento e estratégias genéricas de Medeiros (2003). Na sequência, utilizou-se a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais (MEE) para se estimar as relações de dependência entre os construtos \"comprometimento\" e \"estratégias genéricas na gestão de pessoas\". Os resultados obtidos apontam para a relação entre as estratégias genéricas na gestão de pessoas e o comprometimento organizacional dos colaboradores das cooperativas. Mais precisamente os indicadores de filosofia e valores organizacionais \"equipes, pessoas e confiança\" a influenciar positivamente o comprometimento Afetivo - internalização de valores e objetivos e com o comprometimento Afiliativo - sentimento de fazer parte. Ainda os indicadores de filosofia e valores organizacionais \"rigor de comportamento e resultados\" influenciam positivamente o comprometimento Normativo - obrigação pelo desempenho e o comprometimento Instrumental - linha consistente de atividade. Pela pesquisa, concluiu-se que os sistemas de recursos humanos presentes nas cooperativas de crédito relacionam-se com o comprometimento desenvolvido pelos colaboradores, influenciando-os positivamente, onde estratégias que favorecem a liberdade de expressão, a confiança no empregado e o trabalho em equipe, possibilitam o surgimento de comprometimentos relacionados ao sentimento de afetividade e afiliação para com a empresa. Igualmente estratégias de gestão de pessoas que orientam as práticas para o cumprimento das normas e padrões e apontam para a necessidade do alcance dos objetivos organizacionais, acabam por determinar um sentimento de compromisso para com o desempenho da cooperativa. Este compromisso se reflete no cumprimento de normas e na identificação para com a filosofia da organização. / Cooperative societies have an important role concerning generation and distribution of wealth and services to people who do not fit the traditional business system. Another reason why people look for cooperative societies is that they are a way of undertaking collectively. These organizations are characterized by a constant search for balance among their social objectives and the necessity of economic maintenance what builds the difference; they reach social efficiency through economic efficiency. In this context, it is highlighted the important role that credit cooperatives have been developing with the popularization of bank services and also granting credit. The Brazilian branch of cooperatives presents the highest growing indexes giving to the associated the possibility of accessing bank services and share the profit originated by the financial transactions. Although these cooperatives present peculiarities when compared to traditional companies, they also present peculiar challenges in their business administration, especially when dealing with human resource management. This work aimed to investigate the relation among human resource management strategies, adopted by such credit cooperatives, with the organizational commitment of their workers. In order to reach this objective, it was carried out a survey with the workers belonging to three credit cooperatives from Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina which are part of the three most representative systems in Brazil: Sicredi, Sicoob and Unicred. It was verified the perception regarding adopted business administration strategies and organizational commitment. In both analyses it was used Medeiros (2003) tools. The research was divided into two distinct surveys happening at the same time. The first survey aimed to identify the perception concerning business administration generic strategies adopted by the researched organizations encompassing the Structural Organizational Indexes (specialization, hierarchy and decentralization), the Human Resources Subsystem Indexes (human resources aligned subsystem and hiring subsystem) and Philosophy Indexes and Organizational Values (teams, people and thrust, severity and the search for results). The second prospection investigated the perception regarding organizational commitment, identifying the commitment variants classified as Affective (internalized values and objectives), Instrumental (few alternatives), Normative (obligation for performance), Normative (obligation to keep the position), Affiliative (feeling of belonging) and Instrumental (consistent line of activity). In both surveys it was used a Likert scale of six options having thirty-three questions related to human resources generic strategies and twenty-three questions related to organizational commitment. The questionnaire was answered by 338 people. Descriptive and multivariate statistics were chosen to treat all data collected being the descriptive statistics applied to the sample description. Considering the multivariate statistics, firstly it was applied the exploratory factor analysis to verify the commitment model conformity and Medeiros (2003) generic strategies. In the sequence, it was used the Structural Equation Modeling to estimate the dependency relations among the constructs \"commitment\" and \"human resources generic strategies\". The results obtained indicate the relation between human resources generic strategies and organizational commitment of the cooperative workers, more precisely, the philosophy indexes and organizational values \"teams, people and thrust\". These indexes influence positively the Affective commitment - internalized values and objectives - with Affiliative commitment - feeling of belonging. Besides Affective and Affiliative commitment, philosophy indexes and organizational values \"behavior severity and results\" influence positively the Normative commitment - obligation for performance, and Instrumental commitment - consistent line of activity. It was concluded that the human resources systems present in these credit cooperatives are related to the commitment developed by the workers influencing them positively. The strategies favor the freedom of speech as well as thrust and team work enabling the development of commitments related to affection and affiliation towards the company. At the same time, human resources management strategies, which guide the practices to fulfill norms and standards, indicate the necessity to reach the organizational objectives determining a commitment feeling in relation to the cooperative performance. This commitment with the accomplishment of norms generates in the workers a sense of identification with the organizational philosophy of the company.

The role of human, social and organizational capital in the interconnections between knowledge workers' perception in HR practices and, their organizational commitment and job satisfaction

Farah, Assaad January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Antecedents and consequences of employees' affective commitment and loyalty to supervisor: the Chinese case of joint ventures. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / ProQuest dissertations and theses

January 2000 (has links)
In this study, three theoretical frameworks (i.e., justice framework, job security framework and trust framework) and the constructs of affective commitment and loyalty to supervisor are combined in two competing models in order to study the antecedents and the consequences of organizational commitment in the context of Chinese joint ventures. The two models include distributive justice, procedural justice, job security and trust in organization as the antecedents of affective commitment; interactional justice and guanxi with an immediate supervisor as the antecedents of loyalty to supervisor; employees' turnover intention as the outcome variable of affective commitment; and employees' performance as the outcome variable of loyalty to supervisor. / Joint ventures have become a major form of foreign investment in China since it adopted its open-door economic policy, but little is known about the factors that affect job attitudes of local employees in Chinese joint ventures. Empirical studies of affective commitment and loyalty, to supervisor in Chinese joint ventures have received relatively little research attention. This dissertation fills the gap by investigating factors affecting joint venture employees' affective commitment and loyalty to supervisor in Mainland China. / The results showed that the mediation model was better supported than the direct effect model. The findings also showed that trust in organization on affective commitment mediates the relationship between perceived distributive justice, perceived procedural justice, perceived job security and affective commitment at the organizational level; trust in supervisor on loyalty to supervisor mediates the relationship between perceived interactional justice and loyalty to supervisor at the supervisory level. Practically, the findings of the antecedents and consequences of Chinese joint ventures employees' affective commitment and loyalty to supervisor have considerable implications in managing people in joint ventures. Based on the analysis, implications for future studies of joint venture employees' organizational commitment in Mainland China are also derived. / Wong Yui-tim. / "July 2000." / Adviser: Ngo Hang-yue. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 61-08, Section: A, page: 3258. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 145-163). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest dissertations and theses, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.

The role of emotional labor in generating OCB and organizational commitment. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2006 (has links)
This research is an attempt to understand the role of affections in the organization by examining the relationship between service climate and psychological contract and the usage of emotional labour. This research also attempts to study the role of the usage of emotional labour in generating OCB and organizational commitment among the employees. This research predicts that employees' ability in regulating their emotion will have a moderation effect on the relationship between service climate, psychological contract, and the usage of emotional labour. It also predicts that employees' usage of emotional labour will have a direct effect on employees' behaviours in the organization. Having conducted two studies in two different types of service organization in Hong Kong, this research has shown employees react to the affective events in the organization by using their emotional labour and their ability in regulating their emotion play an important role in engaging employees to use their emotional labour. This research has also found that employees' usage of emotional labour will have a direct impact on employees' OCB. However, the prediction that the usage of emotional labour will have an impact on employees' organizational commitment is not supported. A theoretical framework is also developed in this research for future studies. / Cheung Lin Shing. / "August 2006." / Adviser: Chung Ming Lau. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 68-02, Section: A, page: 0631. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 266-295). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.

La gouvernance des universités marocaines : originalité organisationnelle ou mimétisme comportemental ? approche par l'implication et la motivation des étudiants comme partie prenante / Governance of morrocan universities : organizational orinilaity or behaviour mimicry ? an approach by the students motivation and commitment as stakeholder

Yassine, Abdelilah 29 November 2013 (has links)
L’enseignement supérieur marocain a connu, depuis longtemps, un grand nombre de réformes. Les échecs successifs de ces réformes suscitent toujours l’interrogation des acteurs universitaires sur les causes de tels résultats. Cette recherche propose une des premières tentatives d’explication organisationnelle : le mimétisme. A partir de nos entretiens avec les gestionnaires des universités, notre recherche a montré l’existence du phénomène du mimétisme dans le choix des réformes. Leur inadaptation au contexte marocain en compromet l’efficacité.Aussi, pour être efficaces, les réformes universitaires devraient favoriser l’implication et la motivation des étudiants. Cette thèse permet, à partir d’un questionnaire auquel 668 étudiants ont répondu, de montrer que le niveau d’implication et de motivation est très faible par rapport aux objectifs assignés aux réformes. Ce niveau est d’autant plus faible que les étudiants appartiennent à des établissements universitaires à accès libre. / The Moroccan higher education knew for a long time a large number of reforms. The successive failures of these reforms always arouse the university actors interrogation of the causes of such results. This research proposes one of the first attempts of organizational explanation : mimicry. Based one interviews with university administrators, our research showed the existence of mimicry phenomenon in the reforms choice. Their inappropriateness in the Moroccan context compromises the efficiency.Also, to be effective, university reforms should promote involvement and motivation of students. This thesis allows, from a questionnaire to which 668 students responded, to show that the involvement and motivation level is very low compared to the objectives assigned to the reforms. This level is much lower than students belonging to university establishments with free access.

Study about organizational commitment, leadership styles and organizational culture at a cearense organization / Estudo sobre comprometimento organizacional, estilos de lideranÃa e cultura organizacional em uma organizaÃÃo cearense

Adauto de Vasconcelos Montenegro 12 December 2016 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / The organizational commitment can be conceived as a meaningful liaison between individual and organization, assuming the existence of psychological bonds and significant exchange relationships between both individual and organization. Rego (2003) proposes a study model regarding the organizational commitment and presents six psychological ties between individual and organization, namely: affective commitment, common future, normative commitment, enormous sacrifices, lack of alternatives and psychological absence. Feitosa (2008) adds a tie to the model proposed by Rego (2003): performance expectations or commitment absence. In the study here presented, it was investigated the relation among these psychological bonds and the leadership styles. It was also took in consideration to this analyses the organizational culture. The specific goals of the current research were: to investigate which psychological bonds are significantly related to the leadership styles (transformational leadership, transactional leadership and leadership absence) and in which degree the organizational culture moderate this relationship, as well as to develop a theoretical-methodological model which allows to investigate the interplay among the addressed constructs. The study consists on a cross-sectional survey applied in a large size organization located in the Brazilian city of Fortaleza. The data else collected: a sociodemographic questionnaire; a organizational commitment scale; a leadership scale and organizational culture scale. The study had 205 respondents. The results were statistically analyzed with the support of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software, using the following statistical technics: linear correlation, linear regression and moderation analysis. Regarding the results, the following positive and significative correlations were attested: transformational leadership and affective commitment bonds, common future and normative commitment, transactional leadership and the bond of normative commitment; leadership absence and the bonds of alternative lack and psychological absence. Besides, it was observed that the clan type organizational culture was a moderating variable that mitigates the effects of the following relations: transformational leadership and affective commitment, transformational leadership and common future. In addition to the aforementioned results, a theoretical-methodological model was developed with all the elements surveyed. It was also concluded that can be taken in consideration to the elaboration of leadership development programs and human resources management policies aiming their efficacy. / O comprometimento organizacional pode ser compreendido como um vÃnculo significativo entre indivÃduo e organizaÃÃo, pressupondo um elo psicolÃgico e relaÃÃes de trocas entre ambos. Rego (2003) propÃe um modelo de estudo do comprometimento organizacional e apresenta seis laÃos psicolÃgicos entre indivÃduo e organizaÃÃo, a saber: comprometimento afetivo, futuro comum, comprometimento normativo, sacrifÃcios avultados, escassez de alternativas e ausÃncia psicolÃgica. Feitosa (2008) acrescenta um laÃo ao modelo proposto por Rego (2003): expectativas pelo desempenho ou ausÃncia de compromisso. No atual estudo, à investigada a relaÃÃo entre esses laÃos psicolÃgicos e estilos de lideranÃa, considerando tambÃm a funÃÃo da cultura organizacional nessa relaÃÃo. Os objetivos especÃficos da atual pesquisa podem ser descritos como: investigar quais desses laÃos psicolÃgicos se relacionam de maneira significativa aos estilos de lideranÃa (lideranÃa transformacional, lideranÃa transacional e ausÃncia de lideranÃa) e em que grau a cultura organizacional modera essa relaÃÃo, bem como desenvolver um modelo teÃrico-metodolÃgico que possibilite a investigaÃÃo da relaÃÃo entre os construtos abordados. O estudo se constituiu como survey, de corte transversal, aplicado em uma organizaÃÃo de grande porte, localizada em Fortaleza/CE. O instrumento de coleta de dados à composto de: questionÃrio sociodemogrÃfico; escala sobre comprometimento organizacional; escala sobre lideranÃa e escala sobre cultura organizacional. AlcanÃou-se uma amostra de 205 trabalhadores da referida organizaÃÃo. Os resultados foram analisados com base em procedimentos estatÃsticos exploratÃrios e explicativos, utilizando o Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), com as seguintes tÃcnicas estatÃsticas: correlaÃÃo linear, regressÃo linear e anÃlise de moderaÃÃo. No que concerne aos resultados obtidos, foram atestadas as seguintes correlaÃÃes positivas e significativas: lideranÃa transformacional com os laÃos de comprometimento afetivo, futuro comum e comprometimento normativo; lideranÃa transacional com o laÃo de comprometimento normativo; ausÃncia de lideranÃa com os laÃos de escassez de alternativas e ausÃncia psicolÃgica. Ademais, observou-se que a cultura organizacional tipo clà atuou como variÃvel moderadora reduzindo os efeitos nas relaÃÃes seguintes: lideranÃa transformacional e comprometimento afetivo e entre lideranÃa transformacional e futuro comum. AlÃm dos resultados apontados, foi desenvolvido um modelo teÃrico-metodolÃgico com todos os elementos pesquisados. Observou-se que tais resultados podem ser considerados para a elaboraÃÃo de programas de desenvolvimento de lideranÃa e polÃticas de gestÃo e de recursos humanos da organizaÃÃo visando sua eficÃcia.

A relação entre a percepção de sucesso na carreira e o comprometimento organizacional: um estudo entre professores de universidades privadas selecionadas da grande São Paulo / The relationship between perceived career success and organizational commitment: a study among teachers in selected private universities of the Greater São Paulo area

Luciano Venelli Costa 15 February 2011 (has links)
A presente tese trata de um estudo envolvendo dois objetivos complementares: o primeiro consiste em criar e validar um instrumento para se avaliar a percepção de sucesso na carreira; o segundo é sobre a aplicação desse instrumento em um grupo de professores de universidades selecionadas, a fim de verificar se a percepção de sucesso na carreira (PSC) como um todo tem relação com o comprometimento organizacional dos professores com uma universidade em particular. A carreira profissional tem sido avaliada de forma objetiva, por salário e promoções; e de forma subjetiva, pela maneira como o trabalhador interpreta seus avanços na área profissional. O estudo sobre a percepção de sucesso na carreira parte de um levantamento teórico sobre os métodos e instrumentos já utilizados para se avaliar a carreira e, através de análise, avaliação e reorganização, propõe a criação e validação de um instrumento para medir a percepção de sucesso na carreira, na perspectiva do próprio indivíduo, independente do seu vínculo a uma organização em particular ou a várias organizações. As carreiras desvinculadas de uma organização em particular são coerentes com as carreiras emergentes no mundo contemporâneo, como a carreira sem fronteiras e a carreira proteana. A partir de 53 variáveis, o instrumento foi validado junto a 342 membros da uma universidade privada da Grande São Paulo, considerada uma das 10 melhores do Estado de São Paulo, segundo o ranking do Ministério da Educação (MEC). Participaram da pesquisa alunos, professores e funcionários. Todos os respondentes são residentes e trabalham na Grande São Paulo, tendo iniciado a vida profissional há pelo menos cinco anos. Primeiramente, houve a validação de conteúdo junto a especialistas da área de carreiras, a seguir, um pré teste com uma pequena amostra do público alvo, e depois foi realizada a aplicação do instrumento e as análises fatoriais exploratória e confirmatória, com validação convergente, discriminante e nomológica. O instrumento final contém 48 itens, distribuídos em 11 fatores: competência, cooperação, contribuição social, criatividade, desenvolvimento, empregabilidade, equilíbrio vida trabalho, identidade, valores, remuneração e promoção. Esses 11 fatores agrupam-se em duas dimensões: uma englobando os fatores objetivos remuneração e promoção e outra se referindo aos fatores subjetivos, exceto o equilíbrio vida trabalho, que apresentou pouca carga nas duas dimensões. Para atender ao segundo objetivo, o instrumento de percepção de sucesso na carreira foi aplicado em conjunto com um instrumento de intenções comportamentais de comprometimento organizacional, adaptado da Escala de Intenções Comportamentais de Comprometimento Organizacional (EICCO), validada por Menezes, em 2009. Os dois instrumentos foram aplicados junto a 97 professores universitários, pertencentes ao grupo das 10 melhores universidades privadas da Grande São Paulo, segundo avaliação do MEC. O instrumento de PSC mostrou-se adequado a esta amostra e o instrumento de intenções de comprometimento, inicialmente com 23 itens, resultou, após as análises fatoriais exploratória e confirmatória, em 15 itens agrupados em dois fatores: um em relação à melhoria do desempenho e produtividade, e o outro sobre o esforço extra ou sacrifício adicional em função de situações contingenciais. Analisados com modelagem de equações estruturais estimados por PLS (Partial Least Square) no software Smart PLS, o modelo revelou que a percepção de sucesso na carreira explica 20,8% das intenções de comprometimento, sendo que a dimensão subjetiva da carreira é a única que explica a intenção de comprometimento de forma estatisticamente significante. Os instrumentos e resultados são importantes para as organizações direcionarem suas práticas de gestão de pessoas a fim de aumentar a percepção de sucesso na carreira em sua dimensão subjetiva, com o propósito de obter maior comprometimento dos seus colaboradores. / This thesis is concerned with a study that had two complementary goals: the first was the creation and validation of an instrument to assess Perceived Career Success, the second was on the application of this instrument in a group of teachers from selected universities to verify whether Perceived Career Success (PCS) as a whole is related to the teachers organizational commitment towards a university in particular. The professional career has been assessed objectively by means of evaluating salary and promotions, and subjectively, by the way the worker understands his/her advances within the professional field. Our study on the perception of career success is based on a theoretical survey on the methods and tools already used to evaluate career; and, through analysis, evaluation and reorganization, it proposes the creation and validation of an instrument to determine perceived career success from the perspective of the individual, regardless of his/her ties to a particular organization or different organizations. The careers unrelated to a particular organization are consistent with those emerging in the contemporary world, such as the boundaryless and the Protean careers. The instrument was validated using 53 variables, with 342 members of a private university in the Greater São Paulo region, considered one of the top 10 in the State of Sao Paulo, according to a Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) ranking. Students, faculty and staff members participated in the research. All respondents live and work in the Greater Sao Paulo area, having started their professional life at least five years ago. Firstly, career experts performed content validation, then a pre-test with a small sample of the target population was carried out; and finally, the instrument was applied and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, with convergent, discriminant, and nomological validity were done. The final instrument consisted of 48 items distributed among 11 factors: competence, cooperation, social contribution, creativity, development, employability, work-life balance, identity, values, salary and promotion. These 11 factors were grouped into two dimensions: one covering the objective factors - salary and promotion - and another referring to subjective factors, except work-life balance, which showed little load in both dimensions. To meet the second goal, the instrument of perceived career success was applied together with an instrument of behavioral intentions of organizational commitment, adapted from the Behavioral Intentions of Organizational Commitment Scale (BIOCS), validated by Menezes in 2009. The two instruments were applied to 97 university professors belonging to top 10 private universities in the Greater Sao Paulo, according to MEC. The PCS instrument was found to be adequate for this sample and the instrument of commitment intentions, initially with 23 items, resulted, after the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, on 15 items grouped into two factors: one related to performance and productivity improvement and the other to the extra effort or additional sacrifice due to contingency situations. Analyzed with the Partial Least Square algorithm using SmartPLS software, the model revealed that Perceived Career Success explains 20.8% of commitment intentions, and the subjective dimension of career is the only one to statistically explain commitment intentions. These instruments and the findings can help organizations in using their people management practices to increase Perceived Career Success in its subjective dimension, in order to improve employees commitment.

Antecedents and consequences of job satisfaction : evidence from Pakistani universities

Ghafoor, Muhammad January 2014 (has links)
The study of human labour and its social organisation is central to our understanding of the development of human work and satisfaction. Within the developing parts of the world in the Twenty First century the question of organising work in order to facilitate growth and development is of great importance. Middle income economies, such as Pakistan, future lies with satisfying both the demands created by the basic needs of a large and growing unskilled urbanising population and the higher level needs generated by a small, yet growing, educated and skilled workforce. The current study briefly examine our understanding of work and the social organisation of employment within the critical literatures on Labour Process Theory, Well-Being and Motivation in order to contrast them with the literature within Human Resource Management. In doing so it seeks to both contextualise the discussion of work within a historical framework and develop an understanding of the role of motivation theories for job satisfaction. This thesis seeks to fill a gap in the literature by investigating a wider study of antecedents and the consequence for job satisfaction focussing specifically upon the academic staff of public and private sectors universities in Punjab, Pakistan. In particular, Herzberg’s two-factor theory and Meyer and Allen’s affective commitment models provide useful insights and observations in their relationship with job satisfaction. This thesis is using a questionnaire to examine the antecedents (organizational commitment and organizational culture) and consequences of job satisfaction (intention to leave and intention to stay). The prepared population comprised of 6,327 academic staff containing Lecturers, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors. A simple random sampling design was used to obtain 310 academic staff and usable questionnaires were obtained from 299 academic staff, 96.45% of the total sample size. The statistical techniques; Cronbach’s Alpha, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structure Equation Modelling (SEM), Spearman’s rho Correlation, Analysis of Variance Analysis (ANOVA) and Independent sample T-Test were applied to test a range of hypotheses in the current research, utilizing the soft-ware packages ‘Statistical Packages for Social Sciences’ (SPSS) and ‘Analysis of a Moment Structures’ (AMOS) version 17 and 18, respectively. The key findings of the SEM suggested thought-provoking results that are missing in the existing literature, such as there was a moderate, statistically significant positive relationships between affective commitment, supportiveness and competiveness with motivator factors. Work motivation was positively correlated with motivator factors and negatively with hygiene factors. Moreover, the hygiene factors were negatively correlated with intention to leave. There was very strong, positive relationships between motivator and hygiene factors with job satisfaction as compared to affective commitment. Furthermore, organizational commitment, organizational culture and work motivation are shown to be antecedents of job satisfaction and positively correlated with it. In addition, job satisfaction was a determinant of the intention to leave and negatively correlated with it. In general approximately 1% of the academicians out of 299 were overall dissatisfied, 49% were neutral and remaining 50% were satisfied with their jobs. The findings suggested that demographic characteristics revealed mixed results in terms of job satisfaction. The academic staff involved in research activities were comparatively more satisfied with their jobs than their counterparts. The results lead to a number of important policy implications and also develop our theoretical understanding for the quantification of job satisfaction.

The relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism in a selected field services section within an electricity utility in the Western Cape

Josias, Beverley Ann January 2005 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom / Absenteeism can be a major problem for organisations. As pressures increase on the budgets and competitiveness of companies, more attention is being given to reduce workplace absenteeism and its cost. Job satisfaction has been noted as one of the factors influencing an employee's motivation to attend. Studies on the relationship between absenteeism and job satisfaction seem to be inconsistent. Some research has found no correlation between these two variables whereas other studies indicate a weak to moderate relationship between these two variables. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship between job satisfaction and absenteeism in a selected department within and Electricity Unit in the Western Cape. / South Africa

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